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ICARUS 42, 211--233 (1980)

Effects of Atmospheric Breakup on Crater Field Formation 1

Q U I N N R. P A S S E Y AND H. J. M E L O S H z
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California 91125
Received October 5, 1979; revised F e b r u a r y 18, 1980

This paper investigates the p h y s i c s o f meteoroid breakup in the a t m o s p h e r e and its implications
for the o b s e r v e d features o f strewn fields. There are several effects which cause dispersion of the
meteoroid fragments: gravity, differential lift o f the fragments, bow s h o c k interaction j u s t after
breakup, centripetal separation by a rotating meteroid, and possibly a dynamical transverse
separation resulting from the crushing deceleration in the a t m o s p h e r e . Of these, we s h o w that
gravity alone can p r o d u c e the c o m m o n pattern in which the largest crater o c c u r s at the d o w n r a n g e
end of the scatter ellipse. The average lift-to-drag ratio o f the tumbling fragments m u s t be less t h a n
about 10-3, otherwise small fragments would produce small craters d o w n r a n g e o f the main crater,
and this is not generally observed. The cross-range dispersion is probably due to the c o m b i n e d
effects o f bow shock interaction, crushing deceleration, and possibly spinning o f the meteoroid. A
n u m b e r o f terrestrial s t r e w n fields are d i s c u s s e d in the light o f t h e s e ideas, which are formulated
quantitatively for a range o f meteoroid velocities, entry angles, and crushing strengths. It is found
that w h e n the crater size e x c e e d s about 1 km, the separation between the fragments upon landing is
a fraction of their o w n diameter, so that the crater formed by s u c h a fragmented meteoroid is almost
indistinguishable from that f o r m e d by a solid body o f the s a m e total m a s s and velocity.

INTRODUCTION After breakup, the fragments fall o v e r an

It has been estimated that o v e r area which is roughly elliptical in shape. If
70,000,000 meteoroids enter the E a r t h ' s the impacting meteorites have sufficient ki-
a t m o s p h e r e each day. Of these, about 1000 netic energy to produce craters, a crater
kg (about 1%) o f the meteoric material field is created in this same elliptical form
survives the ablative effects of a t m o s p h e r i c and is often referred to as a strewn field or
descent and strikes the surface (Baldwin, scatter ellipse.
1963, pp. 6-7). Within this crater field, the individual
The meteoroids are subjected to high meteorites, or craters, are distributed in a
pressures and stresses while traveling systematic manner; the largest masses or
through the a t m o s p h e r e at velocities of craters are generally located at, or near, the
several kilometers per second and often downrange b o u n d a r y of the crater field
b r e a k into fragments which m a y or m a y not while the smallest masses fall at the up-
survive the remaining descent to the sur- range boundary. There is also a cross-range
face. The altitude at which b r e a k u p occurs distribution o f craters which we show can
generally varies f r o m 4 to 40 km, and be the result o f a t r a n s v e r s e velocity sup-
a p p e a r s to be independent of either the plied to the meteoroid fragments at the time
m a s s or class of the meteorite (Krinov, of the interaction of b o w shocks coupled
1960, pp. 76-77). with the effects of crushing the meteoroid.
Lift can also affect the distribution o f cra-
Contribution No. 3328 o f the Division o f Geologi-
ters but we find that it is negligible except
cal a n d Planetary Sciences, California Institute o f
T e c h n o l o g y , Pasadena, Calif. 91125. for the case of fragments o f m a s s e s less
2 Present address: D e p a r t m e n t o f Earth and Space than a b o u t 10z kg. Also, some deviations
Sciences, S U N Y , Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794. f r o m a regular distribution of craters can be
Copyright © 1980by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

explained by multiple breakup or relatively Rather, the information is based entirely

steep angles o f entry. upon publications.
This paper is primarily concerned with The diameters of the craters listed in this
crater fields but there are several single paper are generally from the measurements
terrestrial craters which may be the result by previous authors. H o w e v e r , a few of the
of the almost simultaneous impacts of me- diameters listed herein were estimated from
teoroid fragments which, due to the angle published maps of the crater fields. The
of entry or altitude of breakup, were not diameters refer to the present rim-to-rim
sufficiently separated from one another to crater diameter without respect to a recon-
form individual or obviously overlapping structed crater diameter and is probably
craters. Some possible examples of these somewhat smaller than the original rim-to-
include: Boxhole Crater, Brent Crater, rim diameter due to erosion o f the rim.
Dalgaranga Crater, Holleford Crater, Me- The distances recorded in the tables were
teor (Barringer) Crater, N e w Quebec derived from maps or from written descrip-
(Chubb) Crater, and Wolf Creek Crater tions as supplied by previous authors, and
(Baldwin, 1963; Barringer, 1967; Heide, represent the distance from the center of
1963; Krinov, 1960, 1966; Millman, 1971). the crater in question to the center of the
We first discuss the principal features of largest crater of the field. The largest crater
several well-known terrestrial strewn is used as the origin of coordinates because
fields, illustrated by maps of the fields, and it usually marks the distant end of the
establish a measure of the crater dispersion scatter ellipse. Where the largest crater
in these fields. We then review the physics does not lie near one end of the field (as
of atmospheric entry and summarize our with the Campo del Cielo crater field) no
computational scheme. We study the ef- distances are listed.
fects of gravity, lift, bow shock interaction,
spinning meteoroids, and crushing deceler-
Campo del Cielo
ation within the context of this model. The
theory is then applied to the observed cra- The Campo del Cielo crater field is lo-
ter fields and it is concluded that gravity, cated within the Chaco and Santiago del
bow shock interactions, and possibly spin- Estero Provinces, Argentina (27038 'S,
ning play the major roles in strewn field 61°42'W), and is composed of at least 20
formation with the effects of crushing de- craters (Romafia and Cassidy, 1973). The
celeration and lift playing minor roles. The- distribution of craters is along a line trend-
oretical plots are constructed showing the ing S W - N E , with the largest crater in the
fate of meteoroids of given masses, veloci- middle, rather than at one end, of the crater
ties, yield strengths, and angles of entry field (Cassidy et al., 1965) (refer to Table I).
into earth's atmosphere. It is found that It has been suggested that the impact
strewn fields are important only for craters angle for the meteorite involved in the
less than about 1 km in diameter; in the formation of crater 9 was about 22° and that
case of larger craters, the fragments fall so the final impact velocity was not greater
close together (for entry angles greater than than 5.8 km sec -1 (Cassidy and Renard,
approximately 10°) that the crater is almost 1970; Cassidy, 1971; Renard and Cassidy,
indistinguishable from that made by a single 1971).
solid meteoroid. Meteorites found in the immediate area
are composed of iron (hexahedrite class)
and samples have been recovered ranging
Explanation in mass from 50 g to 4210 kg (Milton, 1963).
N o field study for any crater field dis- Studies have also revealed a meteorite with
cussed in this paper was undertaken. an estimated mass of 22,000 kg in crater 10

