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Q: a) Describe the early life of the Holy Prophet until

he received the first revelation.

The Holy Prophet was born in Mecca in 570 CE. He was born to Hazrat Amina
and his father was Hazrat Abdullah who died before his birth. When he was a
few days old, he was given to a Bedouin woman named Halima who belonged
to the clan of Sa'ad. They were sent to desert tribes as this was a custom as
they would make them learn the pure Arabic dialect and because the desert
environment provided clean and better health. This was done in order to
preserve their identity.
When he was 2 years old, he was brought back to Hazrat Amina but she
requested for him to stay with Halima for more time as there was a disease in
circulation at that time and wanted better health for her son. She accepted
even though the general practice was of 2 years, as she cared about the child a
lot. However, after some time, the fortunes of Halima changed
It was during living with Hazrat Halima when the Prophet's heart was purified
by angels who are said to have dissected his chest. It was when he was 5 / 6
years old when this happened. Hazrat Halima was so terrified that she decided
to return him back to Hazrat Amina. When he was given back, Hazrat Amina
decided to return to Yasrib, her native place, where her husband's grave was
(in order to visit it again). On their return, Hazrat Amina died at a place called
Abwa and was buried there in 576 CE.
From there, the Prophet was brought back to Mecca by Umme Aiman, who
was a slave. The prophet used to miss his mother a lot even though she lived
with her for a short time. Today, Muslims should learn from this by
remembering and praying for their parents even after they are gone.
Now, Abdul Mutallib became his guardian. He was the leader of the Banu
Hashim tribe and he was a strong monotheist which is shown by his strong
dialogue with Abraha who came to attack Mecca, who was the Christian leader
of Yemen, and destroy the Holy Ka'bah, said "Allah will protect the Holy
Abdul Mutallib gave the name Muhammad (praised one) to the Holy Prophet
because he was sure that his grandson would be praised all over the world.
Abdul Mutallib used to take him in tribal meetings and used to shower his love
on him, but was short as he died when the Prophet was only 8 in 578 CE. Abu
Talib now became his guardian.
Hazrat Abu Talib was the new leader of the Banu Hashim after Abdul Mutallib's
death. He trained the Prophet as a shepherd and a trader. When the Prophet
was 12, Abu Talib took him to a trade trip to Syria. On their way, they met a
Christian monk, Bahira, who invited them to a feast and insisted that all should
come. At first, Abu Talib did not take the Prophet along so that he could look
after the livestock. On entering the feast, Bahira asked Abu Talib whether
everyone had come. Abu Talib said yes. He repeated his question. Abu Talib
said that only a boy was left behind. Bahira said to invite him as well. When the

boy entered, Bahira examined him and confirmed that he was the Prophet of
God. Hazrat Abu Talib used to prefer the Holy Prophet even over his own
children, showing his love & affection for him.
When the Prophet was 15, sacrilegious wars broke out between the clans of
Quraysh and Huwazin. The Prophet played a minor role in these wars. For
example he used to collect arrows and retrieve them. However, he was very
upset with this war. He then joined the truce of Al-Fuzul, a league established
by some elders of Mecca in order to restore peace and to help those who were
unfairly treated. Even in his future, he used to remember this truce. Later on,
there was some link between al-Fazal and the treaty of al-Hudaibiyah.
When he was 25, he was known as al-Sadiq and al-Amin because of his honest
trade dealings. Upon hearing this, Hazrat Khadija, who was a business woman
and twice widowed, hired him and sent him on a trade journey along with her
slave, Maysara, to Syria. The Holy Prophet returned with high profits and
Maysara also spoke very high of his honesty. Hazrat Khadija was so impressed
that she sent a marriage proposal to him through Nafisa. He accepted this after
consulting Abu Talib. Hazrat Khadija said, "O son of my uncle! I like you
because of our relationship and your reputation among your people
and your truthfulness and good character and trustworthiness". This
shows that she was a noble lady and that's why she was known as al-Tahira
among the Meccans i.e. The Pure One.
The marriage took place in 595 CE. It was conducted by Abu Talib. At that time,
the Prophet was 25 while Hazrat Khadija was 40. The marriage proved to be
very successful. Hazrat Khadija always supported the Prophet. They had 4
daughters: Fatima, Ruqayyah, Zaynab, Umme Qulun, and two sons: Abdullah
and Qasim who died in infancy.
When the Prophet was 35, the Meccans decided to rebuild the Holy Ka'bah as it
was damaged due to flooding. The entire work of renovation went well but
there was conflict within different tribes when it came to the fixing of the
Blackstone as it was a holy stone and every tribe wanted the honor of fixing it.
They were almost at the edge of war until a wise & elderly person suggested
that they should leave the matter to the next person who entered the Holy
Ka'bah. This person was the Holy Prophet. He was accepted as the arbitrator
due to his honest nature. He started the matter wisely. He asked that a cloth
should be placed under the stone and asked all the Meccans chiefs to hold the
corners of the cloth and carefully fixed the Blackstone. Also, in this way the
issue was resolved in a peaceful manner as all tribes got the chance to
contribute to the fixing.
In his 30's, the Prophet would return to the cave of Hira for meditation where
he used to think about the Gods of Hazrat Abraham. It was the same place
where he received the 1st revelation

Q: b) Explain why the Holy Prophet was known as alSadiq and al-Amin during this period of his life.
He never lied or cheated.
He never indulged in corrupt practices of the Arabian society.
His participation in the truce of al-Fazul proves that he was a fair / honest
man as he promised to help those who were unfairly treated.
Hazrat Khadija hired him because of his honesty to look after her business
and eventually married him as she was highly impressed by his noble
He was considered as an arbitrator by the Meccans as they were sure about
his decision and they knew that he would be unbiased in his decision.

Q: a) Describe the event of the 1st revelation.

