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Student Government of Seattle University

Representative Assembly Meeting

Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2014 Student Center 130 at 6:00 p.m.

Call to Order
Raquel calls the meeting to order at 6:02 PM


Roll Call (initial on the line)

Eric Sype, President _________
Raquel Davalos, Executive Vice President _________
Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance _________
Meggie Green, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Luke Larsen, Senior Representative _________
Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative_________
Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative _________
Robert Gavino, At-Large Representative _________
Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative _________
Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative _________
Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative _________
Jaden Phan, International Representative _________
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative _________
Jarrod Gallagher, Nontraditional Representative
Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative _________
Tanish Bojwani, Freshman Representative _________
Nicole Robison, Advisor _________


Approval of the Minutes

Motion passes to approve the minutes unanimously


Public Comment None


Guest Speakers Ryan Hamachek: Sexual Assault Information Update

Eric: Ill just give a little background as to why Ryan is here... There has been a great
deal of traffic in the SGSU office regarding Fr. Steves email about sexual assault
information and Ryan is here to bring us up to speed on what is being done.
Jordan: When was this email sent and what was the traffic about?
Eric: The email was sent out around the third week into the quarter. The traffic of
students coming into the office is based in their concern that the message makes it sound
like theres a lot of talk surrounding sexual assault issues without a lot of action being
taken. Were looking to understand what is actually going on a little bit better and thats
why we have Ryan here this evening.
Ryan: I want to bring you all up to speed and then interact with questions and such
afterward. This all begins with Title IX. Reads what Title IX is and provides general
background. Most of us know Title IX as being a nondiscriminatory policy in athletics,

but it has become something far greater since its inception. Title IX is going to be and
already is talked about at great length. Our Title IX coordinator is Helena Sorrey and
shes located in Human Resources. Shes new within the last year at SU and her position
has been implemented across college campuses in the United States. Her commitment is
to providing additional sexual misconduct information in one consolidated place.
Information is continually updated. Helena has been working with the administration
regarding Fr. Steves email and encouraging conversations regarding sexual misconduct.
Shes the chair of the Sexual Misconduct Advisory Board. Shows the sexual misconduct
website. This resource sheet here is something weve worked on at great length regarding
how people from different perspectives perceive information with regard to sexual
violence. This is constantly being updated. Helena recently updated the sheet and created
one for students who are being accused of perpetrating sexual violence. All of these
resources are available for all students. The Title IX Act doesnt give us a lot of
information, but the Violence against Women Act does. Describes the Violence against
Women Act in great depth. None of this is new because it is something weve already
been doing, the difference is the clarification points. Who does this apply to? Literally
everyone. What do we mean by enrolled students? If you are enrolled in a class in
some way, then SU is obligated to provide students with information. Were required to
provide primary intervention (prevention before violence happens). Were required to
provide information regarding sexual misconduct and raise awareness. Bystander
intervention is defined very well. Reads definition. Thats a tall order of things in this
definition. Were required to provide information regarding risk reduction which is about
reducing perpetration and bystander inaction and ultimately how to empower those folks
to have access to information. This is a new definition. That being said, were keeping
our eye on things. The not so great news is that violence is still occurring on our campus.
Were looking into how to raise awareness regarding this set of issues. Ultimately, these
programs need to change social norms and conditions that create sexual misconduct
situations and be tailored to the different small communities. This statement calls us to
change the culture rather than prevent one issue. Heres how were addressing these
issues: were instituting Think About It because its available online and its easily
accessible. It accommodates our multiple schedules. It offers multiple parts. There are
two more optional parts for all those who were invited to the first part. Theyre like
twenty minute booster courses. This program was developed by USF and is being used
in 13 of the 28 Jesuit schools. Its highly engaging and has been highly rated by students
this quarter. Were scoring 4 out of 5 and this is very helpful for us. The graduate and
law students are rating it at about a 3.9 but they want different examples. Reads quotes
from new students. This program aids in norming students existing behavior because
most people would say something and agree that violence should end. People have been
asking why theyre required to take this program if theyre sober and not sexually active.
This program is required for all incoming students. Those who havent completed the
program have holds placed on their accounts. Almost 2000 people on campus have
completed this program. Additionally, well be working with them for the next three
years because we signed a contract. Weve altered the questions slightly because the way
it was originally structured did not necessarily work for us. We asked incoming students
about whether or not they knew a survivor of sexual violence and most of them did. We
also made some changes regarding SU Real World and the presentation of perpetration

