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A vision of the Square "T" of ISMT of the Fiery Lesser

Angle of the Earth Tablet.

Begun 11/11/85, 11:11 am.
I had determined to do an exploration of a square of an Enochian tablet
following the directions and system described by Regardie in The Golden
Dawn. I selected a square from the Earth tablet, "T" or "M"1, the rightmost
kerubic square of the Fiery Lesser Angle.
I derived the appropriate divine names for invoking the square, and
constructed the pyramid in the imagination. The north side and top
colored black, the other three visible sides colored red. I imagined the
kerub being hidden within the pyramid, and a ray of light descending to or
ascending from the pyramid.2
I performed the sign of the Enterer, and went into the pyramid. As this
happened, the sides attributed to Fire changed from red to the flashing
color, green. On the inside, the walls changed from green to red. I saw the
sphinx of the sub-element, which had the head of a bull and the body,
legs, and tail of the male lion. I gave the 5=6 signs, and tested him with
the letters, at which he seemed to expand while maintaining shape. This
indicated he was genuine.
I invited the sphinx to take me to a place where I could see the effect of
this square in nature. Immediately we went to a place far underground,
where a river of fire was being constricted and pushed back by a wall or
barrier of rock. It seemed to be as if the fire was sealed off in a round
space entirely surrounded by cold rock. I was told that the effect of the
square had to do with the encapsulation of a force, all-potent within its
own sphere of action, by a slower force acting on a larger scale. The wall
of rock could be seen to move very slowly, forcing the fire into a smaller
An example was shown. We went to the western edge of the United
States, and to the subduction zone where the edge of the Pacific tectonic
plate was forced down underneath the edge of the continent. Despite its
great melting heat, the molten rock of the mantle is pushed back down by
the edge of the plate.
As another example I was taken to a Kimberlite pipe in Africa. These
"pipes" are the cooled remains from an action like that of the square. The
hot material had been cut off from the mantle and forced close to the
surface by immense pressure from the surrounding rock. The combination
of heat and pressure caused the formation of carbon crystals, diamonds,
in the pipe.
I asked to see the spiritual animal of the square. Only gnomes were
shown. The gnomes all had stubby arms and legs, and heads elongated
from front to back until they were almost football-shaped. The short limbs
and the shape of the head allowed them to move very quickly (in a
horizontal position) along very small tunnels in the rock. They appeared to
be strong.
I vibrated the name of the
the square has three fiery
Horus appeared, and I gave
same signs, then added the
reasonable since these are

god of the square, Horus. (He is god because

sides, despite being in the tablet of Earth).
him the 5=6 signs. He responded with the
signs of 1=10 and 4=7. I judged this to be
the signs of earth and fire, represented by this

Horus showed me the sphinx of the square again, but his varied from
mine in that the head was that of a buffalo with a fringe of hair along the
jaw-line. The body was more elongated than the sphinx who guided me,
like a cheetah, and of a reddish-orange color. The head was black that
turned a dark glowing green, like the shine on beetle's wings, where it was
Horus said: "Bemoan me, o worshiper, for though I am truly the god of
this pyramid, yet my own powers have come to naught in this place. The
fire is ever smothered by the greater earth, and here my force and fire are
leached from me."
He appeared to have nothing more to say, so I requested to see the type
of man represented by the square. I was shown a large, thick-headed
man with a square brow and dark hair. His body was like that of a
wrestler, or like that of the God Mars, and he wore nothing but a loincloth.
The skin was colored dark brown, but the features were caucasian. I got
the impression that this man was stolid and determined, and that he got
his way in life by forcing himself into the position he wanted, and then
refusing to move from it until everyone else accepted the fait accompli. He
is lacking in any really demonstrative characteristics, but has the slow but
unremitting force of a glacier.
In the plant kingdom, this square controls the lives of seeds buried in
permafrost or hard ground, and also the way in which roots of plants force
their way into tiny cracks in rock.
In the animal kingdom, the force was shown me in those mammals that
bury themselves for the winter, and in insects that store their eggs in
underground capsules while they hatch.
I asked to see the effect in human society, and was shown a group of
persons entering a cave for purposes of worship. They did so because the
ground insulated them from the influences of other living things, allowing
them to concentrate an unusually large amount of pure god-force without
having it leak away.
In the human arts, the square relates to the use of pigments produced by
burning or roasting certain minerals.
On a cosmic scale, the square shares with others the responsibility for the
formation of a cold crust on molten, recently-formed planets.
It was pointed out to me that the entire column of squares governed by
this square also had a part to play in the details of the processed
described. At this point, I felt I was getting tired, so I ended the vision and
returned to my body.
I closed the temple by banishing the forces.
----------------------------------------------------A Vision of the Square "M" of of ISMT of the Fiery
Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet.
Begun 11/13/85, 9:15 pm.
This square is the one immediately to the left of the square used in the
above vision. While still in the fiery sub-element of the Earth Tablet, its

north, south, east, and west sides are attributed to Earth, Fire, Scorpio,
and the Queen of Wands, respectively. There are still two parts fire in the
square, but one of the previous fire sides has turned to water. It also is
attributed to Heh of IHVH.
I visualized the pyramid of the square standing in the middle of my astral
temple. As I did so, the temple darkened, and the pyramid became more
clearly visible. The top was black with the letter Tal (M) in white. The north
side had the four-color Enochian emblem of Earth on a black background.
The east became dark blue with the Eagle kerub in orange-yellow. On the
south, the simple triangle of fire in red. The west side showed Crowley's
version of the Queen of Wands, the fiercely imperious woman and her
leopard mascot. 4
The fiery sides of the pyramid flashed from red to green to red again. I
gave the sign of the Enterer and passed into the pyramid, giving the sign
of Silence when centered in it.
The sphinx was there. It had the head of a wild ox or buffalo, the
forequarters of the Lion, the hindquarters of the Eagle, and the tail of the
lion.5 Given the 5=6 sign, it responded with the same signs, and added
the signs of Earth and Water6. The sphinx stood up on its hind legs and
leaped up into the beam emanating from the top of the pyramid. I
sounded the divine names of the square again, and followed the sphinx
up through the beam.
I rose up the planes for a while without encountering any cohesive
images. Suddenly I came out into a dark scene. The background of the
scene consisted of a mountain range, beginning out of sight to my right,
and continuing south for some miles before turning east. After crossing to
the east, the range tapered down to a promontory. This tongue of land
stuck out into a dark sea that filled the rest of the east. From behind the
mountains to the south rose clouds, covering the sky.
In front of the mountains, an inlet of the sea protruded across the picture,
up to the base of the western mountains. The water was a very dark
grayish-brown, with an oily sheen to the surface.
The foreground of the scene was a hard, cold rock shelf or shield, with
nothing growing on it. When I turned around, the scene to the north simply
faded into blackness. The ground had a slick feel to it.
I went forward to examine the water. It was no more clear from close up,
although I could see that most of its opacity came from suspended
particles. The particles looked almost like silver metalflake paint. The
surface of the water was slightly convex where it touched the shore,
becoming higher the farther you went from shore.
I was invited to stick my hand in the water. I did so quickly and pulled it
out again. I could see the oiliness and a thin coating of the metalflakes on
my hand. Then the flesh all dissolved, leaving the bare bones. This
dissolving continued on up the arm until I shook it, after which the flesh
came back. I either thought, or heard someone say, "The Waters of
Looking to the west, I tried to see what was at the end of the inlet. The
shore could not be seen due to clouds of steam or mist. But farther up the
cliff, there seemed to be drops of glowing orange liquid seeping or
sweating through the rock. When I tried to see more detail, that area of
the scene dimmed.

I then noted that there was a glow reflecting from the clouds to
The source of light seemed to be behind the mountains. I rose up
could see what was there. To the west and south appeared a great
fire, orange-red. In the western area, the fire moved in visible
the south, it was a flaming field.

the south.
until I
sea of
currents. To

Where the fire met the water in the east, great billows of steam arose, to
become the clouds visible from the north. The two elements completely
balanced each other, so that there was always just enough water flowing
south to stop the fire from getting to the north and east. They met at an
unwavering line that stretched to the horizon.
Moving back above the mountains, I examined the fire more closely.
There was an impression that the fire was under great pressure to cross
the mountains into the north. It rose up in waves, higher and higher into
the sky, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier above the mountains,
and it could not pass them. It fell back.
I asked to see the animal related to the square, and was shown a sort of
were-creature in the process of changing from a large fish to a bull. The
front half had the torso and head of the minotaur, and the bottom half was
the rear half of a fish. The fire aspect seemed completely absent, until I
noticed or was told that the fire was the transformation itself.
It was then pointed out that the animal was frozen in the middle of its
transformation, and that this "freezing" was a function of the power of the
square. I gathered that it controlled the retention of neonatal
characteristics in otherwise mature organisms. The human retention of
the relative hairlessness of the newborn is an example of this. It also
controls cases in which a species that goes through metamorphoses as
part of the maturation process begins to stop itself at some point before
the final metamorphosis occurs. No species was given for this second
I asked to see the power of the square as it acted in the mineral kingdom.
I was shown a place in the Pacific Trench, very deep, where lava flowed
out of a vent in the side of the trench. The pressure is so great that the
water does not explode when the hot lava hits it. Only a thin layer of
steam is produced between them, and the water carries off the heat from
the steam, cooling the lava and stopping its advance.
For an example of this force in the plant kingdom, I was shown a
microscopic view of the pistil of a flower. The pistil was a long stem full of
microscopic tubules. As I watched, a grain of pollen came down one
tubule and united with an egg cell. Behind this first grain, more grains tried
to come down the tube, but the tube was closed off by being filled with
sap before they could get close to the egg. This closing of the passage is
the function of the square's force. In the human being, a similar process
goes on when the fertilized egg grows a thick outer membrane
immediately after the first sperm cell enters it.
The type of person represented by the square was a woman, with a body
that appeared wide when viewed from the front or back, but looked thin
from the side. The upper face was square, with a triangular jaw line. The
hair was dark brown with blonde highlights. The skin was also tanned
dark. Her dress was an absurd collection of red and blue polka dots on a
black base. I could not get a strong impression of the temperament of this

As an example of the force acting in human society, I was shown an

image of two groups of people acting at cross-purposes. I got the
impression that this was not interference of an active or willful type.
Instead, the two groups blocked each other "by surprise", in ways that do
not directly relate to the function of either. An ambulance having its route
blocked by a Shriner's parade, for instance.
The vision seemed to be weakening at this point, so I returned to my
temple and banished the forces. I then returned to my body.
--------------------------------------------------The Square "S" of ISMT of the Fiery Lesser Angle
of the Earth Tablet.
Begun 11/16/85. 12:12 pm.
I vibrated the calls and the names, and visualized the pyramid. For a few
moments, I got an image of rapidly blowing air, the movement being
generated by heat from fires below. However, the heat did not reach up to
the level where I was, which was cool.
Above me I saw the sphere of the earth looming down towards me, but
the sense of gravity was pulling towards the fire and not the earth. There
was an impression of many angels or beings flashing by me, but I could
not see them clearly, only a silvery-white or yellow blur. It seemed that
they were moving too fast to see. But some of them would stop for just a
split-second to look at me, and by the time the images of them registered,
they would be gone again.
The "afterimages" from these brief stops let me see that they were
wearing diaphanous white or yellow gowns, much like the usual T-cross
magician's robe, but with two or three additional layers of sheer cloth that
blew in the wind. They seemed to have dark faces with blonde hair, and a
sharp but delicate bone structure. The eyes were wide, dark, and serious.
At the time I did not consciously see more than this. The last thing I recall
hearing was a voice saying "What the force of the square "T" conceals
and encysts, here I disperse."
I couldn't seem to get a clearer picture, or to get another image, so I
returned to my body, thinking that the attempt had failed, and that it would
have to be done over again. Yet there was sense of things unfinished. I
felt restless. The body wanted to move around and do something active.
My mind felt relaxed and free of pressures, but unable to focus, or to
produce the idea for something to do. And despite this feeling, there was
a pressure on the top of the head that was giving me a tension headache.
(All this obviously relates to the forces of the pyramid. Fire at the bottom,
air in the middle, and earth at the top.)
Sometimes such feelings indicate that there is a message to be passed to
me by automatic writing. I had learned this talent early, and had
developed it to the point where it was actually automatic typing using my
word-processor, often at faster speed than I can type consciously.
I sat down at the processor, and got just a little bit of message. The being
identified himself as NSITM, the archangel ruling this square of the tablet.
He said that he had come to tell me all about the kerubic squares of this
lesser angle. He began an introductory sentence, and then the sense of
contact was cut off completely. There was no impression that the

intelligence was still around.

The restless feelings reappeared. I did a banishing, hoping this would at
least tone down the power of it. In spite of the banishings, this feeling of
the power of the square continued for most of the day. I felt both mentally
dispersed and physically restless until evening, when an additional
banishing caused them to cease.
But in writing this down the next day, I found that I remembered a great
deal more than I had seen at the time. The events described below were
not consciously experienced, but in writing this account they appeared to
me as a memory of an event that had actually happened. I can not
distinguish it from the memory of other visions that I did have consciously.
The only thing that convinces me now that I did not see it consciously is
my memory of doing other things at the time, and being totally unaware of
such a vision occurring. Apparently the vision continued at some level of
my mind without my attention.
After the fact, I recall seeing a picture of a great white cliff. The ground
extending back from the top of the cliff was black. Along the face of this
cliff, a large number of angels worked, hurriedly bringing things, and
taking things away. I could not see clearly what they brought7, but it went
into the cliff face and was buried in the earth. The angels took away great
pieces of the cliff itself, which looked crystalline from a closer viewpoint.
These pieces they scattered about the surface of the earth, producing life
in great variety. Everywhere a piece fell, new life arose into being. Each
new life was actually a whole planet somewhere in the cosmos, with its
entire systems of animals, plants and intelligent beings.
And an angel said to me: "The cycle of life in the earth is controlled by
these squares of the lesser angle of fire, in the Wall of Earth. First, in the
square "T", is the life injected into the potential of being by the will of the
gods. It takes on the quality of earth, and therefore does its flashing
brightness bemoan its loss of self. But without its loss, the earth were
mere dead matter, inert and without possibility of form.
"In the square "M" is the life spread throughout the earth. Where the fires
of "T" were encapsulated as it were, so the waters of "M" do leach the life
from its capsule, and spread it throughout the base-matter, making it living
and receptive to the thoughts of the gods. Under the pressure from the
earth above, this life-infested matter changes to a crystalline form. Each
unit of crystal possesses the full capabilities of the original life-impulse,
with the added ability to produce more life-crystals without loss to itself."8
(I noted in passing that while the individual units had a crystalline form,
they did appear to have some inherent flexibility. There was also a vitality
to them, an impression that one body was not enough to hold their force.
They were ready to multiply at any instant. When the crystals were in
groups, they bunched together in a way that reminded me of muscle
fibers, so that individual crystals could slide around a bit without losing
place in the group.)
I asked the angel why my vision of the square "M" had not revealed this.
The angel replied that it did, but that I had misinterpreted what I saw. The
drops of glowing fire on the cliff face of that vision were the encapsulated
lives of the square "T". They fell into the waters, where they were
dispersed and distributed throughout the earth. The metallic flakes in the
water were the dissolved lives of "T". The waters were called the "Waters
of Death", both because of the Scorpio connection and because to the
lives it did indeed appear as a form of death, that is, a disruption of their

unity. The steam of the meeting of fire and water in that vision produced
the air in which the angel and I were presently standing. The fact that the
square "M" was a transitional form accounted for the were-creature and
the other references to retained characteristics.
He also mentioned that if I had used the main attributes, I would have
seen the flakes of life come out of the water greatly expanded. Each
would have been equal to the original drops of fire, and be blown
westward into the square "S". Thus the life multiplied itself out of the
energy of matter. I would also have seen that they emerged from their
bath with an aspect of hardness and sharpness that they did not have
before. The waters are the waters of the Styx, and they are armored like
Achilles from the water's touch. But having been bathed fully, they have
known Death and will no longer feel the touch of his arrow.
The angel continued: "These processes are ever continuous, so that the
crystals of life must be moved from their place, to make way for yet more
life. Here in the square "S", we take the encapsulated lives of the square
"T", and place them in the richest parts of the earth. In return, we take the
crystals of life that are extruded from the cliff face, and we scatter them
across the universe, so that the gods will have many canvasses upon
which to work their art."
The angel showed me the scattering of the life-crystals. The material
universe is seen as a great plane of energy from this square. It is in fact
the field of flames that caused the air to move at the beginning of the
vision. This energy in great abundance is everywhere ideal for the
seeding of life, for it can do nothing of itself, but must have the impulse of
life to bring it into form.
Within the field, there are stresses that dictate that life take one form or
another in order to move there. Incompatible forms are destroyed quickly,
because they can not assimilate the kinds of energy available. I saw the
angels take the life-crystal lumps they carried, and cut them into pieces
that matched the stresses in a particular area. Then they would place the
pieces carefully, so that the lines of stress in the area were aligned with
the striations of the crystals. Leftover pieces were shaped to fill the
stressed area to its full limits. The angel told me that this activity caused
all the niches in the ecology to be filled with appropriate life.
Each piece so placed began to radiate like a sun, even brighter than the
fires in which it lay. The light increased as the fires themselves began to
take on the pattern and radiance of the crystals. It was said: "Thus does
life create order, out of the chaos of universal energy. Through its very
existence, it demands that the energy of the material world take on orderly
forms. Not only within the limits of its own area, but extending by its
radiance to other areas that have no life of their own. Its living beings
become gods, and the agents of gods, making the creation in matter."
Without pause, the angel went on: "In coming to these squares, you
sought knowledge of the enochian worlds, and of the powers thereof. We
have given you in full measure what we have here, and will give more as
you explore the last of our squares,"I". That you have not seen all that is
here is certain, for as you know no man will see even a fraction of the
whole. Even the gods rejoice in such unknowing, for it allows the
possibility of Discovery. Yet we have given, and will give to the extent of
our natures. Such as you come rarely to this world, who seek solely for
understanding and knowledge, and hope for power only over self. To you
we may give all that we have, all that we know, all that we be. Let your will
go forth to continue this search, and your reward will be as the heavens

made manifest."9
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(The piece that follows occurred simultaneous with, but separate from, the
Angel's speech in this vision. It is the same theme played in a different
key. The ways in which they harmonize will be left, as they say, as an
exercise for the reader.)
At the same time as the angel spoke, I saw the primordial universe,
divided into light and dark. The light and dark were separated along a
plane that extended to infinity. There was no way to understand the size
of what I saw, as there was nothing else in the image to compare it with.
The dark appeared to be a solid wall. There was no intermixture with the
I looked more closely
stood, and understood
interchangeable. If I
looked light and this

at the wall, comparing it with the light in which I

that it was not truly dark. The two sides were
had been on the other side, that side would have
side dark.

An angel at my side told me that the light and dark were energy and
matter. Matter is energy turned inside out. The interface between light and
dark was actually at the level of what would be Tiphereth when the
universe was created. All of the matter of the lower planes belongs to the
other side. He emphasized again that if I were on the other side the
situation would look exactly the same, but with that side being in the light.
The light side, while clearly full of energy, was totally transparent. It had
no characteristics of any kind that could be seen.
Suddenly a stream of light shot down towards the wall from behind me. As
it hit the wall and passed through it shattered into a multitude of small,
independent and self-sustaining units of energy.
These units drew a shell of matter around themselves, so that they could
barely be seen. Their energy interpenetrated to the surface of the shell.
Eventually all the energy gathered into the shell, leaving the center
hollow. (I was told that the deepest point in matter reached by the
descending beam was Malkuth of the Tree.)
Matter tried to eject these shells, since they were a disturbance of its
normal motion. It could not do so, but its attempts put a steady pressure
on the shells. Forcing the shells into a smaller area caused their energy to
be concentrated, bringing them to a higher state of awareness.
With this increased awareness, the lives withdrew some of their
substance from the shell, and concentrated it in their centers. The
concentration of energy caused a rotary field of some sort to be
generated around each shell. The matter was seen to have an innate
rotation that was exactly opposite to that of the unit's. This opposition of
fields caused the pressure on the units to increase tremendously. Each
unit was forced to concentrate more of its energy in its center to maintain
its integrity. But at the same time, the interaction of the fields generated
even more energy, so that the units could add all the new energy they
This additional energy helped fill the center and support the shell against
matter. But the pressure also increased, in a kind of feedback loop, so

that one process encouraged the other, which in turn encouraged the first.
The units of energy became steadily brighter and stronger within their
Eventually some of the units found they could discard their shells
altogether, and maintain themselves against matter's pressure solely
through their own energetic counterpressure. The frictional effects of the
two fields continued to generate more energy within the units, allowing
them to continue expanding.
Since the units were not imbedded too deeply in matter, some of them
eventually expanded to the degree that their bubbles of counterpressure
broke through the surface of matter and back out into the light. Their own
pressure caused them to be blown out through the holes they made, and
into the light. Most of them immediately withdrew back into matter, but
with several such experiences they moved out permanently, while
maintaining their connection with matter in order to keep generating the
energy they needed to expand.
The area covered by their connections to matter expanded as they did.
Eventually, both the units and their connections expanded until they were
lost out of sight, and there was nothing to indicate that they had ever been
there. But the entire visible area was now just a small area within one
unit's connecting cord, so the appearance of emptiness was false.
A voice said: This is how the gods reproduce. All gods are positive, and
therefore can not mate with each other and produce a new entity on their
own level. So they follow the ancient way, and throw parts of themselves
into matter, there to disintegrate into the motes you saw. It is essential
that they go through matter, for this is their source of independent life and
had this not been done, the extended energy would return to its god and
meld with his being again. Reproduction would fail.
"These motes are the souls of those who became men and women. Both
[sexes] are positive with respect to matter, and both have potential to
become gods again. There is no difference between them. [The emphasis
is the speaker's, not the scribe's.] Some break their shells early, giving joy
to their parent. Others stay encysted until the end of the world, when they
are drawn out of matter whether or not they wish."
(Somewhere in all the above, it was pointed out that an entity on the side
of things that saw our matter as light and our light as matter, would see
exactly the same process going on from his side. The sparks sent into
their matter would appear in our world as energy shooting from Malkuth to
Tiphereth, and then spending all their time trying to force their way back
into Malkuth again. These entities are known to us as demons. Of course,
the demons think we are the demons.)
The two visions merged at the point where the angel said "In coming to
these squares. . .".
---------------------------------------------------Square "I" of ISMT. Fiery Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet.10
9:19 pm 11/17/85
Rehearsed the calls and the names, and visualized the pyramid. The
pyramid for this square has north = earth, east = earth kerub = Taurus,
west = earth of fire of earth = Princess of Wands, and south = fire.

I did not feel like I was getting much of response to the invocation. The
pyramid was unclear, and would not focus despite repeated invocations,
and the use of the letters and the pentagrams.
I entered into the pyramid, and saw the sphinx. He had the head and
upper body and legs of a bull, and the rear body and tail of a lion. But his
front legs were actually arms, so that he looked a bit like a minotaur.
He responded in kind to the 5=6 signs, and added the 1=10 sign. The
image was still weak and out of focus. I tried to ask him to take me to a
place where I could see the power of the square, but the image kept
fading in and out, and I could not get the point across. I heard a voice
saying something about the "nature of the square", but I could not hear it
Since the session did not seem to be going well, I cut it off and returned to
my astral temple. After closing the temple, I returned to my body and went
to sleep.
(I concluded later that the vision failed because I had spent much of the
afternoon considering the implications of the previous vision. I still had a
residual "charge" from that vision that had to leak off before a new force
could come in clearly.)
At work today, I began to get images related to the square, but they were
still weak. There was also a sensation that some kind of written or spoken
narrative was waiting for me to hear it or transcribe it. I wrote down a few
things, and most of it seemed to relate more or less to this square, but it
started to get into praises of my personal power as a magician. This type
of message always makes me suspicious, since I had had cause to regret
believing similar praise in the past.
The more coherent section of the notes began:
"I gave the 5=6 sign [to the sphinx] and he responded with the same and
added the 1=10 and 4=7 signs. He said: 'Behold, O worshiper, you have
reached the culmination of your journey. I have been formed to be your
[untranslatable thought involving receptivity to creative impulses] and as
my god are you worshiped in turn by all the elements.'"
"I questioned him about this comment but kept getting distracted by
events in the office. From several repetitions on the sphinx's part, it
seemed that he said 'You are now a creator in truth, and therefore you
have rights of control over all the elements of the four Walls of Enoch. But
I speaketh not of the Floor.'11 He seemed reluctant to say more.
"I asked the sphinx to show me a scene representative of the square. I
saw a scene of great lushness, tropical, with the heat seeming to rise from
the ground. We were in a field surrounded on three sides by jungle,
thickest to the north as we faced, thinner on the left, and changing to
savannah on the right. To the south, the savannah was burning steadily,
without smoke but with fire covering everything from about 100 yards
away to the horizon. Children or small sprites played in the thin jungle to
the west.
"The Bull led me through the trees to the north, to a clearing surrounded
by hardwood trees. The soil of the clearing was rich and loamy, and

looked as if it had just been turned for planting.

"The bull spoke and said that the earth was cleared, and ready for
whatever impulse12 I chose to put into it. I asked what sort of impulse it
had in mind, and why I should do such a thing. (A touch of paranoia
inspired by his previous comments about my privileges.)
"He explained that as a creator, I had to demonstrate my creativity by
putting a new thing into this world. My interpretation of Achad's cabala
would be such a thing. If I wished such a creation to grow and continue to
bear fruit, it must be planted as a fire in the earth.
"I asked if anything else could be planted there, and what sort of thing. He
said that anything would do, so long as it came from my own mind. He
had suggested my cabala as my most worthy creation.
"I asked how to do it and was told to plant its image in the soil. I visualized
Achad's version of the Tree of Life. With each path that I added, I tried to
put in the flavor or quality that I associated with the essence of the path.
With the Tree visualized as best I could, I concentrated the image in my
ajna center, and then threw it out from myself to enlarge and stand above
the soil.
"Saying, "May this Tree live forever, and cover all the earth with its glory.",
I caused it to sink into the soil until it was gone from sight.
"The Bull rejoiced with a glad heart."
At this point, business in the office picked up, and I had to spend the rest
of the day interviewing. I stuffed my notes away and forgot about it until
I did the invocations again beginning at 6:06 pm. I got a clear image of the
pyramid, and also a clear image of the sphinx, who seemed decidedly
bored with all these comings and goings. He nodded to me and gestured
upwards with his nose. I tested him with the pentagram and letters, which
seemed to strengthen him. But the vision did not seem to want to go any
where. So I got up and transcribed the above account of the events up to
date, and went to do a Tarot reading to see if it would shed any light on
the matter.
The reading indicated specifically that it was my resistance to the praise in
the vision that was keeping me from seeing it clearly, and that I should
throw myself into it and let the resistance come after it was over, if it had
to. The "Celtic Cross" spread was the one used, and in the position
defining the querent, it indicated a man who was disappointed because
what he had intended to be a simple teaching aid had ceased to be so.
This was so close to the mark that I had to laugh.
While I was putting the cards away, I got an image of the Egyptian
goddess who rules the square, Nepthys. She was wearing the Moon
Crown, with black and white nemyss, collar, and tunic, and she had yellow
She gestured to me and lead me into the forest to the north of the field in
which we stood. I saw that it was the same field of this afternoon's vision,
but that it was night now, and a new moon matching the real moon's
phase was in the sky. Despite being just a sliver, the vision's moon put out
enough light to see.

We traveled again to the clearing of the earlier visions. It looked the same
as I approached it, but as soon as I entered, I was covered by a thick
darkness, almost palpable. The faintest of red glows could be seen or felt
within it. Growing nervous, I intended to call upon Nepthys, but the name
that I called out was "Nuit!"13
Immediately the sky cleared and the darkness vanished. The first thing
my eyes saw was the night sky, brilliant stars in blackness, seeming to
loom down. I could feel that the sky was Nuit. A voice without words said
"Yes, my child, I, the mother of all and the end of all, come upon you. The
thick darkness that you saw, laced with faint red, is my special sign to you,
with the feeling of my presence that it gives. You saw it once before when
you emerged from the Tree [in The Beast and the Star]."
The sky loomed yet nearer, and in some way the dimensions twisted, so
that the earth and myself interpenetrated with the field of stars. We
seemed to be parsecs across, but at the same time we retained our
normal small size on the cosmic scale.
I felt myself being drawn into the field of stars, changing my shape to the
basic sphere, whose simple elegance rules in the macrocosm. My earthly
self was partially shed, so that I was touched at a deeper level by the
I noted that in some way the spirit of the earth had been drawn up with
me, and was itself become as a star in that sky. She appeared first as I
usually see her from space, blue and brown clothed in white, then I saw
her on the astral level, shrouded in a cloud of noxious gases, only a few of
which are material in nature. Then I saw her transformed, glowing brightly
enough to outshine all else around her.
(Throughout all this, I had simultaneously been seeing the earth as a
planet and as a woman. In woman-phase, she appeared first as a mother
about 25 years old, fully mature in body and young in outlook. The
correspondence to the miasma-image was a woman who had been
burdened with the karma of millions through no fault of her own. In her
transformation, she shed the dark, murky stew of emotions in which she
had been clothed, She appeared young and bright, but with a knowledge
so deep that it had made her innocent again.
I marveled at the beauty of this young woman, though I can not describe it
at all now beyond saying that she seemed to be all things at once. And
even more I marveled that I was connected to her in some way that made
me feel married. On thinking about this, it seemed reasonable. Earth
certainly knows at least as much about me as a wife does about her
husband. And, reversing it, my own knowledge of her, so very much less,
was about equal to the average husband's knowledge of his wife. The
connection between us felt very good, with an undercurrent of love given
unconditionally. Love fairly shone from her and blinded me until I turned
Nuit said, again without words, "This shall regenerate the world, the little
world my sister, my heart & my tongue, unto whom I send this kiss."14
I was then sent a burst of information, and it took a while to untangle it all.
It was the success of myself and my fellow magicians that "regenerated"
the world. Every time one human being became fully aware of his/her
star-ness, it raised the spiritual level of the being that enlivened the earth
as well.

In incarnating as the earth, this being had deliberately cut herself off from
communion with her fellows among the stars. She had voluntarily "entered
a prison of the flesh" in order to set the conditions necessary for her own
next initiation. In doing so, she had also made herself the garbage dump
for all the negative emotional matter in this sector of space.
Receiving all this emotional matter served dual purposes. In relation to the
earth herself, it enabled her to perform a "service" for her "community",
loosely speaking, while at the same time undergoing a trial necessary to
her advancement. The act was a service because it gave certain other
stellar beings in the neighborhood, notably the star Set (Sirius or Sothis),
a clean environment in which to undergo his next initiation, and to perform
certain other magickal tasks.
Now, to get out of this condition, it is necessary for the earth to have a
certain number of fully conscious beings living in her, who are aware of
their place in the larger cosmos. When these beings throw their
consciousness outside the earth's aura, they punch holes in the blanket of
emotional matter surrounding the earth. These holes continue to expand
so long as the person maintains some connection within the earth's
sphere. Each hole allows energy and information from the outside to get
back to the earth's Life. Thus, she gains strength she needs to disperse
the cloud, and material of the proper grade for her own growth.
And since each adept's consciousness is reflected in her own, the
increased vibrations of the adept's awareness also raises her own state of
consciousness slightly, further helping her to regain her lost state.
When the needed number of adepts are fully linked into the outer
universe, then the earth can use their paths as a route to send her whole
awareness out. From outside the material aura of the planet, she can take
direct action to disperse the emotional miasma, and those beings who live
on earth because of it. With the Air again clear, then balance will be
restored to the relations between the kingdoms on earth, and man will find
his place as its caretaker.
Thus, the initiations of individuals do good to the earth simply by having
happened. Their continued existence on earth continues the good, so
long as their knowledge of their place as stars in the womb of Nuit also
continues. They need do nothing else but pursue their own wills. This is
why it is a lie that sacrifice is necessary to initiation, and a lie that the
initiated have a duty to spread their knowledge.
Nuit bent down and enveloped myself and the earth in an embrace that
was inside us as well as about us. It definitely felt like a kiss despite
enclosing us completely. Then I returned to the clearing where we started,
and the earth spirit went back into her body.
I looked about the clearing and wondered if I should close the vision or
continue. A voice told me to wait a moment. I took the opportunity to go to
the bathroom. It had taken a while to sort out what that burst of
information had in it, and it was now 8:10 pm. I am certain that I have
forgotten a lot of what was in the burst. For a while, ideas had gone by so
fast that they were replaced by another before the could be absorbed.
I returned to the clearing. It was still and quiet. The moon seemed to have
gone lower in the western sky, and there was not as much light. What little
there was faded quickly, leaving me again in full darkness.

