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En piedras calentadas al "rojo vivo" se vierte un

cocimiento de hierbas, para producir vapor. Con
ramos de diversas plantas frescas se abanicara
y mover el vapor y en su caso se pasara y
golpeara suavemente pero con energa a los
participantes, regularmente en la espalda a lo
largo de la columna vertebral, para estimular el
movimiento y equilibrio
del flujo del liquido cefalorraqudeo.
Un gua hombre o mujer, dirigir la ENERGIA LEER
MAS y las actividades dentro del recinto, dar la
bienvenida y presentara a los participantes;
del sonido / vibracin del agua
En la actualidad nos sobreviven 2 tipos de
rocas, de diversos instrumentos
temazcalme (temazcal en plural)*:
musicales prehispanicos - sonidos anlogos al
corazn y varios organos de mama, primeras
impresines del ser humano como individuo Calor Humedo Se calientan piedras al rojo vivo
que despertaran la memoria de organos y tejidos
fuera del temazcalli y son introducidas en
- "conciencia intrauterina" - del organismo.
numero de 13 en 4 tiempos o puertas (13 x 4 =
52 ) que simbolizan los 4 puntos cardinales, los 4
**Temazcal es una abreviacion de Temazcalli,
"elementos" y el siglo prehispanico y
que viene de dos raices de la lengua Nahuatl:
depositadas en un orificio en el centro del
Temaz = Vapor y Calli = Casa= TEMAZCALLI;
en Mixteco se dice ihi, en Maya: Pus y Tuj.

Calor Seco El temazcalli** ya esta caliente

cuando entran los participantes, las piedras
calientes forman parte de la estructura de una de
las paredes. Afuera o dentro, en petates, pasto o
barro, o en camillas se atiende a los

(la pronunciacion de estas palabras no estara

aclarada NUNCA,
y varia todavia mas en cada grupo etnico,
independientemente de que
no habia una escitura a base de letras, sino a
base de "pictogramas" o iconos LEER MAS.
En cada region de Mexico y toda America se le
nombra diferente, pero se conoce por sus
caracteristicas principales:
Para un mejor servicio por favor llene y envie el
formato en el apartado RESERVACIONES y

nosotros nos comunicaremos con Uds.


Si deseas masaje teraputico
Piedras Calientes
aumenta $200.00
- el masaje no tiene descuento
y se tiene que incluir totalmente en la reservacion Favor de enviar Codigo y razones para asistir en
nuestro siguiente formulario:



Atendemos con calidad y calidez al ser humano.

Los 4 elementos

El "equilibrio de los 4
Fuego, Tierra, Aire y Agua

Lo caliente, lo frio, lo seco y lo humedo

y sus interrelaciones,
conformando el equilibrio fundamental del
organismo humano.
Musculo-Esqueletico / Fisiologico-Bioquimico /
Energetico / Emocional-Mental

Ofrecemos servicios de terapias

En Norteamerica se le conoce como cabaa o
parasanitarias para reestablecer el equilibrio de tienda de sudar, o casa de las piedras calientes.
cada una de las 4 areas fundamentales del
organismo humano y su interrelacion con nuestro +Los 4 Elementos principales que nos conforman
quimicamente son:
Gracias por su atencion


= carbono C

Agua =

hidrogneo H


Fuego =
Aire =


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acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografas, prensa diaria o pginas de
Internet fidedignas. Este aviso fue puesto el 9 de julio de 2010.
Puedes aadirlas o avisar al autor principal del artculo en su pgina de discusin
pegando: {{subst:Aviso referencias|Temazcal}} ~~~~

Para la localidad perteneciente al estado de Oaxaca, vase Temascal.

Temazcal en Joya de Cern.

Un temazcal (del nhuatl temazcalli, 'casa / templo de vapor', de temaz, 'vapor', y calli, 'casa') es un
bao de vapor empleado en lamedicina tradicional y religin de las culturas mesoamericanas y tambin
de Norteamrica. Alonso de Molina lo defina, en su diccionario de lengua nhuatl, como "casilla como
estufa, adonde se baan y sudan".1 El trmino se refiere tanto al espacio fsico como al ritual que en l
se lleva a cabo. El nombre equivalente en maya es zumpul-ch y en mixteco, ihi.

1 Descripcin

2 Historia

3 Beneficios Fsicos

3.1 Contraindicaciones

3.2 Muertes en temazcal

4 Vase tambin

5 Referencias

6 Enlaces externos

La Ceremonia se realiza dentro de diversas estructuras, que van desde unas casas hechas de carrizo /
ramas de sauce cubiertas por petates, barro y/ o hierba en formas de cpula o cilndrica horizontal de

pequea dimensin, comnmente llamadas toritos, hasta edificaciones de piedra y ladrillo. Estos ltimos
son los que se observan en los cdices mesoamericanos como el Cdice Vindobonensis, el cdice
Borgia o el cdice Nutal e indican el tipo usado en aquel entonces y que se mantiene en la mayora de
las poblaciones autctonas de Mxico.
Las personas que se baarn en el temazcal debern entrar gateando. Una vez adentro los
participantes, el gua, sudador o temazcalero2 vierte agua (a esta accin es conocida como el "tlasas" o
bien una infusin de plantas medicinales sobre las piedras calientes que causa un efecto teraputico
tanto fsica como emocionalmente al rememorar los tejidos en el estadio embrionario - dentro del vientre
El vapor es manejado y dirigido por un gua hombre o mujer, puede udar un ramo frondoso de plantas
y/o ramas tiernas de rbol con las que abanca con movimientos suaves pero enrgicos,
Su uso principal es el de un bao cotidiano y teraputico desde la antigedad hasta nuestros das.3 y su
prctica sobrevive en la actualidad gracias a la tradicin de las distintas comunidades autctonas. Se ha
sofisticado su aplicacin en la medida que se practica en toritos de cemento o barro regularmente
pequeos para un par de personas y en grupos que buscan experiencias espirituales incorporan
elementos de baos propios de las comunidades nmadas de Aridoamrica.


Temazcal en el cdice Magliabechiano

Al estudiar el origen del Temazcalli, G. Moedano, menciona que en 1960 P. Kirchhoff, entre otros,
estudiaron el bao de vapor de diferentes culturas y constataron las semejanzas que hay en su
significado ceremonial y teraputico. Lo que los llevo a suponer la existencia de un origen comn de
esta tradicin en el mundo, que deba explicar la presencia ancestral de la "casa de bao", en
poblaciones tan alejadas unas de las otras, como las de Rusia, Dinamarca, Suecia, Canad, Estados
Unidos, Mxico, Per, Brasil, isla de Pascua, China, Japn, Filipinas y Madagascar, entre otros pases.

