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The diagram below shows the general structure of a bacterial cell.



Use the letters on the diagram to identify the structures described below.

Contains antibiotic resistance genes which may be transferred to other bacteria.



Sites of protein synthesis.



Contains the enzymes for respiration.

(Total 3 marks)

Al-NAjah Private School


The bases in a gene code for the synthesis of a protein. Gene mutations can influence the
metabolism of an organism.


The diagram below shows the bases on the template strand of DNA in the part of a
gene that codes for a short sequence of amino acids in an enzyme.
Each of the following statements is about this sequence of bases. For each
statement, place a cross in the appropriate box to show whether it is true or false.



This sequence of bases could be used

as a template during translation
A strand of mRNA could be synthesised
using this sequence
This sequence codes for 7 amino acids
during protein synthesis


Name and describe the structures where the polypeptide chain of this enzyme
would be synthesised.

Al-NAjah Private School


Chlamydomonas is a single-celled photosynthetic organism that lives in well-illuminated

ponds. In populations of Chlamydomonas, a gene mutation occasionally occurs. This
mutation enables Chlamydomonas to take in organic compounds produced by other
organisms and use them as a source of energy.

Explain what is meant by the term gene mutation.



A population of Chlamydomonas was found in a pond in the centre of a developing

forest of fast-growing trees. Suggest how the allele frequency for this mutation
could change as the forest develops. Give reasons for your answer.
(Total 11 marks)

Al-NAjah Private School


Protein synthesis in cells involves molecules of DNA and RNA.


The table below describes some features of the molecular structure of DNA and RNA.
Place a tick ( ) in the box next to each statement to show whether it applies to DNA
only, RNA only or to both DNA and RNA.

DNA only

RNA only

Both DNA
and RNA

Polymer formed from a single

strand of nucleotides
Pentose present in the
Adenine, cytosine, guanine
and thymine present
Nucleotides linked by
phosphodiester bonds


The diagram below shows the sequence of the last six amino acids in a protein molecule.
The tRNA anticodon that corresponds to each amino acid is also shown.
amino acids
tRNA anticodon


Using this information, explain how each of the following processes leads to the
synthesis of this sequence of amino acids.

The formation of mRNA during transcription in the nucleus


Al-NAjah Private School


The translation of mRNA into the sequence of amino acids in a ribosome



Suggest why the final triplet of nucleotides, on the strand of mRNA involved in the
synthesis of this sequence of amino acids, did not correspond with any anticodon
on tRNA.
(Total 10 marks)


The DNA sequencing of the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis (CF) has led to the
possibility of genetic screening to identify carriers of the disease. DNA can be extracted
from cells and cut into fragments using specific enzymes. The fragments can then be
separated by gel electrophoresis.

Al-NAjah Private School


Name the type of enzyme used to cut DNA into fragments.


Al-NAjah Private School


Describe how the following techniques can be used to separate the fragments of
DNA and allow the faulty gene to be identified.
Gel electrophoresis
A gene probe
(Total 7 marks)

Al-NAjah Private School


An investigation was carried out into the mating preferences of cichlid fish from three
populations (A, B and C) taken from Lake Malawi. The fish were all the same species,
but the males of each population showed distinct physical differences.
Male fish were separated into different areas of a tank by transparent plastic sheets.
The plastic sheets had holes which allowed any female to enter, but prevented the
males from leaving.
The diagram below shows the arrangement of the tank.
F e m a le fis h

M a le fis h

H o le b ig
fo r fe m a le
to p a s s
th ro u g h

T ra n sp a re n t
p la s tic s h e e ts

G la s s ta n k

Females from each population were allowed to choose one mate, and their offspring
were collected. The male parent of the offspring was determined using DNA analysis.

The table below shows the number of times mating occurred between individuals of the
different populations in a range of trials.
Female from population
Male from population



Al-NAjah Private School


Explain how the DNA analysis provides reliable evidence for the identity of male



Calculate the percentage of the matings that were between individuals of

the same population. Show your working.



Describe the mating preferences shown by the female fish in this


Al-NAjah Private School


Al-NAjah Private School



Suggest how the data support the hypothesis that population A is the most likely
to become a separate species.
(Total 11 marks)


Following the introduction of DNA fingerprinting into forensic testing, many people have
been freed from prison as a result of new evidence provided by the technique.

Give reasons why confidence in the new evidence was strong enough to enable
the release of these prisoners.

Al-NAjah Private School



Give one example of physical evidence that could be retained from the original
investigation and explain why the sample is suitable for a DNA test to be carried

Al-NAjah Private School



Explain how the results of DNA fingerprinting could be used to find the identity of
a dead person.
(Total 7 marks)

Al-NAjah Private School


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