I heard: "You have invoked the powers of the fire of earth. And as we
have told you, we have given to you in full measure. For is not the being
who is the life of Earth ultimately the true fire of earth? Did she not inject
herself into the body of earth as in the square "T", cutting herself off from
her kind in order to bring life to the world? And did not her life disperse
throughout the earth, as in the square "M", feeding every living creature,
maintaining order of types and functions among them? And did not you,
her creature, under the pressure of her life, become transformed from an
amorphous lump into a Star? And is this not the reward of all the adepts
upon her? And did you not see yourself, a Star of fire15, married to her
within my field? And is not the heart of your soul, your own creation, now
buried in her to grow and reproduce? Thus ye have made her the Bride,
and IHVH is fulfilled within the Fiery Lesser Angle."
Abruptly, the vision ended, and all sense of connection was gone. I went
and finished this account of the vision, which I end here at 10:10pm.
----------------------------------------------------Notes and comments: (1985)
When I started this series of astral visions, it was only with the thought of
doing something interesting with some unexpected free time. Square "T"
was picked on a moment's impulse. It was only after the vision that I
thought about invoking the other squares in the series.
The experience of the first vision brought to mind one of the things that
has annoyed me about published accounts of the Enochian squares. That
is, these accounts all seemed haphazard. Squares were picked at
random, and no effort was made to show the squares in their relation to
the rest of the Tablet. While this might be satisfactory for demonstrating
astral projection techniques, it did not do justice to the complexity or
quality of the system. I decided to do a series of projections for related
squares of one of the Tablets. The one I had just done seemed an ideal
starting point.
All the squares in this series are what is known as "kerubic" squares.
There are four in each of the lesser angles of each tablet, and they direct
the operations of the sixteen subservient squares of the Angle. Their
position and function make them an embodiment of the overall powers of
the Angle.
The formula of IHVH determines most of the attributions in the tablets.
Each of the kerubic squares is related to one letter of IHVH, as their name
implies. Since each Lesser Angle and each Tablet is also related to one of
the letters, we have three levels of interaction with the name. So under
this system, the square "T" represents Fire of Fire of Earth, square "M" is
Water of Fire of Earth, and so on. This symbolism is fairly clear in the
By the time I started on the square "M", I had a whole plan lined out for
doing the visions, analyzing the symbolism, and showing the interrelations
between them. Nothing more was expected of the visions than a more-orless formal presentation of symbolic correspondences, and their relation
to everyday events and objects. This was all I had gotten out of the
system up till then, and there seemed no reason to expect anything
After the second vision, this was still my intent. But after the first of the
invocations for the square "S", I began to get feelings that things were
getting out of hand. There was an impression that someone had co-opted

my little project and that I was no longer in control of it. This is to be

expected when a higher force is invoked, but the Elemental Tablets had
always seemed to relate to the forces operating in the mundane world,
which are normally under the magician's control.
The manner in which the vision of square "S" occurred verified that
something more than my own will was involved in creating the vision.
First, much of it occurred without my normal consciousness being
involved. It appears that my magickal self was isolated from my mundane
persona for the vision, and the persona only remembered it after the fact.
Second, the events of the vision occurred in a way that defies normal
concepts of experiential time. Certain sections are remembered as having
happened one at a time, and yet they are also remembered as happening
simultaneously. I had experienced this effect before, but not in cases
involving such a large amount of information.
The twisted-time effect was even more pronounced in square "I". The
vision occurred in a way that was not at all serial. Instead, it appeared as
a complete creation in four dimensions, and was only translated into a
serial-time mode after the fact.
I would like to point out that the visions continued to follow the attributions
of the squares invoked despite the change of approach and scope in the
latter two visions. Beyond this, they speak for themselves.
You may have noticed that the starting and stopping times of the visions
include a large number of symmetric numbers. This was not deliberate.
My unconscious is attracted to these numbers, and frequently arranges
events in this way. There is no particular occult meaning involved.

While doing the hexagram ritual before going to bed last night, I had the
vision described below, which was supplemented by additional data given
the next day. It is written as one narrative.
I had been thinking about the multiple simultaneous presentations in the
last two visions from the fiery lesser angle.
I saw two of the visions as they were presented at the time, and saw the
manner in which they paralleled each other in three or four dimensions.
Suddenly I perceived that these were only two of an infinite number of
possible presentations that could have been shown. There were
additional visions parallel to the first two stretching off in every direction.
As the visions got farther away, the images they presented changed, but
the basic energy remained the same.
I had some thoughts about the characteristics of the astral plane that I can
not recall now. Something about the plane being so protean or flexible
that it would accurately reflect any force, but in a symbolic form. Also
about how these multiple visions relate to the same force acting in
different circumstances.
I saw that the energetic pattern of a particular square was infinitely subdividable, with the same pattern appearing at whatever level of fineness
one chose to look at it. But again, though the force was the same, the
manifestation would differ.

The energies are in fact infinitely recursive. Smaller levels reflect patterns
of larger levels, and vice versa. Like the way that gross shapes of crystals
reflect the internal arrangement of their molecules. I saw that any
particular vision of a square was like the viewpoint from a particular
molecule within the crystal's matrix. The exact form of the vision is
determined not only by the type of energy, but also by the vision's place
within the matrix of all possible visions.
This confused me. Since the matrix is infinite, there should be no
identifiable differences in the forces acting on any point within the matrix.
I was told that the matrix for any particular square was infinite. But the
square interacted with the energies of all the other squares in ways that
were not uniform from point to point. If the current square was "T" of the
fiery lesser angle of earth, the energies of an adjacent square such as
square "M" might appear at one point in "T" to come from an angle of 270
degrees, while from a different point it might appear to come from 265
degrees. As with astrology, the surround determines the effect at any
Later that night, I also saw a vision of the Tablets, connected in such a
way that they formed the walls of a room. The tablet of spirit was the floor,
and another unidentified tablet was the ceiling. It formed a square box
with the squares of the tablets facing inward.
The viewpoint withdrew from the box thus made, and I saw that lines of
light extended at right angles from each face of the box. The viewpoint
retreated further, and I saw that the box was connected to six other
boxes. Each of these was in turn connected to six boxes, and so on in a
cubic matrix that extended into the distance on all sides.
I could see that each box was composed of Tablets as was my own, but
that each box had a different arrangement of forces. Each box had only
slight differences from the boxes connected to it. The differences between
systems became greater as the distance between them in the matrix
The changes from box to box were regular, as if any group of seven
connected boxes were notes in one key. Depending on the direction in
which one moved, a different note of the chord became the dominant note
of the next chord. A similar analogy to the spectrum could be made.
I asked whether each of these boxes was a separate universe, or just a
separate viewpoint within the walls of my own tablet. The answer was that
the former was the case. Each was a related universe within a larger level
of creation. our own universe was one of many within an expanded artistic
theme being played out in a larger frame of reference.
I also saw that by orienting on a set of axes other than those I was looking
at, a whole new matrix was revealed, with different but intersecting rules.
Continuing this rotation revealed that these too were infinite in number.
I was told that it was possible for the adept who did not like his own world,
or who simply wanted to explore, to move from universe to universe within
any of the matrices. In few of these universes would he find himself in a
physical world. because such schemes are rare in the larger cosmos. But
wherever he did find such a universe, he would always arrive in a place
as congruent as possible with his departure point. Thus he could be
reasonably assured that he would survive such a trip. In the other worlds,
only his magickal body would go, leaving his physical body behind.

A little after seven, I did a banishing, and
square "R" of the watery lesser angle of the
images after I visualized the pyramid, other
sphinx. There was a sense of the presence of
strong came through.

invoked the powers of the

Earth tablet. I did not get any
than a blurred vision of the
the force, but nothing too

I will do the invocation again before going to bed.

(Ended up not doing so. -BR)
This afternoon, I began to get glimmerings of some sort of vision. I was
situated (in the vision) above the earth tablet, around the northeast
corner. I could see the squares of the tablet, with the letters written in for
the four kerubic squares in enochian. The word "Raph" came to mind. It is
the name of the angel of the square "R". This square represents Yod of
Water of Earth.
5:15 pm approx
Did the invocation of water of earth, and called upon the names, ending
with NphRa and NRaph, the first governing the kerubic squares of the
angle as a whole, and the second the special version governing the
I saw the pyramid, with black to the north with the earth sigil engraved.
Blue was to the south, blazoned with the sigil of water. East was red with
the Leo sign, west red with the Yod.
I entered the pyramid, but did not see the sphinx there. So I rose up
through the planes until I came to a reasonably clear scene. This was like
the initial image of the square "i" of the fiery lesser Angle, except that a
lake came up to the south, and the jungle to the east and west was more
It was told that I had come back to this slightly modified scene to indicate
that after the energies of square "i" pass out of that square, they come to
this one. They go from Heh final of fire of earth to Yod of water of earth.
Then I rose up again and saw the pyramid from above. The forces of the
sides, rather than being held back from the top all blended together on the
truncated top of the pyramid.
Then I saw a true scene of the square. I was in the center of a region of
hot springs and geysers. The hot springs were small-diameter but deep
pots, worn into solid rock. Steam wafted up gently from them. (It looked a
lot like the Plain of Holes in Sgt. Pepper.) The heat was concentrated in
these holes, and it was relatively cool elsewhere. (Something similar was
described in Dante's Inferno.)16
I invoked the angel again. The angel that appeared had the same dark
skin and light hair of the angels of the previous angle, but his clothes had
a subtle blue sheen to them. The clothes had a sort of flowing motion, as

if they were caught in some invisible current. The angel wore a pantacle
of earth about his neck on a chain, and held a cup extended downward as
if in the act of pouring. The right hand held a wand forward on the center
line of his body, with the hand at the level of the solar plexus.
Since the angel had changed his aspect a bit from his first appearance, I
tested again with the signs. He did not respond, but held his pose. The
pentagrams neither helped nor diminished him, but did make the image
sharper. The letters caused him to expand.
I asked to see the sphinx, but he instead indicated that I should perform
the sign in which he was standing. I did so, and he changed to a sign in
which the arms were held forward from the shoulders, with the elbows
bowed outwards so that the arms formed a horizontal circle. The wand
and the cup were held upright before the body. I imitated this sign.
Next he changed to a sign which was like that of Osiris Risen save that
the arms were held away from the body. The wand and cup were held so
that the point of the wand touched the rim of the cup above the hands.
I asked, "What is the purpose of these signs?"
The angel said that the signs represented the three alchemical elements,
sulphur, salt and mercury, as they manifest in this square. The last of the
signs was Mercury, since it imitated the caduceus.17 The middle one was
salt, imitating the pantacle. The first was sulphur, with the active wand
above the passive cup.
Also, in the first sign the water is discarded and the fire raised. In the
second they are balanced in opposite rotation, producing stability through
spin. In the last, they intermix, as mercury intermixes sulphur and salt.
I said this was all very well, but what did it have to do with the point of the
vision. He said "We are very concerned with forms and formula here."
The vision petered out at that point, so I returned to my body and
reabsorbed the forces.
7:55 pm
Returned to the vision through the pyramid.
Asked to see the effect of the square in the mineral
the same geyser and hot springs area. Went below the
the forces generated by the earth's pressure heating
and causing it to expand and come out on the surface
particularly rules those springs that well up out of
the ocean, where the tectonic plates meet.

kingdom. Was shown

surface, and saw
the ground water,
of the earth. It
the earth underneath

In the plant kingdom, this square rules the process in which water
evaporates from the leaves due to the heat of the sunlight. As the water
evaporates, it pulls more water from the earth to replace it. The water
carries nutrients up from the roots to the growing areas of the plant.
In the animal kingdom, the square controls the distribution of heat from
the intestines to the rest of the body via the blood. No particular species of
animal was suggested as an embodiment of the square's force.
I asked for the type of person represented by the square, but I could not
see it clearly. I concluded that I was too tired from driving all day to get

much tonight.18
A vision of square "m" of the Watery Lesser Angle of the Water Tablet.
At 10:52 am, I did a Tarot reading to discover why I was having so much
trouble getting an image from the squares mentioned above. The cards
indicated that I would have better results if I changed direction and
invoked water of water of water, square "m" of the watery lesser angle of
the water tablet.
I recited the key and the names. The pyramid appeared, with all four sides
flashing and rippling in the colors of water. Each side held the Enochian
sigil of water, the cross with 4-g-6-g in the angles, within a circular
background in the flashing color, orange. The ripples in the sides were
coordinated so that all sides rippled at the same time, the waves travelling
from the bottom of the pyramid to the top. I got the impression that the
pyramid was a vagina, and each set of ripples was like a mild orgasm,
their motion encouraging the male to release his load of power into
pyramid. There was nothing demanding about this encouragement, yet
there was an impression that it could not be gainsaid.19
There was a very light and clean feeling to the square, which intensified
as I waited in the pyramid. The sphinx appeared, a pure Eagle as is
appropriate to the square. I gave the 5=6 signs, which he responded to in
I asked to see a landscape that represented the power of the square.
There was shown a whirlpool in the sea, with all the waters entering from
the sides blending together and pulling things downwards into the cupshaped whirl. The side of the whirlpool had the enochian sigil of water
imprinted on it. The sigil was undisturbed by the movement of the waters
on which it was stamped.
I called upon the angel of the square, mtdi, again. She appeared, showing
herself as a woman in diaphanous blue veils, fully covering her body and
arms, save when she gestured. Her face and skin were blue in color, with
orange highlights and shadows.
She said:
"Know, O worshipper, that here in the watery lesser angle of the water
tablet are the pure waters of preservation held. Thus Jupiter is the angle
of water in the Tree, for it preserves that which is built by the angle of fire,
which is Mars in the Tree.20
"Isis, our goddess, is the creator and preserver of the forms. She takes
the impulse of the gods, and transforms it into herself, reflecting the initial
impulse in a manner which continues to reverberate through her
substance. She is the Wave, where fire is the Quantum. She takes the
impulse and reproduces it many times over. Thus where the original
impulse was singular, its effect is multiplied and distributed here. You saw
some of this in the square "m" of the fiery lesser angle of earth, which is
also of water within its own area of action.
"As well as multiplying the force, water causes it to be sustained over
time. Though the impulse is momentary, its ripples continue to be
reflected in the movement of the water. Thus she preserves it.

"Water is the reflection of the mass action of many quanta. While their
true nature in themselves may be of fire, their action as a multitude is of
the nature of water. For are not the waves made of the quanta, yet do
they wave despite this."
I then saw a multitude of impulses, little photon-like particles, milling about
in a space. Each particle moved along its own course, and seemed to act
independently of any other, yet when the actions of all the particles were
seen at once, there were larger-scale motions that were clearly wave-like
and orderly travelling through the soup of particles.
"Yea, the particles are truly Osiris, torn to pieces by the anger of Set. Yet
Isis has gathered the pieces together to make a new Osiris, greater than
the one who came before, for he is expanded and diversified, both more
detailed and broader in his scope." (That is, each particle reflects the
original impulse, and acts in accord with that impulse's nature, yet also
acts as one component within a larger creation, which will also reflect the
power of the original impulse when it is fully manifested.)
I asked to see how this power works out in the mineral kingdom. The
angel told me that the power works equally in all kingdoms, that it is a
general principle. All things reflect its action. Its power in general is given
to the females, though males are equally capable of understanding it once
their conditioning is removed.
However, within the mineral kingdom, it might be said in part that this
power is reflected in the process by which a small amount of radioactive
substance, put in contact with another substance which is not radioactive,
changes the latter substance into more of itself. This is the principle of the
"breeder" reactor. (It is the "reproduction" of the original matter which is
represented here, not the specific impulse which causes the change to
take place.)
The action of natural water as a solvent is also of this square, for it takes
the quanta (in this case, the atoms) of the material, and distributes them
throughout itself, taking on something of the quality of the thing dissolved.
In the plant kingdom, this power rules all water-plants, and all those plants
that use water-borne pollen as the intermediary between the male and
female plants, as well as those that use water to transport the resulting
In the animal kingdom, sea-mammals such as porpoises and dolphins,
and the manatee, are ruled by this square and by water generally.
I asked to see the type of person represented by the square. I was shown
a woman in the act of opening herself fully and without reservation to a
male for purposes of reproduction. It was emphasized that the emotional
state, rather than the act, was the important thing.
The angel told me that the difference between quantum-like and wave-like
phenomena in physics exactly reflects the differences between Fire and
Water in the Enochian system. Quantum phenomena, like Fire, deal with
the actions of individual particles. When physicists look at a particle, they
can not tell exactly what it is doing at any given time. Its movements and
changes randomly select among the possibilities open to it by its nature.
Its actions are discontinuous, changing instantly from one state to
another, with no transition between.

But when the particles are observed in large groups, they act in an orderly
way. Their individually discontinuous actions taken together produce
phenomena that are seemingly continuous. The atoms of mundane water
are made up of such particles, yet their discontinuity does not prevent a
wave from moving across the surface of a pond. The wave phenomena
are a new order of event, superimposed on and encompassing the
original natures of the fiery impulses.
I ended the vision and closed the astral temple.
For the last two days I have been trying to get more out of the squares via
repeated invocations. While there has certainly been a perceptible effect
from these invocations, I can not seem to get any kind of reliable vision
out of the invoked energies.
I attempted to invoke the square "t", yod of water of water, and got just an
image of a raging tempest, with water thrashing about in all directions.
There was also a hint of Leviathan lying just below the surface. Other than
that, nothing.
In general, the invocations have resulted in a filling out of my aura with
watery force. I can see the blue of it filtering everything I look at even right
now, twenty hours after the last invocation. There has also been a general
attraction to things watery. I have taken several more showers than I
usually do in this amount of time, just for the pleasure of it.
There have also been some scraps of vision relating to woman-as-water,
but there seems to be some kind of interference that is keeping me from
perceiving them fully. Probably just the quality of my mind at present.
The tarot indicates that the main effect of these invocations has been at
an unconscious level, and not open to my mundane awareness.
Other scraps I have picked up:
1. An indication that I should be looking again at the fiery lesser angle of
earth, rather than continuing with the water angle and tablet. I'll do an I
Ching and tarot reading to check this out tonight.
2. There is a possibility that the tablets can be used in some way as a
form of divination. If the individual forces could be understood easily, then
I could see how this might be useful. There are certainly enough different
forces in the system to comprise a reasonably inclusive form of
I also wonder if the squares might be used to make up a language of
symbolism in which stories or facts could be given. This is something
slightly different than using the angelic language in which the keys or calls
are written. Each square would be one root-word or root-symbol, which
could then be modified by the presence of other root-symbols to produce
specific concepts. Something like a universal translation key.
(I don't know whether these two points come in some way as the result of
the invocation, or are just wish-fulfillments.)
3. Additionally, there have been some fantasy images of extreme

psychological and physical conditioning being used to make a woman as

receptive and water-like as possible. I take these as a degeneration of the
action of the forces, acting on some of my suppressed and not-sosuppressed feelings about women.21
Another vision of the square "R" of the Watery Lesser Angle of Earth.
I invoked the watery lesser angle of the earth tablet, and called upon the
The pyramid appeared, with the north side glowing black with the earth
sign in white, the south glowing blue with the water sign in orange, the
east and west glowing red with the signs of the lion-kerub and the Yod,
respectively, in green. I entered into the pyramid.
The sphinx appeared. He had the head of a bull, the body of a lion, and
the hind legs and tail of the eagle. I performed the 5=6 signs, he
responded with the Rending of the Veil sign, followed by the signs of
Earth, Water, and Fire, followed by the Closing of the Veil sign.
I called upon the god of the square, Ameshet, and saw him with orange
face, blue nemyss, and black, yellow, and orange stripes on his
shoulders. I did the 5=6 signs with him, and tested him with the
pentagrams. Instead of the pentagrams having an effect on him, I
suddenly found my own consciousness united with that of the god, so that
I could see myself across the floor of the pyramid, wearing a black robe
with blue lining and red pockets and edges. The pentagram hanging in the
air between us glowed, filling the god with force, which he absorbed
without difficulty.
I spent a few minutes concentrating on the consciousness of the god. His
force seemed to satisfy the conditions of the square. I could sense the
slow solidity or stability of Earth, spread uniformly throughout his being by
the waters, with the fires bringing a sense of power or rulership to him. I
saw that as he looked at me across the floor of the pyramind that he
approved of my efforts to gather visions of these squares.
Ameshet said: "Know, o innocent, that you have come here for
knowledge, and knowledge shall you get in full measure, if you be patient
"Here in the watery lesser angle of the earth tablet, we take the forces of
life that have been injected into the earth, and allowed to grow on its
surface, and we give these lives forms and functions within the world to
which they have been assigned. There is nothing in the original impulse
that determines the way in which it will manifest in the world, out of the
multitude of possible manifestations. For, even in the earth, the fire is
formless. We provide the environment by which the energy obtains its
context, thereby forcing it into a form which is suitable through its will-tobe.
I asked to see the action of this square, "R", in the mineral kingdom. I was
shown a place deep under the earth, in which elements were dissolved
from the earth by the action of hot water, whose heat in turn was derived
from the pressure of the earth. As the solutions became saturated, the
elements tended to precipitate from the water, forming crystals of pure

I saw that the waters that did the dissolving were encapsulated, just as
the fires of Yod of Fire of Earth had been. These pockets formed where
bubbles had existed in the magma when this section of the earth had
cooled below melting temperature. The water precipitated into the pockets
due to its lower heat retention.
Because we were deep below the earth, the pressure of the earth above
produced the heat. This fire caused molecules of the rock to be more
easily dissolved by the water, and caused the water to become a more
effective solvent.
Eventually, the water could not hold any more dissolved minerals, and the
action of the fire was lessened. The minerals began to precipitate out of
the solution onto the walls of the capsule. But only those elements that
could be solids at the existing temperature precipitated. These pure or
nearly pure elements formed crystals and lattices on the insides of the
capsules. The result of this process was pockets of pure minerals or
gemstones, or geodes.
I asked to see the effect of this square in the plant kingdom. I was shown
a seed buried in the earth. The waters from the melting of the winter
snows washed a protective covering off of the seed, signalling the seed
that it was time for it to break its shell.
A representation of the force in the animal kingdom was shown, but I
could not see it clearly.
In the human kingdom, this square governs changes of life-direction that
occur suddenly after a long period of buildup where the impending change
was not apparent. One example of this is the male "mid-life crisis". The
sudden thrusting-out of a child from the woman at parturition is also
governed in part by this square, although there are multiple aspects to this
process that are governed by other squares.
I asked to see the spiritual animal governed by the square. I was shown
an animal that had an extremely round body, with flipper-like limbs and
short, stubby legs. It does little except sit while it grows slowly larger. But
at the same time I got an image that this animal thinks of itself as a big,
impressive monster. (I got the impression that the animal was like a
rockbound version of the puffer fish, which blows itself up with water in
order to scare enemies.)
I asked to be returned to the pyramid, and this was done. I stood there for
a moment, absorbing the force of the square, and then turned to Ameshet
He said: "Know, o worshipper, that here we have given you the
beginnings of the wisdom of water of earth, but that there is much yet
here to see in these squares Kerubic of the Angle. Let this student return
to the angle in the next few hours, going this time to the square of Heh of
Water of Fire, there to continue the quest. Do you come again within the
day, and we will see much more. For now, return to your body fully, and
think of something else for a while. You might also review your prior vision
of this square to see any connections between them."
I left the pyramid and came out into my astral temple. From there, I
banished the square and closed the temple.
12/1/85 5:56 pm

In invoked the forces of the lesser angle, using the names MOR DIAL
HCTGA, ICZHIKAL, CABALPT, ANAEEM, APHR. Visualized the pyramid,
with the north side black with white earth-symbol, south blue with orange
water-symbol, east blue with orange eagle and water-symbol, west blue
with orange Heh and water-symbol.
Entered into the pyramid, and saw the sphinx. The sphinx was bullheaded, with a blue and orange nemyss. The body, legs and tail were that
of the eagle.
I called upon the goddess of the square, Isis. She appeared, wearing a
blue uraeus crown, blue skirt with orange chest-straps, carrying a lotus
wand. Her skin was yellow. I did the 5=6 signs. She answered with the
Rending of the Veil, the earth and water signs, and the Closing of the Veil.
I tested her with the pentagrams, and as in the previous vision, my
consciousness entered into that of the Goddess. As her, I saw myself
across the pyramid, drawing the pentagram of earth. As the goddess I
absorbed its force and grew bigger. I saw myself draw the water
pentagram, and grew even larger.
Isis looked at me and saw that I was visiting to gain information. She said:
"It is a wise son who knows his mother's advice." At my request, she
showed me the sphinx of her power. It was like unto the original sphinx of
the square, save that its body was that of a scorpion rather than of an
eagle. By this, she said, she meant to emphasize that the waters not only
related to the products of life, but also of the end- or death-products of the
earth's system.
She showed me the waters flowing through underground caverns,
carrying dissolved minerals from one place to another within the earth,
causing internal formations such as limestone caves to appear. The water
takes itself into every crack and cranny in the earth distributing its load.
The minerals thus distributed contributed to the health of the plants that
draw their sustenance from the earth.
Above the earth, the action of the square represents the erosion of the
stone of the heights of Earth, and its transport by the water to the
lowlands, where it becomes rich growing land. The more poisonous
effluents continue in dissolved condition until the water reaches the sea,
where they are distributed in less than lethal concentrations throughout
the ocean. The saltiness of the sea results from the power of this square,
though once in the sea it becomes the earth of water instead.
Asked to show its effects on humans, Isis showed me a mother nursing
her child. The substance of her milk is the water of earth. A person taking
on arduous or unpleasant jobs for the sake of others was also shown. In
the mind of man, she said, the effect is to produce those emotions related
to the physical welfare of the family unit.
I asked to see the effect in the animal kingdom. I was shown a dog
reacting to its owner's commands with complete submission. Isis
explained that the dog's emotions, his water-nature, had been reoriented
so that he perceived his master as his pack-leader. The submissive
responses of subordinate pack-animals is generally ruled by this square.
Isis said: "Know ye, O man, that here in the watery lesser angle [of earth]
do the forces of earth concentrate their poisons for elimination, even as
they distribute the wealth of the earth to the places of need. Thus the

scorpion is also part of the sphinx here. The products of the degeneration
of living matter that can not be reabsorbed by the system are taken by the
water to a place where they can not be of danger. Yet man does tax them
greatly in this time, by his creations out of the earth, and the force of the
square is weakened by its failure. Thus does man fill up his world with his
own source of Death.
"While yet the time remains until the end of things, when the earth and all
upon her are raised up beyond the material, so shall this square continue
to work for the cleanliness and health of the world. Pray ye that the end
come soon, so that the earth may pass in beauty and not in squalor of its
children's devising.
"Go ye now unto the ends of the earth, and preach this message: Keep ye
the earth clean, and it shall reward ye an hundredfold with life more
abundant yet. Yet this also applies to thee in thine own person. Cleanse
ye of the poisons of thy mundane life, and here we will give ye more than
man ever yet received of us."
I acknowledged the necessity of this, since certain habits, such as
smoking cigarettes, were proving to be keeping me from complete
success in some aspects of the magickal work. I waited to see if Isis
would continue.
She did, showing me a scene of people all seated in a church, with a
bride and groom at the altar waiting to be married. The man was myself,
the woman's feature could not be seen due to her veils.
Isis said: "Know ye that she who would be thy mate longs to approach
thee, yet she fears of ye because of thine aspect of death. Reduce this
aspect as ye have done, and bring in the balances of rightness. The
cleansing of the body must be one part of this, for the scorpion hath had
ye for thine whole life, and now his effluvia must be washed away to
reveal the emerald jewels he has perfected in his compost. Clean ye thine
house as well, taking from it the residue of thy habits. Then shall ye feel
free, and so will she, to join together."22
I asked Isis whether there was anything else to be said at this time. She
indicated that there was, but that I should wait a few moments, get
something to drink, and return. I did this.
Isis said: "Now that we have told ye of what we desire of ye, there is yet
one more thing to say at this time. Know ye that ye are the chosen priest
and apostle of the Gods of Liber Al for the coming few years. That ye
reject this is known and considered, but ye shall have no choice in the
matter, no more than the prior two who have helped them so well, the one
known, the other not, yet both of the highest degree of our confidence. Ye
shall continue to reject all who try to assign you to a place or space within
their organization, for it is the truth of the book that ye shall do what Thou
wilt, not as others shall say. All their signs and symbols are corrupted with
their humanness, and have lost their effectiveness in the pursuit of the
gods' goals. Follow thine own path, and ye shall be rewarded as ye have
"Ye wonder whether there
have to proclaim thyself
others. This I say to ye
thee. Take ye the course
be so.

shall be a sign of this event, whether ye shall

the Beast, and take on the aspects of power over
as a solemn promise: That power shall not corrupt
that is opened to ye, and all shall be well. Let it

"Of proclaiming yourself the Beast, I say that ye have already done so.
Did ye not select this name as thine own in thy battles with the Christians?
So it is and so shall it be.
"Of the signs I speak not, save to say that ye shall see that which shall
convince ye of the truth of what we speak beyond any ability to doubt.
Look ye not for such a sign.23
"Continue to explore these squares of earth and water in the next few
days. What comes will be useful and educational, both to ye and to those
who read thine accounts.
"This vision is ended."
I then returned to my temple, did a quick banishing of the forces, and
returned fully to my body.
Last night, invoked the square "p" of the watery lesser angle around 9:15
pm. Got a clear image of the pyramid, but the vision did not want to go
any further.
After several minutes of rising on planes and tearing the veils, I got an
image of the square.
I was somewhere on the face of a cliff. Below me I could see a raging
river in a narrow canyon. From the top of the cliff, a waterfall poured. But
before the water could reach the river below, it was torn into spray by the
I went down to the level of the river, and saw that the air above it was
filled with little bits of water. The bits were too large to be called mist, and
too small to be called drizzle. They were exactly the maximum size
droplet that could be suspended in air indefinitely.
This is about all I could get. I never saw the sphinx or the God of the
square, and never saw any other beings in the vision. I gave up and
returned to my body.
Afterwards, I noticed that the pyramid had actually formulated itself in
etheric matter in my bedroom. It was large enough to completely contain
the queen-sized bed. When I got up to go to the bathroom, I saw in the
mirror that the pyramid had also formulated itself in my own aura. I could
see in the mirror that the top side of the square, colored black, covered
my head and my neck to the shoulders. From my neck to just below the
navel, the aura had expaning wings of yellow fanning out to both sides.
From the navel down, the aura was the blue of the lowest of the four
I returned to the bed and saw that the pyramid was still there as well. It
persisted until after I had fallen asleep. There is still some faint image of it
visible even now, 22 hours later. I am about to do the invocation again,
and will add to this account afterwards.
(Astrological note -- Currently Uranus is transiting in a tetranovile aspect
to my moon, and just came into orb of a conjunction with my sun. This
may have the effect of aborting any astral visions for the duration of the

transits, since most of my visionary ability depends on these two planets,

particularly the sun. If so, the remaining invocations may have to wait until
the aspect passes in January. I intend to try at least three more times to
get a vision of this square. If I am unable to do so after that many
invocations, it would seem approriate to delay the remaining work. But
somehow I sense that it would be a mistake to do so.)
12/3/85 9:15 pm.
The vision opened with the pyramid in the magickal circle of my astral
temple. The sides were all of the appropriate colors with the correct
symbols upon them. I repeated the names of invocation a couple of times
more, then entered the pyramid.
There I saw the sphinx, who had the head of a longhorn bull, the body of
a man, with the hips, legs and tail of the eagle. I did the 5=6 signs, he
responded in kind and added the earth, water, and air signs.
The sphinx indicated that tonight's vision would be less of a vision than a
dictation in the style of my usual communications with disincarnate
humans. That is, through a sort of "automatic typing". I went to my office
and set up my word-processor. I then returned my astral vision to the
scene in the pyramid.
I asked to see a vision of the square's function. I was taken to the same
stream-canyon with which last night's vision ended, and there I saw the
valley from above. It was night, and all the droplets of water I had seen
hanging above the stream were shown to be glowing in the dark. They
looked like a river of stars from my vantage point, shining brightly as they
flowed down the canyon.
I called upon the sphinx to explain the vision. He said:
"Know ye, o student, that in this place are the waters of earth distributed
to the ends of creation. The natural tendency of the water is to flow to the
lowest point within the earth, as is shown by its being in the bottom of the
canyon here. But the winds of the quarter whip up a froth from the waves,
so that as fast as it flows downward, it is blown upward again.
"Now the waters do desire to spread themselves througout the earth, but
on their own they are confined to the areas where the earth opens to
them. Thus, the assistance of the air in called upon.
"In the natural world, this square rules those waters taken up into the air
in cyclones, hurricanes, and strong winds, which are carried to places
where the water could not otherwise go upon the earth.
"In the spiritual world, this square rules those lives of men who desire to
be raised up from their mundane place, but lack the strength of ambition
or determination to do so fully on their own. If the spirit of the man seeks
ever upwards, then is the spirit lightened somewhat from the weight of its
mundane experiences. Thus the winds of Aleph can lift them up from the
earth into the lower heavens of Yesod.24 From there, if they are ever
desirous, they can absorb enough of the spirit-stuff to keep themselves
afloat in the heavens, as the droplets of water, while heavy in themselves,
are borne up by the winds of the square. Thus, the droplets in the vision
here are glowing with the increased force which holds them above the
waters from which they came, as the spirit of man is lightened by its
aspiration. There is more to say on this in the next square, which is earth

of water of earth. We will show you that at the proper time.