TABLE I o v e r l a p p i n g c r a t e r s ( M i l t o n , 1968) (refer to

Fig. 1 a n d T a b l e II).
T h i s c r a t e r field is o n e of the b e s t pre-
Crater number Crater diameter n Distance from s e r v e d e x a m p l e s o f a s c a t t e r ellipse. T h e
(m) largest craterc d i r e c t i o n o f the i m p a c t is i n f e r r e d to h a v e
(m) b e e n from the S W to the N E , as e v i d e n c e d
l 85 NAa b y the l o c a t i o n o f the largest c r a t e r s with
2 71 NA r e s p e c t to the s m a l l e r c r a t e r s .
3 103 NA M e t e o r i t i c iron ( o c t a h e d r i t e class) has
4 89 NA b e e n f o u n d at the site ( H o d g e , 1965;
5 45e NA K r i n o v , 1966) a n d the largest m e t e o r i t e
6a 35 NA
6b 20 NA r e c o v e r e d has a m a s s o f a b o u t 150 kg
7 85 NA ( B a l d w i n , 1963).
8 37 NA
9 40 NA Herault
10 221 NA T h e H e r a u l t c r a t e r s are l o c a t e d in south-
11-20 Not given NA
e r n F r a n c e (43°30'N, 3°15'E) n e a r the
" Data from Cassidy and Renard (1970), Cassidy t o w n s o f F a u g ~ r e s a n d C a b r e r o l l e s (Beals,
(1971), Romaiaa and Cassidy (1973), Cassidy et al. 1964; G~ze a n d Cailleux, 1950; J a n s s e n ,
(1975). 1951; Hofl]eit, 1952).
Average rim-to-rim diameter. I n s t u d y i n g the c r a t e r profiles, Beals
e Center-to-center.
a Not applicable (reference point is uncertain since states that t h e r e is a p o s s i b i l i t y that the
the largest crater is not near the downrange end of the c r a t e r s are n o t o f m e t e o r i t i c origin b e c a u s e
crater field). n o n e o f t h e m e x h i b i t e d a raised rim. If,
e Average floor diameter.
r Average reconstructed diameter. TABLE II
( C a s s i d y , 1970, 1978 p e r s o n a l c o m m u n i c a -
tion). Crater numbern Crater diameter c Distance from
(m) largest cratera
Clearwater Lakes (m)

I n n o r t h e r n Q u e b e c (56°N, 74 k°W) are 1 147 --

t w o n e a r l y c i r c u l a r lakes with d i a m e t e r s o f 2 119 55

32 a n d 26 k m . T h e s e are k n o w n as C l e a r w a - 3 79 122
4 54 143
ter L a k e s a n d the c e n t e r - t o - c e n t e r separa- 5 47 393
t i o n is a p p r o x i m a t e l y 31 km. A geologic 6 42 323
s t u d y o f t h e s e b a s i n s b y K r a n c k a n d Sin- 7 24 381
clair (1963) s u g g e s t e d that t h e y w e r e o f 8 24 500
9 23 422
v o l c a n i c - t e c t o n i c origin. O t h e r s t u d i e s ,
10 20 463
h o w e v e r , state t h a t t h e s e t w o b a s i n s are of 11 20 (?) 204
m e t e o r i t e - i m p a c t origin (Beals et al., 1956; 12 20 291
Beals et al., 1960; I r w i n , 1963; D e n c e et al., 13 14 441
1977). 14 9 579
15 8 467
16 7 (?) 626
a Data from Milton (1968); Hodge (1965).
T h e c r a t e r field n e a r H e n b u r y cattle sta- This paper only.
t i o n in c e n t r a l A u s t r a l i a (24°35'S, 133°10'E) c Average rim-to-rim diameter.
is c o m p o s e d o f at least 15 s e p a r a t e or d Center-to-center.


I0 7

12 ~0 I/
150 09
o 04. 0 o 15

0 300 METERS
L - - ~


FIG. 1. S c h e m a t i c m a p o f the H e n b u r y c r a t e r field in A u s t r a l i a ( m o d i f i e d f r o m Milton, 1%8; H o d g e ,


however, the craters are the products of a proximately 700 m north of the rim of the
fragmented meteoroid, the trajectory ap- main crater (center-to-center distance
pears to have been from the N E to SW about 1300 m) (Fredriksson et al., 1973).
(refer to Fig. 2 and Table III). The origin of L o n a r Lake was considered
to be volcanic by some authors (Nandy and
Kaalijarv Deo, 1961; Heide, 1963), while later investi-
On the Baltic island o f Oesel, Estonia
(58°24'N, 22°40'E) lies a group of nine T A B L E III
craters which are known as the Kaalijarv HERAULT a
craters. The largest crater (Gut Sail) is
located at one end of the field and the Crater number b Crater diameter e Distance from
(m) largest crater d
inferred trajectory is from SSW to N N E
(refer to Fig. 3 and Table IV) (Kraus et al.,
1928; Heide, 1963; Krinov, 1966). 1 200 --
Small fragments of meteoritic iron (oc- 2 72 5.4
tahedrite class) have been found associated 3 57 5.6
4 55 e 6.8 s
with the craters (Krinov, 1961; Baldwin,
5 48 6.8
1963). 6 15 7.1

Lonar " D a t a f r o m G e z e a n d C a i l l e u x (1950), J a n s s e n

L o n a r crater lies in the Deccan Plateau (1951), Hoflieit (1952).
b This paper only.
region of India (19°58'N, 76°31'E). It is
c Average rim-to-diameter.
presently occupied by a shallow alkaline n C e n t e r - t o - c e n t e r , -+0.2 k m .
lake 1830 m in diameter. A second crater e -+7 m.
which is 300 m in diameter is located ap- s -+0.5 km.





0 I 2 ,3 4 5 ~
• I [ I I J

FIG. 2. Schematic map of the Herault, France, crater field. Note: the locations of the craters are only
approximate because they were plotted from written descriptions with respect to the towns of
Cabrerolles and Faugbres (Gi~ze and Cailleux, 1950; Janssen, 1951; Hoffleit, 1952).

g a t i o n s h a v e r e v e a l e d s a m p l e s o f r o c k that Dietz, 1964; F r e d r i k s s o n et al., 1973). A n

have b e e n s h o c k m e t a m o r p h o s e d a n d m e t e - ejecta b l a n k e t a s s o c i a t e d with the m a i n
oritic origin is n o w p r o p o s e d ( L a f o n d a n d crater has also b e e n d e s c r i b e d ( M i l t o n a n d
Dube, 1977).
M a u r i t a n i a n Craters
Crater numberb Crater diameter c Distance from T h r e e c r a t e r s of, p r e s u m a b l y , m e t e o r i t i c
(m) largest crater n origin are l o c a t e d in M a u r i t a n i a in w e s t e r n
(m) Africa. T h e s o u t h e r n m o s t crater, A o u e l l o u l
(20°15'N, 12°41'W) has a d i a m e t e r of a b o u t
1 110 --
2 44 758 380 m. T h e largest c r a t e r , T e n o u m e r
3 35 342 (22°55'N, 10°24'W), has a d i a m e t e r o f 1920
4 33e 942 m, a n d the n o r t h e r n m o s t c r a t e r , T e m i m i -
5 26e 447 c h a t G h a l l a m a n (24°15'N, 9°39'W) is a b o u t
6 20 374 700 m in d i a m e t e r . The s e p a r a t i o n b e t w e e n
7 20 621
8 14e 442 A o u e l l o u l a n d T e m i m i c h a t G h a l l a m a n is
9 4.5 884 a p p r o x i m a t e l y 600 km.
M e t e o r i t i c i r o n has b e e n f o u n d associ-
Data from Krinov (1%6). ated with A o u e l l o u l ( K r i n o v , 1966) as well
b This paper only.
c Rim-to-rim. as the p r e s e n c e o f glassy f r a g m e n t s ( F u d a l i
a Center-to-center. a n d C a s s i d y , 1972). T h e e v i d e n c e for im-
Average from elongated crater. pact origin o f T e n o u m e r i n c l u d e s : s h o c k

0 o
5 7


0 300 600 METERS


FIG. 3. Schematic map of Kaalijarv crater field (after Krinov, 1966).

~ @

o o

O 200 400 METERS

I, I ! I I


F1G. 4. Schematic map of the Morasko crater field (modified from Korpikiewics, 1978).

