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Tomorrow’s News



The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Greetings, everyone.

According to Time magazine, Europe has a dirty nuclear bomb secret. Now, I believe
they’re right, and I think most of our viewers would probably think, well, if there’s going
to be a dangerous nuclear arsenal, it would be in Russia or Iran in the Middle East or
China or North Korea. But I can prove to you, I believe, that the most dangerous nuclear
arsenal is in Europe. Now, you don’t hear very much about that, but do you know that the
U.S. has nuclear bombs in Germany, for example, who started both world wars and even
started a war in 1870 that took control of half of France? So they have a history of doing
that. Also we have nuclear bombs in Italy, and they were our enemy in World War II.

So is it wise for us to be doing this, having our nuclear arms there? And there’s a lot more
to it than just that, that is, I think, very mind-chilling.

Let me explain to you what I mean by first commenting and quoting this article from
Time magazine. “What to Do about Europe’s Secret Nukes”. Secret nukes, Time wrote on
December 2, 2009. “Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dutch, Belgian, Italian
and German pilots remain ready to engage in nuclear war.” Now, these are German pilots
are ready to take our bombs and engage in nuclear war, and this is twenty years after the
Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall, when you’d think, well, we’d bring our nuclear
bombs home, and we wouldn’t need to leave them over there any more. But we have this
alliance, NATO, in Europe, and so we continue to leave our nuclear bombs in six
different nations in Europe, and it really does get worse than this.

Quoting again from Time magazine: “Under a NATO agreement struck during the Cold
War, the bombs, which are technically owned by the U.S., can be transferred to the
control of a host nation’s air force in times of conflict,” the 2009 Time article stated.

Now, we have taught before and believe this—and it certainly is Biblical—that in Daniel
11 and verses 40 and 41 that it shows there’s going to be a clash from the King of the
North and the King of the South. And that King of the North just happens to be Europe,
and the King of the South happens to be Iran and the radical Islam movement.

So what if, let’s say, they have this conflict, and they’re able to take our nuclear bombs
and put them on their planes, and fly off to fight a war with radical Islam—which is
prophesied—and let’s just suppose they use our nuclear bombs, and maybe only a few of
them, though, and they could have a few left over and drop them off someplace on the
way home, and say, well, they used ALL of them. And then they could even use those
bombs, our own bombs, on us! Now, that seems like a game of Russian roulette to me
that is dangerous beyond us even explaining it. A very scary scenario, I believe. And to
add to that, Germany even has a base here in the U.S. in Alamagordo, New Mexico.

So is this really wise foreign policy that is going on in Europe and in America at this

Here’s an article from the, certainly not a conservative medium at all,
but a rather liberal one, and a major outlet in Europe, and here they have an article in
their Financial Times entitled “Europe’s Plot to Take Over the World.” It’s coming out of
the United Kingdom. This article says, it’s by Gideon Rachman, October 5, 2009:
“Fortified by its new foreign policy structures, the Union is staking a claim to be taken
seriously as a global superpower…Jean Monnet, the founding father of the EU, believed
that European unity was ‘not an end in itself, but only a stage on the way to the organised
world of tomorrow.’” They wanted to shape, and their plan from the beginning was to
shape the world of tomorrow. Now, that’s a pretty ambitious plan, and one I think we
ought to think about. It certainly leaves me with uneasy feelings.

Now, I’m not blaming Europe, and I’m not blaming Germany or Italy, because I can
show you in Revelation 17 and verse 17, and other scriptures, that God is all behind what
is going on in Europe. God is! And you and I, of course, need to understand why. Why is

But anybody that knows anything about history and politics knows that Germany is the
power behind the European Union. And they have a history—again, I’m not picking on
Germany—they have a history of starting wars, and a history of even double-crossing
people. Those are just facts of history; you can read it in your history books. I can,
anybody can, so I’m not telling you anything that’s new.

But let me quote somebody in Europe that would know a great deal about this, I think.
This is from the Telegraph, Evans-Pritchard from the Telegraph newspaper, and he says
that the “insiders have hijacked the process.” That is, the European Union process.
Insiders have hijacked it. In other words, it’s not what it seems to be! Somebody has
hijacked it, and there’s a lot of deception going on. And he concludes this article by
saying, “[A]sserts that the EU has the authority,” that’s the European Union, “has the
authority to circumscribe all rights and freedoms.”

