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ISSN: 2312-7694

Nasir et al. / International Journal of Computer and Communication System Engineering (IJCCSE)

SCTUR: A Sentiment Classification Technique for URDU

Nasir Gul
Institute of Engineering & Information Technology
University of Science & Technology, Bannu

Abstract: Sentiment analysis is an important current

research area. The demand for sentiment analysis and
classification is growing day by day; this paper presents
a novel method to classify Urdu documents as
previously no work recorded on sentiment classification
for Urdu text. We consider the problem by determining
whether the review or sentence is positive, negative or
neutral. For the purpose we use two machine learning
methods Nave Bayes and Support Vector Machines
(SVM) . Firstly the documents are preprocessed and the
sentiments features are extracted, then the polarity has
been calculated, judged and classify through Machine
learning methods.

are also such systems to process messages; for

example, one may use the opinion information sort
out and remove flames[1].

Keywords: Machine Learning methods, Sentiment

Classification, SVM, Naive Bayes

In this article, we proposed a novel approach to

classify Urdu documents as previously no work
recorded on sentiment classification for Urdu text.
We consider the problem by determining whether the
review or sentence is positive, negative or neutral.
For the purpose we use two machine learning
methods Nave Bayes and Support Vector machines
[3, 4]. Firstly the documents are preprocessed and the
sentiments features are extracted, then the polarity
has been calculated, judged and classify through
Machine Learning methods [4]. The working of
applying machine learning. This is still a challenge
that system is different from the traditional topicbased classification [5] is that topics are sometimes
identified by keywords only, sentiment may be
articulated in a more controlled mode. So, despite of
the fact of depending on our findings collected from
machine learning techniques, we also investigate the
problem to add a improved understanding of how
hard it is to be done for Urdu language.

Today, people are trying to get opinion information
and examine it automatically with computers. As we
can see, there are massive amount of information
generated from users all over the world on the
Internet in various languages. The roles of these
languages are also very important. The researchers
are working how to better organize this information
in special languages on the web.
Sentiment classification is a key subject in this area
focusing on determining a documents overall
sentimental orientation. It divides the documents into
three-class: positive, negative or neutral. Standard
classification techniques based on machine learning,
such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Maximum
Entropy (ME) and Nave Bayes (NB) [ 3, 4, 5] are
commonly used in classification problems. The
sentiment classification results show that the SVM is
better than all the other classification techniques. But
all eyes on accuracy rate that is achieved in
classification. Sentiment classification is helpful in
business intelligence system and the intelligent
detection systems , The Tetamure system which
states one can enter the input and the results can be
obtained quickly. It is worth mentioning that, there

In recent years, the tradition of using native language

on web and people like to right blogs, reviews and
commentaries in these native languages. Urdu
language spoken is basically come into existence in
11th Century [1]. Urdu is 4th most commonly spoken
language in the world, after Mandarin, English and
Spanish with 60 to 70 million speakers [1]. Urdu has
38 alphabets [1].



Some of Research work concentrates on classifying

documents according to their source or source style,
with statistically-based stylistic variation [3] helping
as an significant cue. Examples include author,
publisher (e.g., the Daily Mashriq vs. The Daily
Jang), native-language environment, and (e.g., highbrowsed vs. popular, or low-browsed) [4].Another,
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2014, IJCCSE All Rights Reserved

Vol. 1 No.03 October 2014

ISSN: 2312-7694
Nasir et al. / International Journal of Computer and Communication System Engineering (IJCCSE)
extra linked area of research is that of significant the
genre of texts; subjective genres, Such as editorial,
are often one of the potential categories [6]. Other
work explicitly attempt to find out features
representing that subjective language is being used
[7] . Past work on sentiment-based categorization of
entire documents has frequently concerned also the
utilization of models encouraged by cognitive
linguistics [8] or the manual or semi-manual
construction of discriminate-word lexicons [9][10]
The early work on sentiment-based classification has
been at least some-how knowledge-based. Few
authors pay attention on classifying the semantic
orientation of individual words or phrases, using
linguistic method or a pre-selected set of seed terms
P. D. Turney. [12] Introduces an approach that
calculates the average semantic orientation of the
phrases in the online reviews. B. Pang, L. Lee, and S.
Vaithyanathan [13] work on the comparison of three
ML methods (Naive Bayes, maximum entropy
classification, and SVM) for sentiment classification
task. . Norlela Samsudin et. Al [14] work on
improving the precision of opinion mining of web
messages of the language called Rojak. They
introduces an approach MyTNA which emphases on
several pre-processing techniques and a feature
selection technique named FS-INS improve the result
of opinion mining using Naive Bayesian , Neural
Networks as the classifiers.
As literature is available work on other languages
like Chinese, bangle, Hindi but no literature were
found for any such type of work on Urdu language.


