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Let Us “Unmake” a Slave

“Being crafty, I caught you with guile” ... For if the truth of YHWH more abounded
through my LIE unto his glory; why yet am I also adjudged a sinner?” (Ro. 3:7)
St. Paul.

“What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!” ~ Pope Leo X.


“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of The Most High
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’ (Isa. 14:12-14)

Before we begin, let us remind everyone of exactly who was being made a slave,
the “chosen people” of the Most High YAH-the 12 Tribes of Israel. The Transatlantic
Slave Trade brought to the shores of America the tribe of Judah (Yahudah) fourth tribe
and the one with a future mission!
Most of us are aware of the Willie Lynch Letter entitled “Let’s Make a Slave”.
The question I want to raise and the facts surrounding the answer, should cause you great
wonder toward the possibility a grand either conspiracy or demonic possession or a bit of
both? The three above quotes come from three very real sources of individuals with great
hatred for the chosen people of the Most High!

Lucifer being the first used his craft after iniquity/sin found in his heart. The spirit of
envy, jealousy, and selfishness and competition with the Most High remain with us to this
very day. He went from being the anointed cherub that covers to the cursed coveter. His
army has been on the attack ever since “his fall”, with acts of revenge on the children of
the Most High all geared towards remaking them as his children (of darkness).
Lucifer down through the ages has used multitudes of men and women to exact upon
us his wrath, such as the Apostle Paul, Pope Leo X, Constantine, and Willie Lynch.
However, these three individuals had a common goal in mind for the Children of Israel.
The Apostle Paul tried through his lying lips and divination to take away the Laws of the
Most High from His people and replace them with salvation through grace and the
freewill to do whatever as long as we “believe” in a false god (JC) and a fake religion of
Christianity; we will inherit eternal life. It worked! First, on the Gentile nations who
hated the Most High and trying to replace Him since ancient Babylon? It was successful
on the Hebrew Israelites though, which caused the deaths of PROPHETS, TEACHERS
ETC…. Constantine even proclaimed to have had a dream of the sun with a cross in it
coming down from heaven and a voice saying to him “conquer in this sign” IHS! When
he arrived on the scene persecution of the Hebrews was in full swing. From about the
time of Alexander the Great until Constantine took the helm Hebrew Israelites were mass
murdered for their knowledge and culture of TORAH and obedience to His Laws,
Statutes, and Commandments. In a subtle and crafty manner, he set out to bring “peace”
and actually brought about a sword of confusion, blasphemy, and iniquity as the new
form of worship “one” religion for all peoples. Idolatry, witchcraft, and paganism became
legal and required for survival. He enacted the Sun-day worship (321 CE) instead of the
required Sabbath, and birthed what we now know as Christianity-(325 CE) he is the
father of it! Pope Leo X revels in the fact that this lie of a Jesus Christ has brought them
everything! Along comes Willie Lynch and catches the vision of how to put it all
together in a “hell broth” and make it profitable. How can we know what method and
tactics he used? From his letter to the American slaveholders, we know it was some form
of ancient Roman evil, why else would they envy him? He also referred to the cords of
wood the Romans used to hang the Hebrew slaves all along the highways in great
numbers. The slave masters of America were using trees and ropes. Therefore, it would
appear to be the Amerikkkan slave master was doing something taught by the Roman
Catholic Institution already. However, Lynch was about to teach a diabolical, Luciferic,
evil agenda to destroy the chosen people of the Elohim! This long-range plan would not
only strip them of their land, language, and culture; but the very image Elohim had
created them to be. Yet Lynch alludes to the ancient Romans having failed at this wherein
he so far was succeeding on his own modest plantation. See, Lynches plantation was in
the West Indies and on this plantation he was harboring, abusing, and killing off those of
the Tribe of Benjamin. The Gentile slave owners in Amerikkka were struggling with
those of the tribe of Judah continuously revolting. He had the enlightenment
(Illuminati/Freemasonry) through studying this people of the Most High their history,
culture and even their Creator in hopes of putting together some form of control
mechanism for his personal gain. If he indeed studied the Scriptures, I am sure he read
about Pharaoh and his commercial use of the Hebrews; as well as all of the other periods
of capture and how those nations fared with Hebrews as slaves. It appears Lynch was
more impressed with the Romans!
In my research so far, the Roman Caesar Augustus, now this Gentile decided according to
their custom to “tax” all citizens Israelites included. When he did this, which was nothing
more than a census of the people, his knowledge increased as to just how many of the
people of the Most High he had under his control. Augustus’ reason for the census;
whether it was genuine or an act of relishing in how vast and powerful his empire was I
do not know. I do know he numbered the people of The Most High and those records
were later used in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade (we will discus this later). The period
we refer to as the Roman-Hebrew War in 66 A.D. marked the peak of this persecution
and the end of the Hebrew-Israelites as a nation. In 66 AD Emperor Titus and Vespasian
waged war on Judea and destroyed everything they put their hands on; as well as
killing thousands of Hebrews. Around 1519-1815 Islam revived the slave trade and
informed the Portuguese of our curse and that it was open season on the Hebrews.
The Israelites in that region according to that census were citizens or property of the
Roman Empire then and today under the Roman Catholic Institution. This people
(Romans) were a strange people with strange customs not according to what the Israelites
knew. The Romans in turn begin to change the laws and customs of the Hebrews to
something other than Set-Apart to The Most High. There were many major players
involved in the persecution of the Hebrews from the ancient Roman governor Pompey to
the current Pope! The use of crafty methods confused and devastated (chaos) the
Hebrews, their control and manipulation caused dissention (discord) among the Israelites,
by their restructuring the worship of the Hebrews. If that was not bad enough, the Roman
tactics of torture, starvation and many other calamities (confusion) led some of the less
faithful to seek protection (bureaucracy) from the persecutors, while others fled which led
to the (aftermath) everything starts over under new ruler and rules. Even though this
Occultic Law of Five, not known as such then, the ancient Romans with their evil
treatment and future interests were using it against YAH’s people as an early model of
New World Order. This evil against us the descendants of the Children of Israel since the
beginning has been perfected as time progressed. It appears at least according to Lynches
letter, he was able to put it all together for his wicked prosperity. Therefore, he comes to
Jamestown to teach this evil to the captors of the Tribe of Judah in hopes of remaking
them in the image of another god.
It is apparent Lynch has read the King James 1611 version, in that he praises the
king for the book. Since he has one of the Tribes under his control on his very own
plantation, would not he study up on them and their travels from antiquity? He certainly
seems to boast of it in his letter. Lynches careful observation and monitoring of a people
and their customs, gave him the knowledge necessary to implement the “divide and
conquer” formula to ruin an entire nation of people the Nation of Israel. Not only does it
appear Lynch studied the past captivities of the Israelites he also studied the Captors and
the methods used against the Israelites and to his credit (under the auspices of Lucifer I’m
sure) devised a plan to remake the people of The Most High into an image unlike their
creation. Lynch taught the slave owners to teach every gentile in contact with the slave,
must use this formula for it to work successfully.
Lynches/Lucifer’s Creation 1712-Today

