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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><?

href="" type="text/css"?><feed
type='text'>Quo Vadis?</title><link rel=''
href=''/><link rel='self'
rel='' type='application/atom+xml'
href=''/><link rel='alternate'
href=''/><author><name>Tergeist</name><email>noreply@</email></author><generator version='7.00'
type='text'>Template: Quo Vadis?</title><content type='text'>&lt;?xml
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
&lt;html expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'
xmlns='' xmlns:b=''

&lt;b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/&gt;
Blogger Template Style
Name: Rounders 4
Date: 27 Feb 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
----------------------------------------------- */

/* Variable definitions
&lt;Variable name="mainBgColor" description="Main Background Color"
type="color" default="#466" value="#446666"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="mainTextColor" description="Text Color" type="color"
default="#ced" value="#cceedd"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="postTitleColor" description="Post Title Color" type="color"
default="#fff" value="#ffffff"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="dateHeaderColor" description="Date Header Color"
type="color" default="#cf4" value="#ccff44"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="borderColor" description="Post Border Color" type="color"
default="#bbb" value="#bbbbbb"&gt;

&lt;Variable name="mainLinkColor" description="Link Color" type="color"

default="#fff" value="#ffffff"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="mainVisitedLinkColor" description="Visited Link Color"
type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff"&gt;

&lt;Variable name="titleTextColor" description="Blog Title Color"

type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff"&gt;

&lt;Variable name="topSidebarHeaderColor"
description="Top Sidebar Title Color"
type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="topSidebarBgColor"
description="Top Sidebar Background Color"
type="color" default="#9b5" value="#99bb55"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="topSidebarTextColor" description="Top Sidebar Text Color"
type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="topSidebarLinkColor" description="Top Sidebar Link Color"
type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="topSidebarVisitedLinkColor"
description="Top Sidebar Visited Link Color"
type="color" default="#eee" value="#eeeeee"&gt;

&lt;Variable name="bottomSidebarBgColor"
description="Bottom Sidebar Background Color"
type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="bottomSidebarTextColor"
description="Bottom Sidebar Text Color"
type="color" default="#666" value="#666666"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="bottomSidebarLinkColor"
description="Bottom Sidebar Link Color"
type="color" default="#475" value="#447755"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="bottomSidebarVisitedLinkColor"
description="Bottom Sidebar Visited Link Color"
type="color" default="#798" value="#779988"&gt;

&lt;Variable name="bodyFont" description="Text Font" type="font"

default="normal normal 100% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"
value="normal normal 100% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="pageTitleFont" description="Blog Title Font" type="font"
default="normal bold 200% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"
value="normal bold 200% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="descriptionFont" description="Description Font" type="font"
default="normal normal 100% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"
value="normal normal 100% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="headerFont" description="Sidebar Title Font" type="font"
default="normal bold 100% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"
value="normal bold 100% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="postTitleFont" description="Post Title Font" type="font"
default="normal bold 135% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"
value="normal bold 135% 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="startSide" description="Start side in blog language"
type="automatic" default="left" value="left"&gt;
&lt;Variable name="endSide" description="End side in blog language"
type="automatic" default="right" value="right"&gt;

body {
line-height: 1.5em;
font: x-small Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif;
font-size/* */:/**/small;
font-size: /**/small;

/* Page Structure
----------------------------------------------- */
/* The images which help create rounded corners depend on the
following widths and measurements. If you want to change
these measurements, the images will also need to change.
#outer-wrapper {
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyFont;
#main-wrap1 {
url("") no-repeat
$startSide bottom;
margin:15px 0 0;
padding:0 0 10px;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float
#main-wrap2 {
background:url("") no-
repeat $startSide top;
padding:10px 0 0;
#main {
background:url("") repeat-y
#sidebar-wrap {
margin:15px 0 0;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float
.main .widget {
margin-top: 0;
margin-$endSide: 13px;
margin-bottom: 4px;
margin-$startSide: 13px;

.main .Blog {
margin: 0;

/* Links
----------------------------------------------- */
a:link {
color: $mainLinkColor;
a:visited {
color: $mainVisitedLinkColor;
a:hover {
color: $mainVisitedLinkColor;
a img {

/* Blog Header
----------------------------------------------- */
#header-wrapper {
background: #476 url("")
no-repeat $startSide top;
#header {
background:url("") no-repeat
$startSide bottom;
padding:0 15px 8px;
#header h1 {
padding:10px 30px 5px;
font: $pageTitleFont;
#header a,
#header a:visited {
color: $titleTextColor;
#header .description {
padding:5px 30px 10px;
font: $descriptionFont;

/* Posts
----------------------------------------------- */ {
.post {
margin:.3em 0 25px;
padding:0 13px;
border:1px dotted $borderColor;
border-width:1px 0;
.post h3 {
background:url("") no-repeat
10px .5em;
border:1px dotted $borderColor;
border-width:0 1px 1px;
color: $postTitleColor;
font: $postTitleFont;
.post h3 a, .post h3 a:visited {
color: $postTitleColor;
.post h3 a:hover {
background-color: $borderColor;
color: $postTitleColor;
.post-body {
border:1px dotted $borderColor;
border-width:0 1px 1px;
html&gt;body .post-body {
.post-body {
margin:0 0 .75em;
.post-body blockquote {
.post-footer {
background: #577;
border:1px dotted $borderColor;
color: #acb;
The first line of the post footer might only have floated text, so we need to give
it a height.
The height comes from the post-footer line-height
.post-footer-line-1 {

.post-footer p {
margin: 0;

html&gt;body .post-footer {

.uncustomized-post-template .post-footer {
text-align: $endSide;

.uncustomized-post-template .post-author,
.uncustomized-post-template .post-timestamp {
display: block;
float: $startSide;
margin-$endSide: 4px;

.post-footer a {
color: #fff;
.post-footer a:hover {
color: #eee;
a.comment-link {
/* IE5.0/Win doesn't apply padding to inline elements,
so we hide these two declarations from it */
*/:/**/url("$startSide.gif") no-
repeat $startSide 45%;
html&gt;body a.comment-link {
/* Respecified, for IE5/Mac's benefit */
no-repeat $startSide 45%;
.post img {
border:1px solid $borderColor;
blockquote {
margin:.75em 0;
border:1px dotted $borderColor;
border-width:1px 0;
padding:5px 15px;
color: $dateHeaderColor;
.post blockquote p {
margin:.5em 0;

#blog-pager-newer-link {
float: $startSide;
margin-$startSide: 13px;

#blog-pager-older-link {
float: $endSide;
margin-$endSide: 13px;

#blog-pager {
text-align: center;

.feed-links {
clear: both;
line-height: 2.5em;
margin-$startSide: 13px;

/* Comments
----------------------------------------------- */
#comments {
margin:-25px 13px 0;
border:1px dotted $borderColor;
border-width:0 1px 1px;
#comments h4 {
margin:0 0 10px;
border-bottom:1px dotted $borderColor;
#comments-block {
.comment-author {
no-repeat 2px .3em;
margin:.5em 0;
.comment-body {
margin:0 0 1.25em;
.comment-body p {
margin:0 0 .5em;
.comment-footer {
margin:0 0 .5em;
.comment-footer a:link {
color: #ced;
.deleted-comment {
.comment-form {
#comments .comment-form h4 {

/* Profile
----------------------------------------------- */
.profile-img {
float: $startSide;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-$endSide: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-$startSide: 0;
border: 4px solid $topSidebarTextColor;

.profile-datablock {
margin-top: 0;
margin-$endSide: 15px;
margin-bottom: .5em;
margin-$startSide: 0;
padding-top: 8px;

.profile-link {
no-repeat $startSide .1em;

.profile-textblock {
clear: both;
margin: 0;

.sidebar .clear, .main .widget .clear {

clear: both;

#sidebartop-wrap {
url("") no-repeat $startSide
margin:0px 0px 15px;
padding:0px 0px 10px;

#sidebartop-wrap2 {
background:url("") no-
repeat $startSide top;
padding: 10px 0 0;

#sidebartop h2 {
border-bottom: 1px dotted $topSidebarHeaderColor;
font: $headerFont;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;

#sidebartop a {
color: $topSidebarLinkColor;

#sidebartop a:hover {
color: $topSidebarVisitedLinkColor;
#sidebartop a:visited {
color: $topSidebarVisitedLinkColor;
/* Sidebar Boxes
----------------------------------------------- */

.sidebar .widget {
margin:.5em 13px 1.25em;
padding:0 0px;

.widget-content {
margin-top: 0.5em;

#sidebarbottom-wrap1 {
background: $bottomSidebarBgColor
url("") no-repeat $startSide
margin:0 0 15px;
padding:10px 0 0;
color: $bottomSidebarTextColor;

#sidebarbottom-wrap2 {
background:url("") no-
repeat $startSide bottom;
padding:0 0 8px;

#sidebar {
background:url("") repeat-y;

#sidebar {
color: $bottomSidebarTextColor;

#sidebar h2 {
color: $bottomSidebarTextColor;
border-bottom: 1px dotted $bottomSidebarTextColor;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;

#sidebar a {
color: $bottomSidebarLinkColor;
#sidebar a:hover,
#sidebar a:visited {
color: $bottomSidebarVisitedLinkColor;

.sidebar h2 {
padding:0 0 .2em;

.sidebar ul {
margin:0 0 1.25em;

.sidebar ul li {
background:url("") no-repeat
2px .25em;
border-bottom:1px dotted $borderColor;
.sidebar p {
margin:0 0 .6em;

/* Footer
----------------------------------------------- */
#footer-wrap1 {
margin:0 0 10px;
padding:15px 0 0;
#footer-wrap2 {
background:#447766 url("")
no-repeat $startSide top;
#footer {
background:url("") no-
repeat $startSide bottom;
padding:8px 15px;
#footer hr {display:none;}
#footer p {margin:0;}
#footer a {color:$titleTextColor;}
#footer .widget-content {

/** Page structure tweaks for layout editor wireframe */

body#layout #main-wrap1,
body#layout #sidebar-wrap,
body#layout #header-wrapper {
margin-top: 0;

body#layout #header, body#layout #header-wrapper,

body#layout #outer-wrapper {
margin-$endSide: 0;
padding: 0;

body#layout #outer-wrapper {
width: 730px;

body#layout #footer-wrap1 {
padding-top: 0;

&lt;div id='outer-wrapper'&gt;

&lt;div id='header-wrapper'&gt;
&lt;b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1'&gt;
&lt;b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Quo Vadis? (Header)'
&lt;b:includable id='main'&gt;

&lt;b:if cond='data:useImage'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:imagePlacement == &amp;quot;REPLACE&amp;quot;'&gt;
&lt;!--Show just the image, no text--&gt;
&lt;div id='header-inner'&gt;
&lt;a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' style='display: block'&gt;
&lt;img expr:alt='data:title' expr:height='data:height'
expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &amp;quot;_headerimg&amp;quot;'
expr:src='data:sourceUrl' expr:width='data:width' style='display: block'/&gt;
Show image as background to text. You can't really calculate the width
reliably in JS because margins are not taken into account by any of
clientWidth, offsetWidth or scrollWidth, so we don't force a minimum
width if the user is using shrink to fit.
This results in a margin-width's worth of pixels being cropped. If the
user is not using shrink to fit then we expand the header.
&lt;div expr:style='&amp;quot;background-image: url(\&amp;quot;&amp;quot; +
data:sourceUrl + &amp;quot;\&amp;quot;); &amp;quot; +
&amp;quot;background-position: &amp;quot; +
data:backgroundPositionStyleStr + &amp;quot;; &amp;quot; +
data:widthStyleStr + &amp;quot;min-height: &amp;quot; +
data:height + &amp;quot;px;&amp;quot; + &amp;quot;_height:
&amp;quot; + data:height + &amp;quot;px;&amp;quot; +
&amp;quot;background-repeat: no-repeat; &amp;quot;' id='header-inner'&gt;
&lt;div class='titlewrapper' style='background: transparent'&gt;
&lt;h1 class='title' style='background: transparent; border-width:
&lt;b:include name='title'/&gt;
&lt;b:include name='description'/&gt;
&lt;!--No header image --&gt;
&lt;div id='header-inner'&gt;
&lt;div class='titlewrapper'&gt;
&lt;h1 class='title'&gt;
&lt;b:include name='title'/&gt;
&lt;b:include name='description'/&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='title'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'&gt;
&lt;a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'&gt;&lt;data:title/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='description'&gt;
&lt;div class='descriptionwrapper'&gt;

&lt;div id='crosscol-wrapper' style='text-align:center'&gt;

&lt;b:section class='crosscol' id='crosscol'&gt;
&lt;b:widget id='AdSense3' locked='false' title='' type='AdSense'&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='main'&gt;
&lt;div class='widget-content'&gt;
&lt;b:include name='quickedit'/&gt;

&lt;div id='main-wrap1'&gt;&lt;div id='main-wrap2'&gt;

&lt;b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'&gt;
&lt;b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='nextprev'&gt;
&lt;div class='blog-pager' id='blog-pager'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:newerPageUrl'&gt;
&lt;span id='blog-pager-newer-link'&gt;
&lt;a class='blog-pager-newer-link' expr:href='data:newerPageUrl'
expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &amp;quot;_blog-pager-newer-link&amp;quot;'

&lt;b:if cond='data:olderPageUrl'&gt;
&lt;span id='blog-pager-older-link'&gt;
&lt;a class='blog-pager-older-link' expr:href='data:olderPageUrl'
expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &amp;quot;_blog-pager-older-link&amp;quot;'

&lt;b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl != data:blog.url'&gt;

&lt;a class='home-link'
&lt;b:if cond='data:newerPageUrl'&gt;
&lt;a class='home-link'

&lt;div class='clear'/&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='backlinks' var='post'&gt;
&lt;a name='links'/&gt;&lt;h4&gt;&lt;data:post.backlinksLabel/&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.numBacklinks != 0'&gt;
&lt;dl class='comments-block' id='comments-block'&gt;
&lt;b:loop values='data:post.backlinks' var='backlink'&gt;
&lt;div class='collapsed-backlink backlink-control'&gt;
&lt;dt class='comment-title'&gt;
&lt;span class='backlink-toggle-zippy'&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;a expr:href='data:backlink.url'
&lt;b:include data='backlink' name='backlinkDeleteIcon'/&gt;
&lt;dd class='comment-body collapseable'&gt;
&lt;dd class='comment-footer collapseable'&gt;
&lt;span class='comment-author'&gt;&lt;data:post.authorLabel/&gt;
&lt;span class='comment-
&lt;p class='comment-footer'&gt;
&lt;a class='comment-link' expr:href='data:post.createLinkUrl'
expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &amp;quot;_backlinks-create-link&amp;quot;'
&lt;b:includable id='post' var='post'&gt;
&lt;div class='post hentry'&gt;
&lt;a expr:name=''/&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.title'&gt;
&lt;h3 class='post-title entry-title'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond=''&gt;
&lt;a expr:href=''&gt;&lt;data:post.title/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.url'&gt;
&lt;a expr:href='data:post.url'&gt;&lt;data:post.title/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

&lt;div class='post-header-line-1'/&gt;

&lt;div class='post-body entry-content'&gt;

&lt;div style='clear: both;'/&gt; &lt;!-- clear for photos floats --&gt;
&lt;div class='post-footer'&gt;
&lt;p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'&gt;&lt;span class='post-
&lt;b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &amp;quot;item&amp;quot;'&gt;

&lt;b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'&gt;
&lt;a class='comment-link' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl'
expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'&gt;&lt;b:if cond='data:post.numComments
== 1'&gt;1
&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span class='post-icons'&gt;
&lt;!-- email post links --&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.emailPostUrl'&gt;
&lt;span class='item-action'&gt;
&lt;a expr:href='data:post.emailPostUrl'
&lt;span class='email-post-icon'&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/span&gt;

&lt;!-- quickedit pencil --&gt;

&lt;b:include data='post' name='postQuickEdit'/&gt;
&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span class='post-backlinks post-comment-link'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &amp;quot;item&amp;quot;'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.showBacklinks'&gt;
&lt;a class='comment-link' expr:href='data:post.url +
&lt;/span&gt; &lt;/p&gt;

&lt;p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'&gt;&lt;span class='post-

&lt;b:if cond='data:post.labels'&gt;
&lt;b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'&gt;
&lt;a expr:href='data:label.url'
rel='tag'&gt;&lt;;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;b:if cond='data:label.isLast !=
&lt;/span&gt; &lt;/p&gt;

&lt;p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/&gt;

&lt;b:includable id='commentDeleteIcon' var='comment'&gt;
&lt;span expr:class='&amp;quot;item-control &amp;quot; +
&lt;a expr:href='data:comment.deleteUrl'
&lt;img src=''/&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='status-message'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:navMessage'&gt;
&lt;div class='status-msg-wrap'&gt;
&lt;div class='status-msg-body'&gt;
&lt;div class='status-msg-border'&gt;
&lt;div class='status-msg-bg'&gt;
&lt;div class='status-msg-hidden'&gt;&lt;data:navMessage/&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div style='clear: both;'/&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='feedLinks'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &amp;quot;item&amp;quot;'&gt; &lt;!-- Blog
feed links --&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:feedLinks'&gt;
&lt;div class='blog-feeds'&gt;
&lt;b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/&gt;
&lt;b:else/&gt; &lt;!--Post feed links --&gt;
&lt;div class='post-feeds'&gt;
&lt;b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.feedLinks'&gt;
&lt;b:include data='post.feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='comment-form' var='post'&gt;
&lt;div class='comment-form'&gt;
&lt;a name='comment-form'/&gt;
&lt;h4 id='comment-post-message'&gt;&lt;data:postCommentMsg/&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
&lt;a expr:href='data:post.commentFormIframeSrc' id='comment-editor-src'/&gt;
&lt;iframe allowtransparency='true' class='blogger-iframe-colorize blogger-
comment-from-post' frameborder='0' height='410' id='comment-editor' name='comment-
editor' src='' width='100%'/&gt;
&lt;script type='text/javascript'&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='backlinkDeleteIcon' var='backlink'&gt;
&lt;span expr:class='&amp;quot;item-control &amp;quot; +
&lt;a expr:href='data:backlink.deleteUrl'
&lt;img src=''/&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='feedLinksBody' var='links'&gt;
&lt;div class='feed-links'&gt;
&lt;b:loop values='data:links' var='f'&gt;
&lt;a class='feed-link' expr:href='data:f.url' expr:type='data:f.mimeType'
target='_blank'&gt;&lt;; (&lt;data:f.feedType/&gt;)&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='postQuickEdit' var='post'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.editUrl'&gt;
&lt;span expr:class='&amp;quot;item-control &amp;quot; +
&lt;a expr:href='data:post.editUrl' expr:title='data:top.editPostMsg'&gt;
&lt;img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18'
src='' width='18'/&gt;
&lt;b:includable id='comments' var='post'&gt;
&lt;div class='comments' id='comments'&gt;
&lt;a name='comments'/&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'&gt;
1 &lt;data:commentLabel/&gt;:
&lt;data:post.numComments/&gt; &lt;data:commentLabelPlural/&gt;:

