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University of the Philippines

PM 208
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Philippine Embassy Ab! Dhabi U.A.E
Submitted #(#in vi# em#il: 01-0-2012 *!:+0pm, UA- time.
The Philippine Administr#tive System, #lon( /ith its other nomen%l#tures- the
st#te, the bure#u%r#%y, or 0(overnment in #%tion1 #s 2oodro/ 2ilson
*///$te#%hin(#meri%#nhistory$or(. puts it, is # produ%t of the p#st, sh#ped #nd
desi(ned #%%ordin( to the needs #nd dem#nds of the present, #nd /ill %ontinue to
evolve #nd remodeled in the future #s %#lled for 3 to ensure th#t the hi(hest #nd most
sublime m#nd#te of pl#%in( the publi% interest #t the forefront /ell se%ured #nd
To be #ble to enroll in #nother e4u#lly %h#llen(in( PM sub5e%t, /hi%h is PM
208, #fter h#vin( %ompleted its prere4uisite PM 201, h#s m#de me turn b#%6 the
p#(es #nd reminded me #bout the #lre#dy e%le%ti% field of Publi% Administr#tion th#t7s
in the s#me m#nner, %ontinuously evolvin( #nd morphin(, in #s mu%h #s some /ell-
6no/n s%hol#rs from the field, h#d m#de some di#(nosis #s the sub5e%t f#%in( #n
0identity %risis1 to the 4uestion of 0/h#t is1, #lon( /ith the pro(nosis of #n impendin(
e8tin%tion from # distin%t field #s sep#r#te to its mother dis%ipline 0politi%#l s%ien%e1$
-ven if the self-fulfillin( prophe%y %omes to # fruition, me#nin(, the
%onsumm#tion of Publi% Administr#tion #s # field of study losin( its ri(htful pl#%e /ith
other dis%ipline - the most visible #nd t#n(ible #spe%t of /h#t it is: the #%tion p#rt of
the (overnment, /hi%h h#s been pre-e8istin( lon( before the %oin#(e of its s%hol#rly
term 0PA1 %#me into use, the different #dministr#tive systems, /ill resolutely rem#in #t
st#ndstill, #lthou(h %ontinuously evolvin($ &or so lon( #s the %on%ept of #dministr#tion
#s the 0%ooper#tive beh#vior in the #%hievement of %ommon (o#ls1 *%ited in '#bo
1!!. serves #s the primordi#l element in the m#n#(ement of publi% #ff#irs, then,
/ithout # si(n of un%ert#inty, the Philippine Administr#tive System sh#ll e8ist /ith no
6no/n immut#bility #nd fr#(ment#tion, but never to e8tin%tion$
As st#ted e#rlier, the PAS e8ists only for #nd be%#use of the &ilipino people$
The (o#ls, #spir#tions, dire%tions, #nd its ide#ls th#t (overn its e8isten%e should #l/#ys
be dire%ted to the benefit of the &ilipino people #nd n#tion, #nd not in the h#nds of the
po/erful fe/$ Any inf#r%tions, #buse, #nd ne(li(en%e by its errin( offi%i#ls or
#dministr#tors, to # m#(nitude th#t is in preponder#n%e to # suppression of people7s
ri(hts, freedom #nd e%onomi% ine4uity #nd inst#bility, le#ds to the re#/#6enin( of the
