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An Open Letter

His Holiness, Pope Francis

Bishop of Rome , Apostolic Palace
Vatican City State, 00120
Sub your stand on Big Bang Theory and Evolution
In supporting Big Bang and Evolution theories, your holiness possibly has taken a conscious
decision to shake the foundation on which Christian religion and culture of the west exists, so
that it can evolve towards Light and Truth of Christ. I appreciate your step to bridge gap
between science and religions. All religions are formed as resistive force to humanity from
moving from light to darkness. Religions are like Mother. In its scriptures, it holds Truth and
Light for time to reveal. Unfortunately, in time they also become the dwelling place for evil
minds. I understand that nothing new can form unless old is broken. Modern generation is
scientific. It has advanced to clone Life, create organs of the body and make intelligent robots
and so on. To such generation that is increasingly becoming open with science and technologies,
where, evil minds thrive, it makes no sense to preach 6-day creations out from thin air and
existence of Creator who Controls Punishing the evil.
However, your holiness should note that scientific community exists in more uncertainty than
religions about the Reality of Nature and Truth of the world we live in. It has failed to
comprehend BIG BANG THEORY and EVOLUTION. By its divisive approach, it has added more
technologies to exploit Nature and humanity but has failed to lead us to Truth and Light.
Einstein said Technological progress is like axe in the hand of pathological criminal. In the
absence of Truth and our inability deal with pathological criminal mind, we are virtually leading
the world to unstable state.
Spirituality is knowledge of Spirit or Light that is central to all spiritual scriptures. Around this
Spirit or Knowledge religions and cultures are formed. A society without spirituality would
die. Spirituality deteriorates when people in temples deviate and compromises the Truth
[Light] and Justice and become self and material centered. It deteriorates when it becomes
slave to ruling class and the rich and fails to protect truth and justice. People unconsciously
fallow them. Spirituality and religions is a quest for Light and Truth. Science too is a quest to for
Truth and Light. Both struggle to advance humanity from darkness to Light and are powered by
faith. Your Holiness outright support to science that has led humanity from simplicity to
complexity and has empowered criminal minds with technologies, means we are entering the

darkest period of time cycle. It is time Temples of religions and science give New Foundation
for humanity to rest and grow.
As a spiritual leader of west that dominates the world, the world looks to you to lead them to
Light or Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ and Calvary Sacrifice are real. Even Vedas of east seem
to uphold this. Yajurveda (VS 3031) speaks this. Human survival and its future exist linked
with this. Science too is real. Only fusions of science with religion can bring the Truth. Einstein
said "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Christianity as a religion is
failing to understand in simplicity the Spirit of Christ that is central to it. Your holiness rightly
addressed Church as Mother. It is time for Mother to Deliver the Truth and Light it conceived at
Christ is Universal consciousness and intelligence unfolding. His teachings seem to point to
Great Eastern Philosophes and science they contributed. The science and Spirituality can unite
at Calvary paving the way for rediscovering lost knowledge. All scientific theories of Creation
such as Big Bang, Ekypyrotic Scenario, Self-Organizing Universe and so on can fit effortlessly
into Calvary, provided we review and perceive various developments in science from a Principle
and Design and Biological Point. I was a non-believer in God. I am a Bio-technologist turned a
small famer searching Truth from a point of freedom. I encountered Christ and His Spirit as an
accident. I could perceive Calvary Creation by Grace by a mind that exists in surrender. The
knowledge revealed exists as PRICELESS GEM in the hand of Beggar.
I am forwarding it you. You have power and reach to shine it to the world. It is time the world
awakens to Truth and Light of Christ beyond religion.

Dear Holy Father

I write this letter with deep appreciation of some bold statements and forward thinking of
yours. I can feel and read your heart and Mind that is exploring LIGHT and TRUTH beyond
religion. Here are some areas of your thought that impressed me
1] I loved you using the term consciousness and Light breaking barriers and bringing all of
humanity in the ambit of God and His Field and its power.
2] I did appreciate your boldness when you said, Who am I to Judge -- Kingdom of God belongs
all those who do good, walk the path of Truth and Justice and work for peace You shook the
world taking it to an extent of including atheist and homosexuals. I see in you a soul that is in
quest to understand Christ and God as Light of Life. By these thoughts, I felt you liberated
Jesus Christ and GOOD NEWS from chains of religion.

3] Third aspect that impressed me was your statement and concern for Nature and
Spiritual deterioration is the base of all deterioration in society. Modern world is product of
west and its thinking, where Christianity dominates and thus it has to take the blame for the
present extremely materialistic and lawless world. You seem to be breaking the boundaries and
opening up Christ to a world that is advancing with science and technologies. This act from you
is commendable and is the need of the hour. You rightly said Church is the Mother. Christ is
the conceived Light that is due for delivering for the goodness of humanity
I know you have a science academy at your disposal and you are well advised. Both BIG BANG
THEORY and THEORY OF EVOLUTION that you have supported are disputed and
incomprehensible theories. Science has contributed many concepts, thoughts, and led to many
technologies, but it has failed to put them together sensibly to comprehend the Reality of
Nature, Cosmos and Life. With partial understanding, we have only created many technologies
by which we are recklessly exploiting Nature and digging our own grave.
Einstein Said Technological progress is like axe in the hand of pathological criminal. Your
outright support to science is bound to break the faith and fear of God not only of Christian
community but would spread to all religions.
I agree science is a quest for Truth and Light. However, science exists in more uncertain state
than religious world. It is still to unearth the Truth. With advancing technologies, we are
empowering Pathological Criminal mind that exploits both material world and Life for self. In
the absence of Truth common man is becoming a sitting Duck for criminal minds.
I am not a physicist; however, Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution Spirituality or God is a
subject of my introspection for 33 years and I have arrived at a conclusion by Grace, which I
wish to share with you. I write this letter with Faith and Hope that you have a heart and mind
that is not ego centered and is receptive LIGHT OF LIFE or knowledge.

