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r n a t i o n a l M a g a z i n e of


JUNE, 1960


Gods Church is leaping ahead as never before! Many vital new
developments have occurred recently, inclzrding the ordinatioiz
of eight new ministers, together with other Local elders, deacons
and deaconesses!
by Garner Ted Armstrong
is some really GOOD NEWS!
Jesus said, Herein is My
Father glorified-that you bear
itzirch fruit-so
shall ye be My disciples (John 15:s).
And really great fruit is being born
by Ambassador College and the
Church of God!


Ordination Service
At the Sabbath day services in the
Shakespeare Club in Pasadena, on June
4th, Mr. Armstrong, accompanied by
other ministers at the Headquarters
Church, held a wonderful ordination

This brought to a total of eight the

number of new preaching elders to be
ordained in the Church of God within
the last few weeks! The previous Sabbath, May 28th, Mi-. Hal Baird, formerly of the Corpus Christi, Texas Church,
was ordained as a preaching elder. Mr.
Baird had to be ordained the Sabbath
before some of the other men so he
could leave to assist Mr. Raymond Cole
in the churches at Eugene and Salem,
and to be a help in the Pacific Northwest
area on the day of Pentecost.
The Pasadena Church was deeply
moved and very grateful for Mr. Bairds
ordination, and for the real growth and
spiritual zeal he has evidenced. Originally, he was asked to attend Ambassador College for a year or two by my

brother, Mr. Richard Armstmng, who

felt Mr. Baird might be qualified to
become a local elder in the Corpus
Christi Church after a year or two at
Ambassador. However, because of Mr.
Bairds unusual spiritual zeal and his
really humble, meek attitude, he spent
a full three years at Ambassador College-and,
having accomplished much
more than was really expected of himwas ordained as a full minister, with the
rank of preaching elder, and sent to
help pastor the Eugene and Salem
The following Sabbath, June 4th,
saw a very lengthy ordiriation service
with seven more ministers of God being
set apart by the laying on of hands.
Mr. Leroy Neff, formerly holding the
office of a local elder in the Pasadena
Headquarters Church, was the first to
be ordained. Mr. Neff, who is now
graduated from Ambassador College,
has been fulfilling a vitally important
part in Gods work as head of the large
mail receiving departments, which he
has now mostly delegated to other responsible men under him, and also
preaching in various other churches in
the southern California area, and has
been the pastor of a church at Long
Next, Mr. Albert Portune, also having held the office of local elder in the
Pasadena Church, was ordained. Mr.
Portune was Student Body President of

the class of 1960, and has been seiviiig

as my personal executive assistant-in
addition to carrying heavy respnsibilities of preaching in the churches here in
southern California, helping with evangelistic campaigns, and other ministerial
duties. Mr. Portune and Mr. Neff will
be taking a short baptizing tour
through northern California and Oregon later this summer.
Mr. Dale Hampton was the next ordained. Mr. Hampton, who has had tu
suffer many personal tragedies, including the loss of two children, has been
a real example of deep spiritual humility and submissiveness to all who
know him. Mr. Hamptons power as a
preacher has been improving so rapidly that he was selected to pastor the
very large church in Portland, Oregon.
Next ordained was Mr. John David
(Tony) Hammer. Tony, as all of
his friends affectionately call him, is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hammer of
Gladewater, Texas. Tony and his competent wife Natalie are now serving,
as you read this article, in the new
Australian office under Mr. Gerald
Waterhouse. Tony has been a real inspiration to other students i n the real
consecration and dedication to Gods
work he has displayed, together with
an unusually humble and yielded
Many of you brethren will recall
his inspiring sermonettes a t the Days

June, 1960


Page 2

International magazine of

nrinis/erina / o ils members
srnllered abrond



Herbert W. Armstrong
Puldirher and E h o r
Garner Ted Armstrong
Executive Editor

Herman L. Hoeh
illanagtng Editor
Roderick C. Meredith
Associate Ediror
Address communications to the Editor,
Box 1 1 1, Pasadena, California.
Copyright, June, 1960
By the Radio Church of God
Be sure to notify us immediately of
change of address.

Unleavened Bread in Gladewater.

The head of our large Letter Answering Department, Dr. Clint Zimmerman, was the next minister ordained.
D r . %immermans office is one which
renIIy should require a person fully
qua!ified to be oiic of Gods ministers.
His ministry is probably reaching f a r
nzore people than A N Y of our other
local pastors! Dr. Zimmerman personally supervises answers for many
tliuusatids of our interested readers and
listeners, including many of the coworkers and even some of you brethren.
His ordination was a real thrill to the
Pasadena Church and all those who
have known Dr. Zimmerman, and witnessed his remarkable spiritual growth.
Then the ministers laid hands on
Mr. David Antion, former Student
Body President and a graduate of Anibassador College in 1959. Mr. Antion
has been assisting Mr. Raymond Cole
in the churches in Oregon for the past
school year. Mr. Antion and his wife,
Molly ( formerly Molly Hammer, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hammer of
Gladewater) have been a well-loved
and useful couple in serving God and
His people in the Portland Church
through the past months. Mr. Antion
and his wife, Molly, will be helping
Mr. David Jon Hill raise up the two
new churches in Oklahoma this summer, and Mr. Antion will remain there
;LS the pastor of thcsc- two newest

churches o f God.

Ncxr ordained was


man who has set

;ui inspiring example o f personal sacri-

lice, and a deep dedication to the serv-

ice of Christ. Mr. Roger Foster, a real

spiritual leader among the student body
prior to his graduation in 1959, has
been assisting Mr. Burk McNair in the
churches in Denver, Pueblo and Garden
City during the past school year. Roger
has been on two extensive baptizing
tours in the past, and is now, as you
read this, leading another baptizing
tour, his third, assisted by Mr. Carn
Catherwood, an advanced student at
Ambassador College.
These eight men represent an additional, powerful, moving spiritual FORCE
for Gods Church!
I wonder, brethren, if we realzze just
how much these men really m e u n to all
of us?
It is truly a heartwarming, soul-stirring and gratifying experience to see
men whose lives have been literally
CHANGEMonformed to Gods willmade light side up, and who have
grown enough in spiritual stature to be
ordained as the ministers of the living
Another Ordination Service
Perhaps it has not yet been made
publicly known, but there was a very
gratifying ordination ceremony taking
place in the Pittsbargh Church on the
Sabbath prior to the Passover!
Mr. Wayne Cole, pastor of the Pittsburgh and Akron churches, ordained
Mr. Robert Hoops, who had been a
student at Ambassador College for four
years and who graduated in 1959. Mr.
Hoops was ordained as a local elder in
the Pittsburgh Church. Then, on Sabbath, May 28th, additional local cldcrs
were ordained in the Headquarters
Church at Pasadena. Mr. A1 Dennis,
formerly the head of the Transportation
Department, and lately assisting in the
large visiting program in the Pasadena
Church, was ordained as local elder.
Mr. James Kunz, who has been a member of Gods true Church for many
years, and formerly a pillar in the
Church in Portland, Oregon and will
be entering his senior year at Ambassador College this fall. Mr. Selmer
Hegvold, who has been working in the
cabinet making shop, and lately assisting in the visiting program in Pasadena, was also set apart as a local elder
in the Pasadena Church.
Next, Mr. Sidncy Hcgvold, who is
Selmers brother, was ordained as a
deacon in the Pasadena Church, together with Mr. James Duke and Mr.
Keith Thomas of the Pasadena Church.
All three of these men have been serving in the office of a deacon for quite
some time-and
it was a gratifying ceremony to see their services and abilities
officially recognized, and the office of
deacon bestowed upon each of them.

