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KRISHNAMURTI - Freedom From the Known : Relationship, Conflict, Society


How is it possible then to free ourselves from the psychological structure of society, which is to free
ourselves from the essence of conflict? It is not difficult to trim and lop off certain branches of conflict,
but we are asking ourselves whether it is possible to live in complete inward and therefore outward
tranquillity? Which does not mean that we shall vegetate or stagnate. On the contrary, we shall become
dynamic, vital, full of energy.

To understand and to be free of any problem we need a great deal of passionate and sustained energy,
not only physical and intellectual energy but an energy that is not dependent on any motive, any
psychological stimulus or drug.

If we are dependent on any stimulus that very stimulus makes the mind dull and insensitive. By taking
some form of drug we may find enough energy temporarily to see things very clearly but we revert to
our former state and therefore become dependent on that drug more and more.

So all stimulation, whether of the church or of alcohol or of drugs or of the written or spoken word, will
inevitably bring about dependence, and that dependence prevents us from seeing clearly for ourselves
and therefore from having vital energy.

We all unfortunately depend psychologically on something. Why do we depend? Why is there this urge
to depend? We are taking this journey together; you are not waiting for me to tell you the causes of
your dependence. If we enquire together we will both discover and therefore that discovery will be your
own, and hence, being yours, it will give you vitality.

But will the discovery of the cause free me from being dependent? The discovery of the cause is merely
intellectual, so obviously it does not free the mind from its dependency. The mere intellectual
acceptance of an idea, or the emotional acquiescence in an ideology, cannot free the mind from being
dependent on something which will give it stimulation. What frees the mind from dependence is seeing

the whole structure and nature of stimulation and dependence and how that dependence makes the
mind stupid, dull and inactive. Seeing the totality of it alone frees the mind.

So I must enquire into what it means to see totally. As long as I am looking at life from a particular point
of view or from a particular experience I have cherished, or from some particular knowledge I have
gathered, which is my background, which is the `me', I cannot totally. I have discovered intellectually,
verbally, through analysis, the cause of my dependence, but whatever thought investigates must
inevitably be fragmentary, so I can see the totality of something only when thought does not interfere.

Then I see the fact of my dependence; I see actually what is. I see it without any like or dislike; I do not
want to get rid of that dependence or to be free from the cause of it. I observe it, and when there is
observation of this kind I see the whole picture, not a fragment of the picture, and when the mind sees
the whole picture there is freedom.

Now I have discovered that there is a dissipation of energy when there is fragmentation. I have found
the very source of the dissipation of energy.

SADHGURU - Getting stoned without drugs - activation of pineal gland

I am not against drink or pleasure. The question is not about, Is this wrong or is this right? This is not
about a moralistic standpoint. I just think it is a pity that human beings are settling for such small
pleasures when something far bigger is possible within themselves. You can be drunk all the time. Free!
No hangover and no doctor!

The fundamental question is: Are you for life or against life? If you are for life, what is it that you call as

Right now, you know you are alive because you are alert enough. Suppose you fell asleep, do you know
whether you are alive or dead? All experience has disappeared. Essentially in your experience of life,
awareness is aliveness. How aware you are is how alive you are.

Because the experience of life is such: only what you are aware of exists for you; the rest does not exist
for you. It does not matter what is present here, if you are not aware of it, it does not exist for you.
Awareness is aliveness. But any kind of intoxication, it does not matter what kind, lowers your aliveness
or awareness.

When human being is in a certain state of experience, the human system itself produces the necessary
chemicals. So, regarding drugs and the millions of cannibas receptors in our brain, they are waiting for
you to produce it. Those who cannot produce it, they try to put it from outside and damage the system.

In India there is enourmous focus on the pineal gland. If the secretions of the pineal gland are active,
there would be no mood swings in you. If you activate this and it generates sufficient amount of
secretions, you will be blissfull every moment of your life, simply every cell in your body will be bursting
all the time. You are blissed out. In this state everything is efortless.

Whether you go to the temple, go to the bar or want to go to heaven, there is a whole effort, isn't it?
The human being wants something larger than what is happening now to happen to him; the reason
why he is drinking, why he is praying, why he is taking drugs and why he wants to go to heaven. He
wants something more to happen.

Look at this simply. Something more will happen only when your perception is enhanced naturally
because your body is created so. You can function at the best because you can effectively use your body
and mind at its best and explore the full potential of them and that happens only when you have a
sustained level of balance within you.

MOOJI - Are drugs an obstacle to get to know your true self?

To recognize the truth, no substance is of help actually. Nice, clear mind is good. I had once this
neightbour who was consuming and only then he could come to my house, because when he was in his
clear mind, he was afraid to come. I said: I am sorry, I cannot talk with you, because nothing I say, you
will remember. Even his eyes looked like far gone, so where could the ears be?

