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Elizabeth Hoeveler (ASC) commenting Immo Jalass's artworks

How many dimensions can we see? Three, on a 'normal day. On a 'normal' day, however, I
be fooled into thinking I'm somewhere else - or many other places at the same time, while
at Immo Jalass's digital offerings. I can cross dimensions and have a foot in several. I can
the one dimension I'm in and reshape it to my wish. I can focus on a fruit color and have that
move back or forward out of the fruit bowl. Immo Jalass makes us realize what scientific minds
have been talking about for years - If I were teaching Quantum Physics this would be part of
tutorial - even the sleepiest student would be galvanized into realizing that, not only is this art,
but quantum textbook illustrations of 'leaping ' exercises. Look at these pictures, the math can
come later. Like someone learning music - hear the songs, play the songs and learn the sheet
symbols later...It is first about the feeling you get and the realization of something new and
I am sure you get the general idea. I think Jalass has the most visionary point of view
this commenter has seen in a while. I love all kinds of art. Art can make you feel good, it can lift
up or throw you down - Good art makes you feel and if it makes you feel AND makes you think,
better. Jalass's work definitely makes my cogs turn. Please take a look and come to your own
conclusions. I don't want to push this down anyone's throat - it sometimes takes getting used
to but I think you'll come around.
Meanwhile, we also have examples of his work from the 60's., pretty edgy and evocative stands
the test of time in my view. He has sculpted with plaster and painted with oils and acrylic.
Here's a bio written by the artist:
Born 1938 in Hamburg, Germany. Autodidact (self taught).
Immo Jalass is a German artist known in The Netherlands for his work at the end of the sixties
culminated in an group exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam in 1969.
In the new millennium, the artist has dedicated himself to computer art. After replacing the
with a computer monitor and the palette of oil colors with digital graphics programs he is
digital images that are printed in only one certified copy on different media according with the
and aesthetic needs and demands. The images presented by the artist are imaginary
abstract expanses or shots of cities that seem to be taken on another planet.
The pictures:
In his bewildered landscapes Jalass captures the grandeur of the space between the speed of
and the perpetual change and through the computer he freezes and crystallizes this vision into
image that takes on aspects of meditation and contemplation, or to put it in the words of the
into "images that rest in the movement. The use of the computers is fundamental in this
of crystallization of the speed and the change (or "carpe diem"). Unlike canvas and oil paint
computer allows the creation and variation of many images in a very fast speed. Jalass is
always in
search of landscapes that contain or at least make you presume "totality": the total image that
awake in the viewer associations of omnipresence (ubiquity). The search for an image that
and sustains all the images is the goal of Jalass and even though this is, according to the artist,

"a pure ideal impossible to realize" we remain with the partial images - on show in the as a documentation of a valuable artistic and meditative
Current work:
<A href="">They never met</A><br>
<A href="">Landshift</A><br>
<A href="">Who Come</A><br>
<A href="">Asshifting</A><br>
<A href="">The Winner</A><br>
<A href="">Asappeared</A><br>
<A href="">Ongame</A><br>
<A href="">Highsensed</A><br>
Older work:
<A href="">Freefigured</A><br>
<A href="">Visionfigured 1</A><br>
<A href="">Numberedgoal</A><br>
<A href="">Grouping 1 Oil</A><br>
<A href="">Grouping 2 Oil</A><br>
<A href="">Wildflowers Oil</A><br>
<A href="">THEindhoven Acryl</A><br>

I'd like to thank Immo Jalass for sharing his considerable work with ASC - I am a more
enlightened person for knowing him and his art. Ehoeveler
ASC = <a href=>A Singular Creation</a>
To see more of his work go to <a href=>Immo Jalass</a>

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