&lt;b:if cond='data:post.commentPagingRequired'&gt;
&lt;span class='paging-control-container'&gt;
&lt;a expr:class='data:post.oldLinkClass'
&lt;a expr:class='data:post.oldLinkClass'
&lt;a expr:class='data:post.newLinkClass'
&lt;a expr:class='data:post.newLinkClass'

&lt;dl expr:class='data:post.avatarIndentClass' id='comments-block'&gt;

&lt;b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'&gt;
&lt;dt expr:class='&amp;quot;comment-author &amp;quot; +
data:comment.authorClass' expr:id='data:comment.anchorName'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:comment.favicon'&gt;
&lt;img expr:src='data:comment.favicon' height='16px' style='margin-
bottom:-2px;' width='16px'/&gt;
&lt;a expr:name='data:comment.anchorName'/&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:blog.enabledCommentProfileImages'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'&gt;
&lt;a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'
&lt;dd class='comment-body'&gt;
&lt;b:if cond='data:comment.isDeleted'&gt;
&lt;span class='deleted-
&lt;dd class='comment-footer'&gt;
&lt;span class='comment-timestamp'&gt;
&lt;a expr:href='data:comment.url' title='comment permalink'&gt;
&lt;b:include data='comment' name='commentDeleteIcon'/&gt;

