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Emco Industrial Plastics - (888) 588-0597

2012- 07- 10 14:07:02 admin

Nylon. one of t he most widely used

engineering t hermoplast ics. of f ers an
excellent combinat ion of mechanical
perf ormance (t oughness. low
coef f icient of f rict ion. and good
abrasion resist ance) and cost .

Nylon, Extruded, T ype 6/6, Unf illed

Nylon 6/6 has a much higher melt ing point , bet t er mechanical
propert ies due t o great er hardness, and lower wat er
absorpt ion t han cast nylon.
Nylon, Extruded, T ype 6/6, MoS2 and Kevlar Fiber Filled
T his grade has become a st andard t hermoplast ic wear part
mat erial f or many indust ries, most commonly used f or large
part s (gears, sheaves, sprocket s and cust om part s) wit h
improved load bearing capabilit y allowing f or longer part lif e,
decreased mat ing component wear, and less down t ime.
Nylon, Extruded, T ype 6/6, Solid Lubricant Filled
T his mat erial is a t ype 6/6 ext ruded nylon compound wit h
special addit ives of f ering superior bearing propert ies.
Nylon, Extruded, T ype 6/6, Glass Filled
Nylon 6/6 is very easy t o modif y wit h f illers, f ibers, int ernal
lubricant s, and impact modif iers. Glass Filled nylon Variant s of
t his nylon exhibit increased st ruct ural and impact st rengt h, and
rigidit y.
Nylon, Extruded, T ype 6/6, Kevlar Fiber Filled
Nylon f illed wit h Kevlar aramid f ibers result in a mat erial t hat
is st rong, t ough, and resist s wear up t o 20 t imes great er
t han nylon alone. T his t hermoplast ic composit e out perf orms
met als, glass, or ot her reinf orced plast ics.
Nylon, Cast, T ype 6, Unf illed
T he cast ing process of cast nylon 6 result s in less st ress t han
t he ext rusion process, t hus providing bet t er dimensional
st abilit y. Nylon 6 exhibit s all t he propert ies which generally
make nylon a superior engineering mat erial: high st rengt h, low
f rict ion and wear resist ance.
Nylon, Cast, T ype 6, MoS2 Filled
Molybdenum disulphide-f illed (MOS2 f illed) and oil-f illed nylons
have enhanced wear propert ies and f illed variant s which

increase st ruct ural and impact st rengt h and rigidit y or lubricit y.

Nylon, Cast, T ype 6, Oil Filled
T his is a cast nylon wit h built -in oil lubricat ion. During t he
manuf act uring process, oil lubricat ion is complet ely and evenly
dispersed t hroughout t he cast nylon, making it an int egral part
of t he mat erials st ruct ure t hat cannot spin out , dry out , or
drain out , even under t he harshest working condit ions.
Nylon, Cast, T ype 6, Glass Filled
T he addit ion of glass f ibers t o nylon in various amount s (10%,
20%, 30% and 40%) increases t ensile st rengt h, st if f ness,
compressive st rengt h, and a lower t hermal expansion
coef f icient over convent ional unf illed grades.
Nylon 101 PA66
Of all t he unmodif ied nylons, Nylon 101 is t he st rongest , most
rigid and has one of t he highest melt ing point s. It is commonly
specif ied f or screw machined elect rical insulat ors and f ood
cont act part s.
Metal Detectable Nylon
T his polyamide 6 grade, cont aining a met al det ect able
addit ive, has been specif ically t ailored f or use in t he f ood
processing and packaging indust ries where it can easily be
t raced by t he convent ional met al det ect ion syst ems inst alled
t o det ect cont aminat ion of t he f oodst uf f s.
Nylon, Extruded, T ype 6/12
T he addit ion of glass f ibers t o nylon in various amount s (10%,
20%, 30% and 40%) increases t ensile st rengt h, st if f ness,
compressive st rengt h, and a lower t hermal expansion
coef f icient over convent ional unf illed grades.
Nylon HS Blue
Nylon HS Blue is heat st abilized cast nylon 6, which is easily
dist inguished by it s dist inct ive blue color. It is manuf act ured
wit h addit ives in t he f orm of high t emperat ure resist ant
colorant s, U.V. st abilizers, and heat st abilizers which allow HS
Blue t o ret ain it s propert ies in applicat ions operat ing at
elevat ed t emperat ures. T his reduces st ress dist ort ion t hat
can be caused by machining.
Nylon T hreaded Rod
T his t hreaded rod is light weight , inert , non-t oxic, t ast eless,
weat her resist ant , non-aging, non-sparking, mechanically
st able, non-f lammable and will not support combust ion.
Maximum t emperat ure is 200 degrees F. Excellent f or use in
chemical indust ry, oil ref ineries, f ood processing, and marine
applicat ions.
Nylon Plastic Summary:
Emco Indust rial Plast ics. f eat ures an except ional assort ment of nylon sheet ,
nylon rod, and nylon rods and t ubes. Nylon plast ic is easy f or special
f abricat ion and has many ot her desireable qualit ies. Nylon can be used f or
t he creat ion of bearings, bushings, washers, seals, gears, guides, rollers, wear
plat es, f ast eners, insulat ors, f orming dies, sleeves, liners, cooling f ans and
various ot her indust rial or commercial component s. Nylon sheet s and plast ic is

