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Sleeping Activity Area within the Site

Structure of Archaic Human Groups
Evidence from Abric Roman Level N Combustion
Activity Areas
Josep Vallverdu, Manuel Vaquero, Isabel Caceres, Ethel
Allue, Jordi Rosell, Palmira Saladie, Gema Chacon,
Andreu Olle, Antoni Canals, Robert Sala, M. A.
Courty, and Eudald Carbonell
IPHES (Institut Catala` de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolucio
Social), Placa Imperial Tarraco, 1, 43005 Tarragona, Spain
( 5 II 09
CA Online-Only Material: Supplement A

The identification of different prehistoric activity areas and

Neanderthal behavior is one of the main research goals at the
Abric Roman site, which is a well-preserved and microstratified Mousterian archaeological site. A conspicuous occupation surface excavated in level N yielded a remarkably preserved set of aligned combustion activity areas in the inner
zone of the living surface. This set of combustion activity
areas suggests analogy with sleeping-and-resting activity areas
of modern foragers. Multidisciplinary analyses suggest (1) diachronic occupation and (2) similar use of the inner zone of
the living floor. The sleeping area comprises five combustion
activity areas, spaced at approximately 1 m distance from each
other. A large wood imprint of travertine was found near the
inner zone, suggesting an architectural remain of a prehistoric
dwelling. Descriptions of archaic human sleeping activity areas are very few in Paleolithic archaeology. This identification
is a proxy for estimating the number of individuals of Mousterian groups that occupied the Abric Roman rock shelter
around 55 kyr BP.
Comparative behavioral capabilities and cultural repertoires
remain largely unresolved in Paleolithic archaeology. The research reported here is especially relevant to document a rare
archaic human-activity-area analogue to sleeping-and-resting
activity areas of modern foragers (Binford 1988). Arguments
about archeological-visibility inquiry is a task of great importance when interpreting the past, and the preserved excavated surfaces are indispensable conditions for continuing
theoretical and analytical research on human evolution (Conard 1994; Kent 1991).
Fire use reported in the archaeological level N of the Abric
Roman rock shelter contributes to Paleolithic archaeology
research on Neanderthal behavior in domestic living spaces.
2010 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
All rights reserved. 0011-3204/2010/5101-0021$10.00. DOI: 10.1086/

We consider that actual research about domestic spaces in

Paleolithic archaeology has received little empirical attention
(Henry et al. 2004; Julien 2002). Distinct trends and arguments about behavioral differences between modern and extinct humans are currently based on a few old site structure
studies (Hayden 1993; Henry et al. 2004; Kolen 1999; Mellars
1995; Pettit 1997). New field strategies and analyses are required for investigating ancient human behavior on a comparative basis (Kroll 1994; Rolland 2004; Rose and Marshall
This preliminary report summarizes an extensive rockshelter archaeological excavation through multidisciplinary
studies. Level N combustion activity areas are recorded by
means of sedimentary facies analysis in order to demonstrate
different fire uses in the living-floor zones. The spatial pattern
of fire use in the inner zone, with a distance of 1 m between
combustion activity areas, helps to identify a sleeping activity
area (Binford 1988; Gamble 1990). An architectural element
of wood, preserved in a travertine cast close to the sleeping
activity area, suggests existence of a dwelling. Highly mobile
human groups and dwelling constructions probably constitute
a different spatial behavior and a singular record of human
settlement systems and home bases (Rolland 2004; Rose and
Marshall 1996).
The few, small archaeological remains at the sleeping activity area cannot be explained by cleaning behavior only
(Nadel et al. 2004). The thresholds that determine the appearance of maintenance activities can vary according to the
human group and the size of the shelter (Fisher and Strickland
1991). A congruent use of the inner zone can explain the
archaeological visibility of the level N sleeping-and-resting
activity area (Brooks and Yellen 1987). Integration of sedimentary facies analysis of combustion activity areas into a
multidisciplinary processual and behavioral paradigm can explain factors such as the duration of residence, the number
of residents, and the type of activity area (Kent 1991). These
multidisciplinary studies are discussed in this preliminary

Abric Roman Rock-Shelter Site

The Abric Roman archaeological site is a rock shelter located
at the northeast side of the Cinglera del Capello cliff in the
town of Capellades, 45 km northwest of Barcelona, Spain (fig.
1a). Its coordinates are 4132N and 141E, its altitude is 280
m asl, and the cliff wall faces north-northeast (fig. 1b). The
stratigraphy is made up of 20 m of well-stratified travertine
sediments. Rock fragmentation and alluvial and biochemical
sedimentary processes generated boundstones, gravels, calcarenites, and calcilutites interbedded with very fine archaeological levels. U-series and radiocarbon dates put the Abric
Roman chronostratigraphy between 70 and 40 kyr. The sedimentation rate is estimated around 0.6 m/kyr (Bischoff, Julia`,
and Mora 1988).

