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o lao que as amarra.

Algum dos meus amigos poder dizer que no paguei todo o preo por esse lao?
Helena Blavatsky, sis sem Vu, vol. I, p. 42

Selo pessoal de Helena Blavatsky

Lista de obras[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]

Esta uma lista de obras de Blavatsky organizada por Daniel Caldwell.116

H.P. Blavatsky's Collected Writtings. 1874-1891. Escritos Coligidos, 15

Articles by H.P. Blavatsky. 1874-1891. 236 artigos principais.
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky. 1875-1891. Correspondncia.
A Modern Panarion. 1874-1884. Compilao de artigos editados por George
Some Unpublished Letters of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. 1875-1878. Algumas
cartas inditas compiladas, editadas e comentadas por Eugene Rollin Corson.
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to Her Family in Russia. 1875-1890. Mais de 60 cartas
para familiares.
Isis Unveiled, 2 volumes, 1877. sis sem Vu.
o Ten Fundamental Propositions from Isis Unveiled. Dez Proposies
Fundamentais de sis sem Vu.
o Studies in Isis Unveiled. Estudos sobre sis sem Vu.
The Theosophist, Volume 1 (Oct 1879 - Sep 1880). Artigos para a revista The
Theosophist, editados por H.P. Blavatsky.
Five Years of Theosophy. 1879-1884. Artigos escritos nos primeiros cinco anos
de The Theosophist.
The Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett and Other Miscellaneous Letters.
1880-87. Cartas de H. P. Blavatsky para A. P. Sinnett. Transcritas, compiladas e
acrescidas de um ensaio introdutrio por A. T. Barker.
Some Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to W.Q. Judge. 1885-1890. Cerca de 20 cartas de
Blavatsky para William Judge.

The Original Programme of The Theosophical Society. 1886. Programa original

da Sociedade Teosfica.
H. P. Blavatsky to the American Conventions. 1888-1891. Cartas para
convenes americanas.
The Secret Doctrine, 2 volumes, 1888. A Doutrina Secreta.
o Stanzas of Dzyan. Extratos comentados de sete das Estncias de Dzyan.
o Stanzas of Dzyan. Extratos comentados das restantes estncias.
o 3 Fundamental Propositions from the Proem of the S.D. 3 Proposies
Fundamentais, promio para a Doutrina Secreta
o Summing Up. Resumo da Doutrina Secreta.
o An Invitation to The Secret Doctrine. Apresentao da Doutrina Secreta.
o Secret Doctrine Commentary 1890-91. (Transactions of the Blavatsky
Lodge). Comentrios da Doutrina Secreta realizados na Loja Blavatsky.
o The Secret Doctrine: Volume 3. O controverso III volume da Doutrina
Dreams. 1888. Respostas sobre os sonhos.
Esoteric Instructions. 1888-1891. Coletnea de instrues prticas.
The Key to Theosophy. 1889. A Chave para a Teosofia. Perguntas e respostas
sobre a doutrina e dvidas comuns.
The Voice of the Silence. 1889. A Voz do Silncio, um tratado mstico e um
manual para aspirantes.
Gems from the East: A Birthday Book of Precepts and Axioms. 1890.
Compilao de axiomas orientais.
H.P.B.'s Glossary of Theosophical Terms. 1890. Primeira verso do Glossrio
Inner Group Teachings of H.P. Blavatsky. 1890-1891. Coletnea de instrues
para o grupo interno da ST.
Theosophical Glossary. 1892. Glossrio Teosfico.
Nightmare Tales. 1892. As Lendas do Pesadelo. Livro de novelas esotricas.
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan. 1892. Das Cavernas e Selvas do
Industo, novela esotrica.
Theosophical Articles and Notes by H.P. Blavatsky et al. Coleo de notas
editoriais e apndices.
Other Writings from H.P. Blavatsky's Pen. Miscelnea.