This happened when the Prophet was 40 years old when a being appeared in
the cave of Hira who was later identified as Angel Gabriel. He asked the
Prophet to read. The Prophet replied, "I cannot read." Upon this, the angel
squeezed him so tightly that he felt he would die of suffocation. When the
angel released him, he repeated his question. However, the Holy Prophet gave
the same response. The angel hugged him for the 2nd time. This was repeated
overall 3 times. Then the Prophet replied, "What shall I read? The angel
then recited the first five verses of Surah al-Alaq: "Read! In the name of
your Lord who created, created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed
blood. Read! And your Lord is most bountiful. Taught man the use of a
pen. Taught man that which he knew not."
This was the 1st revelation after which the Prophet felt the verse was imprinted
on his mind. When the angel disappeared, the Prophet quickly went out of the
cave but saw the angel cover the whole horizon. The angel said, "O
Muhammad! You are the Messenger of God and I am Angel Gabriel."
When the angel disappeared, the Prophet rushed to his house in state of
surprise and confusion. He asked his wife, Hazrat Khadija, to cover him as he
was trembling. When his trembling was over, he narrated the whole incident to
her and said, "I fear for myself." However, she comforted him by saying,
"Never! By Allah! Allah will never disgrace you because you keep good
relations with your kith and kin, you help the poor and destitute, you
serve your guests generously, and assist those who are afflicted by
Later she took him to her cousin, Warqa Bin Naufal, who was a Christian scholar
who had a good knowledge of previous holy books like Gospel (Injel) and
Taurah. After hearing the Prophet, said that he was visited by the same angel
who had visited the previous Prophets like Moses. He also said that he would be
ill-treated and expelled. This surprised the Prophet as the Quraysh were very

kind to him, but however died a while after. This event was narrated by the
Holy Prophet himself and is compiled by Imam Bukhari in his book, Sahih

Q: b) Explain the importance of this event in the

history of Islam
It marks the beginning of the Prophet Hood of the Holy Prophet and shows
that the Holy Prophet was chosen by Allah as a Prophet. He himself was never
part of the choice (Evident from his surprise and conclusion).
This event also marks the beginning of the revelation of the Qur'an and
shows that it was revealed to the Holy Prophet. He did not compose it.
After this event, the 1st Muslim community came into existence which was a
great shift from polytheism to monotheism.

Q: b) Explain the significance of actions of Angel

Gabriel and Waraqa bin Naufal in this incident.
The angel was performing his normal duty which he had performed with the
previous Prophets.
He was the first one to alert the Holy Prophet about his new mission, as he
said while leaving, "O Muhammad! You are the Messenger of God and I
am Angel Gabriel".
His appearance proved that the revelations were truly from God as it was
Angel Gabriel who brought the revelations to all the Prophets.
Waraqa was the 1st one to confirm the Prophet Hood of the Holy Prophet.
He also made him realize about the importance of the upcoming task and
prepared him about the difficulties he was going to face in the future.

Q: b) What does the Holy Prophet's experience of

the 1st revelation tell Muslims about the nature of
Prophet Hood in Islam?
Angel Gabriel is the one who delivered the revelation of Allah to the Holy
Prophet just as he did with all the previous Prophets as told by Waraqa bin
The Holy Prophet was never part of the choice which can be seen by an
example of Hazrat Musa, as when he went to Mount Sina to collect firewood for
warmth for his family but when he approached the hill he saw fire over t and

when he approached it, he found out it was actually a spiritual fire. It is here
where he spoke directly to Allah.
The Holy Prophet was chosen without his knowledge by Allah, which is
evident through his panic and conclusion. He was a normal human being just
like all other Prophets.
All the Prophets were revealed the revelations in isolation as the Holy Prophet
received his in the cave of Hira.
Miraculous events occurred when the Prophets received a revelation e.g. the
whole cave of Hira was enlightened by Angel Gabriel and when he left, he
covered the whole of the horizon.
All Prophets were pious in nature as was the Holy Prophet due to his noble
character and as he used to go for meditation.

Q: a) Describe the difficulties faced by the Holy

Prophet and his followers when they lived in Mecca.
The Holy Prophet
At Allahs command, The Prophet gathered the people of Mecca at the Mount
Safa and asked them if he told them that if there was an army at the back of
the hill, would they believe him. They all replied that they would as they had
never heard him telling a lie. But when the Prophet invited them to the
Oneness of Allah and his prophet hood, they all turned away. His own uncle,
Abu Lahab, condemned him and said, "May you perish forever. Did you call
us for this? The Prophet was shocked as he had been betrayed by his own
family as well as the people of his tribe.
Another difficulty was when the Quraysh launched a propaganda campaign
against him. They dubbed the Holy Prophet as a mad man, soothsayer, poet
and a magician. Poets were commissioned to ridicule the Prophet and produced
abusive poems about him. They wanted to demoralize the Prophet.
In the 7th year of Prophet Hood, the Quraysh pressurized the uncle of the
Prophet to hand over his nephew to them but Abu Talib refused. The Quraysh
then decided to boycott the tribe of Banu Hashim. This meant that no other
tribe in Mecca was allowed to have any dealings with them. The tribe of Banu
Hashim was forced to live in the outskirts of Mecca. The Holy Prophet and his
followers suffered greatly. They were reduced to starvation as the pagans did
not allow any food to be given to them. The boycott lasted for 3 years and was
then lifted as the Quraysh saw that it was not working.
In 620 CE, when the Prophet was 50 years old, his uncle Abu Talib died and the
leadership of the Quraysh was passed over to Abu Lahab, who was hostile to
the Muslims thus his protection was lost. In the same year, the wife of the

Prophet, Hazrat Khadija died. This was a great blow for the Prophet as she
provided him with moral support and comfort. Thus, the Prophet suffered
greatly and this year was known as the year of sorrow.
After the persecutions of the Quraysh, the Holy Prophet decided to preach
Islam to the other cities as he saw that it was difficult to preach in Mecca.
When he went to al-Taif, not only did its people reject his message, they pelted
him with stones till the extent that his shoes were filled with blood. Boys
chased him and his slave Zayd bin Harith out of the city and also abused them.
Thus, the suffering of the Holy Prophet was increased. Still, he prayed for their
guidance and never cursed them.
Once while the Prophet was praying, Abu Jahl threw the enteals of a she
camel on his back. This was later removed by his daughter, Hazrat Fatima.
Thorny bushes were placed on the path of the Prophet in order to disturbe his
journey by Umm e Jamil.
After the pledges of Aqabah, the Quraysh decided to assassinate the Prophet
while he was in his bed at his house. This was when the migration was decided.
The Quraysh started to ridicule the Prophet when his two songs died in infancy.
They started to call him a man with no male heir. This is when Surah al
Kausar was revealed.
His two daughters, Ruqayya and Fatima were engaged with the sons of Abu
Lahb. Abu Lahb told his sons to divorce them as they were the daughters of the
Prophet just to pressurize him.
The Quraysh also tortured the followers of the Holy Prophet. As the Quraysh
were getting little success in persuading the Prophet to stop preaching, they
increased persecutions towards the weaker Muslims. Thus the Prophet told the
vulnerable Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia whose king, Negus, was a Christian
and a just ruler. So 15 Muslims migrated to Abyssinia and left all their
belongings behind as to escape the hostilities of the Quraysh. Later, the
Quraysh followed the Muslims and asked the king to expel them. However,
Negus heard both sides of the story and after hearing Muslims side, found the
true meaning of Islam and refused to hand over Muslims to the Quraysh
delegation. However, Muslims still lived away from their homes. Later more
Muslims, about 70, joined the group in Abyssinia.
There were also individual persecutions more specifically of the poor slaves.
Bilal al-Habshi, used to be tied down in the scorching heat of the desert in
burning sand by his master and would have a heavy stone laid on his chest.
But he did not renounce his new faith and kept on saying, 'One, One!
Hazrat Uthman bin Affan would be beaten up by his uncle. One his uncle
wrapped him tightly in a mat and burned him below. Saad bin Abi Waqas was
struck by a sword while he was protecting the Prophet.
The Quraysh decided to boycott the tribes of Banu Hashim and Banu al-