Biblical Crux
Biblical crux is simple. God the Spirit made everything out of Himself. He made us in His image
and gave us dominion over His kingdom. This means He gave us the power, Knowledge, and
Light to defeat the darkness and rule His kingdom. However, the souls He created in His image
because of Ego falls and take the forbidden path to create their kingdom. In Bible, it began with
an angel falling to form serpent and making Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. In the Epic
Mahabharata, Lord Krishna attributes the cause for the Great War, not to the evil king, but to

short falls of three great personalities, Bhisma, Dronacharya and Karna to uphold Truth and
Justice. The Forbidden Fruit is the Black hole or singularity point to which gravitational power
of material world points. Human and his self and material attachments are increasing the force
to black hole and singularity as never before. This means we are reaching a dead end.
History tells us, that world deteriorates when spirituality deteriorates. Spiritual institutions and
its members are supposed to hold LIGHT and lead the world. They are supposed to resist
people taking the forbidden path. Their seat is above that of kings. The forbidden path is the
path of ego and self or I. The ego of spiritual people, their material affliction often leads
to creation of many kingdoms at the expense of Kingdom of God. This is the beginning of many
religions. The return also needs awakening of spiritual faculty of the society Thus I see Hope
for the world in you and your actions
Ego often makes people seated in high chairs non-receptive to voices of the SPIRIT OF LIFE
from within and outside. Ego is what made Chief Priest and his governing body fail to recognize
Christ. Ego and Self are the factors that are resisting humanity to see Truth and enter the
Kingdom of God. In Bible, Jesus condemned only one class of people -the clergies MATTHEW
23:1-29 . Forgive me if I am wrong, Bible clearly indicates that judgment is severe to those who
seat in high chairs of social justice, service and governance but seek self and makes their
objective material advancement.
In supporting Big Bang Theory and Theory of Evolution, I appreciate your quest and
courage to open up and shake the foundation of huge school that has dominated the world and
is failing to evolve spiritually. This can set the ball rolling. I am not sure of your intent, only
God Knows peoples intent If it is a compromise with scientific community dominating and
ruling the masses in west, it is going to be disastrous.
1] In supporting scientific community you have not only let down and shook the foundation of
Church, but every believer of God irrespective of religion. It is like Light that they were looking
suddenly being extinguished and the path they were traversing suddenly vanishing. It is like
the earth below them sinking. There are billions of people outside Christianity experiencing
and believing in Christ and His Spirit. It now becomes your moral responsibility to give New
Foundation for them to stay on.
2] I see your decision as right in the context that you have forced humanity to

turn inward and light up the candle within than looking up to you. You are also
stressing science to evolve and deliver Truth beyond religions. You are creating
platform for Light and Life to emerge.

3] I appreciate your actions and extend my support, if it is truly for the cause of Kingdom of
God or Universal Cause for which Christ manifested on earth and shed His blood, but not in
support of a religious cause. God is LIGHT AND LIFE. All are created in the image of God. Like
magnet, cut into pieces becomes a magnet; we all have the power of God within us. Religions
are our creations. By the fact that our body is created from mud, we also have the power that
opposes Life and leads us away from Kingdom of God or LIGHT. I understand that nearly 500
years after Christ when powerful kings and material centered minds made its entry into
churches, the Light of Christ began to deteriorate. Modern day Christianity actually
consolidated with compromises being made with Truth and Justice and going back to old ways
building huge Churches adding number and accumulating material wealth for Churches. The call
of Christ to His Disciples is QUALITATIVE TRNSFROMATION of souls with power of the Spirit of
God [Light] or Blood of Christ [God] shed in CALVARY. This sacrifice is meant for all of Humanity
and its LIBERATION from Black Hole to LIFE and LIGHT. 1000 year after Christ, the church was
ruling west with iron hands and amassing wealth in the name of unseen God and working to
add number to its religious organization. Its culmination was the revolt of intellectuals and
scientific revolution.
4] Now that you have put your weight on scientific community, we are probably entering
darkest period of history. The contributions of modern scientists are partial knowledge and
large number of inferior technologies that are being ruthlessly exploited upsetting Mother
Nature and Her Functioning. It has not addressed the pathological criminal mind of humanity.
It dampens whatever little efforts being carried out to TRANSFROM the criminal self, ego, and
material centered mindset of humanity.
5] I always believed that the role of a priest is to acquire Light and Life and strive

to transfer it to people and help them connect to their CONSCIOUSNESS and

walk the path of Truth [Light] and Justice, thus strengthening oneself, once
family, society and the Kingdom of God. Instead, I see much of modern day Priests, with
few exceptions here and there, take priesthood as easy profession and means of livelihood and
social power and respect. Most use Christs forgiving Love as compromising formula to rule and
accommodate rich and powerful evil minds. It is reflecting in the society. Forgiveness is a
necessity for personal Transformation. Jesus could not have conquered time and death, turned
180 degrees back to His Father had He not forgiven all souls. However, this does not mean

He compromised with evil minds and sacrificed His Fathers power to Judge.
Christ did not come to sacrifice His Fathers Kingdom. Jesus came to conquer death, give free
will to souls and restore the Kingdom back to His Father to Judge. He came to separate
Kingdom of LIGHT from darkness.

