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Soal MCQ Blok 13 PDU 07
1. These statement are correct related with TB colitis, except
a. Relation between high frequent pulmo Tb and Tb colon
b. Most case cause by M.Tb
c. Can cause bleeding, obstruction, & perforation
d. Drug.
2. Colon inflammation in pseudomembranes colitis disebabkan oleh
a. AB
b. Toxin clostridium difficile
c. Overgrowth normal flora colon
d. Clostridium difficile
3. Ekstraintestinal manifestation of inflammation bowel disease, except
a. Uveitis
b. Eritema nodosum
c. Bursitis
d. Pioderma
4. Diagnostic tool for IBD
a. Radiologi
b. Lab
c. Colon loop
d. Colonoscopy
5. Clinical manifestation of Enterobacteriaceae. Instead of diarrhea
a. Respiratory infection
b. Urinary tract infection
6. Antimicrobial therapy is crucial to the outcome in infection with member of the enterobacteriaceae because
a. Intrinsic resisten
b. Plasmid and chromosomal resisten
c. Metabolic resisten
d. Narrow spectrum of antibiotic
7. The primary method of diagnosis of Enterobacteriaceae was conducted by
a. Serology
b. PCR
c. Culture
d. Animal test
8. Diare akut ga da mucus dan darah
a. E. coli
b. S. typhi
c. Rotavirus
d. C. albicans

9. Rotavirus infection is usually diagnosed by the presence of

a. Antigen in stool
b. Virus in stool
c. Antigen in blood
d. Virus in blood
10. Possibility diagnosis for patient
a. Melena ec gastritis erosive
b. Melena ec
c. Melena ec
d. Melena ec
11. To establish a definitive diagnostic, we require an axact diagnostic exam, such as
a. OMD
b. Esophagogastrophy
c. Colonoscopy
d. Colon in loop
13. Diagnostic exam result showed gastric ulcer. The patient had Gout arthritis. If he had consume obat rematik
(NSAID) so its better to
a. Use antacid as profilaksis
b. Use H2 blocker (ranitidine) as profilaksis
c. Use PPI (lansoprazole) as profilaksis
d. Use Sucralfate as profilaksis
35 th, pr, sternal pain, heartburn, swallow pain, nausea, vomittus, riwayat penyakit she frequently presented to
gynaecologist with leucorrhea complain & was treated with mefenamic acid & Clindamycin.
BP 120/80 mmHg, PR 72x/mnt, RR 22x/mnt, no pale conjunctiva, epigastric pain, cor pulmo, lab : liver renal
function tests normal.
14. A possibility diagnosis of the patient is
a. Pleural effusion
b. Angina Pectoris
c. Myalgia
d. Esofagitis
15. We need an exact diagnosis examination a definitive diagnosis such as
a. ECG
b. Thorax photo
c. Gastroscopy
d. Colonoscopy
16. The drug of choice is
a. Antacid
b. Sucralfat
c. PPI
d. Prokinetik

A man, 55 th, with weakness.

Pem. Fisik : showed general state weak, pale conjunctiva, with icterus & ascites.
Lab : Showed Hb 6,8 g%
Past illness history : Sakit kuning 30 thn lalu, 3 thn lalu MRS coz hematemesis melena dan diobati dg ligasi
varices esophagus.
17. A possibility cause of anemia of this patient is
a. Esophagus varices rupture
b. Gastropathy portal hypertension
c. Gastric erosive
d. Gastric ulcer
18. Simple test to ensure melena
a. Sigmoid
b. Rectal toucher
c. Benzidine
d. Colon loop
19. One of alarm signal to do endoscopy for the patient with dyspepsia is
a. Hematemesis
b. Dyspepsia more than 2 week
c. Flatulens
d. Hematoscezia
20. Pancreatic island consist of alpha..
b. Endoderm
21. Bayi (2 bln), urine pekat dark color, feces clay .?!!
Jwb : Billiary atresia extrahepatic
22. A 28 day old baby is brought to the physician because of Projectile vomiting after feeding.
a. Esofageal stenosis
b. Annular pancreas
c. Hipertrofi pyloric stenosis
d. Extrahepatic billiary atresia
23. Arteries that supply foregut derivatives of the digestive system..
a. Celiac trunk
b. Superior mesenteric arteries
c. Inferior mesenteric arteries
d. Umbilical artery
24. The simple columnar or cuboidal epithelium lining, the extra hepatic billiary duct is derived from
a. Mesoderm
b. Endoderm
c. Ectoderm
d. Neuroectoderm