and consent and the Integrity Formation sessions to fall in line with VOWA. We started
doing orientations for transfer students and international students. We also included
information about Think About It for graduate and law students. As a university were
looking at rolling out Green Dot which is composed of three components: social
marketing (how do we make violence prevention cool?), overview talks (30-60 minute
talks), bystander training (8 hour training session). Bystander training will be this winter
quarter and then again in the spring. You dont publicly launch until youve had it quietly
implemented for a year. The eight hour training is a lot to deal with. Its on Us is a
pledge taken online that you can take to agree that youre not a fan of violence and
things of that nature. HAWC is filming a video as a call to action in order to social
norming. Were getting rid of Bah-Hum-Bug bingo and were doing Sex-Life
instead which talks about healthy relationships. Theres information on Facebook.
Theres more information to be released regarding the website which will be released in
WQ15 and there will be more faculty training WQ15 and there will be a campus climate
survey as well regarding these issues (also during WQ15). Im a little defensive about
this work because Im passionate about it. Everything that is listed on this slide is
something that weve done/are doing this quarter with regard to these issues. Questions?
Luke: I havent completed Think About It yet, but in my experience the questions are
very aggressive. Is this the first time that students are being presented with this
information? Or is there a federal mandate for them to complete this program in high
school as well?
Ryan: I am not sure because high schools havent been my focus.
Meg: We signed the consent form, what was the other one?
Ryan: Drug and Alcohol policies.
Meg: Is there a way to provide feedback without taking the program again?
Ryan: Send me an email. If you feel as though a question is un-inclusive, then send me
an email stating that and offer a suggestion.
Robert: What efforts are being made to reach more of the student population?
Ryan: Sex-LIFE and all of the other programs that we do out of our office. Im more
than happy to connect with people if they have questions. Were in conversation still
about whether or to roll this program out to all undergrads.
Meg: Have you thought about offering it as an opportunity and not a requirement?
Ryan: Yes, but its an expensive program. Theres not a great way for me to section out
students. Logistically, its still unclear as to how to go about this most effectively.
Owen: Does SU have a mandatory reporting policy for all employees?
Ryan: Yes.
Owen: Is this required by a federal act?
Ryan: Sort of. Its complex. What universities are required to do is require a responsible
employee to report Anyone a student could perceive as a responsible employee. This is
complex though. For example, if you go to Nikki and she does nothing, then we have not
fulfilled our obligation. Not Alone clarified what we needed to do. There are three
confidential places for students to go: CAPS, the Student Health Center, and Campus
Ministry. Everyone else has to talk to Helena. A mandatory report means that I have to
share information with Helena, but she does not open a massive investigation. It means
that she is aware and if more information arises against that student, then she goes back
to me and I might go back to the student who came to me and we talk about whether or


not to file a report. Mandatory reporting does not mean that campus will explode with
Eric: Could you explain how Green Dot works and which populations on campus will be
Ryan: Everyone will be targeted for the first two layers, but the eight hour training is
going to be a little more hand-picked. Green Dot is never mandatory and always by
Kristen: Are student-employees mandatory reporters?
Ryan: I do not have a clear answer. The Dean of Students office has that information, or
at least theyre working on it.
Eric: Has the policy regarding student leaders being mandatory reporters changed?
Ryan: It hasnt been solidified. Talk with your advisor or your supervisor.
Kristen: Have they addressed people who hold multiple positions?
Ryan: No... Helena and I are working on defining that better. If someone comes to you,
then mention that you might not be a completely confidential resource.
Med: When students report, are they aware of the mandatory reporter status of the people
theyre talking with?
Ryan: No. Generally, no. HAWC students are trained to interrupt if conversations start
moving in that general area.
Raquel: Could you give us a brief explanation of what Wingmen is?
Ryan: Its a group for men who think they have a role to play in ending mens violence.
Its not an organization for only men, but the focus is to provide a place for those
conversations. Its going to be like a student club with a small advisory board and
general student membership.
Monica: How does VOWA apply to the transgender community on campus?
Ryan: It applies to all students across campus. Were struggling with the language.
Raquel: Thank you very much!
Eric: I would like to take this information and repackage it and distribute it to the
students. Is anyone interested in working on a work-group? Matt, Tanish, Meg, Kristen,
Isheeta, Eric, Raquel, Izzy, and Margaret. Point person? Kristen.
Old Business
REPA 20141022 Statement on King Co. (Owen Goetze) Discussion
Owen: I move to table this item until further notice.
Luke: I second.
Raquel: Passes unanimously.
New Business
Owen: I move to add a new business item: Amending the Events List with Matt Kelly as
the speaker. And that is an action item.
Braden: I second.
Raquel: Passes unanimously.
Robert: I move to add a new business item: Working with the Student Body with myself
and Myra as the speakers. This is a discussion item.
Myra: I second.
Raquel: Passes unanimously.