Aunque los baos de vapor han sido usados por muchas culturas en diversas partes del mundo, el
temazcal ha tenido una importancia especial en las culturas nativas de Amrica, tanto porque forma
parte como el bao cotidiano como por motivos rituales o como herramienta de sanacin holstica.
Se pueden encontrar vestigios de temazcaltin en numerosas zonas arqueolgicas de Mesoamrica y
Centro Amrica]]. Algunos ejemplos son en Teotihuacan, Monte
Albn, Tula, Paquim, Tlatelolco, Comalcalco, Joya de Cern, Xochicalco y Tenanco del valle. En la
zona maya se han encontrado en Palenque, Chichen Itza, Tikal, Tulum, Dzibilchaltun, Tonin, Piedras
Negras e Iximche. Se estima que las edificaciones ancestrales de los temazcaltin (temazcal en plural en
lengua nahuatl) de Tikal, tienen alrrededor de 1,200 aos.
En muchos temazcaltin de la cultura nhuatl el temazcal estaba dedicado por la diosa Toci (nuestra
abuela), tambin llamada Teteo Innan ('la madre de los dioses') y Temazcalteci('abuela de los baos de
vapor'), patrona de los mdicos, las parteras, las yerberas, los adivinos y los temazcaleros. 4
A la llegada de los espaoles, el uso del temazcal era generalizado como bao cotidiano y como un
medio teraputico. Durante la poca colonial, su uso fue paulatinamente prohibido, ya que a los
espaoles les horrorizaba el hecho de que varios hombres y mujeres compartieran la misma habitacin
estando casi desnudos.
Los purpechas llamaban al temazcal hurnguequa, con aplicaciones teraputicas y rituales similares a
otras culturas. Su diosa era Pehuame, asociada a la luna, y simbolizando a la Madre.4
Cerca de lo que hoy es San Francisco, California a inicios del siglo XIX, fue documentado por el
entonces cnsul de Inglaterra en Mxico un grabado sobre la prctica del bao de vapor por los indios
originarios de esa regin. Ese bao se realizaba de manera colectiva y tena un propsito religioso.
El temazcalli representa el vientre de una madre, por lo mismo era vinculado con la diosa Toci. Para la
tradicin autctona, su propsito cotidiano es el de un bao y de ah que est vinculado a la idea de
"purificacin", esto debido a que si el cuerpo est limpio, el pensamiento igual. El interior del temazcal es
oscuro y por lo mismo -como cualquier aposento sin luz tipo una cueva- los pueblos mesoamericanos lo
vinculaban con el concepto "Tezcatlipoca", relacionado con el humo que sale de las brasas conque se
calientan las piedras del temazcal.
El bao de temzcal est compuesto por las siguientes partes: Estructura general , que puede ser
esfrica -al parecer es la ms antigua- o cuadrada. La puerta de entrada al bao. El tlexictle o el fogn
situado en el exterior del temazcal pero que calienta una pequea pared del temazcal hecha con piedras
volcnicas. A esta pared se le echa el agua en la accin llamada "tlasas". Tales piedras son calentadas
por leos. Una vez lograda la temperatura deseada en el interior del temazcal -lo ideal es que provoque
el sudor en menos de un minuto de que el baista ha entrado en el temazcal- se procede a barrer

cuidadosamente el interior del temazcal y a retirar los leos del tlexictle a fin de evitar que haya humo en
el interior del recinto. El techo que suele tener escoriaciones de tizne llamadas "cuixtle" y tiene una
distancia con el suelo aproximadamente de un metro y medio. El piso, anteriormente hecho de piedra y
ahora de cemento alisado. Un fogn donde se caliente el agua que se utilizar para remover el sudor.
El procedimiento del bao de temazcal lleva los siguientes pasos: 1 Calentamiento del bao, lo cual
toma de media hora a dos. 2 Introduccin de los participantes, sern tantos como lo permita el espacio
del temazcal. 3 El tlasas. Esto sucede cuando los participantes se han acostado en el piso del aposento
y entonces un encargado tira con fuerza y con una bandeja, agua a las piedras del tlexictle. Lo anterior
con el propsito de provocar el sudor inmediato. El participante no se coloca sentado ni de pie pues
corre el riesgo de marearse e incluso de provocar el vmito. 4 El Tlaxihuis. Aqu los participantes bajan
el vapor colocado en la parte superior del recinto hacia los cuerpos de los participantes. Con estas
mismas ramas, se dan masajes golpeando con ellas a los participantes. 5 El tallado. Se procede al
tallado corporal con una piedra pequea y lisa de ro. 6 El enjuague. Inmediatamente se introducen
baldes para lavar con jabn y zacate la cabeza y el cuerpo. Se usa agua fra para la cabeza y agua
caliente para el cuerpo a fin de que el temazcal no tenga efectos contraproducentes tales como
mareo,vmito, dolor en los huesos, refriados o hipertensin. El agua es hervida previamente y en el
transcurso del bao en un fogn colocado a un costado del temazcal. Si el uso es teraputico se
agregan distintas hierbas del tipo medicinal que se usar para las tlasas, el enjuague y para servirse
como un t al final del bao. 7 Reposo.

Beneficios Fsicos[editar]
La Cabaa de Sudor, temazcal o inipi es una terapia poderosa de vinculacin con la tierra y nos
alimenta el despertar de nuestra memoria ancestral. Pero adems del trabajo para nuestro espritu, este
crculo de medicina, nos regala hay muchos benecios en lo fsicos.
Actualmente se sabe que el temazcal estimula el sistema linftico, ayuda a desechar toxinas, ya que al
subir la temperatura arriba de 40 grados centgrados la piel se convierte en un tercer rin, la alta
temperatura a la que nos exponemos dentro de un temazcal propicia que el cuerpo sude, la humedad no
permite que el sudor se evapore, por lo que el sistema de autorregulacin del cuerpo (sistema simptico
y parasimptico) responde, (homeostasis) se acelera la circulacin y sudamos an ms eliminando al
mximo toxinas, la piel se pone roja indicando que el calor y fro excesivos estn siendo expulsados,
logrando el balance que se requiere en el cuerpo, de esta forma se suda ms que cuando realizamos
cualquier tipo de ejercicio ya que, durante y despus del temazcal el metabolismo del cuerpo alcanza un
ritmo semejante a correr o nadar durante mucho tiempo. 1Adems tonica la piel, acta depurando las
vas respiratorias y el aparato digestivo, tonica el sistema nervioso, ayuda en problemas seos,
musculares y ginecobsttricos, es un vehculo ideal que nos transporta a un estado de paz y tranquilidad

interior aquietando la mente al experimentar el calor del bao y de las propiedades curativas que nos
regala la naturaleza a travs de las distintas plantas medicinales que en l se utilizan. El temazcal
sobrepasa en benecio y eciencia a los baos comunes de vapor, ya que la persona a cargo del
temazcal puede aumentar o bajar el calor, ajustando as a las condiciones especicas que el paciente
requiera, adems el vapor se crea a partir de ts herbarios, yerbas que son elegidas segn el
padecimiento a tratar. El calor debe ser ms alto que la temperatura corporal normal para inducir la
transpiracin, la humedad alta inhibe la evaporacin del sudor enfriando normalmente al cuerpo, se
estima que cada litro de sudor que se pierde en el temazcal es el equivalente al trabajo que realiza
el rin en varios das. Durante una sesin intensa de temazcalli se pierde entre 2 y 3 kg de peso
corporal de los cuales una alta proporcin es de agua, aproximadamente en una sesin se pierde 1.500
ml de sudor, a travs de ste se aumenta la excrecin de productos terminales del metabolismo
(toxinas) como cido rico, creatinina, urea, cido lctico, cloruro de sodio; tambin equilibra el PH
cido-alcalino de la sangre y contribuye a la eliminacin de metales pesados que son absorbidos en las
sociedades modernas; como el Zinc, Mercurio, Cobre, Plomo entre otros. Cuando la intensidad del
sudor es baja, la concentracin de estas sustancias nocivas es alta. 2El agua es el conductor ideal de la
electricidad, la electricidad de nuestro cuerpo se mani- esta mejor donde hay agua, si entorpecemos
las funciones de la piel, los desechos celulares obstruirn la respiracin de sta dejando una piel reseca
y sin energa. Al utilizar agua fra dentro del temazcal como parte de la terapia, el cuerpo realiza
movimiento de volumen sanguneo, a travs del corazn, con esto se da paso a un ejercicio circulatorio
bastante enrgico (contraindicado en problemas de cardiopatas graves), esto se conoce por los
naturistas como lavado de sangre, al limpiar la sangre de impurezas, estimulando las glndulas
sudorparas, sistema circulatorio y mejora de manera natural las deciencias cardiovasculares. En
cincuenta minutos de bao se logra eliminar un litro de sudor equivalente a un kg de toxinas. El
temazcal utilizado mdicamente en los padecimientos relacionados con el fro interno ha sido de gran
importancia sobre todo en el tratamiento de desrdenes femeninos, provoca calor en los ovarios,
trompas de Falopio y tero, es indicado en infertilidad, embarazo, post embarazo, puricacin y uido de
la leche materna, y para recobrar la rmeza de la piel. Hipcrates, padre de la medicina occidental
deca: Dame una ebre y te curar cualquier enfermedad, la hipertermia inducida a travs del temazcal
es comparable a un estado de ebre temporal la cual benecia enormemente, ya que estimula la
capacidad defensiva frente a diferentes tipos de infecciones; las altas temperaturas tambin facilitan la
revitalizacin y reparacin celular. 3En la actualidad la ciencia sabe que el calor incrementa las
funciones de cada rgano y en particular la del sistema inmunolgico, de esta forma nos podemos
explicar la sabia accin del cuerpo al subir la temperatura (ebre) ante la presencia de ciertas
enfermedades o infecciones. El Sistema Linftico es uno de los responsables de la limpieza y
depuracin del cuerpo, de gran importancia por su accin depurativa para el cuerpo humano. El
temazcal estimula al sistema glandular, en particular a las glndulas pineal y pituitaria, se les conoce

