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Desde sus inicios, los seres vivos y sobre todo el ser humano se ha valido de la
comunicacin con sus iguales para el desarrollo pleno de su existencia y forma de
vida. Bien sabemos que existen diversos medios o maneras de comunicarse que se
basan en el uso de los cinco sentidos que posee el hombre, siendo los ms usados el
habla, la visin y el tacto. A travs de estos, hoy podemos utilizar el producto del
desarrollo de las tecnologas de la comunicacin que ha impulsado el hombre, como
la lectura, la escritura, el discurso, entre otras.
Desde el inicio de la formacin acadmica del hombre, la lectura ha sido un tpico
clave para su pleno desarrollo. A travs de esta se permiten descifrar cdigos que
generan conocimiento en diversas reas, las cuales son necesarias para la puesta en
pie de actividades, proyecto y cualquier otro objetivo planteado por el lector.
Hoy da, al estar en un mundo globalizado la lectura no se cercena slo a la lengua
materna del lector, sino que tambin este debe recurrir a textos en lenguas extranjeras
para poder cumplir con los deberes que los cuales hemos hablado con anterioridad.
Para la comprensin de textos en lenguas extranjeras, se debe tener un conocimiento
de mediana profundidad sobre el mismo, mas si se realiza una lectura tcnica, cosa
muy comn en reas como la Ingeniera.
Una vez adquirido el conocimiento sobre el idioma, para la plena compresin de
cualquier texto, es necesario aplicar las llamadas estrategias de comprensin lectora,
ya que en ese sentido, las mismas permiten elaborar las ideas relevantes y secundarias
del texto y se relacionan con los conceptos que ya tienen un significado para el lector.
Cabe destacar que es importante para cada individuo tener la capacidad de entender y
relacionar el texto con el significado de las palabras. Bsicamente, la comprensin
lectora es una habilidad bsica sobre la cual se despliega una serie de capacidades
conexas: manejo de la oralidad, gusto por la lectura y pensamiento crtico. Aunque las

mismas, tambin pueden guiar al lector en la composicin literaria del texto, adems
de que le permite realizar planteamientos clave para el mismo, para su posterior
corroboracin. Las tcnicas de compresin lectora ms utilizadas, segn Wikipedia
La Enciclopedia Libre (2014) suelen ser:
Activacin de conocimientos previos.
Ahora bien, el objetivo del presente trabajo escrito es aplicar dichas estrategias de
comprensin lectora a un texto titulado Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Systems, el cual es un texto tcnico relacionado al rea de Ingeniera Mecnica.



Las estrategias de pre-lectura son son actividades exploratorias que lleva a cabo
el lector de la lectura del texto, con el objetivo de realizar una lectura funcional del
mismo (de Prez y otros, 1995). Adems, Espinoza (2009) agrega que dichas
estrategias buscan activar los contextos, experiencias, sesgos, creencias y
conocimientos previos de los lectores para enfrentar a la informacin del texto.
Existen diferentes elementos dentro del texto que permiten tener una idea sobre
que tratara el mismo, una de ellas es observando la portada y la contracubierta, stas
contienen ttulos, nombre de autor, y breves descripciones o resmenes del texto; otra
forma de saber sobre de que se va a tratar el texto es leyendo el prlogo o la
introduccin; el ndice presenta el contenido o sub-temas del ttulo principal (Porter,
Algunas actividades en donde se puedan aplicar estas estrategias (ob. cit) son:
Lluvia de ideas en torno al tema a leer.
Comentario de los ttulos y subttulos de la lectura.
Interpretacin de frases, refranes o adagios alusivos al tema.
Interpretacin de dibujos o recortes de peridicos relacionados con el tema.
Tomando en consideracin podemos aplicar las estrategias de pre lectura para
reconocer los sujetos de una oracin. Cabe destacar que la metodologa a aplicada
para el reconocimiento de los actuantes en una oracin, nos valdremos de:
Subrayar el sujeto.
Encerrar entre parntesis el verbo.
Hacer doble subrayado al complemento de la oracin.

Ejemplificando tal cosa, tendremos que:

Ejemplo 01: Line 11 13 Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (is) based on
inventions and discoveries made by Nikolay Lvov, Michael Faraday, Willis Carrier,
Reuben Trane, James Joule, William Rankine, Sadi Carnot, and many others.
Spanish Meaning: La calefaccin, la ventilacin y el aire acondicionado estn
basados en invenciones y descubrimientos realizados por Nikolay Lvov, Michael
Faraday, Willis Carrier, Reuben Trane, James Joule, William Rankine, Sadi Carnot,
and many others.
Ejemplo 02: Line 14 The invention of the components of HVAC systems (went)
hand-in-hand with industrial revolution.
Spanish Meaning: La invencin de los componentes de los sistemas HVAC fueron
mano a mano con la revolucin industrial.
Ejemplo 03: Line 26 27 In modern buildings the design, installation, and control
systems of these functions (are) integrated into one or more HVAC systems.
Spanish Meaning: En edificios modernos, el diseo, instalacin y control de estos
sistemas estn integrados dentro de uno o ms sistemas HVAC.
Ejemplo 04: Line 51 52 The opposite of a heater (is) an air cooler used to lower
the ambient temperature.
Spanish Meaning: Lo opuesto a calefaccin es un enfriador de aire, utilizado para
reducir la temperatura del ambiente
Ejemplo 05: Line 61 Another type of a heat source (is) electricity
Spanish Meaning: Otro tipo de fuente de calor es la electricidad.
Ejemplo 06: Line 95 97 The primary health concerns associated with carbon
monoxide exposure (are) its cardiovascular and neurobehavioral effects.