Sentiment Classification


Sentiment Feature Extraction

and Selection
Sentiment Polarity



Training Data Set



A) Preprocessing
In preprocessing step, the Morphological analysis and
syntactical analysis [9] both will be carried out on the
Urdu text. Morphological analysis will give depiction
of the arrangement of morphemes and other units of
sense in a language like words, affixes and parts of
speech. While syntactical analysis will decide Urdu
language grammatical structure.
The steps and tasks that will be enclosed in the
preprocessing step will be Tokenization [8],
stemming [9] , Parts of speech tagging[9] and phrase

B) Sentiment Classification
i) Sentiment Feature Extraction and Selection
As we are working on Urdu language text sentiment
features extraction and selection, the understanding
of various sentimental words and phrases must be
also there, as there are many idioms and opinionated
sentences in Urdu texts, so training modules must be
trained according to that fashion. Vocabulary and
phrase is the vital fundamentals of a distinctive text
and there is reliability with the occurrence of each
term in unrelated documents. So we can use it to
make out documents which have dissimilar contents.
Text feature vectors [7, 11] are obtain from side to
side algorithms of language segmentation and
statistical approach of term frequency. The aspect of
the vector is huge by using this approach .If no
consent is done to the unique text vector , the vector
calculate operating cost will be wonderful and the
competency of the whole process will be beyond
belief unproductive[11]. Therefore, we require to
process the text vector for additional refinement on
the basis of that the original sense is ensured and the
feature vector is rather compact. Extracting text
features is a NP-complete problem. It will help to
extract the opinion features without disturbing the
meaning of the sentence and word because in Urdu
language many words when position in the sentence
changed [1] meaning of that displaced word and
whole sentence also changed. Lot of models can be
used like word frequency models, semantic
sequencing model but we will Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) algorithm in our model.[6, 8, 11]
Urdu Sentiment Feature extraction and classification
is a difficult task, In general we start off with a large
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2014, IJCCSE All Rights Reserved


Vol. 1 No.03 October 2014

ISSN: 2312-7694
Nasir et al. / International Journal of Computer and Communication System Engineering (IJCCSE)
number of words that is required for consideration
and we know that few of them are expressing
sentiments. These large number of words have two
main drawbacks that we have to remove one is they
make classification process slower and also will
effect accuracy.
This is the reason we used features extraction and
selection module that with less information it classify
quickly. Feature selection is the process of not
assuming the features [8]which is not necessary. So
when the features will be extracted than it will be
In this paper, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
algorithm for the features extraction and positive
maximal match segmentation based on dictionary for
the Text Feature selection will be used as integrated

There are few types of Machine Learning Methods [5]

available. The two methods that will be used in our
model is discussed as:

A) Support vector machines for sentiment

SVMs is extremely booming at predictable text
categorization, which usually outperform Naive
Bayes (joachims 98) SVMs look for a hyperplane[5]
stated by vector
that divide the positive and
negative training vectors [5,6] of documents with
almost maximum margin Figure 1.

ii. Sentiment Polarity Calculation

The polarity of entire document is calculated based
on the polarity of all the sentiment features in it. If
polarity is greater than 0, the document is positive; if
it is smaller than 0, the document is negative; if
polarity is 0 polarity is Neutral. Baseline method is
trouble-free and simple. It is already used to
determine the polarity of many documents of various
languages. It will work better for positive documents.
However, it can be improve by considering other
factors like sentiment words and the context
information which affect the sentiment polarity and
also effect the polarity score. E.g. in Urdu high is
positive and when we use it as high moral than it is
positive but when we used as high prices is
Although we can use several methods to forecast the
polarity of a word, the forecasted polarity may not
precise as we require. In natural language, the context
information has a key impact on the meaning of
words. For instance, if a word is surrounded by
positive words, its polarity is frequently positive too.
Therefore, the need for polarity adjustment methods
always there which may not only calculates the
semantic polarity of the word itself, but also
considers its context information with the impact that
nearby sentiment feature words take on it.
Then the sentence or document will be ranked as
Positive, negative or neutral according to the trained
datasets and their polarity scores.