como las glndulas maestras, ya que rigen la actividad glandular de todo el cuerpo, como lo es la
tiroides, adrenales, hormonales, sexuales etc. El vapor que se produce al interior del temazcal cuando
se roca agua sobre las piedras volcnicas al rojo vivo crea una cantidad importante de ozono de carga
negativa, que al combinar la accin de sacudir el ramo de hojas aromticas eliminaran alcaloides y sus
esencias combinadas con la energa ionizante producen ms ozono, la ciencia ha descubierto
importantes usos teraputicos del ozono, se destaca su accin germicida que al interior del temazcal
acta como potente antibitico natural. La presencia elevada de iones negativos ejerce reacciones en el
cuerpo propiciando que el aura (patrn bio-estructurante electromagntico) se expanda, manifestndose
radiante en todas las funciones del cuerpo incluyendo las del cerebro. El aura es quien dirigi la
construccin del cuerpo en que vivimos y quien lo mantiene funcionando, la prctica de la terapia del
temazcal permite y propicia que esta inteligencia urica regenere el cuerpo. El campo elctrico recorre
todas las clulas, rganos y todo el sistema nervioso, estimulando todas las funciones siolgicas y el
metabolismo; si el campo elctrico es demasiado dbil, se maniesta cansancio, desgano y falta de
vitalidad. Esta es la 4causa principal de la fatiga y el entumecimiento que se siente cuando se viaja en
automviles, aviones, tanques, submarinos y trenes. Lo mismo sucede cuando se trabaja en un
ambiente con aire acondicionado o calefaccin suele dejar a las personas completamente agotadas,
aunque no hagan ms que estar sentadas tras un escritorio, una persona que trabaja en el campo, las
mismas horas con un extenuante esfuerzo fsico, no presentan este agotamiento al terminar su labor, la
diferencia, la calidad del aire. Los rayos infrarrojos emitidos por las piedras calientes son de gran utilidad
sobre todo en aquellos padecimientos en donde estos rayos han demostrado su ecacia y bondades
teraputicas. Los efectos curativos de los rayos infrarrojos son muy importantes y bencos en el
temazcal, es un tratamiento alternativo del dolor, muy til en el padecimiento de Artritis reumatoide, la
rehabilitacin de articulaciones afectadas por esta enfermedad, proporciona gran ayuda a las personas
que padecen citica, reumatismo y en todos los padecimientos en donde se requiera aumentar el riego
sanguneo, disminuye la rigidez de las articulaciones y el dolor, mejora en general la circulacin
y reduce el stress. Algunos de los benecios que proporciona el temazcal:- Alivia las molestias
premenstruales- Ayuda a bajar de peso- Ayuda a eliminar toxinas- Benecia la circulacin sanguneaDepura el aparato digestivo- Desatroa (sic) los msculos- Disminuye los problemas seos- Filtra las
vas respiratorias- Incita a la introspeccin y re- exin- Merma trastornos hepticos,- Reduce el
tamao de los quistes en los ovarios,- Relaja el sistema nervioso disminuyendo el estrs y la
angustia,- Resuelve problemas de irregularidad menstrual,- Tonica la piel El calentamiento al que es
sometido el cuerpo durante el bao en la terapia del temazcal, alcanza temperaturas elevadas
produciendo una serie de reacciones, entre ellas: estimula la circulacin supercial y profunda de la
sangre, acelera la frecuencia de los latidos del corazn aumentando su fuerza, adems genera la accin
de los mecanismos de regulacin trmica y activa el metabolismo. Es un mtodo 5ecaz para estimular
todos los rganos internos, ya que al sudar en grandes cantidades, desechamos toxinas acumuladas, se

dice, que ayuda en los tratamientos para la obesidad siendo un auxiliar muy efectivo para la perdida de
grasa corporal, estimula el metabolismo basal simulando actividad fsica como si estuviese haciendo
ejercicio. Mejora signicativamente el funcionamiento de la piel y riones, ya que estimula el desecho de
sustancias txicas al abrir y activar los poros de la piel. Propiedades teraputicas del temazcal Sistema
reproductivo de la mujer: Es recomendable este bao para sacar fros o calores malignos del cuerpo. La
mayora de la problemtica asociada con el sistema reproductivo de la mujer tiene que ver con la
frialdad, el temazcal contribuye calentando los ovarios, trompas de Falopio y el tero, si utilizamos
hierbas de naturaleza caliente como Santa Mara, canela, romero, pirul, poleo, pericn y pachuli entre
otras. En la actualidad existen muchas parejas que logran embarazarse al asistir con regularidad al bao
de temazcal. Las parteras tradicionales lo utilizaban con las mujeres embarazadas como medio
preventivo, curativo y para la atencin del parto, aprovechando la ocasin al acomodar al beb para su
buen nacimiento, dentro del temazcal la matriz de la mujer embarazada se expande, haciendo mucho
ms fcil la labor del parto. Tanto en la repblica mexicana, como en Centroamrica, el bao
prehispnico con plantas medicinales era utilizado en estos dos eventos tan importantes en la vida de
una mujer. Despus del parto se le baaba 6varias veces a la madre con hierbas medicinales a n de
que su matriz se contrajera y volviera a su estado original. En esta etapa el bao no es tan caliente
como se acostumbra, el temazcalero cuida que el calor no pase los 40 grados centgrados, no
solamente la calidez del lugar ayuda en la labor de parto, sino que el beb nace en un ambiente similar
en temperatura, del que viene, y por otro lado la matriz no se expone tanto al fro como en un parto
normal, calma dolores, facilita la salida de restos placentarios y toxinas, estimula la produccin y
conduccin de leche. El bao prehispnico no se recomienda durante el periodo de la menstruacin,
pero es muy til y recomendable utilizarlo regularmente ya que es muy til en el sndrome premenstrual
(dolor, irregularidad, depresin, hinchazn).Se ha tratado a mujeres recientemente y segn los informes
mdicos, los quistes sobre sus ovarios eran ms grandes en volumen que su tero, tras una serie de
baos en el Temazcal, se comprob una reduccin considerable del quiste. A una serie de baos se le
acompao con infusiones de hierbas medicinales que es tomada por el paciente as como la
preparacin con hierbas medicinales adecuadas para la infusin con las que se rocan las piedras y son
inhaladas por el baista, sin olvidar la conformacin con las hierbas correctas para el ramo con el que se
manipulara el aire caliente hacia el paciente. Desorden inmunolgico, sida y cncer: El calor es un
medio para producir la protena del estrs, esta aparece organizando la actividad molecular, ayudando a
travs de la regulacin, a que puedan darse cuenta, cuando una clula es diferente a las dems, por su
estructura o su tamao; esta reaccin la encontramos cuando somos sometidos a agentes
quimioteraputicos, cuando nos encontramos en un estado patolgico de inamacin viral, cuando
tenemos ebre, inamacin, etc. Cuando aumenta la temperatura del cuerpo inmediatamente hay una
reaccin, todas las clulas, desde una bacteria hasta las clulas neuronales presentan 7un aumento en
la produccin de ciertas molculas que protegen el dao producido por el calor. Esto fue observado por

