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Mirza Abdillah



A. Background of the Study
In the implementation process of learning English, the author often finds the
students at Junior High School, where the teacher taught have difficulty in achieving a
basic competence. This is because the students mastery of English vocabulary
inadequate, so it is interfering achievement of competence as specified in the
curriculum. They often have difficulty understanding of a word in English, the
process of achieving a basic competency will run longer.
Looking at the above issue, the author tried to find a wide variety of
techniques and strategies for understanding vocabulary English on Junior High School
students with the expectation of the students do not always rely on dictionary or
waiting for an answer from the teacher in understanding the meaning of word so that
it is expected to facilitate the achievement of a language competence while enhancing
students understanding of English vocabulary.
According to Susilowati (2013) the lesson will be much easier and much
exciting for the students if the teacher uses the picture piles optimally to help the
students understand the material taught. In other words, picture files could help the
teacher deliver information to the students and they also understood and got the
information easily because the teacher showed the picture files while teaching the
materials to the students. This was because picture files provided the students
concrete and direct experience with the language, especially in learning vocabulary.

B. Scope and Limitation
Related to the identification of the problem above, the author would like to
limit or focuses the problem in using media picture implemented as one of teaching
strategy technical for help the students vocabulary achievement in Junior High
School grade 7
about descriptive text.

C. Statement of the Problem
Based on the identification and limitation of the problem as mentioned above,
the problem of the author is stated as the following: Is there any influence of using
media picture on students vocabulary achievement.

D. Variable and Operational Definition of Variable
This research needs the variable and definition operational variable defined
a) Variable
There are two variables of this research. They are independent and dependent
variables. In this research,
The independent variable : Picture media
The dependent variable : Students vocabulary achievement
b) Operational Definition of Variable
Independent Variable:
Picture media is a paint of the illustration of the people or things that the
teacher uses to explain the method to the students to understand well.
Dependent Variable:
Vocabulary is component of language that has meaning and using words in

E. The Objective of the Study
According to the problem that has formulated, the purpose of this study is to
find out the influence of using picture media on the students vocabulary

F. Significance of the Study
The researcher hopes that the result of this research can give information about
the level of students vocabulary mastery. And the researcher hopes that the research of
the using of picture media in teaching and learning vocabulary will be useful for the
teachers and the students.
For teachers, it would be useful to add to the knowledge of the English language,
especially in improving the quality of teaching by using a good strategy in the
learning process.
For the learners, learning English vocabulary easily through picture media and the
learners are expected to understand the importance of increasing vocabulary to
improve their English achievement.


A. Review of Literature
1) Vocabulary
a. Definition of Vocabulary
Learning English means learning four language skills and its
components. The language skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing,
and the language components are grammar, vocabulary, and sound system. In
learning all language skills and other language components, vocabulary takes
important roles since it always takes part.
Mehta (2009) states that vocabulary is the first and foremost
important step in language acquisition. It means that in learning foreign
languages, students usually learn vocabulary first before they master more
complex structure. The next roles of vocabulary are it brings meanings of what
we think and want to say, and it is important for students to build academic
journey. By using series of vocabulary, we can communicate with others and
convey our meaning.
In addition, Bowman (2006) in Ababneh (2013) suggests that
vocabulary is integrated into every content area and is addressed as part of
the curriculum which means that the use of vocabulary is part of reading,
writing as well as establishing the foundation of effective communication.
Besides important for communicating, having high vocabulary mastery is also
very important for people to obtain academic achievement.
According to Coles (2010), learning vocabulary builds children's
literacy skills and prepares them for their academic journey. A child with high
vocabulary mastery will be better able to follow instructions from an adult or
teacher, be more confident in expressing themselves, and will possess the
ability to communicate more effectively in a conversational setting.