Well, now, they’ve just implemented a new constitution, and let me tell you—he’s right!
It is not a democratic constitution. So what does that portend when they have our nuclear
bombs? That’s a scary scene, if you ask me.

Here’s another quote from Time magazine. This one from December 2, 2009: “It is
Europe’s dirty secret,” Europe’s DIRTY secret, “that the list of nuclear-capable countries
extends beyond those—Britain and France—who have built their own weapons. Nuclear
bombs are stored on air-force bases in Italy, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands—
and planes from each of those countries are capable of delivering them.” Now, that’s bad!
But it gets worse! It gets worse.

Now, you don’t hear very much about this in the media at all, and it’s just mind-chilling.
I mean, these are nuclear bombs, 13 times more powerful—the smallest one, I guess—13
times more powerful than the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and just
OBLITERATED that city, or most of it. That I find very disturbing, and yet it says in
your own Bible, in YOUR Bible, that God is behind this. Why? What is God doing? How
is He working out His Plan, and what is His Plan in this end time?

Another quote from Time: “An earlier Time article written by the same author, Eben
Harrell, said ‘Although technically owned by the U.S., nuclear bombs stored at NATO
bases are designed to be delivered by planes from the host country.” (June 19, 2008).”

Then the December 2 Time article asked: “Is Italy capable of delivering a thermo-nuclear
strike?” Well, now, Italy was our enemy in World War II, and I mean they allied
themselves with Adolf Hitler, a very aggressively evil combine in World War II.

And then he asked: “Germany’s air force couldn’t possibly be training to deliver bombs
13 times more powerful than the one that destroyed Hiroshima, could it?” Why, surely
Germany wouldn’t be delivering a bomb that powerful that belongs to the United States?
And certainly they have access to it. The host country gets to deliver the bombs if they
have a conflict, and they could get control of our nuclear bombs, and think of all the
destruction. Think of all the destruction.

And I’ll tell you, here’s something else that I think people ought to think about, and you
can disagree with this person, and you make your own judgment here, but let me just read
you something from the National Secular Society if you want to see some of the
deception that’s going on over in Europe. This is from the December 4, 2009 issue: Keith
Porteus-Wood, Executive Director of the National Security Society said, “This is
probably the most sinister document I have read for some time. The soothing words about
‘care for the poorest’ and ‘concern for the environment’ are just window dressing. It
gives a clear warning that the Catholic church intends to insinuate the Vatican’s hard
line,” HARD line, “Catholic doctrine right to the heart of Europe. Despite the fact that
even among Catholics,” even among Catholics, “only a small minority subscribe to it.”
It’s only a small minority that really subscribe to that. Most Catholics don’t even go
along with that, but it’s being hijacked, according to these media and the press that you
can read in your own newspapers.

Now, this is their view, and you can make your own judgment about that, but I’ll tell you
again, these things should be concerning to a lot of people because, again, they’re saying,
another journalist is saying they are hijacking the European Union, and it is oh, so
powerful! Let me tell you, their euro currency is far more valuable and stable and
accepted in the world than the dollar, which is about to be devalued from three stars to
two, and even that is being very generous when you consider what’s going on and what’s
happening with our own dollar in the United States. What is going on? And what is
behind all this? And what does it all mean to you? What does it mean to you in your own
personal life? These are things we need to think about.
So many of our nukes are there, and I mean, really, what is to even keep people from
stealing them? I mean after all, it’s in their country, and if they’ve got our nukes. And
what would we do about it? What could we do to stop them since they have our nuclear
bombs? I don’t think we’d be eager to go in there and take them back, would we? Well,
it’s something to think about that is, I think, oh so serious.

Another quote, Harrell said that in fact, the U.S. keeps an estimated 350 thermo-nuclear
bombs in six NATO countries. Six of them! And one report, one mentioned that one of
them is Turkey, and Turkey wouldn’t even let us use their bases to bomb Iraq. Are they
good friends of ours? And with our nuclear bombs, that still didn’t seem to persuade them
too much, at least that’s according to the report that I read. It is a scene that needs to be
looked at and addressed by our own government in many, many ways that I think it’s not
being done today, and that means it hasn’t been addressed properly, I think, for years.
Not just the Democrats, but I’m talking about both parties.

Here’s an article that says the U.S. Most Important Ally—Germany. That’s what the U.S.
ambassador to Germany makes a historical and startling announcement.