New, three of the fine ladies of the

Pasadena Church were ordained as
deaconesses! Mrs. Myrtle Horn, who,
through her abilities and particular
rdlt.llIS, I l d S bt.t.11 Se1t.CLt.d a S Lhe hOuSe
mother (warden) for Ambassador College in the United Kingdom, was set
apart as a deaconess. Mrs. C. 0. Battles,
who has been a quiet inspiration to all
in the Pasadena Church through her
willing services to the sick and afflicted,
her attendance and help to many new
mothers, and her services in every respect whenever called upon, was next
ordained. Then, Mrs. Irene Eckert, who
has been serving as pianist and organist in the Pasadena Church, and also at
the Feast of Tabernacles, was ordained
as a deaconess. Mr. Eckert, Mrs. Eckerts
husband, was ordained as a deacon
several years ago.

New Churches in Oklahoma

The brethren living in and around
Tulsa and Oklahoma City received some
really good n e w s recently-when
got a letter telling them of the new
church to be established there!
Mr. David Jon Hill is presently making arrangements for the beginning
services in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.
Mr. David Antion, recently ordained,
will join him in these new churches,
and will assist Mr. Hill during the
summer months. Mr. Hill will then
come to Ambassador College to join
the faculty here, and Mr. Antion will
become the pastor of the two new
churches in Oklahoma. For many years,
we have desperately wanted to establish churches in this heavily populated
area, where many consecrated members
of Gods Church are residing. I am sure
all the brethren in Oklahoma will really
be rejoicing over this good news-and
all the rest of us will be rejoicing with
Baptizing Tours
Dont forget to really PRAY for the
baptizing tours!
In just the last few days, three baptizing teams have left Ambassador College and are now traveling in various
parts of the United States, visiting and
counseling hundreds of potential members of Gods true Church.
Mr. Roger Foster, who was ordained
on June 4th, is being assisted by Mr.
Carn Catherwood, an advanced student
of Ambassador College. These two men
will be touring up into the northern
states ot the United States, and up into
Canada, which is Carns homeland. Mr.
Bill McDowell, accompanied by Mr.
James Wells, mir first English student,
is traveling across the central states,
and will be counseling and visiting people in the great midwestern United

June, 1060

States, and on into the east. Mt. R,onald

Kelly, accompanied by Mr. Carl McNair,
is traveling across the United States
down into Texas and Louisiana, and
will be baptizing many clozeii> u i people in the deep south. These men will
be meeting hundreds of different personalities, meeting adverse weather conditions, be in perils on the highway,
perils from antagonistic, unconverted
mates, and will have to drive themselves
day and nieht, ofrentimes losing meals
and sleep-in order to serve God in this
They desperately need your PRAYEKS!
Kcep this article zuitb yuu. Dour forget the baptizing tours!
Helpers for the Churches
It has been the policy in the past
year or so to send advanced and older
Ambassador College students to become
assistant pastors in some of the local
church areas around the United States.
This year, due to the increased burdens on the shoulders of many of our
local ministers, and the growing church
attendance, we have had to send an
unusually large amount of men to some
of the local pastorates.
Messrs. Richard Pinelli and Clarence
Huse, both senior students of Ambassador College, will be assisting Mr.
Carlton Smith in t h e large New York
City Church, visiting and counseling
with various of the members there during the summer months. Mr. Ronald
Dart and his wife h a v e been sent co Chi-


cago, to assist Mr. Dean Blackwell in

the Chicago, Milwaukee and El Paso,

Illinois churches. Mr. Armstrong reported the astounding number of
about 700 in attendance in the Chicago
Church for Pentecost! Chicago is now
the second largest Church of God on
the face of this earth-and
needs a great deal of help!
Mr. Richard Plache, also a senior
student at Ambassador College, and his
wife are in the Seattle-Tacoma area,
assisting Mr. James Friddle in the
pastoring of those two large and growing churches.
Mr. Burk McNair, who was deprived
of the help of Mr. Roger Foster, who
is now leading a baptizing tour, will
be assisted during the summer months
by Mr. Frank Simpkins, an advanced
student of Ambassador College. Kelly
Barfield, another advanced Ambassador
College student, will be assisting Mr.
Bryce Clark in pastoring the St. Louis
and Springfield, Missouri Churches.
As was previously mentioned, Mr.
Hal Baird will be helping Mr. Cole
take care of the heavy responsibilities of
the churches of Salem and Eugene.
Accompanying Mr. Baird for the summer is Mr. Tommy Blackwell, who is
Mr. Dean Blackwells brother.
As you can see, Gods work is constantly szrrging ahead -growing BURSTING with new energy and strength,
as each local area grows in numbers,
as new churches are raised up, many
hundreds of new members being bap-

M r . Waterhouses office and conference room in Australia. A close-up of the

right wall may be seen on page 1 1 of this issue.

Page 3

tized, and the harvest becollies grt!dWr

and more multiplied!
All of these men really ?wed year
pruyers! These experiences of the coming summer months, of helping to visit,
counsel and baptize the converted ones
who are being called of God, will be
vitally important in forming a real part
of the basic foundation of the spiritual
character in these men.
Evangelistic Campaigns in England
Mr. Roderick C. Meredith and his
wife Margie, now on board ship en
route to London, England, are scheduled to hold a series of vitally important evangelistic campaigns in England
this summer!
I know mosr of you brethren have
already heard of these approaching campaigns-but
we need to be constantly
reminded of the all-encompassing,
world-wide scope of this wonderful
work of God!
Mr. Meredith will be assisted by Mr.
Ernest Martin as song leader and assistant counselor, and Miss Ruth Myrick,
Ambassador Colleges own piano virtuoso as pianist. Mr. Meredith and the
others a r r i v i n g in England will be going
to a veritable Bee Hive of activity.
Mr. Armstrong, who will be in England during the coming summer months
with Mr. Benjamin Rea, who is to be
the principal (Dean) of Ambassador
College in the United Kingdom, will
be constantly busy with the overall decisions in the establishing and the management of this fabulous new British
addition of Ambassador College!
Furniture is being delivered, buildings being altered, the painting and
papering crews working feverishly,
gardening crews busy, library books
being ordered, study desks, tables and
chairs being purchased, the catalog being, prepared and printed, entrance examinations being made up, and all the
myriad other chores necessary for the
almost fantastically difficult task of
establishing a whole college are being
accomplished during these suiiimcr
Here is another major project of the
work of God for this time-and
certainly needs your constant attention and
your earnest and prevailing prayers! Be
sure not to forget the work over in
England, as all of us in the United
States, Australia and elsewhere may
know that our English brethren are not
forgetting us!
Australian Work Leaps Ahead

Mr. Gerald Waterhouse, manager of

the Australian office, and pastor of the
Sydney Church, was very gratified to
meet Mr. Dexter Faulkner, together
with his wife, Shirley, at Sydneys Mas-