His list begins:

ATTITUDE (of the owner)

AGE Disregard age, as we know it when it comes to the slaves. Instead, use age for
categorical purposes mostly. Use “age” to plan your work force and productivity
outcome. Age has nothing to do with the labor needed from the slave; if they are alive
then we will get something out of them.

ATTITUDE of owner-slave owner acting good, bad and indifferent at will to whomever
he chose caused slaves to keep alert even though not knowing the reasoning behind
massa actions. This caused them to watch each other with skepticism

COLOR here Massa played god by having relations with the female slave to create a
race lighter for future purposes of ruling over the so-called darkies.

DARK vs. LIGHT chose the darkest slave for the toughest and most demeaning jobs
exclude and alienate them from certain privileges to cause an even greater inferiority
complex. Make him/her detest their blackness. Distrust the darker slave more than the
lighter ones

DISTRUST Do not trust any of the slaves however, make them feel as if some are
trusted and others are not thus creating watchers and snitches out of them all

ENVY the feeling of discontent aroused by the advantages or possessions of others;

resentful jealousy. Make them envious of one another more than respecting or admiring
each other. Reward only one out of five slaves for performing the same backbreaking job
and/or reward the least likely instead of most deserving

FEAR put the fear of god in them to the point they don’t know if we’re going to kill
them or not, whip them or not, starve them or not, day or night and from moment to
moment they know not what their future holds, thus they will always aim to please and
love us!

