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User controls v/s custom controls (with scenario)
How to access master page from a page and vice-versa?
How to change the master-page at runtime?
Explain ASP.Net page-life cycle
What are various types of session?
What are cookie-less sessions?
How does ASP.Net session work?
How is view-state different from session?
What are various types of caching in ASP.Net?
Difference between Application state & session state (scenario)?
What is impersonation?
How is impersonation different from authentication?
Types of authentication in ASP.Net?
What is ASP.Net membership provider?
What are other types of providers?
Explain ASP.Net pipeline?
What are the types of fields in a GridView?
How to enable sorting on a GridView?
What are various types validation controls? Explain CustomValidator with scenari
Can you store custom objects to session?
What is the difference between web.config and machine.config ?
What are major events in GLOBAL.ASAX file and What order they are triggered?
How to enable tracing in ASP.Net?
What information does the trace contain?
How to handle the page level unhandled exceptions in a web-application?
What is customErrors tag in web.config used for?
What are the different namespace is used to work through a XML document in asp.n
et how we can find the nodes in it.
what is serialization. types of serialization. page has a user control and user control contains 1 button. Mention all
events fired after button click by client and if this User control has been move
d inside Ajax update panel. Mention all events fired after button click
If a page has multiple user control and each user control has 1 update p
anel then at what place we will keep scriptManger control
Why we need script manager control and how many scrip manager control I can have
in a page.
Difference between WCF and WebService
Enpoints(ABC, Type of bindings)
What bindings should I use over the Internet?
What bindings should I use over an intranet?
What is a metadata exchange (mex) binding?
When should we use WsHttp as compared to BasicHttp?
Hosting (IIS, Self, WAS, Windows Service)
When should I host my service in Internet Information Services (IIS)?
When should I host my service in a Windows service?
When should I self-host my service?
How do I configure a least-privileged account to host my service?
Proxy and Channels
How do I keep clients from referencing my service?
When should I use a channel factory?
When do I need to expose a metadata exchange (mex) endpoint for my service?

What are the different transaction options?
Can we implement transactions in one-way WCF service calls?
What are the core security features that WCF addresses?
When should I use message security versus transport security?
When should I use resource-based authorization versus roles-based authorization?
How do I support authentication for multiple client types?
What is the Difference types of Concurrency modes and difference between them?
How do I implement log throttling in WCF?
SQL Server
What is DeNormalization ?
What is ACID property ?
What are types of Indexes?
Exception handling in Sql server
Types of joins
How do you compare two date values
Difference Varchar and Nvarchar
Difference TimeStamp and datetime
Difference between primary key and Foreign key
Define,Candidate Key, Alternate Key and Composite Key
What is the difference between User Defined Functions and Stored Procedure?
What is Local and Global temporary tables ?
What is Global Variable?
What is CTE
What is SET No Count ON
How to delete duplicate rows from table
How to delete even ros from tables which has autonumber in one columns
Difference between IN clause and Exists
What is the difference between NOLOCK and READONLY locks ?
What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL ?
Performance and optimization technique
What is Aggregate functions ?
What is View ?
What is the difference between DELETE TABLE and Truncate TABLE commands ?
What are types of Triggers ?
Difference between After trigger and Instead Of trigger.
What is Index Covering of a query?
What is Collation ?
Can we return a multiple result set in stored procedure and how to handle it in
What is the use of UPDATE_STATISTICS command ?
What is Linked Server ?
What are the authentication modes in SQL Server ?
Can a stored procedure call recursive stored procedures ? How much level of SP n
esting is possible ?
What is Log Shipping ?
What is Database Mirroring ?
What is B-Tree ?
What is Isolation Level ?
What is lock escalation ?
Implicitly Typed Local Variables(Anonymous Types)
Automatic properties
Extension Methods
Lambda Expressions
What is Call By Out parameter
Difference between Value types and Reference types
out and ref Paramerter in C#
What is the difference between "Convert" class and "Parse()" method
Explain two different scenarios where the Static Constructors can be used
What does the assert() method do in debug compilation
What are the different Name Spaces that are used to create a localized applicati
Can we use the Throws clause to raise an exception
How to restrict a class not to be inherited
How can we sort elements in an array in descending order
What is an INDEXER in c#
What is the use of default keyword
Difference between typeof and Type.GetType
How many catch Statement can be associated with single try statement
Can we change the dimensions of the array like arr[4,5] dynamically
Difference between var and dynamic
what is out and ref.
what is "IS" and "As".
what is method overloading.
what is httpmodules and httphandlers. what are the various kinds of HTTPModules.
Design patterns and example.
Singleton and Decorator pattern `s example
what is static keyword
Difference between List and IList.
difference between ienumerable and Ienumerator
what is authorization in .net and how to implement.
what is membership in .net
What is garbage collection. how does it works and when does it invokes.
What is the need to write dispose method if CLR have garbage collection
Does C# support multiple inheritance
Are private class-level variables inherited
What does the keyword virtual mean in the method definition
Can you declare the override method static while the original method is non-stat
Can you prevent your class from being inherited and becoming a base class for so
me other classes
Can you allow class to be inherited, but prevent the method from being over-ridd
When do you absolutely have to declare a class as abstract (as opposed to free-w
illed educated choice or decision based on UML diagram)?
Can you inherit multiple interfaces. And if they have conflicting method names
What s the difference between an interface and abstract class