Mutallib. No tribe could have any dealings with these two tribes. They were
forced to leave Mecca and go to its outskirts. The followers suffered a lot and
also starved. The boycott lasted for 3 years.
Those who followed Islam, such as Hazrat Zinra, used to be tortured by Abu
Jahl to such an extent that he / they would go blind due to severe torture.
Hazrat Abu Bakr was once dragged by his beards by some pagans while he was
protecting the holy Prophet. Hazrat Khubaib, a blacksmith, was tortured by
pagans with his own tools.
Hazrat Suhaib Rumi was similarly tortured so much that he lost his mentality.
He kept on repeating a single sentence.
Hazrat Yasir and Hazrat Sumayya were the first martyrs of Islam due to the
Hazrat Abu Bakr and Talha were once tied to the ground by the pagans and left
stranded there.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood once recited the Quran publically upon which he
was beaten by the Quraysh.
Hazrat Umar, before accepting Islam, once hit her own sister who was a Muslim
once he found out that she was.

Q: a) Write an account of the first migration (Hijra)

of the Muslims to Abyssinia.
5th year of Prophet Hood. Cruelties inflicted on Muslims by Meccans became
unbearable. The Prophet had the support of his clan because of his uncle, Abu
Talib was its leader. However, followers were more vulnerable as most of them
were socially weak. Therefore the Prophet advised the Muslims to migrate to
Abyssinia to escape persecutions. The Prophet felt its Christian ruler, Negus,
would be sympathetic as he would be honest and just. Hazrat Uthman and his
wife, Hazrat Ruqayya (the Prophets daughter) were included in the first group
of 15 Muslims. Jafar ibn Abu Talib followed with a large group of 85 Muslims.
Quraysh horrified that Muslims escaped and so sent a delegation to the Negus
to request him to send Muslims back. Negus summoned Muslims to explain the
teachings of Islam. Hazrat Jafar read verses of Surah Maryam; explained Islam
and the Holy Prophets teachings. He showed the similarities between Islam
and Christianity. Surah Maryam contained teachings about Hazrat Isa, Jesus,
who was an important figure in Neguss religion. Negus very moved; realized
Muslims worshipped the same God as he did. Quraysh request was rejected.
Therefore their mission to extradite Muslims failed. This event shows similarity
between Christianity and Islam due to their divine and monotheistic nature.

Q: b) What was the importance of making this

migration at that time?

The Muslims, being persecuted, meant that they could not establish their
religion in Mecca.

Therefore the migration allowed them religious freedom

Those not willing to renounce Islam were in danger of torture or death

The migration therefore safeguarded the new converts of Islam and the
future Muslim community.

Importantly, it was the Prophet who encouraged them to go (therefore an

obedience to the orders of the Prophet, they made this migration).

Q: b) Why did the Quraysh pursue the Muslims?

Since weaker Muslims migrated, the Quraysh felt insulted and therefore
pursued them in order to have them under their control.

The Muslims belief in monotheism was in contrast with the Qurayshs

belief in polytheism. They considered their religion to now be under
threat and thus opposed the to protect their religion.

The Quraysh enjoyed a lot of prestige and respect which can be shown by
their thinking that if the Muslims expanded, they may claim
custodianship of the Holy Kabah as the House of Allah and if this were to
happen, their prestige and respect would be lost as they owned it.

As being the custodians of the Kabah, their caravans were not under the
threat of being looted. However, if Islam were to expand more looting
would take place as their custodianship would be removed and thus
pursued them to protect their economy.

Q: a) Describe the main events of the Prophets visit

to al-Taif.
The Prophet decided to go to al-Taif when the persecution in Mecca was intense

as his main supporters, Hazrat Khadija his wife and Abu Talib his uncle, died in
the 10th year of Prophet Hood (620 CE). Now the new leader of Banu Hashim
was Abu Lahb, who was the worst enemy of Islam, so he increased the
difficulties of the Prophet. The Prophet was accompanied by his companion,
Zayd bin Harith, his adopted son. The elders of al-Taif rejected his mission.
Some boys of the town pelted stones at him and he was so badly injured that
his shoes were filled with blood. They took refuge in an orchard where Angel
Gabriel appeared and offered the Prophet the destruction of the town.
However, the Prophet declined his offer and said, I have been sent as a
mercy for the whole mankind. He not only forgave the people of al-Taif but
also prayed for them.

Q: a) Describe the main events of Miraj.

The Prophet was sad after the death of his uncle Abu Talib and Khadija, his wife,
and the rejection he faced at al-Taif. It was the 10th year of Prophet Hood, 27th
of Rajab. Angel Gabriel took the Prophet to the Kabah then on Buraq (horse
like winged creature) to Jerusalem. He led all the Prophets in prayer at
Jerusalem (in the mosque of al-Aqsa). He was then taken up towards the
heavens from the farthest mosque (mosque of al-Aqsa). He was taken through
different levels of heaven and hell. He met different prophets who had
preceded him e.g. Hazrat Adam on the 1st heaven, Hazrat Isa on the 2nd, Hazrat
Musa on the 6th and Hazrat Ibrahim on the 7th. Allah then spoke to him directly.
Five daily prayers (salat) made obligatory for Muslims by Allah.
In the beginning there were 50 daily prayers, but after discussing with Hazrat
Isa and returning back to Allah, it reduced to five. All these events happened in
one night. The Meccans mocked him about the impossibility of the journey but
he described in detail about a caravan he saw on the way. His companions like
Hazrat Abu Bakr confirmed that if the Prophet said it happened, then it did. The
Prophet gave Abu Bakr the title of al-Saddique (the Truthful). This is mentioned
in the Holy Quran in the following verse: Praise be to Him, who carried
His servant by night from the Sacred mosque to the Farthest mosque
whose precincts We have blessed that We might show him some of
Our signs.

Q: b) Explain the importance of this event in Islam.

This event shows that the Prophet was specially blessed by Allah

Leading other Prophets in prayer shows his importance.

BY this journey Allah gave strength to the Prophet who was upset after

the Year of Grief and the rejection in Taif.

His physical support came from his companions who believed that if the
Prophet said this event happened, then it did.

Stipulations of five daily prayers for Muslims suggest we too can receive
Allahs grace.

This event is so important that the Holy Quran mentions it.