FEMALE vs. MALE Make use of her in every way as to anger the male to the point of
action and then punish him for his action even to the point of taking her away and selling
her and her daughters to another master. Impregnate an unmarried engaged female before
she marries to break his spirit of so-called love. Value the female more than the male.

INTELLIGENCE keep them perpetually ignorant of the language of the slave masters
but, create in him a new language which causes him to look and sound foolish and for the
slave masters to play on the feelings . More importantly cut off his own language and
forbid him to teach his native tongue to the new breed of nigger we are creating, for his
native tongue has no purpose in his future assignment of life.

LIGHT vs. DARK- the lighter complexion slaves were treated better then the darker
complexion and received greater privileges such as working in the house instead of in the
fields. They were on the surface more trusted than the dark and evil looking slave was.

LOCATION spread rumors of life on other plantations being better to provoke

runaways, catch them, make public examples of them, and deter others from repeating the
offence. Spread rumors of life on other plantations as worse to keep the loyal on board
and afraid of living any worse than they already do. Have the northern slave distasteful of
the southern slave and vice versa. Have the western slave covetous of the eastern slave
and vice versa.

MALE vs. FEMALE Since the female is valued above the male; he will be jealous of
her relationship with us and perform all sorts of foolish actions to win us over; whenever
he does beat him within an inch of his life. He can never feel equal to her nor us in any
respect. We must retrain him to be a failure by the female and within the family.

OLD MALE vs. YOUNG MALE- train the old male to dislike and distrust the young
male. Continuously point out the flaws in the young male, make the young male
responsible for the bulk of the punishments the old male receives, and vice versa. Give
the old male responsibilities, privileges, and rewards the young male desires and vice

PLANTATION SIZE have the slaves on smaller plantations feel as if they are too
dumb, lazy and worthless to work on a larger plantation nearby with better conditions (to
chide them into more productivity). Have the slaves on bigger plantations to treat those
from smaller plantations as beast of the field and wanting nothing to do with them.
RESPECT Demand respect but never give a slave the slightest hint you respect them.
Force the slave to respect everything about you, your family, your property, and your
way of life. Even make them refer to your babies as misses and misters. Do not even
address them by name!

STATUS Go ahead and give them positions on the plantation each with an air of dignity
only to figure out later they are still nothing more than an animal expendable and
disposable. Remind them, they are only alive because you allow them to live.

TRUST Demand their trust but give none in return. Make them feel as if you do trust
them and turn on them suddenly, for they will then begin to distrust themselves in hopes
of being loyal to you.

YOUNG MALE vs. OLD MALE - Point out the flaws of the old male and his
propensity to fail because he is old. Show off the accomplishments of the young male in
front the old males to bring them to a sense of hopelessness due to age. Teach the young
male not to regard the so-called knowledge of the old male for it is useless to your
generation. Have the young males disrespect the old males for sport.

My fellow Hebrew-Israelites this was one of and the most important brainwashing
campaigns in the history of brainwashing! This evil was so intense and masterful it
refuels itself with succeeding generations, and has lasted almost 300 years. From 1712
until 2012, this horrendous cancer continues on its evil path of total annihilation the
Chosen people of The Most High. Have they really succeeded in making mental slaves of
us? Were they able to close off every avenue from which light (knowledge) could enter?

How it was this evil minion turned the LION of the TRIBE of JUDAH into a zoo of
pussycats? We look like a lion, walk like a lion but our roar is nothing more than a cats
meow. By the implementation of this Law of Five (chaos, discord, confusion,
bureaucracy and aftermath) as early as 1712 proved to the principalities, spiritually
wicked, and rulers of this wicked world, the New World Order is definitely attainable.
For they had taken a historical nation of people and turned them into something
completely different than their original form. Even though we may appear to have gone
from leaders to losers, the PROMISE of the Most High The Most High remains with us
Judah! That even they cannot take away!
So what, Israel they did apply the Six Cardinal Principles: 1. BREAK us, 2. TIE (BIND)
us to the horse, (je-zeus) 3. CORRUPT our FEMALE, 4. WEAKEN our YOUNG
with ENGLISH “the liars” LANGUAGE