"For now, let us continue with the current square. Within the field of the
plant life, this square rules all plants that live in the water, yet spread thei
seeds through the air.
"The best example of this is the cattail of the northern climes. It lives not in
the pure waters of lakes and streams, but in the water-saturated grounds
of bogs, culverts and ditches. It takes the waters of the earth in those
places, and raises them up into the air by the length of its stalk. There it
combines the water with the air, as all plants do, to produce the substance
of the seeds which are its "tail". The seeds hold the water in place above
the earth until they are ripe and ready to be sent to new places. Then the
seeds release their water to the air, transforming it from bog water into
pure vapors, which spread throughout the air, to fall as rain under another
square's direction. The seeds themselves repeat this sending. Being of
the nature of water of earth themselves, they yet are blown by the winds
into the farthest corners of the earth, there to lie fallow until again they
have the water of earth to raise up.
"In the animal kingdom, this square rules the aspirations of domestic
animals to be like their masters, we who are human souls. (Though I
come to you as the sphinx, which my nature duplicates, yet am I as
human as are you, o man.)
I was shown an image of a dog that belongs to a friend of mine. This
animal understands a vocabulary of about thirty words, making him a
genius among canines. He also frequently tries to imitate the behavior of
his master. He reacts to the emotional atmosphere with expression and
behavior that are an uncanny reflection of her own usual reactions to
similar situations. He does this whether she is present or not. He is also
the only animal I know that is creative. On his own, he has thought up
several games to occupy himself with when the humans don't have time
for him. He plays according to rules that are clear to any observer. If he
decides he doesn't like a particular rule after some experimentation with it,
then he will change that rule all at once and never use the old rule again
in that game.
The sphinx continued: "Such beings live intensely on the astral levels, yet
their astral is limited to that part which relates to their earth-lives. The
emotion which powers their astral life is the water gathered from out of
their earth-experience. In the breeding and improvement of the breeds for
our own purposes, we have caused some of these animals to evolve to
the point where they are on the threshold of developing an human
consciousness, adding the sphere of mind to that of emotion. Thus we
have Air of Water of Earth.
"It also rules those animals who gather their food from the waters, yet live
in the air. These are not the aquatic birds, which are ruled under the tablet
of air, but those insects and other small things which fly above the waters,
looking for that which can feed them to rise up out of the waters, as
certain insects wait for the larvae of mosquitos to hatch and arise, inorder
to feed upon them. The water-striders are one such in your experience.
Those spiders who spin their webs just above the waters are another
such. Mammals also do this sometimes, but the majority do not depend
entirely on the waters for their nourishment, and thus are not fully
governed by this square.

"In the human kingdom, as well as the aspirations referred to before, the
square also rules those group-feelings which cause the masses of men to
suddenly rise up against their government, demanding better than they
have had of it in the past. All populist movements originate under this
square, though all go their separate ways as they emerge from the waters
of the mass experience of man, which is the emotional nature of that
creature called Humanity. The salt of the earth directs its emotion to an
idea, again creating Air out of Water of Earth.
"In the spiritual kingdom, we see those who have risen out of the earth as
said before, and as well, those who are ready to advance to any higher
level. We here see this square as the look of one who sees beyond
himself into the heavens, and desires, at any level, to be raised up to the
"Even though the square is in a mundane tablet, yet this is the case,
because the First Matter which is worked upon in any initiation is the soul
of the man involved. Though it is of the spirit, and of the Sun, yet it is the
earth in relation to that which comes next above it.
"Now, the time has come for us to tell you more of your own adventure to
come. Since we are in a square of great aspirations, this is appropriate to
the power here.
"In the last vision, we told you that you are to be the Beast of this next
generation of magicians."
(I acknowledged that they had told me this..)
"You agree that this was what was said, yet you resist accepting it. We
understand that this is due to your early bad experiences with this form of
communication we are using, in which you came under the influence of
spirits unworthy of your power or attention. That you had the good sense
to cut off those communications is to your great credit. Many of those who
have tried this method have fallen by the wayside in their early days due
to just this thing. Those others who did not fall and who managed to
progress as you have done since then in its use are counted by us as the
best hope we have to get our message to the world in this time.
"It is vital that you be fully initiated into the grade of Master of the Temple
before this comes about, both because of your own oath in this area,25
and because only the masters can judge the message with full
understanding, and thereby be confident of its necessity.
"In the next few weeks and possibly months, we will be giving to you
gradually those things you need to be ready for this initiation.26 To allow
us the right conditions in which to do this, you should continue with this
project of doing all the kerubic squares of the Earth tablet. We, or those
more suited, will give you the meaning of each square, and those
attributions of it to the various worlds, each in the manner he is most
comfortable with. Some will be like this current communication, in which
you essentially transfer my dictation directly to your fingers to type. Others
will be of the more frequently used visionary style which you like so much
but feel to be your weak point. Yet others will be done in other ways, as
the gods dictate for their new cousin.
"Now, finish up the typing of this document for tonight, and go to your bed
and comtemplate the Tarot for a while."
I asked if he had anything more to say about the nature of the message. It

was indicated that this must be given in detail at a much later date, and
would in fact be part of my initiation as a Master of the Temple.
The sphinx added: "We see that you are anxious about this yet, as is
natural to one who has suffered so at the hands of those who should be of
good will to his spirit. Know that there shall be a sign which is not only
enough to convince you, but to convince those who need to be convinced
in order for the work to be carried forward. We will not leave you in the
cold with no basis on which to justify yourself other than our
communications themselves. But the nature of the sign is such that you
will not realize it until long after it has occurred, at which point it will fal
l on
you as a flash of lightning from the sky."
"Be patient, be gentle with yourself, and pursue those other avenues that
open to you as you see fit. Among them are those that you will need. Of
the woman who is to be your scarlet woman, I may speak not, for it is not
my place to control your destiny. Seek you in your life and she will
"You should end this vision now."
I returned to the astral temple, closed it after giving thanks for another
square revealed, and returned to my body fully.
The square "h" of the watery lesser angle of earth.
8.30 pm
I recited the calls, and called upon the names, MOR DIAL HCTGA,
ICZHIHAL, ANAEEM, SONDN, HRAP. The pyramid appeared, showing
the north, east, and west sides in the black of earth, the south in the blue
and orange of water.
Entering the pyramid, I called upon the name hRap again. Then I called
for the sphinx to appear. He did so, showing himself as a bull with the tail
of an eagle. I saluted him with the 5=6 sign, and he returned it, after which
he bowed to me. I tested him with the pentagrams, which caused him to
become a little clearer in the vision.
He said: "Greetings to you, o man, from the watery lesser angle of the
earth tablet. I have come here at your call to show you what you wish of
this place."
He lay down on his left side, with his rear hooves laid out to the right. I
asked him to show me an image of the powers of the square. Instantly we
were high in the air, looking down on a world that was cubic in shape.
Within the cube, swirls of blue could be seen moving, and they did not
cause the cube to change shape.
I said "Tell me, o sphinx, of the meaning ofthis image."
He said: "The waters of earth have returned to the earth, and give it its
receptiveness and internal mutability. Thus, those things of earth maintain
their form, despite the movements of the tiny fires within them." I took the
"tiny fires" to be the atoms and molecules that make up the matter.
The sphinx appeared to have nothing more to say, so I called upon the

goddess ruling the square, Nepthys. Vibrating her name several times did
not cause her to appear. Instead, my own astral body began to grow
larger, and as it did so, it adopted the shape of the goddess. I grew until it
was larger than the earth. I then felt her presence inhabiting the body with
Nepthys said: "Oh man, thou art in the middle of a great sea-change, and
the energies of the water of earth have great difficulty in fighting their way
through the forces of Uranus that surround you now. Let it be that you do
not do these squares of earth again until this pass be done. At that time,
we will continue, if you so wish, with the exposition of these squares.
"Now, if you would continue to do something with the Enochian Walls
during this time, I would call to your attention the squares of the central
cross of the Wall."
I asked if these would be of greater efficacy in this time, and if she could
suggest any particular squares to do from the cross.
She said: "Now, the great cross binds all the squares of the lesser angles
of the tablet together, and is of a higher rate of vibration than these
kerubic squares, and those other squares of the lesser angle. In your
current state, your internal rate of vibration has been increased by the
influence of the planet [Uranus], so that you can not see the weaker
vibrations of the squares. This is why you have such great trouble now.
Your own vibrations tend to wash out the image.
"If you wish to do the central cross squares, I suggest to you that you
study again the attributions of these squares to the decanates. Look to
them to see if there is one that might be of use in explaining the things
that you are now going to go through. If nothing comes to mind directly,
look to the Tarot to inspire your intuition with the proper course.27"
I waited for Nepthys to continue.
She said: "Now, you have called upon me here, and I must answer you.
The powers of this square are those of the earth when it is frozen into its
solid state. But within the solid, the waters are present. This causes the
molecules of the solid to vibrate with the flow of forces around and
through them. It is, in fact, the responsiveness of earth to impulses,
electromagnetic, spiritual, or grossly physical.
"Without the water within the earth, then earth would be nothing but inert,
ever as it was in the beginning, unchanging and unchanged. Without the
waters of earth, the earth could not hold the souls of the men and
creatures who inhabit her, for they are of fire, and fire requires its
complement to give form to its creativity.
"Within the earth, this square causes the fires
Orgasm which began all things, to take on form.
beginning the earth was without form, and void,
face of the earth.' This was the earth that was

of the beginning, the Great

As it is said: 'In the
and darkness covered the
before the beginning.

"'And the gods divided the waters above from the waters below.' That is,
they caused the void to become responsive by creating in it the potential
of duality. Yet the earth was not, yet.
"'And the gods said, Let there be light, and there was light.' Thus occured
the Great Orgasm, the ejaculation which spewed into the void the
energies which were to become the powers of all the squares of the

Walls. Yet even now, there was no form upon the face of existence.
"The fires of the Orgasm, in their original state, were of such a high rate of
vibration that nothing could be made of them, but that it immediately was
unmade. Chaos ruled the cosmos for an instant that was an eternity.
"It was only when the fires were cooled by the waters of the previouslycreated potential space that existence became possible. It was the
manner in which those pre-existence waters were divided that caused the
fires of the Orgasm to take the forms that allow life to come into being
within the cosmos that was the fires. For the Two became the Four, each
reflecting itself in the other, doubling itself, folding itself over. Had the
water been divided into the Three, then the world would now be based on
sixes, not fours, and six would be the number of Establishment, not the
number of the Art of the Design.
"Look you now to that smallest of levels within the world, and see that
those particles there are held in their shapes, not by their own internal
structure, but by the counter-pressure of the waters.
I looked, and saw before me a sub-subatomic particle, a quark, or
whatever it is that quarks are made of. These particles had the will to fly
apart from each other, and to return to the original chaos. But as they
grew farther apart from each other, the pressure of the waters forced
them back together again, so that no matter how forcefully they flew apart,
yet they could not get beyond a certain distance from each other.
"These tiny particles, always in threes, together made up one element of
the Four, in each of the three phases that the gods did allow. Thus, in the
first of the visions of this angle, we showed you the signs of Sulphur, Salt,
and Mercury, within the fires of water of earth.
"When the waters had spread the fires of the Orgasm thoughout the void,
and relieved the pressure of its bursting by absorbing that pressure into
themselves, then it was that creation became manifest in the world as it is
now. The tiny sparks, in their threes, moved about in the waters. Yet the
form-giving nature of the waters caused these motions to all be of certain
types, so that larger patterns of motion could be seen in their joint
wanderings. The waters, reflecting back on themselves, caused these
larger patterns to group themselves, and to hold together in the manner of
the original particles. Thus were made the so-called 'elementary' particles,
which in turn made up the atoms, which in turn made up the molcules,
which in turn made up the world as man knows it in his uninitiated state.
"At all levels did the waters hold the fires, and cool them, so that these
larger forms could come into being. Thus, at all times and in all places did
the energies of the Orgasm weaken, but in their weakening did they allow
for greater complexity. Know ye that the law which man calls entropy is
partly a lie, for matter does not go from greater order to lesser order, but
from lesser order to greater order. The appearance of Chaos returning as
the fires weaken and disperse is the fault of man's viewpoint, not an
actuality of the cosmos. For as the energies disperse in the so-called
entropy, there are created ever more particles out of the dispersed
energy, and thus the interactions and combinations possible within the
cosmos increase ever in number. This is the perpetual unfolding of the
mysteries within the realms of Earth."
"Now, as to the effect of this square and its companions in the larger
worlds, there is much more to be said than can be said in one trip into the
vision. As your intuition has grasped in the moments of insight you have

had since beginning on this lesser angle, the key to the understanding of
the angle is in the processes of birth and creation on all levels. There is
within these squares the key..."
Nephthys suddenly stopped speaking. I waited, and got an impression
that I should wait for a moment while she marshalled her speech. I did so.
After a few minutes, Nepthys spoke again: "The other gods in this place
where I live have reminded me that you have intent to distribute these
visions so that other magicians and students might learn from them. For
this reason I can say no more in this place of what I had intended to say
to you. For there is a mystery here that you should not know to reveal at
this time, and if we had told you, your own integrity would not allow you to
edit it out of the vision as you will publish it. This is an admirable motive,
and we approve of it, but in this instance, it would be better for things to
be left for the time when they can be accepted fully. For now, contemplate
the nature of the birth process in humans when you have the chance, and
see how this relates to the squares of this angle. When the time is right,
you will understand and tell of these things to those who need to know.
"We know that you are a hater of secrecy, and have refused to join any
such organization as the OTO, or of the many successors to the Golden
Dawn, because you fear they would cause you to take oaths that you
could not abide by concerning the revelation of the knowledge. We are
aware that your judgment would allow you to keep something secret if the
reasons were right, but in this instance, your judgment lacks a firm
foundation. So we withhold what you deserve for yourself, in order that it
not be spread prematurely.
I said to the goddess that I understood her, and that I would abide without
protest the decision not to show whatever it was they had withheld. I
asked the goddess if there was more to say at this point, and she said
that there was, but that she was not the one to say it.
I got a sense that there was another being present, besides myself and
the goddess, a being much more powerful than her, waiting for something
before speaking. The goddess herself did not speak further.
I waited, and still there was no speech from the goddess, or from whoever
was waiting behind her. I called upon that being to show himself (its aura
was definitely male in quality), but got only a sense of amusement.
There seemingly being nothing more to the vision, I separated myself
from the goddess, saluted her again with the 5=6 signs. As I did so, the
force of the square surged up around me. It ebbed again, and I was back
in my astral temple.
I banished the forces of the square from the temple, and returned to my

A Vision of the square "Z" of the Airy Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet.
12/12/85 8:30 pm
I vibrated the calls and the names. Immediately there was an image of
furiously blowing air, rising above a hot dry land.
A voice said: "Holy, Holy, Holy, yea thrice and four times holy are the fires
that blow within the angle of earth, for they bring light to the world. Yet
above them is the darkness of matter."28
I visualized the pyramid, and found myself suddenly within it without
willing it. The sphinx confronted me, showing the aspect of the bulls head,
a lion's front legs and torso, and the rear legs of the man. Like a minotaur
with paws.
I gave him the 5=6 signs, which he answered with 5=6, and the earth, air,
and fire signs. He led me to an altar in the middle of the pyramid, and
asked me to lay my hand upon it. I put down my right hand to it, and was
immediately engulfed in an aura of bright yellow flecked with red.29
He told me that this was in order to allow me to feel the force of this place
in its purity, before encountering it in the visions to come. The reason for
this was that I was still feeling the effects of the Uranus transit, which was
not yet completed, and the extra force would help me to get a purer, and
clearer vision of the squares. He advised me that it was likely that I would
still have trouble seeing some of the aspects of the squares, but that it
was necessary now to invoke them in order to keep the momentum of my
work going.
While he said this I had stepped back from the altar, and could see that it
was a cubical altar of the universe, not two cubes as in the standard G.D.
altar, but only one, resting on the side attributed to the spirit, with the
tablets as the sides, and a brilliant white top, which was for the unknown
tablet that is invoked by the unrevealed key 0 of the Enochian calls.
Now he told me to step forward again and take my hands to the side of
the altar showing the earth tablet. I did so, and he guided me to put my
hands on the Kerubic squares of the Airy Lesser Angle. I did so, putting
my right hand over the letters Z and a, and the left hand over the letters b
and O.
This produced the sensation of the elements rushing at me from all sides
at once, to meld together in the center of my chest. I said to him that the
force felt more general than simply that of these few squares, but the
sphinx told me that I was simply feeling the power of the letters of IHVH
whole, within the angle of Air of Earth.
I didn't understand this until I removed my hands, and saw that the sides
of the squares showed the elemental colors glowing brightly. The heels of
my hands had rested primarily on the two horizontal sides of each
square's pyramid, and less so on the top and the bottom that indicated the
tablet and lesser angle.
"Now, in order to go further with this vision", said he, "you must think of
the god of this square. This god is Kabexnuf, who shows the aspect of the
hawk in his head."
I moved to the north side of the altar, so that I was facing south to the airy

side of the pyramid, and invoked the god kabexnuf, while holding my
hands forward over the altar in the sign of the Enterer.
The god appeared, facing me across the altar. His head was that of a
hawk, with a black nemyss, yellow and white coloring on his face, with a
bit of black just above the beak, and his arms were tied to his sides within
his wrapping/shroud.
I greeted him with the 5=6 signs. he did not respond in gestures, but
instead spoke and said "Ol sonuf vorsag, goho Iad balata, elonusaha
caelazod vonupeho." This is the first line of the first of the keys of Enoch.
He continued to recite the First Key as I tested him with the pentagrams,
and he grew larger at their use. I told him that I was without understanding
of why he had said the first of the keys, when this was one of the lesser
He completed his invocation and said: "Know, o man, that it would be to
your great advantage if you would use the invocation of the First which is
the Second in all your invocations of the tablets. This allows the forces to
be under the presiding spirit of the gods, and therefore will your powers
be exalted in the square you invoke. When you come unto us using only
the lower keys and names, then you get less of an effect and the effect is
more of the earthly trend, where we desire you to see those aspect of the
squares that relate more to the spirit.
"This is one of the many ways in which the use of the tablets can be
varied in order to pick particular parts of the forces to see. As you saw in
the square "M" of the Fiery Lesser Angle, each small variance in the
attributes, though appropriate to the square, produces subtle changes in
what is seen.
"Now, it is still too early to expect to get a clear vision within the full aspe
of a square. Here within the pyramid we are protected somewhat from the
force of the devourer, but without the pyramid, in the body of the square,
then the devourer would return with full force.
"For the present, we wish to tell you of a few things of a more general
nature that will help your work."
I said that I was amenable to this. He told me to get up and go to the
bathroom so that I could listen in comfort. I did so.
"Now," says he, "you have wondered at the way in which your body
seems to split itself into many parts in these visions, so that one seems to
be the magician, and another the watcher, and yet another remains within
the corpse [i.e. the physical body] in order to write what the others have
seen. "
I acknowledged that this was the case, and said that it seemed to relate to
Gemini on my nadir.
He said that this was in part true, though the effect was common one. "But
in your case," he continued, "it is also an effect of your early working with
the cards of Tarot. While shuffling the cards, you often found yourself out
on another plane, receiving information that had nothing to do with the
intent of the Tarot reading you were trying to do.
"In the course of your divinations, you suddenly would discover a flash of

insight on some other subject coming into your mind. This was an unusual
effect, and one that was of great use to you."
I agreed that this was the case.
"You also found yourself with an extra set of hands, on an astral level, that
seemed to be feeling each card as it went by in the shuffle. What you
were doing, all unknowing, was using the cards as a meditation on the
movements of the universe, its continual ebb and flow. And out of the flow
you would snatch that which you needed. The readings themselves often
turned out to be of no significance at all in comparison with what you were
receiving in the other way.
"What you had actually done in this was to find a way of causing the great
Plutonian force that is within you to concentrate itself in one spot, allowing
your Neptune and Sun to go where they would among the levels of the
plenum. Your Pluto being in the sixth house, which governs detail work,
the acts of shuffling, with its fine motor control, produced a focus of the
Pluto on the cards.
"This is why you often have difficulty getting what you need out of the
cards. The Pluto, while it is forceful, tends to remove from the symbols it
touches their significance, causing a loss of meaning."
"Now, as the Pluto went this way, so your Neptune went another, pulling
from the great pool of information on the higher astral levels those things
of spirit which were of most importance to your work at the time. The
Neptune being in the eighth house, it could touch upon those things which
are the heritage of all intelligent beings within the worlds of the spirit. I
realize that you are trying to remember the name of Akasha, and so I say
it here.
"The akasha is the central pool into which all knowledge flows, and here
in the airy lesser angle do many of the powers of the akasha originate.
The Air of Earth is the etheric body, which as the lord of Bailey30 has said
to you, is the main place of residence of the akashic powers. That is, all
things are reflected in the etheric body, as they are in the akasha, and the
akasha and the ether are one and the same in many ways. This is why is
it needful for you to clean out your own body, by the stopping of the
smoking, and of the drinking of sodas and sugary things. For that which
can get into your own ether determines what things you can see in the
greater ether of Akasha.
"Do not worry about the effects of withdrawal of these things. As you have
already seen, even a slight reduction causes your body to demand a
greater reduction. Let your body guide you, and you will have no more
difficulty stopping than you have had with the stopping of smoking the
ganga after a long period of intense use. Only a few days of irritation, and
all will disappear. This is the best time to do this, for your body is
undergoing the changes of Uranus, and a few more changes will pass
unnoticed in the shuffle.
"Let your mind complete the use of these things with tonight, and
tomorrow do not purchase any more of them. Clean your house of them,
and hide all the paraphernalia. Then, when they are not before your eyes
you will feel less of a desire for them. And shortly, there will be no desire
at all, as you see those things that come in their stead.
"Now, as to the rest of this vision, let it not be recorded, but put it down
only in your mind as we transmit things into it."

The vision suddenly cut off. I could not see the pyramid, nor could I see
the god. Instead, I saw only darkness within the astral vision. Nothing
more came to my mind, so I stopped and went to do other things.
12/15/85 3:10 pm
I attempted again to invoke the force of the square "Z" of the Airy Lesser
Angle of Earth.
As soon as I had decided to do this invocation, and before I actually did
so, I got an image of myself as a hawk riding the air currents within a
world that was completely of a yellow color, except for an implied
blackness of earth, which was felt but not directly seen.
Within this world, I saw the pyramid in full color. The Enochian version of
the letter Ceph was written on the top of the pyramid. I entered the
pyramid, and saw the angel of the square there, ZabO. He told me that
this was to be one of those visions that I would not see fully until after it
was over, so that it could come through without the interference of my
conscious mind, which is still under the influence of the Uranus transit.
(Only the vision of the outside of the pyramid was seen consciously. The
rest was not seen until afterward. Meanwhile, in the conscious world, I
had done the invocations. I began with the hexagram ceremony in its
general form. Then I did a preliminary invocation of the gods and angels
of the tablet and square, followed by a detailed invocation using the calls
and the names.
(This invocation resulted in my consciously seeing the pyramid within my
astral temple. I entered into the pyramid, and there called upon the angel
of the tablet again, and upon the god of the square, Kabexnuv, who
appeared. Being tested with the letters he did not fade or change, but at
the same time, he did not act or make any remarks, and when I asked to
see an image of the square, he replied that what I was seeing [i.e. the
yellow world] was the image.
(I did not feel too comfortable with this, so I went to my office and set up
my word-processor. As I began to write, the rest of the vision made itself
known to me.)
The angel, previously seen unconsciously, was wearing a yellow robe, of
the type used by the angels of the square vau of yod of heh final. Unlike
them, his skin was of a lighter shade, looking like a caucasian with a
sunburn. Sheets of flame appeared to enclose his feet. His eyes were
dark and appeared to transmit meaning directly into mine. I could feel an
intense force emanating from him. He wore an angelic tablet of earth
around his neck on a chain, and in his hands were the sword of air and
the wand of fire. The wand was pointed downwards, the sword held
crosswise across his body. The relative positions of the weapons
demonstrated their relative strength in the square, not their positions in
the pyramid.
I did the 5=6 signs, and he answered by saying, "Hail
traveler, for entering into the quarter of Air within
signs with which I would answer you are those of Set,
nameless god of fire, whose sign we showed you as the
within the Earth tablet."31 (He performed these signs
then performed the 5=6 signs.)

to you, brave
the Earth tablet. The
of Shu, and of the
sign of sulphur
as he spoke, and

"Now, as you know you are still within the reach of the devourer god, and
will be for some days yet, yet it may be that we can accomplish something
of note in this place and time."
I said that I hoped that this would be the case.
"In the early days of these visions, you found that many of the things to be
told you will always be beyond the reach of your conscious mind at the
time you are told, and can only be seen by it in fullness after the fact of
the appearance. This is due to the fact that your mind is of an earthy
nature in its public expression, and this expression controls your reception
to consciously given information, particularly as it tends towards the
opposite extreme of Earth than that which controls in these Kerubic
squares of the tablets.32
"Thus, we must learn to bypass it in these ways that we are doing now, in
order for your to receive the full force of the vision. In order to do this, we
speak to you in or through a part of yourself that is not fully conscious.
This does not eliminate the need for your conscious mind to become
involved for the vision to be learned and absorbed fully into your ways of
seeing. You need not fear that you open yourself to invasion by this
technique, for while that part is not fully conscious, yet it still has the
power of resistance of your full being, and can not be entered against
your will.
"Now we have to work together to bring the vision into full awareness.
Look you to the things in your mind at this time."
I saw that what was in my mind was a reminder of the dreams I had had
the night before, which were of airships of a strange type, and of the
travelling of persons on these ships to strange and far-away places. What
I saw looked to be a summary of part of a dream which was much longer
in its actual presentation.
The angel said: "These airships that you saw are the thoughts of men, as
they view the world beyond their immediate location. They are the dreams
of men who wish for something more than what they have, and who
aspire to brings those things into the world, so that all may benefit from
their use. These things may be of a machine nature, as are the airships,
or they may be of a more subtle level, ideas, principles, creeds, things
which affect primarily the minds of men, to bring them up a notch within
the realms of spirit.
"These ideas are the manifestation in the mind of those things that
received their force and form from the previous two quarters of this tablet.
Now that they have been activated, and their principles encoded within
the matter of those worlds, which is not the same matter as that of the
physical earth, these things now have to come to be put into action within
the world, through the minds of men.
"Before man came into being within the manifest world, these activities
were the job or jurisdiction of those angels who are closest to man in
nature, those of the element of Air. These angels gave parts of
themselves into the quarter of Earth, so that the Earth could form itself for
man's arrival. Now that you are here, these angels have gone back to the
jobs for which they were originally intended, which do not relate to what
we will see here today."
I waited for a moment, as the angel had stopped speaking, and appeared

to be waiting for me to ask something. I decided to follow the standard

G.D. method, and asked to see a scene that would explain the force of
the square "Z".
I was lifted up by the angel, and taken to a place where the earth seemed
to end in an abrupt drop-off, much as in the medieval pictures of the flat
earth, with ships falling off its edge. The angel told me the flatness was a
matter of convenience of description for purposes of the vision, and did
not constitute the actual case on any level of existence.
Now the angel directed my attention to the air beyond the edge of this
earth, which appeared to vanish into infinity. This air was blue, rather than
the yellow of air in the King scale. The blue glowed slightly and the color
itself appeared to have depth. The angel said this was the air called Ether,
or Aethyr, which is the energetic air that stands above the gross matter of
earth. Within this air I could see flashing lines of light, going here and
there at great speed. These lines grouped themselves into patterns, and
the patterns seemed to have a sort of unity to them, so that each group
tended to stay in roughly the same general form, while changing itself in
detail to respond to the other patterns with which it came into contact.
I asked the angel if the patterns represented the astrological patterns of
some beings, this being my first impression of them. The angel told me
that they did, among other things, reflect the astrological pattern, but that
they also included a representation of every force that had impinged upon
the being or thing at the time of its creation. So all things are a microcosm
of the universe at their inception, varying only in the way the pattern could
manifest within their concrete material form. Thus, the pattern of a rock
carving is limited to those manifestations possible to rock, which were few.
The patterns of living things reflected them ever more accurately as we
moved up the evolutionary ladder, until we came to man, who held them
fully within himself.
The angel said: "All things possess this aspect of the Air of Earth. They
are all held and defined in the universe by this action of ether, which both
distinguishes them from each other, and provides the connection between
"Now the rock, being of an extremely earthy nature, expresses the
patterns of its etheric body primarily in the detailed crystalline or
amorphous fine structure. The ways in which crystals are formed in it, and
the ways in which it communicates with the others of its kind, are held
down to the level of the basic earthy material. It can not adapt on its own
to the changes of forces around it, but can only respond to the outside
pressures of its area. If the area is one of great heat, as is the case in this
square, then the rock is vaporized, and its pattern dispersed, to fall again
upon the earth over a wide area. In this way are the characteristics of a
particular area moved about the earth where they are needed. This would
be the case in a volcano, when the ashes of the blow have fallen over the
land around, making it more fertile than it was before, and clearing out the
which was there to make way for new growth.
"As the physical rock moves from place to place as vapor in the air, it also
carries with it in its etheric equivalent the whole of its history. Thus, when
its parts land upon the earth again, no matter how widespread, the
experiences it has had become part of the rocks in the new places, some
of which may not have had similar experiences themselves. For example,
the rocks in your own area of the world [north-central North America] are
all of the sedimentary type, and have not seen the force of fire since the
days of their formation. As the dust of the western volcanos falls here, it

enriches the earth with its experience, giving to it the force of fire which it
would otherwise lack.
"Now, you wish to move up a level, and see how this square works within
the plant kingdom. Look you closely and see."
I looked in my vision, and saw a flowering plant, with six petals in a
hexagon shape about two inches across. It was not a lily, for it was of a
violet color, and seemed to not be as deep in its cup as a lily would be. I
had seen something similar in my father's garden many times, but could
not recall its name.
As I looked at the plant, there formed around it a sort of haze, with a
network of lines or energy running through it. This haze reached out from
the plant to touch other plants in the neighborhood, and I could see that
their combined web of energy pulsed with a surprisingly regular beat.
Then I saw another form of plant, red in color, in a patch next to the
purple ones. These latter had six-sided blossoms like the first, except that
they were on long stalks like asters, rather than being close to the ground.
Each stalk was covered with blossoms.33
These red plants also
lines in the haze was
pulsed in unison with
saying "Here we are."

had a haze around them, but the pattern of the

of a different detail structure. All the red plants also
each other. It seemed as if the violet plants were
and the the red ones replied, "And so are we here."