Figure 1. Regional (a) and zonal (b) position of the Abric Roman rock
shelter and archaeological level N topography and distribution and number of combustion activity areas (c). a, The village Capellades is located
in northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. b, The Abric Roman site is situated
north of the Cinglera del Capello cliff. Note the prominent concavity of
the cliff with a general north-northeast solar orientation. The highlighted
line is the topographic upper contour of the Capellades cliff above the
Abric Roman rock shelter. c, Cartography of archaeological level N. 1,
Distribution and number of combustion activity areas. 2, Inner zone. 3,
Frontal zone. 4, Central zone. 5, External zone. 6, Dripline. 7, Travertine
cliff wall. 8, Travertine dripping domes.


The Abric Roman archaeological levels have yielded a great

number of combustion activity areas (n p 187 ). Spatial analysis of the combustion activity areas has enabled the spatial
pattern of fire use in the Abric Roman rock shelter during
10 kyr of diachronic occupation (archaeological levels IN).
We have generated a central point (centroid) related to the
overall combustion activity areas in every archaeological level.
Central points of each archaeological level indicate an eastwest axis, suggesting that the west wall of the rock shelter was
the structural back wall during the prehistoric occupations of
levels IN (Carbonell, Lorenzo, and Vallverdu 2007).

Archaeological Level N
Ordering the level N remains in the structural back wall of
the rock shelter, we divide the living floor into three zones
(fig. 1c): (1) the inner zone, in front of the west wall (hearth
numbers 1 to 5); (2) the frontal zone, or interdome (hearth
numbers 6, 7, and 8); and (3) the central zone (hearth numbers 9 to 19). The archaeological level N represents an almost
horizontal 75-m2 surface sheltered by a large travertine curtain. This surface is found approximately 15 m below the top
of the cliff. The total excavated area is 170 m2. An accretionary
ramp consisting of fallen blocks makes up the outer dripline
of the rock shelter, which is found at 7 m distance from the
cliff wall (fig. 1c). The rock-shelter wall comprises two arches:
one is located in the west, receiving sun exposure from the
east; the other one is located in the south, exposed to the
north (fig. 1c). Sunlight hits the rock shelter during a few
hours in the morning, shining on the area of the west wall.
The archaeological level N has been dated around 55 kyr
BP (Bischoff, Julia`, and Mora 1988). This deposit is composed
of graded calcarenites and granules of travertine, and its maximum thickness is about 10 cm. It is contained in thicker
sedimentary deposits without traces of archaeological remains. Toward the shelter wall and the dripping domes of
the external zone, the level N becomes a discontinuous surface
(fig. 1c). Graded bedding in the level N archaeological deposit
suggests episodic sedimentation. They reflect a brief dry period during which dripping processes stopped and the rock
shelter became fit for human habitation. Interbedding with
thicker sedimentary deposits and the absence of carnivore
remains suggest that the rock shelter was uninhabitable before
and after the occupation of level N, when wet sedimentary
microenvironments such as dripping were active (Vallverdu
et al. 2004).
The pollen record of level N corresponds to one part of
biozone 3 (phase), showing a predominance of Artemisia,
Poaceae, and Pinus (Burjachs and Julia` 1994). Zone 3 is considered a cold phase with open-space taxa and significant
fluctuations marked by the appearance of thermophilic taxa,
which suggest very brief warm periods.