In Australian o f i c e the master tape for each broadcast

-sent from Pasadena-is being dubbed for the 15 Australian stations w e are on. Six broadcasts every week per

cot Airport recently. Dexter and Shirley,

both former students of Ambassador
College, have been sent as a husbandwife team to assist Mr. Waterhouse
i n the many heavy responsibilities in
the growing work in Australia.
They will both be serving in the
large Sydney office, which has recently
had t o double its office space. Dexter as
assistant to Mr. Frank Longuskie, who
will be handling most of the responsibilities o f managing the Sydney office,
and Shirley, his wife, as a stenographer.
Also, ;is previously

mentioned in
this article, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Harnmer will be arriving in Australia prior
r o [he rime you receive this article.
Tony. having recently been ordained,
\vill be able to assist Mr. Waterhouse
in tnking some much needed baptizing
tours in various other parts of Australia,
xid, as God leads and opens the way,

June, 1960

station mean almost 100 copies each week of the daily

program are being made by Mr. Charles Hefner.

perhaps establishing even other Churches

in Australia in the future.
This brings the number of Ambassador College personnel now serving in
the Sydney office to a total of sewn!
(Remember the amazing pattern of
twelves Mr. Waterhouse wrote of in a
recent issue of The Good News magazine? )
The Australian Pluin Truth mailing
list is leuping ahead, and now the Plain
Truth is to be, beginning with the
Mr. Waterhouse has located il large
printing plant in the chief seaport and
second largest commercial city in all
Australia, Melbourne. The printing of
The Pldin Truth in our own Australian
edition will cost less than the money
now spent in air mailing the heavy
Pluin Truths in bulk shipments to the
Australian office.
Almost everywhere we look-the

world over-Gods


Report from Oregon

Here is more good news which we
were unable to find room for in last
months report by Mr. Meredith.
Mr. Raymond Cole reports additional
ordinations in Gods churches in Oregon. All the churches there are growing
the Eugene church
being completely revitalized and now
having an average attendance of about
80 members each Sabbath!
The largest church in the area, of
course, is in Portland. This church has
grown a great deal within the last two
years and more deacons have been
needed. lwo men there have yielded
themselves to God and qualified to become deacons in the Church of God.
On March 26, 1960, Mr. Allen Stark
and Mr. Dale McDaniels were ordained
(Pleuse rontinue o n p u p 7)

Daniels 2300 Days Prophecy

Revealed at Last!
lw tbe 8th chupter of Daniel is u ~ namazing prophecy. Some believe it
in 1844. Others believe it was fulfilled by Antiochus
Ephipanes. Daniel could not understand it. Y e t it stands revealed
f o r us today!
was fulfilled

by Herman L. Hoeh
has come to reveal an
amazing prophecy for the latter
Yo24 need to understand it.
This amazing prophecy has been woefully misunderstood. Most scholars and
churches admit they do not understand it.
Some claim it has already been fulfilled in 1844. They believe that in that
year Christ entered into the heavenly
sanctuary to cleanse it. But is this
doctrine true? Its time we looked into
the Bible to see what this prophecy
really says.


A SEALED Prophecy
Open your Bibles to Daniel 8. Notice
particularly verse 26. Daniel is commanded to shut up the vision; for it
shall be for many days.
Those who assume thib prophecy was
fulfilled in 1844 deny that Daniel was
commanded to shut up the vision-to
seal it up from human understanding.
Yet that is what the Scripture plainly
Here is a vital prophecy for our time
shut up from human understanding
until these latter days--for the words
are closed up and sealed until the time
of the end. Many shall be purified, and
made white, and tried; but the wicked
shall do wickedly: and none of the
wicked shall understand; but the wise
shall understand (Dan. 12:9-10).
This prophecy was not for Daniels
day, but for our age.
This prophecy was not meant to be
understood till the time of the end. Today the wise shall understand. This is
Gods promise. These prophecies are to
be known today! Now let us notice this
amazing prophecy in Daniel 8.
Time-Setting of the Prophecy
Notice the setting of the prophecy. It
IS the third year of the reign of Belshazzar the king of Babylon. Daniel receives
a vision while at Shushan in the palace
in the province of Elam (Dan 8 : l - 2 ) .
Here is what he sees in the vision, Then
I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and be-

hold, there stood before the river a r m

which had two horns: and the two horns
were high; but one was higher than the
other, and the higher came up last. I saw
the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts
might stand before him, neither was
there any that could deliver out of his
hand; but he did according to his will,
and became great (verses 3 and 4 ) .
Here is a mysterious ram. What does
this ram symbolize? Notice the explanation revealed in verse 20! The ram
which thou sawest having two horns are
the kings of Media and Persia! This ram
symbolized the Medo-Persia@Empire. Ir
debtroyed rhe Kingdom of Babylon in
539 B.C. and ruled to 331 B.C.
But this is only the beginning of the
prophecy. Now notice verse 5 :
And as I was considering, behold, a
he goat came from the west on the face
of the whole earth, and touched not the
ground: and the goat had a notable horn
between his eyes.
Now notice the explanation of this
mysterious symbol. And the rough goat
is the king of Grecaa: and the great horn
that is between his eyes is the firJt king
(verse 21).
These symbols are revealed to Daniel
so that we can understand the TIME SETTING of this end-time prophecy. The ram
-the Medo-Persian Empire-existed on
the world scene until 331 B.C. Then the
Greco-Macedonian Empire came on the
scene with its first great king, Alexander
the Great (verses 6 and 7 ) . The conquest of the Medo-Persian Empire by
Alexander the Great occurred in 331 B.C.
Now continue with verse 8. . . . the
he goat waxed very great: and when he
was strong, the great horn was broken;
and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven. Remember that the horn in the goats head
symbolized the first king of the GrecoMacedonian Empire. That was Alexander the Great. But this horn was suddenly broken! Alexander the Great
died suddenly of a fever in Babylon little

more than thirty years of age!

Continuing with verse 22 of this amazing prophecy: Now that being broken,
-Alexander the Great being dead whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the kingdom,
but not in his power.
Consider the time setting of this
prophecy. It commenced with the Medo
Persian Empire which lasted until 331
B.C. Then the Greco-Macedonian Empire
came on the scene with its first king,
Alexander the Great. In 323 B.C. Alexander died at the age of 33. Alexanders
empire was divided into four major parts
-verse 22. None of these parts was as
strong as the whole kingdom had been
under Alexander the Great. The time
setting of this prophecy already brings
us to the date 323 B.c.! The rest of thc
prophecy cannot begin before this date!
Yet those who claim it was fulfilled in
1844 must begin the prophecy over a
century too early.
Now notice what is to happen next
on the world scene!
A Prophecy for the Latter Time!
Let us continue with verSe 9: And
out of one of them came forth a little
horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and
toward the pleasant land.
Look at this prophecy again. Here a
little horn appears coming out of one
of the four divisions of Alexanders empire. This little horn cannot have
driren hefore the diuision of Alexmdsrs
empire, as some claim! Notice that again!
Out of one o f them came forth a little
Whatever this mysterious horn symbolizes, whatever this little horn does on
the world scene, must occur AFTER the
death of Alexander the Great-after the
division of his empire into four parts!
W e come now to the climax of this
vision. Daniel was told: For at t h e time
of the erzd shall be ilir vision (verse
17). The vision of the little horn is for
the time of the end! Read verse 23,

Page 6

And in the latter t i m e of their kingdom,

when the transgressors are come to the
But w h o does the little horn symbolizc? Noticc the Bible explanation!
A king of fierce countenance, and
understanding dark sentences shall stand
LIP. And his power shall be mighty, ...
and he shall magnify himself in his
heart, and by peace [the margin says
prosperity) shall destroy many; HE
FIUNCE OF PRINCES; but he shall be

broken without hand (verses 23-25 ) .