Soal 25-30
Woman, 55 y.o, was admitted to hospital with chief complaint diarrhea more than 4 weeks. Diarrhea more than
3x/day. Blood (+). She felt abdominal pain, mouth ulcer, joint pain, decrease Body weight.
- Physical Exam : TD 120/80 mmHg, N 80x/mnt, RR 20x/mnt, T 360C. Conjuctiva palpebra anemis, palpable
mass in inguinal dextra region.
- Lab : Hb 8 gr/dl, Leu 7000/mm3, LED 20 mm/jam, trombosit 200.000, CRP (+), uric acid 4,4 mg/dl,
LDH 50 U/I.
- Feces : Benzidine test (+). Endoscopy : Cobblestone appearance (+).
25. Based on data, patient was suffered
a. Ca colon
b. Chrons disease
c. Ulcerative colitis
d. Colon tuberculosis.
26. The most frequent lesion of diasease
a. Rectal
b. Ileocecal
c. Descenden colon
d. Transversum colon
27. What should you give for the treatment
a. Surgery
b. Chemotherapy
c. 5 ASA-cortikos
28. Ethiopathogenesis dr kasus
a. Unclear, autoimun
b. Interaksi ganetik dan lingkungan
d. Poor nutrition
29. Komplikasi dr scenario yang tersering adalah
a. Perforasi
b. Obstruksi intestinal
c. Toxin megacolon
d. Malabsorption
Recurrent abdominal pain sejak 3 bulan lalu, nyeri b jika flatus/BAB. Muntah, diare, T 360C, bising usus .
Riwayat konsumsi antibiotic.
Nyeri perut berulang yang hilang karena defekasi & flatus. (+) diare, muntah, (-) darah, demam, peristalsis ,
riwayat antibiotik.
31. Prosedur apa? Penegakan diagnosis
a. USG
b. Radiology/ rontgen
c. Colonoscopy
d. Endoscopy

32. Jika prosedur normal, diagnosisnya

a. Colitis infection
b. IBD
c. IBS
d. Pseudomembran colitis
33. Apa jenis obat yang diberikan untuk IBS
b. antispasmodic, antidiare,.
34. Tempat di colon yang paling sering kena Ca..
a. Sigmoid
35. Epithelial polyp that can lead to be malignant is
a. Adenoma
b. Inflammatory polyp
c. Hyperplastic polyp
d. Hamartoma
36. The following are bacteria which have late lactose fermenters
a. E. coli
b. Salmonella typhi
c. Shigella sonnei
d. Klebsiella sp.
38. Stool culture can be used in diagnosis demam typoid selama
a. 1 Minggu
b. 2 Minggu
c. 3 Minggu
d. 4 Minggu
39. The most probable organism causing food poisoning in a child who has eaten ice cream 16-18 hours earlier
a. Salmonela typhimurium
b. Clostridum botulinum
c. Clostridium fringes
d. Staphylococus aureus
40. The following is true about enterobacteriaceae
a. Oxidase negative
b. Urease positive
c. Resistance antibiotic
41. Yang dari midgut
a. Appendix
b. Liver
c. Pankreas
d. Stomach
42. A 3 month old baby girl presents with a swollen umbilicus that has failed to heal normally. The umbilicus
drains secretion and there is passage of fecal material through the umbilicus at times. What is the most likely
a. Omphalocele
b. Gastroschizis
c. Anal agenesis
d. Ileal diverticulum

43. Kupfer cell berasal darimana

a. Mesoderm
b. Ektoderm
c. Endoderm
d. Neuroektoderm
44. Epithel skuamous simplex dan skuamous stratified di anal canal berasal dari
a. Endoderm
b. Mesoderm
c. Ektoderm
d. Neuroektoderm
45. Polihidramnion, vomit, bile distended, small amount meconium lewat anus
a. Esofageal stenosis
b. Annular pancreas stenosis
c. Pylori hipertrofi
d. Duodenal atresia
46. Adsorben Al-hidroksida
47. H2 antihistamin can disturb metabolism diazepam
a. Ranitidine
b. Cimetidine
c. Pirenzepin
d. Famotidine
48. Becarefully prescribe antimuscarinic in patient with hypertrophy prostate
a. Omeprazole
b. Bismuth colloidal
c. Pirenzepin
d. Metoclopropamide
49. Obat yang meningkat carcinoid jika dipakai terlalu lama pada binatang
a. Sucralfat
b. Na-bikarbonat
c. Omeprazole
d. Misoprostol
50. Obat yang merangsang PG-E
a. Setraksat
b. Misoprostol
c. Metoklopropamid
d. ?
51. The role of prokinetik drug working in D reseptor GIT Domperidone
52. This prokinetik drug is contraindicated in patient with mechanic obstruction :
a. Metoklopropamid
b. Pirenzepin
c. Sukralfat
d. Kisaprid