Lithic Artifacts
Lithic remains are scarce and predominantly of small size.
The assemblage is composed of 541 artifacts recorded threedimensionally; most of them (73%) are smaller than 20 mm.
In addition, some hundreds of microflakes have been recovered from the sediment sieving. Chert is the dominant raw
material, representing more than 90% of the artifacts. Other
materials, such as limestone and quartz, are also found. These
percentages are similar to those recorded in other levels of
the Abric Roman sequence. Some limestone fragments seem
to correspond to the use of unworked limestone cobbles.
From a morpho-technical point of view, the information provided by level N is scarce.
The lithic remains are clustered in well-delimited accumulations (see CA online supplement A). Most artifacts are
concentrated in two accumulations located in the central
zone, around hearth numbers 9 to 11 and 14 to 16, respectively (fig. 1c; supplement A). There is a more scattered accumulation close to hearth number 13. In the frontal zone,
there is a scattered accumulation in hearth numbers 6 and 7
and a very dense cluster in hearth number 8. The lithic artifacts close to hearth number 8 are concentrated in an area
of only 30 cm in diameter. This accumulation can be related
to another in the central zone because a second knapping
episode corresponds to the same chert nodule that was carried
out in this area. Quartz remains are distributed around hearth
numbers 13 and 16 in the central zone (fig. 1c; supplement
The number of knapping episodes carried out in the shelter
is low. The macroscopic and technological characteristics of
the lithic assemblage indicate at least 45 raw material units
(RMUs). Only seven of these RMUs show the development
of knapping sequences at the site. The others are represented
by isolated elements produced in reduction sequences that
were performed outside the Abric Roman. Nearly half of the
lithic remains recovered in level N correspond to a single
knapping episode carried out close to hearth number 8.
All the identified knapping episodes show a marked fragmentation of the chanes operatoires. They correspond to
advanced phases of the reduction sequence; the initial and
intermediate phases are totally absent. Only small flakes were
produced during these knapping episodes. The microlithic
character of the artifacts produced on the spot contrasts with
the items introduced as isolated objects. This transported
toolkit tends to be formed by large and medium-sized artifacts. Volumetric differences create a clear distinction between
the remains produced at the site and those introduced from
Faunal Remains
The recovered bone remains consist of about 200 bone and
tooth fragments. The faunal spectrum is formed by Cervidae,
Equidae, Bovinae, and Leporidae. Each of these families pro-


vides at least one individual. Most of the remains belong to

deer (n p 25%18%).
The faunal record of level N shows a biased skeletal representation. Cranial skeleton is scarce (n p 17%8.5%), and
postcranial elements are predominated by unidentified long
shaft fragments (43%). The recovered remains are small sized,
with up to 61% being smaller than 30 mm long.
Human modification on the faunal record is high, identified on 26% of the recovered remains. Different activities
related to nutrient extraction have been identified: defleshing,
identified through cut marks, and intense bone breakage to
access the marrow. There is evidence of mild burning in 12%
of the faunal remains recorded close to combustion activity
areas, which points to the preparation of meat for
The faunal record is mainly distributed in the central zone,
in the space between hearth numbers 9 to 12 and 14 to 16
(fig. 1c). There is a particularly dense accumulation in square
Q47, in frontal zone, and between combustion activity areas
4 and 5, there is a low-density accumulation (fig. 1c; supplement A). The remains are very well preserved, although they
exhibit abundant taphonomic modifications: weak water polishing, marks produced by moss (10%), and dispersed manganese oxide pigmentations (9%). There is no evidence of
resedimentation or reworking; consequently, taphonomic
mixing can be discarded. For the same reason, it is possible
that the low skeletal representation is not due to differential
preservation. Instead, it could be the effect of the intensity
of activities carried out by the hominids.
Vegetal Remains
The 186 charcoal fragments analyzed have provided two taxa:
Pinus sylvestris/nigra (Scots/Austrian pine) and Sambucus sp.
(elder). Elder has been identified for the first time at this site.
The charcoal record shows an overall dispersed pattern
around the hearths. There is only one accumulation in squares
Q46 and Q47 that also contains abundant faunal remains and
few lithic artifacts.
Between the frontal and central zones, one large piece of
travertine wood imprint was found. Taxonomic identification
of the wood imprints, lacking charcoal remains, has not been
possible. Nevertheless, the morphological features observed
on the long wood imprint point to pine wood. The travertine
wood imprint measures 510 cm in length and 6 cm in width
at one end and 3 cm at the other. It has a rectilinear form,
an absence of branches, and it is fragmented, indicating probably that this piece of wood was subject to human modifications (fig. 2).
Sedimentary Record of the Combustion Activity Areas
Combustion activity areas were recorded through sedimentary
facies analysis and according to their topographic features
(table 1). The analysis of combustion activity areas concerns