Q: a) Describe the main events of the Pledges of


After returning from Taif, the Prophet continued his mission and preached
Islam in fairs, markets and to the travelers.
In 620 CE, 6 pilgrims came from the tribe of Khazraj in Yathrib, became
Muslims on the invitation of the Prophet.
They took back the Prophets message to Yathrib.
Next year in 621 CE, 12 people came and they believed in one God and
became Muslims.
They promised that they would not :Associate any partners with Allah
o They would not fornicate
o They would not kill their children
o They would not disobey the Prophet
This is known as the first pledge of Aqabah.
The Prophet sent Hazrat Musab with them to teach Islam to the people of
Next year in 622 CE, a deputation of 70 people including 3 women came
to take the pledge; known as the second pledge of aqabah.
They promised that they would:o Listen to and obey the Prophet
o They would spend in plenty as well as scarcity in the way of Allah
o They would enjoin good and forbid evil
o They would fear no one but Allah and defend the Prophet if he
needed it
They also invited the Prophet to their town.
Hazrat Abbas, the Prophets uncle, made them aware of the danger of the
Qurayshs position if the Prophet went with them.
However, they promised to protect the Prophet with their own lives.
When Meccans came to know about support from the people of Yathrib,
they doubled their persecutions on the Muslims.
This resulted in most of the Muslims leaving Mecca except the Prophet,
Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Ali and a few others.
Hence these pledges laid the foundation of future expansion of Islam.

Q: b) Explain the importance of these pledges for

the Holy Prophet.

After the death of Hazrat Abu Talib, the Prophet lost the support of his
clan as the new leader of Banu Hashim was Abu Lahb who was one of the
worst enemies of Islam and so he increased difficulties for the Prophet.

However, these pledges provided the Prophet a chance to not only

protect himself from the persecution of Quraysh but also expand his
mission of Islam as the people of Yathrib were inclined towards the
teachings of Islam.

The Prophet could also see protection of his Meccan followers in Medina
as by migrating to Yathrib, they would be able to escape the hardships of
the Quraysh.

This later led to the Prophet migrating to Medina and establishment of

the 1st Muslim community there.

Q: a) Describe the main events which immediately

led up to Hijra.

Boycott of Banu Hashim
Pledges of Aqabah
Plot to assassinate the Prophet

Plot to assassinate the Prophet

After the success of the Pledges of Aqabah, the Propeht allowed his followers to
migrate to Medina. When the Quraysh came to know of it, they gathered in Dar
un Nadwi and unanimously decided to assassinate the Prophet before he
could escape to Medina. However, the Prophet was informed of this evil plot
through a revelation. He was permitted by Allah to migrate. Therefore he asked
his cousin, Hazrat Ali, to sleep in his bed not only to fool the Quraysh but also
to return the belongings of the people. He then left Mecca for Medina with his
friend, Hazrat Abu Bakr. This was in 621 CE, when the Prophet was 52.

Q: b) Explain why the Prophet decided to move from

Mecca to Medina.

He had received a divine revelation to migrate so in obedience to it he

migrated to Medina

He was facing hardship in Mecca especially after the death of his uncle,
Abu Talib, the leader of Banu Hashim, but after this Abu Lahb became the
leader, who was one of the worst enemies of Islam.

After the death of Hazrat Khadija in 620 CE, the Quraysh increased their
persecution on the Prophet as told by a companion: With Hazrat
Khadijas death, troubles followed fast with each others heels as
she had been a faithful support for him in Islam and he used to
tell her of his problems.

He was aware that his followers were being tortured in Mecca.

The people of Medina were accepting Islam readily so the Prophet saw a
bright future of his mission over there.

Q: a) Describe the main events of the Prophets

migration from Mecca to Medina.
After the success of the Pledges of Aqabah, the Prophet allowed his followers to
migrate to Medina. When the Quraysh came to know of it, they gathered in Dar
un Nadwi and unanimously decided to assassinate the Prophet before he
could escape to Medina. However, the Prophet was informed of this evil plot
through a revelation. He was permitted by Allah to migrate. Therefore he asked
his cousin, Hazrat Ali, to sleep in his bed not only to fool the Quraysh but also
to return the belongings of the people. He then left Mecca for Medina with his
friend, Hazrat Abu Bakr. This was in 621 CE, when the Prophet was 52. The
Prophet and Abu Bakr were aware that they were being chased by the Quraysh.
Therefore they decided to hide in a cave known as the Cave of Thawr. Abu Bakr
entered first and closed all the holes of the cave except for one which he did
not have enough material / cloth to close.
He was later bitten by a snake through that hole but did not cry out as the
Prophet was sleeping in his lap at that time. Later the Prophet applied his saliva
at the place of pain and Abu Bakrs pain was fully relieved. There were some
miracles at the entrance of the cave. A spider made a web and nesting birds
laid eggs in it. This was the reason that later when the Quraysh reached at the
mouth of the cave, they did not bother to look inside as due to these miracles,
they were sure that it was empty. At this point, when the Quraysh were just
outside the cave, Abu Bakr got scared. However, the Prophet comforted him
and told him that Allah was with them as the Holy Quran says, And when
the unbelievers drove him out he did not have more than one
companion with him. The two were in the cave and he said to his
companion, Have no fear for Allah is with us.
Abu Bakrs daughter, Hazrat Asma, used to bring food for them whereas his
son, Abdullah, would bring information about the Quraysh. They left the cave

after their stay of 3 days and they left the cave when they felt safe to continue
their journey. On their way to Medina, they stayed at Quba for 14 days. Hazrat
Ali joined them and the Prophet also constructed a mosque here known as the
Mosque of Quba, which is the 1st mosque of Islam. The Medinans were
anxiously waiting for the Prophet and they wholeheartedly welcomed him.
Some girls of Banu Najjar tribe, the tribe of the Propehts mother, were singing
songs in his grace and he also appreciated them. Every Medinan wanted that
the Prophet should stay with him. However, he informed them that his camel
was under divine instruction. The camel stopped on an open land belonging to
two orphans. The Prophet decided to build a mosque at that place along with
his residence. Meanwhile, he stayed with Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari, as he lived
very close to the place.

Q: b) Explain why the people of Medina invited the

Prophet to their town.

They wanted him as a leader among them to resolve the disputes

between the two main tribes of Medina i.e. Aws and Khazraj because both
of them trusted his leadership.

They wanted him as a teacher among them as they were readily

accepting Islam and wanted to implement the teachings of Islam in their
lives after learning from the Prophet.

They were aware that the Prophet and his Meccan followers were facing
hardship in Mecca and therefore they invited them in order to give them
protection to escape those difficulties.

Q: a) Describe the events which immediately

followed Hijra.