6] I know that in a world of science that has revealed so many technologies to please the five
senses that is connecting individuals mind with the external world; it is hard for spiritual people
to speak of ultimate pleasure and peace that is hidden within [Kingdom of God]. The concept of
God, inculcated in us before Christ, is that of an all-powerful force [Judge]. He is Creator of Life
and taker of Life and sustainer of Life. Now that man and his mind is cloning Life in a lab,
creating organs of the body, when he is replacing heart with mechanical ones, when he is
creating robots and intelligent machines, driverless cars, travelling to distant planets, sees what
is happening in distant cosmos and deep within atoms, and when evil thrives as never before, it
makes no sense to speak for existence of God and seven-day creation of universe out of thin air
you are right when you said God is not a magician
Life is designed to fight for Life and sustain Life. It makes no sense to accept all-powerful God
the Creator and controller being crucified by ordinary people. Even Christs disciples had doubts
in spite of all the Miracles they witnessed. They could see the Truth of Calvary Sacrifice, only
when the Spirit of Christ or Light of Life descended on them. Enlightenment is a necessity to
perceive Truth. Bible says in the end days, I will pour out my spirit on all
7] Bible can be summarized in to two parts; first is the Love of God that Creates and gives
everything to His children, the second is resistive force that forbids to sustain Life.
8] God is one and we are like His Children. We are like cells of one living body. I believe that
with Christs Calvary Sacrifice we are in Creative phase with free will to all souls. In free will,
unfortunately what is dominating is the material side of humanity at individual and collective
levels. Thus, much of scientific developments are empowering the evil or forbidden side of
humans. I have seen New Born Christian using their spiritual power to amass wealth. Wealth is
not evil, attachment to wealth leads to fall. I am not judging. I feel everyone should search his
intent all the time, especially when they stand near the pulpit; for judgment in Bible warns
people at the helm.
6] The term evil, I feel is inappropriate word used in scriptures. Matter or flesh by itself is not
evil. It is used in creation process. Temples are built by it. It is where God lives. God said after
each day of creation everything is good so there is nothing called evil in Gods Creation. The evil
should be equated to ego and self. Bible tells us evil manifested through the serpent and
the serpent is a fallen angel. Serpent signifies mind. Vedas are right when it says that
Universe is Thought Projection of Mind of God. We humans also create our world through
such thought projections. The difference is that Gods thoughts are ABSOLUTE AND SELFLESS,
our thoughts are relative and is self-centered. The Life and Mind and the world we live-in, is
given to us by Grace and Free Will and it is taken back, when the ego makes it turn 180 degrees
and fall away from God the Parental Entity.

7] Religious institutions that were supposed to Hold light and sustain Life today are splintered
and are fighting among themselves. Religions have turned against religions. Though powerful
nations claim they are secular, deep within religious forces influence them and it is playing huge
part in nations decisions and its use of power. The democracy and socialism only takes
negative path in a world that is not illuminated with Truth. There is clear tendency of wars
between nations in the name of God influenced by self-centered religious fanatics. In a world
that is filled with weapons of mass destruction, a great self-destructive end to human
civilization is on cards. This is in addition to increasing natural catastrophes that Nature is
creating to sustain her balance.
8] The open Truth is that today both temples of science and religions exists in darkness and are
filled with self-centered people who are slaves to material world. Honestly, I dont see Christ in
Christianity. The Glimpses of Christ are seen here and there in Retreat centers where miracle
cures are occurring. Even this is used to advance religion. People outside Christianity are
experiencing much of the miracle cures. This awakening phenomenon is not exclusive to
Christianity. It is global phenomenon of awakening of consciousness occurring through God
and His Spirit poured on earth for all of humanity through Christ.
9] In this scenario we need to know Christ as science such that the whole world comes alive,
than go into religious strife and end in war in the Name of God. There is a moral

responsibly on people in high places in temples of science and religions to lead

the world to Light and Truth.
10] Since you supported science, I am opening the cupboard of science with Life less skeletons

Science still fails to answer what property gives gravity to matter?

It still fails to answer what actually gives mass to particles. For all purposes mass is
weight. But mass is not weight. It is that property, which gives spin and motion or Life to
the matter and other particles. Scientist are searching GOD PARTICLE and they claim to
have found it, but they still fail to comprehend the Truth of atom and cosmos by their
experimental process. In the process, they have only led the world from simplicity to
It is noted that ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies is always 3, science fails to
answer why
All colors comes from 3 basic colors, science fails to answer why
Gene, the basic unit of Life s information is digit of 3 [triplet code], but science fails to
answer why
Gene exist as pairs one dominant and other recessive but science fails to answer why
DNA is a double helical but fails to answer why

Chromosomes are paired, science fails to answer why?

Science fails to answer why Life should have mitotic and meiotic divisions
Science fails to answer why wave particle duality exist, why universe at large scale is
predictable but is not predictable at micro scales.
Science fails to differentiate light and atomic matter.

Science has created more questions and paradoxes than it has answered or solved. What
science has contributed through its progress are technologies to exploit material world. It has
made Nature Life and its understanding complex beyond comprehensions of common person. It
has taken the world to brink of destruction.
Einstein Said
Technological progress is like an axe in the hand of pathological criminal
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch
of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
I am not a physicist or mathematician; I am not master of any religions. I am a sinner. As young
boy and as young research scientist, I was not a believer in God. The huge gap between what
the priest preach and practice, the type of violence that I have witnessed in the name of
religion led me to conclude, God is invention of the intelligent to rule the ignorant. When I
was to take a career, I took a decision connecting to my consciousness. I chose a research
career. I hoped to contribute something to humanity in the process of leading my Life. It is
now 33 years since I took up this career. Out of these more than 7 years, I worked day and night
as a scientist to clone commercially important high national priority plant species. I made
immense progress, which led me to Jobs in multinational companies and offers to start and lead
such ventures for reputed companies. However, I perceived serious flaws in the foundation of
biological science. In a situation of choice, I chose to quit my career as a scientist to stay with
my consciousness than compromising it to gain material advancement. Rest of my years was
spent with my parents looking after them and taking care of my family farming occupation in an
interior village. Here I also pursued the fundamentals questions of Nature and Cosmos as a
silent observer of Nature, society, introspecting science and religions and spirituality.
In 1996, I went to a Christian Retreat Center in Kerala, India, where many miracle cures were
occurring. I always believed there is a science behind everything. I had in my mind possible
explanation to how this cure is occurring and went there as an observer. Once there, my mind
recollected the philosophy that an observer is inferior to a participator- One can study and
write a thousand page Thesis on Mango, but if one has not eaten one that thesis is Life less.
This led me to participate in the retreat in total surrender of my self or ego. This