los bilogos hace ms de 30 aos. Los estudios muestran que al estar dentro de una sesin de
temazcal, el calor teraputico estresante, puede ser capaz de generar protenas con efecto
inmunolgico, los estudios cient- cos siguen buscando y tratando de descubrir ms sobre el tema. Esto
podra ayudar en tratamientos de cncer y otros desrdenes inmunolgicos, es conveniente mencionar
que al calentarse las piedras del temazcal emiten energa radiante o radiacin trmica (infrarrojos,
ultravioleta) la cantidad y calidad depende de la temperatura que alcancen las piedras, el cuerpo
humano parcialmente es capaz de absorber las radiaciones emitidas por las piedras calientes. Efectos
en la piel: Tonica, regenera y purica la piel. Esta es el rgano ms grande del cuerpo y acta como
mecanismo regulador de la temperatura interna del organismo, est dotado con un mecanismo de auto
regulacin interna en donde aunque se encuentre en un medio mayor de 40 C no sobrepasa los 38 C
(se enfra a travs del sudor). La piel es como un tercer rin, por donde se eliminan las toxinas
acumuladas en el cuerpo. Las personas que habitan en medios contaminados, pueden tener los poros
tapados, estos son activados por el mecanismo teraputico del temazcal, por los efectos de la alta
temperatura, estimulando la renovacin de la piel, porque favorece la descamacin de la capa
supercial, activando al mismo tiempo la proteccin ante las infecciones cutneas a travs de la
formacin del manto cido. Si aplica jugo de sbila sobre el cuerpo antes de entrar al bao, los
resultados son favorables sobre manchas y otros problemas de la piel.Efectos en el sistema nervioso:
Tiene un efecto relajante y estimulante en el organismo, ayuda a tratar el estrs, insomnio, tensin
nerviosa, etc. Estimula el sistema hormonal, funciona como una limpieza sangunea eliminando las
toxinas e impurezas a travs del sudor, automatizando el sistema nervioso. 8Efectos en el aparato
respiratorio: Utilizado para tratar problemas como: gripas, bronquitis, ensemas, asma y sinusitis. Limpia
y descongestiona los canales nasales y para nasales al elevarse la temperatura y combinarse el vapor
con el aroma de las plantas medicinales, destapando las vas respiratorias. Por efecto del calor se
produce la inhalo terapia, con el vapor de agua, el vapor de las ores y hierbas curativas, los aceites
desprendidos de estas y depositadas en las piedras durante la ceremonia produce automticamente la
desobstruccin de las vas respiratorias. Activa tambin la irrigacin de una forma impresionante, 7
veces ms que en condiciones normales, tambin se aumenta el ujo sanguneo, sumado esto a la
expansin de los pulmones los bronquios facilitan la expulsin de las toxinas acumuladas. Efectos en el
sistema circulatorio: Aumenta la circulacin sangunea, moviliza la sangre llegando as a los recnditos
lugares del organismo. Facilita la expulsin de toxinas al dilatarse los vasos sanguneos as, como la
eliminacin de cido rico y colesterol; es auxiliar natural en tratamientos de enfermedades relacionadas
con deciencias circulatorias y cardiovasculares. Por medio de la temperatura alta y la ebullicin de
agua fresca, se logra un alto grado de movimiento en el sistema circulatorio (lavado de sangre),
ayudando a corregir problemas de varices, lceras varicosas, trombo ebitis, embolia, adormecimientos
de manos y pies, presin alta o baja, y otros problemas circulatorios.Efectos en el sistema muscular: En
el bao temazcal primero se calienta la piel poco a poco el calor penetra al tejido celular subcutneo

hasta el msculo, este calor proporciona relajamiento al sistema muscular, coadyuva en el alivio de
contracciones musculares (encogimiento de un msculo), rigidez post enyesamiento, dolores de
espalda, atroa muscular, dolores de rodillas y tobillos, entre otros, gracias a los efectos de la
temperatura y los aceites voltiles de las plantas que se utilizan. Mejoramiento del sistema
inmunolgico: El bao prehispnico aumenta la circulacin sangunea y la linfa, la produccin de
Leucocitos (glbulos blancos) del 9cuerpo y descongestiona el sistema linftico. Se ha observado que
personas que visitan con regularidad estos baos de sudor y que padecen de enfermedades crnicas o
recurrentes, disminuyen sus padecimientos, dndose cuenta de que si se enferman se recuperan
fcilmente. En la actualidad sabemos que inducir el sudor del cuerpo tiene benecios en diversos
tratamientos de enfermedades como pueden ser, las correspondientes al sistema reproductivo de la
mujer, las dermatolgicas, del hgado, del sistema circulatorio, respiratorio, inmunolgico, en problemas
de reumas, artritis, gota, as como en problemas agudos, dolores, enfriamientos y congestiones
musculares. El bao prehispnico es quizs la tcnica curativa ms efectiva de este tipo. En el temazcal
se trabaja y estn presentes e intervienen los cuatro elementos, la tierra , cuando nos adentramos
simblicamente al tero materno al ingresar al temazcal; el fuego, lo utilizamos para calentar las piedras,
(las abuelas), El aire, esta presente siempre a nuestro alrededor y al utilizar el ramo y por ltimo esta el
agua, que no por presentarla al nal es el menos importante, sta, transporta la energa por todo nuestro
cuerpo, si perdiramos el 50% de ella, no sobrevivamos ya que esta es transportada por la sangre y
uidos corporales, medio por el cual circulan los nutrientes a travs de nuestro cuerpo. Existen teoras
que estn siendo estudiadas en donde mencionan que el agua tiene la capacidad de copiar y memorizar
informacin, al hablarle, rezar u orar delante de ella, o ponerle msica se ha descubierto que el agua
cambia su frecuencia vibracional enormemente, si recordamos nuestros antepasados veneraban,
saludaban, oraban, cantaban y ofrecan ofrendas, desde estos tiempos los indgenas ya utilizaban este
trato preferencial y 10respetuoso que ahora se est descubriendo con el aval cientco.
Adems deben de tenerse otras precauciones, por ejemplo:

Antes de iniciar una sesin de bao de temazcal se debe haber descansado entre 15 y 30 minutos.
No es aconsejable el entrar a la sauna despus de realizar esfuerzos fsicos, como la prctica de
algn deporte, facilitando, de esta forma la reaccin del cuerpo al calor.

Durante la menstruacin por la bajada de tensin arterial.

Hipertensin compensada mediante medicacin: el enfriamiento se debe realizar sin ducha y


En hipertensiones no medicadas slo se puede tomar bajo consejo mdico.

No es recomendable para personas con migraas o dolores de cabeza recurrentes.

Es posible quemarse con las piedras calientes dentro de un temazcal, por lo que nunca deben de
tocarse y deben de tomarse precauciones al respecto.

No debe de usarse joyera de metal, que puede calentarse y quemar a los participantes.

No deben de asistir al temazcal personas que hayan consumido alcohol o drogas.

Se recomienda tener cuidados especiales (tiempo limitado y nunca temperaturas extremas) en el caso
de personas que padecen diabetes o hipertensin, en nios y personas que por enfermedad o edad
avanzada tengan poca vitalidad.