Eric: I seek a motion to add Meg and Braden as speakers for the Fair Trade Campus
Braden: So moved.
Owen: I second.
Raquel: Passes unanimously.
REPA 20141105 Fair Trade Campus (Eric Sype, Meg Green, Braden Wild)
Eric: Were helping global business club write their resolution but we arent putting our
name on it. Were helping with one and then theyre working with us on our own
resolution regarding this.
Meg: Fr. Steve wouldnt be comfortable signing the resolution we had assembled.
Braden: There were problems with the resolution. But weve talked with other
universities and their resolutions. If anyone wants to help with this, then please let me
Matthew: SGSU will be drafting an open-ended resolution as opposed to the GBC
Braden: The GBC resolution will include the Fair Trade requirements and how to put
that forward on campus.
Monica: How do you add the teeth you talked about?
Braden: By talking with students.
Eric: If SGSU had put forth the resolution we had previously discussed, then we would
risk stagnating. Wed like to hear your thoughts.
Luke: From a business standpoint, but it seems like the business who stamps their seal of
approval on campuses that are fair trade certified would be interested in reaching out to
campuses. Have you reached out to them to see what their future goals are for this
Braden: They arent looking at long term goals yet, because this organization isnt
looking that far ahead just yet. So were reaching out to other campuses.
Eric: Made a comment I did not catch and was garbled on the recording.
Monica: Has the committee looked at the articles I submitted?
Eric: I distributed them.
Meg: There were very valid points. Would you like to explain?
Monica: They were critiquing the fair trade stamp because it is kind of problematic in
that the stamping process is a perpetuation of wealth.
Braden: We could work directly with producers.
Eric: Theres some movement on the ground and making it more accessible to farmers.
The resolution SGSU would make would include more moral aspects.
Raquel: Please clarify the next step?
Eric: The next step would be to write a resolution and yall are welcome to join the
working group.
Raquel: Thank you.

Newly Added Business Item: REPA 20141105 Amending the Events List (Matthew
Kelly) Action
Matthew: In Pigott 200 tomorrow, US Bank will be hosting a financial wellness
workshop and youre all invited to attend. 12:30-1:30.
Raquel: Could you clarify why US Bank is our on-campus partner?
Matthew: I didnt catch this comment and it was garbled on the recording.
Izzy: How much money has US Bank given SGSU this year?
Matthew: Defer to Nikki.
Nikki: US Bank has partnered with SGSU for 4 years and we get $10,000 from US Bank
every year which goes to our SGSU budget.
Matthew: I seek a motion to add this event to the list.
Luke: I motion to add this event.
Jaden: I second.
Raquel: The motion passes unanimously.
Newly Added Business Item: REPA 20141105 Working with Student Body (Robert
Gavino, Myra Jackson) -- Discussion
Robert: We have students who want to get involved in SGSU but dont have the time
capacity to be reps or execs. It would be really useful for us to work with these students.
Myra: Right now were all dedicated to a lot of things and if we have more students
involved, then we can be more productive. For example, including Emily Waters in the
conversation regarding the King County Youth Detention center. In addition to that, were
getting our faces out there and spreading awareness regarding what SGSU does and other
clubs and programs as well. Hopefully this will increase student participation.
Raquel: Weve brought this up because we think more students should be involved in
committees and programs. We can talk about this again, but this is a philosophy that
could maybe be instilled a bit more.
Braden: How can we expect people to come to our meetings if we cant find them
because the information is on the agenda?
Raquel: I appreciate your point.
Meg: Could we post that on Facebook?
Eric: This is an oversight issue on me.
Matthew: What can we do next? Do we need to bring students into our working
communities? Or do we allow it to happen organically? Its our job to bring those
students on board. What is the action?
Myra: When we vote on committees, thats where it happens. We dont send out emails to
our constituents about the forming of committees.
Raquel: The purpose of this conversation was to just get us all thinking about it.
Meg: Maybe we should table this and come back to it?
Nikki: How does Megs reaching out to fill committees fit this?
Robert: Myra and my ask is to simply think about this.
Matthew: I ask you to reflect and get back to Robert and Myra.
Kristen: Are these meetings [meaning Rep. assembly] entirely open?
Raquel: Yes.
Myra: If we want to include more students, then may we just send out an email and move
forward right now?