Regardless of their so-called Six Cardinal Principles effectiveness, they too played into
the hands of The Most High, for their punishment “IS” forthcoming! Lynch and every
other gentile like him are also in the book - Psa 83:4 they have said, “Come, and let
us wipe them out as a nation, and let the name of Yisra’ĕl be remembered no
more.” Read Micah 5:8-15
The Most High the Creator of Heaven and Earth sees all and knows all, He punished our
ancestors through you but read Zech.2:8, and get a glimpse of HIS love for us and HIS
plan for you!

How do we begin to reverse or stop this orbiting cycle lynch speaks of?

The very FIRST thing we MUST do is follow 2Chronicles 7:14 to the letter:
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and
will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

We MUST fight through the smoke and fog of lies in our minds and allow the Most High
to “Show” us ourselves first as HIS children through the Scriptures and as we see
ourselves, we can begin to see HIM as our Father. Our Father The Most High has put in
place the Laws, Commandments and Statutes for us to live by that would set us apart
from the other nations. On the contrary, Christianity taught us we are servants of the New
Testament and gave us the false belief we just need to believe on J.C. to be saved.
However, in the Old Testament we are “HIS chosen people a holy nation, a royal
priesthood and a peculiar people”. (Ex. 19:5, Deut. 14:2, 26:18, Psa. 135:4, 1Pet.
2:9), were given the kingdom mentality.
We have sinned worse than our ancestors have, even they did not go this far!

The Hebrews in the House of Bondage under Pharaoh gave the example of what we need
to do when they cried out under the oppression of that system (Ex.2:23-25), and the Most
High sent a deliverer Moses (Ex. 3). One thing those Israelites in Egypt had that we do
not have today is their identity. They knew they were descended from the bloodline of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; they knew Sabbath worship and to observe the Holy Feast
Days of The Most High. More importantly, they knew HIS NAME! NOT ONE of these
was told to us by our so-called leaders, elder or bishops, why not? Lynch explained it in
his infamous letter; “Pay little attention to the generation of original breaking” That
discarded original generation had the Hebrew-Israelite cultural knowledge to pass on to
us from generation to generation. What other explanation is there for the Hebrew songs
they sang on the plantations that spoke of Moses, Home over Jordan and Kum bah Yah
(Come by here YAH)?

What do we have for an identity today?

Well, first we do not even know nor consider our selves Hebrew Israelites. The slave
masters “told” us we were niggers and negroes and it sank so deep into our subconscious
we call each others those by-words today. It is also recorded that we did not have a soul
and were in accordance with the beast of the field. Hey, they even gave us a religion and
a god to praise and worship. Acting as dumb sheep before slaughter, we have worshipped
this false system of the anti-one. I do not refer to it as antichrist because there is no real
Christ. Jesus Christ was a fable as Pope Leo X said of the Greco-Roman world. The slave
masters even tricked the slaves into believing in the JC character, by teaching them to
pray to him for help during their times of distress and he would answer their prayers.
Forbidden to pray to any other god, they tried it and low and behold, the slave masters
would grant their requests and do some good deeds as if the JC person had actually
answered their prayers. Through trickery, this false religion and god of the gentiles
became theirs and subsequently ours too. By our ancestors of the Trans-Atlantic Slave
Trade, embracing this religion and god we further violated the Commandments and
Statutes of The Most High. Christianity breaks the first four of the Ten Commandments
right away! Christianity is a religion of the Roman Catholic Church, the Roman Emperor
Constantine developed it in 325 CE at the Council of Nicea; remember his vision of the
cross, and crown and a voice told to “conquer in this sign”. He did just that conquered the
Israelite nation with the cross and a white guy attached to it. This is the Abomination of
Desolation as well as the Mystery of Iniquity.

How do we reverse what has happened to our Hebrew-Israelites Males?

Proverbs 21:16- “For seven times a righteous man falls, and rises but the wicked one
stumbles in evil. The righteous nation of Israel has fallen into “seven” major captivities:
1. Egypt, 2. Assyria, 3. Babylon, 4. Medes, 5. Persia, 6. Greeks and 7. Romans To this
very day we are still under Roman bondage!

