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Vol. 58 No. 12


Newsjournal Of Kansas and Nebraska Southern Baptists

December 2014

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

2014 National Goal: $175 million

December is when many Kansas-Nebraska Southern Baptist

churches collect the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions.
Lottie Moon was a legendary Southern Baptist missionary who
served in China for 39 years. She was appointed as a missionary in
1873 and served until her death on Dec. 24, 1912.
Throughout her career, Lottie Moon wrote many letters home,
urging Southern Baptists to greater missions involvement and support. One of these letters triggered Southern Baptists first Christmas offering for international missions in 1888 enough to send
three new missionaries to China.
Southern Baptist churches collect the Lottie Moon Christmas
Offering for the sole purpose of supporting international missions. Every penny of the offering goes to the International Mission
Boards overseas budget. The offering provides the largest portion
of the IMBs income 59 percent.
KNCSB mailed offering promotional materials to churches. Visit
the International Mission Board Web site to find other resources
to promote the offering
Read inspiring stories from Kansas-Nebraska workers at

Covenant Baptist Church, Topeka, stages an outreach event for hunters every year on the
day before the opening of Kansas pheasant season. The church sets up a hospitality area at
the Paxico rest area 20 miles west of Topeka on Interstate 70. Church members show the
love of Jesus to westbound hunters by passing out free treats for people and dogs.

Water-Filter Project Helps

Share Christ in SE Asia
(turn to page 4)
Operation Christmas Child
Dream Comes True on Shoebox
Distribution Trip (see page 6)

Participants in Shine 2014 had the opportunity for hands-on missions during the retreat
held Nov. 7-8 at Webster Conference Center, Salina, Kan. Shine is the KNCSB retreat for
teen girls. The girls and their sponsors raked leaves, spread mulch and performed other
tasks. They also went prayerwalking on the WCC grounds and learned how they could do
that when they got home. Shine 2014 featured 1GirlNation from Nashville, Tenn.


The Thought Occurred to Me

By Bob Mills

KNCSB Executive Director


Christmas is on the near horizon. What are you

thinking and feeling as you and your family move
toward this favorite time of year? Are you looking
forward to the family gatherings and all of the fantastic foods? Are you hoping for a special gift from
that certain person? What are your expectations for
the festive season?
As Americans we are blessed with plenty. We generally have more than we need in many cases. I want
us to pause long enough to realize that there are lots
of folks who will not have the monetary ability to
provide gifts for their children. This time of the year
for the poor is a very stressful time. Let me challenge all of us to take time to be a blessing to a fam-

ily in need this season. There is a full blessing that

comes from being able to meet a need just because
there is a need, not because, the deed will make you
feel good.
Perhaps your church can adopt families in your
community that need a helping hand this season.
There are needs all around us if we will but look.
Ask the Lord to show you the need and then be His
hands and feet to touch those families. Let the world
see Jesus in us this season because of an act of goodness for His sake.
Traditionally, Southern Baptists collect a mission
offering at this time each year for international missions. I cannot close my article with you without ask-

ing you to pray for and give

generously to the Lottie
Moon Christmas Offering.
About 4,800 international
missionaries serving all
over the world need our
prayer support and our
financial support. I want
to thank you in advance for
your support to the Lottie
Moon Christmas Offering.
From my family and the
KNCSB staff to your family, Merry Christmas.

By Andy Addis

is not because I enjoy seeing high baptism numbers.

The reason for the challenge is for everything it takes
to get to those numbers.
To see a single baptism means the Gospel must be
proclaimed, the invitation must be extended, discipleship must take place and community must begin.
Baptism means that the church is doing the work of
the church.
Its a sign of health, life and vitality.
Baptism means the Great Commission is still the
trajectory of the church: Go into all the world and
make disciples of all nations baptizing them
Baptism doesnt take place in a vacuum. Its the
end of a process in other words, baptism has byproducts.
So let me encourage you to set an aggressive, Godhonoring goal for your church to reach. Not so that
you have good baptism numbers, but so that you
will constantly be reminded that we are trying to
reach a lost and broken world.
That God has given us the mission of the Great
That we are the church. That we are the plan. And,
that God has no plan B.
At CrossPoint, our high water mark was about 200
baptisms. So, weve set the mind boggling goal of
reaching 400 baptisms in 2015. Its pretty intimidating.
But, probably not as intimidating for the church
that hasnt seen a baptism in the last five years. Or,

the pastor who was ecstatic to see five stir the waters
last year. Seeing one baptism where there had been
none, or 10 where there had only been five now
thats a challenge!
That will set people on the edge of their seats. That
will bring joy to the eyes of those who may have
started to slumber. That will bring glory to the God
we worship.
I urge you to take this seriously, and to look at
what it might be like to see the by-product of baptism.
Ill leave the rest to you because Im busy right
now. Im going to go buy a bunch of manly things
from Amazon and see if I can force some changes