Eric: There is nothing barring students working with SGSU. The conversation needs to be
framed in talking about how we can make students feel more comfortable working with
us. How do we communicate this?
Meg: How do we do this inclusively?
Raquel: I seek a motion to table this conversation.
Braden: So moved.
Tanish: I second.
Raquel: Motion passes unanimously.
Officer Reports:
A) Eric Sype-President:
a. He/his
b. Working with Spectator regarding Cushnies nonrenewal and the shifting
philosophy of P-Safe.
c. Sat in on a forum regarding P-Safe programs regarding guests and drills.
d. Met with Tim Leary, checked in about SGSU.
e. Ill be gone next week El Salvador.
f. Sat in on a marketing meeting regarding the SUSS.
g. I sit on the Homecoming committee and I now work directly on some on
campus events. Talk to me if you have questions.
h. We made cards for Marysville because I student reached out to us.
B) Raquel Davalos- Executive Vice President
a. She/hers
b. Nothing to report.
C) Matthew Kelly- Vice President of Finance
a. He/his
b. Talking about forum
c. Working on gift account
d. No meeting with Connie Kanter this week
e. Interested in budget? Chat after meeting.
D) Meg Green- Vice President of University Affairs
a. She/hers
b. Talk to me about Academic Assembly items after, if youre interested.
E) Representatives
a. Luke Larsen, Senior Representative:
i. He/his
ii. Nothing to report.
b. Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative:
i. She/hers
ii. Nothing to report
c. Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative:
i. He/his
ii. Nothing to report
d. Robert Gavino, At-Large Representative:
i. He/his or They/Theirs
ii. Talking with people in the at-large community about Cushnie.

e. Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative:

i. She/hers
ii. Vigil
iii. Climate Study working group
iv. Launching MPF tomorrow
f. Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative:
i. She/hers
ii. Nothing to report
g. Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative:
i. He/ his
ii. Meeting with two people to discuss transfer communities.
h. Jaden Phan, International Representative:
i. He/his
ii. Nothing to report
i. Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative:
i. He/his
ii. Met with Rich Okamoto
j. Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative:
i. She/hers
ii. Lounge room issues
k. Tanish Bojwani, Freshman Representative:
i. He/his
ii. Nothing to report
l. Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff:
i. Left early.
m. Kristen Wieliczka, Civic Engagement Director:
i. She/hers
ii. Phone banking.
n. Margaret Quartararo, Internal Chief of Staff:
i. She/hers
ii. Nothing to report.
F) Advisors
a. Nichole Robison:
i. SFS is up to date with scholarships.
b. Kayla Zobel:
i. Check your email for surveys!


Committee Reports
a. First Friday donuts: SGSU brings coffee and donuts into the office once a
month and Starbucks donates the coffee.
b. Could someone help Kristen pick up coffee at 8:30? Meg. Thank you.
c. We might change the language on the flyers for our community engagement
program. Things are going well.
B. Steering:
a. Junior rep interviews. Well have an appointment next week.
b. We also talked about retreat.
C. Finance:
a. Email being sent out soon.
b. Appropriations meeting is on the 15th!
D. University Affairs:
a. Only two more committees to fill!
b. We have to change our weekly meeting again.


Nikki: SEAC is still looking for Fall Ball volunteers.
Braden: Just StAc people?
Nikki: Yes!
Luke: Weve officially been invited to Dance Marathon!
Raquel: Events list!
Eric: Weve moved Exec to being on Sunday afternoons and an ad-hoc meeting on
Mondays at 3-3:30pm if a representative reaches out.
Adjournment at 8:04 PM

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