1. Ir para: a b "Helena Blavatsky". Encyclopedia Britannica on line, 07/12/2009
2. Ir para: a b Ellwood, Robert S. "Theosophy". IN Miller, Timothy. America's
alternative religions. Bibliotheca Persica. State University of New York Press,
1995. p. 315-323
3. Ir para: a b Murphet, Howard. When daylight comes: a biography of Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky. Quest Books, 1975. pp. 6-12
4. Ir para cima Algeo, John. "HPB's Life". IN Algeo, John & Blavatsky, Helena
Petrovna. The letters of H.P. Blavatsky. Quest Books, 2003. Vol. I, pp. 1-3
5. Ir para: a b Washington, Peter. O Babuno de Madame Blavatsky. Editora Record,
2000. pp. 41-42
6. Ir para cima Murphet, pp. 18-22

7. Ir para cima Chryssides, George D. Exploring New Religions. Issues in

contemporary religion. Continuum International Publishing Group, 1999. p. 8788
8. Ir para cima Bechofer-Roberts, C. E. Mysterious Madame Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky. Kessinger Publishing, 2003. pp. 49-52
9. Ir para: a b c d Carrithers Jr., Walter A. The Truth About Madame Blavatsky.
Theosophical University Press in California, 1947
10. Ir para: a b c Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. Helena Blavatsky. Western esoteric
masters series. North Atlantic Books, 2004. pp. 3-5
11. Ir para cima Bechofer-Roberts, pp. 36-38
12. Ir para cima Chryssides, p. 89
13. Ir para cima Algeo, pp. 156-158
14. Ir para: a b Washington, pp. 50-51
15. Ir para cima Farquhar, John Nicol. Modern Religious Movements in India.
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915, pp. 215-218
16. Ir para cima Washington, pp. 51-55
17. Ir para cima Algeo, p. 136
18. Ir para: a b Goodrick-Clarke (2004), pp. 7-8
19. Ir para cima Farquhar, p. 219
20. Ir para cima Farquhar, pp. 220-222
21. Ir para cima Washington, pp. 68-ss
22. Ir para: a b c Goodrick-Clarke (2004), pp. 11-13
23. Ir para cima Washington, p. 73
24. Ir para cima Washington, pp. 74-76
25. Ir para cima Washington, p. 85
26. Ir para cima Lutyens, Mary. Krishnamurti: The Years of Awakening. Avon
Books (Discus), 1983. p. 13
27. Ir para cima Washington, pp. 92-94
28. Ir para cima Hodgson, Richard. "The Theosophical Society: Russian Intrigue
or Religious Evolution?". The Age, 12/09/1885
29. Ir para cima Society for Psychical Research, London. "Report of the General
Meeting". IN Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 1885, pp. 418-424
30. Ir para cima Myers, F. W. H. "Report". IN Journal of the Society for Psychical
Research, 1884
31. Ir para cima Besant, Annie. "The Great Mare's Nest of the Psychical Research
Society". Time, 1891, pp. 193-204
32. Ir para cima Studd, Samuel. Concerning H.P.B.: An Examination into the Socalled Proofs of Fraud on the Part of Madame Blavatsky. Theosophical Book
Depot, 1904
33. Ir para cima Harrison, Vernon. H. P. Blavatsky and the SPR: An Examination
of the Hodgson Report of 1885. Theosophical University Press, 1997
34. Ir para cima Blavatsky Study Center. The Coulomb Case: Some Suggested
Reading Pro and Con.
35. Ir para: a b c Goodrick-Clarke (2004), pp. 14-17
36. Ir para cima Editora Pensamento. "Alguns dados sobre a vida de H. P.
Blavatsky e a Doutrina Secreta". IN Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna & Figueiredo,
Cordlia Alvarenga. Sntese da Doutrina Secreta. Editora Pensamento, sd., pp.
37. Ir para cima Besant, Annie. Annie Besant. BiblioBazaar, LLC, 2008. p. 256

