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Oil mixes with runoff from Murphy resident who is a member of the group Councilman-at-Large Wayne Landry amounts of mold throughout the
during historic rain Concerned Citizens Around Murphy, as its legislator of the year in 2009. historic St. Bernard Parish courthouse
spoke to the St. Bernard Parish Council Landry, elected to the council in on St. Bernard Highway.
Residents who live near the Murphy
Dec. 15 on the matter, insisting that the October 2008, has championed the push In order to treat and remove the
Oil refinery in Meraux reported a
refmery identify "sustainable solutions" to build a new hospital in St. Bernard. mold, the courthouse will have to
mirky, pungent discharge in the 20 be vacated. Parish officials are still
Arpent Canal following the historic for coping with severe rain events. Prior to serving on the Hospital Service
downpours Dec. 12. Reports indicate Representatives from Murphy were District, Landry served as the liaison to fmalizing details for where to house
the discharge was an oil-water mix asked to give a report to the council the district. courthouse staff and activities for what
'released from the refinery due to the Dec. 15 but declined, citing pending After receiving the award at the could be a year-long relocation.
litigation. Murphy representatives Alliance's annual gala event, Landry The storied courthouse sat in
heavy rains.
reported to parish officials the refinery was fast to draw attention to his fellow floodwaters for weeks after Hurricane
The Louisiana Department of
was in the process of implementing a . councilmen. "Everything we do is not Katrina. After the storm, the courthouse
Environment Quality was notified
corrective action plan. as individuals but as a group," Landry was never fully remediated for mold.
of the issue the following morning.
A representative from Murphy was said. The recent mold discovery came as
Cleanup crews worked Dec. 13-14 to not available for comment.
remove the oily residue from the canal. Landry, a longtime business leader part of a lengthy planning process for
in the New Orleans area, operates a FEMA-funded renovation of the
Residents reported allergic reactions to Local group names Landry Ferncrest Manor in New Orleans East.
the strong chemical smell. building. The courthouse has been the
top legislator in 2009
center of the parish's judicial system
The refinery is allowed to discharge Mold discovered at
storm water during rain events, but The Alliance for Good Government, since its completion in 1939.
parish courthouse The courthouse is the work of Solis
a spokesman for the refinery did not an agency dedicated to promoting
policies and candidates for the benefit A recent mold study funded by Seifert, who also designed the state
immediately know why oil had mixed
with rain water. of the New Orleans Metropolitan Area, the Federal Emergency Management capitol building in Baton Rouge and
Suzanne Kneale, a Meraux recently named St. Bernard Parish Agency(FEMA )discoveredsignificant Charity Hospital in New Orleans.

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