&ilipino people sense of 0n#tion#lism1 #nd 0n#tion#l %ons%iousness1 th#t #ttempt to
r#di%#lly reverse #nd re%tify su%h m#levolent #%ts %ommitted by those /ho h#ve s/orn
#nd m#de publi% o#ths to serve #nd prote%t the people but re(rett#bly, l#%6 of sin%erity
#nd inte(rity obfus%#te their re#l intentions$
As history pointed to us, the people /ho #re 6no/n to be 0the sh#6ers #nd
movers1 *%ite. of the PAS, h#ve resorted to # form of revolutions, in thou(hts *the
n#tives, the ordin#ry people /#ntin( to be freed from #ny form of suppression ., by
prose *reformers li6e 9ose :i;#l throu(h the /ritin(s of <oli Me T#n(ere. #nd by for%e
#nd blood *throu(h the =#tipuneros. - %omin( from the multif#rious so%i#l str#t#
%omprisin( both the elite #nd the m#sses #li6e, le#din( to # 0people>people7s po/er1
revolution bounded by # united %ons%iousness th#t h#s %h#n(ed #nd sh#ped our
Philippine Administr#tive System th#t /e 6no/ tod#y$
To reminis%e, there #re + 6no/n revolutions th#t si(nifi%#ntly #ffe%t the PAS: the
18!?, 1!8? #nd 2001 revolutions /hi%h #re the %ulmin#tion #nd %ryst#lli;#tion of ye#rs
of opposition #nd unhe#rd of stru((les #(#inst the #busive h#nds of our %oloni;ers -
both the %ontempor#ry #nd the #ntediluvi#n for%es #li6e, to #tt#in the ultim#te pri;e of
freedom m#(nified in its v#rious spe%trums: in 18!? #(#inst the suppression of the
Sp#nish %oloni;ers m#r6ed by ine4u#lity #mon( the rulers #nd the sub5e%ts *i$e
bet/een indios *n#tives. #nd the elites, #mon( insul#res>%reoles #nd peninsul#res,
n#tive p#rishioners #nd Sp#nish %ler(ies, in rel#tion to une4u#l #%%ess to b#si% servi%es
su%h #s edu%#tion #nd 5ob positions.@ 1!8? revolution #(#inst # de%#de of di%t#tori#l
re(ime of &erdin#nd M#r%os en%umbered by hum#n ri(hts viol#tion, freedom of
spee%h*press. suppression #nd the ill-(otten /e#lth #m#ssed to %orruption$ &in#lly,
the 2001 -ASA ABS revolution in response to the per%eived politi%#l p#rti#lity #mon(
the Sen#te members f#vorin( # de%ision to -8-President -str#d# by not #llo/in( #
pie%e of eviden%e to be s%rutini;ed by the Sen#tor-5ud(es th#t /ould determine his f#te
due to %orruption$ Cn other /ords, the people h#ve /#(ed /#r #(#inst #ny form of
betr#y#l of publi% trust #s #n #buse of po/er$
These events, /ould not h#ve h#ppened, h#d the &ilipinos not possessed #nd
i(nited the 4uintessenti#l v#lues of 0n#tion#l identity #nd %ons%iousness1 brin(in(
forth th#t 0sense of oneness /hi%h %omes from # %ommunity of #spir#tion, response
#nd #%tion1 *Alfiler 1!!!. $ 'oroll#ry to this, &ilipinos th#t time /ere #ble to form m#ss
mobili;#tion #nd %onvert their limited %ons%iousness into # revolution#ry one *ibid.