Spanish Meaning: Las preocupaciones primarias de salud asociadas con exposicin

a monxido de carbono son las cardiovascular y efectos neuroconductuales.
Ejemplo 07: Line 103 104 Ventilation (includes) both the exchange of air with the
outside as well as circulation of air within the building.
Spanish Meaning: La ventilacin incluye el intercambio de aire con el exterior as
como la circulacin de aire dentro del edificio.
Ejemplo 08: Line 141 142 Natural ventilation (is) a key factor in reducing the
spread of airborne illnesses such as tuberculosis, the common cold, influenza and
Spanish Meaning: La ventilacin natural es una factor clave en la reduccin del
esparcimiento de enfermedades virales como la tuberculosis, el resfriado comn, la
influenza y meningitis.
Ejemplo 09: Line 151 Air conditioning and refrigeration (are) provided through the
removal of heat.
Spanish Meaning: El aire acondicionado y la refrigeracin son proporcionados a
travs de la remocin de calor.
Ejemplo 10: Line 198 Dehumidification in an air conditioning system (is) provided
by the evaporator.
Spanish Meaning: La deshumidificacin en un sistema de aire acondicionado es
proporcionado por el evaporador.


La descripcin, segn Wikipedia La Enciclopedia Libre (2014) es la explicacin

detallada y ordenada, de cmo son las personas, los lugares, los objetos y
sentimientos. En el estudio literario de un texto, se consideran tres tipos de

descripciones: la descripcin fsica, la descripcin de funciones y la descripcin de



Una descripcin fsica es una narracin donde se denotan los aspectos ms

destacados de la apariencia fsica de un trabajo incluyendo sus elementos (Physical
Description, 2011).
Algunos ejemplos de descripciones fsicas las podemos encontrar en el texto en
estudio, siendo estos:
Ejemplo 01: Line 1 HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) is the
technology of indoor and vehicular environmental comfort.
Spanish Meaning: HVAC (Calefaccin, Ventilacin y Aire Acondicionado) es la
tecnologa de la comodidad ambiental en interiores y vehculos.
En la frase, es posible observar que concepto descrito es HVAC, las cuales son
las siglas que hacen referencia a sistemas de Calefaccin, Ventilacin y Aire
Acondicionado. Es una definicin fsica, ya que se habla de que esta es la
tecnologa, siendo esta la caracterstica principal del sujeto en estudio.
Ejemplo 02: Line 101 Ventilation is the process of changing or replacing air in any
Spanish Meaning: La ventilacin es el proceso de cambio o remplazo del aire en un
El concepto descrito en este caso es La Ventilacin. Donde su caracterstica
fsica es el proceso de cambio o remplazo de aire.
Ejemplo 03: Line 111 112 Kitchens and bathrooms typically have mechanical
exhausts to control odors and sometimes humidity.

Spanish Meaning: Las cocinas y baos regularmente poseen escapes mecnicos para
controlar hedores y en algunos casos, humedad.
El concepto descrito son Las cocinas y baos Ya que estas se caracterizan por
poseer escapes mecnicos para controlar una cierta cantidad de variables
Ejemplo 04: Line 119 120 Natural Ventilation is the ventilation of a building with
outside air without using fans or other mechanical systems.
Spanish Meaning: La Ventilacin Natural es la ventilacin de un edificio con aire
exterior sin el uso de ventiladores u otro sistema mecnico.
Obviamente, el concepto tomado en estudio para esta descripcin fsica es la
Ventilacin Natural. Ya que la misma se caracteriza por no usar ventiladores u otro
elemento mecnico para ventilar cualquier tipo de espacio.
Ejemplo 05: Line 123 124 Natural ventilation schemes use very little energy, but
care must be taken to ensure comfort.
Spanish Meaning: Los esquemas de la ventilacin natural usan muy poca energa,
pero se debe tener cuidado para as asegurar la comodidad.
El concepto tomado en consideracin para este ejemplo es los esquemas de la
ventilacin natural. Siendo su caracterstica fsica la posibilidad de usar poca
Ejemplo 06: Line 126 - 127 Air-side economizers also use outside air to condition
Spanish Meaning: Los economizadores de aire tambin usan aire para acondicionar
Los economizadores de aire es el concepto descripto. Su caracterstica fsica es
que son usados para acondicionar espacios.