Presidents Perspective

KNCSB Convention President



I have always been interested in by-products. At

the same time theyre making gas from oil, theyre
also making ink, yarn, shoes, deodorant, surfboards
and a thousand other things.
By-products arent just limited to material things
either. Sometimes our
efforts create a by-product
as in the case of NASA
pursuing space exploration. From their efforts
weve been given LED
lights, artificial limbs,
firefighting equipment,
enriched baby food,
scratch-resistant lenses
and more.
I guess the natural
occurrence of by-products
should also force us to
Andy Addis
exercise some caution. For
our churchs Fall Festival
last October, my wife dressed up as Raggedy Ann.
As she put her costume together, she ordered red and
white, candy striped stockings from the internet.
Since the time she placed that order, Amazon has
been convinced that I like to wear ladies leggings.
Let me go on the record right now I do not.
But, she placed the order, made a payment and
received the product in my name. So, from now on
the by-product of those activities is my constant need
to explain to those sitting next to me while Im ordering from Amazon why that keeps popping up.
By-products its one of the reasons Ive tried to
set a goal for every church in the Kansas-Nebraska
Convention of Southern Baptists for 2015.
Ive asked that every church set a baptism goal for
the next year.
If you had zero baptisms in your church last year,
then shoot for at least one baptism. One amazing
cause for celebration. One morning of exuberant joy.
One testimony of a life transformed.
And, if you celebrated any number of baptisms
last year, I challenge you to double that number!
That would be cause for a happy dance.
The reason I challenge each of us with these goals

The Baptist Digest

(USPS 018-942)
Vol. 58 No. 12
Leadership Newsjournal for KansasNebraska Southern Baptists is published
monthly 10 times a year
excluding January and July.
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Bob Mills

StewardshipChristmas reminds us
that God gave us His
son. What, in time, talent and money, will
you give to support
His Kingdom work?

INFORM -- Regularly share information about ongoing
training, curriculum, events, support and personnel.
RESOURCE -- Serve as a resource pool for practical
ideas about what is working in KS-NE congregations
and how it relates to all sizes of churches.
GENERATIONAL -- Cast .the widest net, providing stories and information that will appeal to all generations
of Southern Baptists in NE-KS.
FAMILY-FRIENDLY -- Be family-friendly with stories,
regular columns and helps for families and leaders who
work with families.
AGE DIVERSE -- Publish s. tories that address the
diversity of age, ethnicity, and geographical regions of
MISSION-ORIENTED -- Publish stories about people
and congregations involved in missions and regularly
publicize ministry opportunities.
PART OF WIDER MISSION - Help congregations
discover that they are part of the larger work of the
Kingdom of God through their ministries.

To give local news:

Local church and associational news may be submitted by mail, phone, fax or e-mail.


Advertising policy and rates are available upon

request Call 800-984-9092 or e-mail:


Editor: Tim Boyd, PhD.

Associate Editor: Eva Wilson
Printing Coordinator: Derek Taylor
Robert T. Mills, D. Min.

KNCSB Executive Director

Association of State Baptist Papers
Baptist Communicators Association

Sharing & Strengthening

Guest Column
Editors Note: We wanted to share with you this
insightful piece. We do so with permission from the

Owen Cooper was

a prophet. We live
in an age when it is
popular to be tolerant
and it is a stigma to
be called intolerant,
the chemical engineer from Mississippi
preached to messengers at the Southern
Baptist Convention.
Tolerance of a half
truth soon leads to
tolerance of an untruth
and then to tolerance of an error, he
warned. Social and
Owen Cooper
political pressures in the
name of tolerance are quenching the flame of missionary zeal.
Cooper was describing his own time, but his convention sermon delivered in Atlantic City in 1964 has
proved an apt description of our time.
Among Coopers insights: Christianity is losing
ground in the U.S., world population is growing faster
than the Christian faith, and Islam is on the rise; baptisms in SBC churches are declining, more ministry is
directed to places where Southern Baptists are strong
than to regions and nations where evangelical witness
is weak. And the word witness itself is almost lost

from our vocabulary and our activity.