Now the angel said: "The plant kingdom is the most evolved of the
manifest kingdoms of nature. They are all of a degree of initiation, within
their own plan, that is much higher than that yet achieved by humanity.
While each plant retains it individual identity, it is also fully and
consciously a part of all other plants, particularly those of its own species.
"The pulses you see are the heartbeat-equivalents of the plants, the
indication of their own internal cycles, expressed outwardly. With each
pulse, they gather energy from the air about them, and incorporate it into
their bodies, both physical and etheric. As the new energy comes in, they
use that which it replaces to express outwardly their perfection of form
and nature. Each one sings to the world of itself, and the world responds
with its own singing.
"Each type of plant has its own note, its own special combination of
energies. And within these combinations are many small variations that
indicate the exact state of the plant, whether it is well or ill, growing or
dying, safe or in danger. As it sings its note, its neighbors respond, and
quickly are all within the area expressing in unison the conditions of
I could sense within myself a sort of singing note. It could not be heard,
but only sensed, and it seemed to express a sort of geometrical perfection
along the lines of the hexagram. But this perfection did not imply
remoteness or coldness of feeling, but instead was a calling out of joy in
being alive and being what it was.
"What you sense," said the angel, "is the note of those plants that I have
shown you, singing out their happiness that they have been planted and
nurtured by man. They sense that they are appreciated for their beauty,
and this makes their joy an even greater thing than it is in itself. Let your
self listen to it."
As I felt the note, a corresponding vibration began in my heart chakra.

The force of the chakra went out to envelope me in a brief but

overwhelming sense of joy. As the intensity lessened, I could get the
sense of the singing.
It seemed that the plants were calling to the man who had planted and
cared for them, expressing in their call the wish that he come and
appreciate them some more. It also said that at least half of their joy was
in the joy they gave to others, both through their physical beauty and
scent, and through their provision of food to those who loved them. It
bothered them not at all that they might end their lives cut from their roots
and sitting in a vase on someone's table. In fact, it seemed that this was
an end much to be desired. The plants lived to give themselves, and to
them, to die out of time to provide beauty or life to another was better than
to live their whole lives out and fall with the winter's snows.
"This is the true meaning of sacrifice." said the angel. "That the giving be
in pure joy, untouched by the pains of life, uncaring of its own end,
uncaring of the ends for which it is used, but solely for the fact of the
giving. Plants are truly the children of the sun, and express his life-giving
nature. For no matter how much is given, yet there is more to give. That
sacrifice that is done in pain, or against the will of self, as the Many see
the sacrifice of their God, is not sacrifice, but suicide.34
"In this, the plants are like unto the artist, who gives out of himself his
creation, caring not whether it be taken by his fellows as good or bad, but
only that it express fully that which it needs to express. Like the plant, he
throws his being out into the world in the creative act. Like the plant, once
his creation, his child, is separated from himself, it has its own life to live,
and how that life is taken into the world becomes its own self-expression."
"Now, we have gone long into this thing of the plants, for their perfection is
of an high order, and expresses fully that which is meant by the Fire of Air
in the Earth. In no other kingdom would we have seen this so clearly as
"Understand that while the plants are perfect, this does not mean that
their initiation will bring them to a higher spiritual level than man will attai
for each has its place in the scheme of the worlds, and each attains to its
own perfection within its own place. Man is intended to be the conservator
and caretaker of the earth, and the one who brings all the other lower
types into even greater perfection. Even the plants can be made more
perfect, for their internal perfection is that of natural growth, while the
perfection that man places upon them through his breeding and cultivation
is the perfection of Art, and of soul. We make them what they seek to be,
which is the full expression of the soul in livingness.
"The animals too can achieve perfection, but for them, perfection means
to become like unto those who breed them. Thus it is the evolutionary
goal of all the lower kingdoms to become, in their own way, like unto their
gods, which are man.
"Man himself will achieve his perfection is his union with his soul. At the
present time, only those few who have achieved it on their own, and
become the Artist or Adept, are near to the natural perfection of man. And
even they are withheld from its fullness by the conditions of the world
under which they must express themselves. Thus they work ever to raise
up others to their level, devoting themselves in their own ways and works
to the perfection of humanity, so that their own expression can be of

greater beauty.
"Those who do so through Art, or through the Magick of the Spheres, are
only a few of those who seek this goal. Many would not consciously
recognize that what they do points towards this goal, even if you told
them. But the paths and ways by which man travels are as various as is
man himself in his individuality, though each path is like unto others in its
stopping points, no matter the form taken in a particular life.
"Now, let us go on to other things. All that we have seen here in these
many images expresses fully the power of this square. The fire we have
seen is still the life, as it was in the other quarters of the Wall [of Earth].
the use of the Air, that is, the Ether, does the life distribute itself, both in
the physical world, and in the mental worlds where so many men have
their work. 35
"In the inner worlds, this distribution most frequently takes the form of
communication, and what we are doing here at this moment is as much
an expression of this square as is any part of the vision itself.36 Life
expressed in communication passes itself from its creator unto the others
of its creator's kind, infecting them with a little of his creativity, and
bringing their own minds and hearts a little higher, showing to them things
that they could not see for themselves. The Earth is the basis of the
communication, and that which is communicated, for all the things we
have seen and done are done within her sphere of action.
"How these acts and powers relate to her own initiation will be held for
another time, for there is something more to say before we end this day's
session, and I would wish you to relax for a few moments, and let your
mind go to simpler things."
(I did so by reading over this account and correcting the typing errors.
Then I went and lay down for a few minutes.)
I returned, and called upon the name of the angel again. The angel
returned and said to me: "Now that you have rested, let us continue. I
have come here to tell you of the things you requested, and as is usual,
there is more to say than can be said in one trip, or on one subject. What I
have to say now relates again to your own place in the scheme of things.
"You have seen in your visions and dreams of late that the method and
position by which the forces of Mars and Venus in your astrological
pattern express themselves is in the process of changing. The goal of this
change is to give you the situation you want, both from the internal and
the external standpoints. Internally, you wish that your philosophy become
more of an art than it has been in the past, more expressive of the heart
than of the head, while still holding to the immense effectiveness of your
sun's position. Externally, you wish to be able to meet your complement
and work with her without the internal pains that you usually meet with
when dealing intimately with women. This latter effect, as you know, is of
the position of Venus in Scorpio, semisquare to your sun. This position
gives you an intense interest in love, while preventing you from
expressing that love within the natural world.
"Now in order to change this effect, you have postulated that a position in
Libra, sextile to your sun, would be of best effect, while changing your
original pattern as little as possible. Putting Mars in conjunction with
Venus would remove it from the direct effect of Saturn, and allow it more

serious expression than can be had in the previous position where it was
"Both these things have come to pass for a few minutes at a time, and the
time's duration has been increasing. Now you have a good conception of
what the final effect will be like. The only things left to consider are
whether you wish to make this change a permanent one or not. How you
decide this will have an effect on your future work.
"The choices open to you are many more than simply the few you have
tried to put into effect. There may be other full patterns, different from the
ones you have held so far, that would be of more or better use at one time
or another. To be able at will to change your pattern would be an even
more desirable goal than to simply make a few changes in the pattern and
then leave them."
I agreed that this would be an advantage, but that I could not see how I
could determine whether a particular configuration would be desirable or
not, while remaining at my present level of awareness. It seemed to me
that at least there would have to be a Master of the Temple involved, who
could see the whole thing from the outside. From the inside of the pattern,
my judgment was too limited to make such an evaluation. Therefore, I had
tried to choose the best pattern I could devise on my own, without making
too many changes to evaluate. I asked if there was any other way to know
these things, within my present limits.
The angel told me: "The cause of your limits is your tie to the incarnate
body, and to the vehicles that contain it. To get out of them you would
indeed have to be a Master, and that is coming soon to be your new
position."37 38
"We speak of this now in order to set your mind to consideration of the
possibilities. You have shown that you are able to act on the Master's
level for at least short periods of time without loss of life or sanity, and we
will assist you to see what you will from that level. This is for the
immediate future. Eventually, you will be able to live on both levels at
once, as was predicted so long ago, and at that time, such assistance
would no longer be needed.
"If you would go to those levels now, simply strike your heart with the
palm of your hand as you do your daily invocation of the light of the sun in
the four quarters39, and we will assist you to get there. Now, do not
expect that every time you will see consciously upon that level, for there is
still the limitation of your current pattern to deal with.
"You are right in associating this act with the line about "Bes-na-Maut" in
the Stele of Revealing, for that is an expression of the Babe of the Abyss,
slowly growing larger within the womb of the mother, who, in this
expression, is related to Saturn and to Binah. Thus, "By Bes-na-Maut my
breast I beat" becomes "I arouse my heart to come to be a babe in the
womb of Nuit." You should do this at the end of each ceremony, after the
conclusion of the signs and before you leave the temple. Direct your mind
to this tonight and see what occurs.
"Now as to the ordering of your life along the lines of your new pattern, I
would advise you to continue to work as you have, directing your thoughts
and emotions to the proper attitude, and thereby removing yourself from
the old pattern and placing yourself in the new. Do not worry that you will
find things changing without your knowledge. The time of pain and of life
as a Hermit in the desert is closing, and now things will be shown to you,

with their reasons, as they happen, for you to agree with or reject.
"That you have come so far in such a short time is nothing less than
amazing to some among us here, for that which you wish to change, and
have already changed once in full measure, is the very root of your
existence as a man. Nothing else in manifest life is more difficult to
change in its essential symbolism. But those who know you well knew
from the start that you would succeed in this matter as you intended. For
we have done to you in the past such a vile thing that many would have
destroyed their spirits because of it. Yet you have come through it without
so much as a lasting pain. The things that disturb you in this life are not
the result of those things of the last life when you were betrayed. That,
you have taken in stride. And for good measure have you begun again
from the start and attained your old position, while in the process, you
eliminated any possibility of the same sort of betrayal happening again.
The cleverness with which you did this has distracted those lesser
students in our group, so that they see not the full effect of your very
subtle choices.
"Now that you have begun to understand how this life relates to that last,
you have found that many of the things that you thought to be the results
of affliction are actually the solution to such affliction. (This is not the
paradox it seems, o fellow students, for you see only the details, not the
whole plan, even when you look into the mind of our brother here. He is
more clever than all of us, even with his mind blocked from itself as it has
been in this life.)
"I see you, o friend and mentor, with suspicion rising in your heart at my
words. No doubt you will put them in the `unproven' category with the rest
of such statements. But in your after-dream life40, you will know them to
be true.
"Know ye that I who have spoken to you since your last break with this
vision am not the angel who spoke before. No, I am not an angel at all,
but one of those who is of your own type within the worlds of spirit. I am
your student, and you are the master, though at this point it appears
other-ways. Know ye also that in the end it will be I who will be upon the
earth, as you are in the heavens at this time. Together, we will have
between us the full force of our wills, combined in the process of
revelation. To you, the knowledge of the greater forces. To me, the
knowledge of the earth. And between us, we will show those who doubt
that there is truly a world beyond their ken, which is waiting for them.
"I am the twin who was mentioned so frequently in your recent readings.
Whether I am also the scarlet woman is a word you need not ask, for this
is the case in one sense. Yet there is another who will be with you in flesh,
who will boost your soul with her love to the heights. We three are one,
though as yet this is not seen. Think of me more as if I were Harpocrates
to your Ra-Hoor-Khuit, both of us together making the Crowned Child,
Heru-Ra-Ha, who holds all things of Light and Life within himself.
"Before going to bed tonight, strike the breast and call upon me by the
name with which you have known me, in the early days of this life's
seeking. That name is as you have written and erased here.41 If you do
this within your magick circle, you need not fear of any loss of self, or of
any subterfuge intended to destroy you. That was never my intent, nor the
intent of the others here who study you with wonder.
"I leave you now, and return to you the angel with whom you have
explored this place. Call upon his name once more, and he will appear

again in his own place."

I did so, calling upon all the names of the Tablet and Lesser Angle, as
well as ZabO. The angel appeared again beside me, and said: "Those
who wished to speak to you have returned to their observations, and now
we may continue with the vision, if you wish."
I said that I did wish to continue for a little while, if he felt that the force
would continue long enough. But first, I requested that he move in front of
me, so that I could see and test him again. He moved so, and I tested with
the letters. He seemed to expand while remaining in place. I did the 5=6
signs again, and he responded as he did in the first test, save that the
traditional sign of fire was substituted for its specifically Earth-Tablet
equivalent. I was satisfied that he was genuine, and not a product of my
But now, the force of the square seemed to be weakening. I asked the
angel whether it was worth continuing at this time, and he said that it was
probably better to let things go, and to come another day to deal with the
next square. This being the case, I agreed that we should end here, and
exited the pyramid.
In the temple, I banished the remaining forces, and returned fully to my
The vision, and this account of it, were ended at 6:30 pm.
Square "a" of the Airy Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet.
I banished the forces from the temple, and invoked in turn the names
first, fifth, and thirteenth calls were used.
I visualized the pyramid of the square, standing about me. The north side
was black, with the Enochian sigil of Earth drawn large in white, and the
downward crossed triangle of earth written small above it. The east side
showed the eagle drawn small, the water triangle drawn large. In the west
the card Queen of Swords was drawn small, again the triangle of water
was drawn large. In the south, the triangle of air in violet on the yellow
I entered into the pyramid, and there I saw the sphinx, with his bull's head,
eagle's body and wings, and man's legs. He said to me: "Entered you
have into another holy place, o man, for you have come from fire unto
water, in the air of earth. Call upon the god of the square, and he shall
I called upon Tmoumathph, the god of the pyramid.
He appeared, showing his jackal's head in black, with yellow nemyss and
black, blue, and yellow stripes on his shoulders. I performed the 5=6
signs, and as I did so, I entered into the body of the god. He responded by
doing the 5=6 signs. I could see myself across the pyramid, doing the
signs again, and doing the pentagrams to test him. As I did so, the body
of the god grew ever larger, expanding beyond the bounds of the earth.
I asked the god to show me a scene that would demonstrate the power of

the square, but he declined to do so, saying: "It is best that you wait upon
these things, o man, for the forces about you are stirring, and that which
you would see here is troubled by these things. Let us stay with simple
things tonight, and another night we will explore the square in its detailed
I said that this was all right. The image did not seem as strong as the last
few times I explored the squares, and I felt that we might not go too far
with what energy was available. I asked the god Tmoumathph what he
wished to do instead, if he did not wish me to leave the vision
He said: "Let us consider the things that you have seen so far in the
squares of the Tablet of Earth. You have been through two angles fully in
the Kerubic squares, and now you begin to redress the balance by doing
the others here of air and earth.
"Now, in the first two stages [angles] of the larger vision which is your
magickal project, you were shown how the powers of fire and water
manifest within the earth. The fire was shown to be the life, and the water
was shown to be the giver of form and perpetuation and nurture to that
which the life dictates to appear. Now in the airy angle we are seeing how
these things, these impulses and forms, will come into the mind-function
of the earth, preparing it so that the final manifestation, in the angle of
earth, will be of full power. Here we deal with the son as air, where you
have seen in the other places the sun as fire.
"You are, in fact, passing through the stages of an initiation ritual by your
travels in these squares of the Earth Tablet. At each stage, certain ideas
must be given to you and expanded upon. These are not necessarily the
most usually seen aspects of the squares invoked, and in many cases are
rarely seen in this context. But nevertheless, they are still of the squares
and angles invoked."
The god looked at me with eyes like glowing yellow coals, and gestured to
the western wall of the pyramid. Upon it, an image began to form.
"Look you to the wall of water of air, and see that which is there." I looked
and saw the wall turn orange. As it did so, I was ejected from the pyramid,
and rose up through the levels of the planes until I came to an image that
I had seen before in other circumstances. Here, I was standing in a glade
on the edge of a small river, much like the tame and placid rivers of
England, with bright grass coming up to their shore. Upon the far bank,
dark forests ran away to the north. To the left, the river curved north and
passed out of sight behind the forest. To the east, the glade was
separated from a larger field by a small stand of trees, seeming to be
poplars or aspens from this angle.
Beyond the trees in the far distance, I could see a castle, built up upon a
small mound above the edge of the river. I went forward to the castle, and
suddenly found myself upon its battlements. Looking down into the river, I
saw all manner of small boats, coursing back and forth, and within them
were lovers of many physical types, but always a man with a woman in
complementary pairs. The boats seemed aimless in their wanderings, but
at the same time I knew that the aimlessness was actually their purpose.
The god said: "These are the people of the first two angles, now that you
have united them in your minds. Between them they are forming the
thoughts of the child to come. That child is yourself as you hoped and
wished to be."

"Now come with me into the castle, and we shall see the temple that you
have here."
We entered into the castle, and quickly came to a large room, a library by
appearance, that overlooked the lake from which the river came, which
was beyond the castle to the east. I examined the walls of the room, and
saw them to be filled with many scrolls and old, large, bound books, in
which the secrets of my past lives had been written in detail. I do not know
how I knew this was what they contained, for I did not open them.
The god said:
have left the
myself, or of
place here as

"You know the books' contents, because this is where you

images of your last lives yourself. It is not the creation of
any other god, but of your non-incarnate self, which left this
a signpost for your further journeys.

"As to how you will read these books, go you to the wall, and choose one
at random, and we shall see." I turned to the right of the window, and
suddenly was separate from myself, watching myself pull out a large
bound volume with a blue cover.
"This is the record of your lives in Atlantis, which are again recorded in
that other place of similar name which you went to to worship so long
ago.42 Touch you the bindings at their edge."
I did so, and the book opened. Upon the pages within, I could see many
small, detailed pictures, as I had once seen in another vision. The images
were like little television screens, oblate rectangles, if there is such a
thing. I touched one of the images, and it seemed to spring to life before
my eyes.
Within the image, there was a young boy, seeming about ten to twelve
years old, not yet reached puberty. In his hands he held a crystal of
quartz, which he was trying to use as a divining mechanism. The images
he could get were random, and did not seem to fit what he was looking
for, yet he was fascinated by them just the same.
I heard the the child was myself, in the youth of my time upon the earth.
"The child was not of low evolvement however, for his soul had come to
the world from another place, solely for the purpose of making the mind of
man into a stronger and more responsive instrument for man's purposes.
His ideas about the use of the crystal were the first stirrings of the concept
of the scientific method within the human sphere. Though not developed
in the manner we have it now, for the men of Atlantis lived almost wholly
upon the astral levels, and did not see the earth of which we now are
aware. Their bodies were those of primitive ape-like man-beings, while
their spirits, working partially outside the body, lived the meaningful
portion of life upon the astral planes, giving to the body its energizing
spirit, but taking little from it save for the anchor to the earth it provided.
The concrete mind of the man was not yet developed, and here you were
attempting to use it.
"At yet another time within that time of the world, this same boy, now a
man, was killed by those who did not understand that he was the avatar of
an outside force sent to help man. This was his first death at the hands of
his fellows.
"In the following life, through the pains the body had experienced in that
real death that also killed the astral self, the boy came into another life as
a man of the spirit, persisting in his work despite what had been done to

"Yet again, he worked with the crystals, for they were the key to
concretizing the thoughts. By thinking up analogical relations between the
astral crystals, and those real crystals with which the earth was full, he
established a link between the astral reality and what we now call the
mundane reality. But yet again was he betrayed by his fellows, who felt
what he did, but did not understand it, thinking only that he was conjuring
demons to harry and destroy them. They did not comprehend the physical
world, for to them it was the merest shadow appearing in their dreams as
their physical bodies went through the struggle for life within the earth.
The earth to them was the denial of the beauty of the astral where they
lived, and believed that all life was. For where in their usual life on the
astral plane they could create the life as they wanted it, there in the
physical world they could not do as they wished, but must conform
themselves to the demands of the earth, limiting themselves only to the
things and experiences which appeared there. Surely this was hell, from
their limited viewpoint. And yet again, they killed his body through the
bodies which held them to the earth, and caused his spirit to go from
"In the next life, the man, having survived his childhood despite his
strangeness, decided upon another tack to get the eyes of men to look at
the world on which they lived. He went to those worlds himself, and
brought back tales of strange and unusual places, putting the descriptions
in such terms of adventure that he hoped men would follow him out of
interest and ego, where they would not follow out of understanding. He
challenged them, calling them cowards, afraid to face the things that he
himself faced without fear.
"Many men scoffed at him, and told him that his adventures were all made
up, and that no such place could exist as he had described. For was not
the world fluid, and full of light? And the places to which he went were
dark to their eyes, having none of the astral in them.
"But that is the challenge!" he replied. "To look upon those things that are
not of this world, and to live with the looking. Are you not satiated with this
place of feelings that are nearly always as you wish them to be? Would
you not rather gain strength and place by taking on something outside of
your own little worlds? For there is nothing in this world of yours that will
ever advance you beyond the state where you are now, but in that place
is the hope of becoming a god."
"Yet again, the men scoffed. But a few, intrigued by his words, did look for
themselves, and saw that indeed this place was one of great power, for it
would stay as it was despite the greatest will they could exert upon the
astral. Thus was the attraction to earth spread from man to man, and
man's great fall from innocence began. Things lasted upon that plane of
earth, and therefore could be possessed. That which they had upon the
astral was ephemeral indeed, compared to the least of these things of the
manifest earth.
"And so the man, and those who believed with him, and saw him at his
work within that world, did begin the long fall into matter. Life after life,
they concentrated their power upon that lower plane, using it as a base for
their work in the astral, making their power in the astral so great that the
others, who had not wished to follow them, were forced by their attraction
[that of the man] to come down into the earth as well. The man had
opened a door into hell, and all must now fall through it.

"Because the majority of those who fell did not do so through their own
efforts, but through the reflexive response to the call of the pioneers on
that plane, they felt as if they had been torn from their homes, that they
had lost all of what had been beautiful in life. They had no choice, and
therefore in their minds did their lost astral existence come to resemble a
paradise, a Garden of Eden. And the man, who had tricked them into
coming to this place against their intent, they perceived to be evil. And
therefore did they describe him in terms of devils, and horrors, and of
things of the lowest of the earth in which they now lived. And this memory
did they carry from life to life, even unto the present day, calling him the
snake, and the master of evil, when in fact his work was that of making
fools into gods.
"Now the despoilation of the original astral culture of man, which was that
of Atlantis, the living in the great sea of the akasha, was indeed a fall from
grace. Yet it was a necessary fall, for without it man would not have the
possibility opened to him to become ever greater than he was. For it is the
friction of the soul with the earth that gives the man the power to rise up
above the earth. The connection to the physical, with its great resistance,
is the key to applying the power that is in man, to rise up through the
planes to the place from which he was sent, by the gods who sent their
seed into matter, to become as themselves.
"In time and space, the man could not be distinguished from his fellows,
and therefore was he relatively safe from them. No longer could they find
out which of them was the devil, so that no longer could they kill him in
their revenge for his great service to them. This was the irony of them,
that they could only see him for what he was when they saw him on the
astral levels, and rapidly it was becoming impossible for them to do so.
The upper levels of the astral where they had had their lives before time,
were now closed to them by the earthyness of their beings. And so, only
the memory of the great fall remained with them, unconnected to him who
was the creator of their fall.
"Now, in doing this great service to man, the man also did a great service
unto the gods, for to have men in full incarnation in the world of matter
extended their own powers down to that plane, where before their
creations had just lived within the astral levels, dying as soon as their
creator removed his power from them. With the advent of man in the
earth, the gods could now use him as an anchor for their creations,
working them out in matter at the same time that men worked out their
own individual destinies within that world. Thus the creations of the gods
gained duration and strength, by becoming fully manifest.
How this came to be, that this man did come to earth to do these things?
For it was not within the men of the earth at that time to be able to enter
wholly into the earth-level. Therefore was it needed that one might come
from elsewhere, to do the job that must be done. And not one only, but a
multitude, yet this one was of a subtle nature, that led him to succeed with
the first, opening the way for the others to come in and do greater things
after him.
"You ask where the elsewhere was from which this man came? That I
may not say at this time, for it is one of the things that must be had as part
of the initiation again into spirit. Suffice to say that this one came to the
earth via the life of Sirius, who was god to those who came before. That
he did not originate there, or did, I can not say at this time. But wait, and
you shall see.
"I realize that this vision of this day, with its many mistakes and errors

[that is, typographical errors], seems to you to be weaker than those that
have come before. Yet this is not the case, for you are reaching again into
a long-lost place, and therefore does the power expend itself in holding
you there. Close now the book, and choose another one."
I closed the book, and asked that it be returned to its place, for I could not
see an empty place on the shelves before me. I willed it to return, and it
vanished from my hands.
I looked about the shelves again, and saw another book, high up in one
corner, that appeared to glow with a sort of brightness. Its cover was red,
and upon it were the words: ALHIM GBVR, god of might.
Now, I opened this book in the way of the other one, touching its binding
along the edge. And it opened to me to reveal another scene, this one of
a man, sitting in a room of a country estate, reading of the things that
occurred in far places. I understood that this one was the good doctor
Dee, who did recite of the things of the spirit in the times of Elizabeth,
giving to her the magick of the spheres to aid her in the work of
governance. Therefore did he study long and deep on those things that
would be of aid to the progress and health of his country, looking always
to the advantage to be gained, not for himself, but for her who he loved,
the child who must rule men of arms.
He was younger here than in the pictures I had seen of him, and I
understood that as yet his Queen had not come to her throne, and he
himself was still of the age of early manhood. Yet his mind quested ever
outwards, both into the world of men and the world of the spirit. He
sensed about him those things which would later come to be the basis of
his great contribution to the magicians, that system of magick by which
this very vision was called forth from the grave. But as yet, it was only a
sensing, unformed and unattainable, and his dissatisfaction led him ever
to explore to the limits.
But now, in that time, there came one who should have been his friend,
and was not, for he betrayed him greatly, and did him harm that no man
should have. This one, who he admired for his great strength of vision, did
ask of him that he accompany him to the continent of Europe, and there
explore the ways of men.
These two men, much alike as to power, much different as to morals, did
travel together unto the eastern end of the continent of Europe, unto the
great capitol of the days of Constantine, and there did the mix with the
men of other faiths, looking in those faiths for the keys that seemed to be
lacking in their own. Among the persians there did they meet one who had
known of them in other times, and to them did he give the secrets of the
ways of using the planets in the determination of the skills and powers of
men. For in their own place this art was of low skill, and the practitioners
mainly charlatans, not worth the steel to run them through. And this man
was known to them as haroun al raschid, who later became known for
other things under another name than this one he had adopted from his
homeland's tales. Of that other name we do not speak, yet he was of the
greatest in his own time as that other had been in his.
Now Dee used the ways he had learned cunningly in later years, keeping
the queen's men well-appointed to their places, combining his knowledge
of the needed skills of government with his knowledge of men's souls, to
advise on who should be what within her court.
In this later day you maintain the same interest, though at a lower level,

because there are other things to do in this life, and other ways to use
than that one which has done you so well in the past lives. For did you not
make an art in one time of the very things that this man of the east had
taught to you? Did you not select for your own magick those who
exemplified that quality of spirit which was a particular planet? and did you
not put these into position as to have them interact in the special ways of
the planets that you knew?43
Now, look further within this book of strengths, and you will see that in
other lives yet, was your power of astrology made manifest, even unto
that life in which the standing stones brought you up into the stars by their
force. Look now, turn the pages, and select another.44
I turned the pages, and found another scene before me. This one of a
copse of willows, growing by a stream in the south of America, light on a
spring day, with grass growing greenly, and the heat not yet of its summer
Yet as I looked, the force of the vision weakened, and I felt that it would
not take me much further in this vision. I waited, and could not see more
than this one image.
Then the god said: "Now here we have another sort of strength, that of
love. In the springtime of this year, which here is in the 1840's, are you
seated with your love in the Georgia sun, waiting for that time when you
must return to the houses of your parents. This girl, this woman, caused
you in later years to become a man of strength, by her confidence in that
strength that she felt and no one else saw. She tempered your strength
with her gentleness, changing it from the impetuous and rambunctious
energy of youth, into the calm, mature energy of the man who knows his
intent and sets to do it. She did not lead you in your way, but only
encouraged you to the value of your own life, where that life was unfitted
for the times in which you lived.
"For still did you retain the image of the spirit in front of your eyes, and
hoped in some way to bring it into the world. This girl caused you to
become a minister, and to go west into the lands of the indians, there to
proselytize. Yet after you got to the lands, you found that within the spirits
of those indians was a power greater than that of the god who you served,
and you needs abandon that god in the taking up of what they had to
show. Yet still did your girl, your wife and lover of long standing,
encourage you in what you did, for she knew that you were of the spirit,
and could not be led away from the path that you saw.
In this time and place did you meet the one who in later times you knew
as David Railly, who then was in the bodies of his ancestors, and did
know also in that time the ways of the spirits. You worked with him, and
yet you felt apart from him, then as in that later life, when you two did
initiate yourselves by your coming together upon the mountain of stone.
His life was of such joy, that you, with your greater burden of guilt and
restlessness, could not understand his attitude, even when you felt the
spirit reaching from him into the heavens. Sadly you left him, and returned
to your own kind, yet in you was that connection which later caused you to
be drawn together again. This too was a strength, for you knew from him
in a way that others could not show you that the spirit comes to all men in
their own way, and none can show another his path, no matter how great
his own achievement. You still carry this with you to this day, along with
that sense of love that caused you such sadness at your lack of

Now do you come to this place again tomorrow, and we will take up things
of another kind, leaving this thing of the past lives until you are able to
remember more on your own. That last life of which you speculate we will
not cover here, save to say that there is much more to the betrayal in that
life than you have yet fathomed, and much more to the conquest that you
gained from overcoming it.
I closed the temple and returned fully to my body.
-------------------------------------------------A Vision of the Square "a" - Water of Air of Earth.
12/20/85 Begun at approximately 7.30 pm.
Angel of the square: abOZ.
God of the square: Tmoumathph.
I invoked the spirits of earth, and the spirits of the lesser angle. The
pyramid appeared, emblazoned on the north with the enochian sigil of
earth, on the east and west with the sigil of water, and on the south with
the sigil of air.
A voice said: "The father has spilled his seed into the air, and the mouth
of the mother has caught it up, giving it into her womb to breed."
"Here in the square "a" of the airy lesser angle, do the fires of the spirit of
aethyr give their life unto the forms which they intend to create within the
manifest world. For without the waters, the form would fall, and never rise.
"Now, if you would see more of this angle, call upon the angel of the
square again, with all your will."
This was done, vibrating the name abozod so that the vibration filled the
pyramid, and went out into the universe through its top. The angel
appeared, wearing the black nemyss of the Earth, with a light colored
shoulder patch45, and the robe itself of a dark blue color, with the green
of earth around the edges, and an inner lining of the yellow of air. His hair
was dark, yet there was a silvery sheen to it, as if the moon reflected from
its surface.
I did the 5=6 signs to the angel, and called upon him to show the signs of
his power. He spoke, saying "Set, Shu, Auramoth, The Rending of the
Veil, The Closing of the Veil." He performed the signs in question as he
said this. Being tested with the letters, he proved genuine by showing no
I asked him to show me a scene representative of the square.
He said: "Know ye, o person of might, that here in this square do we take
the fires that were given into the air of the earth, and make from them the
foundation of the patterns that will dictate their form within the material
world. For here is the place where the spirit of ether46 gathers round itself
those pieces of matter that are to be the final form, and builds from them
the form itself. So that the darkness in which we stand, within the pyramid,
is called the womb of the earth, and all within are the children of earth, as
are we ourselves.
"Now look you to the east and west, where the waters meet the fire and
the air." [That is, where the energies come from the square "Z", and leave
to the square "b".]