Al igual que el sauna, el calor producido en el temazcal tiene incidencia en el sistema circulatorio por lo
que las alteraciones que se pudieran tener en el mismo pueden condicionar su uso. El ambiente oscuro
puede desencadenar episodios de desajuste mental en personas con padecimientos mentales graves.
Est contraindicado si se tiene alguna de estas enfermedades o alteraciones:

Problemas de corazn como infarto de miocardio, estados de descompensacin cardiovascular y

sntomas de estenosis.

Problemas venosos crnicos, insuficiencia venosa, sndrome post-trombtico.

Varices en fase aguda.

Problemas de circulacin cerebral, trombosis, y tras haber sufrido infartos cerebrales.

Presin arterial baja.

Hipertensin arterial de origen renal superior a 200 mmHg.




Toxemias gravdicas severas.

Enfermedades inflamatorias agudas internas como hepatitis y nefritis.


Con episodios de fiebre.

Los tres primeros meses de embarazo.

Embarazadas con historiales de partos prematuros

Fobia a los espacios cerrados

Fobia a la oscuridad

Enfermedades mentales serias, como demencia, psicosis, esquizofrenia, paranoia, etc.

Tlahui-Medic. No. 2, II/1996

I/III. The Traditional Mexican Sweat Bath
Dr. Horacio Rojas Alba
Instituto Mexicano de Medicinas Tradicionales Tlahuilli A.C.

I/III: Introduction. Some ten years or so ago, a renewed interest in the ancient sweat bath, still
called by the name given to by the Aztecs, the Temazcal, sprang up in Mexico, a part of the
movement, now so widespread in this country, to return, once again to the healing practices
preserved in their traditional medicine. These sweat baths, still a living tradition in many parts of the
country, are usually small round stone or mud structures looking rather like old fashioned bee-hives.
Many more began to be constructed everywhere, and more and more often, people who are ailing
Sweat baths, of course, are used known in many cultures of the world, both ancient and modern.
The sauna of Scandinavia is famous, as is the hamem of north Africa and Turkey. In the ruins of
Pompeii there are the remains of sweat baths, and in India, people lay in the sun, covered with
leaves to protect themselves from the burning rays of the sun, to bring on sweating. It is, of course,
a well-known part of the culture of our own Indians, and in this form, the sweat lodge, they, too, are



The traditional Mexican sweat bath, however, differs in several ways from the others. It is not
primarily used for ceremonial purposes, as is the sweat lodge of our indians, nor for relaxation or
bodily cleansing or for general well-being, as are most of the other sweat baths, It is and was, as far
back as we can trace it, a therapeutic instrument, an arm of the medical practices developed in
what anthropologists like to call, Mesoamerica, that vast area that now includes Mexico, Guatemala
and Belice. We know it best, in its ancient forms, through the Aztecs, and Temazcal, as it is still
called in contemporary Mexico, is a Nahuatl word, taken from their language.
It was, when the Spanish conquerors arrived in this, for them, New World, an integral and important
part of the medicine which they found here. If was, as best we can make out from the sources still
left to us, used in the healing and easing of almost all kinds of medical conditions, including, as we
The Spaniards were appalled and outraged by this, to them, barbaric practice. Not only was it
inextricably interwoven with pagan beliefs and ritual, as is all ancient traditional medicine, but, most
shocking of all, the bathers entered into these small, dark chambers, all sexes and size together,
naked as the day on which they were born. The Spaniards were convinced that some sort of
unspeakable orgiastic rites were taking place, and so they set themselves to forbidding the practice
and destroying the baths wherever they found them. In the Penal Code and Order for Governing of
the Indians, proclaimed by Charles the Fifth, the emperor of Spain, it was declared "that Indians
who are not sick shall not bathe in hot baths under penalty of one hundred lashes to be followed by
two hours bound in the marketplace..." Later, the proscription was extended to the sick as well.
But there were some among the conquerors who were impressed more favorably by this practice

and, fortunately for us, recorded their impressions of what they had seen. It is from these accounts
that most of what we know of ancient practice has come down, and it is worth quoting some of their
observations. In the Magliabechi Codex, one of the few books which come down to us from those
days, a caption under a native drawing of a Temazcal observes, "This is a drawing of the baths of
these Indians which they call the temazcalli. At the door of the bath there is an Indian who is the
advocate for the sick, and when a sick person goes to the baths he makes an offering and stretches
his body on the ground in veneration of the idol which they call Tezcatopocatl and who is one of
their principal gods. They used in these baths other Infamous reliquaries and many naked Indians



Sahagun, the industrious Franciscan friar who recorded so many of the indian customs of his day,
tells us that: "It [the Temazcal] is used firstly in the convalescence of many sicknesses, so that they
should finish healing more rapidly... All sick people benefit from these baths..." And he goes on to
list sicknesses that he throught especially responsive to the sweat bath: traumas, broken bones,
contusions, skin problems and growths, among others. He mentions, as well, that it is also good for
"pregnant women who are close to giving birth as there the midwives can do certain things so that
the birth is easier... ", and it is "good for the mother shortly after giving birth so that she heals and to
purify the milk..." Another of the early commentators on indian customs of those times, Clavijero,
observes that "...the temazcalli has always been used in many sicknesses, especially in fevers
caused by some form of constipation of the pores... and those who have been injured or stung by
some poisonous animal. It is also a remedy which is effective for those who need to get rid of thick
and tenacious humors. When a more copious sweating is needed, the sick person is placed near
the ceiling where the vapor is thicker. It was also used in the treatment of fractured bones, syphilis,
lepra, pains in the chest and back, spots and growths on the skin, blows and contusions, stiff






The name Temazcal, or temazcalli is made of two Nahuatl words, temas, which means bath,
and calli, meaning house. At the time of the Conquest, they were found everywhere in almost all of
central and southern Mexico. They were so common that the same Clavijero was led to remark that
"...there is no town, however small it might be, that does not have many of them."
Although the Spanish did their best to wipe out this custom, they failed. The battered Indians
preserved the custom secretly in remote places, as they did with so much of the their traditional
medical skills and practices. In this way, the Temazcal has come down to modern times, and on the
basis of the knowledge so carefully preserved, the contemporary revival of this healing swat bath
In the Nahuatl culture of central Mexico, the goddess of the sweat bath was Temazcalteci, "the
grandmother of the baths". She was, really, one of the manifestations of the goddess Teteoinan,
"the mother of the gods", or, as she is also called, "our grandmother", the principal goddess among
the higher Nahuatl divinities. Sahagun says of her that "...this goddess was the goddess of
medicine and of the medicinal herbs; she was adored by doctors and surgeons, and bleeders, and
also by midwives... She was also adored by those who had baths, or temazcals in their houses. All
placed the image of this goddess in their baths". The cult of this goddess of the Temazcal extended
throughout Mesoamerica and it is found in the other great cultures of the region --the Mixteca, the
Zapoteca and the Maya. It was in great part because of this close relationship between the worship
of a goddess and the Temazcal that the Spaniards found it so important to ban the use of the bath.