TABLE V alignment trending N35°E and it has been

suggested (Fudali and Cressy, 1976) that
they represent a simultaneous triple impact
Crater number Crater diameter Distance from o f a fragmented meteoroid traveling a very
(m) largest crateP shallow a t m o s p h e r i c trajectory.
1 100 --
2 25 86 N o r t h of Poznan, Poland, near the village
3 63 139 o f M o r a s k o (52°30'N, 16°55'E) lies a group
4 35 123 of eight craters. The largest crater is 100 m
5 15 255 in diameter with a depth of 13 m (refer to
6 24 136
7 50 305 Fig. 4 and Table V).
8 35 NAc Iron meteorites (octahedrite class) have
been r e c o v e r e d in the area and it has been
a Data from Korpikiewicz (1978). estimated that the direction of the trajec-
Center-to-center. tory was from SSW to N N E (Classen, 1978,
c Not available.
Korpikiewicz, 1978; Sky & Tel. 1979).

lamellae in quartz, mineralogical transfor- Odessa

mations, and o c c u r r e n c e of lechatelierite, The Odessa crater field, in west-central
apparently derived from highly shocked T e x a s (31°43'N, 102°25'W) consists of five
quartz. As of 1972 (Fudali and Cassidy, craters (refer to Fig. 5 and Table VI).
1972), there was no petrographic evidence Abundant iron fragments (octahedrite
for an impact origin o f T e m i m i c h a t Ghalla- class) have been r e c o v e r e d from this area
man. (Evans, 1961; Krinov, 1966). Baldwin
The three craters have an almost perfect (1963) calculates that the main impacting

~ A N


0 I00 200 METERS

• I • •


FIG. 5. Schematic map of the Odessa crater field, Texas (after Evans, 1961).

TABLE VI c r a t e r 2 ( E v a n s , 1961) a n d this c o r r e s p o n d s

w i t h the d i r e c t i o n i n f e r r e d b y t h e r e l a t i v e
p o s i t i o n s o f t h e c r a t e r s o f f r o m W S W to
Crater numberb Crater diameterc Distance from ENE.
(m) largest cratera
1 168 --
2 21 119 T h e S i k h o t e - A l i n c r a t e r field is l o c a t e d in
3 10 200 S i b e r i a , U S S R (46°6'N, 134°42'E). O v e r
4 8 (?) 182 150 c r a t e r s r a n g i n g in d i a m e t e r f r o m 26.5 to
5 6 200 a b o u t 0.1 m a r e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h this fall as
w e l l as t h o u s a n d s o f m e t e o r i t i c f r a g m e n t s .
Data from Evans (1961).
This paper only. T h e fall o c c u r r e d on F e b r u a r y 12, 1947, a n d
Rim-to-rim, +__5 m. b e c a u s e o f its r e c e n t n a t u r e , m a n y s m a l l
a Center-to-center. craters were recorded which are not ob-
served associated with much older crater
m e t e o r i t e h a d a m a s s o f a b o u t 315 t o n s a n d fields. R e f e r to K r i n o v (1966) for a m a p o f
w a s a c c o m p a n i e d b y at l e a s t f o u r s m a l l e r the scatter ellipse and crater locations.
m e t e o r o i d s at t h e t i m e it e n t e r e d t h e a t m o - T h e t o t a l m a s s o f the fall h a s b e e n esti-
s p h e r e . It is m o r e l i k e l y t h a t a single m e t e - m a t e d to b e a b o u t 70 t o n s ( K r i n o v , 1966,
o r o i d e n t e r e d t h e a t m o s p h e r e a n d t h a t the 1974) a n d it h a s b e e n e s t i m a t e d t h a t at l e a s t
fragments producing the smaller craters 200 t o n s o f m e t e o r i t i c m a t t e r w e r e c o n -
w e r e a r e s u l t o f f r a g m e n t a t i o n w h i c h oc- t a i n e d in t h e s m o k e trail ( H e i d e , 1963).
c u r r e d d u r i n g its fall to the s u r f a c e . K r i n o v (1974) has d e v e l o p e d a q u a l i t a t i v e
The trajectory has an eastward compo- m o d e l to d e s c r i b e t h e p r e s e n c e o f s e c o n d -
n e n t , as i n d i c a t e d b y a c r o s s s e c t i o n o f a r y s c a t t e r e l l i p s e s s u p e r p o s e d o n the m a i n



0 I00 200 METERS

FI6.6. Schematic map of Wabar crater field (after Philby, 1933).


ellipse. He describes a series of three stages TABLE VII

of b r e a k u p at different altitudes. WABARa
F e s e n k o v (1951) and Krinov (1966) cal-
culate that the meteoroid entered the Crater numberb Crater diameteV Distance from
E a r t h ' s a t m o s p h e r e with a velocity o f 14- (m) largest cratera
15 km sec -1 and that a b r e a k u p occurred at (m)
an altitude of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 6 km which I 100 --
p r o b a b l y relates to the third stage o f 2 55 × 40 207
b r e a k u p referred to by Krinov (1974). 3 20 421
4 17 498
" Data from Philby (1933).
The W a b a r crater field is located in the b This paper only.
Great South Desert of Arabia (21°29'N, Rim-to-rim, -+5 m.
50°28'E) in the R u b ' al Khali. Philby (1933) a Center-to-center.
discovered the craters and various authors
(Bartrum, 1932; Baldwin, 1963; Krinov,
resultant a t m o s p h e r i c drag decelerates the
1966) state that two craters make up this
field. Other authors (Holm, 1962; Heide,
At supersonic velocities, a b o w shock is
1963) give the n u m b e r o f craters as four or
five, respectively (refer to Fig. 6 and Table produced and the meteoroid is subjected to
high stresses. W h e n these stresses exceed
F r a g m e n t s of meteoritic iron (octahedrite the yield strength of the body, fragmenta-
class) have been found in the area and a tion occurs. After breakup, the individual
fragments decelerate differentially accord-
total mass o f about 12 kg have been recov-
ing to their relative masses and gravity
ered (Krinov, 1966).
The trajectory is believed to have been causes a vertical separation of the individ-
from W N W to E S E as suggested b y the ual trajectories of the fragments. The
configuration of the craters. smaller fragments are decelerated the fast-
est and are, therefore, the most affected by
gravity and fall short of the larger frag-

P H Y S I C A L T H E O R Y OF M E T E O R S Equations
Introduction The simplest model for a t m o s p h e r i c en-
try and trajectory of a meteoroid assumes
The fall of a meteorite begins when it
that the E a r t h is flat (refer to Fig. 7). F o r
enters the u p p e r a t m o s p h e r e . Its initial geo-
this case the equations governing the mo-
centric velocity can range from l l.2 to
tion and ablation of the meteoroid are as
about 70 km sec -1 assuming the meteoroid
follows ( F e s e n k o v , 1951; T h o m a s and
to be in a heliocentric orbit. Its entry angle
Whipple, 1951; Allen and Eggers, 1958;
can also range from near zero to 90 ° with
Baldwin and Sheaffer, 1971; Renard and
respect to the local horizontal with 45 °
Cassidy, 1971):
being the most likely entry angle (Gilbert,
1893). dV CDpaA V ~
As the meteoroid collides with a t o m s in dt - M + g sin 0 (1)
the air, some of its kinetic energy is dissi-
pated. Some of this energy is used in ablat- dMdt _ ½ CHPaA~ V2 ( 'V2 ~ VCR2")' (2)
ing the b o d y b y melting a n d / o r vaporizing
the e x p o s e d surface. S o m e o f its m o m e n - dO Mg COS 0 -- ½CLPaAV2
tum is also transferred to the air and the dt = MV , (3)

dO M g cos 0 - 1CLpaAV2 V cos 0

X - - 70KM
- - =

dt MV RE + Z '
dX V cos 0
dt - 1 + Z / R E ' (9)
vy" M'6 where RE is the radius of the Earth.