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term=''/><title type='text'>FEMA
death camps.</title><content type='html'>Friends, I don&amp;#39;t want you to be
stupid and I spend a lot of time explaining the difference between stupid and
rational. The latest update for stupid is that FEMA now has 3,000 fully staffed
death camps just waiting for YOU.&lt;p /&gt; Think about it for a minute. I had to
send this to someone TWICE. First my original response and then a secondary one.
I include both of them.&lt;p /&gt;It started when I received this:&lt;p
/&gt;&lt;div style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0);"&gt; Someone loaned me a DVD on the New
World Order and in that movie it mentions Internment Camps, so friend of mine and
I plugged in FEMA camps on YouTube and found a lot of video clips on that
subject. Apparently there are 3000 of these camps in the USA. &lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0);"&gt;On the first video with the Fema camp
located in Beachgrove, Indiana maybe we should call Senator Luger of Indiana and
ask him what these barbed wire fences with large heaters and watch towers
represent. Let me know what you think. Thanks,&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div
style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0);"&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div style="color: rgb(102, 0,
0);"&gt;Fema Camps &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;&lt;object height="417"
width="500"&gt;&lt;param name="movie" value="
hvPJPTi4&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1" /&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name="wmode"
value="window" /&gt;&lt;param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"
/&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"
/&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;embed src="
hvPJPTi4&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1" allowfullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-
flash" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="window" height="417"
width="500"&gt;&lt;/embed&gt;&lt;/object&gt;&lt;div style="display: inline;
cursor: pointer; padding-right: 16px; height: 16px;"&gt; &lt;/div&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b style="color: rgb(0,
0, 102);"&gt;Naturally, I replied:&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Yes, I might
believe there are 3000 fully staffed FEMA camps sitting empty across the US that
no one has noticed. Sort of like 3,000 Area 51s, eh?&lt;p /&gt;I suppose you can
tell me who built them how they remain invisible from satellites, why no hunters
or hikers have ever found one, and that the roads in and out are maintained by
elves. But I have no obligation to believe you. Who provides the electricity,
water, sewers, food, and trash disposal for these 3,000 camps?&lt;p /&gt; I am
sure the government, which runs on taxes, is going to grab hundreds of thousands
of citizens and terminate them so they can no longer pay taxes. Who is going to
do all this? The police aren&amp;#39;t. The military isn&amp;#39;t either, for
three reasons. First, they are in Afghanistan or Iraq. Secondly, because if they
start rounding up citizens, they are smart enough to grasp that someone else is
rounding up THEIR family. But this is the best reason: the citizenry is armed.
There are 500,000 soldiers and 50 MILLION armed citizens. And of course there is
not that much transportation or food available....the government is footing the
bill for all of this, right? And they are bankrupt. Yet they are going to take a
huge chunk of taxpayers and put them into welfare camps? At whose expense? Do
you think
the rest of the country will go meekly along with having the citizenry dragged
away? A civil war would ensue in minutes. Worse, the conservatives would blame
the liverals and the Christians would blame the Muslims and the whites would blame
the hispanics and blacks.&lt;p /&gt; You also imply that the banks are in on it
because the guards get paid and they have to cash their checks. Where do they even
GET the guards? Newspaper ads? The grocery stores and dry-cleaners are in on it
too. Uniforms? and the gas stations. And the suppliers for the camps. And no one
else has noticed thousands of people driving to work every day at invisible
camps. And where do all these people and their families live? Where do their
kids go to school? &lt;p /&gt; Are there fully staffed hospitals at each of these
camps which sit around and do nothing? And fire departments? If not, where would
someone tell an ambulance to go if there was a medical emergency? Are their phones
there? Is the phone company in on it too? Cellphones HAVE to have GPS
information. Are all the cellphone companies in on it too? &lt;p /&gt; Where is
the internment camp on the Big Island? Who works there? Aren&amp;#39;t they
related to anyone? Do they have to take Friday off because of the economy? &lt;p
/&gt;Actually, only you and your friend are scheduled to transported to a camp for
termination. Everyone else in the country is part of the plot. Maybe you can save
yourselves by flying to Costa Rica tomorrow.&lt;p /&gt; Did you think any of this
through? Do you understand the logistics of what you are suggesting? Do you
understand that EVERY agency of the government at every level is dysfunctional and
that you cannot even get a goddamn building inspector to come out and do their
job?. We have no water or sewers, the police and fire department will not arrive
until you are dead or your home is burned to the ground if they come at
all.&lt;p /&gt; FEMA cannot respond to the natural disasters we already have on a
daily basis but they can somehow construct and coordinate 3,000 death camps for
AMERICANS and only the boneheads on YouTube and various left and right-wing
nutcases know about them? &lt;p /&gt; Do you believe there should be a
requirement that a person have some basis knowledge of the subject matter before
he (or she) is allowed to vote or a job and an ability to demonstrate individual
responsibility prior to being allowed to procreate?&lt;p /&gt; Can you explain to
me what the &amp;#39;New World Order&amp;#39; is about? That is a rhetorical
question. Of course you can&amp;#39;t. Have you ever considered hanging around
with smarter people than you do now?&lt;p
/&gt;&lt;b style="color: rgb(0, 0, 102);"&gt;Then I had to reply
AGAIN.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p /&gt; The video clips don&amp;#39;t show anything remotely
definable as a potential prison camp. It is an Amtrak repair station and is
clearly visible from Google Earth. There are exactly the same cameras on the Hilo
Wal-Mart except instead of one, there are about seven on Wal-Mart. The orange
markers on power lines are used all the way across saddle road and all across the
country for that matter. They show pilots that power lines exist, but they also
show where a power line is down.&lt;p /&gt; Most of the private train companies
went out of business in the 60s and 70s. Only a few are left and they (Amtrak for
instance)) usually require government subsidies. It&amp;#39;s usually cheaper to
put something in a truck and deliver it straight to a destination than to load a
train car, route it somewhere and then have it unloaded and still be delivered by
truck. That used to be efficient before we sent all of our jobs and manufacturing
overseas and went broke.&lt;p /&gt; I looked at the turnstiles with the supposed
&amp;#39;prison bars&amp;#39;. Those aren&amp;#39;t prison bars. They are simply
barriers to keep people from defeating the turnstiles. If you look at them they
are mounted quite lightly with external screws or bolts and could be disassembled
in minutes. Prisons aren&amp;#39;t built like that. Putting new heaters in
buildings that haven&amp;#39;t been been heated &amp;quot;for twenty
years&amp;quot; doesn&amp;#39;t seem particularly sinister either. By definition
they WERE heated until about 1990.&lt;p /&gt; The comment about the barbed wire is
incorrect as well. Barbed wire angled INWARD is to keep people from getting IN.
Next time you go to Walter&amp;#39;s, go down Paradise to 22nd and turn left.
Greg&amp;#39;s house, about fourth on the left has the same fence. It is not to
keep him and Lita from getting out. It is to keep people from jumping the fence
and getting IN.&lt;p /&gt; Let&amp;#39;s go further. The narrator identifies this
as an old Amtrak train repair station in Beach Grove Indiana. The video was taken
in 2001 and the camera doesn&amp;#39;t quite swing far enough over for me to see
the Air Force number on that railroad switching engine, but I can show you what it
looks like today: &lt;a href="
id=167269" target="_blank"&gt;
id=167269&lt;/a&gt;&lt;div style="display: inline; padding-right: 16px;"&gt;
&lt;/div&gt; Amtrak bought it from the Air Force. It is still in Beach Grove
Indiana moving cars around for Amtrak. &lt;p /&gt; This facility is visible at the
center of the photo I attached. There is a guard at the gate. Everyone else there
is working on train cars. If you download Google Earth, which is free, you can
see that there is no place to put thousands of prisoners at the Amtrak station.
&lt;p /&gt; I don&amp;#39;t ask much. If you want to live in an imaginary world of
conspiracy and drama, be my guest. But if you pass on something that is
completely stupid, makes no sense and is physically impossible, you may expect to
hear why.&lt;p /&gt; I do not live in the lower median of intelligence, or the
lower half of the upper median; or even the lower half of the top tenth of the
upper median and I don&amp;#39;t want to spend time telling people things they
don&amp;#39;t want to hear. Contrariwise, I don&amp;#39;t want to hear that
&amp;#39;liberals&amp;quot;, because they accept homosexuality as a genetic
problem and not a lifestyle choice, or don&amp;#39;t want to hear prayers to an
invisible pal in the sky who will never change the physical laws of the universe
to appease one admitted unworthy supplicant, are involved in some sort of plot to
form a New Word Order in which only rich people live and everyone else is
exterminated.&lt;p /&gt; I am rarely intellectually intimidated in
anyone&amp;#39;s presence; thus my practical measure of intelligence is how
closely they agree with me; or whether they can change my mind on the most
scientifically provable issue we can discuss in common. &lt;p /&gt; a hui
hou.&lt;p /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&amp;quot;The true danger is when liberty is nibbled
away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph
is for good men to do nothing.&amp;quot;&lt;br /&gt; ~Edmund Burke &lt;p
style="font-size: 10px;"&gt; &lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via
email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a href="
camps"&gt;Thus knowledge flows like water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link
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href='' title='FEMA
term=''/><title type='text'>Oath
Keepers</title><content type='html'>So I went and joined Oath Keepers because they
pushed my buttons. But they turn out to be simply a money machine for the
founder. The oaths they promise to keep are not going to be happening anytime
soon. But what finally got to me was a rant about the H1N1 vaccine by a crackpot
ex-sheriff. I have listened to him before and he seems ALMOST
reasonable....except he doesn&amp;#39;t quite have a concept of the way laws
work.&lt;p /&gt; So try to pay attention and don&amp;#39;t give these people your
money. They are threading the needle to be politically correct while trying to act
like the protectors of the Constitution. They aren&amp;#39;t.&lt;p /&gt;Al they
want is your money. They have nothing EXCEPT your money and they are tip-toeing
to make sure they don&amp;#39;t make anyone mad. They are appeasers dressed as
Constitutionalists.&lt;p /&gt; a hui hou&lt;br /&gt;T&lt;p /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;&amp;quot;The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients,
and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do
nothing.&amp;quot;&lt;br /&gt;~Edmund Burke &lt;p style="font-size: 10px;"&gt;
&lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a
href=""&gt;Thus knowledge flows like
water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link
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href='' title='Oath
type='text'>Terrorism?!?!?!?!?</title><content type='html'>Where did
everyone&amp;#39;s brain go?&lt;p /&gt;How is setting your nuts on fire an act of
terrorism? The world is beginning to suspect these things are going to happen and
people are responding by buying firearms. The REAL terrorists are the people at
the TSA counter who make me feel like I am checking into prison whenever I fly
somewhere. The REAL terrorists are those in the government who try to disarm the
citizenry so we cannot defend ourselves from &amp;#39;terrorists&amp;#39;. As we
can all see, and has been apparent from day one, the government is merely putting
on a show. They can&amp;#39;t stop terrorism, EVEN IF THEY KNOW YEARS IN ADVANCE
WHO THE TERRORISTS ARE! Because it&amp;#39;s not &amp;#39;politically
correct&amp;#39;. It&amp;#39;s &amp;#39;profiling&amp;#39;. It&amp;#39;s
BULLSHIT! If someone is on a list of known terrorists, and I don&amp;#39;t mean
the million Americans who are on no-fly lists for absolutely no reason, or the
hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who can&amp;#39;t own a firearm BECAUSE
THEY ARE COMBAT VETERANS....I mean some damn Muslim jihadist or a cop-killer who
was paroled just so he could do it again and the government allowed it, who is the
terrorist?&lt;p /&gt; Listen. You want to stop terrorism on airplanes? Give
every police officer or trained military person a Taser when they board. We
probably have something better in our check luggage. Just let us carry it on
board if you don&amp;#39;t like Tasers. Or give us a fire extinguisher. The
first person who starts acting out or sets their nuts on fire will become a non-
issue within seconds.&lt;p /&gt; I&amp;#39;m not being terrorized by these radical
shitballs. I am being terrorised by MY OWN GOVERNMENT who thinks it&amp;#39;s
fine to eavesdrop without a warrant, to read my mail, and to disarm me so I
can&amp;#39;t defend myself against them. MY GOVERNMENT is the terrorist here. Do
you know why the government keeps trying to enforce a completely unconstitutional
gun ban in D.C.? Because the American Mafia is headquartered there. They are
called the Congress, but I have NEVER seen anyone vote for a bill which is better
for the citizens than is is for some lobbyist&amp;#39;s backer. DC has a
phenomenally high crime rate among the citizenry but the criminals don&amp;#39;t
care. They have free, armed bodyguards.&lt;p /&gt; Oh, please Uncle Sam, may I
have a job? May I keep the house I worked all my life for? May I have the same
level of hospital care that the invaders from other countries get?
&amp;quot;Undocumented aliens&amp;quot;?!?!?!?! No. They are an army of
invaders. We COULD stop them, but we are two worried that someone might have a
marijuana plant in their yard. We COULD stop nutcakes. like those two columbine
idiots or just about EVERY OTHER CRIMINAL ACT if we allowed our citizens to defend
themselves.&lt;p /&gt; What the hell is wrong with people lately? The
conservatives say I can have a firearm but I have to go to church and gay people
can&amp;#39;t have any rights. If someone rapes my daughter she can&amp;#39;t have
an abortion. The liverals say I can&amp;#39;t defend myself in my own gome (or
anywhere else) because several thousand people a year are killed with
firearms....OK. but about a MILLION a year are killed in hospitals by simple
medical mistakes or infections they got IN THE HOSPITAL and that many more die of
obesity and tobacco use and traffic accidents. About a thousand to one and they
are all hung up on the one.&lt;p /&gt; (1) Get out of my personal business, Uncle
Sam. Get out of my bedroom. When I start thinking of all the wonderful benefits
you provide me, I realize that you screw more things up than you fix and you are
owned by Big Business.....except you aren&amp;#39;t. You are owned by We The
People. We put you there to look out for OUR best interests. When we finally
decide you are not doing your job, we are Constitutionally entitled to fire you.
It&amp;#39;s not an issue between Concervatives and Liberals or Repugnicans and
Demoncrats anymore. It has become a right vs wrong issue. You, the lawmakers,
are getting it wrong. We The People, can&amp;#39;t ignore it anymore. You are
ruining OUR lives.&lt;p /&gt; (2) Do NOT tell me I cannot protect my own home and
family. People who choose to be victims have that right, but they don&amp;#39;t
have the right to require me to be a victim too.&lt;p /&gt;(3) WAKE UP, WAKE UP!
You people sitting in Washington eating fine people in the congress,
of whom over half are multi-millionaires...You have better stop spraying that
orange shit on your faces and get to working for the people who pay your
salaries. We are getting good and mad and we aren&amp;#39;t going to take it much
longer.&lt;p /&gt; I am an Oath Keeper. I swore to uphold the Constitution from
all enemies, foreign and domestic.&lt;br /&gt;Dr. Tom&lt;p /&gt; &lt;p /&gt;&lt;p
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&amp;quot;The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for
expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for
good men to do nothing.&amp;quot;&lt;br /&gt; ~Edmund Burke &lt;p style="font-
size: 10px;"&gt; &lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via email&lt;/a&gt;
from &lt;a href=""&gt;Thus knowledge flows
like water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link rel='replies'
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type='text'>Untitled</title><content type='html'>&lt;a
/&gt;&amp;quot;The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients,
and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do
nothing.&amp;quot;&lt;br /&gt; ~Edmund Burke &lt;p style="font-size: 10px;"&gt;
&lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a
href=""&gt;Thus knowledge flows like
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type='text'>Untitled</title><content type='html'>&lt;a
href="" target="_blank"&gt;&lt;img title="Join
the People's Campaign for the Constitution!" border="0" height="125" alt="Join the
People's Campaign for the Constitution!" width="125" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p
style="font-size: 10px;"&gt; &lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via
email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a href=""&gt;Thus
knowledge flows like water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link rel='replies'
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term=''/><title type='text'>This
story is a fabrication. It's not true.</title><content
type='html'>&lt;b&gt;&lt;span style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0);"&gt;But damnit, you
WANT it to be true. You WANT Americans to be able to defend their lives and
families and homes! That&amp;#39;s why this story keeps circulating.
&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt; Shotgun preteen vs. Illegal alien
Home Invaders:&lt;br /&gt;Butte, Montana November 5, 2007 &lt;p /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Two illegal aliens, Ralphel Resindez, 23, and Enrico Garza, 26, probably
believed they would easily overpower home-alone 11 year old Patricia Harrington
after her father had left their two-story home. &lt;p /&gt;It seems the two
crooks never learned two things: they were in Montana and Patricia had been a clay
shooting champion since she was nine.&lt;p /&gt;Patricia was in her upstairs room
when the two men broke through the front door of the house. She quickly ran to her
father&amp;#39;s room and grabbed his 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun. &lt;p
/&gt;Resindez was the first to get up to the second floor only to be the first to
catch a near point blank blast of buckshot from the 11-year-old&amp;#39;s knee
crouch aim. He suffered fatal wounds to his abdomen and genitals. &lt;p /&gt;When
Garza ran to the foot of the stairs, he took a blast to the left shoulder and
staggered out into the street where he bled to death before medical help could
arrive.&lt;p /&gt;It was found out later that Resindez was armed with a stolen 45
caliber handgun he took from another home invasion robbery. T hat victim, 50-year-
old David 0Burien, was not so lucky. He died from stab wounds to the chest.
&lt;p /&gt;Now that is Gun Control !&lt;p /&gt;Thought for the day:&lt;p
/&gt;Calling an illegal alien an &amp;#39;undocumented immigrant&amp;#39; is like
calling a drug dealer an &amp;#39;unlicensed pharmacist&amp;#39; &lt;p /&gt;I
like this kind of e-mail. American citizens defending themselves and their homes.
&lt;p /&gt; &amp;quot;The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for
expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for
good men to do nothing.&amp;quot;&lt;br /&gt;~Edmund Burke &lt;p style="font-size:
10px;"&gt; &lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via email&lt;/a&gt; from
&lt;a href="
true"&gt;Thus knowledge flows like water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link
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true.html' title='This story is a fabrication. It&amp;#39;s not
term=''/><title type='text'>Pro
life? You betcha!</title><content type='html'>&lt;h3
class="UIIntentionalStory_Message" style="font-weight: normal;"&gt;&lt;span
class="UIStory_Message"&gt;If you want to be pro-life, fine with me. But if YOU
decide to take control of some teenage rape victim&amp;#39;s life and tell her she
can&amp;#39;t have an abortion or a morning-after pill, YOU just became legally
responsible for the mother and baby. YOU just became the adopted father.
That&amp;#39;s only fair. YOU mad&lt;span
class="text_exposed_hide"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="text_exposed_show"&gt;e
the decision, YOU assume the
responsibility.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;b&gt;Biblically, the girl
is supposed to be stoned to death (with her unborn) for &amp;#39;playing the
whore&amp;#39;. How pro-life is THAT?&lt;/b&gt; &lt;p style="font-size: 10px;"&gt;
&lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a
href=""&gt;Thus knowledge flows like
water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link rel='replies'
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href='' title='Pro
life? You
type='text'>Boolean logic</title><content type='html'>Don&amp;#39;t worry too much
about global warming. It will slow down after the human race runs itself extinct
denying there is a problem. But the problem isn&amp;#39;t global warming or peak
oil or the lack of fresh water. Those are merely symptoms. The problem is that we
have almost 7 billion hungry mouths on a 3 billion mouth world. The population
doubled between &amp;#39;57 and ~&amp;#39;97... in forty years. &lt;p /&gt;In 1955
there was enough oil in the ground and enough fish in the sea and enough clean air
to last forever. There was at least one channel of black&amp;amp;white broadcast
TV in almost every major city. Every boy got a rifle when he was as tall as the
rifle. Life was good. There wasn&amp;#39;t much crime at all. You break into
someone&amp;#39;s house, you get shot. Simple. The only reason the police came was
to arrange for the Coroner to remove the body. I never had a key to the house
because we never locked the doors.&lt;p /&gt;So now you aren&amp;#39;t even safe
in your own home. A Brinks security system isn&amp;#39;t going to save your dumb
ass. While the bored-to-tears Brinks operator is dialing 200 people who
accidentally set off their alarms, you have already been raped and murdered. The
police aren&amp;#39;t going to save you. No one will bother to call them even if
they hear you screaming.&lt;span class="text_exposed_hide"&gt;... &lt;span
class="text_exposed_show"&gt;&lt;p /&gt; The country is getting so kinked that
people are beginning to believe it&amp;#39;s perfectly natural for a criminal to
have a gun....after all, they ARE criminals. But the rest of us can&amp;#39;t
possibly own a firearm because we aren&amp;#39;t criminals. In Boolean logic we
call this &amp;#39;0&amp;quot;.&lt;p /&gt;Somewhere along the line someone popped
too many purple tabs and their thinking got screwed up. And then they started this
stupid nonsense that you cannot whip your kid&amp;#39;s &lt;br /&gt;ass good when
he needs it because whatever he did really wasn&amp;#39;t his fault. Society
caused it. Give him a little more Ritalin and make sure none of the neighbors has
a gun, &amp;#39;cause if little Johhny breaks into their house to steal
mommy&amp;#39;s panties and finds it, society will be to blame for whatever he
does.&lt;p /&gt;That shit stops here and now. When little Johnny breaks into my
house and comes at me with a butcher knife, I&amp;#39;ll kill the little bastard
in a heartbeat. In Boolean logic this is called &amp;quot;1&amp;quot;. &lt;p
/&gt;And if I were a good Christian, I&amp;#39;d go over to YOUR house and drag
you out in the street to be stoned for not being a responsible parent and doing it
yourself. Blaming everyone else is bullshit. Blaming society is crazy. YOU raised
that little ass-on-a-stick, not society. The butcher knife didn&amp;#39;t take it
upon itself to grab little Johnny and make him try to murder me. Thinking it did:
logic=0. Realizing it is an inanimate object and little Johnny the
problem: logic=1.&lt;p /&gt;See how easy it is? :-)&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;p style="font-size: 10px;"&gt; &lt;a href=""&gt;Posted
via email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a href="
logic"&gt;Thus knowledge flows like water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link
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href='' title='Boolean
term=''/><title type='text'>Thank
you JESUS</title><content type='html'>&lt;h3
class="UIIntentionalStory_Names"&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="UIStory_Message"
style="font-weight: normal;"&gt;A friend just called and asked if I wanted to come
by for Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday. I think it&amp;#39;s nice when people reach
out like that with a kindness....&amp;quot;What time?&amp;quot; &amp;quot;Oh, in
the afternoon after late Mass.&amp;quot; &amp;quot;Mass...where you take the
Eucharist?&amp;quot;. &amp;quot;Yes, and thank God for our
blessings&amp;quot;.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;&amp;quot;Yes, but I that
the ceremony at which a wheat thin and spoon of wine LITERALLY turn to the flesh
and blood of Jesus as it goes down?&amp;quot; &amp;quot;Welll...some people
don&amp;#39;t believe it, but yes, that is a tenet of the Catholic faith and I
believe it&amp;quot;. &lt;p /&gt;&amp;quot; you ever wonder what bit you
are getting?&amp;quot;&lt;p /&gt;&amp;quot;What?&amp;quot;&lt;span
class="text_exposed_hide"&gt;... &lt;span
class="text_exposed_show"&gt;&lt;p /&gt; &amp;quot;Well, I mean don&amp;#39;t you
ever wonder if you just ate Jesus&amp;#39; eyeball or sphincter or
some....&amp;quot;&lt;p /&gt;&amp;quot;WHAT?!?!?&amp;quot;&lt;p /&gt;&amp;quot;Or
maybe your church just serves the better cuts. Prime rib, Some meat off the arm,
pectorals. Anyway, how can you eat your Savior and them go home and tank down
turkey? I&amp;#39;m almost sure there is something seriously wrong with
that....Was Jeffrey Dahmer a Catholic?&amp;quot;&lt;p /&gt;Hello? Hello?
Dang, Verizon must have dropped the call again. &lt;/span&gt;&lt;p /&gt;What ARE
people thinking while they are &lt;span
class="text_exposed_hide"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="text_exposed_show"&gt;
are gobbling down Jesus&amp;#39; flesh and blood. Don&amp;#39;t you care if you
are getting a good chunk of meat or a hemorrhoid? If it were me, I&amp;#39;d like
to know so I could trade places in line with some oblivious fool who probably
always ends up with a toenail clipping.&lt;p /&gt;While your family and friends
are all thanking God for your bounty on Thursday, remember that wherever you are
in this great country, someone got killed for the land you are on, something got
killed so you can eat it and Jesus is going to kill you, too. He has killed
everything that ever lived. Make sure you are properly appreciative.&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;p style="font-size: 10px;"&gt; &lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via
email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a href="
2"&gt;Thus knowledge flows like water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link
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href='' title='Thank you
term=''/><title type='text'>How to
be a good Christian.</title><content type='html'>&lt;h3
class="UIIntentionalStory_Message"&gt;&lt;span class="UIStory_Message"&gt;&lt;span
style="font-weight: normal;"&gt;You want to be pro-life, fine with me. But if YOU
decide to take control of some girl&amp;#39;s life and tell her she can&amp;#39;t
have an abortion or a morning-after pill, YOU just became legally responsible for
the baby. YOU just became the adopted father. That&amp;#39;s only fair. YOU made
the decision, YOU assume the responsibility. That&amp;#39;s as Christian as it
gets.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p /&gt;&amp;quot;The