53. The second line antibiotic combination to treat peptic ulcer

a. Tetracyclin
b. Quinolon
c. Bismuth coloidal
d. Klaritromycin
54. Commonly overlooked as a cause of dyspepsia is lactose malabsorption which may cause
a. Bloating
b. Cramps
c. Flatulence
d. All above
54. The definition of digestion is
a. Chemical break down of big particles of food into chime
b. Mechanical breakdown of food by teeth in mouth
c. Chemical and mechanical breakdown of food into absorbable unit
d. A process of metabolism which involves secretion of enzymes
55. Male,50 y.o, without a significant past medical history/ recent exposure to alcohol present with mid
epigastric abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
Physical exam is remarkable for the absence of jaundice and any other specific physical findings.
Which of the following is the best strategy for screening for acute pancreatitis?
a. Abdominal ultrasound
b. Abdominal CT scan
c. Measurement of both serum amylase dan serum lipase
d. Magnetic resonance imaging.
56. At presentation of acute pancreatitis. All the following predict a poor prognosis
a. Hematocrit above 44%
b. Albumin < 3,0 g/dl
c. BMI >30
d. Lipase > 600 U/I
57. Acute pancreatitis poor prognosis, except
a. Hematokrit > 44%
b. Albumin < 3
c. BMI >30
d. Lipase > 600
57. Risk factor of acute Pancreatitis are, except
a. Obesity
b. Alcoholic
c. Billiary obstruction
d. Chronic hepatitis
58. a 35 yo complains of UQ pain that occurs after she eats a large meal. Occasionally, the episodes are
accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A plain x-ray of abdomen discloses gallstones. USG reveals gallstones &
normal size common bile duct. The patients blood chemistry & complete blood count are normal. The most
therapeutic maneuver :
a. Observation
b. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
c. Ursodeoxycholic acid
d. Shock wave lithotripsy

60. Chrons disease is frequently associated with malnutrition. Deficiencies of nutrients below are common :
a. Magnesium
b. Potassium
c. Zinc
d. all above
61. Small bowel mucosal injury and consequent malabsorption in celiac sprue occurs when a susceptible patient
ingests food containing gluten that is .
a. Barley
b. Wheat
c. Rye
d. All of above
62. The most tight cell to cell junction in GIT epithelial cell is
a. Esophagus
b. Stomach
c. Intestine
d. Rectum
63. GALT di ..
a. Peritoneum
b. Muscularis Externa
c. Submucosa
d. Mucosa
64. Pada kasus gastritis, makanan yang bersifat iritan
a. Makanan pedas
b. Makanan beralkohol
c. Makanan berbumbu kuat
d. Semua benar
65. Pada kasus GERD, makanan yang dapat menyebabkan GERD
a. Mknn lemak
b. Cokelat
c. Makanan dgn porsi besar
65. GERD is condition in which gastric content move backward into the esophagus. Dietary can lead to GERD
are as follow
a. fat diet
b. intake cokelat
c. >> large meals
d. all above
66. Anti H2 menyebabkan deplesi mineral cth
a. Ca
b. Fe
c. Zn
d. Smua di atas
66. There are 2 main classes of ulcer medication. 1st group belong to H2 blocker. H2 blocker deplete mineral
a. Ca
b. Fe
c. Zn
d. all above