Ejemplo 07: Line 202 - 203 A dehumidifier is an air-conditioner-like device that

controls the humidity of a room or building.
Spanish Meaning: Un deshumidificador es un dispositivo para aire acondicionado
que controla la humedad de una habitacin o edificio.
El objeto tomado para definir fsicamente es el Deshumidificador. Siendo su
caracterstica descrita es un dispositivo para aire acondicionado.
Ejemplo 08: Line 178 Free cooling systems have high efficiencies.
Spanish Meaning: Los sistemas de Enfriamiento Libre tienen altos rendimientos.
Es de fcil visualizacin que el concepto estudiado son los Sistemas de
Enfriamiento Libre, los cuales se caracterizan por su capacidad de tener altos


Bsicamente, las descripciones de funcin son aquellas donde se describe la

actividad o las actividades que realizan una persona, o un elemento dentro de un
sistema cualquiera.
Es posible ejemplificar esta definicin a travs de algunas frases expresadas en el
texto adjunto, en donde encontramos:
Ejemplo 01: Line 65 66 Heat pumps can extract heat from the exterior air (air
source) or from the ground (ground source).
Spanish Meaning: Las bombas de calor pueden extraer calor del aire exterior (fuente
de aire) o del suelo (fuente de suelo).
En este ejemplo, es posible observar que el concepto de estudio es las bombas de
calor. Las cuales pueden extraer calor que se producen en dos fuentes distintas.

Ejemplo 02: Line 80 81 The heated water can also supply an auxiliary heat
exchanger to supply hot water for bathing and washing.
Spanish Meaning: El agua calentada tambin puede proveer un intercambio de calor
auxiliar para as suministrar agua caliente para baos y lavados.
El concepto en estudio es el agua calentada en donde la misma cumple dos
funciones, pero la oracin expresada solo define una, la cual es suministrar agua
caliente para baos y lavados.
Ejemplo 03: Line 115 116 Ceiling fans and table/floor fans circulate air within a
room for the purpose of reducing the perceived temperature.
Spanish Meaning: Los ventiladores de techo y ventiladores de mesa/piso circulan
aire dentro de una habitacin con el propsito de reducir la temperatura percibida
El concepto en estudio claramente son la diversa variedad de ventiladores.
Siendo su funcin la circulacin de aire para as reducir la temperatura percibida por
las personas que se encuentren en una habitacin dada.
Ejemplo 04: Line 145 146 An air conditioning system, or a standalone air
conditioner, provides cooling and humidity control for all or part of a building.
Spanish Meaning: Un sistema de aire acondicionado, o un sistema independiente de
aire acondicionado, provee enfriamiento y control de humedad para todas o partes de
un edificio.
Los sistemas de Aire Acondicionado en general son el concepto de estudio de
este ejemplo. Estos cumplen la funcin bien sabemos, de enfriar un espacio adems
de controlar la humedad del mismo.
Ejemplo 05: Line 199 200 Since the evaporator operates at a temperature below
the dew point, moisture in the air condenses on the evaporator coil tubes

Spanish Meaning: Ya que el evaporador opera a una temperatura debajo del punto
de roco, la humedad en el aire se condensa en el serpentn del evaporador.
El concepto en estudio es el evaporador. Y se caracteriza por funcionar u operar
debajo de la temperatura de roco del ambiente.
Ejemplo 06: Line 206 Conversely, a humidifier increases the humidity of a
Spanish Meaning: Contrariamente, un humidificador aumenta la humedad de un
El humificador es el concepto tomado en consideracin para la realizacin de
este ejemplo. Su funcin es aumentar la humedad no slo de un edificio, sino tambin
a cualquier ambiente donde este sea necesario.
Ejemplo 07: Line 216 - 217 Because an air conditioner moves heat between the
indoor coul and the outdoor coil, both must be keep clean.
Spanish Meaning: Debido a que un aire acondicionado mueve el calor entre el
serpentn interno y el serpentn externo, ambos deben mantenerse limpios.
En este caso, repetimos el objeto de estudio que es el Aire Acondicionado. En
donde se afirma que su funcin es mover el aire entre dos serpentines.
Ejemplo 08: Line 82 83 Warm air systems distrubute heated air through duct work
systems of supply and return air through metal or fiberglass ducts.
Spanish Meaning: Los sistemas de calentamiento de aire distribuyen el aire
calentado a travs del sistema de ductera de suministro y retorna a travs de ductos
de metal o fibra de vidrio.
En este ejemplo, el concepto tomado en consideracin es los sistemas de
calentamiento de aire, los cumplen la funcin de distribuir el aire calentado a travs
de cierto sistema de ductos.


La descripcin de un proceso no es ms que la conceptualizacin de las guas a

seguir para cumplir con un conjunto de actividades o pasos los cuales estn
relacionados entre s, y que al interactuar generan ciertos resultados.
Usando el texto adjunto, podemos ejemplificar algunas de descripciones, estas
Ejemplo 01: Line 21 25 The starting point in carrying out an estimate both for
cooling and heating depends on the exterior climate and interior specified conditions.
However before taking up the heat load calculation, it is necessary to find fresh air
requirements for each area in detail, as pressurization is an important consideration.
Spanish Meaning: El punto de partida en la llevada a cabo de una estimacin tanto
para la refrigeracin como para calefaccin depende de las condiciones especificadas
del clima externo e interno. Sin embargo antes de encargas del clculo de cargas
trmicas, es necesario encontrar los requerimientos de aire freso para cada rea en
detalle, as la presurizacin es una consideracin importante.
En este prrafo, se explica someramente los pasos iniciales que han de cumplirse
para la seleccin de un equipo de refrigeracin o calefaccin. Inicialmente, se deben
estimar las cantidades de aire fresco necesarias para los ambientes en estudio, luego
se debe denotar la presin que deben tener cada uno de los ambientes, y luego, se
procedo a la estimacin de las cargas trmicas generadas por el diversas fuentes de
Ejemplo 02: Line 158 172 A simple stylized diagram of the refrigeration cycle is:
1) condensing coil, 2) expansion valve, 3) evaporator coil, 4) compressor.
The refrigeration cycle uses four essential elements to cool.