Now, Great Britain was our special relationship. America and Britain had that special
relationship for years, and they fought with us in two world wars, and Germany was the
number one ENEMY in both world wars. Now, something about that just doesn’t smell
right. Something about that is most disturbing. Don’t you think so? Don’t you agree that
something there doesn’t seem to be right?

Let me read you a few scriptures that make it even more disturbing, I believe, but it’s all
going to end well. Let me say that at this point. It’s all going to end in a beautiful way
that mankind could not even imagine.

Ezekiel 16 and verse 28, “Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians,” it’s
talking to Israel. Who is Israel? Well, our book on The United States and Britain in
Prophecy has been teaching people that for years, and if you don’t have a copy, please do
request it, and read it and study it. It’s an AMAZING book! And without it, without that
understanding, you can’t understand one-third of your Bible, which is prophecy. Verse 28
though, this chapter 16: “Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, because
thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be

So here is Assyria. Who is that? Well, that book will explain that to you, and all of our
literature is free. But who is Assyria, and who is Israel? I mean there’s an end time
prophecy in Isaiah, Isaiah 10, verses 5 through 7—I won’t turn there—but it says that this
Assyria, it’s in his heart to destroy many nations. Well, who could that be in this end
time? Who could that be? If you just think quickly, who would come to mind there?
Something to ponder, I believe. So Israel, the nations of Israel, three of them, played the
harlot in the end time, and has a lover here, it talks about a little later. And again, our
lovers would be Israel’s closest ally, wouldn’t it? What is this talking about? Who is
Israel? Who is Assyria? We must know. You and I have to know that if we’re going to
understand Bible prophecy. We must know it and we don’t have much time to learn it.
These prophecies are about as urgent as you can get, and if you want to look around at
this world, I mean what’s happening in Europe just shows you this world is being glutted
with nuclear bombs, and they’re totally out of control and we ought to be able to see that,
and absolutely know that there’s no way that man can control that. All of us, I think,
should see that easily.

Now Ezekiel 23 talks about Assyria going to double-cross Israel, three nations of Israel.
Now, who could that be?

Well, on down in verse 32. Our literature will explain all of that to you. But verse 32:
“But as a wife that committeth adultery,” well, see, Israel was married to God! This is
talking to Israel, but ancient Israel was only a type of what is happening today. But, “[A]s
a wife that committeth adultery, which taketh strangers instead of her husband!” God was
her husband! Now, God is going to hold people accountable for that history. These
people were actually married to God! Who are those people? We ought to know that!
Because only Israel was married to God, not anybody else. Who are they today? Well, we
must know that or we won’t know what’s going on in this world. We just won’t know.

Verse 33, “They give gifts to all whores: but thou givest thy gifts to all thy lovers, and
hirest them, that they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom.” In other
words, they’re the prostitute, but they’re paying the customer to come to them! That’s
what God thinks about Israel’s foreign policy and their lovers today, serious business.

How much do we believe God? How much do we believe this Bible is the inspired Word
of God? And I can prove to you that every prophecy in it, 90% of them are being fulfilled
today, but every single one of them has been fulfilled or is being fulfilled or will be
fulfilled shortly. And you can prove that to yourself, and that’s an inspiring way to
approach the Bible.

Verse 34, “And the contrary is in thee from other women,” well, different than other
prostitutes or whores, “[I]n thy whoredoms, whereas none followeth thee to commit
whoredoms: and in that thou givest a reward, and no reward is given unto thee, therefore
thou art contrary.” This is a different prostitute than any other. We go around, well, do
you think maybe God might be talking about something like giving nuclear bombs to our
lovers? You’d better think about that, we’d better think about it because these are some
really serious and dreadful prophecies. This book is about end-time Israel.

There were 12 tribes of Israel anciently; today there are 12 nations of Israel, but God is
focusing on three in particular. Who are they? And who are those three that God is so
wrathful with? And why is He so wrathful toward those nations? Well, I’ll tell you what
God is going to do. He’s going to hold them accountable for their history of being
married to God! Married to God! I mean, wouldn’t you want to cling to history like that,
and never ever let it go? Why, there’s nothing like it, it’s phenomenal! He was talking
about God’s own wife anciently, when God was the husband. And now, today she has
taken lovers. She has taken lovers, and God says He’s doing it because of all her
abominations, all of Israel’s abominations, these three nations in particular.

And God says it’s so bad. You can go ahead and read in Ezekiel 24 that it’s so bad that
He not only burns what’s in the pot, He burns the pot! I mean, this is EXTREME wrath
from God! If we have an ounce of fear toward God, we ought to heed what this says. I’m
not trying to scare anybody, I’m trying to show you this is going to be the most
wonderful and marvelous ending that you could imagine. But there is going to be some
rough times in between, getting to that end.