participation led to an enlightening experience. Here all those pages that Nature revealed at
random, the thoughts and observations I made from Life in test tubes, models I developed
about the universe broke down and rearranged spontaneously and effortlessly revealing the
From this background, with due respect to you and the interest of the world at the back of my
mind, I felt I should call your attention to some of your misplaced thinking on Big Bang and
Evolution and expose some New Dimension to Big Bang Theory and Theory of Evolution. You
can initiate discussion about it in your academy and lead the world to Truth and Light. I am
helpless to do it. Nobody cares to attend to Priceless GEM in the hand of a beggar.
Since I am a biologist, let me take up theory of evolution first.

Theory of Evolution
Theory of evolution is highly debated, I am sure you are aware. As young scientist and free
observer of Nature, I could not comprehend that man evolved from monkeys. If we the humans
are evolved from monkey, this evolution to higher and intelligent species like humans should
have wiped out monkeys. However, as I started observing Nature, free from all schools of
thoughts, this theory appealed to me from morphological and physiological evolution and
adaptation in localized conditions.
All Life is conscious and intelligent beings. It struggles to adapt to its environment. It survives
from constant input of energy and matter from Nature. It is exposed constantly to two
opposing forces that tend to challenge its existence. For example, plant Life needs water,
excess of it and lack of it creates stress on the system. In near critical state, they have the
capacity to adapt and evolve. Therefore, we have plants adapted to survive in marshes and
deserts. Similarly, heat and cold within limits are essential for plants and animals, thus the
number of species are limited where extreme conditions exist.

The idea of directed evolution as the science thinks makes no sense. Evolution
that we see is dimensionless and unpredictable. Scientific theories are largely
influenced by preexisting schools. Dimensions and directions are key aspects of modern
Physics. Time direction in Nature is inevitable in Nature. However, we have utterly failed to
comprehend it sensibly both from biological and physical point of view. Root of Life exists in
DNA and Information. If we are to think truly of evolution, we have to explain it from matter,
energy and forces that lead to Designing of DNA and genes and its perpetuation in time. In
other world extend our knowledge beyond DNA and genes to atoms [souls] and energies,
space- time, its creation and perpetual existence in time.


Modern thinking is that genes do not control information. Dr. Bruce Lipton a well-known
scientist argues for epigenetic nature and control of genes and information. I believe he is
seeing one side of the coin. Energy is information and therefore information also is not created
or destroyed.
Modern knowledge of genes tells us that only few percentage of gene is functional in
humans. It means it carries large amount of information, such that it can adapt to any change
in environmental conditions. Genes at best can be visualized as weights that a BALANCER
uses to balance the balance. We have been studying the balance and have failed perceive the
My observation pointed out that, unlike what modern man and science thinks, Human kind is
least conscious and intelligent among of all Life. Consciousness and Intelligence is the ability to
perceive change [information] in the environment and make internal changes to adapt. Human
kind is the only species that I found incapable doing it spontaneously. He lives by his mind and
its power. Since he is created in the image of God His mind has immense power, when ego and
self-influences and when this power takes forbidden path of self death becomes inevitable to
cosmos or Kingdom of God. The world we live in is collectively moving towards dead end and
self-destruction because of its Ego and Ignorance of Truth.
Modern man fails to connect to his consciousness and intelligence to relieve the stress of mind
and body and soul. However, plants and animals can do it effortlessly. It is now proved that
people who care for plants and animals have better health, for they can communicate and
relieve the stress accumulated in human body, mind and consciousness.

Theory of EVOLUTION becomes complete only when it is combined with

INVOLUTION and is made cyclic and understood as information [LIGHT OF LIFE ]
unfolding and enfolding.

Big Bang Theory

Big Bang Theory is an outstanding theory of Science. It says everything originated from a dot
that spun and exploded. But it is the most incomprehensible theory to common sense. All the
laws of physics fail here. It breaks the first and second law of energy and mass conservation.
Einstein, whose work led to Big Bang Theory, in fact worked to introduce force and field to
oppose the matter and its gravity field, but retracted it once observation proved that universe
is accelerating and expanding. Here are some key points that I perceived as common person.
According to first law, energy and mass cannot be created or destroyed. According to
the second law, every object that is revolving [moving], such as planets and whole
cosmos should eventually fall to center point, which is infinitely small. Newtons and


Einsteins world based on predictability and relativity breaks down here. The relativistic
thinking always necessitates a second point as reference. Thus, parallel world concept
makes sense.
Since the fall to a point comes from loss of energy, the question arises where is the
energy for the Big Bang coming In scientific circle the question is What Banged.
Since the matter is made of energy, what is that is falling to the center point or black
It does not tell us the cause for the fall and cause for origin.
A spinning dot when it explodes all of the particles and matter being expelled from this
would all have to spin in the same direction as the dot they exploded from. This is a
known law of science. Those who believe in Evolution cannot do away this point. It is
known as the Conservation of angular momentum.
We now have many other theories, such as Self-Organizing Universe Theory, Electric
Universe Theory, Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario [Extension of String Theory and Parallel
and multiple world Theory].