The compressor pumps the refrigerant gas up to a high pressure and

From there it enters a heat exchanger (sometimes called a condensing coil or
condenser) where it loses energy (heat) to the outside, cools, and condenses
into its liquid phase.
An expansion valve (also called metering device) regulates the refrigerant
liquid to flow at the proper rate.
The liquid refrigerant is returned to another heat exchanger where it is
allowed to evaporate, hence the heat exchanger is often called an evaporating
coil or evaporator. As the liquid refrigerant evaporates it absorbs energy (heat)
from the inside air, returns to the compressor, and repeats the cycle. In the
process, heat is absorbed from indoors and transferred outdoors, resulting in
cooling of the building.
Spanish Meaning: Un diagrama estilizado simple del ciclo de refrigeracin es: 1)
Serpentn de Condensacin, 2) Vlvula de Expansin, 3) Serpentn de Evaporacin,
4) Compresor.
El ciclo de refrigeracin usa cuatro elementos esenciales para enfriar.
El sistema refrigerativo comienza su ciclo en estado gaseoso. El compresor
impulsa el gas refrigerante a una alta presin y temperatura.
Desde all, este entra a un intercambiador de calor (algunas veces es llamado
Serpentn de Condensacin o Condensador) donde cede energa (calor) al
exterior, enfra, y se condensa hasta la fase lquida.
Una vlvula de expansin (tambin llamado dispositivo de dosificacin)
regula el refrigerante lquido para que este fluya a una tasa adecuada.
El refrigerante lquido es retornado a otro intercambiador de calor donde se
permite su evaporacin, por lo tanto, el intercambiador de calor es
regularmente llamado Serpentn de Evaporacin o Evaporador. Como el

refrigerante lquido se evapora, este absorbe energa (calor) de aire interior,

retorna al compresor, y repite el ciclo. En el proceso, el calor es absorbido
desde el interior y transferido al exterior, resultando en el enfriamiento del
De manera clara, el ejemplo mostrado describe como es el procedimiento de un
sistema de refrigeracin por compresin de vapor.


Segn Rojas (2013), un prrafo deductivo es aquel en donde se parte de una

generalidad o una idea que nos permite reconocer la nocin global del asunto por
tratar, y que posteriormente se va particularizando.
En funcin de esta definicin, un ejemplo claro de este tipo de prrafo expresado a
lo largo del texto adjunto, es aquel comprendido entre las lneas 46 y 50. El cual
Ejemplo: A heater is an object that emits heat or causes another body to achieve a
higher temperature. In a household or domestic setting, heaters are usually appliances
whose purpose is to generate heat (i.e. warmth) for the building. Other types of
heaters are Ovens and Furnaces. Heaters exist for all states of matter, including
solids, liquids, and gases. Heat can be transfered by convection, conduction,
and radiation
Spanish Meaning: Un calentador es un objeto que emite calor o causa que otro
cuerpo alcance una temperatura mayor. En un hogar o mbito domstico, los
calentadores son usualmente electrodomsticos cuyo propsito es generar calor
(calidez) al edificio. Otros tipos de calentadores son hornos y estufas. Los

calentadores existen para todos los estados de la materia, incluyendo slidos, lquidos
y gases. El calor puede ser transferido por conveccin, conduccin y radiacin.
Se aprecia que el prrafo es deductivo ya que en la primera oracin del mismo se
deja bien clara que la idea principal est relacionada a las funciones que cumple un
calentador. Posterior a esto, se ahonda ms en los tipos de calentadores existentes y
las condiciones de trabajo (modo de transferencia de calor, estado de la materia de los
combustibles) con la que los mismos pueden cumplir sus funciones.


Un prrafo inductivo es aquel en donde se tiene una distribucin organizada en

inversa, ya que al comienzo van las ideas de desarrollo, y la idea temtica aparece al
final como conclusin de todo (Crdova y Castaadui, 2010).
Usando el texto adjunto, podemos aplicar esta definicin y ejemplificar este tipo
de prrafo. Para ello, tomamos en consideracin el prrafo comprendido entre las
lneas 138 y 140, tendremos que:
Ejemplo: Room pressure can be either positive or negative with respect to outside
the room. Positive pressure occurs when there is more air being supplied than
exhausted, and is common to reduce the infiltration of outside contaminants.
Spanish Meaning: La presin de la habitacin puede ser tanto positiva como
negativa respecto al exterior de la habitacin. La presin positiva ocurre cuando hay
ms aire suministrado que extrado, y es comn para reducir las infiltraciones de
contaminantes externos.

En el prrafo se ahonda sobre las condiciones necesarias para tener una presin
positiva en una habitacin, siendo la idea complementaria el hecho de aceptar que la
presin puede ser positiva o negativa.