true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the
only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do
nothing.&amp;quot;&lt;br /&gt; ~Edmund Burke &lt;p style="font-size: 10px;"&gt;
&lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a
href=""&gt;Thus knowledge
flows like water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link rel='replies'
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title='How to be a good
type='text'>GODDAMNIT!</title><content type='html'>WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?
BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE!&lt;p /&gt;&lt;p /&gt; &amp;quot;The true danger is when
liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary
for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.&amp;quot;&lt;br /&gt;~Edmund
Burke &lt;p style="font-size: 10px;"&gt; &lt;a
href=""&gt;Posted via email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a
href=""&gt;Thus knowledge flows like
water&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </content><link rel='replies'
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10:00</updated><category scheme=''
term=''/><title type='text'>Heady
days</title><content type='html'>These are heady days and we simply cannot plot
imaginary scenarios two years in the future. We have to be based on some measure
of reality and I, at least, cannot even begin to imagine what has happened every
morning when I wake up.&lt;p /&gt; There are strong voices suggesting global
warming is a plot, FEMA has 600 fully staffed concentration camps in the US just
waiting to take people who refuse the H1H1 vaccine which isn&amp;#39;t even
available, and it just gets crazier from there....Clinton replaced all the gold in
Fort Knox with gold-covered tungsten bars, Obama&amp;#39;s socialist agenda is in
overdrive,....&lt;p /&gt; This is what happens when the fabric of society begins
to rip. Instead of seeking solutions, people blamestorm. There is a concerted
effort to effectively make firearms illegal. That plan....ANY more restrictions
on personal freedoms...and there is going to be a civil war.&lt;p /&gt; I have
some very liberal friends and some very conservative friends who happened to be in
a firearms class I was giving. They argued liberal vs conservative on a daily
basis until I sent them down to the police department to apply for permits to
acquire firearms. After being cross-examined, fingerprinted, photographed and
told to call back in two weeks, they shut up. One is an ex- state political party
chairman and an-ex police commissioner. The other is a very powerful person also.
They were treated like the police department treats everyone else who applies to
own a criminals.&lt;p /&gt; People in this country aren&amp;#39;t
happy anymore. They don&amp;#39;t know who the government works for, but
it&amp;#39;s not the citizenry. This is the social part of my allegory to a
slowing top. It wiggles, it spins almost normally for a time, but eventually it
will fall over without warning.&lt;p /&gt; It&amp;#39;s happening. Watch.&lt;p
/&gt;&amp;quot;The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients,
and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do
nothing.&amp;quot;&lt;br /&gt; ~Edmund Burke &lt;p style="font-size: 10px;"&gt;
&lt;a href=""&gt;Posted via email&lt;/a&gt; from &lt;a
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href='' title='Heady
type='text'>Today's rant: Hawaii</title><content type='html'>It was worth the
listing fee to be the first person in history to use an Ebay ad as a blog.
Somewhere on this page is a beautiful home and potential B&amp;B for sale as well.
In the safest place on earth.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;After observing human nature
for sixty years I see that most folks are basically nice....but some of
them....well, 'clueless' is too impolite a word, and calling people dumb as a bag
of hammers wasn't attracting many buyers either, so maybe I'll just say that a lot
of people don't have a well-developed sense of situational awareness. Or, as I
sometimes mumble..."Here's your sign".&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I used to try and
explain risk management. I am alluding to California here, but every state is the
same. It is a simple fact of life that basic homeowner's insurance does not cover
earthquakes, landslides or flood. If one of those is involved, you are not
insured. Period. But you can't tell anyone that; people simply won't believe
their insurance doesn't cover everything. The San Andreas fault runs right down
the length of the state and NO ONE in California has earthquake insurance. Smart?
Nope. But insurance DOES cover....volcanoes.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Insurance is
a brilliant concept. It is sold as 'protection' but it isn't. It doesn't
'protect' you. A .45 automatic protects you. An insurance company is like a
casino. You place a wager that your house is going to burn down or you are going
to die and they cover the bet because you are betting against YOURSELF. Friend,
whenever you bet against yourself, it's a sucker bet. You can't win unless you
lose everything you own or die. The insurance company might replace the walls but
the new, empty house is going to smell like wet ashes for years.....or a barbeque
pit if no one got home before little Fluffy went up like a Roman candle! Poor
thing, scrabbling at the wall until...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Insurance can't
restore a lifetime of memories and personal effects or the kids pictures...all the
family keepsakes and heirlooms. The very things that make your life 'yours'... the
treasures you have saved; your grandmother's wedding ring, the first pair of
shoes, pictures, diplomas....everything. Gone forever. Your personal things,
your favorite things, the one-of-a-kind things. You can get on with your life but
you can never get back what you lost. And you have usually lost everything. The
insurance company can't take you back in time to re-live those special moments or
the thousands of memories of the vacations and the graduations and the weddings.
Or the real valuables which are under your bed. It's not the house you want to
save. It's the contents. People move all the time. What you can't replace, and
what you can't insure because they are priceless, are the things you take with you
which make it your home.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;"It's all right, Dear! We're
protected." Think about it. YOU aren't. Someone ELSE is, you are just paying
for it. If it happens to be LIFE insurance, you are protecting your wife's NEXT
husband and if it's me, I want to thank you now, before it's too late. I do
appreciate it!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;SoCal burns down every five years or so and
destroys thousands of homes and everything in them. Lava comes through Hawaii
every thousand years and destroys five homes. But not the contents, because you
have time to pack up and move. And there is another astounding fact about Hawaii:
Rainforests don't burn. Hawaii is probably the safest place in the world. We have
the cleanest air, the cleanest water, we aren't a potential terrorist target, and
no one wants to invade us.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If something DOES happen to your
uninsured house, you will have the great pleasure of dealing with FEMA, which used
to be known as "The Disaster Agency". It's still the Disaster Agency. Changing
the name didn't make it any less a disaster. FEMA is now part of Homeland
Security, the the second biggest joke of the century. FEMA
will never be able to rebuild New Orleans, which is in worse danger NOW than it
was before Katrina hit. The BEST you can hope for from them is a complete IRS
audit because five minutes after FEMA gets your name, the IRS knows you have lost
all your receipts. They don't do that? OH, YES THEY DO!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;This is the same Homeland Security that makes you take off your shoes in the
airport to see if they are stuffed with explosives and blasting caps. The things
Richard Reid (the 'shoe bomber') was wearing looked like overstuffed chunks of
pizza dough with fuses hanging out. I seem to remember hearing about duct tape
holding the layers together. He was also ratty, unshaven and acting psychotic.
No wonder he got through security. They probably thought he was Keith
Richards.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;"Your shoes!" the screener sneers. I presume
the female in the white and blue tent means to ask politely if I will take of my
shoes so they can x-ray them, but she doesn't. They have an attitude, and you
can't argue with them because they can declare ANYTHING you have as contraband and
confiscate it. ....but sometimes they forget, and say "Do you want fries with
that?" They are the least employable people available, working in a job for which
they have no interest or expertise, and they hate the work. That's not security.
They don't know what to do so they confiscate your water bottle. The idiots are
always confiscating Audi keys. The teeth on your house key could amputate a leg,
but Audi keys retract when they are in your pocket, so they must be switchblades.
Google for it if you don't believe me.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In all honesty
though, they did find another guy trying to get on a plane in 2005 with elevator
tennis shoes held together with duct tape. The shoes tested positive for
explosives. They confiscated the shoes and let the man get on the plane after he
told the TSA very broken English... he had no idea how explosives
got in his shoes. True story. I realize ethnic profiling
is a terrible thing, but guess where this guy was from. No, not New York. I
guess if I were a terrorist I'd fill my boots with nasty spores and spread them to
everyone in the airport when they MADE me take them off. Nothing like exploiting
the enemy's weak spot, eh? "Hey, what's that"? Foot powder. Who'd know the
difference, the highly trained TSA screeners? They used to confiscate tiny nail
clippers in case someone rushed the cockpit and tried to check the pilots for
hangnails. But they let you take your pens and pencils onboard. They
automatically assume everyone is a terrorist until we complete what must be very
similar to checking into a supermax prison. And they still get it wrong nine out
of ten times.,1895,2218275,00.asp&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;if someone did manage to get an ounce of C4 on an airplane and
set it off, all he'd probably do is blow his toes off unless the other passengers
happened to notice some idiot trying to light himself on fire and beat the crap
out of him like they did Richard Reid.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;Then "security"
wants us to walk barefoot through the same place a million people have already
walked barefoot. Everything anyone has ever stepped in is on that floor. There
are filthy scabs, body parts, AIDS, EBOLA, H5E1, FLESH-EATING VIRUS, DRUG-
RESISTANT STAPH, every type of STD and tuberculosis, worms, parasites, little bugs
hopping on and off everyone in line.... and I am going to walk through that sewer
and then use my hands to put my shoes back on over whatever I just stepped in so I
can take it home and and share it with my family? Not a chance, pal. I either
wear disposable surgical scrubs or paint my feet with latex and let them peel it
off in the strip-search room while they are running the latex through the
explosives sniffer (no, I am not kidding). While people are trying to get their
shoes off, their kids are crawling on the floor putting lumps of greasy hairballs
in their mouth. GAAAAAAAAA! &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;That one stupid shoe
inspection idea is the best vector for spreading a pandemic or helping a terrorist
attack imaginable and we are doing it to ourselves. It's just a show so you think
the government is doing something. Their newest idea is a lot better though,
because I do feel safer knowing there is probably a senator or congressman in the
bathroom watching out for me. He taps you with his shoe when it's safe to get on
the plane. You know, I really don't care what people do on their own time. It's
none of my business or anyone else's. But I care when the people at the pinnacles
of government who are representing ME and MY country to the world are all liars,
cheats and horse thieves. If it were up to me I'd string a few of them up. More
than a few. They have forgotten who is working for whom. I am a citizen of this
country, not the subject of a monarch. I vote for people who promise to do what I
want them to do, and then they don't. I'm a patient person, but I'm about tired
of it.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Hurricanes: Almost the entire eastern seaboard of
the U.S. is at or below sea level. There is nothing to stop a hurricane from
coming ashore anywhere, anytime and doing huge amounts of damage. Hurricanes
are made of wind. The Big Island is made of rock. Over 4,000 square miles in area
and almost 14,000 feet high in two places. It's the biggest rock in the world.
Bigger than Mount Everest. Wind doesn't bother us. Hurricanes simply
disintegrate if they get too close. This island has never been hit by a
hurricane. 500 foot tidal wave? The west coast will be gone, I won't have to
walk as far to get fish and my house will be worth about 5 million dollars. Bring
it on!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Volcanoes: MILLIONS of people a year come to see
our volcanoes since Mark Twain wrote about them in the 1800s. They are not
explosive volcanoes, they are mild and beautiful. And the lava flows about one
mile an hour when it flows. Kilauea has been erupting since 1983. It's one of
our main tourist attractions. It's not dangerous. Most of the world's premiere
astronomical observatories are on top of Mauna Kea. There has been a volcano
observatory on top of Mauna Loa since the 1800s watching Mauna Loa and Kilauea.
It's still there. Same place. No one in modern history has ever died from a
volcano here, although once a tourist went and stood exactly where he was told not
to stand and fell through a skylight into a lava tube. Made a "pssssst' noise and
a little puff of steam, that's about it. Happened so fast he didn't have time to
say "OH, SH......". &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;This home is at the edge of a narrow
area of land called Lava Zone 1. It is insured but, because it is just inside
Lava Zone 1, there is a volcano damage insurance cap on the dwelling of $100,000.
Lava did come through this area, before Columbus discovered America but , if it
happened again, you would have a week or two to make arrangements to move your
possessions and even the house. And that, my friends, is unique in the world. It
will never get too cold here, or too hot, and you can't starve. It's impossible.
Food falls off the trees all year long and grilled rat isn't so bad once you get
used to munching on the tiny little feet. But some people prefer beef or fish and
we have the largest privately owned cattle ranch in America on this island.
Parker Ranch. There is fresh local fish every day and lobster in season.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I want to live a few years in the Pacific Northwest. To sit by a
stream and try to hook a trout with a fly rig.....or just pretend to fish, drink a
few cold beers and listen to the birds. I don't want to hear any people, sirens or
car horns. I don't hear any here and I don't miss it. If you have cash or a
free-and-clear all-season home on some wooded acreage with a trout stream or two
up in the wilds somewhere, even off the grid, give me a call. Maybe we can work
something out. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Hawaii is a very liberal state. You can go
to a doctor and get a prescription for marijuana and you can grow enough for
yourself and two friends...supposedly they also have prescriptions. There isn't
much crime here. A lot of people still don't lock their doors. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;People here are building as fast as they can because the next wave of forty-
niners from California is coming again, just like they did after the 2003 fire.
Are they building new houses in Lava Zone 1? Of course. You can look it up on
the county website. Forest fires, floods and the San Andreas fault are problems
we don't have. This house is still here, still safe, still peaceful. But it's
not as quiet at night anymore. The frogs are singing their song. A lot of people
can't hear them, but they are getting too loud for me. Then again, a new warning
just went on Viagra bottles that taking it can make you go deaf, so almost every
male in America could adapt, no problem. :-)&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I'll admit the
insurance is high. About two bucks a day. But the property tax is ..........wait
for it........... less than $100 a year. And hey!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You can
keep the sign. :-)&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Oh....what about the house? First of
all, I'm not going to try to 'sell' it. When the right person comes along they'll
want it and that will be that. I might throw in a free set of Ginsu steak knives,
though. Even so, I suppose I ought to put in a few particulars. The video crew
finished today and are doing the editing at their studio. When it is finished
I'll put it on the Internet somewhere and link it. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This
property abuts a private land trust. The adjacent lot is for sale. We have no
heating or cooling bills but we have cable and high speed Internet. Dish TV is
available and the Post Office delivers mail.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The property
includes lemon, tangerine, fig, avocado, papaya, passion fruit, coconut,
breadfruit (ulu) and guava. There is a lava rock wall and locking gate. Mail
delivery, paved streets. There is a 16,000 gallon concrete catchment system and
it's overflowing. We get a lot of rain here.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Inclusive in
the sale of the property: A 4 month old $1800.00 riding mower with extended
warranty, second riding mower with trailer hitch and street legal trailer, 15
gallon sprayer operated on and from new riding mower, 7.5 hp chipper/shredder,
three year old top of the line oven, two similar refrigerators, washer, dryer, a
new "whole house" Bosch Aqua Star water heater, 2 weed-eaters, 2 back pack Solo
sprayers and miscellaneous gardening tools. The two car garage has a concrete
floored attached storage shed 10'x16' filled with miscellaneous lumber and the
attached screened 12 x 20 concrete floored addition is accessible through an
interior 40" wide door; perfect for wood working. House also has a triple osmosis
filtration system and additional under house filters. There are three independent
garden sheds on the property. Two sheds are 8'x11' and one is 6' x 8' allowing for
waterproof storage of all lawn and garden equipment and additional storage. There
is a highly prized Sandalwood tree on the property line also old growth. This
home and property are free and clear, not on lease land. Complete title will
transfer. Want more pictures? Yours for the asking!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The
mapquest map is accurate; you can see that the property backs to a private trust.
Sperling's Best places has demographics here: although they
are not representative of the average home price in this particular neighborhood
which is in the high 300s to mid 400s. This is the third most popular area on
the Big Island, the other two being Hilo and
Kailua-Kona, our two largest cities. But the prices and weather are better here.;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;You can find out almost anything you want to know from the official local
source: The county government.;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;We
are in the Puna district of Hawaii County, the fastest growing area in the state
because real estate is still undervalued. We have property booms every few years
and they will continue as long as the earth exists. Thanks for visiting!
</content><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
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title='Today&apos;s rant:
term=''/><title type='text'>BRAVO!
</title><content type='html'>Thousands of us are already standing up.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;BRAVO, JIM!
&lt;/a&gt;</content><link rel='related' href=''
title='BRAVO!'/><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
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nk rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
nk rel='alternate' type='text/html'
egory scheme=''
term=''/><title type='text'>Ebay
Redux</title><content type='html'>It was worth the listing fee to be the first
person in history to use an Ebay ad as a blog. Somewhere in here there is a
beautiful home and potential B&amp;B for sale as well. In the safest place on
earth.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I have cleared up some confusion about insurance,
volcanoes, hurricanes and dissed the government. What more can you ask? I have
observed people for sixty years. Most folks are basically nice....but some of
them....well, 'clueless' is too impolite a word; 'dumb' is too pointed, so maybe
I can say they don't necessarily have a well-developed sense of situational
awareness. Some don't even seem to be from this planet. But life is a lot of fun
here. For instance, we see a lot of Botox and we keep a few fresh jokes on hand to
test Botox suspects. If you tell a really great joke and they go "Snark, snark",
but their face doesn't move, you just won a buck. Here is some Hollywood gossip
from a recent personal observation: Reba McEntire doesn't have a face full of
Botox and she's a darn nice person, in person.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I used to
try and explain risk management. It is a simple fact of life that homeowner's
insurance does not cover earthquakes, landslides or flood. If one of those is
involved, you are not insured. Period. But there isn't much you can do; people
simply won't believe their insurance doesn't cover everything. So I let it go and
we discuss the local culture. "Is the food here any good?" It will be today,
Ma'am. The animal shelter just made a delivery. "Do I need sunscreen in Hawaii?"
No, Sir. The ultraviolet exposure index is only eleven or twelve. And it's
cloudy anyway. "How long does it take to drive to Honolulu from Hilo?"
Ummm.....let's's over three hundred miles. I'd plan a whole day for
it. "Is it going to rain?" RAIN! IN HILO?!?! Fugeddaboudit! "And by the way,
here's your sign. Wear it while you are in Hawaii, please! It'll save everyone a
lot of time."&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If your mainland (or any) home is within a
declared disaster area, you will have the great pleasure of dealing with FEMA,
AKA 'The Disaster Agency'. The Peter Principle says anything that can possibly go
wrong will. The Government, and I am tempted to call it the Bush Principle, has
worked through that. They are able to take normal, commonplace, everyday
activities and turn them into complete disasters. But only after they have made
absolutely sure that there is no possible way the problem they created can ever be
mitigated. New Orleans is in more danger now than when FEMA got there. The BEST
you can hope for from them is a complete IRS audit because five minutes after FEMA
gets your name, the IRS knows you have lost all your receipts. They don't target
people that way? OH, YES THEY DO!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;See, FEMA is part of
Homeland Security, the the second biggest joke of the century.
The same Homeland Security that makes you take off your shoes in the airport to
see if they are stuffed with explosives and blasting caps. Not surprisingly, THEY
HAVE NEVER FOUND ANY! I am sure explosive shoes would be a huge problem if they
didn't check. The things Richard Reid (the 'shoe bomber') was wearing looked like
overstuffed chunks of pizza dough with fuses hanging out. He was also ratty,
unshaven and acting psychotic. No wonder he got through security. They probably
thought he was Keith Richards. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But look where they want
you to walk barefoot. The airport security line floor? There are bloody scabs,
body fluids, AIDS, Ebola, H5E1, flesh-eating virus, drug-resistant staph
superbugs, every STD in the world, tuberculosis, worms, parasites, little bugs
hopping off people...hey, for all I know that guy just ahead of me has a pocket
full of anthrax spores or smallpox and is dribbling it onto the floor. But no,
we are looking for explosives in footwear....and not enough to damage an aircraft.
At best the idiot might burn a few of his toes. So they want me to take off my
shoes, walk through that sewer and then use my hands to put my shoes back on over
whatever I just stepped in so I can take it home and and share it with my family?
Not a chance, pal. I'm not checking in to a Supermax prison. I'm the one the
government says they are protecting, but I feel more like a criminal and I'm not
going to walk in a sewer. So I either wear disposable surgical scrubs or paint my
feet with latex and let them peel it off in the strip-search room while they are
running the latex through the explosives sniffer (no, I am not kidding). While
people out in the line are trying to get their shoes off, their kids are crawling
on the floor putting sticky lumps of hair in their mouth. GAAAAAAAAA! &lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Making people take off their shoes in airports is probably the
best possible vector for spreading a pandemic or helping a terrorist attack and we
are doing it to ourselves. The most ridiculous bit is that one trained profiler
asking each passenger two or three questions and one trained security staffer who
shoots the ones who don't answer correctly could stop 99.9 % of potential problems
without ever ever inconveniencing anyone. Instead, the most unemployable people
available are hired to perform a task for which they have no expertise, no grasp
of the technology involved, and no interest in what they are doing. So they
confiscate your water bottle. That's not security. It is not even a good
pretense. It's just a show the government puts on so you think they are actually
doing something. They aren't. There is no such thing as airport security. I am
really tempted to write a book and lay all of this out. It's a farce. They know
it, you know it, I know it. Any serious engineering team can beat any security
system or smuggle anything at all in or out of the country. It's just not that
complicated. How would they find liquid explosive breast implants? Their newest
idea is a lot better though, because I do feel much safer knowing there is
probably a senator or congressman in the next bathroom stall watching out for
me.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Insurance is a brilliant concept. It is sold as
'protection' but it isn't. It doesn't 'protect' you. An insurance company is
like a casino. You place a wager that your house is going to burn down or you are
going to die and they cover the bet because you are betting against YOURSELF.
Friend, whenever you bet against yourself, it's a sucker bet. You can't win
unless you lose everything you own or die. And then you will discover you are
either not insured at all (earthquake, etc.) or underinsured, or you can't prove
your loss. They won't reimburse the amount
of the coverage you are paying for. They will only pay the amount of loss you
can PROVE. No matter how much insurance you think you have, you don't. if your
home burns down, it isn't enough, and it isn't going to make things right or
restore any sense of normalcy. Things will never be 'normal' again. And your
family will hate you for being an idiot. I used to see commercials from a well
known baby food company trying to sell toddler insurance to start protecting your
baby early. Protect, hell, the policy only pays if the baby dies.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;"It's all right, Dear! We're insured." Think about it. You
aren't. The insurance company might replace the walls but the new, empty house is
going to smell like wet ashes for years.....or a barbeque pit if no one got home
before little Fluffy went up like a Roman candle! Poor thing, scrabbling at the
wall until...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Insurance can't restore a lifetime of
memories and personal effects or the kids pictures...all the family keepsakes and
heirlooms things that make your life 'yours'... all the stuff you saved; your
grandmother's wedding ring, the first pair of shoes, family heirlooms, pictures,
diplomas....everything. Gone forever. Your personal things, your favorite things,
the one-of-a-kind things. You can get on with your life but you can never get
back what you lost. And you have usually lost everything. The insurance company
can't take you back in time to re-live those special moments or the thousands of
memories of the vacations and the graduations and the weddings. Or the treasures
hidden under your bed. It's not the house you want to save. It's the contents.
In California you can't do that; there isn't time. In Hawaii, there is. You can
