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Stacie Barker

Annotated Bibliography
Ed Tech 504

I did my annotated biography on the instructional design approach. After

taking a class last semester I learned about what instruction design is and
how to use it on more of a big scale or project. I wanted to do some research
and see if it would be beneficial to use in my classroom more often and how I
would be able to use it in my classroom more frequently.

Cheng, Y. (2009). From concepts of motivation to its application in

instructional design:
Reconsidering motivation from an instructional
design perspective. British Journal Of
Educational Technology, 40(4),
This article discusses why learners are motivated. The motivation can
be intrinsic or extrinsic. It discusses connectivism and how important it is to
have rewards while learning. Rewards are important because it makes the
learner want to continue to learn, it keeps them motivated. The ARCS model
was created in 1979. The ACRS model "assumed that people will be
motivated to engage in the activities if they perceive there is a positive
expectancy to be successful and if the activities are linked to the satisfaction
of their needs" (Cheng, 2009). The model was made to increase the interest
of instructional resources, instructor performance, and how the instruction is


Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology, 10(1), 136-142.
This article discusses what instruction design is. According to man,
"instruction is a systematic process in which every component (i.e. teachers,
students, materials, and learning environment) is crucial to successfully
learning" (man, 2011). During the instructional design method there are
several factors that need to be written in the design steps. There are four
standards that important for instructional designs. First, distinguishing your
goals and objectives. Second, deciding what instructional activities you will

use in order to reach those goals. Third, creating assessment that will be
used to determine if your leaner reached the goals. Last, adjusting and
modifying according to the needs of the learner.

Gillespie, F. (1998). Instructional Design for the New Technologies. New

Directions For Teaching
& Learning, 1998(76), 39.
This article discusses how teachers are being very motivated to learn
and develop ways to use and incorporate technology due to new technology
that is becoming available. Due to these advances in technology teachers
are able to spend less time presenting information to their students and
more time preparing the information for their students. With online learning
students are being held more responsible for their own learning than the
traditional way of teaching. Discussions are used to interact with not only
their professors, but also other classmates that are from around the world.
According to Gillespie, microcomputer technology would soon allow more
time for addressing students special concerns, diagnosing learning
problems, developing appropriate learning strategies, and monitoring the
effects of instruction. Students would benefit by becoming more actively
involved in the learning process, receiving immediate feedback about their
performance, and being able to proceed at their own pace (Gillespie, 1998).
The foundation of instructional technology has been the method of
systematic instructional design, which is A.D.D.I.E.
Nichols, W. D., & Rupley, W. H. (2004). Matching instructional design with
vocabulary instruction. Reading Horizons, 45(1), 55-71. Retrieved from
This article is about vocabulary instruction and its connection with
instructional design. The goal of vocabulary instruction is that students can
expand their current knowledge and improve their reading skills. Teaching
based on active processing is how students need to become skilled at new
vocabulary words. A main part of teaching vocabulary is through thought and
instructional design. The well known (old) way for teaching vocabulary is
through memorization and using a dictionary to look up the definition. When
a student has a hard time decoding or understanding the meaning of a word
they have a hard time comprehending what they read. The article states,
not having access to the meaning of words representative of the concepts
and content of what they read causes difficulty in children's comprehension

of texts, limits their ability to make a connection with their existing

background knowledge, inhibits their capacity to make coherent inferences,
and impacts their ability to reason (Nichols, 2004). When instructional
design is combined with suitable vocabulary activities then the learners can
improve their vocabulary knowledge.

Peterson, C. (2003). Bringing ADDIE to Life: Instructional Design at Its Best.

Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. 12 (3), pp. 227-241.
Norfolk, VA: AACE.
The A.D.D.I.E. model refers to five different elements. First is analysis,
during this phase the designer does an analysis to determine the needs of
the target audience. Second is design, the designer does research and
preparation. They will decide what objectives will need to be met and what
type of approach will be used to reach the objectives that have been set.
Third is development, during this phase they will design a product on how to
deliver the information the learner. Fourth is implementing, during this phase
designers have to try out the product. They have to decide what works and
what does not work. Last is Evaluation, during this stage the designer will
make necessary changes to the product so that it can be successful. Having
a assortment of multimedia options allows you to meet the needs of all the
learners and lets them discover how it can be significant and important to

Pliner, S. M., & Johnson, J. R. (2004). Historical, Theoretical, and Foundational

Principles of
Universal Instructional Design in Higher Education. Equity
& Excellence In Education,
37(2), 105-113.
This article discusses the challenges that students in higher education
face. Although students are getting more chances to go back to school than
ever before, higher education is still not adjusting to meet the needs of their
students. Pliner states that the number of students with psychological,
physical, and learning disabilities enrolled in higher education has tripled
since the late 1970s (Pliner, 2004). The purpose of the U.D.L. (Universal
Design for Learning) is to increase higher institutions teaching methodologies
to help students with different learning needs and disabilities for students.
When implementing UID there are nine principles used: 1) Equitable use 2) A

mixture of teaching methods 3) Insightful and straightforward 4) Making sure

all materials are readily available to students 5) Open-mindedness for error
6) Making sure instruction doesnt require too much physical effort 7) Using
the space of the room to address the needs of the students 8) Making the
students feel comfortable with the faculty and creating a community. 9)
Teachers require students to have high expectations.
Spector, J. M. (1998). The role of epistemology in instructional design.
Instructional Science, 26(3-4), 193-203.
This article talks about teaching and how it is a information based job.
Spector states, " epistemology means in the context of instructional design
and modeling" (Spector, 1998). Teachers use detailed facts about teaching to
execute successfully in tough situations. Teachers have to be able to adapt
their teaching according to their learners needs. Spector mentions that
"Constructivists are right in suggesting that learners, especially more
advanced learners, should be allowed some control of the instructional
design and modeling. As learners progress towards higher levels of expertise,
they are quite naturally better situated to make decisions about what is
appropriate to learn next, what is lacking with regard to their understanding
of a particular concept, and so on" (Spector, 1998).

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