Una hiptesis es una suposicin. Es una idea que puede no ser verdadera, basada
en informacin previa. Su valor reside en la capacidad para establecer ms relaciones
entre los hechos y explicar por qu se producen (Wikipedia La Enciclopedia Libre,
2014). Ahora bien, una hiptesis interpretativa, segn Yuni y Urbano (2005), son las
que nos permiten suponer que el problema que estamos analizando presenta ciertas
relaciones con otro fenmenos. Las hiptesis deben pasar por un procedimiento de
verificacin, en donde se acepte la hiptesis en relacin al objeto de estudio, o se
asocie al mismo para as tener un nuevo problema de estudio.
Algunos ejemplos de realizacin de hiptesis interpretativas pueden ser realizados
tomando algunas oraciones que se encuentran con el texto adjunto.
Ejemplo 01: Line 55 Central heating is often used in cool climates to heat houses
and public buildings.
Interpretive Hypothesis: If central heating are often used in cool climates, then they
are used in arid or humid climates, which are regularly warn weathers?
Hiptesis Interpretativa: Si los sistemas de calefaccin central son regularmente
usados en climas fros, entonces pueden ser usados en climas ridos o hmedos, los
cuales son regularmente climas ridos?
Verificacin (Asociacin): La hiptesis realizada no ha sido posible verificarla en el
texto, pero sin embargo, es posible asociarla con lo dicho en las lneas 21 a 22.

Debido a que la eleccin del sistema de tratamiento de aire depende de las

condiciones internas que se deseen en un ambiente, sin tomar en consideracin las
condiciones externas. Es por ello, que si se desea que un ambiente con unas
condiciones de mayor temperatura que la externa, es posible usar sistemas de
calefaccin, sin importar que el clima externo sea rido o hmedo.
Ejemplo 02: Line 55 56 Such a systems (Central Heating) contains a boiler,
furnance or heat pump to warm water, steam or air in a central location.
Interpretive Hypothesis: If central heating use heat pumps or boilers to heat a fluid,
then electricity can be an alternative heat source?
Hiptesis Interpretativas: Si las centrales de calentamiento usan bombas de calor o
calderas para generar calor, entonces la electricidad tambin puede ser una fuente de
calor alterna?
Verificacin (Aceptacin): La hiptesis realizada ha sido posible verificarla en el
texto con lo expresado en la lnea 60, ya que la misma establece que:
Another type of heat source is electricity
Ejemplo 03: Line 19 20 HVAC systems can provide ventilation, reduce air
infiltration, and mantein pressure relationships between spaces.
Interpretive Hypothesis: If HVAC systems provide ventilation, them the ventilation
could be made by a mechanical system?
Hiptesis Interpretativas: Si los sistemas HVAC proveen ventilacin, entonces la
ventilacin puede ser realizada por un sistema mecnico?
Verificacin (Asociacin): La hiptesis realizada no ha sido posible verificarla en el
texto, pero lo expresado entre las lneas 105 y 106 podemos asociarla nuestra
hiptesis, ya que no solo existe un mtodo de ventilacin. Existe un mtodo

denominado forzado, el cual se vale del uso de elemento mecnico como es un

ventilador, y un mtodo natural, el cual se vale por la circulacin libre e inherente
del aire a los alrededores del ambiente a ventilar.
Ejemplo 04: Line 86 87 The use of furnances, space heaters and boilers as means
of indoor heating may result in incomplete combustion
Interpretive Hypothesis: If in a heat source like a boiler the combustion process could
be incomplete, then the products of this combustion may produce skin diseases in
Hiptesis Interpretativa: Si en una fuente de calor como una caldera el proceso de
combustin puede ser incompleto, entonces los productos de esta combustin
pueden producir enfermedades de la piel en las personas?
Verifiacin (Asociacin): La hiptesis realizada no ha sido posible verificarla
textualmente en la lectura, mas sin embargo es posible asociar la misma con los dicho
entre las lneas 88 y 100, debido a que el monxido de carbono al ser uno de los
productos que se obtienen en un proceso de combustin es conocido que es nocivo
para la salud. No obstante, la exposicin del cuerpo humano a trazos de este
compuesto no inciden en la salud de la piel de las personas, pero si afecta otras reas.
La exhibicin de una persona a altas concentraciones de monxido de carbono
producen problemas de coordinacin relacionado a problemas neurolgicos,
problemas respiratorios y problemas cardiovasculares.


Segn Diccionario ABC (2010), la inferencia es la deduccin de una cosa a partir

de otra. Luego, este mismo agrega que la inferencia es pura y exclusivamente un
producto de mente del ser humano, ya que es una evaluacin que esta realiza entre

aquellas expresiones de un lenguaje determinado, las cuales de modo intelectual

permitirn llegar a una idea lgica.
En base a esto, es posible ejemplificar dicho mtodo de estrategia de lectura
utilizando el texto adjunto, especficamente haciendo uso del quinto prrafo en sus
lneas 21 a 22, donde se expresa que:
The starting point in carrying out an estimate both for cooling and heating depends
on the exterior climate and interior specified conditions.