always get another house. People move all the time. What you can't replace are
the things which make it your home. That's the point. Not the dollar amount of
your insurance. That figure is meaningless. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;SoCal burns
down every five years or so and destroys thousands of homes and everything in
them. Lava comes through Hawaii every thousand years and destroys five homes.
But not the contents (unless you didn't bother to move them, figuring you will get
new stuff. But then you are negligent insurance). And there is another
astounding fact about Hawaii: Rainforests don't burn. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A
lot of people lose interest in this home when they realize the island is volcanic
(like ALL islands, California, Washington and most of the rest of the earth) and I
tell them there is a volcano insurance cap of 100K on the house. Many of those
same people live and own...or....owned, until they burned down, homes in Southern
California where there are more active volcanoes than in Hawaii and a hundred
times more earthquakes. Maybe that last Botox shot went a little too deep. The
San Andreas fault runs right down the length of the state and NO ONE in California
has earthquake insurance but everyone thinks they do. Earthquakes are an excluded
risk on EVERY insurance policy. But insurance DOES cover....volcanoes.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Hurricanes: Almost the entire eastern seaboard of the U.S. is at
or below sea level. There is nothing to stop a hurricane from coming ashore
anywhere, anytime and doing huge amounts of damage. Hurricanes are made of
wind. The Big Island is made of rock. Over 4,000 square miles in area and almost
14,000 feet high in two places. It's the biggest rock in the world. Bigger than
Mount Everest. Wind doesn't bother us. Hurricanes simply disintegrate if they
get too close. This island has never been hit by a hurricane. 500 foot tidal
wave? The west coast is gone. The Big Island will survive.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Volcanoes: MILLIONS of people a year come to see our volcanoes since Mark
Twain wrote about them in the 1800s. They are not explosive volcanoes, they are
mild and beautiful. And the lava flows about one mile an hour when it flows.
Kilauea has been erupting since 1983. It's one of our main tourist attractions.
It's not dangerous. Most of the world's premiere astronomical observatories are on
top of Mauna Kea. There has been a volcano observatory on top of Mauna Loa since
the 1800s watching Mauna Loa and Kilauea. It's still there. Same place. No one
in modern history has ever died from a volcano here, although once a tourist went
and stood exactly where he was told not to stand and fell through a skylight into
a lava tube. Made a "pssssst' noise and a little puff of steam, that's about it.
Happened so fast he didn't have time to say "OH, SH......". &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br
/&gt;This home is at the edge of a narrow area of land called Lava Zone 1. It is
insured but, because it is just inside Lava Zone 1, there is a volcano damage
insurance cap on the dwelling for $100,000. Lava did come through this area,
before Columbus discovered America but , if it happened again, you would have a
week or two to make arrangements to move your possessions and even the house. And
that, my friends, is unique in the world. It will never get too cold here, or too
hot, and you can't starve. It's impossible. Food falls off the trees all year
long and grilled rat isn't so bad once you get used to munching on the tiny little
feet. But some people prefer beef or fish and we have the largest privately owned
cattle ranch in America on this island. Parker Ranch. There is fresh fish local
every day and lobster in season. So, logically, moving to Hawaii tomorrow is the
best possible survival technique there is!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I want to live a
few years in the Pacific Northwest. To sit by a stream trying to hook a brook
trout with a fly rig.....or just pretend to fish, drink a few cold beers and
listen to the birds is starting to appeal to me. If you have cash or a free-and-
clear all-season home on some wooded acreage with a trout stream or two up in the
wilds somewhere, even off the grid is fine, give me a call. Maybe we can work
something out.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Hawaii is a very liberal state. You can go
to a doctor and get a prescription for marijuana and you can grow enough for
yourself and two friends...supposedly they also have prescriptions. But it's not
a firearm-friendly state. Even retired Hawaii police officers can't carry
concealed firearms here. Of course we have almost no crime, but we still have the
Second Amendment. As luck would have it, I still believe everyone has the
absolute right to protect themselves and their property. So the bottom line is
that I am going back to a pro-gun state where people aren't afraid of psychotic
high school kids in long coats. in 95% of these cases, everyone knows in advance
the suspects are nutloafs, but no one does anything. After the little creeps
execute victims they KNOW can't fight back, someone blames it on the gun, but if
he didn't have one he'd do it with a can of gas. Hey kid. Pull that 9mm out in
a free carry state instead in a room full of unarmed, pampered, liberal students
and see what happens. You just declared yourself to be an adult and initiated a
gunfight. Don't be surprised if people don't just cower in fear until you walk up
and shoot them. Most Americans won't do that. About ten MILLION of us will
demonstrate proper tactical shooting skills for you right on the spot.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;People here are still building as fast as they can because the
next wave of forty-niners from California is coming again, just like they did
after the 2003 fire. Are they building new houses in Lava Zone 1? Of course.
You can look it up on the county website. Forest fires, floods and the San
Andreas fault are problems we don't have. This house is still here, still safe,
still peaceful. But it's not as quiet at night anymore. The frogs are singing
their song. A lot of people can't hear them, but they are getting too loud for
me. Then again, a new warning just went on Viagra bottles that taking it can make
you go deaf, so most of you baby boomers could live here, no problem.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I'll admit the insurance is high. About two bucks a day. But
the property tax is ..........wait for it........... less than $100 a year. And
hey!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You can keep the sign. :-)&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Oh....what about the house? I suppose I ought to put in a few particulars.
I'm sending a camera crew out to do a shoot of the place. When it is cut and
edited, I'll put it on the Internet somewhere, but I told them no rush.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This property abuts a private land trust. The adjacent lot is
for sale. We have no heating or cooling bills but we have cable and Dish TV and
high speed Internet.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The property includes lemon,
tangerine, fig, avocado, papaya, passion fruit, coconut, breadfruit (ulu) and
guava. There is a lava rock wall and locking gate. Mail delivery, paved streets.
There is a 16,000 gallon concrete catchment system and it's overflowing. We get
a lot of rain here.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Inclusive in the sale of the property:
A 4 month old $1800.00 riding mower with extended warranty, second riding mower
with trailer hitch and street legal trailer, 15 gallon sprayer operated on and
from new riding mower, 7.5 hp chipper/shredder, three year old top of the line
oven, two similar refrigerators, washer, dryer, a new "whole house" Bosch Aqua
Star water heater, 2 weed-eaters, 2 back pack Solo sprayers and miscellaneous
gardening tools. The two car garage has a concrete floored attached storage shed
10'x16' filled with miscellaneous lumber and the attached screened 12 x 20
concrete floored addition is accessible through an interior 40" wide door; perfect
for wood working. House also has a triple osmosis filtration system and additional
under house filters. There are
three independent garden sheds on the property. Two sheds are 8'x11' and one is
6' x 8' allowing for waterproof storage of all lawn and garden equipment and
additional storage. There is a highly prized Sandalwood tree on the property line
also old growth. This home and property are free and clear, not on lease land.
Complete title will transfer. Want more pictures? Yours for the asking!&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The mapquest map is accurate; you can see that the property backs
to a private trust. Sperling's Best places has demographics here: although they
are not representative of the average home price in this particular neighborhood
which is in the high 300s to mid 400s. This is the third most popular area on
the Big Island, the other two being Hilo and Kailua-Kona, our two largest cities.
But the prices and weather are better here.;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;You can find out almost anything you want to know from the official local
source: The county government.;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;We
are in the Puna district of Hawaii County, the fastest growing area in the state
because real estate is still undervalued. We have property booms every few years
and they will continue as long as the earth exists. Thanks for visiting!
</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
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egory scheme=''
type='text'>Checking in to a Supermax prison</title><content type='html'>I am
getting tired of the government and especially the idiot president running amok.
So I am going to sit here and explain, in detail, how to completely ruin the
airport 'security' system, repair FEMA, stop the war in Iraq, and get rid of the
dictatorship we have fallen under.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But I'm a bit tired
tonight, so I'll ask you to please bear with me for a day or two while I think
about it.</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
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scheme='' term='Iraq Iran'/><category
scheme='' term='Bush'/><category
scheme='' term='Middle east'/><category
scheme='' term='civil war'/><title type='text'>The
Presidents</title><content type='html'>This is the simple version. Not everyone
agrees with it, but I have never, since 1960, failed to correctly predict the
results of a Presidential election and this is how I decided. I am going to skip
right to Jimmy Carter, who is almost as stupid as Dubya (he pulled the rug out
from under the Shah of Iran and thus enabled the Ayatollahs to take power and our
embassy) and is now showing himself to be an anti-semitic idiot. I don't care
whether he is or not, I'm just saying. He lost a second term because he wouldn't
stand up to Iran while they held our hostages for 444 days and he gave the Panama
canal away. To Manuel Noriega.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Bush 41 didn't get reelected
for the simple reason that he refused to get rid of his VP, fondly remembered as
the Man Who Couldn't Spell Potato. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Al Gore didn't get
elected behind Bill Clinton because the country was punishing the Democrats for
lying about Monica. No one cares that she was sucking his John-Thomas. Everyone
cared that he lied under oath about it. If it had not been for that, the idiot
Bush 43 would not be president.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If it's Hillary vs Obama,
Obama will win. I'd vote for McCain, but he's a Republican and Bush has ruined
the Republican party for years. So if it's Hillary vs McCain,
Hillary.</content><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
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blogID=10976159&amp;postID=4008512044748602285&amp;isPopup=true' title='0
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scheme='' term='homes for sale'/><category
scheme='' term='humor'/><category
scheme='' term='Ebay'/><title type='text'>Seen on
Ebay.</title><content type='html'>From Ebay.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;a href="
%3D1%26from%3DR8%26satitle%3D330179676156%26category0%3D%26fvi%3D1"&gt;This is
about a house for sale in Hawaii.&lt;/a&gt;</content><link rel='related'
%3D1%26from%3DR8%26satitle%3D330179676156%26category0%3D%26fvi%3D1' title='Seen on
Ebay.'/><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html'
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Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
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href='' title='Seen on
term=''/><title type='text'>It's
too bad the President doesn't get this.</title><content type='html'>&lt;a
href=""&gt;Red Skelton's pledge of
allegience.&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I am a strong atheist, but this is
just too beautiful not to post.</content><link rel='related'
href='' title='It&apos;s too bad the
President doesn&apos;t get this.'/><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
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this.html' title='It&apos;s too bad the President doesn&apos;t get
scheme='' term='firearms'/><category
scheme='' term='crime'/><category
scheme='' term='personal defense'/><title
type='text'>Whose job is it
to protect you?</title><content type='html'>I repeat this a lot, but a lot of
people think the police or someone else is going to protect them from ne'er-do-
wells, if they think of it at all. Usually it's "It won't happen to ME." I
watched a Brinks commercial tonight. The dumbass woman is watching TV with her
kids and sees an ominous shadow on the floor. We aren't told how the shadow could
have got on the floor. It can't have been the troglodyte outside the window unless
light curves and bends. Instead of screaming and freezing, like everyone in the
world would actually do, she hustles the kids off to an upstairs bedroom while the
guy outside runs up and breaks a window with a tire iron...for no reason
whatsoever...and then runs away. Burglars don't break windows AFTER they have been
seen and they don't break windows too small to use as an entry point, but this guy
did. The alarm goes off. The mother barely gets upstairs when Brinks calls. That
is interesting because the alarm autodialer to Brinks ain't finished dialing yet.
"Is anything wrong?" says the dumbass Brinks guy. Hell no, window break
sensor went off because of swamp gas "Yes" says the woman calmly... "someone just
tried to break in." "Ma'am, I'm sending help right now." "The woman, visibly
relieved, says "Thank you". But in the 20 minutes it takes for the police to get
there, she and her kids could be meat on the table. See, if someone comes to your
house and breaks in while the lights and TV are on, they already know who is in
the house, they are obviously not afraid and intend to do something you won't
like.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Apparently the alarm scared off the burglar who was a
moron anyway for not noticing the "Brinks" signs all over the house and failing to
cut the phone line and the wire to the outside audible alarm. But eventually the
police get there and explain to the woman "This could have been a lot worse".
"Thank you" she replies..a totally inappropriate thing to say in the circumstance.
Yes, it could. Instead of an idiot, it might have been someone with enough sense
to kick down the door, grab a kid, and tell the mom to tell the Brinks guy it was
a mistake and make her turn off the alarm. Or break in before she armed the alarm
which people do, if at all, when they go to bed. Or picked the house next door
which doesn't have an alarm. Or go "Meow, Meow' in the bushes until the kids get
mom to go see about the cat.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Do you have security cameras
all over? That's good. It will help the police figure out who kidnapped and
murdered your daughter. Do you have a dog? Even better. Dogs are wonderful.
Failing a firearm and proficiency with it, a good dog about 120 pounds is the next
best thing. The intruder won't have heard the dog barking when he cased the joint
and won't have brought a pork chop laced with rat poison to feed it before he
comes for you.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Look, by the time you dial 911 the guy has
already got into your house and unless you can defend yourself you have no chance.
There is a book out called "Dial 911 and die". There are 5 MILLION violent crimes
in the US every year. There would be about twice that many but for armed citizens.
911 is nothing more than government sponsored dial-a-prayer.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Many crimes occur because people simply refuse to defend themselves. They
don't believe it can happen to them. They think the police are less than 30
seconds away at all times. It simply isn't true. Where I live, the police don't
go to at least a non-trivial percentage of their calls. They are busy and
sometimes they just don't get around to it.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You better
forget the idea of living in a society in which the government can protect you.
The police are NEVER called until AFTER you are victimized or dead. If you want to
protect your family, YOU need to accept the primary responsibility. You can get a
permit to carry a concealed weapon in most states (with some notable exceptions).
You can hire a gunslinger (like me) who is licensed to carry a concealed weapon in
all fifty states. You can get a Taser in many states. You can get pepper spray.
You can always get Home and Garden Raid which sprays up to 25 feet and expend a
can in an attacker's face. It will probably stop him or her unless they are
drugged up.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The thing I usually hear is "Oh, I couldn't
hurt anyone". OK. Look through a forensic textbook (Brent Turvey has some good
ones out) and see what will happen to you if one of these bad people gets hold of
you. After that it's "A GUN??? Suppose a child found it?" Suppose you don't
leave it around for a child to find. Suppose you teach your sissy x-box playing
brats not to play with guns. If they shoot themselves anyway they are doing the
genepool a favor.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I am not advocating violence or crime,
but GUNS are merely expensive rocks. The person's MIND is the weapon, not the
method. Don't blame guns for killing people. Blame cars. Guns kill people like
pencils cause misspelled words.</content><link rel='replies'
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title='Whose job is it to protect
term=''/><title type='text'>Here
is an interesting site</title><content
type='html'>;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;They suggest that
the billions of tons of CO2 we (the humans) pump into the atmosphere is really
beneficial because it gives plants more CO2 to convert to oxygen and everything is
getting better all the time. Global warming is just a natural cycle which happens
periodically, nothing to worry about. After all, there have been natural periods
of global warming in the past, it's just business as usual. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Well, yes that is so and there have been ice ages as well. But prior to
about 10,000 years ago, they were the result of the various earth orbital vagaries
and rotation patterns and the warm and cool periods were simply the earth
accommodating itself to those changes. The forests had not been cut down for
timber and agriculture, the oceans were full of healthy fish the rain was clean
and fresh, and the few million people who were hunting and gathering in small
tribal groups generally died before they managed to cause too much
damage.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Let's fast-forward to today. Depending upon where
you live, your drinking water is either polluted or, if you are lucky, recycled
sewage. The plant biomass which loves to produce oxygen from CO2 has been reduced
by about 60%. The natural generation of CO2 has been supplemented by BILLIONS of
tons a year that industrialization is spewing into the atmosphere. The fish are
getting scarce, and the ones we CAN find are too toxic to eat safely. Wait....did
I mention that the human population has increased from several million to over 6
BILLION and is growing daily despite the thousands of people who starve to death
every week? You can look it up.;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Great....what are you doing about it? Did you join the Sierra
Club to unload some guilt? Did you trade in that Suburban for a hybrid? Are you
recycling your plastic and aluminum cans? Guess what? You aren't making a dent.
You are doing NOTHING to help. You think you are, but what you are really doing
is giving big corporations access to cheap, already refined materials so they can
make more cheap cans and make more profit and providing your state a way to keep
trash dumps empty longer while collecting a 5 or ten cent bounty on each
container. Let me tell you why you are not helping. The mining company is in
business to get as much ore out of the ground and processed in as short a time as
possible. Quantity is how they stay competetive. The refinery is in the business
of refining as much metal as they possibly can no matter who they buy it from.
They need to sell more all the time to keep up with rising costs. It's that way
all the way up and down the line. That's what free enterprise does. EVERY
treatise you read on saving the environment says (and I paraphrase) "Everything,
every choice, every move, every law, depends on the economy". And every one of
them is wrong. The REAL problem is overpopulation, and it is not going to get
better until about half the global population drops dead in one mass-extinction
event. It will happen eventually. It has happened before. It could be H5N1 or it
could be something much simpler.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;As for your Prius hybrid,
the trucks which get the cans to your local Wal-Mart are still using most of the
fuel, along with jet aircraft. And chemical plants. And refineries. And power
plants. God forbid you should miss American Idol in one room while three
different shows are on in the rest of the house. And the sad part is that there is
nothing you can do.
The roller coaster is moving and you are merely along for the ride.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Now at first it seems as though these problems are simple, and a
concerted effort could get us off the tracks before the train arrives. But
nothing is simple. Try getting a concensus of where to go for dinner. And the
problem is that almost no one understands the problems involved, certainly not
lawmakers and world leaders. There is a lot to know about everything and it is
all interrelated at some level. If you want to see how much YOU don't know, go
read an article called 'The alternative genome' in the April 2005 Scientific
American. Most people just automatically assume that someone (God or the leaders
of the first-world countries) have everything under control. Nothing is further
from the truth. The sky is not falling yet, but one can certainly see the
foundation crumbling. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Today's book recommendations:&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The Ancestor's Tale: A pilgrimage to the dawn of evolution,
Richard Dawkins.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Guns, Germs and steel, the fates of Human
Societies, Jared Diamond.&lt;br /&gt;Collapse, Jared Diamond.</content><link
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title='Here is an interesting
type='text'>Thought for the day</title><content type='html'>Need health care?
Let's bomb Iraq instead.</content><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
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href='' title='Thought
for the
type='text'>Firearms refresher course</title><content type='html'>"Those who
hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."&lt;br /&gt;~ Thomas
Jefferson&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;FIREARMS REFRESHER COURSE&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br
/&gt;1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;br /&gt;2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;br /&gt;3. Colt: The original point and click interface.&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;br /&gt;4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;br /&gt;5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br
/&gt;6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;br /&gt;7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br
/&gt;8. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br
/&gt;9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br
/&gt;10. The United States Constitution (c)1791. All Rights Reserved.&lt;br
/&gt; &lt;br /&gt;11. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not
understand?&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;12. The Second Amendment is in place in case
the politicians ignore the others.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;13. 64,999,987
firearms owners killed no one yesterday.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;14. Guns only
have two enemies; rust and politicians.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;15. Know guns,
know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br
/&gt;16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br
/&gt;17. 911: Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;18.
Assault is a behavior, not a device.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;19. Criminals love
gun control; it makes their jobs safer.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;20. If guns cause
crime, then matches cause arson.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;21. Only a government
that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;22.
You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;23.
Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don't make more.&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;br /&gt;24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create
slaves.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;25. The American Revolution would never have
happened with gun control.</content><link rel='replies'
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title='Firearms refresher
term=''/><title type='text'>Human
intelligence in government</title><content type='html'>Aphorism of the
day:&lt;br /&gt;People change laws, laws don't change people.&lt;br /&gt;-
me</content><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
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title='Human intelligence in
scheme='' term='Supermarket Food'/><title
type='text'>The Domesday Book, Chapter I</title><content type='html'>I have had
this nagging idea for some time now and I just realized what it is. I have never
been one of those nutty vegetarians (no pun in ten did), but for the past few
years the meat in the stores hasn't looked quite right to me and I haven't been
able to figure out why.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I used to go into the meat section
and the steaks looked appetizing. I mean, really GOOD! Now they are all exactly
the same color and it isn't the color beef used to be. Not only that but in the
past you could find the same cuts of beef in various sizes. Now they are all
almost exactly the same size. That isn't right. No one can EVER convince me it is.
You used to be able to toss a thick steak on a barbecue with nothing more than
salt and pepper and have a fine dining experience. These things are like tossing
cardboard cut-outs on the grill.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Now then....I go over to
the seafood section because I want a chunk of fresh Atlantic salmon for sashimi.
The salmon is all raised in Canada and it is a sickly brown. And that is AFTER
they have added color to it. I look around and notice that EVERYTHING THERE is
farm raised. Hey, I want fish fresh out of the ocean, not something that has been
raised in a grey-water recycling pond so they don't have to pay for fish food. And
little signs are appearing on fish products behind the counter: "This product
treated with carbon monoxide". Why would anyone need to treat food with carbon
monoxide? You will have to look it up.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Chocolate
bars are now colored wax. In particular, anything made in the USA or Japan. When
I was a kid, chocolate melted in the sun. That Hershey bar you just paid $3 an
ounce for won't even melt in a microwave oven. You could pave streets with them.
If I want to eat wax, I'll buy a scented candle.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Chicken.
Healthy, right? I reckon not. The chicken butchers sell the leftovers to the
cattle ranchers for feed and the cattle butchers sell the leftovers to the chicken
farmers for feed. Pig farmers throw fast-food slop to the pigs and the pig
butchers sell the useless parts to the fish farmers or, as I said, the fish