known f or it s remarkable propert ies including high wear and t ear

environment s, superior abrasion resist ance, and also has a very low
coef f icient of f rict ion. In addit ion it also has a very high st rengt h t o weight
rat io. Nylons durabilit y also includes corrosion resist ance t o a variet y of alkalis
and organic and nat ural chemical subst ances. Nylon is f ound t o be nonabrasive when used wit h ot her mat erials, has excellent noise reducing and
dampening propert ies and addit ionally has excellent elect rical insulat ion
charact erist ics. Alt hough Nylon is not Ult raviolet st abilized, it is USDA and FDA
compliant .
Nylon was t he earliest engineering resin t o be used, and has been employed in
usage including elect ronic applicat ions, marine and wat er uses, and t he
aut omot ive indust rial sect ors. In addit ion, nylon f ibers are of t en used t o make
carpet . Nylon sheet has except ional wear resist ance and minimal f rict ional
charact erist ics.
Nylon has superior t emperat ure, chemical, and impact resist ance propert ies.
Nylon Part s t hat are machine made or f abricat ed are light -weight , precise,
and corrosion and wear resist ant . Reduced f rict ion, very good abrasion
resist ance and also t he capacit y t o operat e wit h minimal or no lubricat ion, are
some of t he more know f eat ures of nylon rods,sheet s, or t ubes. In addit ion,
you can expect excellent weight and pressure-bearing capabilit y,good wear
resist ance and a st rong impact resist ance. T his makes it ideal f or demanding
const ruct ion or indust rial / commercial condit ions.
Nylon sheet t hat is not compounded wit h Ult raviolet light st abilizers are
sensit ive t o UV light . T hese t ypes of chemical subst ances shouldnt be
ut ilized f or prolonged out door use. If you need nylon t hat is more ef f ect ive f or
UV exposure, cont act Emco Plast ics t o learn about your opt ions..
Nylon Extruded, Unf illed Characteristics:
-High t ensile st rengt h and modulus of elast icit y
-Very high impact resist ance
-Superior heat dist ort ion t emperat ure
-Wit hst ands wear, abrasion, vibrat ion, and corrosion
-T olerant of cont act wit h chemical subst ances, alkalies, dilut e acids and some
oxidizing agent s.

Available Nylon T ypes: 6/6 (ext ruded), 6 (cast )

Availability includes: MD, Nat ural, Black, Glass-Filled, Oil-Filled & various
ot her compounds.

Nylon Notes:

Nylon 101 is an ext ruded t ype of polyamide, providing good st if f ness,

st rengt h, wear resist ance, and t emperat ure resist ance up t o 210F.
Quick View of T op Nylon Sheet, Rod and T ube Features:
Out st anding capacit y t o resist alkalies and ot her oxidizing agent s
High st rengt h and st if f ness at elevat ed or prolonged high t emperat ure
Low weight t o size rat io
Good low t emperat ure impact and abrasion st rengt h
Minimal f rict ion propert ies
Various FDA & USDA Applicat ions
Excellent f or Indust rial or Commercial Use f or Bushings, Bearings, Rollers,
Manif olds
Ideal f or Gears or Sprocket s, Sheaves, and Insulat ors
Excellent abrasion and wear resist ance
Prolonged use t emperat ure of 220F
Very simple t o cust om f abricat e
Wear component s
Cert if icat ions: AST M D4066 PA 0111, AST M D6779, Nat ural is FDA and USDA


What are t he available sizes f or NYLON RODS, SHEET S, AND T UBES?


St andard 12, 24 x 48; 24 x Nat ural,
Sheet1/32 4 T H
96; CT S
3/16 8DIA; 1/4 1 sq.; 3/16
Nat ural,
St andard f oot lengt hs, CT S
1 hex
T ube 2 14 OD
St andard f oot lengt hs, CT S Nat ural
Balls 1/8 3 DIA Nat ural; Nat ural Screws 3/16 2 L in various heads
and t hread sizes Nat ural
Give us your cut -t o-size dimensions. We will precision-cut t hese plast ics t o
your exact size. Addit ional sizes and colors available upon request .

What colors are available f or NYLON RODS, SHEET S, AND T UBES?

Emco st ocks various colors and opt ions f or NYLON RODS, SHEET S, AND
T UBES. See more in our Plast ics Phot o Gallery

Can you provide NYLON RODS, SHEET S, AND T UBES f abricat ion or cust om
Yes, Emco of f ers complet e cust om NYLON RODS, SHEET S, AND T UBES
f abricat ion f rom small part s all t he way up t o larger, more complicat ed orders.
All of our f abricat ion is done in-house wit h t he highest level of qualit y cont rol.
Give us your cut -t o-size dimensions. We will precision-cut t hese plast ics t o
your exact size. Addit ional sizes and colors available upon request .

How long does shipping t ake?

Since Emco has a f ully st ocked warehouse, we of f er t he f ast est shipping
opt ions available including same-day shipping. T ypical shipping t imes vary
based upon t he size, availabilit y, and complexit y of t he order.

How do I know if NYLON RODS, SHEET S, AND T UBES is ideal f or my

applicat ion?
Give Emco a call or eMail t o discuss which indust rial plast ic is best f or your
applicat ion. We will work hard t o help you make t he best choice t hat of f ers
you t he most value at t he lowest price.

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