Each of the theories has merits and demerits and the situation is of commotions not clarity.
Most importantly, it does not include the most important science that is quantum science that
includes the observer or Life as integral part. Quantum science says you are integral part of the
system of which you study and try to understand through experimentations. It says that, that
matter manifest into reality when the experimenter observes. For example a single atom
moving in a chamber exist everywhere in the chamber and collapses into a point when
experimenter observe it. This is incomprehensible. This is best explained by a thought
experiment of a cat in a box suggested by famous scientist Schrdinger. Here a cat is imagined
in a box, just enough for it to move and position itself in the left or right of the box. A man
shoots at the box. The chance that cat is alive or dead is 50% this is common sense. The
incomprehensible aspect of this science is that the chance remains the same even if you pump
100 trillion bullets into it one after another. The Truth collapses when you observe it. This is
known as collapse of wave function.
Max Planck the father of quantum mechanics said. All matter originates and exists only by
virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and
intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.
We previously saw how Vedas visualizes universe as thought projection of Mind of God and
how we are relative to it. How our mind is different from Mind of God. We from time
immemorial have lived with our mind and its ego, its power of its five senses that connects to
the outer material world. The modern technologies are extensions of it. The human mind that
is ego and self-centered see the opposite as enemy and it has built a civilization of war pumping


bullets at the Box with the cat. In such a case, no human mind can open the box to find cat
alive, except the Creator of it; the Mother and Father or Heart and Mind of the Universe.
In Vedas, I have read that a teacher can lead a student searching for knowledge through 17
doors, but he leaves the 18th door for the student to tap and open and come face to face with
ULTIMATE REALITY. As student opens the 18th door, he utters a world neti meaning, this is
not. This invariably means human kind fails to open the door successfully. Every mind that
seeks something seeks with intent. The greatest intent of humans is to take the highest and
powerful seat and to gain the knowledge of immortality. Life or souls basic instinct is a fight
against forces of death. Thus, when he opens the door he sees death written for Him and thus
he exclaims, this is not. Thus, Vedas and Bible say we cannot seek Truth or God, He reveals
to us for a Divine Purpose. The Purpose is to give us New Life and Lead us to Kingdom of God
or Golden Age or Dharma Yuga. The fallowing quotes speaks it,
Scientific discovery and scientific knowledge have been achieved only by those who have
gone in pursuit of it without any practical purpose whatsoever in view Max Planck .
In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 :47 Lord Krishna advises Arjuna the warrior not be inactive, but
that he perform his prescribed duty without being attached to the result. One who is attached
to the result of his work is also the cause of the action. Thus, he is the enjoyer or sufferer of the
result of such actions. The war of Kurukshetra was the war of the Lord Krishna. It was a war
for Truth and Justice. It was a war against, self and ego centered powerful souls.
The Crux of Bible says that God manifested as Jesus and became Sacrificial Lamb so that He can
restore all of us back to Kingdom of God. Kingdom of God is Truth, Justice and Peace. God can
sit as Judge, only when at least one soul exists that can be justified. Bible very clearly says when
Jesus manifested there was none who could be justified before God. This means God had to go
back into creation phase to restore the balance. Calvary sacrifice should be understood

from this context. We need to understand it as Heart and Mind of God

revealing to lead us from Darkness to Light, from Death to Life.
The Vedas, Bible, Koran and all ancient scriptures have deep secrets hidden in it. We need to
unearth it in relation to modern science, which strives for Truth beyond religion. We need to
invent the unity to lead the world to light. For this, we need to have a review of the
fundamentals of science and scriptures and have a non-attached perception and view of the
whole. We need to become conscious and awaken to Truth and Light if we are to survive the
critical period ahead. Common people look up to great Chairs and people seated in them to
lead them out this critical period.


Both Temples of Science and Religions have to take the responsibility. Here I share the Calvary
Secret revealed to me in simplicity. I am presenting it in the simplest manner possible from a

Secret of Calvary as a Science


Light Life Heaven

White hole
Life or Father
Mother Force


Death Force


Black hole -Darkness Death

-Forbidden Center - Hell

To understand the secret of Calvary we need to visualize universe as living, as the ancient east
understood it. Bible also speaks essentially the same. But this has to include the scientific
developments at least conceptually. The first step in the process is to look to Life and its
One thing that stood out as I left my career as a scientist to live as a small farmer in an interior
village is that, unlike the space-time field of material world that directs to a singularity in Black
Hole, Life and its Force works against it. I perceived an inner space that transform the

gravity force into Anti-gravity and use matter from external world to build mass
that grows against gravity. In short, Life is Anti-Gravitational and I found the force and
space-time field that Einstein searched for all his Life -time. The second law of thermodynamics
applied to living system and material system showed this opposition. However, Life is not
beyond time but bestowed with capacity to conquer time and death and perpetuate in Time


cycle The beauty of Life is that it has parallel worlds; Male and Female In humans and

animals they exist in different body. In plants, mostly they coexist. In one-celled
microorganisms, it exists as positive negative poles. It manifests in pairs of
chromosomes, pairs of DNA. It also manifest as and 5 and 3 end in a single
strand of DNA
Note- more than two decades back, this struck my mind, I realized that even existence of one
living cell could deny BIG BANG. I tried to communicate this with temples of science but nobody
gave it a thought. By Grace, after my enlightening experience I could extend the root of Life
beyond cell, beyond, chromosomes, beyond DNA to a pair of atoms and a pair of LIGHT
PARTICLES that carries the information to create and sustain the system eternally
The two basic laws of science are conservation laws, which say nothing is created or destroyed;
it can only be transformed and that there is an inevitable time direction. This means the energy
and matter in this cross is constant or should exist within some limit as ratio. In the above cross
we can visualize all matter and Life existing. You cannot increase its energy content
unilaterally to a limit at the expense of matter and vice-versa. Since Life force works against
gravity and thus sustains the universe. We can safely leave all Life and consider human Life or
souls and its energy.
We need to visualize the above cross being filled, with trillions of souls, with two PRIMAL
PARENT SOULS. Two basic forces govern the system and give it Life; one masculine FATHER
FORCE that directs to white hole and MOTHER FORCE that resist the fall of souls to Black hole
or forbidden center. Thus, God soul give Life and resists death But time is inevitable
reality. Bible speaks it in terms of created souls falling to the forbidden center and creating their
The basic premise of spirituality of the west and east is that souls cannot be destroyed. The first
law of energy and mass also speaks the same. The east says that souls takes rebirth by its
karma the intent or information content. The Bible speaks of free will to come to