67. Slow wave potential in GIT

68. The physiological purpose of motility GIT
a. keep lumen free of pathogen
b. Maximize exposure of food particle
c. expose food to lymphoid tissue
d. Balance equilibrium of absorption and secretion.
70. Digesti protein pertama kali di
a. Mulut
b. Lambung
c. Usus halus
d. Usus besar
71. The digestion of trigliserida needs
a. Bile
b. Pepsin
c. HCl
d. Lipase
72. The content of ORALIT usually includes sugar & salt, bcoz
a. Glucose and Na can decrease the motility of GIT
b. Glucose must be co-transported with Na
c. Secretion of GIT depends on glucose & Na
d. Absorption in colon is influenced by Glucose & Na
A woman, 60 y.o, admitted to the hospital with chief complaint mass in epigastric quadrant & jaundice. In
abdominal USG found mass in pancreas caput & obstruction in choledocus duct.
73. The exact diagnosis examination to establish a definitive diagnosis such as :
a. CEA
b. CA-125
c. CA 19-9
d. AFP
74. This patient also complain fever, pain in right upper quadrant and leukositosis. Complication of this patient
probably are, except :
a. Cholelithiasis
b. Sepsis
c. Hepatitis
d. Cholecystitis
75. Treatment of this patient
a. Chemotherapy
c. Pancreatectomy
d. Embolization

76. Nyeri RUQ, fever, jaundice. Leukosit 16.000/ mm3. USG : thickening sludge in gallbladder.
What is the most diagnose?
a. Cholecystitis
b. Cholelithiasis
c. Hepatitis
d. Chirosis
77. Patogenesis cholecystitis, except
a. Sembuh total
b. Perforasi
c. Abscess
78. A classic sign of acute cholecystitis
a. Murphy sign
b. Ludwig sign
c. Psoas sign
d. Curvoisier law
79. M4ST is designed untuk individu yang berisiko malnutrisi pake criteria
a. Current weight status
b. Unintentional weight loss
c. Acute disease effect
d. All above
80. The SGA is a tool to recognize doc nutritional problem in patient. Include
a. A dietary & medical history
b. A functional assessment
c. A physical examination
d. All of the above
81. The mini nutrition assessment (MNA) is a rapid & reliable tool for evaluating nutritional status of the
elderly. It is composed of
a. 15 items
b. 16 items
c. 17 items
d. 18 items
82. NRS was developed to assess a patients nutrition risk at hospital admission. The NRS contain variable of
a. weight loss
b. Food intake
c. Physiologic stress
d. All of the above
83. Kriteria min kwashiorkor
a. decubitus ulcer
b. Skin ulcer
c. Edema
d. a b c benar semua


84. Decrease of food intake is commonly encountered in Inflammatory bowel disease, especially Chrons
disease. This frequently occurs because of anorexia & related to food intake with
a. Nausea & vomiting
b. Diare
c. Pain
d. Semua benar
85. Dyspepsia may be causes by a number of food, medication, systemic disorders, and disease of the GI tract.
Specific foods below are commonly implicated in dyspepsia .
a. Coffee, but its relationship to dyspepsia in unproven
b. Spicy food, particularly red peppers, may causes acute gastric mucosal injury.
c. Spicy food, particularly red peppers, may causes acute epigastric pain.
d. All of the above.
86. Most patient those suffering from celiac sprue will improve with dietary management alone. Foodstuff are
allowed to consumed are as follow :
a. Corn, or
b. Rice, or
c. Buckwheat, or
d. all of the above
87. Greater impact of antacid usage is developing depleting some nutrient, that is
a. Ca
b. Fe
c. Zn
d. All of the above
92. when assessing a cliens nutritional statuswhich is indicative of malnutrition
a. Dull hair
b. A body mass index of 24
c. Moist mucous membranes
d. Soft a andomen
93. Massa submandibular, (-) nyeri
Mixed tumor : .
95. Laki2, 50 thn, nyeri akut epigastric, biopsy : active chronic gastritis. Microba penyebabnya..
a. C. albican
b. H. pylori
c. Salmonella sp
d. S. aureus