/,/]///~~l/////[//Ifll/l/I/l/ll//ll/l/lll//ll/t/l/l/I/l/ Various crater energy-diameter scaling

laws have been proposed (Baldwin, 1963;
FIG. 7. Schematic diagram of the kinematic forces
acting on a meteoroid during flight through the atmo- Gault, 1974; Moore, 1976; Dence et al.,
sphere. The initial entry of the meteoroid into the 1977) which all have the general formula
atmosphere is assumed to be at 70 km altitude for the
calculations presented in this paper. D -- (Ek) y,

where D is the diameter (in centimeters), Ek

dZ is the impacting kinetic energy (ergs), and y
V sin 0, (4)
is approximately 1. For this paper, the

and following energy-diameter scaling equa-
tions are used (Gault, 1974):
--= Vcos0, (5) D = 0.0015 pml/rpt-ltZ(Ek)°'3r(sin (p)2/3, (10)
where D = 0.025 pmt/rpt-l12(Ek)°'Z9(sin ~)1/3, (11)
P~ = P0 e x p ( - Z / H ) (6) D = 0.027 pm'lrpt-1/2(Ek)°'28(sin ~o)u3, (12)
and (Jacchia, 1958; Jacchia et al., 1967) where Pt is the density of the target material
and ~ois the impact angle with respect to the
A = Sv(M/pm) z/3. (7) horizontal.
The first equation (10) is for impacts
In the above equations, A is the effective against massive rock with resultant craters
cross-sectional area of the meteoroid, M is up to 10 m in diameter. There is a gradual
the mass, Sv is the shape factor, Pm is the transition to the second equation (11) which
density of the meteoroid, and g is the heat is valid up to 100-m diameter craters. The
of ablation for the meteoroidal material. third equation is valid for craters of kilome-
The coefficients for lift and drag are re- ter dimensions, with a gradual transition
spectively CL and CD and the heat transfer between the last two equations between
coefficient is CH. The angle 0 is with respect 100- and 1000-m diameter craters.
to the local horizontal, the meteoroid veloc-
ity is V and the critical velocity is Vcn. Time
is t, acceleration o f gravity is g, and
downrange distance is X. Meteor theory contains several unknown
The local air density pa is a function of parameters which include: shape, heat
the sea-level density P0, the altitude Z, and transfer coefficient, drag coefficient, and
the scale height H. lift-to-drag ratio. These parameters, there-
For a spherical planet, Eqs. (3) and (5) fore, have to be estimated for numerical
must be modified to include terms for the modeling.
curvature of the planet. The modified equa- F o r simplicity, the calculations assume
tions are (Gazley, 1961): that the meteoroid is spherical and this is

a p p r o x i m a t e l y correct if a nonspherical me- The scale height (H) for the E a r t h ' s at-
teoroid is spinning rapidly as it descends. m o s p h e r e varies from 6.4 k m at high alti-
The shape factor (SF) for a spherical b o d y is tudes to 8.4 k m at sea level. We a s s u m e a
a dimensionless quantity and a value o f 1.21 constant average value o f 7.2 k m (Renard
is used (McKinley, 1961, p. 173). The lift- and Cassidy, 1971). The numerical calcula-
to-drag ratio is a s s u m e d to be zero (CL = tions begin at an altitude o f 70 km. A b o v e
0.0), h o w e v e r , several calculations were this, there is no significant ablation o f rhete-
m a d e to determine the m a x i m u m value that oroids whose m a s s e s are greater than about
the lift coefficient could have and still pro- 104 kg.
duce the distribution o f craters found in
k n o w n crater fields (this is discussed later).
The value o f the heat transfer coefficient The fragmentation process o f a meteor-
(Cr0, has b e e n suggested to be in the range oid is not fully understood. The presence o f
of 0.6 to 0.1 or less (McKinley, 1961, p. preexisting defects or planes o f w e a k n e s s in
174). Values o f the order 10 -2 have also the meteoroid can strongly influence its
been considered. This coefficient is a strong breakup. S o m e o f the m e c h a n i s m s pro-
function of speed, altitude, and body size p o s e d to cause fracturing include thermo-
(Allen et al., 1963; Seiff and T a u b e r , 1966) mechanical stresses (Lang, 1977) and aero-
but for the calculations presented here, a dynamic pressures (Baldwin and Sheaffer,
constant value o f 0.02 is used. The choice 1971). The latter is treated in this p a p e r
for the value o f this p a r a m e t e r is not as because the a e r o d y n a m i c model for
important for m a s s e s larger than 106 kg, as fragmentation dominates the t h e r m o m e -
are o f interest in this paper, as it is for chanical model at altitudes less than 80 kin.
meteoroid masses 104 kg or less (Renard The actual mechanics of fragmentation is
and Cassidy, 1971). a process unique to each meteoroid and the
The heat o f ablation ( 0 for an iron mete- n u m b e r of fragments produced can range
oroid is a combination o f the heat o f fusion from two to large numbers.
(~f -- 1.89 x 106 J kg -~) and the heat o f Buddhue (1942) sampled iron meteorites
vaporization (~v = 8.01 x 106 J kg -1) from nine separate falls and found that their
(Baldwin and Sheaffer, 1971). The c o m - crushing strengths varied from 6 x 106 to 4
bined value used in this p a p e r is 5.0 × l06 J x l0 s N m -2. Values o f 2 x l05 (Opik, 1958)
kg -1. and 5 x 108 N m -z (Baldwin and Sheaffer,
There exists a velocity below which no 1971) have also been proposed. It should be
appreciable ablation occurs for a given den- noted that B u d d h u e ' s values were derived
sity o f air. This is k n o w n as the critical from meteorites which not only survived
velocity (Vca) for which we use a value o f a t m o s p h e r i c stresses but also remained in-
3.0 k m sec -~. This is the experimentally tact after impact with the surface. These
determined velocity below which steel pel- values, therefore, should be considered as
lets do not glow at sea-level air densities m a x i m u m crushing strengths for the origi-
(Allen et al., 1952). nal nonfragmented meteoroids.
The drag coefficient (CD) for a spherical The altitude at which b r e a k u p occurs is a
meteoroid is a p p r o x i m a t e l y 0.5, and this function o f the strength and velocity o f the
value is a s s u m e d in the calculations pre- meteoroid as well as of the local air density
sented in this p a p e r (Hawkins, 1964, pp. (refer to Fig. 8). The stagnation pressure,
17-18). P, behind the b o w shock is:
Iron meteoroids with a density (Pm) o f 7.8
P = paV z. (13)
X 103 kg m -3 are a s s u m e d to impact a target
with a density (Pt) of 3.0 x l0 a kg m -3 for the This pressure is exerted on the leading edge
calculation o f crater diameters. o f the meteoroid. The pressure in the mete-