farmers grow their catfish in waste recycling tanks. If I throw chicken on the BBQ
a nasty green flame comes off of it for a second or two. Hey, what burns with a
green color?!?!? NOTHING IN A CHICKEN!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In the mean time the
pigs shit E-coli all over spinach and everything else so your veggies are all
contaminated.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But hold the phone. Is any of that
illegal.....or even regulated? Not at all. Everyone is on the honor
system.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Oh, wait! CHEESE! Do you people know how cheese is
made? If I told you it might make you hurl, so I won't. You can look it up right
after CO (Carbon Monoxide).&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So I go to one of the local
farmers and buy sweet corn but I won't take just anything fresh-picked. I shuck it
on the spot and take only the ones with caterpillars in them. If a caterpillar is
eating it and is still alive, it must not be poison.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I get
the tomatoes and lettuce out of my backyard so they are organic. I let the bugs
eat enough to keep them happy, but I chase off the slugs.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I
am on a water catchment system. There is no county water out here and that's fine
with me. We get a lot of rain and I developed a little water
filtration/decontamination/sterilization system that I pump the water through
before it gets to the real filters. It was pretty easy to make, too! I just
scraped the radium off about a hundred old alarm clocks and put it in a filter. As
long as it is glowing I know it's working. The only problem with the water is that
this pink stuff is all over the inside of the shower and I can't kill it, even
with Lysol and Clorox. But whatever it is, pink stuff can't be bad for you, right?
Anyway, my catchment water is like a crystal clear mountain stream compared to
most of them which have drowned rats and what-not floating in the tank.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;OK, I'm kidding about the radium.</content><link rel='replies'
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daily-rant.html' title='The Domesday Book, Chapter
term=''/><title type='text'>The
criminal justice farce</title><content type='html'>We need to fix the death
penalty in this country. When someone is sentenced to death, they ought to be
executed immediately. Forget all the appeals and BS. Take 'em out back and cap
'em. (Sorry Pat, that's what I think)&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Then go into all the
prisons and tell the lifers that serving life is a privilege, not a right, and
that if they shank someone or attack a guard they get a dirt nap the same day. For
that matter, ANYONE who is not a model prisoner every day in every way gets the
chop.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Next we'll move on to congress and establish a policy
of ethics that everyone can understand.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I would also change
some of the stupid laws we have now. Eyewitness identification is notoriously poor
and a lot of innocent people are in prison because they were incorrectly
identified. I think eyewitnesses are a good start, but I also think there has to
be corroborating evidence. Forensic science is quickly moving to make that a
reality.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I also think child molesters and serial killers
and rapists and sociopaths are not redeemable and cannot be rehabilitated, so they
will always be dangerous to the community. If someone is convicted of brutality
during a murder, or serial offenses and there is no shred of doubt as to their
guilt AND they have no sense of remorse, they are not worth feeding and housing
for the rest of their lives. Charlie Manson comes to mind. Karla Homulka is
another one. She served a sentence and is now running around free, but she should
have been executed.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In the case of pedophiles and rapists,
their sex organs should be removed. End of problem.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I think
that every citizen should have the right and the OBLIGATION to protect themselves
and their family. Trust me, if someone breaks in here I am not going to end my
life pleading with a 911 operator to send help that won't come until it's too
late. Even if the person were caught and convicted, my life would have been over
if I had been willing to depend on Big Brother to protect me. It cracks me up that
women go and get restraining orders and the next day their ex comes over and
murders them. They SHOULD have got a gun and learned how to use it.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I have a thing about drugs, too. I think drugs should be legal
and cheap. If you want to sit in an alley and shoot heroin, go for it. At least
you won't be burglarizing my house to get the money. Marijuana should be legalized
immediately. The idea that it is a 'gateway' drug is simply wrong, and it is the
largest cash crop in the US. The government should just collect their tax, pay off
the national debt and be done with making citizens into criminals.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Where did everyone's common sense go?</content><link
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href='' title='The
criminal justice
scheme='' term='atheism'/><category
scheme='' term='philosophy'/><category
scheme='' term='religion'/><category
scheme='' term='God'/><title type='text'>10 myths
-- and 10 truths -- about atheism</title><content type='html'>10 myths -- and 10
truths -- about atheism&lt;br /&gt;By Sam Harris, SAM HARRIS is the author of "The
End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason" and "Letter to a
Christian Nation."&lt;br /&gt;December 24, 2006 &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;SEVERAL
POLLS indicate that the term "atheism" has acquired such an extraordinary stigma
in the United States that being an atheist is now a perfect impediment to a career
in politics (in a way that being black, Muslim or homosexual is not). According to
a recent Newsweek poll, only 37% of Americans would vote for an otherwise
qualified atheist for president.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Atheists are often
imagined to be intolerant, immoral, depressed, blind to the beauty of nature and
dogmatically closed to evidence of the supernatural.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Even
John Locke, one of the great patriarchs of the Enlightenment, believed that
atheism was "not at all to be tolerated" because, he said, "promises, covenants
and oaths, which are the bonds of human societies, can have no hold upon an
atheist."&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;That was more than 300 years ago. But in the
United States today, little seems to have changed. A remarkable 87% of the
population claims "never to doubt" the existence of God; fewer than 10% identify
themselves as atheists — and their reputation appears to be
deteriorating.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Given that we know that atheists are often
among the most intelligent and scientifically literate people in any society, it
seems important to deflate the myths that prevent them from playing a larger role
in our national discourse.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;1) Atheists believe that life is
meaningless.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;On the contrary, religious people often worry
that life is meaningless and imagine that it can only be redeemed by the promise
of eternal happiness beyond the grave. Atheists
tend to be quite sure that life is precious. Life is imbued with meaning by being
really and fully lived. Our relationships with those we love are meaningful now;
they need not last forever to be made so. Atheists tend to find this fear of
meaninglessness … well … meaningless.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;2) Atheism is
responsible for the greatest crimes in human history.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;People of faith often claim that the crimes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol
Pot were the inevitable product of unbelief. The problem with fascism and
communism, however, is not that they are too critical of religion; the problem is
that they are too much like religions. Such regimes are dogmatic to the core and
generally give rise to personality cults that are indistinguishable from cults of
religious hero worship. Auschwitz, the gulag and the killing fields were not
examples of what happens when human beings reject religious dogma; they are
examples of political, racial and nationalistic dogma run amok. There is no
society in human history that ever suffered because its people became too
reasonable.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;3) Atheism is dogmatic.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Jews, Christians and Muslims claim that their scriptures are so prescient of
humanity's needs that they could only have been written under the direction of an
omniscient deity. An atheist is simply a person who has considered this claim,
read the books and found the claim to be ridiculous. One doesn't have to take
anything on faith, or be otherwise dogmatic, to reject unjustified religious
beliefs. As the historian Stephen Henry Roberts (1901-71) once said: "I contend
that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you
understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I
dismiss yours."&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;4) Atheists think everything in the
universe arose by chance.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;No one knows why the universe
came into being. In fact, it is not entirely clear that we can coherently speak
about the "beginning" or "creation" of the universe at all, as these ideas invoke
the concept of time, and here we are talking about the origin of space-time
itself.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The notion that atheists believe that everything
was created by chance is also regularly thrown up as a criticism of Darwinian
evolution. As Richard Dawkins explains in his marvelous book, "The God Delusion,"
this represents an utter misunderstanding of evolutionary theory. Although we
don't know precisely how the Earth's early chemistry begat biology, we know that
the diversity and complexity we see in the living world is not a product of mere
chance. Evolution is a combination of chance mutation and natural selection.
Darwin arrived at the phrase "natural selection" by analogy to the "artificial
selection" performed by breeders of livestock. In both cases, selection exerts a
highly non-random effect on the development of any species.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;5) Atheism has no connection to science.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Although it
is possible to be a scientist and still believe in God — as some scientists seem
to manage it — there is no question that an engagement with scientific thinking
tends to erode, rather than support, religious faith. Taking the U.S. population
as an example: Most polls show that about 90% of the general public believes in a
personal God; yet 93% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences do not.
This suggests that there are few modes of thinking less congenial to religious
faith than science is.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;6) Atheists are arrogant.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;When scientists don't know something — like why the universe came
into being or how the first self-replicating molecules formed — they admit it.
Pretending to know things one doesn't know is a profound liability in science. And
yet it is the life-blood of faith-based religion. One of the monumental ironies of
religious discourse can be found in the frequency with which people of faith
praise themselves for their humility, while claiming to know facts about
cosmology, chemistry and biology that no scientist knows. When considering
questions about the nature of the cosmos and our place within it, atheists tend to
draw their opinions from science. This isn't arrogance; it is intellectual
honesty.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;7) Atheists are closed to spiritual
experience.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;There is nothing that prevents an atheist from
experiencing love, ecstasy, rapture and awe; atheists can value these experiences
and seek them regularly. What atheists don't tend to do is make unjustified (and
unjustifiable) claims about the nature of reality on the basis of such
experiences. There is no question that some Christians have transformed their
lives for the better by reading the Bible and praying to Jesus. What does this
prove? It proves that certain disciplines of attention and codes of conduct can
have a profound effect upon the human mind. Do the positive experiences of
Christians suggest that Jesus is the sole savior of humanity? Not even remotely —
because Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and even atheists regularly have similar
experiences.&lt;br /&gt;There is, in fact, not a Christian on this Earth who can
be certain that Jesus even wore a beard, much less that he was born of a virgin or
rose from the dead. These are just not the sort of claims that spiritual
experience can authenticate.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;8) Atheists believe that there
is nothing beyond human life and human understanding.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Atheists are free to admit the limits of human understanding in a way that
religious people are not. It is obvious that we do not fully understand the
universe; but it is even more obvious that neither the Bible nor the Koran
reflects our best understanding of it. We do not know whether there is complex
life elsewhere in the cosmos, but there might be. If there is, such beings could
have developed an understanding of nature's laws that vastly exceeds our own.
Atheists can freely entertain such possibilities. They also can admit that if
brilliant extraterrestrials exist, the contents of the Bible and the Koran will be
even less impressive to them than they are to human atheists.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;From the atheist point of view, the world's religions utterly trivialize the
real beauty and immensity of the universe. One doesn't have to accept anything on
insufficient evidence to make such an observation.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;9)
Atheists ignore the fact that religion is extremely beneficial to
society.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Those who emphasize the good effects of religion
never seem to realize that such effects fail to demonstrate the truth of any
religious doctrine. This is why we have terms such as "wishful thinking" and
"self-deception." There is a profound distinction between a consoling delusion and
the truth.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In any case, the good effects of religion can
surely be disputed. In most cases, it seems that religion gives people bad reasons
to behave well, when good reasons are actually available. Ask yourself, which is
more moral, helping the poor out of concern for their suffering, or doing so
because you think the creator of the universe wants you to do it, will reward you
for doing it or will punish you for not doing it?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;10)
Atheism provides no basis for morality.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If a person doesn't
already understand that cruelty is wrong, he won't discover this by reading the
Bible or the Koran — as these books are bursting with celebrations of cruelty,
both human and divine. We do not get our morality from religion. We decide what is
good in our good books by recourse to moral intuitions that are (at some level)
hard-wired in us and that have been refined by thousands of years of thinking
about the causes and possibilities of human happiness.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;We
have made considerable moral progress over the years, and we didn't make this
progress by reading the Bible or the Koran more closely. Both books condone the
practice of slavery — and yet every civilized human being now recognizes that
slavery is an abomination. Whatever is good in scripture — like the golden rule —
can be valued for its ethical wisdom without our believing that it was handed down
to us by the creator of the universe.</content><link rel='related'
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atheism.html' title='10 myths -- and 10 truths -- about
scheme='' term='Bush'/><category
scheme='' term='Iraq'/><category
term='civil war'/><title type='text'>Mission accomplished in Iraq !!!!
</title><content type='html'>SUCCESS IN IRAQ!!!&lt;br /&gt;It's time we leave
Iraq. Our mission is accomplished.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;We have been completely
successful at training and equipping the Iraqi police and army well enough that
they are able to kill several hundred insurgents dressed as civilians a day and
will soon be killing thousands more.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The middle east is now
completely destroyed and our ability to influence either Iran or anyone else is
gone. Iran now realizes that we neither have the will nor the power to prevent
them from carving up Iraq and starting a nuclear war to destroy Israel.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Let's take our victory and move on to North Korea. We haven't
actually lost that war yet. There is still time to get another wing on the new
Presidential Library. I propose it be built near Waco at the old Branch Davidian
site.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In other news, the war on drugs has been almost as
successful as prohibition, the Constitution is only a piece of paper, and Dubya is
officially the worst two-term president in history.</content><link rel='replies'
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title='Mission accomplished in
Iraq !!!!'/><author><name>Tergeist</name><email></email></autho
scheme='' term='President George W Borat'/><title
type='text'>Dear President Bush</title><content type='html'>You didn't lose the
House and Senate because there is not enough progress being made in Iraq. You
lost because YOU lied to us about needing to invade Iraq. There were no WMDs and
you knew it but you wanted to prove how much better a leader you are than your
father. You aren't. You are just a common liar.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You have
lied to us, every day with everything you said and when we started to complain,
you began revoking our freedoms under the Constitution which you swore, during
your oath of office, to uphold. You lied during your VERY FIRST ACT AS PRESIDENT,
by taking that oath.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Now we have given the Democrats a
mandate to reverse your power grab and your attempt to revoke the Constitution and
your eavesdropping on us all and your permission for Americans to torture
prisoners and the disappearance of Habeas Corpus and those 800 little notes you
appended to laws passed by Congress with which you give yourself permission to
simply ignore the law if you don't like it.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You are not our
king, pal. You are our employee. It isn't treason to disagree with you. Your war
is wrong and illegal and has destabilized the entire middle east and America has
no respect anymore from any country in the world because of you. &lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Who do you think you are to ruin our legacy, to ruin my chances
of getting Social Security, to send our children to Iraq over and over again until
they are killed to spend half a TRILLION dollars funding Halliburton when
Americans have no medical insurance?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You ARE the emperor
with no clothes. I love America and the Office of President but, as the vote
proved, most of us hate YOU and your ignorant, muddled, slurred attempt to be
relevant.</content><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
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href='' title='Dear
scheme='' term='Rant'/><title type='text'>The
Domesday book, Chapter VIII</title><content type='html'>My buddy from San
Francisco:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;span style="font-style:italic;"&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You
clearly need cheering up; besides large volcanoes smothering the planet in toxic
gases (we're over due for those you know) the Earth's magnetic field is in the
process of a polar shift and about to collapse bathing the planet in deadly solar
radiation. Then there is China running out of water, unlike oil they can't steal
if from anyone else (California long ago showed the limits of that). Resulting
stress from a lack of food, pollution and radiation damage will make them wide
open for a nice pandemic that will spread its deadly tendrils around the world.
&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You see, the great wheel of life will turn crushing
countless millions to a bloody pulp in the process and things with turn out all
happy.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Actually, I am looking forward to
watching nature push back at our attempts to ruin the earth.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Super volcanoes: Yep, we ARE overdue and there are several possibilities, one
under Yellowstone. That sulphurous boiling water is bubbling up for a reason, but
we can't predict those things and we aren't even sure that another one will occur
without some outside influence like an earth impactor. It's not something we
created.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I am very interested in the perambulations of the
magnetosphere but not particularly worried by it. That reversal occurs on a
regular basis and is happening now. Sometimes it happens in a matter of days or
weeks, sometimes it takes thousands of years. Our magnetosphere is weakening and
becoming irregular and the polarity WILL flip, but no one knows when or why, or
the result, or the actual dangers, but I'm thinking the worse that will happen is
we take some hits from solar radiation that change our weather patterns. And cooks
our satellites, or some of them. And I'll probably get a lot more basal cell
carcinoma than I do now.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But neither of those things are
due to overpopulation and all of my 'sky is falling' scenarios are a direct result
of overpopulation and our inability, as a race, to deal with it politically.
Someone has to go, but no one wants to be that someone. And no one really has the
moral authority to decide who goes and who stays, so it boils down to who has the
nastiest and most effective WMDs and is willing to use them to destroy much of the
world. And THAT is controlled by who has the advanced technology and manufacturing
capability to generate food and weapons at the same time and THAT is a function of
who controls the energy resources. But the very dynamic of switching back to a
coal-fired energy base to support all the people will ruin the planet. We have
only 300 million people in the US out of 6 BILLION in the world, but we use 25% of
the earth's energy resources and are the largest polluter and we simply are not
going to stop 'til we drop.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I gotta tell you that the
Muslims are more than willing to die if they can take us and the Jews out with
them (although the logic behind that astounds me) but I doubt that living in a
mosque in the desert and knowing of only one book in the world, the Quran, is
conducive to creating agile politicians or freedom of thought. But the reality is
that these sand turbans are going to have nukes and delivery systems in the VERY
near future.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Pakistan, one of the most backward countries
in the world has an arsenal already. They passed it on to Iran and Iran has the
weapons NOW, but not enough of them to be able to offer us a shit sandwich and
make us eat it. But they will, and they are not afraid to start lighting those
things off. Here's why: Our military is seriously degraded. After Iraq we may not
be able to get volunteers anymore. I certainly wouldn't volunteer for the military
knowing I would be sent to a shit war over and over until I got killed. At least
in Nam we knew we'd get out if we made it for 13 months.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;And we DO have nuclear aircraft carriers and subs, but we have only a limited
number of delivery vehicles. Once we shoot off the MIRVs in the boomers and the
cruise missiles, we are done. The ships can sail, but if there is no jet fuel the
aircraft stay home.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;We must win a nuclear war in the first
round and, to preserve the economy of the entire WORLD, we can't allow nuclear
strikes on major US or allied
cities. If that happened, it would prove to the world that we talk the talk but
can't walk the walk. And we would no longer be a superpower, we'd be down in the
dirt with everyone else. The problem is that nuclear war is unwinnable because
everyone ends up dead. The USSR understood that. Iran doesn't care. We are better
off loosing a biological but.......errr....we don't make them anymore. SHHHHHH!
&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Power, you see, is as much a matter of perception as
ability. We didn't win in Korea. We lost in Viet Nam. We broke almost even in
Panama and Granada, but we were run out of Lebanon and Somalia and our efforts in
Bosnia....well, no one even knows WHY we were in Bosnia. Now we have destabilized
the entire middle east and made ourselves the asshole of the world in the process.
And the President's psychotic agenda pushed him to grab most of our constitutional
right to privacy and protection from illegal search and torture and imprisonment
forever without a hearing. We have become EXACTLY what Iraq was under Saddam and
only today have the voters arisen in revolt and proclaimed Bush to be a failure
and maybe the worst president ever. History will not look upon him
kindly.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But no matter what, Washington rolls on wheels
greased by special interests and they don't give a shit if everyone dies as long
as they get more than their share. And there is big money floating around in
Congress. 40 MILLION dollars was spent on just ONE Senate race. Missouri, I
believe, where Claire McCaskell won with the help of Michael J. Fox and Rush
Limbaugh who should have stayed home with John Kerry.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This
has turned into an actual rant and I am off my subject, so I am going to stop. But
as long as politicians and the religious fundies worry about same-sex marriage as
though it is going to end the world and then sneak off to their own homosexual
encounters, there isn't much hope.</content><link rel='replies'
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title='The Domesday book, Chapter
scheme='' term='New Zealand steps up.'/><title
type='text'>The Domesday Book, Chapter V</title><content type='html'>From our New
Zealand correspondent:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;span style="font-style:italic;"&gt;"Cheerful
little sod aren't ya!"&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Yes.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;span style="font-style:italic;"&gt;"Our beloved (NZ)
government has decided to "do something" about Global Warming...only nobody seems
quite sure what, but no doubt it'll be something which: 1) The glorious opposition
can attack &amp; claim it's useless &amp; 2) The entire country will find painful
in some way,so we can bitch &amp; moan &amp; whinge
constantly."&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Well, you sure have that part
down pat. The problem is that America won't let you do anything meaningful. We
gotta have our air conditioners and our Hummers and our factories making things we
don't need and we'll get them as long as we have the cash to pay for oil or the
power to take it by force.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The planet is already crashing
and even today there is no way to stop it. But we won't stop it. We will fight
over the remaining resources until we go extinct.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;People
think it will be a slow process and we will be able to fix it with enough money or
that Jesus will come back at the last second and save everyone.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I have no idea what the people on Easter Island thought as they
were cutting down their last tree, but it is quite likely that I'll be here to see
the modern equivalent.</content><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
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title='The Domesday Book, Chapter
scheme='' term='Australia chimes in.'/><title
type='text'>The Domesday Book, Chapter VI</title><content type='html'>From our