Southern Baptists are losing their mission zeal
because of a growing feeling among many theologians
and the laity that, after all, man is not lost. He cited
articles inaugurating a new post-Christian era.
In 1964? Really?
What is wrong? Cooper asked. Why the diminution of spiritual momentum in the world, and in our
country, and in our denomination?
In the two decades after World War II, the Southern
Baptist Convention grew rapidly. An emphasis on
Sunday School and evangelism that reached the burgeoning families of returning GIs swelled the ranks.
The SBC eclipsed the mainline denominations that
peaked in 1964 and started their downward spiral.
Even as the SBC rallied for growth in membership,
Cooper sounded an alarm. Ten million Southern
Baptists were on the church rolls, but three million of
them couldnt be accounted for. Baptisms flatlined.
The numbers are no better today. With 15.7 million
members officially, our churches report only 5.8 million
in worship on any given Sunday. And baptisms are
down for seven out of the last nine years, after 40-plus
years mostly plateaued. We peaked in 1972.
Cooper called on messengers to increase Cooperative
Program giving. In 1962, he said, citing the most recent
statistics available, 10% of receipts by Southern Baptist
churches went to the CP missions and 8% to state missions; today CP giving is down to 5% per church, on
average. And he called for more money, missionaries,
and church planters in distant and unreached parts of
the U.S.

But mostly he called for renewed commitment to

evangelism in response to shifts in the culture. Prayer
had been eliminated in public schools two years earlier,
and even in 1964, Cooper said personal witnessing
would be considered intolerant, bigoted, and improper in many circles.
The Southern Baptist Convention was organized
for the purpose of directing the energies of the whole
denomination for the propagation of the Gospel.
Witnessing was acknowledged as our principle objective; it must continue to be such.
The challenges and problems faced by Southern
Baptists, yea even in Christianity for that matter, seem
overwhelming when viewed in their totality. Yet broken into their component parts, it becomes much simpler. As Southern Baptists, as Christians, our task is to
win them one by one.
Ask men to witness, he urged, after declaring its
too easy to join a Baptist church.
At the time a person joins the church, he should
understand that part of his responsibility is to witness,
and opportunities should be provided for Christian
Without the primacy of missions and witnessing,
the church is without true purpose, Cooper said, the
pulpit is without power and the pew is without potency.
Eric Reed found Owen Coopers 1964 convention
sermon while researching the SBC for the Illinois
Baptist series B-101. Cooper, a businessman from Yazoo
City, Mississippi, is one of only two laymen elected
Convention president. He served 1972 to 1974.
Eric Reed is the Associate Executive Director and
Leader of the Communications Team for the Illinois
Baptist State Association.

one of the most influential churches in our city, but it

was one of the most influential in the entire country.
But by the time I came, only 18 people called it home.
The church had lost touch with its community and forgotten the primary purpose of its existence.
Like the Royals, Wornall Roads best days seemed to
be over. When we began the replant at Wornall Road,
you could find memories of the great days of the past
all over the church. But those great days seemed so
long ago. Rather than serving as an encouragement,
they served as a constant reminder of how far the
church had fallen.
I knew accepting Gods call to replant Wornall would
not be easy. (Any idea how many managers the Royals
have gone through since their last playoff appearance?
Ten. Losing seasons -- whether in baseball or in ministry -- tend to devour leaders.)
But God had other plans. The remaining people of
Wornall made the extraordinary and all too rare decision of repenting for our past mistakes, praying with
passionate focus and embracing meaningful and biblical change. Over the next several years the church
began to grow. We became relevant to our community
and we planted new churches. Today Wornall has
become a church that many across North America have
looked to as a model of how a dying church can live
Actually, the revitalized Kansas City Royals have
much in common with Wornall Road. For example:
1. We both built using the Farm System. In one of the
smallest markets in Major League Baseball, the Kansas
City Royals could never rely on signing a high-priced
free agent. The teams most important players -- like
Alex Gordon and Salvador Perez -- came up through
the Royals minor league system. The same was true
for Wornall. We discipled the young people God
brought our way. God turned them into leaders.
2. We both focused on what we did best. No team in

Major League Baseball had fewer homeruns than the

Royals. What the Royals lacked in power, they made
up with speed, defense and pitching. When you have
only 18 people in the church, you cant do everything.
We werent going to compete with the regional megachurches in the area. We didnt even try. Instead, we
focused on doing what a small neighborhood church
could do best. We served our community with radical
3. We both used what we had. The Royals still play
in the same stadium that I visited as a boy. The stadium
has been renamed and upgraded in parts, but it hasnt
changed much. In fact, the Royals considered moving downtown a few years back but instead decided
to renovate the stadium they had. Our church building was constructed for a church three times our size.
We chose not to move into a different existing church
building nor build a new one. Instead we sought to
redeem the building for Kingdom ministry. Today we
use every bit of our building. We use it as an incubator
for new churches -- nine and counting. Its also home to
a maternity ministry and a childrens placement ministry. Weve opened up the building for the entire community to use it, as well.
When you watched the World Series this year, you
saw a completely different team than the 1985 version
of the Royals. The 1985 team had power and big-name
superstars. The 2014 team had neither. But again, the
Royals are relevant in the baseball world.
Todays Wornall Road Baptist Church doesnt look
much like the 1940s version. We dont do ministry the
same way. We dont serve the community in the same
manner. And we certainly dont have the same cast of
leaders. But were relevant and reaching our community once again. The power that enabled the first generation of Wornall members is again empowering this
present generation, the power of the Gospel as revealed
and lived out in the lives of our members.