a b o v e 70 km), 1 × 107 , 1.2 × l0 s , and 5 ×
l0 s N m -z were used.
LLJ 40 ~2 Also, since the k n o w n crater fields dis-
play a range in crater sizes, the c o m p u t e r
model meteoroid was " b r o k e n d o w n " into
different sized fragments; e a c h fragment
being one-half the mass of the next larger
fragment. The individual trajectories of the
fragments were then calculated b y numeri-
cally integrating Eqs. 1-9 using a Runge-
~ 0 K u t t a routine. The c o m p u t a t i o n was termi-
/o zo .~o 4o 50 60 zo
nated when the last fragment struck the
ground and the separations b e t w e e n the
FIG. 8. Diagram showing how the breakup altitude meteorite impacts were calculated as well
varies for different yield strengths and velocities. This
figure covers meteoroids whose masses range from I0r as the diameters of the craters formed.
to 10° kg and the effects of atmospheric drag are
included. It should be noted that the incoming bodies CROSS-RANGEDISPERSION
being considered are large enough that maximum
deceleration is not reached before breakup (or impact) All o f the k n o w n crater fields exhibit a
occurs. cross-range spread as well as a downrange
spread (refer to Table VIII). To explain this
cross-range spread, there must exist a
oroid wake is nearly zero. This difference in transverse horizontal velocity c o m p o n e n t
pressure b e t w e e n the front and b a c k o f the associated with the trajectory o f the mete-
meteoroid is responsible for both decelerat- oroid fragments.
ing and crushing it. This model for breakup Several m e c h a n i s m s for supplying a
is essentially the same as was p r o p o s e d b y t r a n s v e r s e velocity c o m p o n e n t to the mete-
Baldwin and Sheaffer (1971). K r i n o v (1966) oroid fragments include: the effect of trans-
considers the fragmentation zone for most verse lift, centripetal separation from a
meteoroids to be b e t w e e n 12 and 30 k m rotating meteoroid, dynamical transverse
altitude. separation resulting f r o m the crushing
A p p r o x i m a t e b r e a k u p strengths can also b r e a k u p of the meteoroid, and the interac-
be calculated using the velocities and alti- tion of two or more bow shocks of the
tudes for the b r e a k u p of o b s e r v e d meteor- fragments just after breakup. E a c h of these
oids. The Sikhote-Alin meteoroid is said to are discussed in the text that follows.
have fragmented at an altitude of approxi-
mately 6 k m with a velocity of about 14 km
sec -~ ( F e s e n k o v , 1951; Krinov, 1966). This Effect of Lift
gives a b r e a k u p strength of about l0 s N The simplifying assumption of a spherical
m -~. The Paragould meteorite (Nelson, or tumbling meteoroid with zero lift m a y
1953) b r o k e up at about 16 k m altitude with not be entirely correct and a lift perpendic-
a velocity of 15 km sec -~ which gives a ular to the line of flight may play a role in
yield strength o f 3 × l07 N m -2. Other the final distribution of craters.
values considerably less than these are also T h e r e is a m a x i m u m value that the lift
possibilities, as would be e x p e c t e d in the coefficient (CL) can have for which the
case of " d u s t balls" or highly fractured largest crater in a given strewn field is
meteoroids. located at the downrange end. Values of CL
F o r the numerical modeling o f the larger than this m a x i m u m value would
breakup o f a meteoroid, yield strengths o f result in a strewn field where the smallest
near zero (corresponding to a b r e a k u p fragments are found scattered around (and,



Crater field Downrange Maximum cross- Ratio o f reported

length range width crater diameters
(km) (kin)

Campo del Cielo 20 4 5:I

Clearwater Lakes 31 NA a 1.2 : 1
Henbury 0.64 0.44 21 : 1
Herault 7.3 1.8 13 : 1
Kaalijarv 1.0 0.75 24 : 1
Lonar 1.3 NA 6:1
Mauritanian 600 NA 5:1
Morasko 0.5 0.5 7:1
Odessa 0.2 0.09 28 : 1
Sikhote-Alin 2.0 0.9 265 : I
Wabar 0.5 0.1 6:I

a Not applicable for crater fields with only two or three craters.

in particular, downrange from) the largest 107 and 109 kg, and trajectory angles (0)
fragments, a pattern which is not generally between 15 and 45° with respect to the
found in the known crater fields. horizontal, values for CL, by this method,
One method for determining an approxi- range from 10 -3 to 10 -z.
mate value for CL is to determine the value Numerical modeling was also used to
for which the upward forces on the meteor- determine the maximum value for CL. It
oid during entry equal the downward forces was found that a lift coefficient (CL) greater
(refer to Fig. 7 and Eq. 3). In this case, the than about 10 -3 would produce a crater field
trajectories show no steepening in their where some o f the smaller fragments im-
angle with respect to the horizontal as the pact downrange from the larger fragments
meteoroid is decelerated by drag, and all (assuming the lift to be directed trans-
o f the fragments impact at the same versely upward to the trajectory). There-
downrange distance (i.e., no separate cra- fore, a maximum value for the lift
ters are produced). By this method it was coefficient is o f order 10 -3 .
found that CL ~ 10 -3 and that lift cannot Applying this value (CL = 10 -3) to try and
play an important role in the formation o f explain the cross-range spread observed in
terrestrial crater fields. P r o o f o f the negligi- crater fields, we see
bility of lift follows.
F 1 CLPaAV 2
Since more than 90% of the effective lift a = ~ = 2 M ' (16)
occurs below 20 km altitude, the average
atmospheric density (tSa) for this zone is where a is acceleration and F is force and
~ra = 0.35 P0 (14) :1 = 1 CLOaAV~t 2 (17)
Y z ~t2 4 M '
then, setting dO/dt = 0 and solving for CL
(from (Eq. (3)) we see that where Y is ½ the cross-range separation and
t is the time of flight after breakup occurs at
CL ~ 2 M e cos O/~aAV ~. (15)
altitude Z.
F o r meteoroid masses (M) ranging between Substituting Eq. (7) for A (assuming an

iron meteoroid) and since

(V)(t) -- Z/sin O,
y_ 8 x 1 0 - r p a Z2 (18)
(M) 113 sin 2 0"
Substituting the average value o f the at-
mospheric density below 20 km (Eq. (14))
and letting Z equal 20 km
1.3 × 10~
Y - (M) 1/3 sin 2 0 m kg 1/~ (19)

Therefore, the calculated deviation (Y)

from the initial trajectory o f a meteoroid
(i.e., one-half the cross-range spread ex- 0.1 ,o , ~r "J'
B 0. 2

pected) is about 2 km for a 1-kg meteoroid

and is less than 10 m for a 10r-kg meteoroid
(assuming 0 is 15°). Lift, therefore, cannot
account for the much larger cross-range
spreads observed in known crater fields and
is a relatively insignificant effect except in
the case of meteoroids whose masses are
less than 100 kg or for extremely shallow
entry angles. Other mechanisms must, FIG. 9. Schematic diagram of how the interaction of
bow shocks can produce a transverse velocity compo-
therefore, be responsible for the cross-
nent in the trajectories after breakup. (A) Prebreakup
range spreads observed in terrestrial crater meteoroid and trajectory with pressure building up
fields. behind the bow shock; (B) immediately after fragmen-
tation the fragments travel as a unit with one bow
Effect of Bow Shock Interaction shock; (C) the interaction of bow shocks produce a
Immediately after fragmentation, the me- transverse acceleration in the fragments until they are
separated by distance/3; (D) finally, the interaction of
teoroid fragments travel as a unit within a the bow shocks and the transverse acceleration
single bow shock. Soon afterwards the frag- cease, leaving the fragments to travel in their
ments b e c o m e sufficiently separated that modified trajectories (V1 and V~).
they have individual bow shocks. High
pressures develop between these bow where ct is the acceleration. The final trans-
shocks, producing an acceleration trans-
verse velocity VT is
verse to the trajectory of the incoming
meteoroid (refer to Fig. 9). VT = a A t = (2/3a) 1/2. (22)
T o calculate the value o f this accelera-
tion, assume that the bow shocks exert a Recalling that
force on each other until the two meteoroid
fragments have a separation (/3) of a certain F Pa ViZ~rR22 Vi2pa
ot = - ~ = (4/3)lrR2apm - 4 R z p m ' (23)
number (C) of meteoroid radii (R0
13 = CR1. (20) where Vi is the velocity along the trajectory
Therefore, the time o f interaction (At) is and substituting Eq. (23) into Eq. (22)