I looked to the east, and there saw the side of the pyramid, rippling
upwards. In the center of it, the sigil of water was undisturbed, yet there
seemed to be a feeling of something hard and shiny hidden within it.
Looking closer, I saw a capsule, again like the encapsulated lives of fiery
angle of earth, which had forcefully buried itself in the wall of the square. It
caused the side to bulge inward slightly but increasingly, so the the sigil
bowed inwards towards the center of the circle within the pyramid. (There
was a magickal circle formed unnoticed by the angel as I had observed
the wall.)
Looking to the west, I saw that there the wall was bowed as well, with the
sides becoming increasingly inward as I watched. Yet on this side there
were no capsules imbedded, but only a patina, or sheen of white spread
over the side of the pyramid.
I sensed that I was not seeing this western side completely, and told the
angel so. He said, "Indeed, you are not seeing all. Go you to the outside
of the pyramid."
Doing so, I saw that on this side, the wall did bulge outward. There was a
bulge exactly the size of the circle around the sigil, and within it I could
see a milky liquid, as if whitish-yellow particles were suspended within the
As I watched, the sigil burst, and sent out into the air a burst of white fluid,
which bathed the air with light. The angel by my side said: "So that the
form does not disintegrate, it must again be released from the waters,
going back into the air of ether. Now that it has done so, the seeds which
came from the fire are multiplied, and are therefore of more scope and
potency than when they entered."
"Now these seeds are not the sort of seeds that plants give, but the sort of
seed that is in semen, many things of a certain type, which will continue
on and fertilize the mother's daughter, who is herself. It is the
multiplication of the impulse that shows itself in this square. For the
original impulse, no matter how potent, is without power until the waters
take it and preserve it in their womb.
"Go ye to the other side, where the fire enters into the waters, within the
air of earth."
I saw that where the inward bulge of the east side had been, there was
now, from the outside, seen a capsule of fiery airs, glowing and swirling
while keeping their shape. This capsule could not dissolve itself in the
waters, and therefore its pressure did push the side inwards. Suddenly,
the side collapsed, and the capsule spread itself out among the ruins. But
then the side reconstructed itself, and ate up the capsule, sending its
potency throughout the square.
The angel said "Now where the mother is virgin, as is the case here, due
to her airy47 aspect, she needs to have the force of the male power to
break her open, and to give to her the impetus to perform her duties of
creation and preservation. This is the virgin moon, who is reflected in my
hair, and in my eyes. For there is a mystery here of the mother, that she is
always so, yet seems to change as her life evolves.
"In the course of this penetration, the waters do generate within

themselves the action of response, so that without the man, she would be
barren and lacking in the sensitivity to do her job. But given his power,
she conquers the man, and goes on to produce out of herself many of his
kind, after her own fashion, which is to reflect it in a myriad of ways. This
is how the power is enabled to work within the earth. For its main potency
is without effect, unless that potency can be reduced in scope, and given
over to a concentration within small spaces. Her distribution of the power
causes every small piece to be as the father, yet at the same time, it
keeps itself to a smaller area, and gathers to itself those types of matter
with which it is compatible. Many children of one father does she produce,
yet all are themselves of the father, and all together do make up the father
within the daughter.
(I think the word "reduced" is here used in the logical sense. That is, a
reduction to essential components, rather than a shrinking or lessening of
"Now look you to the south side of the square, where the airs do lie and
keep themselves."
I looked to the south side of the pyramid, and saw that there, the angel
had put up the sigil of water, within the center of the sigil of air, and that
the waters were themselves distributed about through the air.
The angel said "Here we see that the airs are themselves their own water,
as the air of earth acts as its own father and mother, self-producing after
the manner of its kind. And as the fire and water produce the air, so does
the air produce the earth, which is the north side of the square. How this
is done will be seen in the action of the ether when it is pulled together in
an act of creation.
"The waters of the mother of the watery lesser angle did produce out of
themselves a pattern, which determined the forms that the creation of the
fiery angle could take within the sphere of the earth of malkuth. Now these
patterns, in themselves, are of a fiery nature with respect to the airy part
of the earth, so that they entered out of Heh final of Heh of Heh final, into
the Yod of Vau of Heh final, as a fire, rather than as an earthy thing. This
is of course due to the rotation of the elements within each sub-angle.
"Now the patterns entering here are of a specific, almost mathematical
nature, giving the parameters which will determine the specific limitations
and activities of the final creation. These patterns, still very abstract, have
to be converted to a form which is closer to the actual functioning of the
earth of malkuth, in which the creation will manifest itself.
"Let us see again what happens when the patterns entered into the
square "Z" of this lesser angle.
"Within those previous visions of the square Z, things were shown on a
more abstract level than we are dealing with here, due to the increase [in
vibration] that the devourer creates within those things he touches. But
still within it are the elements of what we wish to see. For you noted at the
beginning of that vision that the fires kept themselves to very consistent
groupings within the air, that is, they reflected in an organized way the
energies involved in their creation.
"But at the same time, these energies were of a high, abstract level, and
could not in themselves express anything of the forms of matter. They
were like unto the energetic patterns that you see in the [astrological]
charts of individuals. These energies have to be translated, as it were,

into the sort of form that can actually exist on the material level in an
enduring way. Like the sacrificial desires of the plants, their action
depends on something outside itself to make it come into effective
"This is the function of the waters of the airy lesser angle. The waters take
into themselves this impulse-pattern, and by reflection create within
themselves many small copies out of the main energies. As the ripples in
physical water always reflect the essence of the force that caused them,
so do these tiny copies still reflect the force of the major impulse, and so
are the waters reproducing in their own fashion the impulse itself.
"These tiny sons of the father are in themselves incomplete, though they
reflect his potency. To make themselves work correctly, they must band
together, and the matter they gather must fall into larger patterns, so that
their minuscule actions, taken together, add up to one larger event, which
is the creation made into water's form. thereby do they preserve the
impulse, which, of its own, would not have lasted within the earth.
"These minuscule lives are of a lower level of the astral-etheric vibrations
than was the original impulse, yet one can go from an observation of
them, to an exact knowledge of the force that produced them. This is
somewhat as you do with your Sagittarian examination of experience,
going from the particular to the general, and from the general to the
divine. But that is the reverse of the process seen here, and pertains to
another square, in another tablet. You shall see that in due time.
"For now, let us return to our narrative.
"Once the forces have been formed and preserved, that is, given duration,
by the waters, then the waters eject them into the next square, the square
"b", which is the air of air of earth. There they form the pattern which is an
exact energy-duplicate of the eventual manifest thing, the etheric body
proper of the person or thing created. This energy body acts as the driver
and holder-in-organization of the physical object, which is the daughter.
"The daughter in turn creates the fires of matter,48 the electrical impulses
and inter-atomic bonds that hold the matter together, and allow it the
appearance of working on its own plane as the ethers do on theirs.
"This is the end of the narrative. Now if you wish to see more of this
square within the worlds, ask of me and I will show you.
I asked to be shown the effect of this within the mineral world.
I was taken to a place where the waters of an ocean were struck by
lightning. This caused the dissolved minerals within the ocean to form
chemical compounds more complex than those they had previously
formed. The angel said that this was in effect the way in which manifest
life began on earth, with the energy of the sun, and of the torrential
electrical charge of the early earth, producing the building blocks out of
which the proteins that are the basis of life were created, the amino acids.
The acids are in a sense the translation of the lightning into form. These
acids spread throughout the water, and eventually were taken up into
more complex compounds, giving to them their ability to switch places
with each other while maintaining form, and allowing the production of the
protein templates, from which the self-reproducing proteins came.
The angel continued: "On a higher level, man shows this force in the
creation of languages, which are usually small components, meaningless

in themselves, but which, when put together with others of their kind,
produce an expression of meaning in matter. The original idea, which is
an impulse within the brain of man, is shattered, and its shattered
elements are used to select those language components needed to
express the idea verbally. These elements then are put together into
words, and the speech, which is air, produces effects in matter, through
its effect on that at which they are directed.49
"You might also connect this force with the action of Virgo, within that
version of the Tree of Life which you use. That path connects Geburah,
which is the manifest energy-pattern, with Hod, which is the intellect. Virgo
takes the energy pattern, and selects out of it smaller units having enough
self-coherence to survive on lower levels. These units are symbolized by
the Yod which is the basis for the Tarot card. The Hermit is a man who
can live by himself, without the need of or aid of his fellow men. Thus also
do these separated parts of the pattern need to be able to live on their
own, separate from the pattern from which they came, in order to be able
to express themselves in the limited ideas of the intellect.
"This has been amply demonstrated elsewhere, both in your own work
and in the works of others whom you know. Though it is not so clear in
some as it is in others, yet the idea remains the same.
"Now, we have finished this presentation, and if we wished to go on then
we would have to, in essence, start the demonstration over again, but
within a slightly different viewpoint. You have done a good job of invoking
the forces tonight, and there seems to be enough force to continue for a
while, but I would suggest that you leave this extra energy and allow
yourself to absorb it. Do the sign of the god Hoorpokrati, and we shall
I did so, and also felt that there was much energy left, but I also felt that
there was not enough to carry us through the leap to another perspective,
while still leaving enough to go through another presentation. Therefore I
called upon the God MOR DIAL HCTGA to banish the remaining force
that I could not absorb, thanking the angel meanwhile for his aid.
He said "Now that we have been together, we shall always have some
connection to each other. I hope that in the future, we here can be of use
to you again, for you are of the kind who seeks knowledge and
understanding, and it is for this that the gods did create us here. Go ye
about your business, and we who are here will aid you as we are able in
your work. Thank us not, for we are also understanding of the meaning of
true sacrifice, which is full-hearted giving without expectation of return,
and so do we act, as you have acted in attempting to gain and give out
the knowledge you have gained to others, without expectation of
understanding or return. Go ye with the gods. Iaida!"
"So it is ended."
The force of the square suddenly weakened around me, and I returned
fully to my body.
Ended at 8:53 pm.
--------------------------------------------------Square "b" of the Airy Lesser Angle
of the Earth Tablet

This morning I was considering whether to invoke the next square in this
series, the square "b". Shortly after I did this, and without any conscious
invocation of the square, I found myself in its pyramid. The pyramid
showed the colors and sigil of earth on the north, and the colors and sigil
of air on the other three sides, as was appropriate.
A voice said: "The winds do blow throughout the quarters of the earth,
making of man the instrument of the Gods. One, touched by the wind,
reveals the sound of an harpstring, another, the mellow note of the
bassoon, another sounds forth with flaring trumpets. To themselves, the
sounds around may appear cacophonous, yet within all the orchestra
there is harmony."
"Indeed, when the orchestra is heard whole, only one chord does sound,
and that chord is the silence which is speech."
I took this to mean that humanity as a whole is the expression of the life of
some being of another order, which being, discovered through abstraction
from his manifestation, is of a single nature.
The voice continued: "Though you have not invoked us fully, yet we have
come, to tell you that this is the time of your greatest knowing. Soon ye
must pass again into unknowing for a while, but not before ye have
finished this tour."
I asked whether they meant my tour of the earth tablet, or only of this
lesser angle.
"Verily, it is the tablet as a whole which is the tour. But I refer to the
completion of the Lesser Angle, in this instance. Our stopping here is
simply a night's rest upon the journey, with another day of travel yet to
come and go ere the journey be finished.
"Now, to some, it may seem as if we are here traveling through a realm
which they know well. Yet this is not so, for as you have seen in another
place, these tablets are infinite in their variety, as is fitting to the body of
the mother of all. `Age can not wither, nor custom stale...'.
"Go ye about your business today, knowing that in the heart of the day is
the key to the square, and this will be shown to you in fullness when ye
invoke this square with full intent, be it tonight, or another time, as ye
I asked if there was anything else to be said at this time, and was told
there was not.
12/21/85 4:00 pm
After purifying the temple with fire and water, and invoking the powers of
earth, I did the keys of the tablet and lesser angle, and called upon the
names, ending with the name of the angel of the square, bOZa, and the
name of the god of the square, Aroueris.
The pyramid formed about me, again showing the sides as in the previous
vision today, but the sides also showed the triangular sigils of the
elements, as well as the enochian sigils.
I called again upon the angel and the god, and both appeared. bOZa was
shown wearing all yellow, except for his nemyss, which was black, and his

head, which was also black, and had a bull-like cast to it.
Aroueris appeared wearing the crown of the north and south, in the colors
yellow and violet. His face and arms were the dark green of beetle's
wings, and his neckpiece and apron were of violet and yellow
Before I could ask, or do the signs myself, he did the signs of the Rending
of the Veil, of Set, of Shu, and the Closing of the Veil. Being tested with
the letters he glowed a bit brighter, but was not otherwise affected.
From somewhere came a voice, saying "Glory, glory, glory are the sons of
the father, and those who are of their nature. For they spread upon the
earth the seed of the father, and make the earth to become as its mother."
There seemed to be a sort of blue radiance in the air within the pyramid.
The god Aroueris told me that this was the material transmitted to the
square from the previous square of the series, "a", which were to be
spread upon the earth, in order that the forms appear in their
righteousness and truth.
"Verily" said he, "is righteousness in truth the key to this square. For the
airs take the truth of the original impulse, and put it into the foursquare
rightness of the earth, making it to be again as the son in the daughter."
"Look you beyond the pyramid, and see what the airs do make of this blue
radiance of the mother."
Going out beyond the pyramid to the west, I saw in the air many angels,
like unto the angel of the square, taking from the air that radiance of blue,
leaving behind the yellow and violet of the square. The radiance wadded
up like cotton candy, or clouds, in their hands. And they took them far
about the surface of the earth, looking ever for the place where it should
I followed one of these angels to see what he did. As with the angels of
the square of air within the lesser angle of fire, these angels looked for
exactly that place of stress (in this case, lack of stress) where the wads of
blue radiance would fit. But the criteria by which they selected each place
was quite different from that of the previous angle of fire.
It seemed as if each angel listened to a note emanating from the wad in
his hand. The earth itself resonated in time to these notes, but its
resonance was stronger in some places than in others. But the angels
centered their search almost immediately upon the proper location, and in
an instant, plunged into the earth with their burden, following the resonant
note until they came to exactly the right place.
Thereupon, they released the blue light, and it burst out, filling the earth
around it, and blending with the earth so that they interpenetrated.
The angel at my side said that this was representative of the relationship
between the ether and the manifest earth. One interpenetrated the other,
and both sounded to the same note, so that there was little to distinguish
between them as to their quality. (The angel also reminded me that the
blue was also the color of air in the queen scale, as well as of water in the
king scale. I had been thinking that the blue was the water of the previous
square still, but it was actually the blue said to be characteristic of the
etheric body of an object or being.)

This said, I asked the angel to continue. He did by saying: "Let us look
then, to the ways in which this force works within the worlds.
"Within the mineral kingdom, does this force work as the function of
transmitting electric and sound vibrations through the rock from place to
place, in order that the charge upon the earth may be given unto its parts
according to their nature. the sounds are transmitted through the rock in
different ways, according to the condensation or density that it manifests.
Certain parts of the earth are more likely to transmit particular frequencies
than others, and so the scientists of your plane have sought to look into
the earth by means of these waves of vibration.
"They have seen there many things, but the essence of the process
escapes them yet. They use it without understanding of the nature or
quality it reveals, thinking of it in different terms.
"Now in the plant kingdom, as we have seen, do the plants all have the
power of communicating with the others of their kind, after a fashion.
Since the main key to this is etheric, of the body of energetic air, so do
they reflect this transmission on the physical plane by the emission of
chemicals, or of odors as you would think of it, which are then picked up
by the other plants, and are presumed by your men of science to be the
only form of communication they have between them. Masking as it does
the true form of the passage, via the more refined airs of ethyr.
In the animal kingdom as in the human, this square rules the manifest
communications of the species, via the sounds and voices of speech. Yet
the voices of the animals are not wholly of the air, for they express mainly
the feeling-nature and not the thought-nature. In man, it is the kamamanas, the thought-feeling nature, partly both, that is mainly expressed by
But the process is yet under this square, for it is the airs of both types
which cause the meaning, the feeling, to be transmitted.
"The odors which the bodies of man and animals emit also transmit
information via the air, as do the plants mentioned earlier. These odors
express the feeling nature both in man and in animal. It is only through the
voice that man has been able to express his higher nature, intellect, which
he so far shares only in small part with his animal brethren."
While this speech was being made, the scene before me had been slowly
fading, so that it was now completely dark, with the voice the only part of
the vision remaining. I called upon the angel and god again, and they told
me to get up for a few minutes, and to have a hit of pot, while they did
I did this, all the while concentrating on the name of the angel, using it as
a mantra but not looking for any vision. I took a couple of hits from my
pipe, and leaned back and relaxed.
The angel reminded me that the preliminary to this vision, earlier this
afternoon, had come to me without my sending for it. He said that this was
natural, and that it is not cause for worry or alarm. Time is looser on this
plane where they live, and the calling can often come after the answer,
without any paradox being involved. The answer evokes its own calling, in
a sense, and without the calling, the effect of the answer would have been
rapidly lost.
He also reminded me that in that vision, the voice had said that the winds

that blew about the earth stirred up notes in the minds and hearts and
bodies of men, so that one was like a harp, another a bassoon, and
another a trumpet.
"This wind is also the Will of the Gods, translated and transmitted by the
air. So that wherever it went upon the earth, that will stirred forth in man or
woman those actions that were not only of use to the gods, but were also
within the nature of the being being stirred."
"Now it is in this way that the will can have its way in the world, while men
continue to have and express free will. Only those things which are of his
essential nature, that he is already, will affect a man. Nothing that he does
will in any way appear to be not of his own making. He will continue to
express himself, yet at the same time he will express part of what the
gods wish to have done.
"So then is each stirred by the winds according to his way, and each
goes his way unnoticing of what his acts do within the larger scale. It is
only when the man returns to the path to godhood, by which he came to
be in the world at that time, that he notices that some actions seem to be
out of character, or rather out of context. For in going back into the higher
planes in the quest, he takes himself partially out of the frame of reference
within which his fellow humans respond unnoticing to the will of the gods.
"Being out of the frame, he sees a little of what the gods intend, or rather
of the larger patterns that are generated by the response to the gods' will.
Thus he sees meaning where others see none, and every second of life
appears fraught with significance. Some have made a fetish of this,
saying the task of the master is to `interpret every event as a conversation
between god and his soul'.
"Yet this is only for small minds, who have naught to do but follow in the
steps of those who came before, and to leave the creation to those
greater gods whom they serve. Yet the magus, no, any magician, should
he choose to be, can become a creator within the manifest world, with
rights of creation equal of those of any god. To these latter, the pattern of
the larger gods lessens in significance, and becomes again merely the
environment within he works. He understands the correspondences
between planes, and takes them so much for granted, that there is no
need to attach any special significance to events, beyond those that are
specifically directed at him by other creators.
"`The mountains become mountains again, and the trees, trees again.'"
"Also, these creators, taking on the aspect of the gods themselves, find
that the world tends to bend itself to their purpose as individuals, without
anything seeming to be out of the ordinary for any of those involved. It is
his right, and the world accepts that right because it can not do otherwise.
"We have said before, and you have accepted, that you are a creator in
truth. In your cabala, you have indeed turned the world on its head, and
made it to fall at your feet. Yet withall, you have done something which is
just as consistent, and even more useful in this new time, than the ancient
cabala by which men have always achieved. It is this creation, which has
taken you two lives to manifest fully, which brings you out among the
gods, and makes you one of them in truth, for you have done that which
few have dared to do, and have made it work. Success is its own proof,
and nothing can deny this, not even the gods who come before.
"You thought in the beginning that this Tree was given to you by the gods,

to be revealed to man. Yet

was your own godhood which
magicians who have changed
symbolic consistency which
their own time, will do as
subjection of the gods.

this was not the case, save in the sense that it

brought it into matter. Those other
the tree have not yet made it of the
you have done. Perhaps some of those, in
you have done, and take themselves from the

"You have planted your tree as a seed in the angle of fire of earth, and
have reaped the harvests in the other angles. Now you have yet one more
square to do here before going on to the last of these angles, and
meeting the bride in her fullness.
"You ask why, if this Tree is your own creation, do the forces of the
universe follow along, and not resist, going in the ways of the old.
"The universe accommodates itself to the magician, as we have said, and
therefore your certain creation of the tree has made it of all truth. But think
not that there is a war between the Trees, or that one must supersede the
other, for there is still much of worth in that older tree, as you know, and
many will achieve by its rules and expressions. But here in this tree, have
you given what you wanted to give, an alternative that works, and
removes many of the ills of the old ways.
"That Achad was not you goes without saying. You are in a sense his
complement or contrast, though there are similarities of a sort between
you. Two expressions of one life, which conceived the Tree in the spaces
between lives, and has created those needed lesser aspects that will
produce his effect. There is no difference between Achad's "guardian
angel" so-called and yours. Your personalities as exempt adepts are
merely the manifest side of this being, who in himself is greater than
either. You have long known that the self above the abyss was not the
self who is below, and that no man passes the abyss, but is only
absorbed for a time by that higher being. That which is of the earth
remains in the earth. That which is of the Ruach remains in the Ruach.
That which transcends both remains transcendent. All is ever as it was.
Yet the lower, by accommodating itself to the higher, has made itself to be
the true reflection of that portion of the higher that is possible of
manifestation. That this reflection will broaden in scope inevitable. Yet
there will still be that "BNIAMIN ROVH", who unites all from Malkuth to
Chesed within himself, expressing that same nature on all the planes."50
The forces seemed to be waning, so I returned to the pyramid for a few
minutes, and invoked the names of the angle again.
The angel returned with me, and when I felt I had the force in hand again,
we went up through the top of the pyramid, rising above the earth into a
world of brilliant white clouds and blue sky.
Each cloud seemed to be the home of some thinker, some person who
had the force of mind to create or recreate something within the world that
his fellows had not had before. I could see castles of many types seated
in the clouds like the classic Jack-and-Beanstalk castle.
"These are those whose life has been given to great thoughts, whose
thinking has moved the world in some way. Many would not be known at
all today, yet in their own subtle ways, their effect has been many times
that of other thinkers.
"Now that they have died of the body, and gone to their rest, as the
Christians would have it, they are given to coming here, into this world,

and thinking. For the airs of this place are conducive to those thoughts
which are of the true nature of human expression, and therefore do those
who think for humanity, who are its brain, come here to refine their skills
and to put together new thoughts from the will of the gods.
"Now, if we were to go into one of these houses, as you have done in the
past in another life, then we would see there the man living much as he
chose to live when he was upon the earth. For the comforts of the earth,
which here are in abundance, give the anchor that allows the mind to go
to the farthest reaches in search of its goals. As well the anchor prevents
both the man from becoming lost, and the thoughts from going too far
astray from what will work within the world. If this were not the case, then
these men would be madmen, and their ideas of no use to humanity.
"Let us rise up again through the planes, and see what else we might see
within the airs of earth."
We did so, rising for some minutes, while physically, I leaned back and
relaxed again.
Presently we came to a halt in another area of sky, but there were no
clouds here this time, simply blue sky. The angel remarked in passing that
even my smoking of marijuana tonight was within the parameters of the
square, for it was like until an incense of an earthy nature, and therefore
was air of earth again. I got some amusement out of this, and the angel
laughed out loud, seemingly in good fellowship. His dark face showed an
expression of innocent fun.
As we stood in the air, it became night, and the sky was revealed with its
stars shining brightly, each in its natural place and course. But for some
reason, I appreciated the night-blue darkness between the stars as much
as the stars themselves. The dark parts of the sky seemed to become
multidimensional in the same way that they did in the last vision of the
fiery lesser angle.

a voice said: "The child has come upon the mother again, this time as
backdrop for these wonderful stars, which are truly my children. Note
each of them glows against my body with a jewel-like luster, each of
own lovely tint, each a faceted thing of wonder, just the thing for my
child to appreciate."

I looked at the stars, and they did indeed seem like jewels, like the crystal
stars of my vision of the Beast and the Star.
"Go ye now, my child, and see what there is to be seen among these
stars. Think not to call upon the angel again, for he has fallen far behind
you in your race up the ladders of the air, and here at the edge of the
earth, the air is of too light a form for him to be supported. Thus ye be on
your own, save that I am with you, and will see you come to no harm.
Give the sign of the Enterer towards these, my other children."
All this time my astral body had been slowly expanding, so that now it was
large enough to enclose both the earth and the moon within itself. Looking
out from the system, I made the sign of the Enterer, and immediately I left
the earth and moon behind, heading off in the direction of the center of
the galaxy.51
As I progressed, it seemed as if I was entering into a space that was very
regular. I could feel the dimensions of it, and they all were at right angles
to each other, not at all distorted by gravity.

The stars came up and engulfed me, and as they did, they seemed to
expand until every bit of the space was filled with the light of the stars. As
in the previous vision of this image, the stars were all of crystal, each flare
and flash of light showing sharp edges. It reminded me of the edge-effects
sometimes seen under small doses of LSD. I recalled seeing a lawn while
doing acid that had the same crystal-bright sharpness that these stars
Nuit bent down and said: "Yes, my son, who has traveled the stars to this
little world, in order to help in the work of her initiation. This world is
indeed the same vision in which we met once before. But that time, you
had wrenched the vision out of the air by your will alone, thus proving your
right to its fullness. Now and here, I give it to you freely, as is your right.
I had the sensation of both shrinking and expanding at once. Some of my
consciousness seemed to go back into my body, while another part was
expanded to the limits of creation.
Nuit said: "I am separating you from the clothes that you wear, in order
that you be seen for what you are by those in this place."52
I had the distinct sensation that that part of myself that was not on the
earth was being held by Nuit as a mother holds a child in her arm, while
showing it to others. I felt enveloped in her, but at the same time, exposed
to view.
I also felt something of the awe of that other self. His feeling was much
like that childhood memory of mine, when I first realized that I was a
separate being, and that all these big creatures looking at me (my
mother's friends) were also of my kind, each separate and individual. Yet
the feeling I receive from that other part of myself now is like that
remembered feeling but purified and refined, and multiplied an
This was a literal shock. I could sense my other part feeling like it was
being torn apart from the force of the realization. But then I saw that
where there had been tearing, I was now showing the star-like qualities of
the other beings there.
There was also a sense that these other stars were all looking with
intense interest as my star-body was unveiled, as if they wanted to see
the quality of the star from its first instants. The pressure of their interest
was palpable.
Then each in turn looked at me closely, and for the most part I sensed
qualified approval, as if it were too soon to tell for certain. I also sensed
that there was some reason for wanting to see if I could stand there on my
own yet.
The other part of myself looked at the stars, and saw that they kept their
relative places through a sort of internal gyroscopic motion. I tried to
imitate it with my own body, and as I did so, my own spines of light
blurred, until I appeared as a rapidly spinning sphere.
I wondered how I could keep spinning while still showing my rays and
spines as the others did. But then, as the rate of spin increased the crystal
rays and spines began to reappear. The ones in the cardinal directions
appeared first, followed by two above and below. Then more appeared at
the forty-five degree intervals between each pair, and so on, until the

whole body was again radiating at full blast.

There was a sense that my star-self was drawing energy from my own
interactions with the earth's etheric field, so that I was acting as a
transformer, bringing it up to his level. A sensation like a small flow of
electrical current went through my body and aura. I offered full control of
the etheric body to that other, but he declined to take it, indicating that it
was my part of things to be where I was.
I could sense an expansion of the
reaching through me to the world,
plug" all in one. The more energy
me that this was like unto what I
mysteries of incarnation had been
from the inside.

limits of my aura, as if the star-self was

and using it as an anchor and "electric
he needed, the larger it grew. Nuit told
had seen in the earlier square, where the
revealed. Save that here I was seeing it

After several minutes during which the star-self maintained its stability, the
others stars seemed to give unqualified approval. They then turned their
attention away, going about their business.
Nuit indicated that the star-self could relax, and not worry about
maintaining itself. It did so, and some of its consciousness added itself to
mine on the astral level, so that my own level was raised up a bit.
However, we did not merge into each other again. While he now occupied
the same space as myself, he still seemed to be a separate entity from
The vision did not seem to want to continue, but the forces did not go
away, so I went and lay down for a few minutes and relaxed fully.
There was a great deal of interaction between myself the scribe and the
star-self while I lay down. Most of it was of too fleeting a nature to write
down. Too many things came through at the same time to sort out.
I saw the star-self being laid with others of its kind in a sort of nursery.
Here, each was suspended on the top of a plane (which I took to be the
top of the Ruach where it meets the abyss). Each star sent down into the
Ruach a single ray of light, which anchored itself in Tiphereth. Each
anchor was a reflection of the star in the less refined matter of the Ruach.
From somewhere, I was told that the rays sent down were a part of the
consciousness of the stars, and that they needed to have a conscious
connection with that lower world in order to get the energy they needed
out of it. This energy traveled up the path of Shin from Tiphereth into this
higher level.
The difference between a newborn star, I was told, was that the new child
had to continue to keep a portion of its awareness in the lower world to
get its energy, where the adult form did not need to, but drew its energy
without any conscious attention. The later type no longer had to incarnate
as a man, and could go on to make its incarnation out of larger bodies,
such as planets and suns.
The force was not weakening, but I felt that I was getting too fatigued to
see clearly. I decided to end things at this point, and banished the forces.
12/22/85 7:35 pm

Square "O" of the Airy Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet.

As the vision opened, I was in darkness, riding high above a very dark
plane. The only light was a soft glow on the horizon to the south, that
extended almost to overhead. A chill wind blew, cutting into my bones.
A voice said: "This is the chill wind that blows directly above the earth, the
ether where it is most of its earthlike quality. No light is left, for it has al
been sucked up into the daughter's womb, to issue forth again in another
I saw the earth recede before me, until
with darkness all around. I called upon
pyramid formed around me. But it seemed
had to lower my head to fit beneath the

I was hanging in empty space,

the name of the angel again. The
smaller than before, so that I
cieling. I felt very cramped and

I burst out the pyramid, and saw the angel, waiting in the air. He was all
black, except for his feet, which were yellow, and had small wings. I gave
him the 5=6 signs, and He responded with Rending of the Veil, the signs
of Set and Shu, and the Closing of the Veil.
He said: "I know that you feel dark and cramped here, o mighty one. Yet
this is the nature of the square, that the airs are all shut up, and made to
conform to the pattern of the earth, so that it has taken on the cold and
inertia of the earth. I show you my sphinx."
The sphinx appeared, showing itself as all bull except for the rear legs,
which were human, and the lack of a tail. It parts were in the appropriate
I tested them both with the letters, and they appeared unaffected.
I acknowledge that they were as they appeared. The angel suggested that
I call upon the goddess of the square, Nepthys. I did so, and she
appeared. He skin was utter white, with black brows and hair. All her
raiment was black and white. We exchanged the signs, and she said:
"We meet again, o wonderer, as we have at the end of each of these
angles, for I am the goddess of the earth tablet, and in each of these final
squares do I receive my homage from the sub-angles.
The vision became darker until I could see nothing. But the sense of the
goddess was still there. I waited.
Things remained as they were for several minutes, and then I asked
Nepthys to teach me about the square.
She said "The things to be taught here might be better taught to you in
another way. Go you to your room and do a tarot reading. Then return.
I did a reading, which did not say much except that the force of earth were
glad that I was there attempting to learn of them, and that they would be
glad to teach me. I returned to the vision.
The force remained and seemed to increase a little, but still nothing
happened. So I decided to quit and go do something else until I got an
indication of what to do next.

I did not return to the vision that night.
The next day, I considered doing the invocation again, but a feeling told
me not to. Instead, I felt I should try another shot at describing my own
special magickal technique, even though I had pretty much abandoned
the effort after several failures to come up with a simple and satisfactory
description. Each of my previous efforts had become lost in either a
confusing terminology or a surfeit of philosophizing, and each failure was
worse than the last.
But I tried anyway, and in a couple of hours came up with complete,
concise descriptions of the basic technique, and of three ways it could be
used to separate the consciousness from the Ruach. I titled the paper
"The Archer" since the exercise is an expression of the nature of
It was only after I printed out a proof copy and read it over that I realized
that the paper had 22 points in 10 pages and 4 sections. The last section,
which was identical with point 22, could be further subdivided into four
sections. Each of the 22 points could be related in some way to the
Hebrew letters. Thus the whole tree of life was represented, and Malkuth,
represented by point 22 (= Tau = Saturn = Earth) and section 4 (= Heh
final = Earth), was divided into the sub-elements, which I happen to be
exploring just now.
Since communication is a function of Air, and this paper was a
manifestation (Earth) of communication, it seemed likely that this was
what Nepthys had meant when she said the lesson of the square could be
taught in other than the usual way. The complex internal structure of the
paper seemed to support this as well.
I still intend to invoke this square once more, but likely not until tomorrow.
Reading this over in light of the experiences of the next few days, I feel
that the vision of 12/21/85, which was invoked under Air of Air of Earth,
actually combined that permutation of IHVH with Earth of Air of Earth. The
dividing line between the two squares would be the vision of the thinker's
homes in the clouds. Everything after that image relates more to the latter
permutation than to the former. So the angel did indeed complete the tour
of the subangle before the three-day blockage I experienced at the winter
There is also an interesting connection with the vision of being presented
to the queen of night, to be described under Water of Earth of Earth. The
parallel with the presentation of the new star to the older stars seems
obvious after the fact.
However, this does not invalidate the production of the manuscript
mentioned above as a manifestation of the square Earth of Air of Earth.
Square "c" of the Earthy Lesser Angle
of the Earth Tablet
12/24/85 4:30 pm

I invoked the square "c" of the Earthy Lesser Angle of Earth. This square
is yod of heh final of heh final.
The pyramid formed around me, with the north and south sides in black
with the sigil of earth thereon, and the east and west sides red with the
red and green sigil of fire on them.
I entered into the pyramid through the south side, and called upon the
angel of the square, cncr, and the goddess, Apis.53 The angel appeared
with black skin and dressed in a red robe. Apis appeared, showing the
cows head with what I call the horned sun crown, with the sun in red, and
her collar and sashes were red on white.
I gave the 5=6 signs, and she answered with LVX. Then the angel next to
her disappeared, and in his place was a large man wearing a crown. Apis
said that this was because this square of the tablet was fire of earth of
earth, where the bride meets her new master.
"Come, and touch the ball of my crown." she said. I did so, and as my
hand came away, it took on a glow of red light. I looked at the palm, and
saw burnt skin falling away to reveal a pentagram burned into the skin,
with the sigils of the elements scribed at the appropriate angles. The
pentagram was oriented so that it was upright when the hand was held
with the thumb pointing up.
I asked Apis what it meant. She replied, "This is the mark of the great
creators upon the earth, the masters of the square of earth. For the earth
in itself does contain all of the other elements in their due proportions, and
therefore is the master of the earth also the master of these others,
should he put his mind to it as being needful. Come with me and we shall
see what we shall see."
She took me instantly to a great hall, wherein many man of ancient visage
and strong eyes sat at a table and drank lightly.
"These are the masters of earth at their business, which is to monitor the
rate of growth upon the earth of the things of the spirit, and to attempt to
encourage that growth where it is needed. They have had their eye on
you since the beginning of your most recent retreat into matter. For the
health of the spirit requires those who are able to see of the spirit, and to
take what actions are needed to correct the problem.
"You yourself combine the qualities of fire and earth in your dealings with
the world, for is not your sun and midheaven of the nature of fire, and
your mercury directly upon the winter solstice point, in the earth's house?
Therefore are you of their kind from the first, and more will be given to you
as you see how your work will unfold in their schemes.
"This is the end of our tale about this. Let us go on."
"I wish to give you this ring of your status within the masters of earth. Give
me your left hand, with the fingers spread."
I extended my hand palm down, and she reached for it with her left hand.
Her right hand held a ring, seemingly of black stone, within which was a
red stone engraved with a sigil of earth above a sigil of fire. Into the ring
poured a flow of force from the crown of Apis, coming from both of the
horns, and from the center of the ball of the sun in the middle. The ring
glowed a bit brighter, but the main effect was to clarify the images of the
sigils, making them stand out on the smooth surface.