Notice verse 40, “They shall also bring up a company against thee,” against Israel, these
Assyrians, they’re going to have a company with them. Who is that? I wonder who that
might be? “[A]nd they shall stone thee with stones, and thrust thee through with their
swords. (41) And they shall burn thine houses with fire, and execute judgments upon thee
in the sight of many women: and I will cause thee to cease from playing the harlot, and
thou also shalt give no hire any more.” God is going to put an end to it! God is going to
put an end to it!

Well, what follows that, then? What is God going to do after He puts an end to that?
Well, He’s going to punish Israel with their lovers, and there’s very good news, though.
He says, “I’m going to put an end to it, and I’m going to put an end to all of your
abominations, your broken families, your glutting the world with pornography.” You
can’t imagine how much God hates that! And we use more drugs than any nation on this
Earth. Why? Why should we use all those drugs that just mar and wreck our minds?
What’s wrong with us as a people? Certainly that’s true of the U.S. where you have
crime-infested cities. We have over $12 trillion in debt. And if you have $1 trillion, you
borrow $1 trillion, how much does that cost you in interest? Well, I believe that’s a
billion dollars a week interest. Can we ever pay that debt of ours? You tell me how we
can do that? These are all abominations in God’s sight, and we should correct them now,
and you can, and if you do, you personally do, God will protect you. But not many people
are probably going to heed until it’s too late physically.

Verse 62, “And I will establish my covenant with thee; and thou shalt know that I am the
LORD:” We’re going to know that God is the Eternal; we’re going to know Him! We
don’t know Him today, or we wouldn’t be committing all of those abominations. We
don’t know God! But we’re about to get to know Him through suffering, if we won’t
heed now.

Verse 63, “That thou mayest remember, and be confounded, and never open thy mouth
any more because of thy shame, when I am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast
done, saith the Lord GOD.” So, see, the end result is we’re going to be ashamed of what
we’ve done, and we should be ashamed. And if God puts an end to it, that means the
Messiah is coming and He’s going to rule this Earth. He’s going to rule it. He’s going to
stop all of the evil you see around you.

But you see, you, YOU can be protected from all this. God promises that. He’ll take care
of His own. Of course He will.

Let me read to you what Herbert W. Armstrong wrote about fifty years ago. Here’s what
he said: “More than twenty-seven years ago I proclaimed over the air and wrote in The
Plain Truth,” this is September 1961 from The Plain Truth, “and wrote in The Plain
Truth the Bible prophecy that the old Roman Empire was going to come to life in our
time. I said it would come as a united states of Europe. Americans and Britons do not
seem to fathom that Germany is once again a power to be reckoned with. Make no
mistake! Nuclear war will not come over the Berlin crisis,” at that time, “but out of it all,
in a very short time, a united states of Europe will.”

You see, a united states of Europe, or a European Union, where 27 nations is going to be
pared down to ten or ten kings, according to your Bible. The European Union is right
now building their own military, but Germany wants to stay allied with the United States.
I wonder why? Is it because they want to have the access to those nuclear bombs that
belong to the U.S.? See, we have to remember our history and what has happened in the
past, and we ought to be looking to God for help and guidance and protection, because
everything is going to turn out well. But why do we have to suffer so much before the
good news arrives?

Until next week, this is Gerald Flurry. Goodbye, friends.

Request our two free booklets, “Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind” and “We Have Had
Our Last Chance.” Like all of the minor and major prophets in the Old Testament, the
primary focus for the book of Hosea is the end time. The message delivered anciently
was only a type of what is occurring today. It contains a tremendous warning that must be
delivered now! Hosea was written first of all to God’s adulterous wife in this end time.
That is how the book is intro-duced in the very first chapter. That has not been
under-stood before—not until now! God deals with His Church first because that is the
most important issue—by far. God’s next major concern, in this book, is the British
peoples. After that, God is concerned about the nation of Judah, called “Israel” today.
Hosea tells us that those who sow the wind are going to reap the whirlwind! But there is a
beautiful ending to his message. Request our free booklet, “Hosea—Reaping the

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that those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it. In this concise, hard-
hitting booklet about General Douglas MacArthur and World War II, lessons abound. But
have we learned from those lessons? Request our free booklet, “We Have Had Our Last

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