So, I know tha smoking marijuana it gives you the feeling as though you are very near to something, but
it is not it, not like that. Beautiful feeling and in some cases it helps you to chill out a little bit which is
good for many people, to relax a little bit, but to discover your true nature . . . you will see that
everyday something is missing in your life.

There is no process. Who is the one observing the process, but not processing something? You want to
put magic glasses on to look out, to look in, but I put a mirror in front of you. Look there. You are the
one who is aware of any process.

All this process you put so much effort into is leading you to nowhere. You want to go to nowhere.
Where are you now?

If you are looking from emptiness and everything is empty, what will you see?

So, you are looking from an identity who is wondering about a process. So, any answer that comes from
that identity is not going to be all encompassing. It is gonna fall down into a person who will make use
of that process.

If you are really looking from nowehere, then you have no problem.

Teal Swan - Spiritual Drug Use

When a person interacts with cannabis, the vibratory rate of that individual has to change in order to
match the frequency of the cannabis in order to stay a match to sharing a reality where both the plant
and the person coexist. This resonance effect drastically increases when the medicine is ingested. The
vibrational resonance causes a cascade of physiological reactions occur, most especially the inhibition of
neurotransmitters. It inhibits the brain from functioning at normal capacity. This provides a great deal of
relief to many people, who are bombarded by their own resistant thoughts.

If a person tries to escape their resistance by using a tool like cannabis, they have learned nothing but to
be dependent on the tool. They may have increased their awareness of what is beyond this dimension,
but they have not learned anything about how to access states of consciousness beyond the 3-D
consciousness on their own, without the use of an external substance/tool. In essence, they have
become powerlessly dependent. This is in fact the number one reason that I do not overtly support the
use of spiritual drugs.

While these medicines are often life changing because they can serve to crack through the illusion of the
physical dimension so a person can peer beyond the illusion, they all too often become a persons only
way of transitioning their consciousness into a more spiritual state. They then become a crutch that
disables a person from reaching those states organically. The feeling state created by these medicines
becomes an addiction and the more subtle transition of increasing ones vibration and altering ones
focus so as to facilitate an organic shift in consciousness, no longed registers as a special and
noteworthy experience when compared with the intensity of the radical break from reality, caused by
the medicines. So often the drug itself becomes the persons only access to spirituality. The drug itself
becomes the religion.

Pot is an addictive substance. A living being will become addicted to anything they feel dependent on to
achieve a certain feeling state. When a person feels as if feeling good or greater awareness is dependent
upon cannabis, they will become addicted to cannabis. And to become addicted to cannabis, is to
shortcut your own expansion. Stress and resistance exists for a reason, to teach you about yourself and
to fuel you in the direction of your own expansion. When you feel resistance creeping up in your
consciousness, there is always an aspect of yourself that needs to be examined and shifted; and there is
always something new that is being desired. If you escape from that feeling by using cannabis, you will
forgo the opportunity to examine and shift the root of that resistance. Whats more than that, when the
effects of the drug wear off, you are right back to where you were, having improved nothing in the long
term. In this way, cannabis prevents learning.

We create our own reality. And when it comes to chronic pain, or chronic worry, there is an interesting
thing that occurs. Certain kinds of pain and worry inhibit focus and especially positive focus to such a
degree that a person cannot learn and cannot get out of the downward spiral of negative reality
creation. In such a case, resistance incapacitates a person. If a person is incapacitated by resistance,
(which is the case when chronic illness has caused chronic pain to occur), cannabis may in fact be the
very best tool that a person can use to enable themselves to distract themselves from the pain, thereby
releasing enough resistance to come back into a state of alignment. When this is the case, a persons
vibration is so low that cannabis is able to help a person to release enough resistance to enable them to
face and explore their own resistance and therefore shift. But cannabis should never be treated as a

long-term solution to resistance. We need to find the root of our resistance and pull up that root if we
want a long-term solution to resistance.

However, you will never hear me saying that you should take drugs, because they are tools and this
means that they are not necessary for special expansion. If you talk to any shaman, they will tell you
that the entire goal of these drugs is to use it as a tool in order to open yourself up, but then the goal of
all shamans is to get to the point where you are able to access these kind of awarenesses that get
through drugs by yourself.

But it is possible to achieve this on your own. Does it take longer? Probably. But when people get
dependent, they see in drugs the only way to get to spirituality and so they keep chasing the experience
and chasing the experience instead of doing the real work of resisting resistance, the real work of
personal evolution to be able to have access to all these different truths, dimensions naturally.

But if you have an attachment to a drug and I have seen people defending the spiritual aspect of daily
use like something as cannabis, those people who are in that stand point are usually defending
something that they don't wanna go near. And anytime you are in a state of defence, it means that you
don't have a solid vibration to stand on in terms of where you are in your own personal capabilities

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