There is the answer!
Look at this prophe:cy again. Noiice it
is a prophecy for the latter days. The
little horn symbolizes a king who
shall arise in the latter time of their
kingdom (verse 23 ) . This man stands
~p against the Prince of princes-that is
Christ at His second coming! Here is a
great Gentile world ruler who stands up
against Christ and is supernaturally destroyed--without hand-not by human
hand but by divine intervention in
ti 11 in an affairs.
The Bible interprets this little horn
as a riiler who shall exist at t h e second
cow~iizg of Christ! H e comes on the
scene when world transgression-world
sin-has reached its climax (verse 2 3 ) .
This little horn is described again in
Rcvclation 17: 14. Thcrc we read that
he makes war with the Lamb and the
Lamb shall overcome him and his allies.
This little horn does the same thing
as the final beast of Kevelation!
W h a t the Little Horn Does
But to continue with this amazing
prophecy for the latter days! And it
[the little horn) waxed great, even to the
host of heaven; and it cast down some of
die liosi and of the stars to the ground,
and stamped upon them. Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the
host, and by him t h e daily sacrifice was
takeiz a w q , atzd t h e place of his sanctisarjf iias cast doiiw. And a host was
given him against the daily sacrifice by
reason of transgression - the margin
reads: the host was given over for the
transgression against the daily sacrifice
--and it cast down the truth to the
ground; and it practised, and prospered (Daniel 8: 10-12 ) .
Many have tried to interpret these
mysterious symbols out of their own
human reasoning. They have tried to
read into thc Bible meanings that are
not there. Let THE BIBLE interpret
the Biblc! Noticc thc explanation in
verse 24: And his power shall be
mighty. Thats the explanation of thc
first p a r t of versc 10: It waxed great.
To continue: But not by his own
power. This king will not accomplish
his great deeds by his own strength.


Revelation 17:17 reveals why. Ten lesser kings give their military power and
strength unto the Beast.
This little horn shall destroy wonderfully shall have marvelous, frightcning military powers and shall. destroy
the mighty and the holy people (verse
2 4 ) . Here is a persecuting power, a
power which destroys Gods peoplethe children of Israel-and
the true church (Dan. 8:10, 2 4 ) .
Verse 25 continues to explain verse
11, and so on.
But what about the daily sacrifice
that is taken away and what about the
sanciuaiy that is cast clown? Wliai do
these symbolize? What do they mean?
Could this be true of the heavenly
sanctuary-Gods Throne?
T h e Surprise Answer
Before we can fully understand this
prophecy we must read Daniel 8:13-14.
Then I heard one saint speaking, and
another saint said unto that certain saint
which spake, How long shall be the
vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and
the transgression of desolation, to give
both the sanctuary and the host to be
trodden under foot? And he said unto
me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be
This is thc inystcrious part of the
vision which was shut up to Danielwhich was not to be revealed until the
latter days!
?his is a prophecy for t h e latter days!
Some have tried to explain this prophecy
before Gods time came to reveal it! One
particular denomination claims that this
vision of 2300 days commenced in 457
B.C. and ended in A.D. 1844. This denomination claims that the 2300 days
represeni 2300 yeais in fulfillment. This
denomination further insists that the
sanctuary that was cast down is the
Holy of Holies in heaven itself-Gods
very throne! They claim that the very
throne of God was cleansed beginning
in 1844.
This denomination has assumed that
the prophecy commenced fulfillment in
457 B.C. How did they arrive at this
date? They certainly didnt get it from
the Bible!
Notice why!
The Medo-Persian Empire ruled the
world until 331 B.C. Then Alexander
came on the scene. H e died in 323 B.c.,
after which his empire was divided into
four parts. Out of one of the four divisions of Alexanders Empire is to rise
this little horn itz t h e latter ddys! It
is the little horn which takes away the
daily sacrifice and casts down the sanctuary! Whatever the little horn is to do
for 2300 days cannot have begun uutil
after t h e division of Alexaiaders Empire

June, 1960

into foar $arb-! But 457 B.C. is over a

century too early! That date cannot be
the commencement of the 2300 days!
But notice further. The little horn
siikt.~away the daily sacrifice! Was the
daily sacrifice taken away from 457 B.C.
until 1844? Did a king for 2300 years
prevent the daily sacrifice from being
offered? Did a king for 2300 years cast
down the sanctuary of God? Of course
not! T h e J e w s were offering t h e daily
continuously f r o m the
s u ~ ~ i f i calmost
days of Ezra and N e h e m i a h uiztil the
Jews were driven out of Jerusalem in
70 A.D.
lhe date 457 n.c. is the commencement of another prophecy altogetherthe seventy weeks prophecy in Daniel
9:25. The year 457 R.C. marks the commencement of Daniels prophecy of seventy weeks which led to the first coming
of Jesus Christ! T h a t prophecy has nothing dzrecdy t u d o with t h e prophecy
recorded here in Daniel 8! The prophecy of Dan. 9 is a detailed explanation
of one aspect of Daniels first vision in
chapter 7 (compare Dan. 9:21, 23 and
The prophecy of Daniel 9 is not the
explanation of the 2300 days. That
prophecy was sealed from human understanding until this time of the end.
Daniel 8 proves that this prophecy of
the 2300 days could not have commenced in 457 B.c.! And therefore it did
not end in 1844!
N O T Heavenly Sanctuary !
This denomination claims, however,
that the sanctuary was not on earth but
in heaven! Of course! They could not
claim it was the sanctuary on earth because during that time it was not cast
down! The sanctuary on earth was not
trodden underfoot-was not cast downi n the days of Christ and the Apostles
as; their theory requires!
Granted that the earthly sanctuary was
a type of the heavenly sanctuary, Gods
throne. But what king has ever cast down
Gods throne in heaven for 2300 years?
Notice the last part of verse 13. The
sanctuary is to be trodden underfoot!
No kingdom, no power has ever trodden
underfoot Gods sanctuary for 2300
years! The Bible itself proves that this
amazing prophecy was not fulfilled in
The doctrines of the Sanctuary Question and of the Investigative Judgment spawned by Mrs. E. G. White are
utter blasphemy against Gods Throne.
Anyone who believes that it was fulfilled then is deliberately throwing
dilde t h e te.dniony of Scripture itself.
Some people would rather put the words
of the self-styled prophetess in place
of the very Word of God! Its time we


June, 1960
opened our minds. Its time we straighteried out our hearts before God and
repented of following the snares of Satan
the Devil! Its time we began to believe
the Bible for what it says!
A Common Misunderstanding
Notice Daniel 8 : 2 6 : And the vision
of the evening and the morning which
was told is true . . . The vision of