38. Ir para cima Caldwell, Daniel H. The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky:
Reminiscences and Impressions by Those Who Knew Her. Theosophical Society
in America, 2001, Cap. 19
39. Ir para cima Wessinger, Catherine. "Democracy vs. Hierarchy: the evolution
of authority in the Theosophical Society". IN Miller, Timothy (ed). When
prophets die: the postcharismatic fate of new religious movements. SUNY series
in religious studies. State University of New York Press, 1991. p. 97
40. Ir para: a b Caldwell (2001), Cap. 23
41. Ir para cima Kennedy, Susan Estabrook. "Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna Hahn".
IN Litoff, Judy Barrett & McDonnell, Judith (eds). European immigrant women
in the United States: a biographical dictionary. Volume 651 de Garland
reference library of social science. Volume 3 de Biographical dictionaries of
minority women. Taylor & Francis, 1994. p. 31
42. Ir para cima Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna. "H. P. B.'s Last Will and Testament".
Blavatsky Collected Writings, Volume 6, p. 322
43. Ir para cima The Theosophical Society International Headquarters, Adyar.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
44. Ir para cima Caldwell, Daniel H. The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky:
Insights Into the Life of a Modern Sphinx. Quest Books, 2000, p. 106
45. Ir para: a b Caldwell (2000), p. 272
46. Ir para: a b Boyer, Paul. "Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna Hahn". IN Boyer, Paul S.;
James, Edward T. & James, Janet Wilson (eds). Notable American women,
1607-1950: a biographical dictionary. Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium Series in
the History of Landscape Architecture. Notable American Women Series.
Harvard University Press, 1971. Vol. I, pp. 174-177
47. Ir para cima Zirkoff, Boris de. "Introduo". IN Blavatsky, Helena. sis sem
Vu. Editora Pensamento, s/d. Vol. I, pp. 22-24
48. Ir para cima Zirkoff, pp. 26-28
49. Ir para cima Zirkoff, pp. 25-26
50. Ir para: a b Zirkoff, pp. 29-30
51. Ir para cima Zirkoff, pp. 39-40
52. Ir para cima Caldwell (2000), p. 92
53. Ir para: a b Bechofer-Roberts, pp. 29-33
54. Ir para cima Caldwell (2000), pp. 300-303
55. Ir para cima Caldwell (2000), p. 331
56. Ir para: a b Herrick, James A. The Making of the New Spirituality: The Eclipse of
the Western Religious Tradition. InterVarsity Press, 2004. pp. 215-217
57. Ir para: a b Coleman, William Emmette. "The Sources of Madame Blavatsky's
Writings". IN Solovyoff, Vsevolod Sergyeevich. A Modern Priestess of Isis.
London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1895. Appendix C, pp. 353-366
58. Ir para cima Ananikian, Grigor V. The Blavatsky/Tibet and Stanzas of Dzyan
Connection. Edio online s/d.
59. Ir para: a b Thackara, W. T. S. "Notes on 'Madame Blavatsky's Baboon' ". IN
Theosophical History, 1997; 6 (8):309-315
60. Ir para cima Neufeldt, Ronald. "In Search of Utopia: karma and rebirth in the
theosophical movement". IN Neufeldt, Ronald Wesley (ed). Karma and rebirth:
post classical developments. SUNY series in religious studies. SUNY series in
religion. State University of New York Press, 1986. pp. 223; 236
61. Ir para: a b Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. The western esoteric traditions: a
historical introduction. Oxford University Press US, 2008. pp. 211-212