El anlisis de variables del prrafo permite denotar que la variable independiente

A es exterior climate and interior specified conditions, la variable independiente B es
cooling and heating, y el verbo que expresa relacin es depends. Ahora bien, los
temas relacionados a las variables de estudio son:
Variable A (Independent)

Variable B (Dependent)

Relative Humidity

Solar Radiation

Latitude and Altitude

Fresh Air

Temperature Differences

Heat Conduction

Air Quantity

Cooling Systems

Tabla 01. Temas relacionados a variables de estudio, realizado por los autores (2014).

Ahora bien, se puede inferir que:

Ejemplo 01: The altitude and latitude directly influences solar radiation, because
sunlight doesnt incise in the same way in the different places around the World.
Spanish Meaning: La altitud y latitud influye directamente sobre la radiacin solar,
debido a que los rayos solares no inciden del mismo modo los diversos lugares en el
Planeta Tierra.

Ejemplo 02: Temperature differences between ambients cause heat conduction on

the walls and roof.
Spanish Meaning: Diferencias de temperatura entre ambientes causan conduccin de
calor en paredes y techo.
Ejemplo 03: The inlet air quantity injected to an ambient generates the air fresh heat
Spanish Meaning: La cantidad de aire de entrada inyectada a un ambiente generan
cargas trmica por aire fresco.
Ejemplo 04: : Changes in relativity humidity significantly affect cooling systems.
Spanish Meaning: Cambios en la humedad relativa afectan notablemente a los
sistemas de enfriamiento

HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) is the technology of indoor and
vehicular environmental comfort. Its goal is to provide thermal comfort and
acceptable indoor air quality. HVAC system design is a subdiscipline of mechanical
engineering, based on the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat
transfer. Refrigeration is sometimes added to the field's abbreviation as HVAC&R or
HVACR, or ventilating is dropped as in HACR (such as the designation of HACRrated circuit breakers).
HVAC is important in the design of medium to large industrial and office
buildings such as skyscrapers and in marine environments such asaquariums, where
safe and healthy building conditions are regulated with respect to temperature and
humidity, using fresh air from outdoors.
Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning is based on inventions and discoveries
made by Nikolay Lvov, Michael Faraday, Willis Carrier,Reuben Trane, James
Joule, William Rankine, Sadi Carnot, and many others.
The invention of the components of HVAC systems went hand-in-hand with
the industrial revolution, and new methods of modernization, higher efficiency, and
system control are constantly being introduced by companies and inventors
worldwide. The three central functions of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning
are interrelated, especially with the need to provide thermal comfort and
acceptable indoor air quality within reasonable installation, operation, and
maintenance costs. HVAC systems can provide ventilation, reduce air infiltration, and
maintain pressure relationships between spaces. The means of air delivery and
removal from spaces is known as room air distribution.
The starting point in carrying out an estimate both for cooling and heating
depends on the exterior climate and interior specified conditions. However before
taking up the heat load calculation, it is necessary to find fresh air requirements for
each area in detail, as pressurization is an important consideration.
In modern buildings the design, installation, and control systems of these functions
are integrated into one or more HVAC systems. For very small buildings, contractors

normally estimate the capacity, engineer, and select HVAC systems and equipment.
For larger buildings, building service designers, mechanical engineers, or building
services engineers analyze, design, and specify the HVAC systems. Specialty
mechanical contractors then fabricate and commission the systems. Building permits
and code-compliance inspections of the installations are normally required for all
sizes of buildings.
Although HVAC is executed in individual buildings or other enclosed spaces (e.g.
think NORAD's underground headquarters), the equipment involved is in some cases
an extension of a larger district heating (DH) or district cooling (DC) network, or a
combined DHC network. In such cases, the operating and maintenance aspects are
simplified and metering becomes necessary to bill for the energy that is consumed,
and in some cases energy that is returned to the larger system. For example, at a given
time one building may be utilizing chilled water for air conditioning and the warm
water it returns may be used in another building for heating, or for the overall
heating-portion of the DHC network (likely with energy added to boost the
Basing HVAC on a larger network helps to provide an economy of scale that is
often not possible for individual buildings, for utilizing renewable energy sources
such as solar heat, winter's cold, the cooling potential in some places of lakes or
seawater for free cooling, and the enabling function of seasonal thermal energy

A heater is an object that emits heat or causes another body to achieve a
higher temperature. In a household or domestic setting, heaters are usually appliances
whose purpose is to generate heat (i.e. warmth) for the building. Other types of
heaters are Ovens and Furnaces. Heaters exist for all states of matter, including
solids, liquids, and gases. Heat can be transfered by convection, conduction,
and radiation.
The opposite of a heater (for warmth) is an air cooler (for cold) (see air
conditioning) used to lower the ambient temperature.
Forecasting is a method of controlling building heating by calculating demand for
heating energy that should be supplied to the building in each time unit.