le#din( to the #%%omplishment #nd re#li;#tion of their (o#ls: the birth of # &ilipino
n#tion #nd the #ssimil#tion of 0/eberi#n-li6e bure#u%r#%y1 durin( the Ameri%#n re(ime
*'#bo 1!!., redemo%r#ti;#tion or dem#r%osifi%#tion #nd p#rti%ip#tory (overn#n%e
*Alfiler 1!!!. durin( the A4uino Administr#tion, #nd reinfor%ement of #%%ount#bility
#nd tr#nsp#ren%y #fter the deposition of -8-President -str#d#$
2hile the t/o revolutions of 18!? #nd the 1!8? e8emplify the e8#%t me#nin( of
/h#t 0n#tion#l %ons%iousness1 is #bout, not/ithst#ndin( the oppressions #nd #buses
the people must h#ve e8perien%ed /hi%h %ulmin#ted #t the %ruel de#ths of
DBMEU:FA prior to 18!? #nd the #ss#ssin#tion of the l#te Sen#tor A4uino three ye#rs
prior to 1!8?, the events in the so %#lled -ASA 2, in my opinion, is l#r(ely politi%#l #nd
doesn7t represent the /hole ide# of 0n#tion#l %ons%iousness1 #nd 0n#tion#lism1 $ C
person#lly believe th#t the 'onstitution, bein( the supreme l#/ of the l#nd, /here the
le(#l b#sis of PAS is enshrined upon, h#s been oversh#do/ed by misinterpret#tions by
those /ho h#ve inst#lled &ormer President DMA into the Presiden%y$ 2hile it is true
th#t the voi%e of the people, #s represented by those /ho h#d m#r%hed, b#rr#(ed #nd
%l#mored for -8-President -str#d#7s resi(n#tion m#y refle%t the entire /ill of the n#tion,
they h#d f#iled to uphold the rule of l#/ stipul#ted in the %onstitution for impe#%hment
pro%eedin(s, thus le#din( to -ASA ABS /ith the people se#r%hin( for #%%ount#bility
#nd tr#nsp#ren%y$ *Gill# 2012.
H#vin( these in mind, t/o import#nt le#rnin(s #nd impli%#tions %#n be positively
identified throu(h these revolutions th#t %#n enh#n%e the PAS #s #n effe%tive
m#%hinery to #%%omplish its (o#ls of bein( %re#ted for the /elf#re of the people:: &irst,
the role of n#tion#lism #nd n#tion#l %ons%iousness in reversin( the ne(#tive effe%ts of
0%#ptive %ons%iousness1 *Alfiler 1!!!. th#t hinder our pro(ress #s # n#tion su%h #s
illiter#%y #nd subservient #ttitude *18!?., %oloni#l #nd 0t#l#n(6# ment#lity1 *post 18!?
up to present., preserv#tion of the rule of l#/, #nd tr#nsp#ren%y #nd #%%ount#bility
*2001 3present.$ Se%ond, the preserv#tion of the le(#%y th#t our %oloni;ers h#ve left
us: the fe#r in the )ord /hi%h results in the #uthenti% love for nei(hbors throu(h the
prop#(#tion of 'hristi#nity *Sp#ni#rds., the hi(h v#lue pl#%ed on edu%#tion #nd the
import#n%e of effi%ien%y, effe%tiveness #nd effi%ien%y #nd the e8e%ution of bure#u%r#ti%
fun%tions *Ameri%#ns., #nd the import#nt roles of the %ivil so%iety #nd m#ss
p#rti%ip#tion in #ll (overnment undert#6in(s /hi%h /ere suppressed durin( the M#r%os
:e#ffirmin( of /h#t C h#ve posted in the dis%ussion forum, C %ould not #(ree less
/hen C s#id th#t 0/hile the PAS is %ontinu#lly evolvin(, C should s#y th#t /e never l#%6
the m#%hineries for its effe%tive #nd effi%ient oper#tions th#t should positively #ffe%t its
p#ssive #nd #%tive re%ipients /hi%h #re the &ilipino people itself to /hom it /#s %re#ted
for$ C believe th#t # stron( 0politi%#l /ill1 b#%6ed up by # stron( sense of n#tion#lism
%omplements our e8istin( #nd evolvin( PAS th#t should /or6 to(ether for the benefit of
#ll #nd not only in the h#nds of the po/erful fe/$1 *Gill# 2012, A&.
'#bo, 2ilhelmin# )$ 1!!, 0Theory #nd Pr#%ti%e of Publi% Administr#tion1$ Univeristy
of the Philippines Bpen University
Alfiler, M#$ 'on%ep%ion P$ 1!!!, 0The Philippine Administr#tive System$1 University of
the Philippines Bpen University
Gill#, -du#rdo -$ Ais%ussion &orum PM 208$ UPBU Myport#l$ 2012

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