Sie sind auf Seite 1von 1

Main image- The main image is the largest on the page and

features a band member. It has the page number in the

picture, in a very large font so it is very noticeable. There is no
border however it is the first thing we see. The image ties in
with the Halloween theme as we and see that he has blood
on his face, which shows consistency.

Task 2 Analysis of Contents Page

Font types- The font used throughout the page is the

same, it only varies on size to shows that the house
style is the same and to give continuity. A simple sans
serif font has been used so the font can be easily read,
even if the size is small. The font in the main image is
bold so it stands out the most.

Page Numbers- Page numbers are used so people can

get to the article featured easily. All the images have a
page number so they can be easily found in the
Columns/Rule of Thirds - The contents page uses three
separate columns; however, they are not equal size.
The middle column is much larger as it has the most
information. This has broken away from codes and
conventions as normally the columns would be equal
size or the page number would be the biggest. Rule of
Thirds has been used as there are three clear columns.
Rule of Thirds makes the page look well organized.

Target audience- As we know from the front cover, the

target audience for this magazine is white males, aged
16-25. This is reinforced by the blood in the main image
as it is more masculine; females do not normally like
Sub-Headings- A sub-heading is a secondary heading,
under the main heading. The sub headings used are in a
bold font so they are easy to read. They are also in sans
serif font, which shows consistency.

Shot Types- The shot type for the main image is a closeup. This means that we can only see his face. A close up
has been used to show his emotions. A close up shot has
also been used for two of the other images. Their
emotions are also shown closely. For one of the images,
a medium long shot has been used as we can see the
artists head and torso.
Date/ Issue Number- The date and issue number feature
at the top of the contents page so the reader knows
when the magazine was realised and what issue it is.

Masthead- The masthead is in the corner of the

magazine and even though is quite small, it is very
noticeable. This is because it is white on a black
background and has had bold red and white
banner/writing. It is inside a puff so it stands out against
the subheadings. Like the masthead on the front cover,
this one also has cracks in it, which shows the genre

Editorial/Editors letter- The editors letter is published

by the editors to fans of the magazine. It makes the
reader feel a connection between the editors and
themselves. Informal language is used to make it feel
more personal.

Captions in Pictures- The captions in the pictures

are usually from one the article the image is from

Pictures/Articles The pictures relates to the articles or

cover lines that are on the front cover. This shows
consistency and connections between the front cover
and contents page.

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