What s the difference between System.String and System.StringBuilder classes

Can we have Multiple Main Methods in one .cs file
Can we have an Abstract class without having any abstract method
Can we have Sealed Method in abstarct class
Difference between a Class and an object
Differences between a structure and class
What is Abstract Class
A constructor can be private. True or False
Static methods can not use non static members. True or False
Static datamembers should be initialized inside the constructor. True or False
What is Early binding and late binding
When to Use Abstract Classes and When Interfaces
What is Polymorphism
Difference between new and override keyword
Can we call a base class method without creating instance
What is XAML extensible markup language?
What are dependency properties?
What kind of documents are supported in WPF?
What is a Routed event?
How to define a button USING XAML?
What is a Freezable? OR
describe a sceario where we should use freezable?
what are the controls you used in your project?
can I use canvas panel instead of grid panel?
If yes how and what is better?
Give us a scenario, where you have used WPF Triggers?
What's a style?
What's a template?
Visual vs Logical tree?
Property Change Notification (INotifyPropertyChange and ObservableCollection)
difference between bubble and tunnel routing strategies
How to Create a Custom Routed Event?
How do you speed up WPF?
How do you profile bottlenecks?
How to find ancestor in visualTree?
How can worker threads update the UI in WPF?
How winform control can be host in WPF application?
What if a Binding working or a Setter is not applied when using a control templa
Difference b/w Join and Sleep?
How Threading Works?
methods of Passing Data to a Thread?
Thread Priority?
Exception Handling in threading?
where do you think we should use Thread Pool?
What are the different ways of entering ThreadPool.
Write a simple Windows Forms MessageBox statement
Can you write a class without specifying namespace?
Which namespace does it belong to by default??
You are designing a GUI application with a window and several widgets on it. The
user then resizes the app window and sees a lot of grey space, while the widget
s stay in place. What s the problem?

How can you save the desired properties of Windows Forms application?
So how do you retrieve the customized properties of a .NET application from XML
.config file?
Can you automate this process?
My progress bar freezes up and dialog window shows blank, when an intensive back
ground process takes over
What s the safest way to deploy a Windows Forms app?
Why is it not a good idea to insert code into InitializeComponent method when wo
rking with Visual Studio?
What s the difference between WindowsDefaultLocation and WindowsDefaultBounds?
What s the difference between Move and LocationChanged? Resize and SizeChanged?
How would you create a non-rectangular window, let s say an ellipse?
How do you create a separator in the Menu Designer?
How s anchoring different from docking?
what is the difference between System exceptions and Application exceptions?
What is a satellite assembly?
What is concept of Boxing and Unboxing
What are the types of columns available in GridView?
what is difference b/w windows application and windows service?
when should we use stringbuilder?
What are win form controls? How they are represented in .NET framework class lib
What are the fundamental and common properties of .NET controls?
How do I set the tab order of the controls on the form?
What does it mean by anchoring of controls?
Gridview and DataGrid (Paging and Sorting is possible)
How to manager page hit counter in application
knowledge Section(Having Knowledge or not)
Have you Created any UML ever and what tool did you used to create it?
What is SOA architecture
ASP.NET MVC 3.0 / 2.0
Dependency Injection / IOC
Velocity Distributed Caching
STS (Security Token Service) / ADFS
WCF RIA Services
App Fabric / Azure / Amazon App Cloud
ORM - Entity Framework / nHibernate / LINQ to SQL)

1- About myself, my technical skills.

2- Architecture of my last project
3- What is SOA architecture.
4- Webservice architecture ie. How message get transferred, protocols used, seri
5- Design patterns and how and where I have implemented it (only one)
6- How to manager page hit counter in application
7- page life cycle
8- page has a user control and user control contains 1 button. Mention a
ll events fired after button click by client.
9- Twist to question 7. Now User control has been moved inside Ajax update panel
. Mention all events fired after button click.
10- If a page has multiple user control and each user control has 1 upda
te panel then at what place we will keep scriptManger control.
11- Why we need script manager control.

12- How many scrip manager control I can have in a page.

13- Do you know WCF
14- Do you know Silverlight
1. What are the different namespace is used to work through a XML document in as how we can find the nodes in it.
2. What is XSLT and what are the various elements.
3. what is serialization. types of serialization.
4. what is out and ref.
5. what is "IS" and "As".
5. what is method overloading.
6. IIS request cycle.
7. what is httpmodules and httphandlers.
8. what are the various kinds of HTTPModules. (Created any httpmodules)
9. what is indexer.
10. Design patterns and example.
11. why WCF is introduced. (If created any WCF Service then explain)
12. Difference between WCF and WebService.
12. Difference between camel casing and pascal casing (where to use).
13. what is static keyword.
14. Gridview and DataGrid (Paging and Sorting is possible).
15. Linq. (Query expression) . (Can we use group by and order by)
16. Difference between List and IList.
17. Singleton pattern.
18. Decorator Pattern. (example).
19. Differnce between a stored procedure and function (SQL)
20. Can we return a multiple result set in stored procedure and how to handle it
in .net
21. Created any UML. what tool is used to create.
22. what is unit testing and integration testing.
23. Security in .net.
24. Different kinds of authentication.
25. What is form authentication. How does a form authentication work if the cook
ie is disabled in browser?
26. What is Windows authection. when to use. explain the types of windows authen
27. what is authorization in .net and how to implement.
28. what is membership in .net.
29. Expalin Ajax. How does it works. (Core Ajax).
30. What is garbage collection. how does it works and when does it invokes.
31. What is the need to write dispose method if CLR have garbage collection.

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