Welcome by Medinans (linking with

Brief mosque)
Construction of Mosque
Pairing of Muhajireen and Ansar.
Covenant of Medina / Charter of Medina

Charter of Medina
When the Prophet reached Medina, he tried to have friendly relations with all
the people living there. He devised a covenant which included Muslims and
non-Muslim Arabs of Medina including the 3 Jewish tribes: Banu Qainuqa, Banu
Nazir, and Banu Nuzara. This charter clearly mentioned the responsibilities and
rights of all the member communities. All the members were given complete
religious freedom and it was agreed in case of an external attack, all the
Medinans would defend Medina unitedly. They also accepted the Prophet as

leader of Medina, whose decision in case of any conflict was to be final.

Q: a) Describe the experiences of the Prophet in the

Cave of Hira
Meditation (Beginning)
Reached Hazrat Khadija (Ending)
Cave of Thawr
Plot to assassinate (Beginning)
Left for Quba (Ending)

Q: b) Explain the importance of any one of these

events in Islam.
Cave of Thawr

If the Prophet had been captured, Islam might not have developed

The success of his mission depended on him leaving his home

He had to trust to God and his followers for survival

The miracles of the entrance of the cave proved that Allah helped the
Prophet like all other Prophets.

It shows that meeting force with force is not always the way to success.

The importance of this incident is such that the Holy Quran even refers
to it.

Q: a) Describe the interaction of the Prophet with

the people of Mecca before and after the first
revelation but until 622 CE.
The Prophet was in good terms with the people of his city i.e. Meccans. There
was a lot of positivity between him and them which can be seen through
different examples of his life. Some of them are as follows:- The Holy Kabah
was damaged due to flooding so the Meccans decided to rebuild it. However,
there was a dispute on which tribe would get the honor to fix the black stone.
Things worsened to such an extent that war could break it. It was decided that
the 1st person to enter the Kabah the next morning would decide. It was the
Prophet who entered the Kabah before anyone. Thus, was accepted as an
arbitrator. This shows that the Meccans trusted him because if they didnt they

wouldve refused to accept him. They not only accepted him but did as he said.
This further proves their good relations because otherwise they might have not
done what he suggested.
Wars were also fought during sacred months for which they got to be known as
Sacrilegious wars. The Prophet was in his teenage years then. He helped his
clan by collecting arrows for them. Thus, shows good relations between them
because if this were not the case, then the Prophet might not have helped
them. There was a lot of bloodshed in these wars which upset many Meccans
including the Prophet. Therefore, they formed a league known as the Truce of
Al-Fazul to help the supersede ones. The Prophet wholeheartedly joined it to
help the weak members. This shows his kind nature towards the Meccans. The
Prophet also got known as Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin for his honesty. People had a
lot of faith in him and would entrust their belongings with him. This proves their
positive relation because if the Meccans did not trust him, they would never
keep their belongings with him. Due to the same reasons, he was employed by
the Meccans to look after their trade as they were sure that he would never
cheat. He was employed by Khadija and because she was highly impressed by
his honesty, she sent him a marriage proposal, which was accepted.
However, these good relations drastically worsened when the Prophet received
Prophet Hood and started preaching. The Prophet was startled when Waraqah
bin Naufal foretold the persecutions that the Meccans would bring him. Hence,
this proves that the Prophet was at good terms with them. The examples of
these events which show deteriorating relations are mentioned below:- When
the Prophet, for the first time, preached openly at Mount Safa, he was mocked
and even cursesd by his uncle Abu Lahb. This proved upon him that the people
were not very well coming towards him in his new faith. Thus, from this event
onward, the Prophet was persecuted in every manner possible. He had garbage
thrown on him by an old lady on a daily basis. Thorny bushes were put in his
way to cause him harm. Filth was put on him when he worshipped but even
after all of this, he remained steadfast and was never rude towards the
Meccans. This shows that the Meccans did not let go of any chance to be
hostile and thus, created a right between themselves and Muhammad while
Muhammad always tried to reconcile with them. Hostilities had increased so
much that it had become unbearable for the Muslims So the Prophet
encouraged his followers to escape to Abyssinia. This proves the weak relations
between him and the Quraysh as Quraysh not only disturbed him but also his
On the other side, his followers were also Meccans. So their support and
obedience shows that there were still some Meccans who were still positive
towards him and trusted him. In the 7th year of Prophet Hood, Quraysh put a
social, political and economic boycott on the tribe of the Prophet, the Banu
Hashim. The entire tribe was sealed in the valley of Abu Talib where no one was
to interact with them, which further worsened the Prophets relations with the
Meccans. At the same time, his tribe did not abandon him and supported him
throughout. This shows little positivity from the Meccans. When the boycott
was lifted in the 10th year of Prophet Hood, the Prophets wife, Khadija and
uncle, Abu Talib, passed away. So to console the Prophet, he was taken through
different levels of Hell and Heaven (Miraj). When the Prophet came back, he
told of his journey to the Meccans and even described a caravan in detail that

he had seen but he was mocked on the impossibility of the event. This
deteriorated their relations even further as now the Quraysh had no
acceptance of the Prophet. The Quraysh could now no longer tolerate the
Prophet and his activities.
Therefore, they gathered at a place called Dar un Nadwa in 622 CE and
decided to assassinate him. The Prophet was informed about this through a
revelation and Allah ordered him to migrate to Medina. This shows that the
Prophets relation with the Quraysh were on their lowest ebb. Even though the
Prophets own life was in danger, he asked Hazrat Ali to return the belongings
of the people entrusted with him on his behalf and then come to Medina. This
shows that the Prophet did not want to harm the Qurayshs belongings. This
also shows that even though the Meccans were hostile towards him, they still
trusted him as proven by the fact that the Prophet had their belongings.
Although there was a lot of negativity between the Prophet and the Quraysh,
there were different instances through which positivity was reflected between
the two sides.

Q: a) Describe the main events of the Battle of Badr

and Uhad.

624 CE
2nd year of Hijra / 2 A.H
The Prophet was aware of a Meccan trade caravan returning from Syria
under Abu Sufyan
He decided to intercept the caravan and waited for it near the wells of
Abu Sufyan, sensing this threat, summoned troops from Mecca
However, he changed his route and reached Mecca safely.
But by then, the Meccans had left for help
Although he sent a message to them to return, but almost 1,000 Meccans
under Abu Jahl refused to return as they wanted to eliminate the Muslims
They encamped at Badr
Muslims were just above 300 and poorly equipped.
Despite of odds, the Muslims won the battle
When the battle started, the 3 Quraysh warriors, as per Arab tradition,
stepped forward and challenged the Muslims head to head
They were Utaba, Shaiba and Waleed
This challenge was accepted by Hazrat Hamza, Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Abu
Ubaidah and they successfully killed their opponents, demoralizing the
When open fighting started, Muslims fought unitedly under the
instruction of the Prophet and defeated the Quraysh
70 Quraysh were killed, including their leader, Abu Jahl, who was badly
injured by two young Muslims and was at last killed by Hazrat Abdullah
bin Masood

The Prophet, before the battle, prayed to Allah for its success and his
prayers were accepted and Muslims were granted help through Angels.
Details of this battle are mentioned in Surah al-Anfal in the Quran.
One of its verse says, and remember when you met. He showed
them to you as few in your eyes and made you appear as
contemptible in their eyes, so that Allah might accomplish a
matter already decided.
14 Muslims were martyred
70 Quraysh were also taken as prisoners who were threated in a humane
manner by the Prophet
They were told that if they paid ransom, they would be set free.
Similarly if they taught the young Muslims for a certain period of time,
they would be set free.
He also set the Meccans who he saw were old free.


