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Teaching By Using Jigsaw Method


: El Fajri Karisman


: 6.A


: 2013111169.P



1. Abstarct
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or potential behavior as a
result of experience or training is strengthened. Learning is a result of the interaction
between stimulus and response. Stimulus is what the teacher to the learner, while the
response in the form of student reactions or responses to the stimulus given by the
Today has made a number of methods that can help teachers to better stimulate
the respones so students can quickly accepted. One of which is a jigsaw, why the author
chose the jigsaw method? because it is more suitable for Indonesian people who uphold
gotong royong.
Key : Teaching, student, Jigsaw Method.

2. Introduction
a. Teaching
Teaching refers to the process of imparting knowledge and skills from a
teacher to a learner. It encompasses the activities of educating or instructing. It is
an act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical
ability of an individual.
b. Jigsaw Method.
Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a
"home" group to specialize in one aspect of a topic (for example, one group
studies habitats of rainforest animals, another group studies predators of rainforest
animals). Students meet with members from other groups who are assigned the
same aspect, and after mastering the material, return to the "home" group and
teach the material to their group members. With this strategy, each student in the
"home" group serves as a piece of the topic's puzzle and when they work together
as a whole, they create the complete jigsaw puzzle.
Jigsaw technique is a cooperative learning one technique was first applied
by Aronson year 1971 and initially 1978. Research jigsaw classroom is used for
purposes that relieve the learner competition and race issues contained in a class
that is located in Austin, Texas.

3. Teaching by Using Jigsaw Method

In this strategy guide, we will learn how to organize students and texts to allow
for learning that meets the diverse needs of students but keeps student groups flexible.
a. Research Basis
The research that originally gave credibility to the jigsaw approach
creating heterogeneous groups of students, diving them into new groups to
become expert on a topic, and then returning them to their home groupstouted
its value as a means of creating positive interdependence in the classroom and
improving students attitudes toward school and each other.1
The structure it provides also lends itself naturally to differentiating
instruction. Because learning experiences can be differentiated by content based
on student readiness and interests, the jigsaw technique allows students to learn
from text that is matched to their interests and independent reading level while
also learning from their peers, who have worked with text that is appropriate for
b. Strategy in Practice
The jigsaw classroom is very simple to use. just follow these steps:
1. Divide students into 5- or 6-person jigsaw groups. The groups should be
diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, race, and ability.
2. Appoint one student from each group as the leader. Initially, this person
should be the most mature student in the group.
3. Divide the day's lesson into 5-6 segments. For example, if you want history
students to learn about Eleanor Roosevelt, you might divide a short biography
of her into stand-alone segments on: (1) Her childhood, (2) Her family life
with Franklin and their children, (3) Her life after Franklin contracted polio,
(4) Her work in the White House as First Lady, and (5) Her life and work after
Franklin's death.
4. Assign each student to learn one segment, making sure students have direct
access only to their own segment.
5. Give students time to read over their segment at least twice and become
familiar with it. There is no need for them to memorize it.

6. Form temporary "expert groups" by having one student from each jigsaw
group join other students assigned to the same segment. Give students in these
expert groups time to discuss the main points of their segment and to rehearse
the presentations they will make to their jigsaw group.
7. Bring the students back into their jigsaw groups.
8. Ask each student to present her or his segment to the group. Encourage others
in the group to ask questions for clarification.
9. Float from group to group, observing the process. If any group is having
trouble (e.g., a member is dominating or disruptive), make an appropriate
intervention. Eventually, it's best for the group leader to handle this task.
Leaders can be trained by whispering an instruction on how to intervene, until
the leader gets the hang of it.
10. At the end of the session, give a quiz on the material so that students quickly
come to realize that these sessions are not just fun and games but really count.

4. Conclusion

Of all the cooperative learning strategies, I think that the jigsaw technique is the
most effective. After all, when kids learn something well enough that they can teach it to
others, they have truly mastered the material. There is a corollary benefit as well-students working as a team, with each team member contributing to the overall success of
the group, learn a vital real-life lesson. As you know, no matter how your kids will
eventually be employed, they will always be part of a team effort.
And, the jigsaw strategy allows them to hone their cooperative/competitive skills
in an arena far removed from the athletic field. For additional information regarding
cooperative learning, please see the Overview, Grouping Strategies, Assigning Individual
Tasks, Addressing Problems, and Evaluation pages.

Aronson , Elliot , dan Shelley Patnoe . The Jigsaw Classroom :
Kerjasama Building di Kelas . Ed 2. New York : Longman , 1997.

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