The Hebrew-Israelite male has suffered, prospered, and endured, conquered,

submitted, reigned, served, been hunted, tortured, castrated, mutilated, ridiculed, adored,
humiliated, and without praise; yet his spirit lives on! Why has the spirit of the so-called
Blackman survived for thousands of years? For within him lives the spirit of The Most
High that breathed the “breath of life” and thus made him a living soul. Beginning with
father Abraham and the army under his command and their defeat of Chedorlaomer, the
Most High The Most High sent Melchizedek to break bread with Abraham. (Gen.14:14-
20) Even till the very end with Judas Maccabees under the leadership of his father a
Hebrew-Israelite Priest of the Temple in Jerusalem. Judas and his father had heard
enough of the complaints and horrendous atrocities of the fellow Hebrews. However, the
last straw was when Antiochus a white/gentile Greek leader and a mad man to put it
mildly did the unthinkable. As if not devastating enough he had tried to kill us all and
those of us Israelites left, he tried to force us to worship the Greek gods. Observing the
Sabbath and praying to The Most High were capital offenses. Hebrew Israelite mothers
with circumcised sons killed for doing so. The Sacred Scriptures removed from within
our dwellings, anyone found with them killed. However, the final blow was when
Antiochus erected an altar to the Greek god Zeus and sacrificed an abomination (pig) on
it. That desecration triggered those tall smooth black skinned brothers to go to work on
those Greeks. With the Most High as the Chief Commanding Officer in charge they
kicked some Edomite butts, tore down that abomination, and rededicated a purified
Temple to The Most High and reigned supreme for another 104 years after starting with a
disadvantage. Sad to say you will not read about “that victory” in the King James
Version, a fact they kept hidden from you; in fact, many books they left out of his bible.
It’s victories like this one that causes them to be afraid of you Hebrew males. It’s
victories like that which cause them to oppress you Hebrew males and keep you from
ever finding out you came from greatness; a long line of kings and priests! You are not
the losers, dead beats, thugs, drug dealer, and pimps they have brainwashed you act as.
You are my Hebrew-Israelite brothers of the Diaspora created in the image of THE
MOST HIGH, descended from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, the prophet
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and many other warriors from the Scriptures .
Even though right now you are in the Valley of the Dry bones, you will rise (Eze. 37).

That is right our brethren from antiquity have been a force to reckon with. Coincidentally,
neither the King James Version nor any other version does the “people” of the book
justice. After all, it was the WORD of the HEBREW ALMIGHTY to his HEBREW
people, NOT WHITEWASHED words from a white man to the Hebrews. The Most High
would never use this GENTILE nation to teach us the sacred ways to live!!! Why, they
taught us wrong for all this time, if a man will not treat you right how can he teach you
Not intending to dwell on the horrendous acts Lynch was instructing the masters to use
but, I will continue with the so-called tools he applied. Just as in the Garden of Eden, the
female was the weapon against Adam, on the plantation was no different. The female
slave was the genuine article of oppression. With her in the frozen mental state, seeing
first hand her man was no longer her protector she was forced to the front/head of the
family; the one master would manipulate; the weaker vessel.