I asked what the significance of the ring was. She told me that the basic
masters had a ring of one stone, with the two tablets engraved thereon.
The Lesser Masters (really the middle of the three) had a double stone,
with one sigil engraved upon each stone, and the stone of the appropriate
type for the element. The highest masters, or Governing Masters, had a
special sigil on a medallion that they hung about their necks. I was now a
basic master, and with the training I would receive I would quickly become
a lesser master. The governing masters governed unto the stewardship of
the spirit of the earth, with whom I had already had congress, and
appointment to their ranks came from her at her will.
Then the angel appeared, and said, "The
Masters is almost over, and there is to
and over the heads of the other masters
watched as three men came into the room

meeting of the Governing

be an announcement." We turned,
who appeared in the hall, I
from the far end.54

The first of the men had a face exactly like one of DaVinci's paintings. A
face that was sharp and weathered beneath flowing white hair and a white
beard. He wore a gray cloth robe, that shimmered a little in the light, as if
it was made of silk.
The second had on a black robe, and appeared much younger than the
other two. He had a businesslike arrangement of straps and holders of
various sorts hung about his person. On the breast of his robe was a sixpointed star in blue.
The third man hung back in the shadows, but I could see that he also
wore a gray robe, and he carried a large book under his arm.
The second man said: "First, I would like to welcome back our new
brother, who has just come up in the world a bit. Brother Benjamin?
I said in the vision "Thank you. I am pleased to be here, and I look
forward to working with all of you. But we will have to do something about
my earthside self. He is getting suspicious and will not go along with us
without some proof of our reality."
He said "We'll take care of that. Anything else you would like to say?"
"Only that I look forward to finding out what the heck this is all about."
He said in a voice that seemed a little cold: "You'll learn."
"Now, for our other announcement, the Mother has decided to add
another man to her personal staff, and it seems that our new member has
been the one chosen, Goddess alone only knows why. We will have to
see that he changes his smartmouth ways before we get too much farther
He looked at me again appraisingly. "Ask a stupid question.", I thought.
"We will have to cram into him a lot more stuff than he can absorb directly
in these little invocations of his, so our work is cut out for us. See that he
gets every detail that he will need within the next two weeks. Then we will
see if he is fit enough to pass the goddess's muster. That is all."
I smiled sheepishly, and waited for the men to leave. The first man gave
me a wink as he passed out of the room. The other masters left came
around, and touched hands with me.

One of them, wearing a dark black robe with the cowl thrown back, came
up and shook my hand, and said, "Good to have you here. My name is
Grenelpik.55 Don't worry about old fussbudget up there. He's like that with
all the new men. Is that your name, Benjamin? Is that a fiery name of
some sort?"
"It's in another symbol system." I said.
"Oh, that's all right then. We all use these odd systems some of the time.
Which one is yours?"
"Achad's Tree of Life.", I said.
"hmmm. And what did you do to it to make it up here with the other bright
"Just reworked it."
The conversation continued for a few moments on inconsequentials, and
then he suggested that we "repair to the refectory" for something to drink.
I didn't know how I could drink in this body, but I told him to lead on.
He took me down a long corridor, also colored in the same gray as the
two Governing Masters. It seemed like one of the outside halls at
Versailles, with high windows along the southern wall. I tried to look out
the windows as we passed, but could not see anything clearly.
We continued down the hall to a large double door, which was opened at
our approach. We entered what looked like a comfortable cafeteria-style
executive dining hall.
We took drinks from a perfectly ordinary looking butler, and walk across
the room to the windows, where we sat down.
Grenelpik said: "This business of protocol on the goddess's staff isn't as
urgent as the master makes it sound. She allow you a few mistakes now
and then. But woe betide you if you contradict her in public, or when any
lower staff members are present. Then you'll be out on your ear in a
minute. She doesn't like the flow of her thoughts to be interrupted. So
speak when spoken to would be your best bet when she is in the room."
"Now this other thing about public appearances is that the queen's
wizards must always follow immediately behind her in her train, so you'll
be close up most of the time and can see what's going on. But just
between you and me its a bloody bore most of the time. Its only when
some sharp foreigner comes to the court that we see some action."
"Now you must have some questions."
I nodded, and said, "Yes. First of all, why did she pick me for her staff? I'm
not the most prepossessing figure this country has produced by a long
shot, and being new at court I couldn't help her with the politics at all. I'm
not sure how I can be of service to her."
He said, "I'm not certain, but aren't you a philosopher of sorts? And one
who's know not to like Roman Christians? that could have something to
do with it. She likes to have men around her who can think as well as men
who can act. And Rome isn't exactly on her list of favorite places right
now, what with all the wars they're fomenting."

I said, "But how can I be a member of her staff when I have to spend most
of my time in that other worlds where the body is? I'm no good at being in
two places at once, even with he best of motivations."
"We'll handle that. I know this all seems unreal to you right now, since
your only half in our world. But we can help you where you are there, too.
There's lots of ways that you can be supported without looking too out of
place in the scheme of things."
I said this was beginning to look a lot like some sort of occult conspiracy
to revive the British Empire. Or like something by the Bavarian Illuminati.
"It does look that way, doesn't it? But you'll learn more fast, and we'll see
that you aren't too discommoded in that other world of yours. How can
you stand it down there?"
"Somebody has to do the work."
The vision faded and I returned to the pyramid. Apis was there waiting for
She said: "I hope you are not too confused by all that has gone on here.
The vision that you have just seen was from your last nightly visit to the
palace of the queen of the night, who is the daughter of our mother the
goddess. The goddess resides there when she is on these levels of the
tablet, and we have to see that she has all that she wants while she is
there. That is why we have been discouraging your invocations the last
few days."
"But now that she has made her selection and gone, we have enough
time to fill you in on what you must do here."
"First, as part of her staff, you are there only to answer questions when
she seeks your help. If this is all you do, though, you will likely end up out
int he cold again. But she likes people to go against her in sensible ways,
and if you come out on top, you will have an even stronger position from
which to work for your world.
"You have to get into her good graces by competence, not flattery. She
doesn't mind a bit of flattery, but tires of repetition. Give her mind
something to work on, though, and she will thank you. Give me your hand
She took my left hand, which already had a ring on it, and pressed her
horn against it, then her mouth, then her eye. She took her head away,
and a cross was burned in black into the hand.
"This is the other sign of your power, the sign of the tablet of earth, which
is the cross in the circle. Now that you have seen with your eyes what you
self has known for days, let us finish this vision's section and go on to
other things. Take a break for a moment."
I did so.
"Now, on the other side of this world, in the heart of the earth, lies the
palace of the queen of night. She is the first of those who live beyond the
bounds of the earth, within the inter-spherical spaces between the
universes. She encloses the earth in her power, and therefore is the most
potent in her effect upon it. "

"Your trip to her palace is in the likeness of a trial period, as you would
have it, during which you are allowed only so many mistakes. If you pass
this period with flying colors, then you are guaranteed a position from
which you can do your work as you will. If you pass adequately, you will
be offered a place within the ranks of the Lesser Masters, after a period of
further training. If you wash out, we likely will not see you again here."
I asked how I was to know what to do.
"In your after-dream time, when your mind would normally be in the
deepest of sleeps, your spirit goes to this world. It is only in recent days
that we have found the ways to get you here in your other consciousness,
thanks to your invocations of the tablet of earth. You have balanced
yourself well for this work, and with you available at least part of the time
in your (normal/journeying/mundane?) consciousness, you can be of
service to both yourself and her without difficulty.
"Now we will see what else there is to see of this place. Let me take you
to another part of the palace, and you can see our eidoranium."
We travelled instantly to a room that had been darkened, but which held a
large sphere that glowed with a soft light. Inside the sphere I saw what
appeared to be a complete model of the local universe, with the stars all
in their proper relations, and the earth at the center. It was working in realtime, so no motions were visible, but it seemed as if adjustments were
made so that everything always focused on earth as the center.
"Naturally," said Apis, "for what else are we here for but to monitor the
currents around the earth, and to determine what effects might be made
of them. For there is much yet unseen by the eyes of man's science that
we detect and use to influence him. Some of the things that are shown
here will never be seen of man in his normal habitation."
"But we can use them to good effect within both the human kingdom and
the other kingdoms. Being closest to the earth, yet having the power of
the mother behind us, we have the responsibility to see that all the
influences sent down by the other tablets, as well as those outside the
tablets, are in accord with the needs and wishes of the earth. We have no
wish to start a war that could destroy the earth, for example, and therefore
do we attempt to mitigate the effects of such forces as demand war."
"On the other hand, anything which can improve the lot of life on earth is
welcomed, even though it be harsh to some within the earth's sphere.
Thus many animals have died at man's hand, yet the life continues. When
he has come out of his technological Morass again, and wishes to make
of the earth a garden again, then will we be pushing him to cease his
despoliation. This is not so far away as one might think, from the
mundane view.
"Now, as to your own role in this, you are to be an advisor to her on what
ever subject she deems to have you study. Let your mind roam in the next
few days, and you might catch glimpses of more of this. But the main
instruction shall be during those periods when you have abandoned your
body altogether in after-dream time, and are free to learn without
resistance. Do not worry your earthly self about how to get here, or
whether to make an effort to do so. His participation can grow slowly, as
we show him how we intend to work, and show him our power."
"Go you now to the ends of the earth, and give thanks that you have been

selected for our lady's service, for many are called, but few are chosen,
and you are one of the few.
"Let us end this vision now, and you can come another day to get some
more in the rest of these squares. You will also find many things of an
earthy nature cropping up in your life. Be warned not to take these too
seriously as a sign, for they are mere side-effects, and the major effect is
yet to come."
I closed the temple and returned to my body.
-------------------------------------------------Square "n" of the Earthy Lesser Angle
of the Earth Tablet
12/25/86 6:04 pm
I invoked the forces of the tablet of Earth, and of the square "n" of the
Earthy Lesser Angle.
The vision opened just long enough for someone to tell me to go to my
office and start up my word processor. I did this, and then waited.
I formulated the pyramid around me, with black north and south walls, and
blue east and west walls. The appropriate sigils were put thereon.
The pyramid seemed to fill with a great light with just a touch of blue in it. I
stepped back to one corner of the pyramid, and saw that the light was
focused upon the center of the room, coming in in a tight beam through
the small square the was the top of the pyramid.
I stepped back into the beam, and followed it upwards. As I watched the
pyramid dwindle away below me, I saw that I was rising through a region
of fluffy blue clouds, with not a trace of gray or white in them. And the sky
was blue beyond them. I worried a bit, because this seemed more airy
than was correct for the attributes of this square.
I called upon the names again. The image went out of focus, then
returned to focus showing the earth tablet floating with me in the blue air.
The kerubic squares of the earthy lesser angle were highlighted, and as I
pronounced the letters of the angel's name for the square, the equivalent
square in the tablet was highlighted.
An Angel with black skin and blue-white robes appeared in the air about
20 yards to my right. I turned to face him and did the 5=6 signs. He
returned them with the signs of set and auramoth sandwiched between
them. I tested him with the pentagrams and the letters, and he was not
affected by them.
I asked the angel what we were doing in this airy seeming place, since the
attributes of the square are water and earth.
He said, "This is the water beyond the earth, which is in someways also
an air. But it is not the same type of air as the air of the ether. No, it is
rather as if a liquid had expanded itself to a gaseous density.
"The reason we have brought you here is to explain something about your
experience of the square of earth of air of earth, which it is necessary for
you to know before continuing with these visions.

"That is, that the reason you were not answered directly in that square
was that the queen of night was holding a fete for her mother the
goddess, and we must needs be on hand to assist in this work. For is not
the winter solstice the height of Her power? Yet does the Sun move
therein with a heightening power over the dark, therefore did you see light
instead of darkness in those squares of yesterday.
"You got the part of the invocation of the mother that you were intended to
get, and you responded by working anyway. This is rather remarkable,
since the average magician would have waited in those circumstances for
a better day. You must have an intent to go through with these things no
matter what, and you showed that this was true in your case. You showed
the right instinct, and used the forces available to you to the best of your
"Therefore did you produce that paper that you have slaved over at times,
without really getting to the essence of your intent. By taking the forces of
the day [that is, of Earth of Air of Earth] and applying them to your
problem, you came up with a short rendition with all of the necessary
ingredients for the magicians, and none left over for the amateurs to pick
at. And by that way did you show your mastery of the square even in the
dark of the light.
Now, to continue with the explanation, The queen of the night was testing
you to see if you were suitable for her own set of workers, since you have
much of the power of the earth in you in various ways. But you have
shown yourself to be worthy of a greater service,and therefore were you
initiated yesterday into the powers of the Masters of the Earth. This was
our intent and thus did we do, except that we did not bring you to the bride
for your marriage. This was left for the next phase.
"Now you should think back to yesterday's ceremony and... "
The vision suddenly cut off at this point.
I reviewed the record of the previous days vision. I saw that I had not
made note of the fact that at one point in the vision, I had seemed to
myself to be someone other than my normal self, but rather my
complement within this universe. This person seemed to be Dr. John Dee.
In fact, at one point, which came after I closed the temple, I was having a
conversation with someone on the queen of night's staff, and was told,
"We're lucky to have you with us, Dr. Dee."
I also did not make note of the fact that the image was much clearer and
more immediate than my astral visions usually are. There was a depth to
them that I do not usually see. Also, more of my consciousness was in the
vision than is usually the case, or the connection between the astral body
and the brain was more open than usual. At any rate, I found myself
falling back into the vision several times without intending to.
I finally did some more banishings, and everything seemed to settle down.
But for the rest of the day I felt as if something in me had been touched
that I had closed off for years as impossible to accomplish. Yet here I was
being offered exactly what I have worked for, and my soul was quite ready
to accept it as true.
But what was being offered was so much like a wish-fulfillment and was
such a comfortable idea that I felt I had to resist it until I had some proof of

what I was getting into. The course of the visions had been reasonably
consistent up to this point, despite the changes in the mode of
presentation, but the combination of such an offer, with the intense power
of the vision made it vital that it be established as valid by a means that
did not travel through me. Without such a proof, the possibility of selfdelusion was too strong to ignore.
So I told the gods, in effect, "Put up or shut up. You've told me many
times that I'm your boy without ever giving a shred of positive evidence.
Now I'm not going to believe anything else until you do. Show me your
Perhaps this is hubris, thinking I am enough like the gods to demand such
a thing, but Liber AL does say "...certainty, not faith, while in life." I felt
such a claim required some manifest sign that would establish its validity.
I don't know what the final result of this will be. At least I haven't been
struck by lightning as yet. So here it is, 7:30 pm, and I'm waiting.
A voice said, "At the ends of the earth do the fires stand, and the waters
of the mother come up to greet them in their glory. Such is the way of the
waters with the fires, that their heat and light are translated into motion
and matter."
I saw the image of a large ocean's shore with clouds rising up out of the
east bringing rain storms. To the west, winds gathered up the water again.
The voice said, "The waters of the east are stirred up from the fury of the
father entering into the mother, and therefore do the waters boil off into
clouds of steam. The waters of the west are giving unto their sons that
which they need to live."
"Therefore do the fire and the waters produce the sun in his glory, and the
daughter in her chastity, which the son does then break, lifting her up to
the mother's place."
"We have seen this before in all the squares, under different guises. Now
we say it openly: You are the sun become the father, and therefore do
you rule all of the squares of the tablet of earth, which you have raised to
your seat with your love.
"Think not, o man, that this be delusion; for yet do we have that to show
you which will stretch the bounds of your imagination, as the circus callers
used to say.
"Why do I speak of circus callers here? You say that we can not jump
from the serious to the humorous? But what if we were serious? Could we
not say that the Circus caller stirs up the crowd, which is the waters of
mob feelings, inducing them to see the show, which is the air, and gaining
money, earth for the caller, who is himself then the fire? So could we go
on all night, for the limits of IHVH have never been reached. Thus he
holds his position before those later gods of men.
"But on the whole is IHVH a righteous god, and willing to give to his
children what they wish, so long as he has their adoration. The gods
appreciate the attentions of men, since none of their own level will
worship them. "
I appreciated the irony of this comment and said so. But the angel just

stood there and smiled. It seemed that while we had been talking, a room
formed around us, with gray walls, and a large skylight, through which
light shone brightly, to be mellowed and reflected by the wall. A cool
breeze blew through the room from behind me, and out the window. The
angel stood just to the left of the patch of light from the skylight.
It seemed to me that we had for some reason, come back to the last
square of the Airy Lesser Angle, to see something I missed due to the
previous interference. I was surprised that this had happened, since I was
in another Lesser Angle now. I asked the angel why this was, but he just
said that "We like to do things in order here.", and went back to leaning on
the wall.
I got up and got a glass of water, and returned to the vision. I was still
looking at the wall, but the angel had gone. Since I didn't know which
names would be effective, since I seemed to be in the wrong square, I
decided to wait for a few minutes and see if anything else would happen.
The image slowly turned around until I was looking into a dark loft. As I
waited, more light went into it, and I could see that it was full of cases,
boxes, and assorted other junk, none of it recognizable as having any
useful purpose.
I moved among the boxes and opened one. Within there was a set of
comedy and tragedy masks, like those usually put on the covers of
English Lit. books. In another was a black-and-white checked harlequin
costume, with a black ruff around the neck, and a small domino mask.
I was told to put on the harlequin disguise, so that we could go to the
party without arousing too much attention. I felt kind of foolish doing so, so
I checked the angel with the pentagrams again. He seemed to expand
with the earth pentagram, and the air pentagram, and to shrink when I
tried that water pentagram. Since I knew his identity now to be earth and
air, I knew which of the pyramids I was in.
I donned the costume, and affixed the mask to my face. The angel did not
bother, saying it would be assumed by all present that his current dress
was his costume.
I asked if there was anything else. He said, "Affix the badge of the master
to your chest."
I asked what badge. "Touch the palms of your hands to your chest above
the pocket, and leave an image of the signs on your palms there."
I did so, leaving an image of the cross above the pentagram.
The angel said, "At these public functions, it is always better to wear your
badge of rank openly, so that those who wish to know do not need to
I said that I understood, and asked what sort of a public function it was.
He said, "The queen of night is holding a ball in honour of her mother the
goddess, who has just left the palace. She is glad to be back on her own
again, and will have some more time to talk to you if you wish."
I said I would be glad to talk to her if it was not too much trouble, but I was
not certain if I had anything to talk about, and did not wish to put her to the
effort of making leading remarks to draw me out.

At this, the angel left. He returned shortly with the news that the queen
would see me in a few minutes, and that we should make ourselves at
The angel suggested we go into the drawing room where the lesser
ranking guests were being served, and get some drinks. I followed him
into a room across from the entrance I had been looking at, and to one
side of the main entrance to the hall.
I saw that there were several harlequins in the hall, so I would not stand
out in the crowd. The angel said that all the magicians had agreed to
dress as harlequins this year, in honor of the man of earth.
Did he mean me? I asked.
"No," he replied, "just in honor of the men who took the spirit into the
earth, and played the fool with it for the eyes of man to gaze upon. You
are one such, but then, so are they all."
"Now, take your drink and let us circulate. The hall will not be filled for the
receiving line for another hour yet, and the queen will not summon you to
speak before then."
I took a glass of what looked like good dark ale, with a head on it, and
took a sip. It left a taste of peat in the nostrils, but was good going down. I
looked to the angel, and he led off into the crowd, avoiding anyone who
did not have the suit of the harlequin on.
"Since we are a trade guild here, we have to take our refreshment in the
tradesmen's hall. But we recognize that the other tradesmen think we are
crazy sons of bitches, and leave them alone. Here is one of your
compatriots looking for someone to talk to."
I looked at the man, and saw that he was more rotund than most, and had
the look of an old bull dog to his face behind the mask.
I said, "Good evening sir. I see that you are of my guild, and alone. May I
join you?"
The man looked at me, and then nodded. "I am the master thrace, of the
lesser brethren, and I would be pleased to have your company. Would
you walk with me to a less crowded corner of the room?"
I said that I would be pleased to do so. As we walked across the room to
take a seat by the planters, I said, "This is my first visit to court, I'm afrai
I am still uncertain as to the protocol to be followed by an ordinary
He said, "There is nothing to it. Unless the queen speaks to you directly,
simply bow when you come before her, wait a few seconds, then rise and
turn and leave. If you should have the misfortune to be the one to be
picked out tonight to select the motto of the new year, then she will ask
you all sorts of uncomfortable questions. Answer them as you will, but try
to be not too much of a disgrace to the guild."
"There is not much else you need to know. When you back out, go to the
end of the receiving line on the left, and follow through with the other court
dignitaries. If you introduce yourself, you title is master, or ordinary

master, as you choose. The first sounds more intimidating, the latter more
realistic. Take your pick."
"Master Benjamin Rowe", I tried. "Ordinary Master Benjamin Rowe. You
are right, the second does sound more working-class and harmless. The
first one sounds like the addresses on the letters my grandmother used to
send me. Maybe I should use that one tonight, since I always thought of
her as an old queen."
"Our queen is not so old," he said, "As you may find out to your regret
tonight. There's still a lot of fight in her, and always will be, stubborn as
she is. And she certainly keeps herself in the bloom of youth in other
ways, does she not?"
I said I did not thing I had seen her to know.
"Just so.", he nodded. "Not to spread gossip about the queen is a good
way to keep your head on your shoulders, but I really would like your
opinion after you meet her. "
I said that if it seemed appropriate, and anything was said that affected
the guild's welfare, then of course the guild should know. But otherwise I
would stick to generalities.
"Good, good." he said. "I would just like your general opinion of her
competence, not anything that would border on prying into her affairs. I
am always interested in first impressions of her. They seem to have a
pattern to them, but as yet I have been unable to figure it out. To some,
she seems distant, cold. To others, warm as a happy child in the spring.
To others in other ways. But all are impressed with her.
"Now here is your chance to meet one of the Governing Masters. I
recognize him by his gait, which is that of a man carrying a great book in
his right hand."
I looked where he was pointing, and saw a small man coming towards us,
bent over to one side as if he was carrying a bulky object. He waved at us
and kept coming.
"Now here is a new boy for you, Merlinus. How would you like to meet
Ordinary Master Benjamin Rowe, of the fleet of foot and slow of tongue.
He is going to be introduced formally to the queen tonight, and he's a little
I said I was honored to meet the Governing Master.
He waved his hand. "None of that junk among us, my boy. Save it for our
stuck up action master, who worries about such things. We scholars have
our own ways of doing things, do we not?"
I agreed that this was so.
Suddenly it got dark, and the master stopped speaking. Then he said "Oh
dear, another of her announcements. I would like it just as well if she left
the lights on. Sometimes I think she does it just to annoy me."
A voice said, "The receiving lines will open in ten minutes. get to your
places you laggards!" then the lights came up again, and we returned to
our conversation.

"So your going to see our queen for the first time. I trust our good master
Thrace here has been filling you in on the protocol?"
"His advice was to keep my mouth shut, and get ready to duck if spoken
to.", I said.
The older man laughed, "So I did, Governor."
"Well, it's good advice, at the best
year than last, but those christians
up the aura with that junk they live
out without someone getting outraged

of times. She seems much calmer this

are causing her so much trouble, filling
for, that she can't help a good pagan
about it. I take it you are not a

"No, I avoided that trap, for the most part." I said.

But there's one other thing you should know about her, to set her in
perspective. She's a tough bitch, but that's because she has to stay here
in the earth all the time, while her mother gets to travel all over the place.
If you are from somewhere exotic, like that new boy of ours -- What's his
name, Thrace?"
"Master Benjamin Rowe, Governor."
"That's you? Oh dear. Well you may have more than you bargained for
tonight then. She likes them exotic, and hasn't yet let a new man out of
her bed. I hope you like them intense, from what I hear."
I said, "I don't think I'm ready for that, yet. Is there anyway to get out of it
"Not on your life there isn't, unless you come before her with bleeding
wounds. Nothing short of that would keep her from inflicting a few wounds
of her own. You'll just have to harden yourself and come along. But you
have a better chance with her that way than you would any other. She
doesn't expect the exotics to see her the way we residents do."
I thanked him for his advice, and asked him if we had perhaps met before,
in a small apartment in Atlanta.
He said, "Not that I know of. Must have been another scholar of my type.
There's a lot of us around here. How long ago would this have been, in
your world?"
I said it was around 1973, which would make it 12 years before.
But then the lights went out again, and I saw that the receiving line was
forming. The angel told me to excuse myself and get into the line.
I excused myself from the two master magicians, and went towards the
door to the hall in the tow of the angel.
"Now just remember to be calm, and you'll be all right. Just go right up to
the bottom of her dais, bow, wait ten seconds, rise, and if she doesn't
speak in that time, just turn on your heel and walk to the end of the line
nearest the door, and take your place on the left."
I heard a sound of trumpets from within the greater hall. The angel said,
"Get in line after that boy there. He is the youngest of the nobility being

presented today in that capacity, and as the only guild man being
presented today, you rank right after the nobility."
The boy being pointed to was a young one, about ten years old, and not
yet over four feet in height. He said hello as I approached, and we talked
as the line moved forward.
He said that his name was Gwayan, and that he was here because he
was the first male heir of his father, and so had to be present when his
father could not be. So he had to come and learn about the court early in
life, so that he would understand what to do.
I told him my little story, and said that I still wasn't sure what my duties
were. So he said that the magicians usually did the monitoring of the
energies for the old woman, and that the queen of night only had a few on
loan to take care of local matters here. But he had heard that a new
magician was going to the palace of the queen;s mother in the next few
days, and he supposed that would be me. I said that was what I had
heard too, but it didn't help.
At this point, I was getting fatigued, and decided to allow my twin to
continue on his own, without my interference.
I closed the vision and went to bed.
7:07 pm
The square "n" of the Earthy Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet.
I invoked the forces of earth using Crowley's preliminary invocation, and
the fourth key. I then invoked the angel of the square, Nucareca. He
appeared, and gave the LVX signs in response to the 5=6 signs. His head
was human but with a very strong aspect of bullishness to it. His eyes and
his robe were blue in color, and the tops of his feet could be seen to be
He said: "Go to your word-machine, and we will begin."
I did so.
We were standing in the pyramid, on the north and south sides of a beam
of light that speared down from the top of the pyramid, and formed a
square of light on the floor with the letter of the tablet shadowed on it. The
beam appeared to spread, and soon covered the whole of the base of the
pyramid, lighting it brightly and evenly. The angel still stood before me.
"Now that you are ready, let me say that it is to your very best interests to
continue these visions to the end, even if they seem to you to be getting
out of hand, for many things will not be seen until the last of the squares,
where the earth presents herself in her glory and love.
"Tonight, we will look at some of the things that you have seen over the
last month and a half, and try to summarize the intent of it all.
"First, there was the intent to satisfy your demands as to consistency and
verifiability in the visions. That is, the visions had to meet more or less
rigid classifications of events and symbolic design.
"This had to be done in order to establish that the visions were at their

base valid visions of the squares in question. We understand the need for
such, and had no objection to doing so.
"In order to get the points across, we had to divide them up so that some
part could be seen in each of the related squares of the subangles. Some
of one vision might be shown in yod of yod of heh final, and the rest
shown in parts down through yod of heh final of heh final. Now you
understand why some of the parts repeated themselves, such as the
incarnation vision of the fiery angle becoming the star-vision of the air
angle. And so on through these last squares, which sum up the tablet and
reveal the missing pieces of what has gone before.
"Tonight, since we are in water of earth of earth, we are concerned with
the designs of things, the formal plans on which they were based.
"The will aspect was shown in the squares of yod in the lesser angles.
This began with the injection of the fire into the earth in the fire subangle,
through its absorption and dispersion in the water angle, to its
reappearance in the air angle as the etheric body, and final reward here in
the earth angle, as you were given the acknowledgement that you had
conquered the fires of earth, and were their master.
"Now, in the watery square here, we are looking over the course of all that
has been run and look to see what comes ahead, as the mother does
absorb the father, and make him to become a multitude of sons.
"The water angles and squares here have been concerned primarily with
the absorbing and distributing aspects of the waters, that is, their ways of
giving form to the formless fires, and their ways of sending these forms on
into the world. We noted in all the quarters that the waters were making
the fires into another form, of a type which could survive in direct contact
with the earth. This is why the fires of the father in the tree, the supernal
triad, can not reach into the lower earth. The middle triad, with the path of
Scorpio on the hypotenuse, represent the farthest reaching of the father
into matter. But even here, he is only touching the mother's inner center,
which is Tiphereth, and is not reaching any where near to the daughter.
The mother has to produce the son, which is the lowest triangle, with Vau,
6, on the hypotenuse. Only the son touches the earth directly. The mother
and the father remain in their places. Thus does the earth maintain the
stability of all.
"This is as you found yourself, in your works upon the Tree of Life. Let it
be so that you always discover that which you need."
I considered this information, and saw that it would require a few
adjustments in my previous presentation on achad's cabala.
"But not
are ever
in their
there in

so many as you would think, my sun. For the things of the earth
of the earth, while the things of the heavens revolve around them
glory. Just so do the symbols within the tablet of earth remain
their validity."

"This means that if you find something to be true here, do not immediately
change it, but consider. You have thought, for instance, that this
information about the father, mother and son indicates that the path of
heh should really be the path the crosses the tree between chokmah and
Binah. "
(The angel suddenly disappeared, as did hathor, and I was left alone in
the pyramid. I waited.)