62. Ir para: a b Washington, pp. 62-63

63. Ir para cima Chryssides, p. 90
64. Ir para cima Neufeldt, pp. 241-249
65. Ir para cima Chryssides, p. 93
66. Ir para cima Neufeldt, p. 236
67. Ir para cima Washington, pp. 52; 55-56
68. Ir para cima Taves, Ann. Fits, trances, & visions: experiencing religion and
explaining experience from Wesley to James. Princeton University Press, 1999.
pp. 219-220
69. Ir para: a b Penn, Lee. False dawn: the United Religions Initiative, globalism,
and the quest for a one-world religion. Sophia Perennis, 2004. p. 348
70. Ir para: a b Newman, Hannah. "New Age". IN Levy, Richard S. (ed).
Antisemitism: a historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution, Volume 1.
ABC-CLIO, 2005. pp. 501-503
71. Ir para cima Veer, Peter van der. Imperial encounters: religion and modernity
in India and Britain. Princeton paperbacks. Princeton University Press, 2001.
pp. 64-65
72. Ir para: a b c d Blavatsky, Helena. "Promio". IN A Doutrina Secreta. Editora
Pensamento, 1888-1973. vol. I.
73. Ir para: a b Maroney, Tim. "Introduction to The Book of Dzyan". IN Blavatsky,
Helena Petrovna & Maroney, Tim. The Book of Dzyan. Chaosium Inc., 2006. p.
74. Ir para cima Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric
Nazism, and the Politics of Identity. New York University Press, 2003. pp. 79-80
75. Ir para cima Rossman, Vadim. Russian intellectual antisemitism in the postCommunist era. Studies in antisemitism. University of Nebraska Press, 2002. p.
76. Ir para cima Fry, Carrol Lee. Cinema of the occult: new age, satanism, Wicca,
and spiritualism in film. Associated University Presse, 2008. p. 19
77. Ir para cima DeGregori, Thomas R. Origins of the organic agriculture debate.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2004. p. 75
78. Ir para cima Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas (1993). Occult Roots of Nazism:
Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology. New York University
Press, 1993. pp. 101-102ss
79. Ir para cima Spring, Joel H. Globalization and educational rights: an
intercivilizational analysis. Sociocultural, political, and historical studies in
education. Routledge, 2001. p. 128
80. Ir para cima Jayawardena, Kumari. The white woman's other burden: Western
women and South Asia during British colonial rule. Routledge, 1995. pp. 119120
81. Ir para cima Goodrick-Clarke (2008), pp. 215-216
82. Ir para cima Goodrick-Clarke (2008), p. 216
83. Ir para cima Washington, p. 62
84. Ir para cima Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna. A Doutrina Secreta. Editora
Pensamento, 1888-1973. vol. I, pp. 11-12
85. Ir para cima Ransom, Josephine (1939). "H. P. Blavatsky: Sinopse de sua
Vida". IN Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna. A Doutrina Secreta. Editora Pensamento,
1888-1973. vol. I, p. 22