Current Anthropology Volume 51, Number 1, February 2010

the identification of carbonaceous and rubefied facies that are

generated during human fire use on the living floor. Carbonaceous facies consist of a charcoal sediment rich with
unburned sedimentary components (heterogeneous) or with
totally burned sedimentary components (homogeneous; table
1). Rubefaction facies concern thermal transformations and
enhance iron crystallinity, causing sediment reddening when
oxidizing, and carbon-rich ground conditions prevail (Canti
and Linford 2000).
The sedimentary record of the combustion activity areas
documented for the different types of occupational palimpsests at the Abric Roman site has yielded enough significant
data to develop a distinctive method of analysis. Measurements and observations carried out in the field and in the
laboratory are presented in table 1. The homogeneous and
heterogeneous carbonaceous facies suggest low temperatures
during fire use (Courty 1983; Wattez 1988).
Classification of the Combustion Activity Areas. All the combustion activity areas are simple and flat, although some stratigraphic sections suggest basinlike forms. These make use of
natural concavities in the topography. The mean surface area
of the combustion activity areas is 0.27 m2. They have been
classified into three size classes: (1) small combustion areas
(!0.3 m2), (2) medium-size combustion areas (between 0.3
and 0.6 m2), and (3) large combustion areas (10.6 m2).
Each combustion area shows a moderate correlation with
the number of stratified carbonaceous lenses observed in their
combustion activity area profile or stratigraphy (r p 0.69 and
48% r2; n p 19). This correlation suggests that the stratification of carbonaceous lenses can explain the size of some of
the combustion activity areas from level N. The linear dimension of carbonaceous lenses shows a mode of 0.20 m.
The number of stratified carbonaceous lenses measured in
the stratigraphic sections of the combustion activity areas
seems partially to account for the total area of fire use. We
think that the area of combustion and the rubefaction thickness can be better described by means of the vertical and
lateral stratification of carbonaceous lenses. A significance test
applied to the observed and estimated rubefaction thickness
(with a mean value of 3 cm) does not reject the null hypothesis. It explains the uniform distribution of the rubefaction thickness. This is the expected relationship when the total
combustion area contains laterally stratified carbonaceous
lenses. Although we have a limited number of observations,
the maximum rubefaction thickness tends to appear in the
medium-sized combustion activity areas (between 0.3 m2 and
0.6 m2), not in the largest ones. This suggests that the combustion activity areas can be described according to two types
of rubefaction thickness associated with two mechanisms of
carbonaceous lenses stratification: (1) rubefaction thickness
!5 cm and lateral stratification of carbonaceous lenses in all
the small, medium, and large combustion areas; and (2) maximum rubefaction thickness (15 cm) and vertical stratification
of carbonaceous lenses in medium-sized combustion areas.


Figure 2. a, Imprint of the wooden trunk of the Abric Roman level N.

b, Detailed view of the travertinic wood imprint. c, General view of the
archaeological level N with the travertinic wood imprint, hearths, and
the travertine dripping dome (down to the right). A color version appears
in the online edition of Current Anthropology.

The thickest rubefaction facies have been found in combustion zones at the inner part of the shelter. In three of the
four cases, rubefaction has been found in sloping combustion
areas. Slope increases the oxidizing character of the combustion (Courty 1984), but it does not explain the fourth case.
We think that the rubefaction process must be accumulative
in the substrates because the observed linear dimension of
the carbonaceous lenses limits the amount of fuel. This can
explain the absence of a relationship between the rubefaction
thickness and its chromatic differentiation based on the difference between the value of rubefaction and the value of
unmodified substrate (table 1). It seems that the temperatures
reached by the combustion activities have the same gradient.
We also hypothesize that only the accumulated number of
combustion activities and the modality of stratification can
explain the observed rubefaction thickness.
The slope of the combustion activity areas close to the wall
is due to a cultural choice. Some authors (Meignen et al.
2001; Movius 1966) have suggested that heat reverberation
would be a reason to locate combustion activities near the
cave or rock-shelter walls. But these combustion activities
made very small hearths. We must also consider that a sloping
surface improves the air management of the combustion. This
kind of air administration and the absence of carbonaceous

waste produce thin, burned, and charred carbonaceous lenses

and enhance rubefaction (Courty 1984). On a sloping occupation floor without residues, the transmission of constant
temperatures from repeated combustion activities can explain
the features of two sloping hearths that exhibit the thickest
rubefaction (7 cm) and at the same time comprise thin charcoal lenses (1 cm; table 1).
Distance between Combustion Activity Areas. Hearth numbers
1 to 5 in the inner zone are separated by a mean modular
distance of 1.3 m (fig. 2). The large hearths from the central
zone are separated by a 3-m distance, while the small hearths
in the central zone are located 12 m away from the large
The distribution of hearths in level N of the rock shelter
shows a regular pattern (Orton 1988). We should highlight
the radial relationship between hearth number 8 in the frontal
zone, which acts like a central hearth, and the arch formed
by hearth numbers 1 to 5 from the inner zone, 3 m away
from the central hearth. Another radial arrangement is given
by the double arch around hearth numbers 6 and 7. The first
arch, 3 m away from the center, is formed by hearth numbers
9 to 13. The second one, at 5 m from hearth numbers 6 and
7, is constituted of hearth numbers 14 to 19.