b. Teaching Vocabulary
According to Neuman and Dawyer (2009) in Bintz (2011), vocabulary
can be defined as the words we must know to communicate effectively:
word in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive
vocabulary). While according to Linse (2006), vocabulary is the collection
of words that an individual knows. Learning vocabulary is important as a part
of learning English or other foreign languages since learners learn vocabulary
first before they master more complex structure.
Richard and Renandya (2002) suggest that vocabulary is a core
component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how
well learners speak, listen, read and write. In teaching vocabulary, a teacher
needs to use proper technique in order to help his students have good
understanding on new words being learned. Nation (1990) in Cameron (2001)
lists some basic techniques by which teachers can explain the meanings of
new words. They are by using demonstration or pictures (using object, a cut-
out figure, gesture, performing an action, photographs, drawings or diagrams
on the board, and pictures from books) and by using verbal explanation (using
analytical definition, putting the new word in a defining context, and
translating into another language).

2) Part of Vocabulary
According to Gairns and Redman (in Rahayu & Joesasono, 2011: 130-131)
there are several aspects of lexis that need to be taken into account when teaching
1. Boundaries between conceptual meanings: knowing not only what lexis refers to,
but also where the boundaries are the separate it from words of related meaning
(e.g. cup, mug, bowl).
2. Polysemy: distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word from
with several but closely related meanings (head: of a person, of a pin, on an
3. Homonymy: distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word form
which has several meanings which are NOT closely related (e.g. a file: used to
put papers in or a tool).
4. Homophone: understanding words that have the same pronunciation but different
spellings and meanings (e.g. flour, flower).
5. Synonymy: distinguishing between the different shades of meaning that
synonymous words have (e.g. extend, increase, expand).
6. Affective meaning: distinguishing between the attitudinal and emotional factors
(denotation and connotation), which depend on the speakers attitude or the
situation. Socio-cultural associations of lexical items is another important factor.
7. Style, register, dialect: Being able to distinguish between different levels of
formality, the effect of different contexts and topics, as well as differences in
geographical variation.
8. Translation: awareness of certain differences and similarities between the native
and the foreign language (e.g. false cognates).
9. Chunks of language: multi-word verbs, idioms, strong and weak collocations,
lexical phrases.
10. Grammar of vocabulary: learning the rules that enable students to build up
different forms of the word or even different words from that word (e.g. sleep,
slept, sleeping; able, unable; disability).
11. Pronunciation: ability to recognise and reproduce items in speech.

3) Definition of Descriptive Text
Describe is from the Latin word describere which means "to write down."
When you describe something, you're "da" scribe, the person writing things down!
Writing teachers love to have students describe, using lots of details using the five
senses and figurative language. It doesn't have to be written down, though you can
also describe that gold dress you saw to your friend on the phone. Or you
can describe a circle, by sketching it out with a stick in the sand.
Descriptive text is a type of text that functions to describe particular person,
place, or thing. Wyrick (2011:323) states that the writer of description creates a
word-picture of people, places, objects, and emotions, using a careful selection of
details to make an impression on the reader. Students who are going to write this type
of text should be able to express what they see, hear, feel vividly.

4) Media
a. Definition of Media
According to the definition given in the UNESCO documents (in Fedorov,
2008: 6), Media Education:
- Deals with all communication media and includes the printed word and
graphics, the sound, the still as well as the moving image, delivered on any
kind of technology;
- Enables people to gain understanding of the communication media used in
their society and the way they operate and to acquire skills using these media
to communicate with others;
- Ensures that people learn how to
Analyse, critically reflect upon and create media texts;
Identify the sources of media texts, their political, social, commercial
and/or cultural interests, and their contexts;
Interpret the messages and values offered by the media;
Select appropriate media for communicating their own messages or
stories and for reaching their intended audience;
Gain or demand access to media for both reception and production.