2300 days is actually called in the

Scripture the Lition of the eiwzinzg und
thc morning. Why?
Turn in your Bibles to verse 14 of
chapter 8. In most Bibles you will find
a marginal note for the word days.
This note reveals that the original Hebrew of the word days is evening
morning. This prophecy is not referring
to 24-hour days but to evenings and
ecening and morning
.racrifice! Notice in verse 11 that the
little horn takes away the daily .racrifice.
The daily sacrifice was offered in the
evening and in the morning. See Lev.
6 : 9 and 12.
Vcrse 14 is a mi.r~iun~ZaLion
in the
text of the King James Version, though
i t is correct in the margin. The Revised
Standard Version more correctly reads,
tor two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings.
In other words, here is a prophecy that
two thousand three hundrcd cvcning
and morning sacrifices would cease to be
offered. Since the daily sacri
. fice was
offered t u i c e a day, this prophecy is actually speaking of one thousand one
hundred fifty (1150) days. In 1150
days there would be exactly two thousand three hundred sacrifices offrrcrl a t
evening and morning.
At the end of this 1150-day period
the sanctuary is to be cleansed or justified. This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled! Thats why it was shut up and
sealed from human understanding until
our time. It was not for Gods people or
the world until these latter days!
Another False Idea
Some have contended that this prophecy has already been fulfilled. This is
NOT TRUE! Notice why: what happened
to the daily sacrifice in the days of Antiochus Epiphanes ( 168-165 B.C. j was
ri tjpe of what is yet to occur! The
wicked deeds of Antiochus Epiphanes
are recorded in Daniel 11:11. H e polluted the ancient sanctuary. H e took
away the daily sacrifice hibt not for exuctI?, 1 I S 0 days.
Daniel 11:31 is not referring to the
s a n e event described in Daniel 8. Notice
especially in Daniel 11 that the latter
days do not comincncc until verse 40.
And at the tiiue of the em1 . . . Thats
i n this generation, almost two thousand

years after the days of Antiochus Epiphanes.

But Daniel 8 shows that the little
horn, which takes away the daily sacrifice and casts down the sanctuary, &SOS
~.YL the lutter days. It is to arise at the
time of the end. The little horn is the
h s t king of one of the four divisions
of Alexanders Empire. He is, in fact,
the last king who rules over the Kingdom of the North-one
of the four
divisions of Alexanders Empire.
The King of the North, described in
Daniel 11, was originally Syria-north
oi Palestine. But S y r k was swallowed
2 p by Rome. The Roman system of
government became the Kingdom of
the North. It has existed to our time
in Europe. This amazing history is described in Daniel 11:36-41. In Daniel
11 the last King of the North is pictured
as occupying the glorious land Palestine (verse 41 ). This is the same region
that the little horn of Daniel 8 is yet
to control in our day!
The Piiial P~1fill111e11t

This amazing prophecy is about to be

fulfilled in our day. A great crisis is yet
to occur in Palcstinc. Aftcr nearly 19
centuries a part of the tribe of Judahthe Jews-has
come back to Palestine.
In their war of independence in 1948
they gained possession of the new part
of Jerusalem, but the Arabs still control
old Jerusalem. Not only Jerusalem, but
the whole land of Palestine i s divided. It
is an armed camp likely to ignite at any
In the near future we shall literally see
[he next great prophesied event for
Palestine-the daily sacrifice and the
sanctuary restored before our very eyes.
Then will come World War 111 and
the occupation of Palestine and Jerusalem.
A great European Church-State union
will be in control of Palestine and the
whole Western World. It will prohibit
the Truth. It will cast down the truth
to the ground. It will practice and prosper!
It will persecute and martyr Gods
Holy people. It will be allowed to tread
Jerusalem underfoot and to prohibit the
daily sacrifice at the sanctuary for 1150
days. It will substitute its own abominable, idolatrous rites in place of the
ebening and morning sacrifice. Jesus referred to this same event in Matthew
14:15. When ye therefore shall see the
abomination of desolation, spoken of by
Daniel the prophet, STAND IN THE HOLY
PLACE, (whoso readeth, let him understand;) Then let them which be in
Juclea flee iritu the mountains . . . for
then shall be great tribulation . . .
climaxing in the second coining of Jesus

Page 7

Christ (verses 15-21j .

The Gentiles will trod down Jerusalem
for 1260 days (Rev. 11). It will be
the time of the two witnesses who will
prophesy in the strccts of Jerusalem foi
1260 days, then be killed, and-just
immediutely before the return of Christ
-be raised from the dead in the sight
of the people!
God will suddenly intervene in human
affairs. He will put an end to this wicked
idolatrouc system. The sanctuary shall
be cleansed.
W e are very near the fulfillment of
these amazing prophecies. It is time we
wake up to world events and free ourselves from fables and traditions began
more than a century ago! Its time we
believe the Bible and not falqe teachers!
Its time we asked God for wisdom and
ask Him to lead us and to show us His

(Continued from page 4)
as deacons in the Portland church by
Mr. Raymond Cole. H e reports that
both of these inen are sources of inspiration and help to all concerned in
this church. In turn, brethren, let us
dedicate our earnest and prevailing
prayers for these inen and all of Gods
servants who are yielding themselves to
qualify for ofices as deacons, local
elders, and ministcrs in His Church in
this most important MISSION on earth
today to which God has called us all.
As we rejoice in the great blessings
of this recent spring season, let us
not forget the increased perseczbtioa and
chullenge that lie before us as we carry
Christs own MESSAGF to a God-hating,
God-rejecting world. W e NEED each
others love and earnest PRAYERS!
Commencement Exercises
And, as if all these amazing developments werent blessings enough, by far
the largest graduating class in the history of Ambassador College received
their Bachelor Degrees in commencement exercises in the lower gardens on
the collcgc grounds June 3rd!
[Editors note: And two ministers received their M A . in Theology-Messrs.
Garner Ted Armstrong and Ernest
Mr. Armstrong, delivering the Commencement Address, spoke on the culture o f the world which is always just
a little offset from normal, a little
out of line, and contrasted this false
c u h r e with the truly NEW culture
being acquired by Ambassador College
( P l e ~ iYJlltill/Le
on p q e I I j

Did Jesus Have Brothers

and Sisters?
Millions assume that lesus Christ had n o brothers or sisters itz the
flesh-that Mary, H i s mother, uas a perpetual uirgin. But is this
idea true?
by J. W. Robinson
-HEN Jesus came to His own

hornetown synagogue to prcach,

he astonished the people with
His teachings. In their amazement, they
asked, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? Is not
this the carpenters son? is not his
mother called Mary? and his brethren,
James, and Joses, and Simon, and
Judas? And his sisters, are they not all
with us? (Matt. 13:54-56).
Notice it!
lhis scripture clearly states that
Christ had four brothers, all of them
being personally named. The added
question, And his sisters, are they not
all with us? implies that H e had at least
three sisters. If H e had only two, they
would have used the term, both, instead ot all.
Some claim that these were not
really brothers and sisters, only cousins.
But Scripture reveals this is not true.
Here is the proof.
The word brethren is translated
from the Greek word for *btotherudelphos. This word may mean a spiritual brother, but it does not mean cousin.
The English word cousin in Luke
1 : j b and 58 is translated from saggenes in the original Greek. This clearly shows that the New Testament, when
referring to Jesus family, makes them
brothers and not cousins.