R t Pa 1/~
At = , (21)

and since the remaining flight time (t) is around the main crater would be expected
for the case o f vertical entry. For entry
t = Z/V2 sin O, (25) angles less than approximately 30° , how-
where V2 is resultant velocity along the ever, the separation between fragments is
modified trajectory, and assuming V2 ~ Vi, dominated by drag and gravity forces and
the separation distance (Y) is essentially all of the smaller meteoroid frag-
ments fall short of the largest fragment. The
Y = V,rt = (3R1Cpa)l'2 Z (26) interaction of bow shocks is, therefore,
2R2pm sin 0
primarily responsible for the cross-range
The maximum separation (Ymax) is spread observed, in the case o f shallow
achieved when breakup occurs at an alti- angle trajectories, rather than the gravity
tude o f two scale heights (about 15 km). By dominated downrange spread. Lift is prob-
studying the cross-range spread of craters ably insignificant in explaining cross-range
in known crater fields, it is possible to spread except in the case of fragments
determine an approximate value of the con- whose masses are less than 102 kg. The bow
stant C in Eq. (20). Using the information in shock interaction may also be related to the
Table VIII, the range in cross-range explosive effect that observers describe
spreads is from 0.1 to about 2.0 km. From when a meteoroid fragments (Krinov,
Eq. (26), the constant C is calculated to be 1966).
between 0.02 and 1.52 (assuming that the
ratio of crater sizes is linearly proportional Effect o f a Spinning Meteoroid
to the diameters o f the corresponding im- If one assumes that a large meteoroid is
pacting meteorites, and assuming a 15° an- spinning at the time breakup occurs, frag-
gle with a breakup at 15 km altitude). Since ments may separate from the parent body
the crater fields used in this calculation are with tangential velocities sufficient to ex-
not necessarily the result o f a breakup at 15 plain the cross-range separation observed
km, it should be noted that the higher value in terrestrial crater fields. This, however,
of 1.52 is more likely the true value (i.e., assumes that the spin axis o f the body is
since breakup was assumed to o c c u r at 15 oriented such that the tangential velocities
km altitude, where the maximum separa- o f the fragments are horizontally transverse
tion for this mechanism occurs, an actual to the original initial trajectory.
breakup at either higher or lower than 15 Assuming that a large meteoroid enters
km altitude would result in a calculation o f the atmosphere at 10 km sec -~ with an entry
C that is lower than the true value). F o r this angle o f 15° with respect to the horizontal
reason a value o f unity is assigned to C and and that breakup occurs at 15 km altitude, a
is probably correct to within a factor o f 2. transverse velocity of about 200 m sec -~ is
Assuming a ratio of meteoroid radii o f required to explain the cross-range spread
1 : 6 (corresponding to the ratio of observed observed. It can be easily shown that for a
crater diameters in several crater fields) and spherical meteoroid whose mass is 106 kg,
using a 15° angle trajectory with a breakup I0 rps is required to supply this tangential
at 15 km altitude, the expected cross-range velocity. F o r a 101°-kg body, about 0.5 rps
spread (Y) is about 1 km (refer to Eq. (26)). is required. The required angular velocity
This value is comparable to the cross-range varies inversely with altitude of breakup
spreads in Table VIII and is independent of and linearly with the initial velocity.
the masses of the meteoroid fragments.
The interaction o f bow shocks can result
in a crater field where smaller craters are Separation Due to Crushing
scattered completely around the main cra- Calculation of the transverse accelera-
ter. A symmetric distribution of fragments tions experienced by fragments as the ini-

tial body is being crushed, show that the shallow angle entry to b e c o m e locked into a
resulting transverse velocities for large decaying geocentric orbit (assuming that
fragments may be sufficient to explain the impact did not occur on the first encoun-
cross-range dispersions observed in crater ter). This event is unlikely unless the initial
fields. geocentric velocity is between 11.2 and 20
The separations resulting from this mech- km see -1 so that upon passage through the
anism are roughly the same order o f magni- atmosphere, the meteoroid's velocity drops
tude as the separations from bow shock below the escape velocity.
interactions but are about three orders of Shallow angle entry allows for a much
magnitude greater than the separation due greater gravitational separation than nor-
entirely to lift. mally occurs at steeper angles. Figure 10
shows the maximum separation by gravita-
SHALLOW ANGLE TRAJECTORIES tional and drag forces that can occur be-
The most probable angle o f meteorite tween two meteoroids with masses o f 109
impact with a nongravitating body is 45 ° and 108 kg for various entry angles and
(Gilbert, 1893). Shoemaker (1962) extended velocities. These two masses were chosen
this calculation to a gravitating body and because at angles less than 30° a crater o f
derived the same angle, assuming no atmo- order 10~-m diameter and one about half
spheric deceleration. The probability for that size would result, which correspond to
impact at angles less than 30° with respect the diameters encountered in terrestrial
to the horizontal is one of every four crater fields. It is interesting to note that for
events. T h r e e o f every 100 events occur at velocities greater than about 20 km see -1,
angles less than 10° (Gault and Wedekind, the maximum separation between these
1978). bodies due to gravity and drag is less than
This paper is concerned with shallow 20 km, and would be less for larger objects.
angle entries less than about 30° because for This, therefore, gives an upper limit for the
angles steeper than 30° , there is no length o f a probable crater field, for similar-
significant gravity separation o f different sized bodies with velocities greater than 20
mass fragments, and the separation o f cra- km sec -1. For initial velocities between
ters for a 45 ° angle trajectory would be less 11.2 and 20 km sec -1 the separation can be
than 300 m if it is entirely due to the very large (greater than 100 km) assuming
interaction of bow shocks for a ratio of the entry angle was less than 5° (see Fig.
meteoroid radii o f I : 6. For an initial mass 10). Other effects o f shallow entry include
of 109 kg at a 45 ° angle, a single crater the elongation o f craters, characteristic
would be formed even if breakup occurs ejecta patterns and richochetting (Gault and
because the separation of the fragments Wedekind, 1978; Fudali and Chapman,
would be insufficient to produce multiple 1975).
craters. Sometimes the trajectory o f an
incoming meteoroid is too shallow to hit the CRATER FIELDS
surface. The daytime fireball of August 10,
1972 (Sky & Tel. 1972; Rawcliffet al., 1974; DISCUSSION
Jacchia, 1974) was an example of one such A model for meteoroid breakup and for
meteoroid. The mass of this body has been the formation o f crater fields has been pre-
estimated to have been l0 s kg and its veloc- sented. Figures II, 12, and 13 show the
ity was about 15 km sec -1. Its entry angle regions of expected crater field formation
was approximately 4 ° and the lowest point for various initial masses, velocities, entry
in its trajectory was at an altitude o f 60 km. angles, and strengths o f meteoroids.
There is also the possibility that a m e t e - Single craters are produced when either
oroid can lose enough m o m e n t u m in a breakup has not occurred or where the

1 I I I

30 ° ..... I0 KM/SEC
\, ...... 20

.......... 70

~J 2 0 °
u •
• °a "'s
u u ',

I0 °

0 I I I l I I I

I 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIG. 10. Graph showing the m a x i m u m separation b e t w e e n two meteoroids with m a s s e s o f 10~ and
l08 kg, respectively, as a function o f velocity and entry angle. Separation was a s s u m e d to have
occurred above 70 k m altitude. The separation presented here is only due to the effect o f gravity on the
differentially decelerated meteoroids.