The first Hebrew males to endure slavery here in America, stripped of their humanity,
dignity, language, culture, spirituality, and family all right in front of the women and
children! If we take careful observation today, in our homes, communities and nation at
large, who is it that is the most OUT OF CONTROL? You would be right if you
guessed the women and children! Where are our Hebrew males? What have we allowed
to continue to happen to our Hebrews males over the last 40 years? Forty years ago,
Hebrew males were the head of the households. The father of 40 years ago could still
instruct and discipline his son and daughters without a backlash or outside interference
and remain respected. The interference of course was some Eurocentric bureaucratic
garbage that has negatively influenced “our” families almost irreparably! The time is
upon us for our Hebrew Israelite fathers and grandfather’s, uncles and brothers to
stand up and fight for our families. The time has come for Hebrew Israelite males to put
the Most Highs NAME back into the earth, first, HIS name “The Most High” must be
important enough for one to see the connection of it to the G-d image of the heavens.
Yes, he has a name it has been hidden from us to confuse and further destroy us. You
cannot fulfill scripture without it! When scripture says call upon the name of, if you do
not know what HIS NAME is how can you call HIM? HIS NAME is not GOD or LORD
those are titles. He has no son named Jesus or Christ, those are false; the Romans and
Greeks gave us those fictitious names and titles. My brothers it is time to call upon the
ONE who gave you your great commission as Hebrew Israelites The Most High Elohim
the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth; the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
2Chr.7:14. You are HIS people! He made you the Hebrew male first and then the
woman. Lynch changed the order from the way The Most High had designed things,
male first and out front! Malachi 4:6 tells us the hearts of the fathers must turn back to
the children and the hearts of the children must turn back to the fathers or the Most High
will smite the earth with a curse. Is it not bad enough in this society? How many more
males that are Hebrew will continue to grow up in households without a father figure due
to Lynches poison? How many more will come from homes where they are taught to be
physically tough but mentally weak? Remember, big boys don’t cry? No, you are right
they just grow up so full of anger, they spiral out of control and fall into the hands of
Esau. Believe me, Esau is waiting with an open arm full of handcuffs, pepper spray,
tasers, and bullets to put him back in line or kill him altogether! How many Hebrew
males grow up not ever knowing or having a relationship with the Hebrew-Israelite male
that is his biological father? Is this what Abraham was to be the “father” of? Did Jacob
wrestle and prevail for us in vain? The prophets of the so-called Old Testament saw us
even back then in visions as a broken nation of people. Could this be why Jeremiah was
crying so much? They even asked The Most High “when shall these things be?” This
generation of today is the on the wrong path and ignoring the billboards along the way
that speak to this evil that’s destroying our race! This orbiting cycle Lynch has put us on
MUST stop spinning! Are you dizzy enough to want to break free of his multiplicity of
illusions yet?

What illusions you ask?

Each and every one of us must fast and seek the Most High for the answers we need
individually as well as collectively. If we as a race of people have blindly followed the
“Broadway” leading us to destruction for almost 400 years, at least consider to prove our
professed love for the Father by searching the Scriptures for answers and not just what
somebody in a pulpit has told us? After all, is it not our individual soul at risk? You have
to admit, one man is already controlling everyone and everything in this earthly realm;
and it is the wrong man. The time is upon us for the right man to stand up and take
charge! Whom do you say? There is none righteous except the FATHER, no not one,
and it is time for us to reconcile ourselves with HIM and get back into the ORDER HE
The illusions forced upon since our enslavement must be purged from our minds. As the
Scripture speaks of leaven, a little leaven leavens the whole lump; this is what has
happened to our people, the Hebrew-Israelites of today. Matthew 13:33- …”The kingdom
of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till
the whole was leavened. The illusion of three varying beliefs other than what the Most
High had given us- 1. Judaism; 2. Islam; and 3. Christianity; all are influenced by the

The illusion of religion is an evil forced upon us! The Most High “NEVER”
gave us a religion to live by HE gave us His WORD!!!

The illusion of religion handed down by so-called “scholars” of theology, men, and
women who supposedly had the answers for humanity to follow through the variations of
bibles. However, the masses today do not know the craft of the adversary behind the
authorities to do away with the original Hebrew Scriptures and replace them with what
they felt everyone should know about the Creator.
From about the third century until now, the Hebrew-Israelites have undergone a “drying
out” if you will. Much has been added to and taken away from the original plan of the
Most High; and mixed with Egyptology, Judaism, Greek and Roman mythology.
In the words of Adisa, a famous author: “For Blacks (Christ)ianity is a badge of
dishonor. It is the religion of the conquerors. By confessing to be (Christ)ians, so-
called African Americans dishonor their ancestors and demonstrate to the world
that they willingly accept the position of servant assigned to them by the framers of
(Christ)ian dogma and doctrines.”
“Only a united Black Church will enable us to stand in these dark days. The Church
must become mission minded; the mission, first on the agenda is unity, (2) the
liberation of African minds from the delusions and deceptions of (Christ)endom, (3)
the building of new institutions of education to replace the racist, sexist and
materialistic institutions of today and (4) the economic empowerment of African

Revelations 18:4 is the final authority, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,
Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not
of her plagues. 5For her sins have reached unto heaven and Yah hath remembered her
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect,
will of The Most High.