625 CE
3rd year of Hijra
3,000 Quraysh under Abu Sufyans leadership marched towards Medina
to avenge their defeat at Badr
When the Prophet came to know of this, he consulted his companions
and decided to fight outside Medina as per wishes of the majority,
although his own opinion was opposite to it, which shows that he was a
democratic leader.
At first, Muslims were 1,000 but they were reduced to 700 when 300
hypocrites deserted the Muslim army under Abdullah bin Ubayh on the
excuse that their suggestion to fight inside Medina was not accepted.
On reaching Uhad, the Prophet appointed 50 archers on a hill top to avoid
any attack from behind.
He clearly instructed them to not leave their places under any situation.
At first, the Muslims had an upper hand in the battle and the Quraysh
started to flee
Noticing this, most of the archers, ignoring the Prophets instruction, left
their places to collect the spoils of the battle.
Khalid bin Waleed, a Quraysh commander, took this as an opportunity
and with his men attacked Muslims from the unguarded pass.
This led to complete confusion in Muslim ranks and their victory changed
into a near defeat.
More than 70 Muslims were martyred, including Hazrat Hamza, who was
the uncle of the Prophet
His body was mutilated by Hind, the wife of Abu Sufya, as her close
relatives, were closed by Hazrat Hamza in the Battle of Badr.
The Prophet also received injruies to his jaw.
However, the Muslims learned an important lesson to obey the Prophet in
all circumstance.

Q: b) Why did the Meccans fight against the


They saw Muslims as a threat

Muslims were a threat to their livelihood as they could easily intercept

the Meccans trade caravans to Syria which passed through Medina

Muslims were also a threat to their religion, as Muslims belief in one God
was in contrast with their polytheistic belief.

Muslims were also a threat to their possession in Arabia

The Meccans, as custodians of the Holy Kabah, enjoyed a lot of respect

in the area and Muslim belief that the Holy Kabah is the House of Allah
was a threat for them as if Islam flourished, than the Qurayshs
custodianship was at risk.

Q: a) Describe the main events of the Battle of Uhad

and Trench.

627 CE
5th year of Hijra / 5 A.H
Quraysh made an alliance with the Jewish tribes of Banu Nazir (who were
exiled by the Prophet from Medina as they were plotting to kill him) and
Banu Ghatafan
10,000 allies marched towards Medina to eliminate Muslims
The Prophet, on hearing this, consulted his companions and decided to
dig a trench towards vulnerable Syrian side of Medina on the suggestion
of his Persian companion, Hazrat Sulaiman al-Farsi
Muslims were almost 3,000 in number
When the enemy arrived, the Meccans could not cross the trench as it
was a new war strategy for them.
So they laid siege to the city
There was transfer of arrows from both sides and small skirmishes also
took place as when some Quraysh tried to cross the trench, Muslims
defeated them
For example, Naufal and Amr were killed by Hazrat Ali whereas Ikramah
escaped and retreated.
The Jews of Banu Qurayza broke the charter of Medina in mid-fighting
and threatened to attack Muslims from behind.
They were punished by the Propeht due to their traitorship after the
Hypocrites also created problems for Muslims by leaving the battlefield

on the excuse that their houses were unsafe

Although the Holy Quran informed the Prophet that it was not the case
The siege lasted for almost a month and eventually the allies had to flee
due to harsh weather conditions (heavy storm)

Q: b) Explain the importance of these battles in


Allah was testing Muslims whether they would fight unitedly or not

Muslims learned an important lesson to obey the Prophet at all times

They also learned that the physical Jihad was only in the way of Allah,
and not for any materialistic benefit, like spoils of war.

Hypocrites were exposed so the Prophet became careful in dealing with



Muslims saw in their victory the help of Allah, through a heavy storm so
their faith in Allah strengthened

This victory put an effect event to Meccan hostility and they never dared
to attack Medina again.

The victory in Trench gave confidence to Muslims to alter attack Mecca

and restore the Holy Kabah

Many more Arabs accepted Islam as they saw Muslims as a strong force.

Q: a) Describe the conduct of the Prophet in any 2

battles he fought in as a leader.
All the battles fought during his life were fought under his command. In 625 CE,
the Prophet and the Muslims army encored Quraysh at Uhad. There 1,000
Muslims who were reduced to 700 by desertions made by the hypocrites. It was
due to the Prophet that they did not lose hope. The Prophet told them that
Allah was with them and they faced the Quraysh. Upon reaching Uhad, the
Prophet appointed 50 archers on a hill top from where the enemy could attack.
He also instructed them not to leave their position under any circumstances.
This shows that he was a good leader as his analyzed the area very well and
appointed a sufficient number of archers to protect their fellow Muslims fighting
in the plain.

He also sent Ali and Hamza for single combat as he knew both of them were his
best warriors and would defeat their opponents and would help the Muslims
gain a psychological advantage over the enemy. Thus, this also proves he was
a good leader. The Prophet was also aware that the Muslim army would be
outnumbered by the Quraysh. Therefore, he allowed women to passively
participate in this war. By this, women got the men refreshments and tended
their wounds. Thus, they strengthened the army. This shows the Prophets
ability to foresee as a leader.
Also, when the enemy had started to free away, he sent out small forces to
make sure the enemy didnt attack Medina. This proves that the Prophet was a
great leader as he made immediate decisions for the Islamic community in the
battlefield where his own life was endangered. When the Quraysh returned, he
didnt leave the battlefield but stuck around with the Muslim army and
commanded them. This shows he was a great leader because any other person
would have deserted the army to save his own life In 630 CE, the Prophet with
an army of 10,000 Muslims marched towards Mecca to conquer it. He did this
after the dissolution of the treaty of Hudaybiyah. This shows that he was an
honest leader as he stood by his words and abided by the treaty. Any other
leader might not have even signed a peace treaty but would have directly
When they were closed to Mecca, the Prophet asked his companions/army to lit
individual fires instead of collective/group ones so that they would appear huge
in number from the Safa Hill. This was a very smart strategy to demoralize the
Meccans. This shows that the Prophet was an excellent leader as an ordinary
leader would have tried to demoralize the enemy through attack. The Prophet
set limits towards the destruction. He also declared the Kabah and Abu
Sufyans house refuge (after he accepted Islam). He not only introduced a
peaceful way of war, but also gave leaders their due respect as he declared
Abu Sufyans house a place of refuge. Therefore Mecca was conquered without
When the Prophet entered Mecca, his head was bent down and was reciting
webs of the Quran. This was a very modest act. Had it been someone else, he
would be very proud. He then purified the Holy Kabah and showed as a leader
that there was no space for polytheism in Islam. After that, he got on the
mount of Safa and announced general pardon for the prisoners in a very
modest manner. This shows that he was an extra-ordinary leader because no
other person would have been able to do so.

