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Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below.

This online assessment measures your understanding of the concepts prese

nted in the Sun Systems Fault Analysis Workshop. This assessment is offered as a
n alternative option to attending the 5-day instructor-led class. You will have
two chances to take it and successfully pass the assessment, otherwise you will
be required to attend the class.
Sun Systems Fault Analysis Workshop Online Assessment
(Answer all questions in this section)
During a visit at a customer site, some employees share
a concern about slow ftp performance on a few of their servers. They explain tha
t file transfers normally complete in 9 or 10 MB per second, but recently the fi
le transfer rate is approximately 20KB per second. <br/><br/> The transfer rate
between other systems are not effected, nor are other applications effected.<br/
><br/> Which three options could be the cause of the suddenly slow file transfer
rates? Mark for Review
(2) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
Service is not available on servers.
Mis-configured ftp setting on client or server.
Trying to connect to a disable service.
Too much other traffic using up bandwidth.
Mis-configured router or switch, or both.



System faults can occur in any one of the four system la
yers: Applications, Operating System, Firmware, and Hardware.<br/><br/> A system
fault is reported with the following fault message included:<br/><br/> SUNW-MSG
-ID: SMF-8000-9C, TYPE: Defect, VER: 1, SEVERITY: Minor<br/> EVENT-TIME: Wed Feb
29 18:06:33 PST 2012<br/> PLATFORM: SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440, CSN: -, HOSTNAME: mix<b
r/> SOURCE: svc:/system/svc/restarter:default<br/> EVENT-ID: e3930a15-8bsb-4a3dc10c-f89976a4bc13<br/> DESC: The restarter for the service placed the service in
to the maintenance state without explanation.<br/> AUTO-RESPONSE: No automated r
esponse.<br/> IMPACT: The service may or may not be running. It will not be<br/>
started until the maintenance state is cleared.<br/> REC-ACTION: For services m
anaged by system/svc/restarter:default,<br/> collect data for Service.<br/><br/>
Which one of the four basic layers of the system displayed this message?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

Operating System



Only local system files are used during the boot process
to configure the system for local Ethernet LAN connectivity.<br/><br/> Immediat
ely after a reboot the ifconfig -a command displays:<br/> lo0: flags=1000849<UP,
LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 1<br/> inet netmask ff
000000<br/><br/> Which local network configuration file is missing from the outp
Mark for Review
(1) Points



A customer wants to enable a syslog message for all inco
ming inetd requests.<br/><br/> Which option would capture these incoming request
Mark for Review
(1) Points
Edit /etc/init.d/inetsvc and add the -t option to the inetd invocation.
inetadm -M tcp_wrappers=true
inetadm -M tcp_trace=true
Edit /etc/inetd.conf and add a tcp wrapper to each enabled service.



A server is hanging during the boot process. As part of
troubleshooting the server, you want to boot without any services enabled and th
en step through the SMF portion of the boot process to try to isolate the proble
m.<br/><br/> Which command describes how to boot the server without any services
Mark for Review
(1) Points
boot -m milestone=single-user
boot -m milestone=none
boot -a
boot -s



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