86. Ir para cima Ransom, Josephine (1938). "Como foi escrita a Doutrina Secreta".
IN Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna. A Doutrina Secreta. Editora Pensamento, 18881973. vol. I, pp. 24-42
87. Ir para cima Caldwell, Daniel H. The Myth of the "Missing" Third Volume of
The Secret Doctrine. Blavatsky Study Center. Online Edition, 2004
88. Ir para cima Zirkoff, Boris de (1988). "The Sources of The Secret Doctrine".
IN Hanson, Virginia (ed). H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine. Quest Books,
1988. pp. 13-20
89. Ir para cima Van Mater, Ingrid. "Reflections on 'The Voice of the Silence' ".
Sunrise Magazine, April/May 1991
90. Ir para: a b c Oderberg, I. M. "H. P. Blavatsky's Cultural Impact". Sunrise
magazine, December 1995/January 1996; February/March 1996
91. Ir para: a b Blavatsky, Helena. The Voice of the Silence. The Theosophical
Publishing Company, Ltd., 1889
92. Ir para: a b Blavatsky, Helena. The Key to Theosophy. Theosophical University
Press, 1889
93. Ir para cima Azevedo, Murillo Nunes de. "As Dimenses do Glossrio
Teosfico". IN Blavatsky, Helena. Glossrio Teosfico. So Paulo: Ground,
1986. pp. v-vi
94. Ir para: a b c Taylor, Richard P. Blavatsky and Buddhism. University of
California, Berkely, 1999. Edio online
95. Ir para cima Price, Leslie. "Madame Blavatsky, Buddhism and Tibet". IN
Theosophical History Conference. Londres, 15/06/2003
96. Ir para: a b c Barborka, Geoffrey A. "H. P. Blavatsky and World Thought". IN
Hanson, Virginia (ed). H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine. Quest Books,
1988. pp. 23-27
97. Ir para cima Coues, Elliott. "Blavatsky Unveiled!: The Tartar Termagant
Tamed by a Smithsonian Scientist. Hierophant Olcott's Theosophical Elephant.
How the Ringleaders Work The Fraud with Bogus Mahatmas and Humbug
Phenomena". The Sun, 20/07/1890
98. Ir para cima Roselli, Robert. The Theory of Livevolution: "Great" Society of
the Un-dead. Xulon Press, 2008. pp. 263-265
99. Ir para cima Algeo, pp. 220-222
Ir para cima ., . . . :
/ .
. 2- , . -: , 1999. . 1314
Ir para cima Goodrick-Clarke (2008), p. 229
Ir para: a b Pellegrini, Lus. "Helena P. Blavatsky". IN Blavatsky, Helena.
Glossrio Teosfico. So Paulo: Ground, 1986. pp. vii-viii
Ir para cima Oja, Carol J. Making Music Modern: New York in the
1920s. Oxford University Press US, 2003. pp. 102-103
Ir para cima Heelas, Paul. The New Age movement: the celebration of
the self and the sacralization of modernity. Wiley-Blackwell, 1996. pp. 44-45
Ir para cima Nicolson, Juliet. The Perfect Summer: England 1911, Just
Before the Storm. Grove Press, 2008. p. 101
Ir para cima Ellwood, Robert S. & Partin, Harry B. Religious and
Spiritual Groups in Modern America. Prentice Hall, 1988, pp. 63; 79-80

Ir para cima Albanese, Catherine L. A republic of mind and spirit: a
cultural history of American metaphysical religion. Yale University Press, 2007.
pp. 336-338
Ir para cima Ellwood, Robert & Wessinger, Catherine. "The Feminism
of 'Universal Brotherhood': Women in the Theosophical Movement". IN
Wessinger, Catherine Lowman (ed). Women's leadership in marginal religions:
explorations outside the mainstream. University of Illinois Press, 1993. pp. 8182
Ir para cima Hammer, Olav. Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of
Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age. Volume 90 de Studies in the
history of religions. Brill, 2004. pp. 7-14; 60-61; 175
Ir para cima Hejka-Ekins, Jerry. "The Secret Doctrine in the Light of
20th-Century Thought". IN Secret Doctrine Centenary Conference. Culver City,
California, 06-07/08/1988
Ir para cima Nandy, Ashis & Visvanathan, Shiv. "Modern Medicine
and its Non-Modern Critics: A Study in Discourse". IN Marglin, Stephen A.
Dominating knowledge: development, culture, and resistance. Studies in
development economics. Oxford University Press, 1990. p. 159
Ir para cima Lemkow, Anna Freifeld. The wholeness principle:
dynamics of unity within science, religion & society. Quest Books, 1995. pp. 99;
Ir para cima Herrick, p. 212,
Ir para cima -
. . . .
(2006 .) / .
Ir para cima
Ir para cima Caldwell, Daniel H. Online Writings of H.P. Blavatsky &
the Mahatmas. Blavatsky Study Center.

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Fundao Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - Dnipropetrovsk, Rssia (em russo)
Helena Blavatsky (em ingls) . Encyclopedia Britannica on line, 7 de dezembro
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Blavatsky Study Center (em ingls) - Bibliografia de Blavatsky, artigos e galeria
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