b. Types of Media
Rudy Bretz, classifies the media by its constituent sounds, visual (in the
form of images, lines, and symbols), and motion. In addition, also, Bretz
distinguish between broadcast media (telecommunications) and recording media
(recording). Thus, according to the taxonomy of Bretz grouped media become 8
1) Motion audio-visual media;
2) Audio-visual media silence;
3) Semi-motion audio media;
4) Visual motion media;
5) Visual media silence;
6) Semi motion media;
7) Audio media;
8) Print media.
5) Definition of Still Picture
Pictures can be used as media in vocabulary teaching and learning process.
Werf (2003) defines pictures as illustrations that are cut from a magazine,
newspapers or other sources. They are mostly photographs, but drawings, collages,
maps or other illustrations can be used for certain activities. He adds that pictures
have many functions. With pictures we can:
a. Teach, practice, or review new vocabulary
b. Do guided practice (drills)
c. Practice grammatical structures
d. Practice listening comprehension
e. Do writing activities
f. Do semi-guided or free speaking practice such as problem solving activities,
role plays, discussions, etc.
Based on the definitions above, the writer defines Still Pictures as static
images or illustrations which describe or explain something and can be taken from
many sources such as magazine, newspaper, textbooks, photographs, drawings, etc.

B. Conceptual of Framework
In this research, the conceptual of framework could be seen in the picture below,
Figure 2.1
Still Picture
Flash Card

The description:
It is the symbol which will find out the influence of using sill picture to
increase the students vocabulary achievement.
It is the symbol which will find out the influence of using flash card to
increase the students vocabulary achievement.

C. Previous Study
According to Susilowati (2013) the lesson will be much easier and much exciting for
the students if the teacher uses the picture piles optimally to help the students understand
the material taught. In other words, picture files could help the teacher deliver
information to the students and they also understood and got the information easily
because the teacher showed the picture files while teaching the materials to the students.
This was because picture files provided the students concrete and direct experience with
the language, especially in learning vocabulary.

D. Hypothesis
1. H

There is significant influence of using picture media on the students vocabulary
2. H

There is no significant influence of using picture media on the students vocabulary


A. Research Design
Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design
Figure 3.1

- O

The description:
: the experiment class
: the treatment influence
X : the group that is given treatment
: the treatment influence
: the control class
: the treatment influence
: the treatment influence
B. Population and Sample
Population of this research is seventh grade students of Muhammadiah 2
Junior High School. At this level, the number of students is 192 which are divided
into 6 classes. So, each of class consist of 32 students.
Sample in this research is students of class by Cluster Random Sampling. The
researcher took Cluster Random Sampling because the teacher advisor only gave the
researcher two classes. So, the total of sample is 64 students. The researcher took 32
students of B class as experiment group then 32 students of C class as control group.

C. Data Collection Technique
The data collection technique used in this research is objective test. Because the
researcher want to investigate the students vocabulary achievement through the
objective test.
D. Data Analysis
t-test formula
t =



The descriptions:
= mean score of experiment group
= mean score of control group

= deviation each scores Y
and X

= deviation each scores Y
and Y

N = subject of the sample

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Vocabulary in English. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol.4, No.4, Available at
Bintz, W.P. 2011. Teaching Vocabulary across the Curriculum. Middle School
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Cameron, Lyne. 2001. Teaching Language to Young learners. Cambridge : Cambridge
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Coles, Bobby. 2010. Writing Level Star. Available at:
Fedorov, Alexander. 2008. On Media Education. Moscow: ICOS UNESCO IFAP (Russia).
Linse, Caroline T. 2006. Practical English Language Teaching : Young Learners. New York:
McGraw Hill.
Mehta, K.M. 2009. Vocabulary Teaching:Effective Methodologies. The Internet TESL
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Rahayu, Endang Mastuti., & Joesasono. 2011. TEFL WORKSHOP. Surabaya: University of
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Richards, J.C. and Renandya, W.A. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching :An Anthology
of Current Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Susilowati. 2013, Improving The 8
Grade Students Vocabulary Achievement By Using
Picture Files at SMP NURIS JEMBER in the 2011/2012 Academic Year.
Werff, J. 2003. Using Pictures from Magazines. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. IX, No.7.
Wyrick, J. 2011. Steps to Writing Well (11 th edition). Boston: Cengage Learning.

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