Fig. 1. A maximum margin classifier of SVM

Findings in this hyper plane are capable of to be

translate into a controlled optimization problem.
Let yi equal +1(1), if document di is in class +().

obtained by solving a 2-fold optimization
problem[5]. Eq. 2 show that the resultant weight
vector of the hyper plane is constructed as a linear
combination of . Only those examples that insert
to which the coefficient i is larger than 0. Those
vectors are called support vectors, since they are
the only document vectors contributing to .[5]


Naive Bayes

Approach to text classification is to allocate to a

specified document d the class c = arg maxc P(c |
d). We receive the Naive Bayes (NB) classifier by
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2014, IJCCSE All Rights Reserved

Vol. 1 No.03 October 2014

ISSN: 2312-7694
Nasir et al. / International Journal of Computer and Communication System Engineering (IJCCSE)
first observing that by Bayes rule, P(c | d) =
P(c)P(d | c) P(d) ,
where P(d) plays no position in selecting c. To
estimate the term P(d | c), Naive Bayes [5]
decomposes it by assuming the fis are
conditionally independent given ds
class: PNB(c | d) := P(c) Qm i=1 P(fi | c)ni(d)
P(d) .
Our training method consists of relative-frequency
estimation of P(c) and P(fi | c), using add-one
Smoothing. [5]
In spite of its ease and the reality that its restrictive
independence supposition noticeably does not grasp
in real-world situation, Naive Bayes-based text
categorization [5,6] still tend to perform
surprisingly fine (Lewis, 1998); to be sure,
Domingos and Pazzani (1997) demonstrate that
Naive Bayes is a large amount favorable for certain
problem classes with exceptionally dependent
features. On the other hand, additional sophisticated
algorithms might (and often do) yield better results.

Sentiment Analysis is a very burning topic in text
analytics and research has been ongoing for several
years. In this paper, the demand for sentiment
analysis and classification is growing day by day;
this paper presents a novel approach to classify
Urdu documents as previously no work recorded on
sentiment classification for Urdu text. We consider
the problem by determining whether the review or
sentence is positive, negative or neutral. For the
purpose we use two machine learning methods
Nave Bayes and Support Vector Machines. Firstly
the documents are preprocessed and the sentiments
features are extracted, then the polarity has been
calculated, judged and classify through Machine
Learning methods [15]. We proposed a Model for
Sentiment classification of Urdu Documents as no
work has been recorded. Hence we present a model
and a guideline that we can proceed further and to
develop a standard mechanism/technique for the
purpose. We also try to achieve different goals
through machine learning techniques and also
problems in these models with respect to Urdu
Language. Next phase we will work on the

implementation of this model and these techniques

and in third phase work on evaluation of results
will be done.
This work is to motivate the researchers studying
this problem of Sentiment classification of Urdu
text; it is probable to construct trade potency
systems in the near future.

[2] Choi,Kim,Myaeng,Detecting Opinions and their
Opinion Targets in NTCIR-8 Proceedings of
NTCIR-8 Workshop Meeting, June 1518, 2010,
Tokyo, Japan
[3] Hironori , Kusui, Three-Phase Opinion Analysis
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[4] L Lee, S Vaithyanathan, Thumbs up?: sentiment
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[6] A Abbasi, H Chen, Sentiment analysis in
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[8] P. D. Turney. Thumbs up or thumbs down?
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[10] Jun ,Sheen,Liu, song A new text feature
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[11] Rui , Xiong, Song, A Sentiment Classification
Method for Chinese Document The 5th International
Conference on Computer Science & Education Hefei,
China. August 2427, 2010

100 | P a g e
2014, IJCCSE All Rights Reserved

Vol. 1 No.03 October 2014

ISSN: 2312-7694
Nasir et al. / International Journal of Computer and Communication System Engineering (IJCCSE)
[12] P. D. Turney, Thumbs up or thumbs down?
Semantic orientation applied to unsupervised
classification of reviews. In Proc. of the 40th ACL
Conf., pages 417424, 2002.
[13] B. Pang, L. Lee, and S. Vaithyanathan, Thumbs
up? Sentiment classification using machine learning
techniques. In Proc. of the 2002 ACL EMNLP Conf.,
pages 7986, 2002.

[14] Norlela Samsudin, Mining Opinion in

Online Messages, (IJACSA) International Journal of
Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol.
4, No. 8, 2013.
[15] Yi et al, Sentiment Analyzer: Extracting
sentiments about a Given Topic using Natural
language Processing Techniques. ICDM 2003.

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Vol. 1 No.03 October 2014

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