Central heating is often used in cool climates to heat houses and public buildings.
Such a system contains a boiler, furnace, or heat pump to warm water, steam, or air in
a central location such as a furnace room in a home, or a mechanical room in a large
The invention of central heating is often credited to the ancient Romans, who
installed systems of air ducts called hypocausts in the walls and floors of public baths
and private villas.
Another type of heat source is electricity, typically heating ribbons made of high
resistance wire. This principle is also used for baseboard heaters, and portable
heaters. Electrical heaters are often used as backup or supplemental heat for heat
pump (or reverse heating) systems.
The heat pump gained popularity in the 1950s. Heat pumps can extract heat from
the exterior air (air source) or from the ground (ground source). Initially, heat pump
HVAC systems were used in moderate climates, but with improvements in low
temperature operation and reduced loads due to more efficient homes, they are
increasing in popularity in other climates. Heat pumps can be air to air, air to water,
water to air and water to water systems. Water on the supply side of the heat pump is
typically geothermal energy from ground water, either surface water or PEX tubing
buried in a trench. Due to the construction of wells and site work, geothermal systems
are often more expensive to purchase and install than conventional heating systems.

Water / steam

In the case of heated water or steam, piping is used to transport the heat to the
rooms. Most modern hot water boiler heating systems have a circulator, which is a
pump, to move hot water through the distribution system (as opposed to
older gravity-fed systems). The heat can be transfered to the surrounding air
using radiators, hot water coils (hydro-air), or other heat exchangers. The radiators
may be mounted on walls or installed within the floor to give floor heat.
The use of water as the heat transfer medium is known as hydronics. The heated
water can also supply an auxiliary heat exchanger to supply hot water for bathing and


Warm air systems distribute heated air through duct work systems of supply and
return air through metal or fiberglass ducts. Many systems use the same ducts to
distribute air cooled by an evaporator coil for air conditioning. The air supply is
typically filtered through air cleaners to remove dust and pollen particles.
The use of furnaces, space heaters, and boilers as means of indoor heating may
result in incomplete combustion and the emission of carbon monoxide, nitrogen
oxides, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, and other combustion byproducts.
Incomplete combustion occurs when there is insufficient oxygen; the inputs are fuels
containing various contaminants and the outputs are harmful byproducts, most
dangerously carbon monoxide which is a tasteless and odorless gas with serious
adverse health effects.
Without proper ventilation, carbon monoxide can be lethal at concentrations of
1000 ppm (0.1%). However, at several hundred ppm, carbon monoxide exposure
induces headaches, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Carbon monoxide binds with
hemoglobin in the blood, forming carboxyhemoglobin, reducing the bloods ability to
transport oxygen. The primary health concerns associated with carbon monoxide
exposure are its cardiovascular and neurobehavioral effects. Carbon monoxide can
cause atherosclerosis (the hardening of arteries) and can also trigger heart attacks.
Neurologically, carbon monoxide exposure reduces hand to eye coordination,
vigilance, and continuous performance. It can also affect time discrimination.

Ventilation is the process of changing or replacing air in any space to control
temperature or remove any combination of moisture, odors, smoke, heat, dust,
airborne bacteria, or carbon dioxide, and to replenish oxygen. Ventilation includes
both the exchange of air with the outside as well as circulation of air within the
building. It is one of the most important factors for maintaining acceptable indoor air
quality in buildings. Methods for ventilating a building may be divided
into mechanical/forced and natural types.


"Mechanical" or "forced" ventilation is provided by an air handler and used to
control indoor air quality. Excess humidity, odors, and contaminants can often be

controlled via dilution or replacement with outside air. However, in humid climates
much energy is required to remove excess moisture from ventilation air.
Kitchens and bathrooms typically have mechanical exhausts to control odors and
sometimes humidity. Factors in the design of such systems include the flow rate
(which is a function of the fan speed and exhaust vent size) and noise level. Direct
drive fans are available for many applications, and can reduce maintenance needs.
Ceiling fans and table/floor fans circulate air within a room for the purpose of
reducing the perceived temperature by increasing evaporation of perspiration on the
skin of the occupants. Because hot air rises, ceiling fans may be used to keep a room
warmer in the winter by circulating the warm stratified air from the ceiling to the
Natural ventilation is the ventilation of a building with outside air without using
fans or other mechanical systems. It can be via operable windows, louvers, or trickle
vents when spaces are small and the architecture permits. In more complex schemes,
warm air is allowed to rise and flow out high building openings to the outside (stack
effect), causing cool outside air to be drawn into low building openings. Natural
ventilation schemes use very little energy, but care must be taken to ensure comfort.
In warm or humid climates, maintaining thermal comfort solely via natural
ventilation may not be possible. Air conditioning systems are used, either as backups
or supplements. Air-side economizers also use outside air to condition spaces, but do
so using fans, ducts, dampers, and control systems to introduce and distribute cool
outdoor air when appropriate.
An important component of natural ventilation is air change rate or air changes per
hour: the hourly rate of ventilation divided by the volume of the space. For example,
six air changes per hour means an amount of new air, equal to the volume of the
space, is added every ten minutes (see air changes per hour for more detail). For
human comfort, a minimum of four air changes per hour is typical, though
warehouses might have only two. Too high of an air change rate may be
uncomfortable, akin to a wind tunnel which have thousands of changes per hour. The
highest air change rates are for crowded spaces, bars, night clubs, commercial
kitchens at around 30 to 50 air changes per hour.
Room pressure can be either positive or negative with respect to outside the room.
Positive pressure occurs when there is more air being supplied than exhausted, and is
common to reduce the infiltration of outside contaminants

Natural ventilation is a key factor in reducing the spread of airborne illnesses such
as tuberculosis, the common cold, influenza and meningitis. Opening doors,
windows, and using ceiling fans are all ways to maximize natural ventilation and
reduce the risk of airborne contagion. Natural ventilation requires little maintenance
and is inexpensive.