Not Spiritual Brothers

What about thc contcntion that these
were Christs spiritual brothers and
sisters, instead of His blood brothers and
sisters-His siblings. W e find the answer in John 2:12. Christ went to
Capernaum, accompanied by His mother, and His brethren, und His disciples.
Here we find a sharp distinction is
made between His brethren and His
crisriples showing that they were NOT
the same. His spiritaal brethren were
His disciples-those who believed His
teachings. His flesh and blood brothers
did not believe Him (John 7:5 ) . This
scripture certainly makes James, Joses,
Simon and Judas His blood brothers.
In Marks account of Jesus visit to
His hometown synagogue, we find the

people wondering about His great wisdom. They asked, Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of
James, and Joses, and of Judas, and
Simon? and are not his sisters here
with us? (Mark 6: 3 ) . These people,
who had known Jesus from childhood,
specifically stated that H e was the
brother of several other young peoplc
who had grown up in their midst. These
people were very familiar with family
relationships throughout the village.
Notice that they are not called cousins,
but brothers.
Christ the Firstborn
In Matthew 1:25 we find that Christ
is called the FIRSTBORN son of Mary.
The word firstborn is translated from

Girck w u d , p r u ~ u t u k u v ~wliicli

means the firstborn among other children-the oldest of several children in

a family. If Jesus had been Marys only
child, the Greek word monogenEs,
meaning only child, would have been
used in the original Greek text. Jesus
was the only begotten human son of
the Heavenly Father (John 1: 1 8 ) . But
H e was the first born-not an only
Many other New Testament scriptures
tell us distinctly that Jesus Christ was
not the only child of His mother.
In Galatians 1:18-19, Paul mentioned
having seen not only Peter, but also
James the Lords brother in Jerusalem.
W e know that Paul was speaking of a
brother in the flesh. If he had been
speaking of a spiritual brother-a
brother in the faith-he certainly would
have included Peter among Christs
spiritual brethren. But he did not!
Paul knew that Christ had other
brothers. H e stated: Have we not
power to lead about a sister, a wife,
as well as other apostles, and as the
brethren of the Lord, and Cephas
[Peter}? ( I Cor. 9: 5 ) . Notice that
the brethren of the Lord are distinct
from the twelve apostles. In Acts 1:1314 we find that the disczples continued
with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the
mother of Jesus, AND with his brethren.
Some have, in argument, referred

to Matthew 12:46-50. Here Christ said,

Whosoever shall do the will of my
Father which is in heaven, the same
is my brother, and sister, and mother.
They have claimed this scripture as
proof that when the Bible speaks of
Christs brethren, it means spiritual
brethren. They claim therefore that He
may not have had any brothers in the
flesh. Such an argument is without
foundation. If this scripture proved that
Christ had no brothers or sisters, it

would also prove that HE HAD NO

MOTHER. What Christ meant in this
statement is that those who obey the
I;dthm are all equally precious in His
sight, regardless of blood relationship.
My MOTHERS Children

As a firla1 proof that Jesus Christ was

not the onlj child of His mother, let
to Psalm 67:8, which all Bible
recognize as a prophecy conChrist. In this scripture we
am become a stranger unto MY
BRETHREN, and an alien unto MY
MOTHERS CHILDREN. Christ certaillly
was speaking of His physical mother
and brethren-blood
prophecy. Christs spiritual mother is
the Church (Rev. 1 2 : l - 5 ) and His
spiritual brethren are His followersthose who compose the true Church
today (Matt. 12:49-50, Rom. 8:16-17,
2 9 ) . Christs spiritual brethren certainly recognized Him from the beginning
of His ministry (John 1:35-49). H e
WAS a stranger (an alien) to His physical brethren, however. They did not
believe in Him during His ministry
(John 7:2-5), although some of them
were converted after His resurrection.
Anyone who earnestly believes that
the Holy Bible is the inspired Word
of God, canmot fail to sce these facts.
These scriptures definitely prove-absolutely-that
Jesus Christ did have
brothers and sisters who were the children of His mother. Their father was
Joseph. Joseph was the legal, not actual,
father of Jesus. This means that Jesus
and His brothers and sisters had the
same mother, but not the same father.
The question we now must answer

us turn
read, I

(Please coiatinae on page 12)

How to Know You Are Called

Here is the surprising answer to this much misunderstood problem!
by Bryce ti. Clark
HIS subject is vital! Some brethren
assume bccausc they are not overcoming, they have not been called.
Unless we can know-unless all doubts
ure removed-we have no assurance of
withstanding the trials certain to come
in this generation.

A Divine Call
All really converted Christians receive
a Divine call! This is one of the plainest

truths of the Bible, yet millions assume

it is a matter of their own choice.
Notice what Jesus told His disciples:
Because IT IS GIVEN unto you to know
the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,
but t o them [the vast majority] IT IS
NOT given . . . Therefore speak I to
them in parables [to obscure the truth)
. . . lest at any time they should see with
their eyes, and hear with their ears, and
should understund with their heart, and
should be converted . . . (Mat. 1 3 : l l 15 ) .

Jesus here revealed that only a tiny

minority {a small number of disciples)
were being given real Rihle understanding. Jesus said it simply is not Gods
intention to convert everyone a t this
Notice further. No inan can come ro
me, except the Father which has sent me
draw him . . . (John 6 : 4 4 ) .And again:
No Inan can come to me, except it were
given unto him of my Father . . . (verse

The apostle Paul said the same thing.
Notice it. For ye see your calling brethren, how that not many wise men after
the Aesh, not many mighty, not many
noble, are called ( I Cor. I:%).
These are only a few of many Bible
examples. But these make it PITin to see
that only a minority are being converted
during the present age.
N o wonder humanity, as a whole,
feels no real need for God. Men believe
themselves to be self-sufficient. They fail
to rccognize Bible truths! They fail t o
realize what is really wrong with this
world, how spiritually blinded professing Christianity is, and, by contrast, just
how great and glorious God is.
Understanding these things is the restilt of being called! True Christiansthose who see things as they REALLY are
-receive a divine cnll!
Call is NOT Conversion !
The most difficult thing for any
human being is to admit error, and then
to change. The mind excuses misdeeds,

justifies itself, seeks a way out. One of

[he most dangerous avenues anyone can
take is the attempt to get around Gods
truth with the excuse that since Im not
converted, then I have not been called.
This deceptive disregarding of responsibility is an attempt to disobey God by
pretending to be a bystander!
What is wrong with this reasoning?
Just this! The call in itself doesnt
convert anyone! Conversion is the result
of heeding the call! Lack of conversion
does not mean you have not been called.
Every human being is altogether carnal and rebellious until conversion takes
place. God calls us while we are yet unconverted-while we are still rebelling!
Conversion is a changing process, our
becoming more like God. Unless we
heed the Cdll a i d decide ro change Our
way of life, the call of itself has no
power to convert-the
call merely reveals what we must do in order t o be
The natural or fleshly mind we are
born with is automatically contrary to
Gods law (Rom. 8: 7 ) . All have sinned
and come short of the glory of God
(Rom. 3 :215). Since we have all been a
part of this world, a divine cull is necessary to reveal our need to repent and
come out of the world. Whether or not
conversion takes place as a result of that
call is our responsibilzty! Jesus stated
that he had come to call the sinners, not
the righteous (that is, the self-righteous) to repentance (Mat. 9: 13). Repentance-with
belief and baptism-is
the first step we must take in heeding
the call. Then, through the power of
Gods Spirit, we begin the struggle
against the downpull of human nature.
W e must-by the supernatural power of
Gods Spirit -master ourselves. We
must ovrrcome society and the influence
of the Devil. W e must put off the old
man and put on the new until, at the
resurrection, we become completely converted. So the call itself doesnt convert
anybody! Conversion results from heeding the call.
Notice how this is illustrated in I1
Tim. 4:lO. Demas had the knowledge
of Gods truth. H e knew and worked
with Paul personally. But this was not
enough! He did not remain steadfast!
He hud not made his culling sure!
Peter warns us to give diligence to
make our calling sure (I1 Pet. 1 : l O ) .
If the calling of itself meant we are automatically converted, Peter would not
have written this warning. W e make

our calling sure by yielding totally to

Once God decides to call an individual, H e will not change His mind
(Rom. 11:29). We each receive only
one opportunity for salvation. If God
calls us during this age, we are having
our one and only opportunity. Let us not
excuse ourselves by pretendzng we
havent been culled when we do understand the truth! W e must yield ourselves to God, contrary to what we
naturally prefer to do.