Life, ascend, descend, and be positioned anywhere through the Grace of Christ
before judgment. The position collapses, when Truth Reveals or Living Light Emerges.
We can leave behind all matter and Life and understand universe in terms of Human Souls and
Two PRIMAL SOULS or GOD SOULS existing in the cross [Scientist might ask what is a soul, let
us not bother here what is soul I have dealt about it in the links]. Every soul needs to be
visualized as a union of two worlds; male and female. They exist as ratio.


To visualize the cross with two PRIMAL SOULS and trillions of souls, which are created in its
image, we need to imagine one Zygotic cell dividing to form a body containing over 100 trillions
of cells and striving to sustain it. Ancient visualized the pair of Primal Souls as God

the Father and God the Mother.

The cross we visualized above can be broken down to four levels upper middle
and lower. We must recall Fr. Mendels work on genetics here.[ AA, Aa, aA, aa]
Important point to note here is that Creation of Life is involution of
consciousness and intelligence or information to evolve it and unfold it to
perpetuate in Time. The process of conception where male and female reduces and unites
is process of involution. This leads to evolution of information, which then unfolds creating new
body out of the old. Understanding this reality of involution of information

evolution of information and its unfolding to give New Life can lead us to
Spiritual Secret of Calvary.
Physicists influence modern biologists. Physics studies universe by a divisive approach. It
studies matter and its forces field that directs to a singularity. Consequently, biologists have
largely studied living system by killing a living system and dissecting it to know the secret of Life.
They throw out what they seek in the first place. Modern Biologists still are rooted in
mechanical world-view. They have failed to perceive Life in the context of recent developments
in science, especially after quantum mechanics was developed. In spite of the fact, Quantum
mechanics makes observer inseparable, we have failed to introspect our thought and mind and
look for secrets in Life.
STRINGS and PARALLEL WORLD becomes more sensible when you seek secret of universe in
Life. Life originates from a single pulse or perturbation in egg cell that leads to Controlled Big
Bang expansion conquering time and initializing it. [Imagine conception and Birth of child]. This
origin is an EKPYROTIC process that includes involution of information to conquer and initialize
time. Life thus seems to unify all concepts of science sensibly and unite it with spiritual
reality. The answer that science and humanity seeks seems to exist in Life.

Note When conception takes place, the sperm from the Father carries only one part of its
information. It leaves its body to enter the feminine body. As it penetrates the egg cell; it leaves
its body as rocket drops its pay loads. What unites with Spirit of the Mother [Light particle of
the Mother] is the core substance or the Creating Spirit. This union gives Life. Without this, the
egg cell dies out.


Our thinking gives us the picture of two parallel worlds. Light or Energy and Information or
Force that co-exists. If you are to think in terms of Max Planck All matter originates and exists
only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and
intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter we see here two minds and two hearts or

souls which are one. Their Quantum Dance gives Life. For this, we may have to imagine. Two
crosses, which are one; one dominant the other recessive or masculine and feminine, which
exist in ratio, say 4:3 with in the cross we visualized above. A Quantum of Spirit flows from
dominant to recessive and returns back creating a Quantum Dance where right changes into
left and vice versa [4:3 and 3:4]. The Quantum Dance manifests as breath and Life. It creates
the flow of energy from right to left and left to right causing the flow and motion. We can also
visualize it as centripetal and centrifugal force. This energy flow gives Life and motion to the
whole system. You can imagine a little pulse spreading from the center and returning to it, to go
in cycles.

How time Direction manifests

To understand this we must take the whole system containing trillion of souls. If you look back
on the figure above, we can visualize two souls that are PRIMAL at the apex of the CROSSS from
which everything comes into existence. Let us visualize it as Creator Souls. We noted the spirit
of the Mother is Resistive. We have a force that directs us to Light and a force that resists us
from falling. The spin, motion and Life of the whole system originate from the Quantum Dance
of these Primal Souls from which everything else came into being. In the philosophy of the east
it is depicted as dance of SHIVA. This manifest as pulse and it reverberates throughout the
system and the whole system dances one with it. But the question comes what causes the fall
of the system. It is ego and self of the souls created in His image. In fact, it comes from the
greed and Ego of Created Souls who are placed at higher realm who fall from high places to the
world of darkness called hell. [Bible tells us it is the ego and self of an angel that is the cause of
Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit The same reality is expressed in other scriptures in
different forms]
Every time a soul falls, the Creator Spirit or Living Light pays a price. In other words, Light of
Life begins to dim. When half of the souls fall, the creator disperses and thus begins the period
of chaos and disorder. Time direction exists even in Chaos. This is a proven fact in science.
When of the souls fall, the balance gets upset in favor of darkness and against Gods
kingdom, His position as judge is challenged and it necessitates a recreation and restoration.
This process of recreation is happening through CHRISTS S CALVARY SACRIFICE. Christs
Calvary science is a Big Bang creation Process that fits with String and Ekpyrotic Universe
Scenario and other theories.


This can become a science, when we take the electro-magnetic spectrum. Light we all know is
energy. Matter manifest from energy. E=mc2 tells us that matter is manifestation of energy or
light particle. Max Planck works has showed us that energy can only be exchanged in quantum
manner. An outcome of Max Plancks work known as ULTRA VIOLET CATASTROPHE is
incomprehensible as Big Bang theory. According to it, as the wavelength decreases, its
frequency and its energy content increases. This means the smallest light particle can carry
highest amount of energy and information. When this happens in one world, in the parallel
world the opposite happens; one quantum or light particle loses all its energy. We can trace
these two quantum particles of light to two atoms or Souls.