Australian correspondent:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;span style="font-
style:italic;"&gt;"Umm....any chance of a rant that isn't about us all being
doomed?"&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Not much. But you can do what
everyone else is doing. Pretend there is no problem. Pretend there is plenty of
food to go around and pretend that the commercial I have been seeing on TV.....a
little girl smiling and saying that there is 250 years of coal left so why
worry....isn't propaganda.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Oh sure, there is plenty of coal
left. High sulphur coal. When it burns and the Sulpfur Dioxide (SO3) mixes with
water vapor (H2O), like it does around the volcano I live on, it turns to
something else. What happens when SO3 dissolves in H2O? Anyone?&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;"&lt;span style="font-style:italic;"&gt;You get acid. Acid rain.
Another thing they're trying to deny the existence of."&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Very good! The compound which is formed is
Sulphurous acid, H2SO3. The reaction goes like this: SO2+H2O==&gt;H2SO3 which is a
weak, unstable dibasic acid. Now the point becomes why are we concerned with that?
So what? So this: Without going into the chemistry, the bottom line is that
Sulphurous acid solution is slowly oxidised by atmospheric oxygen to Sulphuric
acid. So Carbon Dioxide and Sulphuric acid. Sound familiar? Think Venus.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Venus is THE runaway greenhouse effect poster child. The
temperature and pressure of the atmosphere decrease with height, so water vapor
rises in the atmosphere and encounters conditions that should cause it to condense
back into liquid water and fall back to the surface. Rain.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;On Earth the ozone layer prevents ultraviolet light from destroying water in
our atmosphere. Our water is recycled through the atmosphere and most of it
returns to earth. On Venus, there is no LONGER an ozone layer, and the atmosphere
isn't opaque to ultraviolet light. This allows ultraviolet light to destroy water
because, as water rises in Venus' atmosphere, UV light dissociates it into two
hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The hydrogen is much lighter than the water
molecule was so it easily escapes Venus' atmosphere. The water will usually
quickly recombine with a carbon or carbon monoxide molecule to form carbon
monoxide or carbon dioxide. Venus' atmosphere is:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt; *
CO2: 96.5%&lt;br /&gt; * N2: 3.5%&lt;br /&gt; * SO2: 0.015%&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Heavy water, which is composed of one oxygen, one hydrogen, and
one deuterium (a proton and one neutron), cannot reach the requisite height as
easily. If it does, it can still be dissociated just like normal water, but this
happens at a much slower rate. Thus, a measurement of how much deuterium compared
with how much hydrogen today shows that Venus has much more deuterium in its
atmosphere for each hydrogen atom than Earth does. This is the strongest evidence
that Venus has lost a massive amount of water in its history.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Like we will. But probably not for quite a while.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I'm
not a pessimist nor can I predict the future. I simply see what is going on and
try to extrapolate it a few years.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;span style="font-
style:italic;"&gt;"I know everything you've been saying in these rants is
unfortunately true."&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I believe it is, but
there are many people who disagree.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;span style="font-
style:italic;"&gt;"Is there absolutely no way to delay the inevitable though? None
at all? Nothing anyone can do?"&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Not in my
opinion. Humans shit in their own nests because there have always been plenty of
new nesting sites, and there still are. There is plenty of pristine land left, but
50 SQUARE MILES if it is turning into desert every day. In addition, our memories
are short. Great grandpa is dead so we cannot directly
compare his experiences with our own. So we cannot see ourselves sinking into
oblivion.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But there isn't plenty of energy left and there
isn't any way to feed more people than we have on a long-term basis without
burning a lot of energy to produce artificial crops and artificial herds of
animals to eat. We have almost completely depleted the oceans of fish since 1950
and I must make the point one more time that ALL life on earth that relates to us
is controlled by a very tiny band of sea and air. I estimate it at fifteen meters
thick, extending about 8 meters above and below sea level. If the balance of life
is disrupted anywhere within that zone, biotic life will simply cease to
exist.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In the natural scheme of things every organism
competes with every other organism for food, living space and reproduction rights.
Evolution allows random mutations to push up out of the status quo and continue
pushing until they run out of food or living space. That's why dinosaurs got so
big and that's why they ruled for millions of years. Until they ran out of
food...or air. Then they all died. (this is not a treatise on the causality of
major extinctions, so we will not postulate on the reasons they
occurred....suffice it to say they did and left a fossil record.)&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Humans started out with an opposable thumb. We don't have the
best eyesight in the animal kingdom by far. Birds, the descendants of warm-blooded
dinosaurs do. But then we did something no other terrestrial animal did. We
started growing bigger brains faster than bigger bodies. It was exactly what no
one could have predicted because it was an entirely new evolutionary strategy and
it was too successful. It ruined the balance of nature. We broke out of millions
of years of slow change punctuated by sudden global disasters into an organism
that could, for the first time, create our own global disaster.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;And we are not going to stop and think what we are doing until we
have done it. We can't. The very recipe for our evolutionary success, which is
'breed 'till you bleed' precludes us from changing the reason we were successful
in the first place. We got here by killing everything that got in our way and it
is our destiny to meet that same doom. We have such a strong genetic imperative to
breed that some people even try to breed with members of their own sex. I am
absolutely NOT anti-gay. I am merely pointing out that the genetic imperative to
breed is still there no matter what your orientation and there is nothing wrong
with it.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But advocating an "Abstinence until you are
twenty-one" policy is not only extremely stupid, it creates more serious
psychological problems than just handing out a couple of condoms to your sons and
daughters before they go on a date. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Just like the
obviously ridiculous policy of Catholic priests not being allowed to have sexual
relations with women after GOD specifically invented sex between a man and a
woman. That's not right. It's not even wrong. It just promotes a priesthood
full of kiddy-diddlers. Even if you are one of the superstitious fools who
believes in a huge invisible pal in the clouds you know that isn't right. Hey
dummies, GOD's ONLY job is to kill everything which ever lived. Your soul is no
good to Him while you are still using it.</content><link rel='replies'
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title='The Domesday Book, Chapter
scheme='' term='Think Globally. Die
locally.'/><title type='text'>The Domesday Book, Chapter VII</title><content
type='html'>A Colorado reader comments:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;span style="font-
style:italic;"&gt;I think the best thing to do at this point is to stop waiting
for our governments to do something and instead, take personal responsibility for
the problem. And this approach will work regardless of which crooks are running
our government by growing the businesses that will create the
change.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You are missing the point. And for the
same reason everyone else misses it.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;See, it doesn't matter
whether everyone in America has hybrid cars. The energy it took to produce them
comes from fossil fuel. The energy it takes to produce a photovoltaic array or a
windmill farm far exceeds the possible energy return from them. The amount of fuel
it takes to grow food and bring it to the marketplace is staggering and the
electrical grid of the WORLD is powered by fossil fuels for the most part. The
energy required to convert raw uranium to a fuel isotope and store it after it is
used is more than the potential power produced by the plant over it's lifetime.
That's why we aren't building any more...and you didn't address the reason we are
running out of resources: overpopulation.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;We have already
used up most of the earth's natural resources. They are not renewable. When the
oil is gone and the coal is gone and the forests have been burned for heat, we are
really and truly ****ed. And that is not some fantasy humans will need to address
in a thousand years. We will all be dead in a thousand years. GOD will not appear
at the last minute and save us. He has never appeared at the last minute and saved
ANYONE! He did show up once to to Show Moses His hindquarters. Moses was mooned by
God. Holy Moses! &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The only thing that will slow our
complete extinction that is a mass extinction event or a huge nuclear war or an
uncontrolled pandemic, and all of those are looming big. Depending upon exactly
how it plays out, there will either be a few mammals left or none at all. If there
are a few left they will immediately go about the business of killing or enslaving
the rest.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But even then, the ice is already melting, faster
and faster each day. Very soon, the weather will either go completely out of
control and revert back to the premordial soup era with constant acid rain and
rapidly increasing CO2 levels, or it will simply stop. The jetstream will stop,
the Atlantic conveyor will stop and the seas will become stagnant ponds of red
algae. Clouds will no longer form (I need an entire chapter to explain THAT) and
there won't be any more rain. The Ozone layer will dissolve.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;There is nothing you can do as an individual or a town or a country to stop
it. Believe me, China is not going to stop burning coal and the US is going to
start burning it again big time when the Mideast goes up in flames because of that
****ing idiot George Bush. My state has one geothermal plant which is
clean....until we have an earthquake and it vents a million tons of SO2 into the
atmosphere. As it is, our volcano tosses out a million pounds a month anyway, but
it usually blows north over Maui and Oahu. And we are one of the three PRIME areas
in North America to have a windmill farm. We actually have several of them, put in
years ago at the cost of untold millions of dollars. But after the oil crisis of
the 70s went away, no one wanted to fund their maintenance anymore, so they sat
there and rusted. Now that we need them they are merely eyesores.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Our local power generation grid is coal powered and diesel
powered. A collier docks here every month or so and offloads a whole shipload of
coal. And a barge comes in with diesel and gasoline. And we have no industry here
except growing macadamia nuts and orchids. Industrial states and countries cannot
get enough power and will use force when it starts to run out, JUST AS WE ARE
DOING IN IRAQ. But because Bush lied about it instead of simply saying "OK, we now
own this oil", we have been ****ing around and will end up without it.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I think I need to write a book. I am not as good at connecting
the dots as Richard Burke (Connections), but I have thought a lot of this through
and every time I find another connection, it points to a closed entropic system
which is nearing chaos. And when we start hemorrhaging, stop-gap political band-
aids won't even begin to help.</content><link rel='replies'
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title='The Domesday Book,
scheme='' term='Who you gonna call...
Ghostbusters?'/><title type='text'>The Domesday Book, Chapter IV</title><content
type='html'>It is only a matter of time. No new weapon in history has ever been
invented that was not eventually used by all sides in a conflagration, each one
greater and more horrible than the last, with the possible exception of biological
agents. We have 'em and will use them to clean up anything the nukes miss, but the
problem with biologicals is that once they are loose in the wild they immediately
begin to mutate in unpredictable ways. You can't stop them and you can't make them
selective.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;People in many countries have come to believe
that they live in civilized societies and will be protected by the government or
the police or God, so they pass anti-gun legislation and become victims waiting
for someone to rape, rob and murder them. CSI is supposed to be a good show (I
have never watched it), but the police.....and the CSI people don't arrive until
someone finds the raped and mutilated bodies of the victims.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;I would have been a victim several times over if I had not been given a rifle
at a very young age and trained in it's use and the responsibility that goes with
owning a gun at a very early age. But I was, and so I was ready to defend my home
at age 6, which I did successfully. I believe that I live in a civilized nation,
but I have been in several gunfights which I did not ask for or seek out, but they
happened. I learned not to delegate my personal defense. I assume the
responsibility for it. Marshall is another person who understands what I am
saying. He has been there and he knows firsthand.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;And
MILLIONS.....that is MILLIONS of Americans a year prevent themselves from being
victims of violent crimes by simply rejecting the mindset of victimology.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;President Teddy Roosevelt, realized this and had schools teach
kids to use firearms. Then everyone became lieberals and decided that Big Brother
would protect them from all comers, and that boys needed to learn ballroom
dancing. But it isn't true. If you want to be terrorized, forget the stupid Amber
Alert crap you saw on the news. Lightning will strike more people than terrorists
ever will.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Wait until you wake up in the middle of the
night and realize someone is in your room. But when that person is in your room
and you know you can't get to a phone and you know your kids are in the next room,
you suddenly understand that you are no longer in control.....of your life, of
your family's lives, of your body, of anything. Friends, THAT is terror. And the
choices you could have made but didn't, and chose to be a victim instead, now
guarantee that something really bad is about to happen. You can only hope that he
strangles you BEFORE he mutilates your body. And regardless of what you see on TV,
unless your attacker is a close relative, business associate or household member,
if he doesn't leave a lot of forensic evidence, he (or she) may never get caught.
Apart from druggies, there are probably sixty serial killers operating in the US
right now. All they want to do is kill YOU. They have no mercy, and they haven't
been caught. Most of them operate for years and most of them never get
caught.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I am a strong advocate of people owning, and being
proficient with firearms. "OMG!" you say! " I would never allow a firearm in my
house because of my children". I know parents who won't let their kids learn to
swim because they might drown. All you are doing is preventing these kids from
being prepared to function in the real world. Don't take them camping, either.
Don't let them play sports. God forbid they should fall down or get
dirty.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Teach them that JESUS is in charge and won't let
anything bad happen to them. Don't discipline them. Don't disrespect them by
exercising any control at all. Then when they end up in jail for shooting all
their classmates because they think it's a computer game or because they have been
raised to be irresponsible sociopaths, blame society.</content><link rel='replies'
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title='The Domesday Book, Chapter
scheme='' term='Unplanned obsolescence of life on
Earth'/><title type='text'>The Domesday Book, Chapter III</title><content
type='html'>Carbon Dioxide storage is here. Compressing the gas into a
supercritical fluid and pumping it underground is the way big oil is working to
keep the greenhouse gases at a manageable level. They say there is enough room
underground to store decades worth of CO2. Billions of tons. Maybe, if the plan
goes big-time, trillions of tons.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But 'underground' doesn't
mean the same thing as burying Aunt Mildred. She probably won't come back to
haunt us during an earthquake. The first time we have even a small earth
impactor, or a serious enough earthquake all of the undissolved gas is going to be
ejected to the surface. Here's the problem. We can't breathe it. So when it DOES
come out, it will overwhelm (1) every oxygen breathing organism it covers; (2)
industry's ability to hide it again, and (3) will cause a sudden and immediate
spike in the atmospheric temperature. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Some of it is going
to leech in to the water table and turn the water acidic and some is going to push
things like uranium and arsenic to the surface, but that's a whole other
story.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Burying all that CO2 is like planting a huge
asphyxiation bomb and hoping it doesn't go off.</content><link rel='replies'
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earth.html' title='The Domesday Book, Chapter
scheme='' term='Mass Extinction'/><title
type='text'>The Domesday Book, Chapter II</title><content type='html'>The global
population hit one billion about 1800. Two hundred years later there are 6 billion
people on earth &lt;a href=""&gt;click on this and
scroll down&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I wish they had a tabulation about
how fast the ice is melting, but I don't see it. I don't think there is good
quantification yet.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The earth can support about 3.5 billion
people. We can't kill off all the animals or eat all the food or deplete all the
oceans at that number, but we have already burned most of the oil. More people
than that deplete the natural resources beyond their ability to replenish. We have
already tipped the ecosystem past the point of no return, so there is going to be
an extinction event pretty soon. I am talking mass die-off here, not merely a
pandemic or a nuclear war, although those are probably in the cards too.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The food is almost gone and the oil is almost gone. The DAY Iran
gets a serious nuclear capability they are going to nuke Israel and Israel is
going to nuke all of the oil regions in the middle east. Everyone knows it. And
they can't help it. They have been fighting each other since the dawn of
civilization and they will never stop.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The Muslims are
willing to live in the 7th century again, without cars, without oil, without
electricity, without medical care, because many of them do anyway, and they will
take the loss to get rid of the Great Satan.
But because they are such ignorant assholes they don't realize that when the
earth goes they will go with it.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The Great Satan, in the
meantime, is going to run out of food and oil at the same time. EXACTLY the same
time. And so will everyone else. The economy of the entire world will crash on
that day. And it won't be 2040 when there are 9 BILLION people, it will be between
2010 and 2020.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Will the human race survive? I used to think
"Sure. Life is very difficult to extinguish. But there won't be many and they
won't have a very good chance of starting over". Now I am reconsidering. A
disaster involving 6+ billion people will overwhelm every government on the first
day. The second day there will be no more government or armies because everyone
will be trying to get to their families. They won't make it. That same day people
will start killing each other for food or revenge or for medicine or just because
that's what people do when they don't know what else to do.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;By the end of that week if you are anywhere NEAR a population center you will
be dead or starving. Stephen King described the landscape in The Stand, which was
the only King book I could ever read. It rang optimistically true except he
allowed a few people to live. He didn't know about global warming back then.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I can hear you saying "Wait a minute, Pal! A global warming die-
off can't just happen is a week or a month. We would notice and stop it." I beg to
differ. There are BILLIONS of tons of CO2 ice just sitting in the oceans like huge
rocks. The oceans have been absorbing it for thousands of years. As a result, we
still have enough O2 to breathe and the earth hasn't overheated. But if the oceans
warm up just a bit and that stuff bubbles back into the atmosphere....or if the
Atlantic conveyor stops and the sulphur-loving organisms near the bottom move
toward the surface, we are ****ed, right then. Not in 20 years, I mean within
weeks.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Plants are going to help kill us too. Everyone knows
that plants convert CO2 to O2 through photosynthesis, but we have just discovered
that when plants are stressed they can produce methane as well. Like cows. Methane
is a good, clean fuel but it is also a greenhouse gas which lingers in the
atmosphere for about 100 years and warms the earth 23 times as much as CO2.
Burning 20 gallons of gas equals a good cow fart.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;We are
past the tipping point before which we could prevent this. We are very near the
critical point at which this situation will begin to feed on itself. We don't
notice it because our top is spinning just like it always has so we feel no sense
of impending danger. When it stops, and I use a metaphor, it will wobble once or
twice like a kid's top and almost instantly crash, just as tops do. When it does,
humans, which are not able to control the weather, or each other, or do anything
but kill off every other life-form that gets in the way of a parking lot, are not
going to know what hit them. Do you know that 99% of every species and plant which
has ever existed on earth is extinct? That's just natural. It has happened because
we have had 5 MAJOR and several other less major extinction events we can
document. &lt;a href=""&gt;Here is the
Wiki&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So science tells us that even without an
earth impactor, another major extinction event will happen within 10 million years
regardless, but that the activities of humans, a previously non-existent factor,
may move the event up to ........oh, maybe....tomorrow.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But
every cloud has a silver lining. No scientist has ever witnessed the world dying
off before, so there is a lot we can learn! As long as we can write pretty fast.
Sadly, no one will ever read it.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;And there is religion. If
everyone is dead, we will have succeeded in our goal of wiping out organized
religion. If I am one of the temporary survivors though, you can be damn sure I am
going to try to control anyone I meet by invoking religion. If that doesn't work
and they won't accept me as King, I'll just kill them.</content><link
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href='' title='The
Domesday Book, Chapter
term=''/><title type='text'>Are
you a sucker?</title><content type='html'>Are you a sucker? Can you tell an
Internet scam?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;It is usually unnecessary to investigate
these suckertunities in more than a very cursory manner because the warning signs
are loud and clear. If something is logically muddy, it is either a scam or an
incredibly stupid business plan. Either of those possibilities bode badly for
investment.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;*The mantra of dumbasses is: "You don't
UNDERSTAND". If I don't understand and no one else does either because the
suckertunity cannot be understood by anyone except the marketing or financial
genius who made it up, it's a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* ~AGAIN!~ If no one
(especially YOU) understands how it works, it's a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;*
If it smells of fish either cook it or date it but don't buy into it. It's either
a scam or a slot machine with an empty ring finger.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;*The
more hype attached to it the more likely it is a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If
there are 'sizzle' calls it's a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If it has a
'product' but the product is not the main focus of the business, as with Custom
Sucker Homes, it is definitely a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If the 'product'
is based on scientific theories or physical laws which do not apply in our
universe it is a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;*Anything which guarantees a return
over ten percent a YEAR or uses the term 'ROI' is a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;*
If it is 'offered' to a list of proven suckers, like P$, it is a scam.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If it has a 'prelaunch' which purpose is to collect money it is
a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If the advertised launch date comes and goes with
no launch it is a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If the preferred payment
processor is cash in a manila envelope it's a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If it
doesn't have the legal status it requires to do what it says it is going to do
where is says it is going to do it, it's a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If the
owner is caught in a lie or a string of them or has been involved in other shady
deals it is a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If someone sells you a $255 ounce of
silver because there has to be a token product but in reality you are paying for
something else, it's a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If someone says they have a
Ponzi which is 'legal' because of a bunch of incomprehensible babbling bullshit,
it is a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* If someone says they have "the next big
one", it is a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;* ANYTHING registered 'offshore' is a
scam. Anything referring to money in it's name is a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;*
Anything based on faith, trust, divine intervention or belief in the owner or a
television evangelist instead of common sense is a scam.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;For instance, you CANNOT buy a 'right to receive' money for pennies on the
dollar. Only a complete fool would fall for something as stupid as that.&lt;br
YOUR SWEET BIPPY IT'S A SCAM!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Some people, maybe most of
them KNOW it is a scam and join for the excitement, like being addicted to
gambling. They KNOW it is a Ponzi and they KNOW it will fail eventually. That it
cannot be even remotely legal does not play into their reason for joining. They
merely want to get in early enough to make some fast money and bail out leaving
the rest of the dumbasses to foot the bill. But that same propensity for
dishonesty hallmarks another character flaw. Greed. You gotta know when to hold
'em and know when to fold 'em. Even people who are initially in only for some fast
cash can't stop if they happen to get lucky. Like Dan Vail and fffloyd.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q &amp; A&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: Can I earn millions of