96. An intussusception best defined as :

a. Bowel obstruction due to diverculitis.
b. Telescoping of a bowel segment
c. Perforation with peritonitis
d. A twisting of a loop of bowel upon it self
97. Pathology examination of hemorrhoid
a. A tortous dilation of small vessels spanning the intestinal mucosa or submucosa
b. A benign lesion, polipoid, aand severe inflammation
c. Dilated internal & external venous plexus in the anal canal
d. Perforation of colon caused by toxic megacolon
98. Acute appendicitis, pathogenesis klinis dari lesiny adalah .
lupa pilihannya, tapi kayakny yang D betul semua
99. Gross and microscopic features of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas include
a. Frequent haemmorrhage and necrosis tumor
b. Usually well differentiated
c. Most common location in body of pancreas
d. Rarely obstruction in the common bile duct
100. A possibility diagnosis in patient with abdominal pain at RUQ, except
a. Kolelitiasis
b. HCC
c. prochle
d. Abscess
101. Massa epigastric, kecuali
a. Pankreatitis carcinoma
b. Aneurisma aorta
c. HCC
d. Cholelithiasis
103. Manifestasi klinis dari pankreatitis kronis adalah sbb, kecuali
a. Steatorrhea
b. Epigastric pain
c. Malabsorption
d. Pain (-) when consume alcohol
104. Yang bisa menyebabkan obstructive jaundice, kecuali
a. Cholangiocarcinoma
b. Cholelithiasis
c. Primary billiary chirrhosis
d. Hemolysis
105. Gejala Sirosis hepatic adalah
a. Ginekomastia
b. Spider nevi
c. Eritema nodosum
d. Splenomegaly


106. Which are this statement true, except :

a. Acute pancreatitis is classically relieved by sitting forward while holding the abdomen
b. Gallbladder pain commonly radiates around the right side to the back
c. Pancreatitic pain radiates through to the middle of the back
d. Duodenal ulcer tend to cause symptoms at night and worse by food.
107. Gambaran mikroskopis adenocarcinoma pancreas.
109. Nyonya A 50 tahun, dengan jaundice kehilangan BB, nausea, vomit, didiagnosis hepatocelluler carcinoma
statement yang benar ttg HCC. Jawab : B
110. Kakek (70 y.o) bowel habit ke dr. bedah dinyatakan Ca colon 3 hr lalu. Demam, nyeri, kemungkinan
peritonitis. Kira2 organisme apa?
a. Bacteriodes fragiles
b. Bordetella pertusis
c. Actinomyces israelli
d. Clostridium botulinum
111. E. coli yang produksi verotoxin,.
E. coli can be classified by their characteristic virulence properties & different mechanis that cause disease. To
which group does the verotoxin producting E. coli 0157:H7 serotype belong :
112. Komplikasi jangka panjang obstruction peptic ulcer? .
113. Bacteria comma shape
b. Fibrio
c. Salmonella
d. Shigella
116. Short incubation food poisoning cause by ingestion of preformed enterotoxin is cause by which bacteria
listed below
117. Fecal culture showed common-shaped bacteria. These 2-4 % NaCl grow, genus
a. Campylobacter
b. Vibrio
c. Salmonella
d. Shigella
117. Diare, absorptive active adenylate cyclase
a. E. coli
b. B. fragile
c. S. aureus
d. L. faecalis

118. Diare yang disebabkan virus, yang berbahaya dan mengancam kehidupan yaitu oleh
a. Echovirus
b. Adenovirus
c. Rotavirus
d. Orbivirus
119. Bacterium causing pseudomembranous colitis is
a. C. difficile
b. Strep. pyogenes
c. Mycobacterium avium intra celluler
d. Corynebacterium diphteriae

120. Faktor risiko cutis candidiosis

b. DM
c. Cushing syndrome
eNBe : 4m all 2 all
1. Sistem pencatatan, NO ABSEN & + 130.
2. Yang tidak mendapat bagian mencatat soal (soal kurang dari 130), catat inti-inti skenario. Misal jumlah
soal 120, absen no 121 mencatat skenario pertama dst., 1 skenario boleh dicatat 2-3 orang. Kerja sama
antara kalian sangat diharapkan. Kompak2lah y0w!
3. Yang udah tau info ini, kasih tau ke teman lain yang belum tau, key!
4. Pilihan gandanya (a,b,c,d,e) dicatat juga, disitulah qt bisa belajar lebih. Lagipula untuk tipe multiple
choice question (soal pilihan ganda) pilihan jawabannya terkadang sedikit mengecoh.
5. Kalau bisa tetap dalam versi inggris, kadang ada yang sedikit salah mengartikan soal. Tulisannya juga!!
g mesti bagus2 bener yang penting terbaca. Mencatat soalnya tolong jangan di depan DOSEN...,
Seandainya tahu jawabannya langsung dijawab (klo bisa cari tahu jawabannya), tapi klo g yakin g dijawab juga
gpp. SERSAN,serius tapi santai., Santai!! n_n thx 4 all


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