We are seeing here the two extremes of time direction at the same time. Energy
in scientific thinking exists as ratio of potential kinetic energy. We are here
visualizing a situation in time cycle where when one Primal atom [soul] has
attained maximum of kinetic energy and another has attained maximum of
potential energy and reach a possible point of break down.
We need to build our picture from three basic forces. The force/energy of Creator or Father
that works against, material force directed to black hole. The force of Mother that is Resistive
and the force of material world that directs to the Black hole. The Father and Mother force,
resist the fall of the system. But, when the fall becomes inevitable the Spirit the Father goes
into its recessive feminine part and enters the creative and restoration state.
The time in system can be directed to black hole or to white hole. The system is stable as long
as system exists within limits. As 3:1 ratio is reached in favor of Black Hole the system tends to
collapse to black hole unless a creation process is initiated. This creation process was initiated


with Calvary Sacrifice. Here the parallel world is dissolved. The Light of Life takes the center seat
conquering the Black hole and thus the death. It creates a time direction opposite to

death. The souls that fall by its positive, negative and neutral content takes position in inner
middle or outer world at the center which grows within supporting the whole system from
within. See fig below. In short, Christ conquered death and ensured Life to all by free will.

Life Force - Creating

Father Force

Primal Parental
atoms or souls

1:3 in favor of

Death Force
Material Force

Calvary Point

3:1 in favor of

Resistive Force
Resultant of Calvary Sacrifice

Fig Cycle of Time and Calvary Sacrifice

This is extension of previous figure. It speaks how
Parental Souls gets stressed when, creates souls
take the forbidden path to Black hole. It tell what
Calvary Sacrifice does to arrest the fall- Sacrifice
creates three paths and spaces into which the soils
can fall and exist. This creates reverse pressure
pushing the system back to initial state.

The picture above explains the Calvary Secret. The SPIRIT OF CHRIST is supporting the system
from collapsing from within. It is giving a chance to souls to transform and take New Life before
time initializes. Christ the God showed How to come to New Life in Calvary. The Living Force
is unfolding from within stressing human souls to become conscious and awaken to New Life.
From Vedic point, it is Kundalini awakening or awakening of consciousness and
intelligence. From scientific point, we need to understand it as information unfolding. This is
bound to lead us to Knowledge Era. We are due to enter the Golden Age or Kingdom of God


and New Time cycle. Your holiness rightly said Church is the Mother. It is time it delivers

the Light it has enclosed for wellbeing of humanity beyond religion.

Christ Pointed to God within. The role of priest is to make people connect to their
consciousness and walk the path of Truth and Justice. As long as we are blinded by ego and
live by mind and its five senses, we never are connected to the consciousness and the
intelligence or Light within. The Root of deterioration of society thus exists in deterioration of
spiritual class. The spiritual awakening is the only way out for the world to survive. The world
now sees hope in you, so am I.
People instead of searching God within still search it in churches and temples. Christ has

manifested into Spirit and has filled the space in which we live. Yet we seek Him in
temples. People look to persons sitting in Golden chairs, Golden temples to lead them to Light
and Truth and fail to breath in the Life Force that has filled the Space through Christs Sacrifice.
Our mind and its five extensions are the big culprit. We fail to grow beyond it. Both temples

of religions and temples of science thrives manipulating mind of people. Religions

attracts people to temples and idols, science seeks to bottle the Spirit the Creator in some
chosen mathematical language. It seeks visual proofs. Both fail to lead humanity to look

within for Light, Life and peace. Religious institutions are thriving for money and have
bound people as slaves to advance materially. They compete to build huge temples and
churches and strive for number of people than qualitative advancement of people. The

money flow for their objective comes from corrupted sources. The corrupted source
lives in illusions that such acts protect them. In short, illusion in which humanity lives
comes unconsciously from religious institutions. Forgive me if I am wrong
For the last 1500 years and more, people go to church and return with illusions of having
downloaded their sins. Hardly few have comprehended the Word of God and got enlightened.
I see this happening spontaneously here and there in various degrees in the New Age
movement in all religions. Here too I see people ending up as slaves to money. I am not here

to judge the intent of awakened souls.

The world has come to a critical point of disorder and destruction. We are in end time that
Christ described. Reckless exploitation of Mother Earth, by partial knowledge contributed by
science without comprehending PRINCIPLE AND DESIGN on which she works is stressing earth
to her critical limit and she is reacting violently to sustain her balance. This is manifesting as


increased natural catastrophes. If it goes unchecked, earth can break up and turn inside out
destroying all of humanity.
This is the negative side of my thought before Spirit of Christ enlightened me unexpectedly.

Today I carry hope because the Blood and Spirit that Christ shed on earth is
bound to awaken us to Truth and take us from Darkness to Light
We are going through the Birth Pains. It is in a tipping point. Earth and cosmos are stressing us
to evolve. The more we delay to see Light and Truth higher will be the pain and suffering we
have to endure. Our hope only exists in Christ and His Calvary Sacrifice. In Calvary He

unfolded His Heart and Feminine Reality. His Second Coming should be
revelation of His Mind through His Spirit.
In present situation of the world, I see your act of shaking the foundation of

Christianity as a bright sign. There is huge gap between what most Priests preach and
practice. I have seen much of the priest, educated but not awakened. Thus, they hold no power
to awaken the consciousness of the people. Most people seem to go church more out of fear.
They actually serve the church and priest than God. Not one Word of Christ enters them to
awaken them. It does not mean they are bad. They are simply the victims of teaching of
Church that creates veils on their mind and hinders them from breaking loose from the
bondage to religions and their ego to experience the Life Giving Spirit of Christ that is beyond
religion. The young generation has started to think and thus we see religions finding it
difficult to survive.