Current Anthropology Volume 51, Number 1, February 2010

Table 1. Topographic, morphologic, and stratigraphic features of archaeological level N combustion activity areas


carbonaceous strata


to wall













Rubefied strata





Note: Characteristics of carbonaceous (homogeneous and heterogeneous) and rubefacted (carbonaceous) strata observed on combustion activity
areas stratigraphy: A p maximum strata thickness (cm); B p number of strata; C p estimated diameter of carbonaceous strata (cm); C p Munsell
value difference, at 10-yr sheet, between rubefied and natural or unmodified sedimentary strata located below the former.

The inner zone of level N contains combustion activity areas
with very few archaeological remains, suggesting sleepingand-resting activity areas. These activity areas are very rare in
the Middle Paleolithic archaeological record (Henry et al.
2004; Nadel et al. 2004). The sleeping activity area of the
inner zone of level N consists of five aligned hearths with a
regular spacing of 1.3 m. This spatial pattern is in accordance
with the hearth distribution established for sleeping-and-resting activity areas (Binford 1988; Gamble 1990). The Abri
Pataud hearth line is the classical occurrence established by
coupled ethnoarchaeological research and prehistoric archaeology (Binford 1988; Movius 1966). In the French Middle
Paleolithic, there are descriptions of aligned hearths (e.g.,
Baume des Peyrards). Hearths arranged in an arch have been
documented in front of the entrance of Pech de lAze IB (de
Lumley and Boone 1976) and close to the wall in Trou de la
Che`vre. Aligned hearths have been also described in La Quina
(Movius 1966; Yar and Dubois 1999). In some open-air sites,
such as Telmanskaya (Kostenki) and other sites in central and
eastern Europe, the regular distribution of hearths has often
been used to infer the location of prehistoric dwellings (Hayden 1993; Jelnek 1976; Meignen et al. 2001; Yar and Dubois
Analysis of the sedimentary record of fire use indicates that
the lateral stratification of carbonaceous lenses partially explains the total area the combustion activities occupy. Lateral

stratification of carbonaceous lenses suggests a gradual development from the small combustion areas to the medium
and large ones. The mechanism of lateral stratification is similar to the formation processes of external hearths described
in ethnoarchaeological research (Binford 1988). Because of
the repeated lighting of a hearth in the same area, the combustion structure tends to expand. This lateral stratification
of carbonaceous lenses has been found in the frontal and
central zones of level N and is indicative of the vast surface
available for fire use.
Fire use in the inner zone probably represented a more
reduced space available. The inner zone contains mediumsized combustion activity areas that are plausibly formed by
vertical stratification of very thin carbonaceous lenses, suggesting a certain functional analogy with braziers. The dimensions of carbonaceous fire-use lenses evidence long-term
repeated and accumulative fire use, probably with limited
amounts of wood consumption. According to this fire-use
mechanism, we suggest that this space represents a sleepingand-resting activity area in the Roman record. A congruent
reuse of activity areas has been pointed out as a key factor
in the formation processes of the activity areas in the archaeological record (Brooks and Yellen 1987). Similar fire use
in caves and rock shelters has also been proposed for other
constrained Middle Paleolithic living floors in rock shelters
(Henry et al. 1996; Mellars 1995).
The analysis of the level N archaeological remains points