dollars on the Internet by sending money to someone I never heard of who has a
secret way of making money?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: No. The 'secret' way of
making money is to get suckers to send it to him. That's why it's a
secret.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: I'm at the top of a new matrix program. I got in
early as soon as I heard about it! Why don't you think I will get rich?&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: You aren't at the top. By the time someone says 'get in early'
the top is full and they are fishing for suckers. In addition it is illegal and
when it folds everyone YOU talked into joining will be able to sue your dumb ass
off. That moron who posted all the pictures of himself at PIPS Hawaii is liable to
be in deep kim-chee about now.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: I have a friend
who....&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: No you don't. The 'friend' is either getting a
fee for sucking you into the scam or is trying to get out of it himself without
losing money, or both. Either way you are being knifed in the back.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: I just paid $255 for an ounce of silver and something else. Do
you know what I bought?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: Yep. Here's your sign.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: I sent my family's life savings to Bryan Marsden and am
praying for GOD to change the physicals laws of the universe for me so this will
all be a bad dream and I can get rich after all. Will GOD answer?&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: He already has. if GOD loved you, he would have given you a
brain. Even the scarecrow got a diploma from the Wizard of Oz. Enjoy a life of
poverty, dumbass. Suicide is your only way out.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: Why
should I believe you instead of someone who is promising to make me rich?&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: Because I am not asking you for money. I have no vested
interest in what you do but I have an interest in moral and ethical conduct. I
won't promise to make you rich but I WILL promise that a scammer won't make you
rich either.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: I have been 'taken' before but isn't
success just a matter of finding the right opp and maintaining a positive
attitude?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: No. It's a matter of becoming functionally
literate, finishing college and getting a good job that you like with health and
retirement benefits. Then you can think about exploring other possibilities. Do
you ever read Dilbert? Scott Adams did exactly that.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: I
like dreaming about being rich so I keep joining opps. Is that really so wrong?
&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: No. Don't stop smoking either and don't look both ways
before crossing the street. Eat three meals a day at McDonalds and never exercise.
When your cell phone gets so hot it burns your ear, switch to the other ear. You
can't trust bottled water so drink a lot of sugary, carbonated drinks and several
vente white chocolate mochas from Starbucks every day. Fruits and vegetables are
for sissies. You can get all of the vitamins and minerals you need from chocolate,
beer and aerosol cheeze spread.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: Isn't Social Security a
pyramid scheme?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: Yes, but with three important
differences from a Ponzi. (1) No recruiting is involved. Everyone is 'in' by law.
(2) You are allowed only a certain amount of money each month, barely enough for
food. (3) You are only allowed to collect it after you are already legally dead
according to the actuarial tables. (4) I don't care because it won't go belly up
before I get mine. :-)&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: Why are you so negative?&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: Shut up, bitch.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Q: Why can't the
government protect me from scams?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A: The government is busy
protecting ungrateful bastards like you from Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction
by invading Iraq. And now that we are firmly in control of the largest producer of
oil in the region, we are reaping the benefits by being able to pay $4 for a
gallon of gas instead of the $1 it used to cost.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;And there
is the Louisiana experiment which cost the President two days of his valuable
vacation time. HOW DARE a city full of poor black people drown with so little
thought to the President's vacation! :-O &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You are free to
spend your money any way you want.....except to purchase things the government
says you can't have....and if you lose it, it's your problem. But don't YOU EVEN
THINK about going 7 miles over the speed limit!!!!!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;--------------------&lt;br /&gt;Non-Reciprocal Laws of
Expectations: Negative expectations yield&lt;br /&gt;negative results. Positive
expectations yield negative results.</content><link rel='replies'
title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html'
blogID=10976159&amp;postID=112718967023543818&amp;isPopup=true' title='0
Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
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href='' title='Are you a
term=''/><title type='text'>If I
were in charge, part deux.</title><content type='html'>Prisons would be something
you wouldn't want to be in. They would be cruel and unusual punishment because,
when you are convicted of a felony, you lose your constitutional rights
permanently and don't deserve good treatment. For instance, if you went to prison
your family would have to pay your way. They don't pay, you don't eat or sleep
inside. And it wouldn't be a choice thing. Everything your family owned would be
sold and all of their income would be garnisheed until you got out AND total
restitution was paid to the victim(s) so tax dollars don't have to be wasted on
scumballs. But, to be fair, your family could always get out of it by volunteering
you for medical experiments. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;No TV, mail, or medical
care.....unless the medical students from the nearby veterinary college are
willing to practice on you for extra credit. No dental care. No free surgery. 16
hours a day on a chain gang until you die. I predict a zero recidivism rate
because on the second conviction criminals would be sent to prison in Turkey or
Pakistan or Lebanon.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;For the non-incarcerated idiots who
smoke cigarettes, you should not be entitled to ANY medical or life insurance.
Intentionally inhaling the products of combustion is as stupid as it gets right
after blowing yourself up for God.</content><link rel='replies'
title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html'
blogID=10976159&amp;postID=111432967021401022&amp;isPopup=true' title='0
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nk rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='
i-were-in-charge-part-deux.html' title='If I were in charge, part
term=''/><title type='text'>The
question of Carbon Dioxide</title><content type='html'>Although Martin Rees beat
me to the comment by hours, I agree with him to a point. He believes there is no
better than a 50% probability that homo sapiens will survive the 21st century.
Since he is one of the premier scientists in the world, his opinion, unlike mine,
cannot simply be laughed off.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;It is my belief that we as a
race do not care to believe that a warming trend exacerbated by the human race;
religious wars; emerging biohazards; the end of cheap energy, a dwindling food
supply and many people's irrational belief that some invisible God will protect
them (although that idea is contrary to Scripture if one believes Scripture), have
brought the planet to a condition of overpopulation which no one is willing to
control sufficiently to stop the population explosion, the proximate cause of
EVERY problem the world now faces. The point is, the trend is not reversible.
&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Since it is not politically correct to suggest that
everyone does not have the absolute right to pump babies out at a rate which will
destroy the earth within the next two hundred years, or at least exterminate 90%
of the indigenous life on land and in the seas thus generating an immense die-off,
I feel absolutely safe in predicting a mass extinction event before the end of the
22nd. century, WITHOUT the need to resort to nuclear exchanges.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;While this is not a doomsday scenario, it could become one in an
instant with the collision of an earth-crossing body (one much smaller than the
K/T impactor would do); the eruption of a supervolcano; a surprise release of a
few trillion tons of Carbon Dioxide marginally bound in ice on the ocean floors;
or the main short-term problem: The actions of humans, evolved to live as hunter-
gatherers, trapped in huge societal groups. An anger is building. People want
to separate, but they cannot in many cases. This will not work itself out in
behavioral modification patterns. People will start killing each other. As has
been said by one smarter
than I, no country is more than three meals from a revolution.&lt;br
/&gt;&lt;br /&gt;For years I have been considering the man-machine interface
because I understand that we have to escape this physical form and get out into
the galaxy in order to survive as an intelligence. I had always contented myself
with the thought that science could overcome these problems, likely within the
next few hundred to a thousand years, well before our sun cooked us. But now I
realize that there have been several mass-extinction events in our geologic
history and we are overdue. The question is, will enough people remain to pick up
the pieces, re-learn the current knowledge and advance it fast enough to meet the
new deadline of one billion years. It is actually closer (we guess) to 1,100
million years, but there are going to be at least three more mass extinctions
during that period, assuming the earth is inhabited at all.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br
/&gt;Let me give you some news. The world was not created by God less than 6,000
years ago. There are several reasons for this, but the most compelling is that God
simply doesn't exist. Jesus probably did exist, but he was as looney as David
Koresh and when he died, that was it. He is dead and is NOT coming back. I won't
even argue it. If you don't believe me, learn Greek and study Flavius Josephus.
But it is highly improbable that we will finish the 22nd. century without a mass
extinction event or a nuclear holocaust between zealots who want to kill each
other over who has the best invisible pal in the sky.</content><link rel='replies'
title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html'
blogID=10976159&amp;postID=111399945606361671&amp;isPopup=true' title='2
Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
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nk rel='alternate' type='text/html'
title='The question of Carbon
type='text'>total non-sequitur, but where are you living now, ...</title><content
type='html'>total non-sequitur, but where are you living now, darling T?
&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;your river rat</content><link rel='edit'
09345578858036123'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
09345578858036123'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>Yeah sure they're bigger but what about the nipple...</title><content
type='html'>Yeah sure they're bigger but what about the nipples?</content><link
rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
605784099327848844'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
605784099327848844'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
term=''/><title type='text'>The
'lawyer' who wrote that threatening letter isn...</title><content type='html'>The
'lawyer' who wrote that threatening letter isn't a lawyer, she's president of the
Hunter Tylo fan club. Hunter Tylo has a fan club? Who knew?
i_1.html</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
861332722232462469'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
861332722232462469'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>Make your calories count.</title><content
type='html'>Make your calories
lt;BR/&gt;anonymous infidel</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
779253944737689262'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
779253944737689262'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
term=''/><title type='text'>i'm
not making myself's one thing to have...</title><content type='html'>i'm
not making myself clear.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;it's one thing to have a twit in
charge because he was born into the position.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;but you yanks!
you've purposely selected as your leader a total deadbeat from Maine who obviously
rammed a pencil into his prefrontal lobes (and burned out the rest of his nervous
system with alcohol and cocaine), simply because he promised you a $20 tax
break.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;i repeat. he's no king. he's your monkey and you let
him run around breaking the world's furniture and micturating on the carpet, all
for that $20 tax break.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;put a leash on that thing!
</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
811876265144475730'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
811876265144475730'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
term=''/><title type='text'>You
watched the wrong movie. OUR King George is mo...</title><content type='html'>You
watched the wrong movie. OUR King George is more of the 'Monty Python and the
search for the Holy Grail' variety.</content><link rel='edit'
003303012464995595'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
003303012464995595'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>Hey, knock it off.I saw King Arthur, so I know Kin...</title><content
type='html'>Hey, knock it off.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;I saw &lt;I&gt;King
Arthur&lt;/I&gt;, so I know Kings.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;And your bungling
incompetent criminal lunatic drug-addled illiterate innumerate idiot is no
king.</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
529420142713159874'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
529420142713159874'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>Shouldn’t we be pushing solar power in Iraq? In o...</title><content
type='html'>Shouldn’t we be pushing solar power in Iraq? In other words, cut
emissions there so we don’t have to cut them here.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Just a
thought.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;</content><link
rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
914475798544318165'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
914475798544318165'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>Attention Comrade,
Please visit http://ministryofl...</title><content type='html'>Attention
Comrade,&lt;br /&gt;Please visit to learn
about our creative protest of the Military Commissions Act.&lt;br
/&gt;Regards,&lt;br /&gt;O'Brien</content><link rel='edit'
884825846268986075'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
884825846268986075'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
showComment=1168134480000#c2884825846268986075' title=''/><author><name>Comrade
type='text'>This is gold, Mr. Olbermann. This is the literal ...</title><content
type='html'>This is gold, Mr. Olbermann. This is the literal and exact truth.
This is what democracy is all about: the right of free speech.</content><link
rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
807133873674095411'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
807133873674095411'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>Yes, very catchy indeed. Catchy and superbly delus...</title><content
type='html'>Yes, very catchy indeed. Catchy and superbly
delusional.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Hey, check out the We're All Danes Now shirts at</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
5490526321336914'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
5490526321336914'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
10:00</updated><category scheme=''
term=''/><title type='text'>I
was just interested in the MTBE issue so just fe...</title><content type='html'>I
was just interested in the MTBE issue so just felt i should be commenting at your
Blog.&lt;BR/&gt;Mr. DeLay was right in his own ways. There has to be some one to
save the oil companies.&lt;BR/&gt;How can the people be so cruel? I mean, the oil
companies shouldn't be held completely responsible for the MTBE contamination. It
was the government’s idea to introduce MTBE and it is legal too.. The government
should have imposed strict control measures to prevent leakage or spilling and
strict standard on the containers. And also why should the companies be held
responsible for the retailer or the consumer spilling the MTBE containing
gasoline. May be that could have helped. Now at the end of the game, blaming the
oil companies is ridiculous. Who do you suppose will find a good alternative to
MTBE? The government?&lt;BR/&gt;I got my information from the site www. &lt;A
HREF="" REL="nofollow"&gt; MTBE
LITIGATION &lt;/A&gt;.com .It has got all important information on MTBE, the
&lt;A HREF=""
REL="nofollow"&gt; MTBE LITIGATION &lt;/A&gt; and its use .Its written in simple
language so that everyone can understand and also has provision for the visitor to
ask doubts. It is a must check for every responsible American</content><link
rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
5295662835357597'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
5295662835357597'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
10:00</updated><category scheme=''
type='text'>This blows my mind. He's on my list.</title><content type='html'>This
blows my mind. He's on my list.</content><link rel='edit'
4159554137761862'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
4159554137761862'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
term=''/><title type='text'>I
had better explain it myself since almost no one...</title><content type='html'>I
had better explain it myself since almost no one teaches chemistry or physics the
way I do. Imagine a "V" shape. It is a valley between two hills. Iron is at the
bottom of the valley. All of the lighter elements, on the left side of the "V"
tend to roll down the side of the hill, gaining weight until they become iron.
Once at the bottom however, it requires more and more energy to push iron up the
other side of the hill creating heaver elements. This simple explanation, which
everyone can understand, is what molecular chemistry is all about.</content><link
rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
4045814365095581'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
4045814365095581'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>Dubya has turned into Joe Stalin. It is time to im...</title><content
type='html'>Dubya has turned into Joe Stalin. It is time to impeach him before we
are all sent to the fucking gulag.</content><link rel='edit'
3475713162580252'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
3475713162580252'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>God? Is that You?</title><content type='html'>God? Is that You?
</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
3451145185004315'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
3451145185004315'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
term=''/><title type='text'>I
couldn't agree more :)</title><content type='html'>I couldn't agree
more :)</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
3350071749237796'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
3350071749237796'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>Actually, I have an advanced degree in theology an...</title><content
type='html'>Actually, I have an advanced degree in theology and am not wrong.
Maybe if you read a couple of books. (1) the KJV1611&lt;BR/&gt;(authorized) Bible;
(2) The War of the Jews (and everything else written) by Flavius is
all available online. (3) Jesus was Caesar by Francesco Carotta (4) Carsar's
Messiah by Joseph Atwill. Then spend six years in college learning history AND
ENGLISH. THEN tell me I am wrong. Dumbass.</content><link rel='edit'
2768334932321475'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
2768334932321475'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
term=''/><title type='text'>ur
totaly wrong, if u have ne specific questions i...</title><content type='html'>ur
totaly wrong, if u have ne specific questions i would be happy to answer them as
best i can my AIM screen name is gerardrox77 tht is also my yahoo screen name.
please dont hesitate to ask.</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
2767793568532317'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
2767793568532317'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
type='text'>Nice comments from CO2, Koresh, 3 meals from revol...</title><content
type='html'>Nice comments from CO2, Koresh, 3 meals from revolution and the non-
existence of invisible beings in the sky.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Lets have some
more?&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Is it all over, the blog?&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Or will
you be back?</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
2718392396096900'/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
2718392396096900'/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
><thr:in-reply-to href='
dioxide.html' ref=','
type='text'>St0ck For Your Review - FCPGCurrent ProfileFacepri...</title><content
type='html'>&lt;B&gt;St0ck For Your Review -
FCPG&lt;/B&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Current Profile&lt;BR/&gt;Faceprint Global
Solutions &lt;B&gt;(FCPG)&lt;/B&gt; &lt;BR/&gt;Current Price
$0.15&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;A U.S. based-company dedicated to the goal of
&lt;BR/&gt;bringing effective security solutions to the
marketplace.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;B&gt;With violent and white-collar terrorism
on the rise, &lt;BR/&gt;companies are starving for innovative security
solutions.&lt;/B&gt; &lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;FCPG is set to bring hot new security
solutions to &lt;BR/&gt;the industry, &lt;B&gt;with currently over 40 governmental
and &lt;BR/&gt;non-governmental contracts, being
negotiated.&lt;/B&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Please Review Exactly What this Company
Does.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;B&gt;Why consider Faceprint Global Solutions
(FCPG)?&lt;/B&gt; &lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Faceprint Global Solutions (FCPG) holds
the exclusive &lt;BR/&gt;marketing rights from Keyvelop, to sell the world�s
&lt;BR/&gt;leading encryption technology to be distributed directly &lt;BR/&gt;to
the Healthcare industry in North America.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Faceprint Global
Solutions has completed its biometric &lt;BR/&gt;software that recognizes facial
features of individuals &lt;BR/&gt;entering and leaving through airports, ship
yards, banks, &lt;BR/&gt;large buildings, etc. &lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;FCPG acquired
Montreal-based Apometrix Technologies, &lt;BR/&gt;which enhances the companies
mission of being a &lt;BR/&gt;full-service provider to the multi-application smart
&lt;BR/&gt;card industry. The North American market appears ready &lt;BR/&gt;for
significant expansion of price-competitive, proven, &lt;BR/&gt;multi-application
solutions on smart cards. &lt;B&gt;Apometrix's &lt;BR/&gt;forecast of over 300
customers and sales of more than $50 &lt;BR/&gt;million in North America over the
next five years, appears &lt;BR/&gt;very realistic, according to company
management.&lt;/B&gt; &lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Faceprint Global Solutions is
currently in contract negotiations &lt;BR/&gt;with over 40 governmental agencies
and businesses seeking to use &lt;BR/&gt;their encryption, biometric, and smart-
card technologies.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;B&gt;Breaking News for Faceprint
Global Solutions (FCPG)&lt;/B&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Faceprint Global Solutions
(FCPG) &lt;B&gt;&lt;I&gt;is pleased to announce that
&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;B&gt;IBM&lt;/B&gt; will now offer the world�s leading encryption
software to &lt;BR/&gt;its major Healthcare clients in North
America.&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/I&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;With FCPG owning the exclusive
North American rights to distribute &lt;BR/&gt;the worlds leading encryption and
transmission software developed by &lt;BR/&gt;Keyvelop, &lt;B&gt;&lt;I&gt;FCPG is
poised to capture large volumes of sales generated &lt;BR/&gt;by customers
currently using IBM�s software in the healthcare and other
&lt;BR/&gt;industries.&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/I&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;�This is a very
positive move for FCPG and for Keyvelop,� said FCPG &lt;BR/&gt;CEO Pierre Cote.
�We are very happy about the decision to go with IBM. &lt;BR/&gt;This is a
continuation of the progress made by everyone associated &lt;BR/&gt;with FCPG and
its partners.�&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Buell Duncan, IBM's general manager of ISV
&amp; Developer Relations commented, &lt;BR/&gt;�Collaborating with Keyvelop will
ensure that we develop open solutions that &lt;BR/&gt;are easy to maintain and
cost effective for our customers in the healthcare &lt;BR/&gt;and life sciences
industry.�&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Among other things, this new software technology
which is currently &lt;BR/&gt;being used by a number of European healthcare
companies, is used to &lt;BR/&gt;send any file, regardless of format or size.
Encryption keys, evidence &lt;BR/&gt;of transmission integrity with fingerprint
calculation, time-stamping &lt;BR/&gt;of all actions and status record updating,
pre-checking sender and &lt;BR/&gt;receiver identities, validating file opening
dates are part of Keyvelop features.&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;B&gt;About FacePrint
Global Solutions, Inc.&lt;/B&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;FCPG operates a business,
which develops and delivers a variety of &lt;BR/&gt;technology solutions,
including biometric software applications on &lt;BR/&gt;smart cards and other
support mediums (apometric solutions). FCPG�s &lt;BR/&gt;products provide
biometric solutions for identity authentication and a &lt;BR/&gt;host of smart
card- and biometrics-related hardware peripherals and &lt;BR/&gt;software
applications. Apometrix, FCPG�s wholly-owned subsidiary, &lt;BR/&gt;combines
on-card or in-chip multi-application management solutions &lt;BR/&gt;with best-
of-breed �in-card matching� biometrics. Keyvelop�s secure &lt;BR/&gt;digital
envelope solution and Apometrix�s on-card biometrics work &lt;BR/&gt;together to
produce the winning combination in the fields of security, &lt;BR/&gt;traceability
and identity management.
examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little known
&lt;BR/&gt;Companies That Explode onto Investor�s Radar Screens. This sto,ck will
&lt;BR/&gt;not be a Secret for long. Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right
Now! &lt;BR/&gt;And Please Watch This One Trade! &lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;B&gt;GO
FCPG!&lt;/B&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;&lt;BR/&gt;Disclaimer:&lt;BR/&gt;Information within this
email contains "forward |ooking statements" within &lt;BR/&gt;the meaning of
Section 27Aof the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of &lt;BR/&gt;the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve
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&lt;BR/&gt;projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or
performance &lt;BR/&gt;are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward |
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"understands" or that by statements indicating&lt;BR/&gt;certain actions "may",
"could", or "might" occur. Risk factors include&lt;BR/&gt;general economic and
business conditions, the ability to acquire and develop &lt;BR/&gt;specific
projects, the ability to fund operations and changes in consumer and
&lt;BR/&gt;business consumption habits and other factors over which the company
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