An air conditioning system, or a standalone air conditioner, provides cooling
and humidity control for all or part of a building. Air conditioned buildings often
have sealed windows, because open windows would work against the system
intended to maintain constant indoor air conditions. Outside, fresh air is generally
drawn into the system by a vent into the indoor heat exchanger section, creating
positive air pressure. The percentage of return air made up of fresh air can usually be
manipulated by adjusting the opening of this vent. Typical fresh air intake is about
Air conditioning and refrigeration are provided through the removal of heat. Heat
is removed through radiation, convection, or conduction. Refrigeration conduction
media such as water, air, ice, and chemicals are referred to as refrigerants. A
refrigerant is employed either in a heat pump system in which a compressor is used to
drive thermodynamic refrigeration cycle, or in a free cooling system which uses
pumps to circulate a cool refrigerant (typically water or a glycol mix).
A simple stylized diagram of the refrigeration cycle: 1) condensing coil,
2) expansion valve, 3) evaporator coil, 4) compressor
The refrigeration cycle uses four essential elements to cool.

The system refrigerant starts its cycle in a gaseous state.

The compressor pumps the refrigerant gas up to a high pressure and
From there it enters a heat exchanger (sometimes called a condensing coil or
condenser) where it loses energy (heat) to the outside, cools, and condenses
into its liquid phase.
An expansion valve (also called metering device) regulates the refrigerant
liquid to flow at the proper rate.
The liquid refrigerant is returned to another heat exchanger where it is
allowed to evaporate, hence the heat exchanger is often called an evaporating

coil or evaporator. As the liquid refrigerant evaporates it absorbs energy (heat)

from the inside air, returns to the compressor, and repeats the cycle. In the
process, heat is absorbed from indoors and transferred outdoors, resulting in
cooling of the building.
In variable climates, the system may include a reversing valve that switches from
heating in winter to cooling in summer. By reversing the flow of refrigerant, the heat
pump refrigeration cycle is changed from cooling to heating or vice versa. This
allows a facility to be heated and cooled by a single piece of equipment by the same
means, and with the same hardware.
Free cooling systems have very high efficiencies, and are sometimes combined
with seasonal thermal energy storage so the cold of winter can be used for summer air
conditioning. Common storage mediums are deep aquifers or a natural underground
rock mass accessed via a cluster of small-diameter, heat exchanger equipped
boreholes. Some systems with small storages are hybrids, using free cooling early in
the cooling season, and later employing a heat pump to chill the circulation coming
from the storage. The heat pump is added-in because the storage acts as a heat
sink when the system is in cooling (as opposed to charging) mode, causing the
temperature to gradually increase during the cooling season.


Central, 'all-air' air conditioning systems (or package systems) with a combined
outdoor condenser/evaporator unit are often installed in modern residences, offices,
and public buildings, but are difficult to retrofit (install in a building that was not
designed to receive it) because of the bulky air ducts required.
An alternative to central systems is the use of separate indoor and outdoor coils in
split systems. These systems, although most often seen in residential applications, are
gaining popularity in small commercial buildings. The evaporator coil is connected to
a remote condenser unit using refrigerant piping between an indoor and outdoor unit
instead of ducting air directly from the outdoor unit. Indoor units with directional
vents mount onto walls, suspended from ceilings, or fit into the ceiling. Other indoor
units mount inside the ceiling cavity, so that short lengths of duct handle air from the
indoor unit to vents or diffusers around the rooms.

Dehumidification (air drying) in an air conditioning system is provided by the
evaporator. Since the evaporator operates at a temperature below the dew point,
moisture in the air condenses on the evaporator coil tubes. This moisture is collected
at the bottom of the evaporator in a pan and removed by piping to a central drain or
onto the ground outside.
A dehumidifier is an air-conditioner-like device that controls the humidity of a room
or building. It is often employed in basements which have a higher relative
humidity because of their lower temperature (and propensity for damp floors and
walls). In food retailing establishments, large open chiller cabinets are highly
effective at dehumidifying the internal air. Conversely, a humidifier increases
the humidity of a building.
All modern air conditioning systems, even small window package units, are
equipped with internal air filters. These are generally of a lightweight gauzy material,
and must be replaced or washed as conditions warrant. For example, a building in a
high dust environment, or a home with furry pets, will need to have the filters
changed more often than buildings without these dirt loads. Failure to replace these
filters as needed will contribute to a lower heat exchange rate, resulting in wasted
energy, shortened equipment life, and higher energy bills; low air flow can result in
"iced-up" or "iced-over" evaporator coils, which can completely stop air flow.
Additionally, very dirty or plugged filters can cause overheating during a heating
cycle, and can result in damage to the system or even fire.
Because an air conditioner moves heat between the indoor coil and the outdoor
coil, both must be keep clean. This means that, in addition to replacing the air filter at
the evaporator coil, it is also necessary to regularly clean the condenser coil. Failure
to keep the condenser clean will eventually result in harm to the compressor, because
the condenser coil is responsible for discharging both the indoor heat (as picked up by
the evaporator) and the heat generated by the electric motor driving the compressor.


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