How does God Call?

Many misunderstand how God calls.
Some feel God calls by means of an
audible voice. Others feel it is done by
drastic intervention such as accidents or
fires. Still others-emotionally
-desire a good feeling all over to be
assured of a calling. What is the truth?
How does God call?
Amazingly enough, the answer is very
simple. N o lengthy theological exposition is necessary-such
would only
complicate the L k d r , understandable
scriptures on the subject. Turn to 11
Thes. 2 : 13.
But we are bound to give thanks
always to God for you brethren beloved
of the Lord, because God hath from the
beginning choseiz you to salvation
through snnctificniion of the Spirit and
belief of the truth.
Did you catch it?
MANY are being called-but
Jesus Christ orally CALLS many individuals hearing the World Tomorrow program, or who read the PLAIN
TRUTH magazine. Perhaps some will be
called through YOUR personal example,
or witness. In each case, it is the Holy
Spirit doing the calling, through human
the parable of the sower.
MANY will begin to receive the Word
-but, through selfish interest, persecution, or just plain spiritual lethargy,
will REJECT THE CALL! They have not
been chosen. to spiritually understand
the truth. They only carnally saw some
points of truth.

A Fatal Mistake !
of it! Evangelists




People hear the piteous plea--Wont

you come? And yet-the
Word of God reveals, they CANNOT




Page 10
(Jnhn 6.44)
Jesus sternly warned there will be
many who will seek. to enter in, and
iuill not he able!
I t iS Cldy those W l l O hdVe k C . 1 1 Cdlkd,
and to whom the Father has chosen to
REVEAL Himself, who can be truly converted. Paul was inspired to write, But
as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor
ear heard, neither have entered into the
heart of man, the things which God
hath prepared for them that love Him.
But God hath REVEALED them unto us
BY HIS SPIRIT ( I COr. 219-10).
might W A N T to understand-but
it must be specifically
GIVEN them of Gods Spirit! . . . for
the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the
DEEP things of God. For what man
knoweth the things of a man, save the
spirit of man which i s in him? even
so the things of God knoweth no man,
but the Spirit of God. Now we have
received, not the spirit of the world but
the spirit which is of God; that we m i g h t
know the things that are freely given to
us of God!

W h a t Is Sanctification of the Spirit?

God has not merely called, hut a l w
chosen you to salvation through sanctification [setting apart) of t h e Spirit. Here
is how God works out the first step in
bringing each individual to a full kiiowledge of salvation. H e sanctifies - or
sets each one apart-by
means of the
Holy Spirit! Jesus told Peter that the
Spirit of the Father revealed to him that
Jesus is Christ the Son of God (Mat.
16: 17).
Here is the sripernatural power of
God working on the minds of men,
revealing truth to them, prior t o conversion. Jesus further illustrated this
when He instructed His disciples that
they would later (on the day of Pentecost) have the Spirit dwelling in them,
but at that present time (prior to His
ascension to heaven) the Spirit was with
them (John 14:17).
It is the Spirit of God which reveals
sanctifies or sets apart
an individual to make him an heir of
Now back to the latter portion of I1
Thes. 2: 1.3. Notice that . . . belief of
l h e truth is the second feature of this
divine call. The Spirit of God leads us
to the truth, but we must believe that
truth! Jesus said, . . . thy word is truth
(John 17:17). The truth is the inspired
Word of God-the
Holy Bible! God
calls LIS by leading OLII minds, by mrdm
of His Spirit, to believe the Holy Bible!
R u t spiritual truth cannot be understood
(Ir believed without the influencc of the
Spirit of God ( I Cor. 2 : 1 4 ) .
Turn to Acts 13:44. And the next
Sabbath day came almost the whole city


together to hear the wad. of God. And

verse 48: And when the Gentiles heard
this, they were glad and glorified t h e
word of t h e Lord: and as many as were
ordnined [called] to eternal life believed. What did they believe?
The Word of God-the Holy Scriptures!
Those called to salvation believed
Gods Word! T h e r e was n o doabt in
their minds! They knew the Scriptures
meant exactly what they said! They believed the Word of God which Jesus
said is truth. Their calling resulted from
being set aside-sanctified-by
Spirit and their believing t h e truth!
There are many reasons today why
men do not believe the truth-why the
vast majority of professing Christians do
not understand the Bible! Though God
has allowed mankind to be deceived,
yet H e has given of His Spirit to a
culled f e w so that we can understand
the purpose of life. It is G o d s Spirit
that enables us to comprehend the basic
principles of understanding.
W h a t These Principles Are
Consider these principles. They manifest the Spirit of God working upon and
through the human mind.
1 ) Live by EVERY Word of God:
First of all, Jesus said, IfMan shall
no6 live by-bread alone but by every
word that proceedeth out of the mouth
of God (Matt. 4 : 4 ) . Here is the first
principle. To really understand the
Bible it is necessary to live by every
word of G o d , not just some portions
or pet doctrines. Most churches accept
a few Bible truths but for the most
part walk in dismal error. This is because they are not willing to live by
every word of God. They deliberately
reject all but a relatively small portion
which has no bearing on their personal
lives. God gives understanding only to
those who are willing to live by all of
His word!
2 ) ALL Scripture Inspired:
All scriptare is given by inspiration
of G o d , and is profitablc for doctrinc,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (I1 Tim. 3 : 16).
How can anyone really believe the Bible
if he feels portions are uninspired? Yet
this is exactly what many Christians,
so-called, believe today! Some regard
the Old Testament p~irelyas historical
literature. Some teach Revelation to be
the writings of a man obsessed with
hallucinations. Others say only the
epistles of Paul ~ h o u l d be accepted.
What nonsense! All this doctrinal confusion is a direct result of choosing cerrain portions of the Bible to believe--refusing to accept all scripture as giver1
by inspiration of God.
3 ) According to LAW:

June, 1960

To the LJU,and t o the t c s t i m o q :

if they speak not according to this
word, it is because there is no light in
them (Isa. 8:20 ) . The significant feature of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is LAW. Yet, how men disregard
and try to do away with G d s law!
Every conceivable argument has been
advanced in an attempt to do away with
the ten commandments, the very theme
of the entire Bible. It is small wonder
men cannot understand Gods Word
when every reference to His law is distorted, twisted, perverted, and maligned.
Disobedience to God is the keynote in
todays world. But Isaiah said under
inspiration that if men do not teach
in accordance with Gods law and the
testimony (all o f Gnds word) it is
because there is no light in them!
4 ) Bible does NOT Contradict Itself:
. . . T h e scripture cannot be broken
(John 10:3 5 ) . Jesus said the scriptures
do not
make a complete chain-they
contradict one another, yet books have
been written to expose assumed Bible
contradictions. But Jesus said Scripture
does not contradict itself!
Every supposed contradiction is the
result of either a mistranslation or
a misinterpretation. Unless you approach
the scriptures with this truth, you cannot hope to grasp the full meaning of
Gods word. You will fool yourself into
believing the Bible is full of contradictions and cannvt be depended upon.
5 ) N o Private Interpretation:
. . . N o prophecy of t h e scripture is
o f any private interpretation (II Pet.
1: 20). Many cannot understand scrip.,
ture simply because they havc not
learned the Bible interprets itself!
Many supposed contradictions occur
because men have not learned to let the
Bible interpret itself. Through diligent
and earnest study, we can understand
perplexing verses only in the light of
other scriptures.
These simple principles serve as
guides in enabling us to believe the
truth. Because educational theories of
mcn have been substituted in place vf
these rules, men fail utterly to comprehend the means God utilizes to call
us to His truth. These principles are
not discernible to the carnal mind uninfluenced by Gods Spirit.