We are products of the original generation Lynch said to “pay little attention to”, rather
keep focus on the female and her offspring. Thus with each successive generation the
Hebrew male was disregarded. This would mean for almost 300 years the so-called black
man in Amerikkka was ignored, degraded, cheated, targeted, and suffered any other
number of negative labels put upon him. The Hebrew Israelite males (Lions of the Tribe
of Judah) better known, as so-called African-Americans resemble today the lions many of
us see in the zoo. This lion is out of his natural habitat, far from home, captive and caged
in an attempt to amuse and awe by-standers. As these people pay to stand and admire this
animal as magnificent in this stage, do they ever see the sadness in the lion’s eyes? Do
they comprehend his blank stare into the distance as if longing for what once was, his
homeland and family, his culture and lifestyle? Do they ever imagine how much money it
takes to cage, feed and pay people to care for the lion compared to his life in his own land
cost nothing; It cost nothing and nobody to care for him because the Most High has
provided the lion with “all” he needs in his own habitat. No, there is too much money to
be made off the lion of the zoo as well as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. A perfect
specimen of beauty, strength, and authority domesticated, exploited, isolated,
incarcerated, dominated, and regulated to name a few. (Isa.42:22) Many of us have heard
of lions getting out or attacking form behind the bars. If or should I say when the Lions of
the Tribe of Judah break free of their mental cages, could that be the day scripture speaks
of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth?
Willie Lynch used the illusion of religion against the Lions of the Tribe of Judah; his
craft pays off for him here. That “original generation” held within itself the language of
the Hebrews, the culture and inheritance of the Hebrews and their spiritual connection to
return to the Most High as HIS Chosen people. However, this swine eating, genocidal,
historical rapist, child molesting, sodomizing, torturous, and murdering, demon possessed
opportunistic Edomite predator made sure he severed that connection with the “strange
fire” of his religion Christianity. When it comes to Christianity, Lynches implementation
of his program to” brainwash” the Hebrew Israelites by what he calls “floating balls in a
vacuum. His plan was “shaving off the brute’s mental history and create a multiplicity
of phenomena of illusions, so that each illusion will twirl in its own orbit,”
Christianity is indeed a multiplicity of illusions! It is a counterfeit doctrine of demon
dogma mixed with the pagan worship of Mithra, Baal, Zeus, Nimrod, witchcraft, ritual
sex worship, homosexuality and any other Luciferian poison included. However, that is
the behind the scene information you were never to know. This religion of Christianity
has killed more Israelites than all wars fought so far on this planet, while it hides under
the umbrella of the Catholic Church. While we today openly and ignorantly profess this
religion that IS NOT of the Creator of the heavens and earth, we through Lynch and
Satan, worship what we do not know.
The lying Apostle Paul, Constantine and every other pope from then until now have
distorted the Word of the Most High creating the illusions we see before us today;
Baptist, Methodists, Episcopal, Lutheran, Seventh-Day Adventist, Jehovah Witnesses,
and ever other religious illusion out there. To think from the destruction of the Temple
they have been pouring so-called holy water on us, placing that abominable cross on us,
and praying over us in a false name and to the god of this earthly realm (Lucifer). We
have left our first love of the Father for these heathen ways and illusions. The ways of the
Greeks are still with us to this very day! When we go to these high places of so-called
worship, we also sacrifice upon the altars the abominable thing “mammon”. How do we
do this? Why would every piece of money placed on the altar be an abomination? Whose
face is on the money? What symbols are also on the money?

Every coin or bill has a face on it and these faces are the faces of not just
presidents but slave owners, masons (freemasonry and illuminati) and don’t
forget the symbols of the pyramid, the all seeing eye of Lucifer (eye of Horus),
the owl and many others. We have been led to believe (an illusion) these so-called
symbols represent the greatness of this country, NOT! Day in and day out
millions of Hebrews seek as well as covet this abominable mammon and some
even rob, kill and steal for it. Yet, the act of paying tribute to the Most High with
this stuff is ludicrous. Malachi 1:14 But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his
flock a male, and vowed, and sacrificed unto the Elohim a corrupt thing:…”

To be continued---

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