largest crater in a given field has a diameter case, total overlap of craters occurs w h e n
larger than the separations achieved b y the the largest crater in the field is approxi-
fragments. The region o f " t o t a l o v e r l a p " is mately 400 m in diameter. The dotted lines
where the separation between the largest represent the d i a m e t e r (in meters) of a
fragments is of the same order of magnitude crater produced b y a fragment with an
as the diameters of the fragments them- initial m a s s of one-half the mass of the
selves. The region o f " s o m e o v e r l a p " is meteoroid at the time of breakup. This,
where the largest fragments produce cra- then, can only be used as a guide for the
ters with diameters larger than their respec- a p p r o x i m a t e diameter o f the largest crater
tive separations, but where the smallest in a given crater field. Baldwin and Sheaf-
craters produced are not overlapping. In fer (1971) conclude from their investigation
the region o f " n o o v e r l a p , " the diameters that objects o f mass less than l08 kg with
of the craters produced are m u c h smaller initial velocities o f 70 k m sec -1 will not
than the separations b e t w e e n fragments. survive ablation. The m u c h smaller surviv-
There also exists a region for which the ing m a s s e s indicated on this figure m a y be
meteoroid does not survive a t m o s p h e r i c due to the choice o f CH, the effects of
ablation. b r e a k u p , or to the lower entry angle used
The regions shown are derived from nu- here.
merical modeling o f the b r e a k u p and trajec- Figure 12 shows the zones for an entry
tory o f a meteoroid. Gravity, drag, and bow angle o f 15° and a b r e a k u p strength o f 5 ×
shock interaction forces are included in the 108 N m -~. H e r e , due to the longer atmo-
computations. The effect due to a spinning spheric ablation time, the crater diameters
parent b o d y is roughly c o m p a r a b l e to that are smaller than shown on Fig. l l for
due to b o w shock interaction. meteoroids of the same initial masses and
Figure 11 shows these zones for an entry velocities. The effect o f shallower impact
angle o f 30 ° and a b r e a k u p strength o f 5 × angles is also taken into account for the
108 N m -2 (refer to Fig. 8 for the altitude of crater diameters shown.
b r e a k u p for the various velocities). F o r this Figure 13 shows the predicted zones for

8, : 30 ° X : 5X 10 8 NT-M -2 p o s s i b l e to a p p r o x i m a t e l y d e r i v e t h e s e p a -
I0 "'eOoo."'"..,.. ......
" ~Ooo..... r a m e t e r s f r o m t h e t e r r e s t r i a l c r a t e r fields
(refer to Table VIII).
""100o... 5INGLE CRATER F i g u r e 14 s h o w s a d i s t a n c e v s l o g d i a m e -
"'...., ......................................................
""~°o.. (TOTAL OV[RLAP)
ter plot for terrestrial and computer-gener-
8 . . . . a t e d c r a t e r fields. T h e lines for t h e t e r r e s -
trial c r a t e r fields (Fig. 14A) r e p r e s e n t a
. .. - .
l e a s t - s q u a r e s fit o f t h e l o g d i a m e t e r v s t h e
\ CsOMEOVE~L4P) / center-to-center distance from the largest
• ioo . ........ •.. . •• . c r a t e r in t h a t c r a t e r field.
In the following estimates of entry angle
a n d a l t i t u d e o f b r e a k u p for t h e k n o w n cra-
t e r fields, t h e initial v e l o c i t i e s w e r e as-
s u m e d to b e b e t w e e n 11.2 a n d 30 k m s e c - L
2 i A ii L J i i J
I0 20 ,30 40 50 60 70 Campo del Cielo
INITIAL VELOCITY Vi (KM-SEC") T h e e x t r e m e r e l a t i v e d i m e n s i o n s o f this
FIG. 11. Diagram showing the zones of crater field c r a t e r field o f 20 x 4 k m s u g g e s t s t h a t t h e
formation or burnup for meteoroids with a yield e n t r y a n g l e w a s i n i t i a l l y l e s s t h a n 10° a n d
strength (k) of 5 × 108 N m -2 and an entry angle (00 of t h a t b r e a k u p o c c u r r e d at l e a s t as high as 15
30° with respect to the horizontal. The dotted contours k m a l t i t u d e . R e n a r d a n d C a s s i d y (1971)
indicate the diameter (in meters) of a crater produced
by a fragment with an initial mass of one-half the mass h a v e s u g g e s t e d t h a t b r e a k u p o c c u r r e d at 46
of the meteoroid at the time of breakup. This should k m . T h i s p o s s i b i l i t y r e q u i r e s t h a t t h e initial
only be used as a guide for the approximate diameter e n t r y a n g l e w a s l e s s t h a n a b o u t 6 ° to p r o -
of the largest crater in a given crater field.
~,= t5 ° ~,:SX 10 8 N T - M -2

a n e n t r y angle o f 15 ° a n d a b r e a k u p s t r e n g t h
o f 1 x 107 N m -2. A l t h o u g h Fig. 8 s h o w s
t h a t for this s t r e n g t h , b r e a k u p w o u l d o c c u r
•..eo ° . . .~. . ......
. . . . . . . . . . !
f o r a n y initial v e l o c i t y b e t w e e n l0 a n d 70
k m s e c -~, t h e s m a l l z o n e o f n o b r e a k u p 8 \CRATER FIELD ..~
(102-10 ~ k g a n d 10-20 k m s e c - 0 o c c u r s
because these relatively small masses are
• •

" ,'oo . . . . . . . ~ ~ A T E R ~ F I E ~ Q I
decelerated below the velocity needed for
b r e a k u p to o c c u r at l o w e r a l t i t u d e s . ~,~ SINGLE CRATER X .."(N~OV~-RL'4PY

T h e l a r g e s t c r a t e r in a s t r e w n field is
p r e d i c t e d to h a v e a d i a m e t e r b e t w e e n 100 /
a n d I000 m a n d this is c o m p a r a b l e w i t h t h e
l a r g e s t c r a t e r s in t e r r e s t r i a l c r a t e r fields.
T h e l a r g e s t u n c e r t a i n t y in t h e n u m e r i c a l BURNUP
m o d e l i n g is in t h e a l t i t u d e o f b r e a k u p ,
w h i c h is r e l a t e d to t h e y i e l d s t r e n g t h o f t h e 2! ~ , .i j , L , ,
meteoroid. Since the cross-range width of a IO 20 60 40 50 60 70
g i v e n c r a t e r field d e p e n d s p r i m a r i l y u p o n INITIAL VELOCITY Vi (KM-SEC-')
the breakup altitude and the downrange FIG. 12. Same as Fig. 11 but foran entry angle (00
l e n g t h is r e l a t e d to t h e a n g l e o f e n t r y , it is of 15°.

8,= 15 ° X= IX IO 7 NT-M -2 Kaalijarv

, , = , , ,

/0 Craters 2 and 4 (refer to Figs. 3 and 15

" ~ O o o . . SINGLE CRATER .
~-~ i÷o/,~LovE)~z,~;=) and Table IV) appear to be too far from the
" 500 •
main crater for their diameters, when com-
• .. . ........ . •

pared with the rest of the craters in this

8 CRATER FIELD strewn field. One possible explanation for
this is if there were two stages of fragmen-
- . . - " . " _

...... ..... . tation resulting in two separate distance-

diameter correlations as shown in Fig. 15;
co6 one occurring at a high altitude (possibly 45
"~ CRATER FIELD.. ' " ,7"
kin) resulting in the formation o f craters 2
....... I0" "" ER /
and 4, the other breakup occurring at about
15 km, assuming a 10 to 20° entry angle.
i i i l
(NO B R E A K U P ) 4 . . . . . . . . . . . UCEZE~E~-[-ZK-Es. . . . . . . . . . . .

/o 2o {o 4'0 5'o {o 7o MAURITANIAN CRATERS


FIG. 13. Same as Fig. 11 but for a yield strength (X)

of 1 x l0 T N m -2 and an entry angle (0i) of 15°.

duce the observed cross-range spread for

the range o f crater sizes found here.

Clearwater Lakes :~ u 0 500 I000 1500

Atmospheric deceleration, gravity, lift,

bow shock interaction, spinning, and dy-
namical separation due to crushing cannot
explain the large separation for craters o f
these sizes. A possible explanation for ®
these craters is that they represent the 2 ~_______ -----I0 KM - ,s e cI L _ _ ~ _
impacts o f binary asteroids (Binzel and Van
Flandern, 1979; Tedesco, 1979).