I speak to you from a mind that exists in surrender to the Spirit of Christ or God,
doing the duty I am called to do. I am not worthy to stand before Him, but having realized
His Grace, I could not but take the cross and walk. I now put it on your table. You have people
at your disposal to evaluate the science I disclosed to you. Your chair has power to approach
the big minds in temples of science, which are experts and are advocators of String theory,
Ekpyrotic Universe scenario, Big Bang, self-organizing universe theory to evaluate what I

I stick to a point that spiritual awakening should precede any new technologies.
The temples of spirituality and people existing in it are much above that of kings. They are
called Light Holders, the advisor to Kings. Their failure reflects in the world. You cannot now


run away from responsibility to give New Spiritual Foundation for the world to
move on.
The present technologies we use are inferior and releases huge amount of energy and heat into
the environment. It is said the present technologies in every field is only 30% efficient rest is
released as heat. It is well known fact that all system unilaterally heated breaks down. Unless
we quickly evolve and develop technologies based on Life, we are doomed. We need to initiate
and develop technologies based on Life. The clue for it exists in Nature and Life and is subtly
written in ancient scriptures. Someone has to take initiative in this direction for the sake of
humanity as a whole.
Much the same way Einstein united energy, matter [mass] and light [E=mc2] and simplified
scientific quest, Bible and all spiritual scriptures needs to be made simple comprehensible to
mankind and compatible with science. Energy and matter or mass is the basis of everything.
Matter is manifestation of energy. From E=mc2 means, matter is the product of two photons or
light particles or energy particles. Each particle of light and atoms has a unique signature in
space-time. The physical world we see is energy and matter coexisting. It seizes to exist if time
pushes it unilaterally towards upsetting energy to matter ratio. This means parallel and multiple
world is a reality. This design helps the system balance itself. When in one-world energy
increases, in the parallel it tends to the opposite.
Our mind is powerful one. The world we created speaks this. But this mind when it is focused
with the material force, it actually leads to singularity and collapse. How we our ignorance, our
self and material centered minds are disturbing this design and function inviting huge
destruction is explored in the links. This necessitates the intervention of God and His Mind to
save us and lead us back to Kingdom of God. What the world needs most is Transformation of
criminal mindset of Humanity. This needs Truth or Light or Spiritual Transformation of the
world. This is happening and as it reaches the critical state, Truth Reveals to lead us to higher
dimension of knowledge.
In short,
From the point Nonlinear science, we are edging to a point of great disorder at which
order emerges spontaneously around Great Attractor.
From the point Quantum science, we are approaching a point when Creator opens the
Box and wave collapses and the Reality manifest.
From the point relativity, black hole, information loss and such concepts, we are in a
point when the black hole is opening up giving Living Light and Information or


From the point of living universe and we are experiencing Birth of New Time Cycle
From spiritual point, we are entering New Age or Golden Age or Kingdom of God where
Light shines over darkness and Truth and Justice Returns to the world.

Faith is fundamental to both science as well as Religion. In a world that is scientifically
advancing, the old religious thinkings are naturally stressed. Dropping ego and making
advances to unite religion with science is a welcome move. However, the truth is that the
scientists are in total confusions about their own theories. This means the world is entering
period of total confusion. Spirituality is real and a society without spirituality is bound to die.
Religions are like woman who has potential to deliver. If I am correct, you spoke that Church is
like a Mother. It is time Church delivers the Spirit of Christ. Jesus Christ and Calvary Sacrifice
are real. Even Vedas of east seem to uphold this. Yajurveda (VS 3031) speaks this. Human
survival and its future exist linked with this. GOOD NEWS and importance of CALVARY
SACRIFICE can only reach the world sensibly beyond the religion only when it is understood as a
science, accommodating all major developments. All conceptual developments and theories of
creation of the universe developed by theoretical is physicist unite at CALVARY. Creation is a
process that has proceeded from Calvary. Time manifests from humans and their mind. Mind of
God works and unfolds against this force. Universe needs to be understood as consciousness
and intelligence of the creator or information or Light of Life unfolding and enfolding.
String Theory and Ekpyrotic Scenario of creation presented by DR, Neil Turok, Prof. Paul
Steinhardt and Prof. Burt Ovrut appears to be scientific fore runner to Creation Theory. This can
include, Big Bang Theory, self-organizing Theory, Electric Universe Theory and unfold the
spiritual Secret of Calvary Sacrifice beyond religion awakening Humanity to Truth and Light to
herald the Golden Age, Dharma Yuga, or Kingdom God. Universe is Light or Information or
Knowledge unfolding and enfolding. We need to visualize it as consciousness and intelligence
unfolding and enfolding. Theory of evolution needs to be re-interpreted and understood
including this point. The system as a whole remains the same. All Life in it has potential to
evolve morphologically and physiologically in a dimensionless way depending on the
environment. In short, evolution is dimensionless. Time direction does exist as loss of
information or Knowledge and return of it.

The Purpose of Calvary Sacrifice is Restoring the Kingdom back to God. It is to

lead Humanity from Darkness to Light, death to life. Bible has to be understood
from this point. Christ did not come to create a religion and build huge


Churches. He did not come to make compromise with king and rich evil minds.
He came to Transform Souls with freedom and lift us up from Black Hole and
restore Truth and justice. He showed the way to Life and taught how to walk
connected to the consciousness and intelligence within.
The fallowing links expands my thought and revelation this sinner obtained by Grace of Spirit of
Christ. For the sake of humanity, please take up the matter, discuss it in your schools, and have
courage to bring Light to the world.
5] -Soul-Consciousness-andFuture-Technologies

Yours faithfully

John Paily,
Date -


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