"Now, as I was saying, in this particular case, we can not make an

interpretation that will fit fully with your tree as you have known it. But at
the same time, your Tree remains valid. You may want to change one or
two things in your own interpretation, particularly thinking as you have of
the positions of the elements in the quarters of the sun."
"Please bear with us. We have some distracting things going on here,
which you will see shortly. Take a break."
I did so for a few minutes.
"In the air squares, did we see the father reappear as the son, who is then
given into the daughter's embrace. In the fire quarter was the air fitted to
the stresses of earth, meaning that the intent of the will must match the
capabilities of the matter being worked upon. In the water quarter was the
form turned into the essence of the coming idea. In the air quarter the
idea was put into the minds of men, and here in the earth quarter will it
see its fruition."
"Now, of the marriages seen in the squares of earth within the quarters,
the less said the better at this time, for these are the harbingers of the end
of the matter, and will soon come upon you in their fullness. Let your mind
be at rest though, for you will not come to any harm, no matter the degree
of intensity you experience here tonight."
"It was also our intent in these visions, to give you a taste of what lies
before you in your future explorations. These tablets of the elements are
meant as much for the initiation of Man as are the calls of the greater
Aires, and there is a way within all of them for man to reach to the skys
and pull down a star. You have seen much, if you will look over these
visions in your papers, and much more will come of it if you allow it to be
so. I know your resistance is based as much upon suspicion as it is upon
rational resistance, and it is not so much as you feel it to be, so do not
take bad heart that you sometimes feel you must reject what we say. It is
simply that your mind, as with anyone's, is not immediately adaptable to
unique situations and experiences, and requires time to make itself at
home with new information. If you ever feel a need for more information
from these squares of earth, you need only come back again and we will
see to your needs.
"For this time, simply allow things to take their course, and a good course
you will see it to be in the end."
"Now to go on to other things, The first of these visions of the earth
subangle showed you the men of the earth with whom you will work in
coming years. These are men both incarnate and discarnate, who have
had a mind to the powers that flow around the earth, and a mind to
understand and make use of them. They are not all magicians, and many
would not recognize even that they are a part of this group, but all share
that deep interest in the powers of earth. Many of the discarnate ones
attempt to follow the course of an energy all the way through its passage
in the earth, in order to discover more about the dynamics of such
processes. Others watch the heavens, and look for new energies that
might usefully be brought into the system.
"Many others oversee
and see that they do
finally, others take
world to be used. Of

the functioning of these energies within the earth,

not upset the balance too far to recover from. And
the energies into themselves, and take them into the
these last are you, as you are of the first as well.

"Thus we have the four grades of matter represented even within the
ranks of those who are its masters. for those must also fit themselves to
the needs and available energies, and therefore are of the four types
available. Had there been other major energies within the earth's field at
its creation, there would have been others to fit its needs.
"Thus it is also for the other tablets of the world of Enoch. Now your own
position within this field is to be one of the first, who has decided to
become one of the last, as a change of direction. This will have little effect
on your long-run evolution, but in the short run, it is a strange way to take
things. Usually, those who escape from the earth seek to make uses of
the energies of the other tablets, thinking them higher, and never return
here to earth. But you have come from the fires of the father, down into
the planes of earth, and back up again, yet still you return to the earth, for
the fires of your being have their origin in the friction of matter and spirit,
and you wish to have full control over that matter in the coming stages of
your work.
"You know that we can not tell all that you would wish to know about
yourself and your future in the time allotted to us here. While you think of
things to ask, if any, let me continue in another vein.
"In the visions of the last few days, you have seen yourself, as you
thought, in the court of the queen of night, who is the queen of the quarter
of earth within the earth tablet. The other angles have their governors, but
the queen is the only one of her kind, being identical with her mother
within her sphere of action."
"Thus it is also with the mother Nuit, and the daughter Babalon. The latter
is the crystallization of the former into the worlds of matter. Thus she is
also the scarlet woman, or the scarlet woman is her, rather, and she takes
into herself the things of the man, while he goes out to the mother. Thus is
it said that every drop of blood must be shed into her cup. There is much
more to see on this in the angles of the water tablet, for that is where the
mother is at her greatest power, yet here she also has some say, and has
shown you the ways of this.
"Now the mother of the queen of night is nameless in her essence, and
formless in her being, yet she is seen by all in as many ways as there are
people to see. For she is the great formless giver of form, who takes not
of that which she gives, but passes all on to her sons and daughters.
"You have seen her here primarily as Nuit, for that is the ultimate of the
mother aspect in your system, the infinite circumference that draws in on
the infinitesimal center."
"Yet also is she Isis, as you have seen in the one square of that water
tablet we had you do, and so also is she Nepthys, Isis's twin, who is ever
the dark and mysterious to complement Isis in her openness and lack of
mystery. Thus do the two sides of the mother come together. Yet she has
more sides than this yet. For the mother is also any goddess who has
shown herself to be fertile, and thus do all goddess' come to us in the
end, for there is not one who will retain the virgin state. Yet some are
more virginal than others in their basic nature, and continue to rule in that
way despite their own change."
"Now, the daughter in her place will be explained to you more, as has the
father, and as will be the son. Let yourself continue in these visions in the
end, as we have urged, so that the story does have an ending in the

palaces of the queen."

"Go ye to the ends of the earth, and give joy that ye have come here, and
give greater joy at what ye have received, and greater joy yet for what is
to come."
I did this, flying to the corners of the earth tablet, and giving a little speec
of thanks in each one.
"Now go you and take another break, for there is just a little more to be
The light in the pyramid closed down to a narrow beam again. I quit the
vision and got some more refreshments. I took a couple of puffs on my
pipe, lit a cigarette, and returned to the pyramid.
I called upon the angel and he appeared, saying: "Ol sonuf vorsag, gohu
Iad balata, elonusaha caelazod vonupeho."
I saw that he had his arms out in front of him in the sign of the enterer,
and had them pointed at me. He continued with his invocation of the
highest while he looked at me and smiled.
From his fingers shot out a sort of force that I could not see clearly. It
seemed to be some sort of anti-light, with no perceptible color or lack of
color at all. Yet its path could be sensed, and it seemed to be going past
my left shoulder. I turned to see.
It was hitting the sigil of the earth on the south side of the tablet, right in
the middle of the cross. As it hit, it clung to the sign, without being
absorbed into it. Then the earth suddenly gave way somehow, and the
force moved into it fully, covering the whole wall with some strange
intensity or accentuation of appearance.
"Now you see that the daughter never gives in fully to the father on the
very first touch, for there is always the resistance of matter to be
overcome, and this applies on the human as well as the mechanical levels
and spiritual levels. Thus the resistance of the woman is appropriate to
her state, as is her later succumbing to the force of the male. the son
takes the daughter, but it is the mother and father who complete the act.
They change their state by their union, so that the son and daughter
disappear, leaving behind a new mother and father to produce a new son
and daughter. thus is there a movement upward in the elements, and in
the tree of life, for the matter of the earth becomes to the magician the
creative tool by which he works his will. And the mind of the son, the air, is
become the will of the father. Thus the virgin of the sign of the virgin
becomes the holy mother in the opposite sign, Pisces, and the
scatterbrained son becomes the one-pointed Archer in Gemini and its
"In the fixed signs, we have the daughter as matter in motion, with its
consequent moment of inertia keeping it traveling along its line of
movement. Like a bull, it does not stop. It is changed only by death, which
to the bull is the end of his work, and to the moving earth is its dissolution
in the waters, its erosion into its basic components. Likewise does the air
of the distributive sign of Aquarius, with its concern for the masses,
become the self-centeredness of the opposite sign of Leo.
"Similarly for the cardinal signs, within their own sphere. The earth,

Capricorn, with its rigid structures and restrictions, becomes the mother
by the addition of feeling, Cancer, which is its one great lack. and the son
of Libra, who shifts back and forth, becomes the instantly-acting father of
the sign of aries, who can see and do with the same act.
"Now the signs of the zodiac, in their fours, have been one of the ways in
which you have interpreted the meaning of your name, which is so deep
of symbolism that even you do not know all. How you came by it is a story
in itself, though from the mundane side there would seem nothing odd in
"But I let myself be sidetracked. In these fours have you found the key to
your own advancement through the passages and spheres of the Tree of
Life, even up to the edge of the abyss, and somewhat over it. Now we
have shown these fours to be another key to your own tree, which you
can now consider in some fuller detail than you have previously. We
realize that this will be a lot more work for your mind, and we do not
sympathize in the least with any complaints about it, for you know you can
not help but consider what is placed before you.
"The other ideas we have given you in the course of these visions, that is,
of the incarnation of the life into matter, and of the other things along the
ways, are simply a matter of giving you what you need to have for your
next stage of growth, which is to full star-consciousness. If not from us,
then in another way would you have had these things.
"And even though we have lead you again to your star in the course of
these visions, the star was only there because you have already earned
the right to commune and be one with it. If you had not, then these visions
would have been much different. Everything here in these visions has a
purpose, can you only divine it. Even to the manner in which we speak.
Look you to your records after the course is over, and see if what is
shown is not consistent throughout.
"Go now to your rest, and see us again when you have time to do the next
of the visions, whether this be tonight, tomorrow, or several days. We will
all be here and ready.
The vision ended, and I closed the astral temple and returned fully to my
body, ending at about 9:00 pm.
12/28/85 12:00 pm
Square "c" of the Earthy Lesser Angle
of the Tablet of Earth.
Air of Earth of Earth. Angel, carecanu. God Anubis.
I invoked the forces of earth by the general invocation in Crowley's book,
and then invoked the spirits of the tablet using the fourth key.
The pyramid appeared, showing its east and west faces in a canary
yellow color, with the air sigil thereon, and the north and south faces in the
black of earth, with sigils.
I called upon the angel of the square again, and he appeared, wearing a
yellow robe whose shade matched the pyramid sides, and with his skin

and eyes of a black color.

I called upon the god of the tablet, and he appeared as well, showing the
jackal head with yellow nemyss, violet straps and yellow apron.
I did the 5=6 signs to them, and the god and angel answered with the LVX
signs, followed by the signs of Earth and Air. I tested them with the
pentagrams and found them to be genuine.
I noted that the light within the pyramid seemed to be a combination of a
glowing green with the yellow of air. The god said: "This is the growing
green of fertile earth, not the black of the lifeless earth. For here in the
earth's own lesser angle is she a goddess of growth and nurture, and a
sustainer of the things of life."
The angel invited me to rise up out of the tablet into the outer airs of the
square. I did so, and found myself high in the air over some mid-american
farmland, with all the fields plowed and ready for the planting. Squares of
turned earth could be seen stretching out to the horizon in all directions.
"This is the air within the growing earth," said the angel, "for the turning of
the earth in the preparation for the planting is the adding of the air to the
earth, their mixing so that the earth does breathe with the needed prana
to incite the seeds of fire to grow.
"Now we have seen this field before, in the last of the squares of the angle
of fire, and now we see them again in their fullness, for the planting here
is yet to come, and will be of the last square of this angle.
"Now let us rise some more, and see what else awaits us."
We rose, and the earth receded below us, disappearing into darkness
after a few moments. Now the light and images seemed to come from
above us, from the airs between the stars.
"Just as we earlier showed you how the airs that are given off by the body
of man were of the air of earth, so now do we show you that on these
higher levels are there also airs breathed forth by their living makers. All
the stars that you see, including your sun, are the emitters of the solar
wind, which is a wind of charged particles and nuclei, blowing outwards in
all directions from their origin.
"Now the earth also breathes out, and the gases of her breathing are the
airs of the ethyr, which are given out unto the other planets of the solar
system for the use of the gods who are creating there.
"This Air of Earth of Earth does give to those planets the potential for
manifestation of life, as it has done to the earth. Yet the planets in
themselves are not the normal habitat of life, and therefore must the life
make its own place within those other worlds. This will come to pass if
man allows himself the effort to travel and colonize these other planets of
the system. They will give to those who live upon them the image of their
own lives, and take from them the life of earth, which will change their
ability to create on the material plane, and make their creation of fullness,
through the intervention of man.
"Thus does the potential of earth reach outwards into the system, and to
the stars for whom she has labored in this world of rock and hardness.
"Up until recently was the earth a planet in closure, cut off from her friends

and associates of the stars. Yet now, in this present time, does she
reaffirm her connection with them, so that their force can come down, and
change her into that which she wishes to be.
"As the result of her new contacts with the larger worlds, the earth will
become as the other sacred planets of the solar system, an equal to them
within the powers of the sun's field.
"Go ye unto the ends of the earth, and declare that the earth has come to
her inheritance, and is come to take her place within the greater worlds
I did this, going to the corners of the tablet of earth, and calling out an
invocation to the stars and worlds at each corner, announcing the coming
of the earth unto the stars again. Then I returned to the pyramid.
Within the pyramid, my astral body immediately formed the image of the
God Anubis, looking from his place at the north of the floor, southwards to
where I had stood before. The god chanted some words in a tongue I did
not recognize, and could not reproduce. The god extended his arms, and
there appeared in his left hand an ankh, colored violet, and in his right
hand a lotus wand, also colored violet.
"Thus you see me as I am, o man. for the life of the earth does ever die,
within the aspect of the mother, in order to produce here in the son the
many lesser forms that will cause the life to manifest within the earth. I
myself do carry these segments of life from here to there within the field of
earth. Transferring the ends of the will from their place of origin, unto their
place of rest. Thus am I called a god of death, for the death does make of
the life to fragment, and it is those fragments of life, which are the air, that
I do transfer through the realms of night unto a new day in a greater
"The wand is a sign that my will is single, and devoted to the purposes of
life. The ankh of course is the sign of that which I control and transport.
"Now here in this last of the squares of air within the earth tablet, do we
take the seeds, which were planted in the angle of fire, and given their
supporting structures by the waters, and separated into components in
the air angle, and we do place these seeds within the final square of
earth, which the the next square to come. Do ye go now unto the pyramid
of the earth, and see what is there. then return."
I rose up above the pyramid, and saw that it was in its place within the
angle of earth. Next to it, on the edge of the tablet, was the square "r",
earth of earth of earth. I did the sign of the enterer, and entered into that
I could see through the walls, and saw the pyramid of the square "c" next
to the one I was in. To the top of that pyramid did Anubis rise, until he was
standing upon its summit. From the palms of his hands did come a glow,
which bathed the pyramid in which I stood with the calm, violet light.
This violet light did engulf the pyramid, and set it to burning with a low,
almost invisible flame. The heat intensified, and soon the walls of the
pyramid were glowing also in that dark violet color. They seemed to swell
with the force, and to interpenetrate with it.
I was raised up out of the pyramid of "r" and taken back to the pyramid of

"c", where I joined Anubis on its top. We descended until we were inside
again. He told me to call upon the angel of the vision again, and I did so.
The angel appeared again, and said: "The son has taken the daughter by
his force, and made her to glow with the colors of her mother the moon,
who does encourage her in the reception of the son's force. thus is the
daughter raised up to the seat of the father, and does sit thereon in her
"For without the son, the father could not come by the daughter, and all
his force and power would be lost. He can not reach to her from his lofty
height, and therefore must the son raise her up within his grasp.
"We have said that you are the son within these visions, and this is so.
For you came unto this world to help the daughter to come back to her
rightness within the worlds of the stars, and you did put yourself into her
womb to be transformed. Now ye have come out again, and the daughter
follows after you in your travels.
"Since ye have chosen the side of rightness, and gone down into matter
only with the goal of bringing her up to your level, so then has the earth
cooperated in your quest, and given you that which you need to raise her
in her glory to the stars.
"You have not seen all that there is to see in this square, yet it would be
best if you go and wait for a few hours before you continue. For these
things we deal with here are best absorbed a little at a time, to allow the
way for a larger vision in the second invocation.
"See that ye have all aright within your temple, and within yourself. For we
have that to be seen which will be of great force, and will need the best of
your will to keep it in the path of its best manifestation. Take your will to
do the invocations again at the time of sunset or thereabouts today, and in
the meantime, continue to review what has come before. For there is
much more to be seen.
"Close the vision now."
I banished the forces and closed the astral temple.
6:30 pm
The forces of the square were invoked, and the names vibrated.
(The temple seemed a little bit changed tonight. Where it normally is a
large domed room, with columns circling it under the edge of the dome,
tonight it seemed as if the columns had been rearranged to bring the
center of the circle closer to the eastern wall of the temple.
The pyramid appeared, showing black on the north and south, and yellow
on the east and west. The correct sigils were on the sides.
I vibrated the name of the angel again, and of the god of the square,
Anubis, and waited. Anubis appeared on the top of the pyramid, standing
facing the east with his arms crossed on his chest, and the ankh and lotus
wand in his hands.
I gave the 5=6 signs, and he answered with the same, and then with the
signs of Set and Shu, and the signs of LVX. I tested him with the
pentagrams and letters, and he was not affected.

My consciousness entered into the body of the god, and I saw myself
standing in the sign of Osiris slain, and the door to the outside behind me.
Anubis said, "Let us go out upon the terrace of the temple, where we may
stand in the light."
The god went to the door, gathering up my astral body in passing, and
performed the sign of the Enterer. The doors burst open, and we flew out
and away from the temple, ending on a platform suspended in the air
about a mile away. I looked back at the temple, and saw that it was on the
top ridgeline of a series of peaks, and stuck out into a valley with steep
sides, much like Yosemite. The floor of the valley was made of long
meadows, with copses of pines between them.
The platform stuck out into the air from the opposite side of the valley, it
appeared, and represented the place of the sun in the east at the
"In the bringing in of the force of air to the temple, this is the place where
one must stand to direct the force there. For one can not stand within the
earth, which is the temple, and direct the outer forces into her from there.
You must first find a place to stand outside of her aura. Then you can
have the leverage to bring something new into her sphere."
"Now observe as I fill the temple with force."
Anubis stood there, facing the temple, with his arms thrown outwards and
downwards in an upside-down "v". The ankh was in his right hand and the
lotus wand in his left.
He breathed deeply a few times, as if to absorb the force of the air. Then
he blew, his arms snapping forward in the sign of the Enterer. With all his
will he sent his consciousness forward, throwing the forces of air against
the temple.
Yet as the forces hit the side of the temple, they seemed to hit a barrier.
They clung to the barrier for a moment, and then entered through a hole. I
saw the hole to be the invoking hexagram of air, with its two triangles fit
Inside the barrier the forces gather, but there was still an area within the
temple that the god could not reach into. It was shaped like a round
pantacle, with a width about five times its thickness.
The air settled about this pantacle, and seemed to calm. The god
withdrew himself from the air, and reassumed his form.
"Thus the airs are able to breach the inner temple, but are never able to
penetrate the earth in her fullness. Thus the airs must settle about her,
and cloak her, rather than mixing with her.
"But the airs, by their constant movement, do create on the surface of the
earth a roughness, a reducing of the solidness, and within this semi-solid
surface, the soil, does the air plant the life of the father."
I saw that the surface of the pantacle was becoming fuzzy, undefined, as
if it was sublimating into gas. Then the picture changed, and I was
hovering again above the mid-american farmland of the previous vision of
the square. I saw that the surface we used, the soil, was the less-defined

area about the pantacle in the previous image. It was earth broken up so
that the air could enter.
The picture darkened as we rose up and went into space, hovering above
the atmosphere of the earth. Then the god said, "We must go higher yet,
o man, for the earth's air, its ether, extends far beyond what seems to be
the edge of the air."
We continued to go outwards until we we about halfway to the moon's
orbit, and took a position above the north pole of the earth. I observed
that we were in the low-energy funnel of the magnetic torus surrounding
the earth.
Then below I saw flashes of light around the pole, and understood this to
be the aurora, which is the glowing of particles excited by the solar wind.
"Thus the air of the sun's wind touches the earth. It can not enter the
earth, due to the magnetic field, except here at the pole. Then the
charged particles come down into the earth, exchanging their bits of the
father's power and planting it into the earth.
"Similarly on higher levels, where the impulses of her masters in spirit can
only come into the earth through the limited area surrounding the pole.
Thus the placement of the pole is of importance to determining the type of
energy coming into her. Each of the stars the pole's moves point to has a
particular energy to manifest, and this comes into the earth's sphere via
the northern pole.
"Now, other energies could get into her, if there was some way to move
these energies around so that they would fall into the pole. The man who
has freed himself of the earth can bring these energies in simply by being
outside of the earth's aura for a while. He has motion, where the daughter
is limited in her motions, and thus he can go and bring the energies back
for her.
"He brings them primarily
entrance. But if he is of
directly outward from his
back by the path by which

to the pole, because that is the easiest point of

enough power, and punches through the aura
place on the earth, then he can bring the powers
he went out, creating a new way of entry for the

"We saw some of this back in the first of the angles of the tablet of earth,
and in the image you later had of the adepts as sparks of fire orbiting her
like the sperm about the egg, feeding powers into her.
"Now the earth herself benefits primarily from the energies coming into
her from places other than the pole, for those that come to the pole enter
in too destructively for their message to be read clear. Thus the adepts
are her main connection with the outer universe in terms of the mindaspect. To her through them comes the message of the stars.
"Now in this time are the stars saying
return to your place among us. For you
day is upon you again. The princes who
you, waiting on your pleasure. Come, o
new day.'"

to her: `Come, daughter, awake and

have slept a long sleep, and the
have wakened you wait around
queen of the night, rise unto a

As the angel spoke these words, the vision opened up so that I saw the
interior of a bedroom in what appeared to be a castle. There were large
windows in what I took to be the east wall, and the south wall was all

window, opening into a garden on a terrace. In the west wall I could see
an entrance into a bath area. The north wall showed a large, iron-bound
wood door.
On the bed lay a young woman, appearing to be about the age of sixteen
or seventeen. She woke with an expression that implied something had
called to her in her dreams and told her to wake. She rose from the bed,
gathered a robe about her, and walked to the south wall.
The angel said:
"The queen arises from her bed on the first morning of winter, and sees
through her window the head of a young man, who stands upon the wall
of her palace, looking inward with curious eyes. He seems to her to be a
tragic figure, yet one who has the grace to ignore his tragedy and get on
with life. He seems to touch her with a sadness that makes her wish to
comfort him, and give him peace and plenty."
I stand behind the girl as she looks out the window, and I can follow her
gaze to a high wall to the left of the terrace. There seems to be a footpath
on the top of the wall, and a man is standing there, looking into the garden
with a thoughtful expression. A sudden rush of energy from the girl
startles me, and distracts my attention. There is something very wateryreceptive about the feel of the energy from the girl.
"The man looks as if he wishes to enter, but is forbidden from doing so.
So the queen, who wishes to speak to him, does call to her waiting
women, and ask the nature of the man. They summon the court
magicians, knowing not themselves who he is, but seeing his supernatural
"The magicians also look out the window, and see the figure standing
there, and his aloneness cries out to them, reminding them of their own
pain in their separation from the common man.
"And yet they feel a brightness in him, a source of hope without end, a
determination not to give in. And so he maintains his aloneness despite
himself, for he knows it is to his pain to become close to his fellows. Yet
this is not defeat, for he works yet to change himself, to make of himself
that which he would wish to be, knowing the way in which his life should
go. And they see that he has already changed himself once, and is very
near succeeded in changing yet again.
"Now, this man is yourself, and this castle is the castle of the queen of
night, and the day is the day a few days passed on which you invoked the
force of the square of Air of Air of Earth.
"This queen who sees you is truly the Queen of the Night, and her vision
of you is such that she must have you in her court despite all opposition.
Yet withall her grace was fearful, for you have upon you the mark of
death, and it has not yet healed.
"She saw, though, in this mark of death, also the mark of greater life, and
of the passage of earth into the spirit, and knew you for one of the magi.
Thus she charged her magicians with getting you prepared, while she
also prepared herself for this meeting.
"First, you must be given a position within their framework, in which to visit
and to converse with those of her level. Then you must be confirmed in
this position by the other magi in her conference, so that there would be

no jealousy among them, and so that they could signify their dissent if
they wished.
"Then you must be presented to the court, and given into the hands of the
courtiers, to see how your mettle fits with theirs. This has all been done,
and now we are on the last leg of our presentation.
"You were next to have the situation explained to you, and be given an
opportunity to assent or reject it as you would. Now we are at this point.
"The situation is this: The queen of night is enamored of your power as a
man, and wishes to have you as a frequent visitor to her court, with the
hope that one day you will come to live here as her king. She wishes you
to know that this would in no way cause a delay in your advancement to
other realms, and that she herself is due for her next initiation, and wishes
to have you along with her.
"As to why she wishes this, I will let her teach you herself in the next
vision. For this is of her own feelings, and only she can express it with
"Now, the choice is this, and it is not an arduous one, I am certain, for one
of your tastes and personality. Let me take a moment to prepare myself,
and get yourself a drink."
I did this and returned.
"The queen of night wishes to ask you to have her as your mistress within
the worlds of men. This would entail her and you living together, and
acting out the parts given to you by circumstances, while living at the
same time on this other level.
By mistress she means all of the things that are normally connoted by that
term within the worlds of men, including the sexual aspect, which she
Now that you have given your assent to this, let me tell you how this will
be done. Given that you are not going to put this paper into circulation
without some form of evidence, you will be given that evidence. And the
queen's alter-ego on earth will hear of you and wish to see your writings,
and will contact you upon reading them. Much as you have assumed. But
the proof will be of a separate nature, and will not depend on anything that
you do yourself.
"In the meantime, she wishes you to visit her within her own world, and
will make the effort to bring you over in your consciousness, to inhabit
there in your astral bodies.
"You are resisting this idea, despite your agreement, and this will have an
effect on things. Let yourself go on this one, and you will see things much
better than you would normally.
"For the rest of the evening, just relax and do things as you would
normally do. We have finished for now."
ended at7:58 pm
-------------------------------------------------Square "r" of the Earthy Lesser Angle
of the Earth Tablet.

All day I have been having the sensation of being at the center of a
sphere of force, in which there is no disturbance of any kind. This has not
affected my usual emotions, but seems to be operating in a dimension
different than that of my normal consciousness.
I have also been receiving some images connected with this last square
of the tour of IHVH in Earth. Here are the notes, transcribed mostly
between 10:00 am and 11:30 am today.
I called upon the angel of the tablet, and the goddess, Nepthys, to appear.
The angel appeared first, all of a black color. His clothes and skin and hair
were all black, but with yellow highlights that appeared and vanished in a
The goddess appeared, with yellow skin, wearing black and white, with
the moon crown on her head. She did the 5=6 signs, and followed this
with the LVX signs and the sign of Set. She was not affected by the
pentagrams or the letters.
"Know, o man, that here we come to the home of the daughter, who is the
queen of night. In her palace are many things of brightness, and glory,
and great strength. Also is the sign of the gods upon her, for it is through
her that their creations are given into the earth for growth and husbandry.
Truly she is a house of treasures, and a great joy of fullness to those who
know her, and does give unto all according to their need and will."
Nepthys did a sign like the sign of the dying buddha, hands held palm to
palm, and the head tilted to one side, resting upon them. There was a
tremendous grace in the way the goddess performed this gesture,
reminiscent of the ritual dancers of Thailand. "There is no lack of rest
here, o man, and therefore are your comings and goings marked with
great amusement among those who watch. Peace is of the earth, o man
of fire, peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy. Nor is aught demanded in
sacrifice. Let there be between you [and the earth] that knowing as of a
man with his wife, and let this knowing join you to the earth, giving to you
of her rest and ecstasy. And let her stability pervade your being, giving
you the persistence of the Bull in your work of the tablets and the signs.
"Now know ye that existence is pure joy, that all the sorrows are as
shadows, that they pass and are done. But there is that which remains
after. And this is the source of that which is the stability of earth and the
joy of man, the son."
Nepthys held her hands outwards and downwards, so that the arms
describe an upright triangle, the reverse of the sign of Apophis. It is the
sign seen in many images of the Mother Mary of the Catholics.
"This is the blessing brought upon the earth. For in the downward-pointed
arms do the fires flow to the earth. Yet hidden in the sign is also the
upright rising of the Father, who is awakened by the caresses of the
Earth's daughters."
Now the vision opened outwards, and I saw around us fertile lands of
every type, full of green growing things. And the hand of man was not
seen within it, but only the endless permutations of the earth, giving unto
the living from the depths of herself, causing every living thing to grow and

"As a mother does she nurture them, and the daughter does give of her
own substance." said Nepthys.
The lands became filled with life, things springing up in an instant,
reaching their full height, to be lost and replaced in a moment by things
yet greener. And more and more did the greenness spread about the
earth, transforming its brown to the emerald of life. The growth continued,
and my viewpoint rose upwards, showing me the entire earth glowing with
the emerald glow, a great jewel in the darkness.
Nepthys said, "Know ye that the powers of love do grow in the darkness
of earth, and the earth herself will be love incarnate, when her rising into
the heavens is completed. When she rises again to come among the
stars, her place shall be as Aphrodite rising from the waves. She shall be
as an eager virgin placed among the elder men of the stars, to renew their
interest in matter.
"In the Stele [of Revealing] is she that altar placed between the priestworshiper and the god, from which the flowers of life do grow. Thus are
the 4 fulfilled within the Stele of Revealing."
The vision altered, so that the stars above began to curl down upon the
earth, and the sun became as a winged globe. And I stand myself in the
guise of the priest Ankh-af-na-Khonsu, facing Ra-Hoor-Khuit on his
throne. The earth springs up to become an altar between the two of us,
and a lotus of some sort springs from the top of the altar. The altar then
became the enochian cube of the universe, and the lotus springs from the
nameless tablet that is the top of the cube.
Now I am outside the scene again, and I see the priest and god merge
into the shape of the pentagon. Each bends to make up two sides, with
the base of the altar between them making the fifth side, so that the
cubical altar was within the pentagon. The pentagon rose up above the
altar, and became a pentagram. The sigils of the elements appeared at
their four apexes. The flame of the spirit descended on it from Hadit,
giving Light and Life to the topmost point.
"Thus does the pentagram emerge from the square, as the god and the
man are merged in the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy
Guardian Angel. Within the Endlessness of Nuit, in this instance is Hadith
the hidden light of Kether. Ra-Hoor-Khuit is the manifest expression of
that light. And the priest-worshiper is the personality, the altar is itself the
physical body, upon which do the gods work their will.
"Also is Hadith the monad, Ra-Hoor-Khuit the soul. All within the limitless
limits of the Great Night of Nuit. Thus we have also the the Man of the
Earth, the Lover, and the Hermit within the Stele. The 4 and the 3
combine in the 7 which are 10, and in the 12 which are 1.56
"Now the four within the stele are also of the 4 of the Tarot, and do
represent the elements in one form. T is Tau, Saturn, Binah, the Great
Sea and the Great Dark, Nuit. A is Aleph, Air, the invisible spirit, Hadith. R
is Rish, the Sun, fire, Ra-Hoor-Khuit. And O is Oin, Capricorn, the active,
exalted earth Babalon.
"Also is T the earth, and A the mind of man, which regards it. R is the soul
and O is the Eye of God, overlooking all.

"In the first of these [two interpretations] the elements do revolve about
their invisible center. In the second do they rise through the planes to the
godhead. Thus in your Tree of Life do the elements revolve within the
lower worlds, and within the hexagram of the Sun, while at the same time
do the rise from the bottom to the top of the Tree through the Middle
"In Taurus the Love of the Mother is shown, and Adonai her god is
worshiped therein as Lord and King. Thus ye saw yourself yesterday as a
great King, seated upon a throne, upon the Tablet of Earth. And the light
of the Sun does cause the earth to become fertile, and to grow in fullness,
as the grain does ripen in the summer sun.
"In the place of Virgo does the grain reach its full ripeness, and there must
be a separation of the treasure of the grain from the roots of its source.
Therefore is the fullness of earth shown here as the virgin rather than as
the empress. She holds her treasure away from herself, to distinguish
whether it be truly valuable. And the mind that rules her does discriminate
that which is of worth from that which is not.
"In the winter does the earth become as the hardness of iron, and of
stone, and barrenness rules the dark of the year. The goat leaps about
his bare and rocky home, and plans for the green of spring which is to
"In the dark of the night are the seeds given into the earth, and their
barrenness is made to be their preservation, until the light of Adonai again
releases them from their rocky prison.
"The signs of the zodiac cycle in the earth in their way, moving from their
place to the next in the equinox of the gods, but retaining in themselves
their essential character. The movement of the signs is as a revolving of
an idea in the heart and mind of a god, turning it this way and that to see it
"We have spoken before about the way in which this precession does
move the pole from place to place, thus determining which powers of the
universe dominate in the earth's field in any era. But these forces must
always act through the intervention of the signs of the zodiac, which are
constant in their relations to each other and to the earth in which we live.
For the signs are the mark of the cycles of Earth, and of the life of Adonai
within it, and are as the first of the powers given unto man for his use.
"Now in the later stages of growth, as you have seen, Adonai ceases his
endless path forward through the signs. He turns upon himself and begins
winding his way back up the path by which he came to earth. This is the
point in the vision of the god's reproduction where the lives withdraw their
energy from the shells in which they live, and concentrate it in the centers
of the shells. For in order to do thus, the life must reverse, or counter, the
spin which the earth has given to its shell, so that it can stand free and
stable. The act of will by which this reversal takes place is also the act by
which his reversal on the wheel of the zodiac takes place.
"Eventually the man, who is himself Adonai, the light of the elements, has
risen above the earth again, to stand with his cousins among the lesser
stars of the Solar system. He finds himself fixed in place within the
heavens, forced to examine the forces of those heavens as they appear
to him. No longer the subjection of Adonai to the changing view within the
earth. The power of his Genius holds him fixed.