out a limited exploitation of local resources during shortterm human residence. Also, the construction of simple and
flat hearths indicates short-term occupations (Leroi-Gourhan
1976). Lithic artifacts show few knapping episodes, and they
are located in the frontal and central zones. Abandonment of
single lithic elements and the elevated number of RMUs constitute the rest of artifact assemblage, suggesting a limited local
provisioning strategy. The procurement of faunal remains also
shows a small number of animals being represented, indicative
of short-term human occupation and final consumption of
animals in the central and frontal zones. Procurement of local
resources is probably reduced to the use of pine wood as fuel
and limestone cobbles and travertines.
The outsized wood imprint is probably not related to the
provisioning of plant resources for fire use. The introduction
and abandonment of this large-sized wood could be explained
by a pattern similar to that exhibited by single lithic artifacts
and characterized by the transport of single tools. Other wood
imprints of different archaeological levels recovered near combustion activity areas are not as long and thin, thus leading
to other interpretations (Carbonell 2002; Carbonell and
Castro-Curel 1992, 1995). The wooden artifact from level N
is longer and thicker than the Schoningen spears (Thieme
Among the archaeological items of large size, we should
recall the discussed large faunal remains used for building
huts (Hayden 1993; Jelnek 1976; Kolen 1999). The level N
large wood imprint is found in a living space of high archaeological visibility and close to the sleeping activity area,
a major component of the house (Nadel et al. 2004). Architectural elements such as poles, made up of rectilinear trunks
4.59 m long with a maximum diameter of 510 cm, are used
in Cheyenne tepees. These poles are frequently abandoned
every 2 or 3 yr (Campbell 1915).

One of the activity areas identified in level N is a resting and
sleeping area. The occupations seem to have been short-term
residences, and we suggest there was a congruent reuse of the
activity areas. The construction of simple hearths seems at
odds with the interpretation of the wooden artifact as an
architectural element. Nevertheless, this apparent contradiction can be resolved if there was a toolkit from human groups
that included wooden elements for constructing dwellings
during short-term occupations. This has been observed
among the Canoeros nomads under hard climatic conditions
in open-air camps (Legoupil 1989). As we have pointed out,
the solar exposition at the Abric Roman and the high humidity of the shelter are not very suitable for human occupation. The unhabitability of the shelter would have been even
worse without the use of fire.
High-mobility occupations and living floors with sleepingand-resting areas represent a new occupation strategy among
the spatial structures documented at the Abric Roman. Spa-

tial patterns so far documented for this site include (1) bivouacs around isolated external hearths and (2) campsites with
many external hearths connected by refits (Carbonell et al.
1996; Vaquero 1999, 2005, 2008; Vaquero and Pasto 2001).
The inner zone of level N with hearth numbers 1 to 5 is
limited to an 18-m2 area by two dripping domes and the
shelters back wall. An architectural structure in this area could
consist of a simple triangular structure leaning against the
wall. Such a structure could be constructed with plant remains
not preserved in level N. We assume that a density of individuals using 1.52 m2 each or a group of 810 hominids
could occupy this area. Hearth spacing in sleeping areas suggests an occupation number of 46 individuals (Binford 1988;
Gamble 1990).
Evidence of a sleeping activity area and a wood imprint as
an architectural element contribute to the discussion on site
structures of archaic human groups (Bindford 1996; Kolen
1999; Nadel et al. 2004). Ethnoarchaelogical studies indicate
that the construction of huts in caves and rock shelters is not
a common strategy (Gamble 1990). However, we should keep
in mind the relative unhabitability offered by the Abric Roman rock shelter. Finally, the sleeping or resting area described in the Abric Roman level N provides an exceptional
estimation of the group size in these highly mobile Mousterian
groups of the Capellades region.

Excavations at the Abric Roman are carried out with the
support of the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de
Catalunya, Ajuntament de Capellades, and Tallers Gra`fics
Romanya`-Valls. The Generalitat de Catalunya provides financial support to the Research Group in Quaternary Human
Autoecology (2005SGR-00702), and a grant from Fundacion
Duques de Soria and Fundacion Atapuerca supported P. Saladie and G. Chacon. Thanks to Abric Roman archaeological
team during fieldwork assistance. Carolina Mallol and Bruno
Gomez helped and discussed the English translation of this
paper. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.

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2010 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1086/649499

Supplement A from Vallverdu et al., Sleeping Activity Area within the

Site Structure of Archaic Human Groups
(Current Anthropology, vol. 51, no. 1, p. 137)

Suppl. A from Vallverdu et al., Sleeping Activity in Archaic Human Groups

Figure A1. 1, Total chert artifacts. Density and coordinate point. 2, Total chert artifacts !2 cm. Density and
coordinate point.

Suppl. A from Vallverdu et al., Sleeping Activity in Archaic Human Groups

Figure A2. 3, Total faunal remains. Density and coordinate point. 4, Total faunal remains !2 cm. Density and
coordinate point.

Suppl. A from Vallverdu et al., Sleeping Activity in Archaic Human Groups

Figure A3. 5, Total quartz artifacts. Density and coordinate point.

Suppl. A from Vallverdu et al., Sleeping Activity in Archaic Human Groups

Figure A4. Basic statistics presented in the report.

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