)o / oo
0 3_,'3~x,~F I I I
The dimensions o f this crater field of 0.6 o 500 iooo f5oo
O l 5 TANCE (M)
× 0.4 km suggest a possible breakup alti-
tude o f about 10 km with an entry angle of FIG. 14. (A) Graph showing a least-squares fit for log
from l0 to 20°, depending on the velocity. crater diameter vs center-to-center distance from the
largest crater in the respective terrestrial crater fields.
Many other possibilities exist and this is The line for Sikhote-Alin is the upper boundary line as
only an example. s h o w n in Fig. 16 and is not a least-squares fit for all of
the craters in that crater field. (B) Graph showing
Herault calculated distributions of craters for various initial
If these craters are o f impact origin, they velocities and entry angles. The meteoroids were
assumed to have a yield strength of I x l0 7 N m -~ and
could have resulted from a low angle entry
an initial unbroken mass o f 10a kg. The distances
(less than 10°) with a breakup at or above 15 shown are due to the effect of gravity on the differen-
km altitude. tially decelerated fragments.

/ Morasko

~- ""'". - .... ------_ 2 KA,OLIJARV

There is a poor correlation between the
distance and crater diameters for this crater
field. Also, the crater field appears to be as
wide as it is long (refer to Fig. 4). This
distribution of craters could be the result of
an entry angle between 30 and 60° where
r~ .
most of the separation between craters is
due to bow shock interaction rather than
differential drag and gravity. A breakup
I r i | k I i I d I I altitude of between 10 and 20 km is a
500 I000
FIG. 15. Log-linearplot of crater diameter vs center-
to-center distance from the largest crater in the Kaali- Odessa
jarv crater field. The solid line represents a least- The narrow cross-range spread in this
squares fit to all of the craters. The broken lines are crater field of 0.09 km suggests a breakup at
two separate least-squares fits indicating two possible
either below 5 or above 50 km. For a
stages of breakup with craters 2 and 4 resulting from a
breakup at a much higher altitude than the rest of the breakup below 5 km, the entry angle would
craters. be relatively shallow (10-20°), and for a
breakup at about 50 km, the entry angle
would be steeper (35-55°).
Lonar L a k e
The separation o f the two craters of Sikhote-Alin
about 1300 m (center-to-center distance) The width o f this crater field is about 0.9
cannot be explained by drag and gravity km and suggests a breakup occurred above
alone. However, a transverse velocity im- 40 km for the range in crater sizes found
parted by the interaction of the bow shocks here. To achieve the downrange spread, an
for two meteoroids whose ratio of radii is initial entry angle of less than 20° is re-
1 : 6 (assuming crater diameters scale lin- quired. The impact angle has been esti-
early with the diameters of the impacting mated at 30° (Krinov, 1966). Krinov (1974)
meteorites) yields the observed separation, has identified three main stages of fragmen-
assuming that the entry angle was less than tation of the meteoroid by studying the
15° and that breakup occurred near 15 km. meteorite fragments and the overlapping
A 15° inclination is necessary to allow scatter ellipses. He states that the first stage
enough time for the observed separation occurred at a high altitude, resulting in the
and has nothing to do with the morphology main scatter ellipse, and was followed by
of the craters. two other stages as the meteoroid ap-
Mauritanian Craters proached the surface, which resulted in
scatter ellipses smaller than the main scat-
The numerical modeling suggests that it ter ellipse.
is highly unlikely that these three craters The scatter of points with a definite upper
are the products of the atmospheric boundary in Fig. 16 support the idea of a
breakup of a single large meteoroid. To multiple breakup.
achieve the observed separations of nearly
600 km, the breakup must have occurred at
an altitude greater than 50 km, entry veloc-
ity was between 11.2 and 15 km sec -1, and The dimensions of this crater field can be
the entry angle was less than 5° . achieved by a breakup between 10 and 30

k m w i t h an e n t r y a n g l e o f 15 a n d 30 ° w i t h t i o n o f b o w s h o c k s o f the i n d i v i d u a l m e t e -
r e s p e c t to the h o r i z o n t a l . oroid fragments after breakup but may also
b e d u e to a c o m b i n a t i o n o f c e n t r i p e t a l s e p a -
ration from a rotating meteoroid and a
Numerical modeling of the physics of a d y n a m i c a l t r a n s v e r s e s e p a r a t i o n o f frag-
m e t e o r o i d t r a j e c t o r y a n d b r e a k u p in t h e ments resulting from the crushing breakup
a t m o s p h e r e y i e l d s s e v e r a l n e w i n s i g h t s into o f the b o d y . T h e b o w s h o c k i n t e r a c t i o n
the parameters controlling these processes. a l l o w s for a m a x i m u m c r o s s - r a n g e s e p a r a -
It w a s f o u n d t h a t e n t r y a n g l e s l e s s t h a n 30 ° t i o n for a b r e a k u p at a p p r o x i m a t e l y 15 k m
a r e the m o s t e f f e c t i v e f o r t h e p r o d u c t i o n o f altitude.
c r a t e r fields. G e n e r a l l y , t h e l a r g e s t c r a t e r A l i f t - t o - d r a g r a t i o o f 10 -3 o r l e s s w a s
e x p e c t e d in a n y c r a t e r field s h o u l d be be- estimated on the basis of the observed
t w e e n 100 a n d 750 m in d i a m e t e r . F o r l a r g e r gravity-dominated separation of meteorite
c r a t e r s , t h e f r a g m e n t s fall so c l o s e t o g e t h e r f r a g m e n t s in s t r e w n fields. Lift is p r o b a -
t h a t t h e c r a t e r a p p e a r s to h a v e b e e n m a d e b l y o n l y i m p o r t a n t for m e t e o r o i d s w i t h
b y a single u n f r a g m e n t e d o b j e c t . m a s s e s less t h a n 102 kg, o r e x t r e m e l y
I r o n m e t e o r o i d s w i t h initial m a s s e s rang- s h a l l o w a n g l e s o f e n t r y (less t h a n 8°).
ing f r o m 10 ~ to 10 l° k g a r e t h e m o s t l i k e l y to T h e d o w n r a n g e s p r e a d o f c r a t e r s is c o n -
p r o d u c e c r a t e r fields. T h e t e r r e s t r i a l c r a t e r trolled primarily by drag and gravity forces
fields t h a t a r e d i s c u s s e d a r e p r o b a b l y the for e n t r y a n g l e s l e s s t h a n 30 ° . F o r s t e e p e r
r e s u l t o f t h e b r e a k u p o f large m e t e o r o i d s a n g l e s , t h e s e f o r c e s h a v e little effect a n d
w h o s e initial m a s s e s r a n g e d f r o m 10 r to 109 t h e s e p a r a t i o n is d u e to the b o w s h o c k
kg ( w i t h t h e e x c e p t i o n o f C l e a r w a t e r interaction.
Lakes). T h e s e c o n s i d e r a t i o n s a l l o w us to d e r i v e
T h e c r o s s - r a n g e s p r e a d in k n o w n c r a t e r approximate values of the angle of entry
fields is p r o b a b l y p r o d u c e d b y t h e i n t e r a c - a n d b r e a k u p a l t i t u d e s f o r m the d i s t r i b u t i o n
o f c r a t e r s in t e r r e s t r i a l c r a t e r fields.

We would like to thank Dr. W. A. Cassidy for
"~ 5/KHOTE - AL/N unpublished information relating to the Campo del
Cielo crater field. Also, our appreciation is given to the
aZ anonymous reviewers for constructive comments on
o°O .~° ;.,. the original manuscript. This work was supported by
t~ ° o~O ,.. NASA Grant NSG-7316.
°8 ° ~ ~
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