The Temazcal not only involved the worship of a goddess, but it incorporated all the elements of the
ancient cosmology, both in the manner of its construction and the way in which it is used; and most

of these conceptions have been preserved in traditional thought and practice down to our own day.
The Temazcal is a microcosm reproducing in itself the characteristics of the universe, the
macrocosm. So we find in the Temazcal all elements of the different eras or cycles (known as suns)
throught which, according to Aztec mythology, the world has passed and continues to pass: earth,
wind, fire and water (we now live in the fifth 'sun') and through whose constant movement and life is
More, the Temazcal is oriented according to the cosmic directions: the fire which heats its stones is
placed towards the east where our Father, the sun, the god called Tonatiuh, arises; he is the light or
masculine element which comes and fertilizes the womb of the mother earth (the chamber of the
Temazcal itself), and so life is conceived. The doorway through which the bathers enter and leave is
oriented toward the south, "the pathway of the dead", which begins with birth and ends in death, to
the right of the path of Sun. In this way, the ever present duality of traditional Mexican thought is
manifested. Just as there are mother and father, sun and earth, hot and cold, so we are born and,
Aztec cosmology presents us with several different levels of the heavens, and these are considered
to be present in the different levels of temperatures found inside the Temazcal: the highest in the
When we enter the Temazcal, according to this ancient doctrine, we return once again to our
mother's womb, presided over by the great goddess, Tonantzin or Temazcaltoci, the great mother
of both gods and humans. She is our beloved mother, concerned with the health of the children and
she receives us into her womb - of which our own mother's womb is but a microcosmic
manifestation - to cure us of physical and spiritual ills. The entrance way is low and small, and
through it we enter a small, dark, warm and humid space, in this way recreating the uterus, cutting
off the outside world and giving us a chance to look inside and find ourselves again. Our reemergence through this narrow opening represents our rebirth from the darkness and silence of the
womb. It is no wonder that the Spaniards were so shocked by what they found!






Physical cleanliness has always, and still continues to be, a matter of great importance to the
people of Mexico. When the Spaniards arrived, the people of Mexico bathed daily when it was
possible; the Europeans of those days, on the other hand, placed little importance on personal
cleanliness and it was not uncommon for a month to pass between baths. Andres de Tapia
" Clavijero noted that bathing in the Temazcal "was only a little less frequent" than regular bathing
The practice of inducing sweat has long been known to be beneficial in sicknesses of the skin, liver
and circulation, in problems of rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and other chronic diseases, as well as
acute problems like muscular pains, colds and congestions, and sweat baths are but of the ways
used to bring about healthful sweating. The Temazcal, because of its special methods, is perhaps
the most effective of this kind of curative technique, certainly the list of conditions for which it has
been used in the course of centuries is the most extensive. [Temazcalli Training Course]
Overheating of the body (during the bath, the body temperature may reach one hundred and four
degrees) produces a series of reactions: it stimulates both the superficial and the deep blood
circulation, accelerates the frequency of heartbeats, as well as increases their force, calls into
action the mechanisms of thermal regulation, activates the metabolism, and promotes sweating. All
of these effects produce a great internal movement of energy and liquids, somewhat similar to the
way in which strenuous exercise does, bringing increased circulation to all the muscles, organs and
tissues. While all sweat baths produce these effects, the Temazcal, because of the way it works
and the precision with which it can be regulated by the healer in charge of the bath, controls these














Its basic advantage as a sweat bath consists in the way high heat and high humidity are combined.
The sauna, for example, reaches much higher temperature but the bath is drier and consequently,
its curative capacities are lower. Other types of steam bath also combine heat and humidity, but the
Temazcal surpasses them in effectiveness for two reasons: the person in charge of the bath can
adjust -increase, diminish or direct- both heat and humidity to meet the specific needs of the patient
he is treating, and the vapor is made from herbal teas, the herbs chosen for their effects on each
The high heat and the high humidity, taken together, produce their healing effects, basically,
through reducing or impeding the body's mechanism for cooling itself. The heat, higher than normal
body temperature, induces sweating; the high humidity inhibits the evaporation of the sweat, the
chief method through which the body normally cools itself, and thereby, blood circulation is
increased, sweating is increased, and the elimination of toxins is maximized. It is said that every
liter of sweat lost in the Temazcal is equivalent to a full days' work by the kidneys!



There are two others special characteristics of the Temazcal as a sweat bath that must be
mentioned. The first is that every bath is directed by a specially trained healer, most often a woman
(called in Mexico, the Temazcalera). She examines the patient, makes her diagnosis, chooses the
herbs that are indicated, decides on the levels of heat and humidity that are to be used, prepares
the Temazcal, and then enters the chamber with the patient to oversee and manage the course of
the bath. She can raise or lower the intensity of the heat during the bath through ventilating the
chamber using the entranceway or the vent that is in the roof of the Temazcal, or by fanning with
the fan made up of branches of a suitable herb that she has chosen, or raising or lowering the
height at which the patient is placed to do the bath (heat rise, and the Temazcal is much cooler at
floor level than it is towards the root, and with all gradations in between). A good Temazcalera is
amazingly skillful in handling her herbal fan; she can bring down heat for the upper parts to the
lower parts of the chamber at will, and if she wishes, direct currents of heat to whatever part of the
body wants special attention. Extra heat can be put on your leg, for example, to deal with sciatica,
or on your back to get rid of back pain. If necessary, she will use her fan to beat gently on any part
of the body to increase circulation at that spot, should it be necessary. She is, by the way, trained to
do massages using a variety of traditional techniques, in the Temazcal, for any condition that might
require such treatment.

II/III. Mexican Method of Sweat Baths for Curative Purposes
Dr. Horacio Rojas Alba
Instituto Mexicano de Medicinas Tradicionales Tlahuilli A.C.

II/III: Therapy. Secondly, and, to our knowledge, found only in the Mexican method of using sweat
baths for curative purposes, when the patient comes out of the bath, he is carefully wrapped in a
sheet or blanket, and made to lie down and rest, usually in a room or place specially prepared for
this purpose, until the body finishes of its own its sweating. This period of mandatory rest varies
very much from individual to individual; it can range from half an hour to more than an hour. The
patient is given a cup of herbal tea, normally made from an herb chosen for his precise condition, to
help replace liquids lost in the bath, and then left to rest. Most people fall sleep during this rest
period, and awake feeling refreshed and strengthened: No patient is permitted to dress or to leave

These two special features of the traditional Mexican sweat bath -the skills of the Temazcalera and
the mandatory rest period after the bath- may go a long way in explaining its impressive curative
Before we go on, it might be best to say a few words about the concepts employed in Mexican
traditional medicine. The practice of the Temazcal as we find it today, has carried with it almost all
of the conceptions, beliefs, methods of using it, ways of constructing it, and the like, and it is almost
impossible to talk about the Temazcal or understand how it works with out invoking these ancient
concepts. Chief among them and essential for comprehending almost all aspects of the Mexican
practice of the sweat bath, are the terms, 'hot' and 'cold' as they are used by traditional healers.
In traditional thought, not only herbs and materials but foods and sicknesses, as well, are thought of
in terms of the categories of 'hot' and 'cold'. These are best understood as preferring to the qualities
of the energies thought to be at work in whatever is being talked about -sickness, herbs, foods,
materials, etc. 'Hot' will be used to describe things that are considered to be high in energy, active,
and exciting in their effects. 'Cold', on the other hand, is used to describe things that are considered
to be high in energy, active, and exciting in their effects. 'Cold', on the other hand, is used to
describe things that have the reverse characteristics -they slow things down and reduce activity.
Tranquilizers and sedatives, for example, would be described as 'cold' in nature; stimulants, 'hot' in
nature. Each quality is recognized by it's manifestations: color, taste, smell, etc. It is interesting to
note that these terms are used in quite the same way and for quite the same purposes in traditional



Many people think, as a consequence, that baths in the Temazcal should be good for cold
sicknesses or conditions but not for hot ones. In fact, it is good for both. The Temazcal seems to
promote the getting rid of excesses of both cold and heat, and to work towards balance between
the two of then in the body that health requires. Sweat is thought to carry out the cold, so the more
one sweats, the more coldness one had inside to get rid of. Those who sweat little are thought to
have little internal coldness and incline, instead, to an excess of internal heat. The cure for a cold or
flu caused by cold is to provoke sweat. Heat, on the other hand, is characterized by redness.
Perhaps the easiest way to grasp this is to think of a pot of water with a tea bag in it. Before it is put
on the stove, it is cold, pale or clear in color, abundant in fluid, with little or no smell. After it has
boiled for a while, it is hot, dark in color, has reduced in amount and may have become thicker, and
has a strong smell. The body and its excretions manifest these qualities of hot and cold in much the
In the Temazcal, there is sweating and the skin turns red, indicating that both excess heat and
excess cold are being expelled. Because of the dynamic relationship between the two, an