Q: a) What happened between the Quraysh and the

Muslims at Hudaibiyah?

6th year of Hijra / 628 CE

The Prophet saw a dream about visiting the Kabah
He told companions to prepare for the Umra or lesser pilgrimage
15,000 Muslims marched to Mecca wearing Ihram (pilgrim dress)
Quraysh heard of approach; very concerned about large number; in

dilemma because of legitimate right of all Arabs to visit the Kabah.

At last were prepared to resist entry by force so gathered an army
The Prophet had no intention of fighting and camped at Hudaybiyah
Quraysh confused; attempts at negotiations to make the Prophet turn
back; failed
The Prophet eventually sent Hazrat Uthman to negotiate with the
3 days passed with no news; rumor of his death
Meaenwhile, Bayat al-Ridwan was taken by Muslims to avenge Hazrat
Uthmans death
However, finally Hazrat Uthman returned
Quraysh came to negotiate with the Muslims, Suhayl ibn Amr was their
representative and signed a treaty.
The treaty concluded by the Prophet, although apparently Pro-Quraysh:o Muslims could not perform lesser pilgrimage now but could return
the following year and would be allowed for 3 days in Mecca.
o There was to be peace between the two sides for 10 years
o During this time, Muslims would be allowed to go to Mecca and alTaif, and the Meccans would be allowed to go to Syria through
Muslim areas.
o Meccans taking refuge in Medina would be handed back but
Muslims taking refuge in Mecca would not be returned
o Both the Meccans and Muslims would stay neutral if there was a
war with another group
o Agreements could be made with either the Muslims or Meccans by
other tribes
Many of the Muslims including Hazrat Umar were not happy over the
terms of the treaty which were apparently harsh and against the interest
of Muslism
Yet the Prophet accepted them by the command of Allah who Himself
declared this treaty to be a clear victory for the believers by saying,
Verily We have granted you a manifesto victory.

Q: b) Explain the importance of this event in Islam.

The Prophet was far-sighted in signing this treaty, he had deeper

understanding of changes in Arabia; there was a time for war e.g. Badr;
Muslims fought to preserve their position and now a time for peace was
necessary (even if it meant loss of face that some Muslims felt)
Treaty gave time to Muslims to consolidate position; Medina became a
centre for Islam; the Prophet sent letters to neighbouring monarchs to
accept Islam
The Prophet, by making peace, had gained access to the Holy Kabah;
came for Umra the following year.
By entering into a 10 year treaty, obviously the Meccans now considered
the Prophet as equal power.
Meccans became neutral in the struggle between the Prophet on one side
and the Jews and so the Muslims easily captured Khayber.

Treaty in the long run was benefitial for Islam; Allah revealed, Verily We
have granted you a manifesto victory. ; more people accepted
Islam now than in preceding years e.g. Khalid bin Waleed & Amr bin Aas
became Muslims.
Led to the conquest of Mecca as when the Quraysh dissolved the treaty,
the Prophet had no other option but to attack Mecca.

Q: b) Explain the relations between the Prophet and

his followers in the treaty of Hudaibiyah.

When Hazrat Uthman went to negotiate with the Meccans, the Meccans
said he should go and pray at the Kabah. However, he did not want to
pray there for himself only; if the Prophet wasnt allowed to come to pray,
nor would he. This shows his affection and respect for the Prophet
Hazrat Umar protested about the terms of the treaty showing that
companions were free to say how they felt and the Prophet always
Hazrat Ali, a scribe, not prepared to change the words of the treaty even
though he was told to. So the Prophet rubbed off the words himself then
asked Hazrat Ali to write Muhammad, son of Abdullah (as the Quraysh
wanted), so the Prophet respected his personal judgment.
Muslims faith in the Prophet was tested when son of Suhayl
(representative of Meccans) came to join Muslims and had to be returned
to Mecca despite appealing to Muslims for help; the Prophet advised him
to be patient.
Suhayl took his son back while Muslims looked on helplessly; the Prophet
advised them to be patient as well
Muslims were in schock over the terms of the treaty; feeling of
disappointment, did not comply to his order (repeated thrice) to sacrifice.
Umm Salama advised the Prophet to sacrifice his camel first; he lead by
This shows that the Prophet was always open to advice even from a

Q: a) Describe the main events of the Conquest of


The Prophet had become powerful in Arabia by 630 CE

He decided to capture Mecca when the Quraysh dissolved the treaty of
Banu Bakr, an ally of the Quraysh, attacked Banu Khuza, an ally of
In this attack, the Quraysh supported Banu Bakr which was a violation of
the treaty as it stated that in case of any conflict within their allies, both
the parties would stay neutral
Banu Khuza came to the Prophet for help

The Prophet gave 3 alternatives to the Quraysh:o To pay blood money to Banu Khuza
o To dissolve their alliance with Banu Bakr
o To dissolve the treaty of Hudaibiyah
The Quraysh accepted the 3rd option and thus the Prophet decided to
attack Mecca.
The Prophet marched towards Mecca secretly with an army of 10,000.
Before his entry into Mecca, Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Quraysh,
accepted Islam and the Prophet declared his house as a place of refuge
for Meccans.
He also announced that all those who closed the door of their ouses or
entered the Holy Kabah would not be harmed as well.
He gave clear instructions to his men to avoid bloodshed
He divided his soldiers into 4 groups who were to enter Mecca from
different directions.
The entry of the Prophet into Mecca was peaceful except for the group
under Khalid Bin Waleed was attacked by the Quraysh and their allies
and in this skirmish, 13 Quraysh were killed and 2 Muslims were
The Prophet was went to the Holy Kabah, kissed the blackstone, and
performed the Tawaf.
He purified the Kabah and destroyed the 360 idols.
While destroying them, he recited the following Quranic verse: And say
that the truth has come and falsehood has perished. Verily
falsehood was bound to perish.
He then announced general pardon for the Meccans including his worst
enemies like Hind.
However, he executed 4 stubborn people who were not ready to abandon
their hostility to Islam
The Prophet stayed in Mecca for more than 2 weeks and made some
administrative arrangements
Also, many more Meccans accepted Islam during this period.

