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Jen: Mitchell

49 Abbots Park
St Albans

Westcot Credit Services Ltd

PO BOX 137

Your ref: D3/41545633 (original letter attached)


Dear Sir or Madam

Thank you for your letter dated 03/11/09 received on 10th November 2009.

As you are a third party intervener in this matter acting without authority, I DO NOT give you
permission to interfere in my commercial affairs as you have no legal standing. We do not have a
contract and any permission that you believe you may have from me is hereby withdrawn. If you
believe that you have power of attorney to act on my behalf you are hereby fired and any consent
that you believe you may have, tacit or otherwise, is hereby withdrawn.

I am now formally requesting that you cease all correspondence including but not limited to: letters,
phone calls and text messaging.

I am familiar with the terms of Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970 and the
Protection from Harassment Act 1970 and I believe, should you continue in contacting me after my
request for you to cease your activity, that you will be guilty of harassment and blackmail and you
will be in breach of these Acts and you will be reported to the relevant bodies.

Please note that if you contact me by telephone, after a formal request not to, you will also be in
breach of The Wireless Telegraphy Act (1949) and as such, I will report you to both Trading
Standards and The Office of Fair Trading and take further note that continued telephone calls after
receipt of a request not to call may constitute a criminal offence under section 127 of the
Communications Act 2003.

Finally, you do not have, nor have you ever had, my permission to use or process my personal data
in any way and so pursuant to the Data Protection Act 1998, I hereby demand that you cease use of
any and all data with regard to me and that you immediately destroy all of my data held on your
records. Failure to do so will result in a report being submitted to the Information Commissioner for
Data Protection breaches.

You will be deemed to have been served notice of my request and I will deem it served THREE (3)
days from the date of this letter. This has been sent by recorded delivery. I am advising you that
any communications from you including, but not limited to, letters, phone calls, and text messages
received after this date will be recorded/noted with the intention of them being used as evidence.

Do not contact me again.

Yours faithfully

Jen: Mitchell (Agent)

All Rights, Privileges and Powers Reserved Without Prejudice

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