Called BY T H E GOSPEL !
Notice carefully!
As a result of sanctification of the
Spirit and belief of the truth . . . he
~ a l l e dyo% by our gospel . . . (I1 Thes.
2 : 1 4 ) . Now that the mind has been
properly conditioned, the active means
C;od L I S ~ St o call us is the gospel meshage! Men do not grasp the gospel message because they have not received the
(Please continzle on page 12)

June, 1960


Page 11

A partial view of the office staff at work in Sydney.

Australian visitors to the office see the far-flung stations which broadcast
each night The WORLD TOMORROW.


(Continued from page 7)
The commencement exercises were
held in the beautiful outdoor garden
theatre, with the Chorale and segments
of the Ambassador College orchestra
providing an inspiring anthem, and
several hundred guests providing the
largest crowd ever attending commencement exercises hcrc.
Brethren-in sitting, here writing this
in putting down these
many, many tremendous BLESSINGS
which God is just pouring forth upon
those of us in His service, it seems almost impossible that so many wonderful things could have happened in such
a short time! And yet, just as Jesus
said, All things are possible with God!
God has truly opened the windows
of heaven i n pouring 11s out the grcatest blessings to ever be given any group
of fallible, stumbling, mistake-ridden

Page 12

human beings in the history of this

whole earth!
I wonder if we really appreciate it?
So really be thankful for these blessings -remember the responsibilities
they entail, and keep these things constantly in your prayers.
God is supplying His part abundant/]-are
we really doing ours?

Did Jesus Have

Brothers a n d Sisters?
(Continued from pdge 8 )
is this. Are we willing to t o t d l y submit ourselves to God and accept His
Divine W o r d as Truth? or would we
rather believe the edict of pagans who
want to deify a woman by claiming
her as a perpetual virgin? The doctrine
of perpetual virginity is the teaching
o f Semiramis, the harlot founder of the
Babylonian Mysteries upon which much
of modern Christianity, so-called, is
based. It is rank heathenism.
According to the Bible, Jesus physical mother led a normal married life
and bore Joseph, her husband, several
children after the birth of Jesus Christ.
Any other doctrine is a fable.

How to KHOW
You Are Called
( Coiztinued from page 10)
vical principles of understanding which
make the truth clear. As a result of
your believing the Bible to mean exactly what it says, the gospel message is
perceived to be Gods personal message
to you. Here is how God called you!
Absolutely no one can be called unless
a n d u n t i l he hears the true gospel. The
gospel, is not alone a message about
Christs person, but the message of
Gods government soon to be established
u n [his earih-a
guverIiirient made up
of the very Family of God that will
rule all nations with a rod of iron, that
will restore world peace, that will bring
untold blessings, happiness, and joy
everlasting through the All-Wise and
Loving God. God is calling some now
t o assist Him in ruling the world. What
a wonderful message! What a wonderful calling! The time of universal deception is to cease. Men will no longer
listen to counterfeit gospels which misrepresent the truth.

Conversion a Result of the Call

Let LIS reiterate! Conversion is the
w.Iid/ o f heeding thc. call! Refusing to
obey, OI being iiicapablr of obeying
J o c s i i o t incan YOLI havent been called.
It means your condition is the same as
all hiinian beings when they are first


called. You must surrender your will

to God, repent, and be baptized in order to receive the divine, supernatural
power to obey. If you receive and
tmdevstnnd the t r ~ gg o ~ p o l ,if ~ J O Z LZLPZ
derstdnd Gods word to mean exactly
what it says, you have been called! You
will feel convicted of your sins. This
conviction leads to repentance and baptism, the assurance you have HEEDED
the call.
Conversion brings joys never before
realized. Mastery over human nature,
lusts, and passions is evident. The power of God affects definite changes in
attitude and outlook on life. Happincss
and peace of mind are experienced even
in the midst of problems, troubles, and
persecutions. There is a special love for
the converted brethren as well as an
increase in love toward all men in general. More patience on the job and with
your family develops. Prayers are answered.
Gods power is manifested more and
more in your life. You wont be perfect
-much overcoming is yet necessarybut you will be thanking and praising
God for what H e is doing in your
If you have heeded the call, conversion is taking place and must continue
to do so unto the very end.
Brethren, a deep-seated m i s ~ n d e r standing of these vital principles has
been evidenced by some. One or two,
wishing to justify themselves in their
own carnal-minded rebellion have convinced themselves they werent truly
for their present sins! They have reasoned themselves astray, kidding
themselves God will CALL THEM AGAIN


NOTHINGcould be farther from the
If you have progressed so far in Gods
Church youre now READING THIS ARTICLE-make
no mistake about it, YOU
A4ccountdbleAccording to Knowledge
God holds us accountable according
to knowledge. Some have turned from
God on the pretense they had not been
called. Yet this acknowledgment indicates they were called but refused t o
heed! Christ said to whom much is
given of him shall much be required
(Luke 1 2 ~ 4 8 ) Peter
said if we turn
back to this world after having escaped
its pollutions, the latter c m d will be
worse than the beginning.
God has given us a priceless calling.
We must not kid ourselves into
thinking we are not accountable because

June, 1960

of not being converted. Jesus Christ

told the Pharisees that some of them
were accountable because they knew
the truth but refused to obey it (John
9:il). The lack of strcngth or desire
to obey, unanswered prayer, and weakness in overcoming are not sufficient to
prove we have not been called. Rather,
they indicate we are not heeding the
call. Brethren, let us give diligence to
make our calling sure!

Fruits Borne in South Africa
God has opened our eyes through
your Gospel message.
Married Couple from
Durban, South Africa
Finds True Church

I have been searching for the true

Church of GOD.The Church that is not
a deceiving imitation, but a Church that
i s ~ r u l yGods Church. I prayed that I
would find it. It was shortly after this
that I read The PLAIN TRUTH.I believe that this was Gods way of answering my prayers. The PLAIN TRUTH
explained the Bible as I thought I understood it. I would like to take your Bible
Correspondence Coursc so I can know
God as H e is, not as some religions
claim Him ro he or nor tc be. I am
nineteen years old, single, and in good
health, but I am missing something,
and I now know what it is-God.
Young Man from Indiana
From letters to the ENVOY Staff
I neglected to order my 1960 Envoy
earlier in the year. Are copies still
Enclosed is $ 5 for a copy of the 1960
Envoy. I hope Im not too late in ordering at this time.
Edrtors note: A limited supply of 1960
ENVOYS are still available. Address all
communications and make all checks
payable to T h e ENVOY.
Dear Mr. Herrmann,
I ordered my Envoy in February,
paying the subscription price in full, but
have no[ received my copy as yet. What
has happened?
Answer: Subscribers who have paid in
full and have not received their copy
should write immediately giving Receipt
Number, date of subscription, and any
other pertinent information. A few
ENVOYS were returned to us because
of change of address. In a few cases
address labels were lost in Post Office
handling. Your copy is still being rcserved for you. Write immediately to
The ENVOY, Box 1 11, Pasadena, Calif.
Your copy will arrive by return mail.

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