Q: b) What lesson do modern Muslims learn from the

Prophets conduct in this incident?

The Prophet was unflinching in his approach to make Mecca an Islamic

He responded to harshness with kindness.
He made extensive efforts to avoid violence and bloodshed by
announcing that all non-combatants would not be harmed and similarly
instructed his army
He tried to make sure that the enmity of Meccans must come to an end
e.g. by announcing the general pardon.
This event shows that the Prophet was a strong monotheist and strongly
opposed to idolatory (he destroyed the idols), so we should be strong

Q: a) Describe the main events of the Battle of

Khyber, Hunayn and Tabuk expedition.

Fought in 629 CE against the Jews of Banu Nazir who had broken their
agreement with the Muslims
A small Muslim army caught them by surprise
Captured 2 forts then went for main fort of Qamus which was heavily
The Prophet sent Hazrat Ali, who is said to have moved a door by himself,
which would have taken 40 50 men to move.
He was thus given the title of Lion of Allah.
Jewish leader, Marhab, was killed.
More than 90 Jews were killed and many imprisoned
Jews requested to stay in Khyber and in return they gave half of their
agricultural production to Muslims.


Fought in 630 CE, after the Conquest of Mecca.

The Conquest of Mecca was shocking for the neighboring pagan tribes
and they were looking for an opportunity to undo the efforts of the
The 2 warring and brave tribes of Hawazin and Banu Thaqeef (of al-Taif)
along with their allies encamped in the valley of Hunayn to fight the
The army was well equipped, accompanied by their families, with wealth
and with their livestock, they were to fight till death
The Prophet met them with 12,000 troops, 10,000 who accompanied him
from Medina and 2,000 new converts
At Hunain, most of the Muslim troops were surprisingly ambushed by the
rival archers and almost forced to flee.
However, with great efforts, the fleeing Muslim troops were rallied round
the Prophet and his body guard contingent stood firm.
Therefore, initially, the Muslims faxed some losses but quickly managed
to subdue to enemy.
An enormous booty was captured and the Muslims came with an
abundant wealth.
The Prophet dealt the prisoners mercifully and released them as they
belonged to the tribe of Hazrat Halima, the Prophets foster mother.

Tabuk Expedition

In 630 CE
The Romans gathered at Tabuk to invade Arabia
The Prophet now called for an expedition of volunteers to march towards

The companions as usual displayed great sacrifice at this time

Firstly, it was the most important time of the year as the harvest were
ready for picking yet they volunteered to leave and fight.
Hazrat Uthman donated war equipment and gold having total worth of
about 50,000 dirhams for this battle.
Hazrat Umar gave half of his belongings.
Hazrat Abu Bakr gave all of his belongings
The Prophet marched out with 30,000 troops leaving Hazrat Ali as leader
of Medina although he wanted to come and encamped for a whole month
at Tabuk.
The Roman army was so stricken with awe that they did not show up for
the combat and the Muslims safely returned to Medina.

Q: a) Describe the main teachings of the Last

Sermon of the Prophet.

The Prophet gave this sermon on 9th of Zil-Hajj, 632 Ce, in the plain of
Arafat when he was performing his last Hajj.
O people! Lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this
year I shall ever be amongst you again
O People! Just as you regard this month, this day, this city, as Sacred
So regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust.
Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners.
Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you
Remember that you will indeed meet Allah and that He will indeed
reckon your deeds.
Allah has forbidden you to take riba, usury (interest) therefore all
interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital is however,
yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer inequality.
Beware of Satan for the safety of your religion He has lost all hope
that he will ever be able to lead you astray in his things, so beware of
following him in small things.
O People! It is true that you have certain rights in regard to your
woman, but they also have rights over you.
Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allahs
trust and with his permission.
Do treat your women well and be kind to them, for they are your
partners and committed helpers.
And it is your right that they do not make friends with anyone of whom
you do not approve as well as never to be unchaste.
Listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, perform your five daily prayers
(Salah) fast during the month of Ramadan and offer Zakat, Perform
Hajj if you have the means.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve an Arab has no superiority over a
non-Arab nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab white
has no superiority over black nor does a black have any superiority over
white except by piety and good action.
Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the

Muslims constitute one brotherhood

Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslims which belongs to a fellow
Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly Do not therefore do
injustice to yourselves.
O People! No Prophet will come after me and no new faith will be born.
I leave behind me two things, the Quran and the Sunnah (my example)
and if you follow these you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to
others again and it may be that the last ones understand my words
better than those who listen to me directly.

Q: a) Describe the main events of the Last year of

the Holy Prophet.
After the conquest of Mecca, the surrounding Bedouins of the Hawazin tribe,
who were very concerned at the Prophets growing influence, attacked his army
in the valley of Hunayn. The Muslims won the confrontation. Leaders from
tribes from all over Arabia came to accept Islam; shortly before his death,
almost the whole Arabian Penninsula had become Muslim. Even the city of alTaif, which was the center of worship of the goddess al-Lat.
There were rumors of Roman invasion to quell the growth of Islam. Great
hardship faced by Muslims; very hot summer, drought in Arabia, still Prophet
rallied an army of 30,000 to face the Romans; marched towards Tabuk. On
hearing of approaching Muslim forces, Romans retreated, Prophet returned to
Mecca safely. In 632 CE, the Prophets health was failing; his son Ibrahim died
in infancy. Conscious he was approaching the end of his life; told Hazrat Fatima
about Angel Gabriel revising Quran twice during Ramadan.
Decided to lead the pilgrimage as this was the last pillar of Islam not
accomplished by him; went with all his family and many hajjis. Led Muslims
through all rituals Arabs knew already, giving them a new significance;
explaining what to do and how to do it. Gave farewell address at the plain of
Arafat, 9th of Zil-Hajj. He gave teachings of rights of women, the performance of
the pillars of Islam, equality and prevention of sins in his last sermon. At the
end of the sermon, he asked thrice of those gathered, O People! Have I
faithfully delivered my message to you? And they replied, Yes. Last
revelation came just after a few hours later on 9th of Zil-Hajj, 10th A.H. This
day I have perfected your religion for you Returned to Medina, health
deteriorating. He decided to go to Hazrat Aishas apartment after the
permission from his other wives. Also told Fatima he could not recover and that
she would follow him soon after his death asked Abu Bakr to lead prayers. And
died on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal, 11 A.H. According to some historians on Aishas
lap, while others on Alis lap. His body was buried in Hazrat Aishas apartment
with the help of Hazrat Ali and others.

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