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Content analysis of Music Magazine - Q

there is a slight
impression of a
grid being used
for the layout of
this double page
spread including
the sub-heading,
masthead and
introduction. In
order to
differentiate the
three, three
different fonts
have been used;
giving the page
an artistic look.
Plus the columns
used for the text
of the article are
the same width
and height,
which looks very

Use of space the majority of the space is used up by the main image, with similar denotations of the
contents page main image and the cover page main image. Grayscale has been used to make the image
look quite serious, giving the band a stern impression. Towards the bottom half of the double page
spread the majority of the text is used, which is an interview with the band U2. The main image takes up
more space so that the article looks more visual and less boring for the target audience. The left third is
used for the introduction, masthead and sub-heading so that it doesnt over-lap with any of the models
from the group in the main image.

Quotation the key quotation from the interview is situated in the right third of the double page spread, layered on top of the
main image means that it will be one of the first things that the target audience will read. The quotation is in a different font
compared to the other texts, and also of a different size in order to make it unique. Plus the quote is quite shocking (kill
myself) so that will attract the target audience to read more about the article because they would want to find out more.
How image and text are integrated the
masthead, quotation and sub-heading are all
layered on top of the main image as they pose
of some importance to the target audience so
that they can see the basis of what the article.
The font of the text has the connotation of
being masculine as they are very straight and
bold, the image used is similar as the image
shows the group standing up-straight with
very masculine body postures. Plus with the
mention of Music , the text and the image
are connected again as the image shows the
group holding musical instruments.

Drop Cap the double page spread conventionally uses a drop cap (large
letter at the start of the columns) so that it shows the target audience
where the article begins.
Overall Impression the overall impression of the double page spread is
that the group are very serious about their career, this is shown through
the colour of the images and content of the text. This article is mainly used
to inform the target audience about the band, and what the band are
currently up to; which directly addresses the media audience as they will
feel like the band are answering the questions for them.

Content analysis of Music Magazine - Q

Page number
references the
page numbers have
the denotation of
different coloured
circles with a tiny
arrows pointing to
the article which is is
linked to. These
page number
references stand out
compared to the
white mise-en-scene
which then makes it
easier to inform the
target audience of
what pages the
different articles are
Mode of address
the overall mode of
address is quite
excited and very
direct which would
create an intimate
between writer and
reader. Plus the
vocabulary used is
all linked with the
genre of the film, for
example sound,
Led Zeppelin and so
Sub-headings all of
the sub-headings
include the names of
different artists and
bands; linking in with
the genre of the
music magazine will
also attract the
target audience to
the different articles
on the different
musicians and
musical groups.

Layout clearly the

producers of this
magazine have unconventionally not used
columns for the layout of
the contents page.
However they have used
a grid-layout instead to
separate the different
articles which then give
the contents page a
different yet professional

Masthead for the contents page the masthead is at the very top of
the page; in a large sized font that means that the target audience
will be able to see which page they are on so that they can find
other articles within the magazine. The black box as a background
for the masthead also means that the white font will stand out and
inform the reader, clearly.
House style similar to the colour scheme of the cover page, black
and white are mostly used for the contents page. With a white miseen-scene and black font, they work together in order to make sure
that the target audience can clearly read the text within the
contents page. Also there are small aspects of red dotted around
the contents page, so that the connotation of trouble and danger
sticks with style and impression of the magazine. Plus, danger,
trouble and the connotation of blood is usually affiliated with the
genre of rock music as well.

Main Image + Linked

Images with some of the
separate articles they
have individual pictures of
the featured artists, which
gives the contents page
colour for attraction and
also helps the target
audience to recognise any
familiar artist
instantaneously. Plus the
main image for this
contents page is similar to
the one used for the
cover page, using a
medium long shot of the
band U2, in grayscale.
This helps the reader link
the two pages together
and also find what page
they are on as well.

Content analysis of Music Magazine - Q

Masthead the
masthead fits in
with the colour
scheme of the cover
page: black, white
and red; giving the
whole page a
professional look.
The masthead is
also layered behind
the main image so
the main attraction
[U2] can be seen
first in order to
draw in the target
audience, however
with the white font
and the red
background, which
means that the
masthead is very
clear and legible for
the media audience
to read.
Rule of thirds
following the codes
and conventions of
a music magazine,
this cover page uses
the rule of thirds to
their advantage.
Using a mediumlong shot of the
band U2 their
position means that
they are within
hotspots, so that
they are the first
thing that the target
audience will see.
Also the left third is
also conventionally
used for smaller
cover-lines and a
puff so that this will
inform the reader of
whats to come and
what is inside the

Colour scheme the

colour scheme of the
cover page consists of:
black, white and red.
The black and white
have the connotation of
being quite serious,
whereas the colour red
has the connotation of
blood and danger which
all links in with the
connotation of the main

Main cover line the main cover line is in big, bold white writing
which helps it stand out from the rest of the cover lines. Also, the
fact that the name of the band is in the biggest font in comparison to
the other cover lines means that the target audience knows exactly
who the main feature of the article is, and that would hopefully
attract more than just the target audience. The connotation of the
main cover line could also link with the connotation of the main
image; like theyve been troublesome so they need to explain
The main image with this cover page, the main image consists of a
medium long shot of the band, U2. The image has been edited to
become almost monochrome, with the use of Grayscale. This then
means that the main image fits in with the colour scheme to give the
magazine a professional and creative look. Plus the colour of the
image and the facial expressions given from the band implies the
connotation of being serious and maybe dangerous/troublesome.
The main image is layered behind the cover lines as they only cover
up of the body of the band, they are layered in front of the masthead
otherwise one of their faces would have been covered up.

Cover lines all the

cover lines are linked in
with the genre of the
magazine because there
are mentions of other
rock musicians, for
instance Alt J, which
would additionally
appeal to the target
audience because there
other attractions that
the target audience
would like to read
about. All the cover
lines are in the same
font in comparison to
the main cover line so
that the main cover line
can stand out the most.

Skyline the skyline is

unconventionally the
cover mount; offering
free music which would
indefinitely appeal to
the target audience
because they would be
interested in music as
they are buying a music

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