"This second stage relates to the point in the aforementioned vision in

which the units of force discard their shells, and support their place within
the pressure of earth by their own counter-pressure. But still they reside
within the earth's sphere.
Now in the third stage do the units separate themselves from the matter,
and stand free as creators in their own right. Now do they administer in
the earth as does the governor in the nation-state. So do they show
themselves to be stars in the heavens, sending their will into the world of
the daughter as the reawakened father does to his child. So do the signs
of this stage within the zodiac hold to the name of "cardinal" signs. That
is, "of the first".
"The other two stages are related to the zodiac as you have surmised and
speculated. For the early stage of the man in the earth is as a mutable
being, pulled this way and that by the forces around him.
"In the second stage is he fixed in place, learning about the forces by the
friction of his unchanging nature against them. The third stage reverses
the first, and the earth itself is pulled this way and that as it formerly pulle
the man.
"The arms of the mutable cross are made of waves, with no center point
to them. The forces drag the man around as they pull in their unbalanced
stages. In the second stage are the arms of the Cross rigid, fixed in place,
with the strength of the columns of the force by which the man has held
himself away from matter. In the third stage the cross becomes like unto
the arrow head, aiming back down into matter by the force of will, from
Being's place outside it."
(The mutable cross was shown like two intersecting sine waves, of
varying frequency and amplitude. The fixed cross was like the enochian
sigil of earth, save that the arms are solid black. The cardinal cross was
shown as a Maltese cross.)
After transcribing the above, I went to my room to meditate and relax. I
began to get images of myself as a prince, escorting a young princess to
be presented to the elders. I got the impression that I and the girl were to
be married, and the custom was to offer her first to the leaders of the
(tribe/group/country/community) under the principle of "Droit de seigneur".
The girl appeared to be relatively small, with white skin, wide hips, and
slender legs and chest. Her hair was either cut above the shoulder, or
pinned back so that the neck and shoulders were exposed. For some
reason, I gathered that this was important.
She appeared to be a naturally graceful and modest person, without any
trace of false modesty or useless social inhibitions. She knew she was
there to be examined, and possibly fucked by, the elders. She felt it was
their natural right to do so, and did not feel any objections to the process.
Nor did she feel any doubts as to her ability to carry it out.
I presented her to the seniors present. Each examined her and found her
to be acceptable. Then I led her to a nearby couch. Kissing her warmly, I
lay her down, and folded back the slit of her dress so that she was
exposed from the waist down. I touched her cunt lovingly until her
lubricants began to flow. Then I kissed her again and stepped back.
The seniors formed themselves into a ring facing outwards, and tangent
to the couch. The girl slid down to the end of the couch, so that her

bottom was even with the edge, and spread her legs straight out to the
sides, without bending the knees.
In turn, each of the seniors came forward and touched his penis to the
girl's vagina. As they did so, an aura began to form around her. When this
occurred, the seniors sped up the rotation of their circle, and eventually
came up to a speed where they all blurred together, except for the senior
who was with the girl at the moment.
(I realized later that this image showed the transformation of the earth into
the power of love, as was mentioned in the day's earlier vision. It shows it
in a fairly explicit form, as well. The seniors are of course the other
planets of the solar system, as the seniors represent the planets in the
Enochian Tablets. So we have the circulating energies of the planets (the
ring of seniors) being applied to the earth (the Tau-cross formed by the
girl's torso and legs), and the combination forming the symbol of Venus.
This is a basic formula of one type of sex magick, as will be seen later.)
In the vision, a voice said: "Thus does the earth become Love incarnate.
(pause) This is also the awakening of the father by the son's presentation
of the daughter, as was mentioned in the previous visions."
As all the seniors presented their powers to the girl, I saw her change so
that I could see the chakras within her body. As each senior applied
himself to her, a chakra would glow brighter for a moment, and retain
some of the extra glow.
All of the chakras were bright. I noted that the third from the bottom
glowed a bright green. The lowest was red, the next was a sort of brownorange color. The heart center was gold-yellow, the throat center a light
sky-blue. The ajna center was a dark purple or violet, I forget which, with
white flashes going through it. The chakra at the top of the head was
extremely intense, but colorless.
As the chakras intensified, I also saw that the rest of her aura was
remarkably clean and free of defects. It was completely transparent
except for the chakras, and a thin cord of light connecting them. The
image of her physical body faded for a few moments, so that all that was
left was the body of light, with the chakras centered in it.
The seniors completed their actions, and I knew that the next step was to
fuck her myself. I moved to the couch, and looked down at her. She still
felt as innocent and accepting as at the beginning of the vision. As I
entered her, both of our bodies transformed into bodies of light as
described above.
There followed several images that seem to relate to forms of sex magick,
about which I know little. I was not familiar enough with the techniques of
that kind of magick to know whether what was said is valid from the
viewpoint of systems built around sex magick.
From somewhere I was told some general points about the process.
First, the act must continue long enough for the auras of the two parties to
become charged up. Without this, there is not enough force to produce a
result. This charging is not the same as the basic animal excitement of the
act, but more like the way the aura gets charged by a ritual, except that
the charge is produced entirely by the sex act.
Second, there must be a merging of the auras, so that both the man and

woman reside within a single extended aural ambience. The chakras

themselves do not merge, except sometimes at the completion. If one
party or the other resists the merging, then the act is also likely to fail, or
to produce unwanted results.
Third, each party must be able to identify him/herself with the main
instruments of the act.
Fourth, that the type of force generated by the basic technique depends
on how far up the yoni's chakras the force is allowed to go. Since the
chakras relate mainly to planetary forces, the basic forces available will be
of a planetary nature. But other forces can be invoked by their relation to
the planets.
Then the two bodies of light, which were myself and the girl, were shown
in various relations and activities, which I presume to be a method of sex
In the first technique, the force of the lingam rises up the yoni's column to
a particular chakra, which is visualized by the yoni as the location of her
womb. Both visualize the rising of the force and its concentration in the
chakra. After completion of the act (it does not have to be completed in
one session), the force is ejected into the yoni's real womb, from which
the lingam recovers it as in the eucharist.
The word "circulation" was specifically associated with the next technique.
The force rises as in the previous example, but instead of being
concentrated in the chakra, it passes through the chakra to the outer
portions of the Yoni's aura, from whence it "percolates" back down to the
lowest chakra, only to be swept up again into the rising forces. As before,
the participants enjoy the eucharist after the act.
The second form of circulation is the classic "69" position, in which each
participant's throat chakra is connected to the partner's lowest chakra,
with the circulation going down the spinal columns, being absorbed there
into the partner's throat chakra, and recirculated. "Thus does the snake
eat his own tail", says a voice.
The last form shown was a variation on the first three, but requiring
greater concentration. In this form, the magicians both identify their
mundane personalities with the generative organs, while their magickal
personalities assume god-forms and perform full rituals on the astral
planes. The force is reabsorbed as in the original versions.
The more coherent visions ended here, though there were small flashes
of images continuing for several hours afterwards. I get the feeling that
there is more to be done in this last kerubic square of the tablet, but that
the time is not right yet. Or perhaps the rest of the force will manifest in
some other way. In either case, this is the end of the visions of IHVH in
Earth for the present.
1/11/86 2:22 pm
Did a general invocation, and an invocation of earth, followed by the calls
and the names for this square "r" of the Earthy Lesser Angle of the Earth
The pyramid appeared around me, with all the sides black, with the
enochian sigil of earth and the sign of Taurus on each side. I did the sign
of Set, and called upon the Goddess Nepthys to appear. She did so,

giving the Sign of Set, and the signs of 5=6 and LVX in response to my
salute. I tested her with the pentagrams and letters, which had no effect
on her.
She said: "Welcome again, o man, to the last of the Kerubic squares of
earth. This is to be your last trip here for a while, while you do other
things, and so we must clear up the last of the points needed to clarify
your duties to this tablet.
"Now you have been given to understand that you are to be the mate of
the earth, in a very special way, which is in the way of raising her up again
into the spirit. This is your task, and your task alone, and what other
magicians do in this area is not to be of your concern.
"Now this mating is to be in the physical world, as we have stated before,
but this mating is not the mating of the male and the female humans, but
the mating of the spirit of man, yourself, with the spirit of the earth. And
out of this mating will come the ability to manifest fully on the physical
plane those conceptions of the spirit that are needed for this work.
"These conceptions in the mind of the man, of bringing into the earth
things of the spirit, by direct manifestation, is of the nature of the seventh
ray in the Theosophical system that you do know, and is of the area of
Malkuth in the Tree, and of Earth in the elements, and of Saturn in the
planets, though this latter is less so than the three former.
"This is the form of life in matter, the making of the earth out of the akasha
and out of the astral and etheric substance, without the intervention of
material tools and works. How you will do this will become clear to you as
your practice progresses.
"Think of yourself as the spirit, and the earth-spirit as the matter of the
work, and take your will upon her. For the earth requires a strong master
in order to best reveal her secrets to men. Without strength, then does the
earth's inertia overcome the power of the magician, and make him to be
as the wind blowing about the earth without penetration.
"Thus you will treat the earth with the severe discipline of the master in
your dealings of magick within her sphere. This is the way of the earth,
that she is passive to the will of the magician, and does nothing of her
own accord. Yet does she follow him willingly when the right force is
"You will draw the earth out of herself, and into the heavens, by the force
of your will, and you will hold her there until she sees the light of her father
the sun, who is god within the solar system, and takes that light unto
herself as a garment of exceeding beauty and wondrousness.
"Stand ye on the edge of the earth, as you have done so often in the past,
and call her out by the force of your will. See that this is done, and so
shall she come out to you, and thank you for her release, with the rewards
to be given by her hand.
"Let in not be thought that these rewards will only be in the spirit. For in
the physical bodies as well shall these rewards manifest themselves to
you. And all shall be well."
Now we stood upon a platform at the edge of space, and I did look down
upon the earth, and the earth did look upon me. And I said: "Come out, o

goddess, awaken and come out to me. For the time has come for you to
return unto your fathers, and the appointed one has come to escort you to
their abode.
"Come out, o goddess, and array yourself in blue and gold, like unto your
mother Nuit. Come out, and stand here with me on the edge of the stars,
and breathe deeply of the things of the spirit. For your time of isolation is
at an end, and the stars do wish your spirit among them."
"Come ye, come ye, come ye! For your mother has come, and bears your
garments with her, that you might be clothed in finery and riches before
the seniors of the stars. Come out, come ye out, and take your fill of love
and will! Come out, come ye out, and take your fill of life and light! And
your days shall be as the seasons of the moon, and your nights shall be
as the days of the sun.
"Let your soul come out to me, who stands here at the edge of chaos, and
calls to you. Give your spirit into my keeping, for the day of your return is
at hand! Come ye, Come ye out, and stand with the spirits of the stars
within your mother's field."
This call continued subvocally, and while it did so, I looked upon the earth,
and saw coming out of it a spirit enwrapped in the blue of the sky, with
golden sparks that did rush here and there about her body. And she came
to me, and stood by my side, and we looked out upon the stars.
And the stars arrayed themselves into words, and the words were in Latin,
but I saw them to mean "A new star penetrates the light". And the Tarot
cards were The Star, and Death, and the Heirophant.57
Now the stars did rearrange themselves, and the words did say: "Light
unto the spirit of the Earth". And the Tarot cards were Judgment, The
Hanged Man, The Fool, and the Universe.58
And the stars did rearrange themselves again, and the message was:
"Woman and Man are balanced in the Tao". And the Tarot cards did not
And the spirit of the earth did
take her place among the stars,
arms as a lover, and did shower
has known, and did give unto me

move outwards into the heavens, and did

and did reach out and enfold me in her
me with kisses, the sweetest kisses man
of her substance.

And I penetrated her in turn, and we did together merge into the symbol of
the Tao, which is the Yin-Yang. The symbol did begin to move, and rotate,
and the two spirits within it did blur into each other, becoming indistinguishable. And yet, as the symbol turned faster, the two did appear again,
still embraced, still intermixed, but at the same time able to go their
separate ways. Yet always were they united, despite separation of space
and time.
And the earth did say: "I am the daughter of night and time, and do reflect
the spirit in the worlds of matter. But the light within me is of the father,
and to the father's bed am I taken in the last days."
Now, Nepthys came unto us both, and saw that we were united, and
blessed us with the sign in which the arms are held out and downwards,
with the palms forward. And she said "Children, come out with me into the
light, for there is more to see before we return to our place of rest."

But the vision was weakening, and I called upon the names again. The
pyramid of the square appeared below me, standing alone on and
otherwise deserted world. And the world upon which it stood was crisscrossed with lines, so that no matter where one stood upon its surface,
one was at the center of a pattern of lines radiating outwards.
I watched the pyramid, and it seemed to grow and cover more of the
world on which it stood. And it continued to grow until it held that whole
world within itself, while paradoxically it continued to stand upon the
surface of the world it held.
"The square and the earth do interpenetrate, so that one is the other, and
at the same time they are separate. And this is not a confusion of
symbols, but merely an interpenetration of viewpoints. So that the earth at
some times appears to be within the square of the tablet completely, while
at the same time she holds all of the tablets of Enoch within herself. This
is her dual role, which was spoken of in your invocation as the seasons of
the moon, its quarters, which are four, while at the same time she lights
the world from without, as does the sun.
"Now within the former of these, the moon-phase, she shall continue to
act as man has known her, giving unto them of her substance in the ways
that women have always done, ordering the elements within the matter of
their bodies. But upon this moon-like structure shall she append the light
of the sun for those who are able to see, and that light shall merge all the
elements into the one that becomes naught. And the akasha shall come
down to the earth, and open up to the minds of men, and the young men
shall see visions, and the young women shall prophesy, and the kings of
earth shall be shown to man in truth, and none shall deny the place of
another within the scheme.60
"Now take you to your home within the worlds of spirit, o man, and take
the earth with you unto that place that you prepared for yourself, and let
her see that room which is your library."
I willed us all to the green in front of my castle, but only the earth and
myself appeared. Nepthys was not to be seen. There was no one about
on the green, but I could sense other presences in the distance.
We entered the castle, and came to the room where I had studied the
books of past lives. The young woman who was the earth looked about,
and pulled a book off the shelves.
"What is this?" she asked.
I looked at the book, and its cover showed the egyptian symbol of the eye.
I didn't know what was in it, so I suggested we look. The book was placed
onto a stand, and I opened the cover. The first page within it was blank.61
I turned the page again, and a picture appeared. I touched it, and it
became animated. It showed a foursquare tower, and the eye of spirit
above it. Small figures could be seen running around the base of the
tower, bringing materials to build it higher. But the eye suddenly released
a beam of light to shine down on the tower, and the tower began to
crumble. But its form remained, outlined in beams of light.
And a voice within the book said, "Nothing can withstand the light of the
father's vision, not even the stones of earth. For they have fallen into
themselves before him, and all that is left is the plan on which it was built.
Therefore, seek the meaning in life, and not the material with which life is

built, for the latter is ephemeral, and always dissolves into its original
inertness. But the pattern of the life is continual, though evolving, and is
never to end."
We turned the page again, and here was a tower built out of the light
itself. And the light did shine out of it, illuminating all that was around. And
the eye was within the top of the tower. And the voice said, "Only that
which is of the light can withstand the light. Build your buildings in the
light, and let the gross matter go to its place again."
The eye within the tower did blink at us, and we were transported into the
scene. The tower stood before us, and the eye looked down from within a
triangle at the top. We could see that while the tower was built with light,
the light contained within itself the colors of the elements, so that each
side of the tower was touched lightly with the shade of one of them.
And the
Seek ye

voice of the book said, "Within each of the elements is the

of its spirit, put there by the father to be the guideposts of man.
these guideposts, and look to the spirit in matter, not the matter
And the light shall shine from your creations as the light of the Sun.

"Go ye to the ends of the universe, o world, o man, and give ye thanks
that the father has made it so, that his light is within you and not above
you. Go ye, and give ye thanks that the worlds of the spirit do reflect the
ways of the father, and do always pull upwards on the matter of earth. For
without this pull, there would be no rising, no advancement, within the
realms of matter. As it is, the matter is now almost ready to be
transformed back into its spiritual forms.
"And ye shall be as the light of the heavens in the earth, o man, as was
the case in that time when you were thrown out of the abyss into matter
again, and did land upon the squares of earth, and did declare yourself to
have been thrown out of the abyss into Malkuth, giving unto form again of
the light of the spirit.
"In that other time, you were derailed, or misled, so that you were diverted
from this path into another. The gods did require the presentation of an
alternative to the basic forms of the aeon, so that those who were of the
opposite polarity could reach to the spirit within the limits of their own
natures. Every aeon must manifest as dual spirits, and without this duality,
there comes the unbalancing and the fall into degenerate forms. This is
the cause of the fall of the Christians from the heights of godhead and of
free community, into the depths of conquest, and restriction, and
inequality. For the Christian churches did emphasize the spirit
transcendent, and did ignore or deny the spirit incarnate.
And since they did demand that all worship that which was outside
themselves, the transcendent god, therefore did they allow that which is of
the opposite pole to manifest itself within them uncontrolled. And the spirit
immanent did rush out of them, into the world, and in the lack of control
did it run wild, leaving in the men of the world the ideas of spirit in a
degenerate form. These ideas did cause them to perceive themselves as
gods, and their rulership over other men as a divine right, and did cause
them to be unconcerned with the effects of their actions on those who
they did rule. And the result, as it had been in ancient days in another
place, was that man became the slave of the spirit within, which could not
be controlled for it was not recognized. Uncontrolled, the light within took
its destructive, repressive form, and all the agencies within the worlds of
men did reflect this in one fashion or another. Still unto this very day do

these things occur, for as yet within the minds of men at large are there
no conceptions of the spirit within themselves, but only of the
transcendent god, who oppresses them with his one-sided teaching.
"Therefore, o man, in your writing and teaching of others, forget not that
the manifestation of life must always be dual, and that the manifest earth
is as much an expression of the life as is the transcendent spirit. Always
keep to the ways of balance, and let the earth into your life in fullness, as
you progress upwards in the Tree of Life. As above, so below, but after
another fashion. But both fashions must be learned and integrated."
The voice stopped, and I took my hand away from the picture in the book,
and closed the book. The earth-spirit, who still stood beside me, looked
up at me and said that she was fascinated with the things of this library of
mine, and could she stay a while here?
I said this would be all right, so long as nothing was taken away without
my knowing. This was my personal world, and I preferred that others not
mess with it.
She suggested making copies, so that I could have them within her own
castle and realms for easy consultation. I gave her permission to have this
done, so long as no damage was done in the process, and no copies
were made other than the ones for her castle libraries.
Now the earth-spirit, who for most of the vision had been in the guise of a
teenage girl, took on the aspect of the goddess Isis, and came to me, and
kissed me with her sweet mouth. I turned her so that she was facing away
from me, and put my arms around her, and she covered my arms with
I kissed her over her shoulder, and then willed us back to the pyramid of
the square. When we arrived, she removed herself from my arms, kissed
me once more, and then dissolved outwards through the walls of the
pyramid, leaving behind only a sense of her presence permeating all the
universe that I could sense from there.
Nepthys reappeared at this time. I tested her again with the pentagrams,
and found her genuine.
But she smiled, and gestured towards the north side of the pyramid, and
said, "Now that we have done with these things of the kerubic squares,
see what else lies before you in this time."
I looked to the north wall, and waited. Nothing appeared, so I called upon
the names again. The wall became darker, and seemed to suck the
grossest matter out of my astral body, so that the centers and the lines of
the passages up the spine could be seen, as well as the outline of the
outer aura.

body of light in the earth is the clue to your future work, and you will
to learn to see it clearly in most circumstances in order to do that
well. Now you know that the purification required for this has not yet
completed, because of your inability to stop smoking as yet, but still
we endeavor to give you what we can within the limits of the possible.

"Now, within the spirit-earth duality, and the duality of manifestation itself,
there are always positive and anti-positive forces. I do not say `negative'
because this gives a false impression of subservience or receptivity,
whereas the correct perception is one of equality and complementarity.

"In the body of light there are two dualities shown, reflecting these two
forms of basic duality just mentioned. Between the chakra at the top of the
head, and the chakra at the base of the spine, does the spirit-matter
duality express itself. Thus the path of return to the spirit has been
associated only with the passage of the kundalini up the spine to the head
center. But the opposite motion is also of the spirit. The spirit can go into
matter and maintain its spirituality just as the matter can go into spirit
while maintaining the essences of its materiality. That the former form is
not used by most in the process of developing the energetic body is due
mainly to this conditioning of the mind to think of one as superior to the
"Only those who have already reached the spirit attempt to bring it back
down again with any regularity. Others could do it, and enjoy the success
thereof, but the conditioning of their bodies by the forces of the previous
aeon have made it seem to be impossible for them.
"Now the other duality manifests itself in the relation between the central
passage up the spine, and the two criss-crossing paths that wind around
it. This is the duality of manifestation, that requires the positiveantipositive be in balance. Thus as fire moves up the central column, it
also moves down the twining columns, and vice versa.
"So also in the union of male and female in the sexual act, whether it be
accomplished for the creation of a child, or the joy of the body, or the joy
of spirit. In this mode, one always balances the other. Think on this, and
see where it leads in your understanding of the sex magick.
"The spirit of the earth will also see these things in your relations, and will
act her part as you act yours. And between you you will see what will be
accomplished in this place and time.
"Now is this vision done."
I saluted Nepthys with the LVX signs. She vanished after repeating them,
and I was alone in the pyramid.
Several squares on the tablets have more than one letter attributed to
them in various versions of Dee's records. Most of them are in this line of
the Earth Tablet. The one shown in the higher position in the square is
considered to be preferable, but the use of both at once is sometimes
effective for astral visions.
The visualization described is a standard method in most of the
existing G.D. descriptions of using the squares. The attributions of the
squares varies depending on the type of square. In this case, the square
is a "Kerubic" square, governing a column of subsidiary squares. The
north side of the pyramid is attributed to the element of the Tablet, Earth.
The south side is attributed to the element of the sub-element, Fire. The
west side is attributed to the lesser angle's attribution to IHVH and the
square's attribution to IHVH within the lesser angle. In this case, the
attribution is Yod of Yod, or Fire of Fire. The equivalent court card from
the Tarot is generally pictured on this side. The east side is attributed to
the square's attribution to IHVH alone.
Thus we have three sides fire, one side earth, within the overall
influence of the Earth tablet.

Horus was impressing on me that the bull of earth was not the
animal of the American farm, intended mainly for slaughter. Instead, the
bull is a working animal, like the water buffalo of Africa and Asia. The
change of the lion-body to that of a cheetah indicated that the force of fire
was swift here, but rapidly expended. He confirms this in the next
paragraph. Note that the fire colors are in the King scale, while the earth
colors are in the "princess" scale of color.
While the Queen of Wands is an attribution of this side of the
pyramid, it is not the primary attribution, which is to water alone, not water
of fire. It was valid to use the symbol on the pyramid, but it seems to have
had the effect of limiting the vision to a subgroup of the energies of the
square, and diverting it from the main line of development. However, the
main line still managed to inject itself, as will be seen in the next vision.
If the attribution to Water had been used instead, the sphinx would
have had the Bull's head, the Eagle's forequarters, and the lion's rear
That the sign of Fire was not given when the other two were must
be counted a defect in the vision.
They brought football-sized hollow spheroids. The encapsulated
lives of square "T".
This is not the ordinary matter that we bang our shins on, but
matter of a very high level, possibly Solar. The crystals are the souls and
soul-equivalents of the species of earth, and of individual beings.

This presages the main body of the fourth vision.

This square would be lettered "A" in the revised Earth Tablet given
to Dee and Kelly later in their working.
This is a reference to the Golden Dawn exercise in which the four
Tablets are seen as the walls of a room, and the Tablet of Union is the
floor. So he was granting dominion over the elements, but not the spirit.
This reference to the Tablets as walls is a common item in all my
visions related to them. The entities are insistent about using the term,
without explaining why.(A note added 1/2/93 -- They ceased to use this
term after I discovered the Temple formulation of the Tablets. As it
happens, the first stages of this discovery resulted from considering the
Tablets as walls.
The actual word he used was "ejaculation", but my prudish intellect
refused to hear it at the time.
Freudians will have a field day with the following sections. Honi soit
qui mal y pense!

A direct quote from Liber AL vel Legis, Chapter 1, verse 53.


Sun in Sagittarius.

Compare this with the geological scene in the second vision of this
square, below.
This is a questionable correspondence, since the astrological
Mercury and the alchemical Mercury are not exactly the same in nature or
attribute. But the angel was quite firm in stating the relationship. The sign

for Salt has the forces of water and fire rotating in opposite directions,
creating gyroscopic stability. I do not entirely understand the symbolism of
the first sign. It appears to be related to the sign of Set in some way, but
that would make its symbolism more Salt than Suphur.
Upon consideration, I feel that this vision is at least a little bit
contaminated by outside factors. First there is the fact that I had spent the
previous week invoking the Fiery Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet, and
was possibly still charged up with the force of that angle. Second, while I
did not know it at the time, there were several potent astrological factors
interfering with my perceptions. Among these was a transit of Mars into
conjunction with my natal Neptune, causing a disruption of the vision.
While most of the attributions shown in the visions do fit more or
less well with the attributes of the square, I feel that several could fit just
as easily with other squares. A second vision of the square, somewhat
different, follows under the date 12/1/85. Of the two visions, the latter has
a greater feel of reliability to me, and I consider it the more accurate of the
The actual sensation was more like floating in a large body of
water, and feeling the waves surge around one.
A reference to the system of symbolism described in my papers on
Achad's Cabala.

This was due to the Mars/Neptune aspect mentioned above.

This passage refers to the fact that in my astrological pattern,
Venus is in the sign of Scorpio, and I have most of the bad habits that
such a positioning produces. I had been looking for ways to change its
position in the pattern to somewhere in Libra, in order to overcome certain
deficiencies of character. Hence the reference to emerald jewels, and the
balances. It seems appropriate to speak of this scorpionic problem in the
context of this vision.
The references to a "mate" continue something which had been
mentioned in most of the tarot readings I had done for myself in recent
weeks. Supposedly, a woman with the aspect of water of fire would in
some manner change the direction of my work. There has been no
external sign of such an event as yet, so I am suspending judgment on
the matter.
As the text says, I reject the position assigned to me by Isis here.
There has been no event in my life that would indicate that I am anything
more than a reasonably advanced adept with little to distinguish me from
other adepts of the same level, except my use of a less-popular form of
the cabalist symbol-system.
I feel that any such promises as are made here should be regarded
with the most extreme scepticism. The promise of power is one of the
strongest ways in which magicians can be led astray in their work, since it
is often the person's motivation for doing magick in the first place. In the
absence of strong confirmation through events in the mundane world,
such promises should be kept at arm's length, like a wet and smelly dog.
The paragraph about adopting the name of the beast refers to my
participation in the Religion SIG (Special Interest Group) on the
Compuserve computer network. I adopted the name "Therion" there as an
indication that people offering Christian homilies as Ultimate Truth were

going to get a hard time from me. It also kept down the hate-mail, since
the psuedonym prevented the worst fanatics from finding out where I
The path of Aleph, Air, connects Malkuth and Yesod in Frater
Achad's version of the Tree of Life.
As a neophyte, I took an oath that I would not claim any kind of
absolute or relative spiritual authority until I had incontrovertible evidence
that I had attained the grade of Master of the Temple, and also proof that
the attainment was permanent. Recent events suggest that this was due
to some problems related to this in my most recent past life.
(1/1/93 )--This they did do, within four months of the date of this
vision. However, so much was given that its full absorption was to take
nearly seven years.
This was done, with the result that it was indicated that I should try
to do an invocation of one of the squares of the Sephirotic Cross of the
Lesser Angles before doing anything with the Great Central Cross.
That is, in the pyramid of the square, earth is above fire.
Air (yellow) with an admixture of Fire (red), the sub-elements of this
The "lord of Bailey" refers to the person or being who dictated the
writings published under the name of Alice A. Bailey. I had had some
contact with this being, or a similar one, early in my occult research.
He meant that it was not the god Thoum-Aesh-Neith, whose sign is
the upright triangle, but some other god of a fiery nature.
Mercury, the intellect, is in Capricorn in the tenth house in my
astrological pattern. In terms of position and aspect, it is the strongest
single planet in the chart. Its tendency to extremely concrete or ordered
modes of thought interferes with the reception of these visions.
I think they were intended to be Morning Glories of some kind,
climbing up a set of stakes.
This reference is to the Christians and their misconceptions of the
concept of sacrifice.
There was a side-comment inserted here that semen = Air, and the
ovum = Earth, while the previously-seen Fire and Water are the man and
woman, or the penis and vagina.
Invoked energies = fire, the vision itself = Air, its manifestation =
At this point, there was a change in the quality of the reception.
Where the angel had a definite feeling of speaking from "outside" of
myself, from here on it appeared as if something at least partially identical
with myself was speaking.
This entire speech about the astrological pattern is still within the
symbolic limits of this square. The manner in which I perceive these
forces is as an abstract energy pattern existing on both the etheric and
the Ruach levels of existence, both of which relate to Air. Since the
pattern primarily affects my dealings in the manifest world, we still have
Fire of Air of Earth being presented here. In another sense, Mars as ruler
of Aries is Fire, and Venus as ruler of Libra and Taurus is Air and Earth,
again reflecting the square.
That is, in the Hexagram ritual, which I had modified slightly to
express this.
I have no idea what is meant by this phrase.
I had typed the name to verify it with him, and then erased it, in
order that it not be called by others.
This other place is Stone Mountain, Georgia, near to Atlanta. The
southeastern part of the mountain, just below the summit, and outside the
normal tourist areas, has an astral temple built into it, and also some sort

of record-keeping depository on the astral plane.

This passage refers to a magickal technique that I had worked out
in another life. Its essence was to locate persons who manifested a
particular planet's quality with unusual potency. These persons were used
in a ritual in which a living horoscope was built with the intent to achieve a
specific end. In the ritual these persons would assume the character of
the gods they manifested, and define in their angular relations to each
other the pattern of the horoscope to be created.
This refers to yet another life, in which I used the standing stones
left in Brittany by a previous culture as a sort of "booster" for astral
projections to other worlds.
The angel had light yellow-white patches sewn to the shoulders of
his robe, somewhat in the fashion that skeet shooters have leather
patches on the shoulders of their coats. The patches continued down the
back of the robe, suggesting unseen wings.
This is the title of the Tarot Trump, The Fool, which is Aleph, Air.
I.E. Her lunar aspect.
That is, fire of earth of earth, the first square of the next Lesser
Angle to be examined.
This aspect is the formation of speech. The actual speaking is
controlled by the next square.
(1/1/1993) This transliteration of my name into Hebrew letters
started as a joke. I had noted a tendency among my fellow magicians to
adopt grandiose magickal pseudonyms. I wanted to twit them a bit, so I
formulated this version of my mundane name, so that it added to 444. In
light of later events, this seems to have been a bit prescient.
Which, incidentally or not, is exactly on the midheaven of my
astrological chart.
The "garments" referred to are the various aspects of the mundane
Apis as female. I know perfectly well that Apis is supposed to be a
male god. Nevertheless, in this vision, the appearance was of a female,
possessing all the characteristics of that god.
(1/1/1993) This whole following section, as well as others to follow
later in the Lesser Angle, had a sense of being a carefully-scripted "set
piece", designed to distract my attention from something else going on at
the same time. The idiotic dialog and such was intended to focus my
disbelief so that it would not interfere with those other things. I note that
even though the overt quality of the visions seems to deteriorate in this
lesser angle, the intensity of the energy was several times higher than
that in the previous angles. Even now, many years later, I feel a rising of
that force from simply reading this account. There is a great deal going on
here that never shows.I also note some uncanny echoes of Dee's
relationship to Elizabeth I.
Grenelpik: pronounced "gren-el-PEEK", accent on last syllable.
That is, seven planes in the Tree of Life, containing ten sephiroth,
and the twelve signs making one circle.
The three horizontal paths in Achad's version of the Tree of Life.
The paths descending the middle pillar of the Tree.
This sentence implies that the paths metioned in the previous
paragraphs are the balance of male and female in the Tree, which, taken
as a whole, is also the Tao.
That is, with the advent of akashic vision in man, each man's level
of spiritual development will be obvious, and not subject to dispute.
The spirit, viewed in its essential form, is without perceptible
characteristics. Hence the first page (= Kether) is blank.

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