The Temazcal is a powerful therapy in the treatment of many illnesses and complaints, both acute
and chronic. One of the most common uses of the Temazcal however, a use of the sweat bath that
is peculiar to Mexico and astonishes everyone the first time that they come across it, is for women's
conditions related to menstruation, infertility, pregnancy, childbirth and the traditional forty day
In traditional classification of conditions, most problems associated with the female reproductive
system are considered to be caused by cold, and for these, the Temazcal has wonderfully warming
effect. It heats ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus, and 'moves' the hormonal system. A series of
sweat baths are done using herbs of a hot nature, appropriate for these problems, such as
'chapulistle', 'santa maria', and 'pericon'. Women bathe in the Temazcal to regulate almost any

While bathing in the Temazcal is generally not recommended during menstruation itself, its regular
use is helpful in premenstrual syndrome, pain, irregularity, depression accompanying the period,
and ovarian cysts, as well as infertility. We know of quite a number of "Temazcal babies". These
were all born to women who came to the sweat bath for other reasons, and later confided that they
had been trying to get pregnant for some time without success; the Temazcal had cured them of
In the case of ovarian cysts, for example, we treated a your woman, recently, whose cyst on an
ovary was, according to the medical reports, larger in volume than her uterus. She went through a
series of baths in the Temazcal, at the end of which, the cyst had been reduced to a fifth of the size
that had been originally reported, and undesired operation had been avoided.



Several observations seem required in relation to this case. The first is that it required, for positive
results, a series of baths. That is almost invariably the case when a serious medical condition is
being treated; a single bath or a few baths is rarely sufficient. In this case, along with the medicinal
plants that were used in the bath itself, others were prescribed to be taken by the patient between
baths. Additionally, as a supportive therapy, acupuncture was administered. A correct combination
of additional therapies along with a series of steam baths, has turned out to be, in our experience,
The Temazcal is also widely used during pregnancy and in childbirth, although for these purposes,
it is not made quite as hot as it usually is. Births are often attended inside the warm Temazcal by a
traditional midwife. Not only does the warmth help to speed labor but the baby is then born into an
environment that is not so radically different from that from whence it came. The Mexican people, it
seems. had 'birth without violence' long before it had to be re-invented in our time.
During pregnancy, massage may be performed on the mother inside the bath, taking advantage of
the muscular relaxation produced by the heat, to manipulate externally a fetus that is in a bad
position or is causing discomfort to the pregnant woman. The hot bath can be used to speed up a
birth that is going slowly or to make labor stronger and more regular. It help to reduce blood less
after birth. Following childbirth, the mother may take a Temazcal 'too warm the womb' that has been
exposed too cold during the birthing, too calm the post partum pains, to speed the discharge of
loquia and toxins, to prevent pospurpeal fever and to promote the flow of milk. Often, the infant is






In the indigenous cultures of the United States the sweat baths are usually temporary structures; in
central and southern Mexico they are usually permanent, although sometimes a temporary structure
is a thrown up for some special occasion. Often they are circular in shape, quit like the bread ovens
still seen in the villages, with a domed roof symbolizing the heavens. Occasionally, they are
rectangular or square. They are made of 'adobe' bricks, stone, unbaked brick, mud and wattle,
wood, or dug into the earth, pretty much in the same way as they were made more than 500 years
ago. Clavijero said of the ancient Temazcals, "The Temazcal is most commonly made of unbaked
brick... Its diameter is around eight feet [referring to the human foot] and the entrance has the
height that a man may enter on his knees". The Temazcals discovered in the ruins of Xochicalco,
Piedras Negras, Palenque and Teotenango are luxurious buildings of stone plastered with stucco



And so, the Temazcal is a room small enough and low enough to preserve heat. It may be round or
rectangular and it is rarely high enough for a person to stand up in. The reason for this is that heat

rises, and it is hard to maintain the heat and steam in the lower part where the bathers are if the
The door is quite small and low for the obvious reason of loss of heat as well as for the more
symbolic role that it plays --re-entry into the womb. The shape of the Temazcal also has to do with
the control of heat; a round or domed structure has fewer spaces or corners for the heat to escape
to, and also has a very nice feel inside. It has the added advantage over a flat ceiling of a little more
height in the center for moving around, without increasing greatly the cubic space inside.
The nature of the materials used in the making of the Temazcal is very important. 'Hot' materials, or,
at the very least, materials which are not 'cold' are preferred. While we may not have instruments to
measure such things, they are within our everyday experience. For example, we have all tasted the
difference between a muffin which has been heated in the oven and one which has been heated in
the microwave: the temperature of each is the same, but the flavor is different. Symbolically, the
Temazcal calls into play the elements of fire and earth, but these elements play a therapeutic role
as well as symbolic. The heat created by a wood fire is of a different nature (it is hotter, or more
yang) that of electricity, for example. Cement is colder that brick which is coincide than adobe. Just
try placing your bare foot on brick and then on cement one cold morning and you will feel the
difference. Metal is also very cold in nature. Hence stone or adobe are the preferred materials of
The Temazcal, then, is generally a small structure; commonly, a round one, just big enough for two
people to lie down in, or for four seated, will measure some 2 meters in diameter (about 6 1/2 feet).
The height is nearly 5 feet. There is a traditional way to measure these dimensions: you hold a
string to the center of your chest (where the heart is) with one hand and hold in to the side with the
arm outstretched with the other. This will give the radius of a round Temazcal, or half the length of a
A temporary or semi-permanent Temazcal may be thrown up very quickly, using flexible branches
or bamboo to make the frame. Twelve branches is the traditional number, representing the twelve
levels of the celestial dome. These are planted in a circle and fastened together at the top, with an
external ring added halfway up, to which each branch is fastened in order to add support. A hole,
called the umbilicus, is dug in the center to receive the hot stones (these are heated in a fire built
outside). This frame once in place is then covered over with blankets or canvas. The simplest way
is with blankels, although these absorb a let of the steam and so it may be necessary to douse the
hot rocks with tea with some frequency. Woven straw mats, easily found in Mexico, makes a better
Another simple way is to cover the frame with mud and wattle. Boughs are woven into the frame
and slithered with a mud made from as clayey an earth as you can find, and mixed with straw --just
the way that Hebrews did it in ancient Egypt before they were punished by Pharaoh. This mixture
may be made more resistant to water by mixing in the slime from chopped cactus leaves that have
been put to soak, or by using the water (called 'nejallote') in which the corn has been cooked before
it is ground to make the dough for 'tortillas'. A little experimenting with the mixture can lead to a very
durable finish. Anther traditional way to the frame is by thatching it with palm fronds. A good
thatched roof can last for several years. A clay pot is often turned upside down on the peak to
protect it because it is difficult to seal the thatched peak well otherwise. Blankets hung over the
entrance make a door that seals well, and is easy to enter and exit through them.
For a more permanent structure, stone, brick or adobe may be used. There are a few details which
must be taken into account. The first is that it is preferable not to use metal or rebar in the structure
if it can be safely avoided; metal and cement are considered cold in traditional thought, and may
affect energy flow wood is a good substitute. A brick floor is easier to maintain than wood (and
without the danger of fire), while not as cold in nature as cement. Another consideration is the
placement of the door, and of the fireplace if this is to be integrated into the Temazcal. If the
fireplace is not to be built into the structure, a hole is made in the floor on one side or in the center

of the Temazcal. It is best to build the bath next to the room which will be used for resting
Some Temazcal are constructed which an integral fireplace, the backside of which protrudes into
the Temazcal. In this way, the heated stones are already in place. The disadvantage of this method
is that with repeated heating and cooling, cracks are almost certain to develop between the stones,



Another method is to heat the stones separately and introduce then into the hole dug in the center
or to one side in the Temazcal. Ideally, this can be done in a fire place which shares a wall with the
Temazcal, thereby warming the inside of the bath somewhat so that the structure is not cold upon
initiating the bath. The stones may also be heated separately. At one time, we heated them in our
small wood-fired stone and mud bread oven. We would prepare bread dough before entering the
sweat bath, and close up the oven after taking out the stones to let it cool down enough to bake our
bread. After the rest period, we formed the loaves and baked the bread.







The selection of the stones for heating is very important. These will be heated to red hot and then
doused with water, so they must be stones that will withstand such changes in temperature without
cracking or exploding. We often use volcanic rock, and always avoid stones from the river. The
construction of the interior wall of the fireplace must be carefully done so that construction of the
interior wall of the fireplace must be carefully done so that cracks do not form with use, allowing
It is important to remember to leave a vent hole a couple of inches wide in the ceiling for use in
airing the Temazcal. This is used sometimes during the bath to lower the temperature, to clear
smoke if some should have entered, or to clear out the 'humors' left behind after a bath.

Regresar al ndice de Tlahui-Medic No. 2



III/III. Preparation of the Temazcal...
Dr. Horacio Rojas Alba
Instituto Mexicano de Medicinas Tradicionales Tlahuilli A.C.

III/III: Temazcal method. If the Temazcal is the type that has a fireplace on one side, the fire is
made there. Otherwise, the stones are heated in a pit by placing them on firewood, covering them
with more wood, and stoking the fire until they are as hot as possible. Meanwhile, the Temazcal is
prepared by placing leaves, mats or low benches inside for the people to sit or lie on. A tea is
prepared with which to make the steam. Herbs that may be used for purpose include eucalyptus,
rosemary, mugwart, or other warming or stimulating herbs (pericon is one of our favorites), and the
bucket of tea is placed, still hot, inside the Temazcal along with a cup with which to dip it out. A
couple of buckets of cold water are also placed inside at the last minute, along with a dish with
which to dip it out and pour over the bathers to bring down body heat and make possible several
cycles of sweating. An herbal tea should be prepared for drinking afterwards. This may be a tea
selected for a specific condition or may be a general tea for all, such as chamomille, sassafras,







use palo



brasil or toronjil.

Aloe juice spread on the body and face just before entering the bath does wonders for the skin and
Finally, herbal branches must be gathered to be used inside the Temazcal for directing the heat.
The choice depends on the season and region, but eucalyptus, mullein, or the leaf of the castor
A vegetable or chicken soup may be prepared to be eaten after the bath and rest period. Sheets
must be gathered and placed near the entrance to the Temazcal to receive the bathers and the
When all is prepared, it is time to arrange the stones. In the case of a Temazcal with a fireplace, the
remaining fire is usually pulled out in order to prevent any smoke from entering the Temazcal
through cracks that might exist in the internal wall, and the entrance to the fireplace is covered to
prevent loss of heat. If the stones were heated outside, they are picked up with a shovel and
carefully placed inside the Temazcal in the hole that was prepared to receive them. Often, a piece
of resinous incense (copal is traditionally used) is dropped on at least the first stone to ritually purify
the inside of the bath. When all this is done, the Temazcal is aired to remove any vestiges of smoke
that may remain. This is done by opening the airhole at the top and leaving the door open while



Now, with the teas prepared and in place, the bunch of the herbs and buckets of cold water inside,
the fire punt out and the stones in place, the Temazcal aired out, and sheets at hand near the door,
In preparation for the Temazcal, we often fast for a day, or half a day. Certainly, one must not enter
the bath until a couple of hours have passed since eating, and never after a heavy meal. The
Temazcal is entered naked. Cotton underwear may be used for modesty's sake, but it does prevent
the heat from reaching the covered parts with the same intensity. Inside, the bath may be taken
sitting on a low bench or lying down. The floor of the Temazcal may be covered with a woven straw




When the bathers have settled down and have begun to feel comfortable with the dark and the
warmth (and not until then), the temazcalera will throw a cup of hot herbal tea on the hot rocks to
create a blast of fragrant steam which deliciously envelops the body. Those who had still not begun
to sweat now begging. Initially, it will take a series of throwing tea on the rocks to create and
maintain the heat and level of humidity of the Temazcal. Once this is reached, the temperature and
steam are maintained or manipulated in the same manner with more occasional dousing of the
rocks, it is important to wait for steam to abate a little before throwing more tea on the stones, both
in order to gauge the temperature and effect attained, and in order not cool the stones too much.
There are some who feel uncomfortable at first with the reduced space and the heat inside the
Temazcal. Usually a few deep and relaxing breaths will help to allay this initial reaction. Lying down
also helps, in part because the floor is cooler than the upper parts and in part because the prone
position helps to relax. If is the job of the Temazcalera to put bathers at ease, but it is strongly
recommended that the Temazcal be a quiet place where one is drawn back into oneself.



After a short time has passed, the Temazcal being to manipulate the heat with branches of herbs.
By passing the herbs near the ceiling, he or she can bring down the heat in order to make it uniform
throughout the Temazcal or direct it towards a certain part of the body by fanning. Or the herbs may
be used to do what is called a 'leafing', where the bather is gently beaten with the herbal branches.
The heat that these herbs bring to the body is remarkable! Although it already felt very hot in the
bath, these gentle herbal beatings bring much more heat. In the case of eached and pains, this
additional heat feels very sooting. In this way, the affected area of the body is treated specifically by
Sometimes an herbal tea is used to wash the affected area, or a massage may be done. Col water
may be used over the body, including the head, while inside the Temazcal. This may be done
therapeutically to cool off the outside of the body, shrinking superficial blood vessels in order to
exercise them, and allowing them to swell again with the heat. It is often recommended just before
leaving a Temazcal that has been very hot in order to assure that the heat does not rise to the head
afterwards (the head should also be doused with the cold water). This 'closes the pores' white at the
The length of time spent inside the Temazcal varies greatly, depending on the heat of the bath, the
constitution of the individual, and the condition that is being treated. It is entirely an individual
matter, and even may vary from bath to bath for same person. When one feels impelled to leave, it



Traditionally, one leaves a Temazcal by crawling our backwards, to be received by a cotton sheet
and led to a place to lie down and rest, well covered. Now, one of the most therapeutic parts of the
Mexican sweatbath beings. While the bath may have lasted twenty minutes (or ten or thirty),
sweating may continue for another hour, thus increasing the therapeutic detoxifying effect of the
bath. As much warm herbal tea as is desired may be drunk at this time.



Only when the body has stopped sweating should one get up and get dressed. Here, it is important
to be well covered and to avoid 'aires', as the Mexicans say, or drafts (open car windows, for
example). As the 'pores' of the body have been opened, care must be taken not to get cold during
the succeeding twenty four hours. It is also important not to sat or drink col foods nor to eat too
heavily. Finally, some recommended not bathe for a day after wards, others say that it is permitted
as long as it is done with warm (no scalding nor cold) water and care is taken with drafts afterwards.

Cantos Universales de
Sanacion y Purificacion.

Asi cantamos en la
ceremonia de temazcalli
En tus ojos de agua infinita
se baan las estrellitas. Mam

Agua de luz, agua de estrellas Pachamama vienes del cielo.

Lava, lava
lava corazn agua quemada
sana, sana,
sana corazn agua sagrada
Limpia, limpia,
limpia corazn, agua brillante
calma, calma,
calma corazn, agua quemante.
Mam (bis)
Asi lo cantan nuestros
hermanos cordilleranos

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