A Passion for Revitalization

By John Mark Clifton

National Legacy Strategy Leader, NAMB



I love raising teenage boys!

Most of us who call Kansas City home never thought
wed see another day when our city would host a
World Series game. For a decade, from 1976-85, the
Royals were one of the dominant teams in baseball.
Thanks to a future Hall of Famer, George Brett, and
a great cast of supporting players, they were relevant
nearly every year.
But the last time the Royals even made the playoffs
was 1985, the year my son Trenton was born. This year,
29 years later with the Royals back in the fall classic,
his son, my grandson, Jackson, was born. Yet the 2014
Kansas City Royals almost never happened. In 2002
Major League Baseballs owners, looking to shore up
the sports financial situation, actively discussed the
possibility of contracting (disbanding) two teams. The
Royals were among the teams rumored to be on the
Who could have blamed owners if they had done it?
The Royals were at the tail end of eight consecutive losing seasons. After a slight rebound the following year,
theyd go another nine losing seasons before having a
winning season in 2013. In 2002 only three teams drew
fewer fans. Only eight teams had lower player payrolls.
The Royals looked done in 2002.
Most evangelical churches in North America have
much more in common with the 2002 Royals than the
2014 version. Youve likely heard the depressing stats.
Seven out of 10 Southern Baptist churches are either
plateaued or declining. Most havent seen a winning
season in more years than they can count. Southern
Baptists alone close more than 900 churches each year,
90 percent of them in metro areas.
Kansas Citys Wornall Road Baptist Church was one
of those churches about to close in 2005 when I was
asked to become its pastor. At one time it was not only

Lottie moon offering

Lottie Moon Offering

Supports Couples
Media Ministry
(The writer of this article and
her husband are international
workers from Kansas-Nebraska.
The Cooperative Program and
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
undergird their ministry.)
My husband and I sat at window seats in one of our favorite
cafes in the central London
borough of Southwark. Hundreds of people from multiple
ethnicities walked by while we
ate lunch. My heart broke as
I prayed and wondered how
many of them have ever heard
about Jesus.
Forming trusting relationships is key to sharing the Gospel in this city where peoples
attention is constantly taxed. We
met Joe, a Ugandan born and
raised in London, on the train
as we waited for it to pull out of
the station.
I asked him a question about
an unfamiliar British phrase. After we chatted a bit, he and my

husband exchanged numbers so

we could learn more from him
about life in London. The third
time we met we shared with
him about Jesus. Joe listened
with standard English politeness. But as a fairly successful
young professional in this energetic city, he seems disinterested
in a Savior.
Liana, Dora, Jodi and
Steve work at a cafe we often
visit. Our goal is to take these
surface-level, friendly encounters to relationships outside the
retail setting. Doing so requires
great intentionality, boldness
and transparency as we follow
the Spirits leading.
My husband and I are privileged to work as a photographer and writer, respectfully, for
our company. These roles allow
us to give a voice to the work
God is doing among our colleagues throughout the world.
The media we produce equip

Tower Bridge in London reflects the setting sun from the south bank of the Thames River, Southwarks northern border. A Kansas-Nebraska couple is focusing on their ministry
on Londons Southwark borough. (Submitted photo)
believers (you!) to pray and take
action as we together spread
the Gospel to every nation, tribe
and tongue.
Pray for our relationship
with Joe, Jodi and other
new friends in the London
borough of Southwark. Pray

that our speech would be full of

grace, seasoned with salt, and
their hearts would be open to
receiving truth.
Ask God for a multiplication of believers and churches
in Southwark and throughout

Pray that our articles and

photos clearly communicate
Gods activities and challenge
others to actively pursue God.
Please lift up us, our marriage and our family as we
follow the Spirit in ministry and
daily life.


Water-Filter Project Helps Share Christ in SE Asia

A water-filter distribution project in Southeast Asia has

given workers the opportunity to share Christs Living Water. (Submitted photo)

(The Cooperative Program and

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
support this Kansas-Nebraska
couple as they serve in Southeast
Asia. Their names are changed for
security reasons. A special thanks
goes to Priscilla Sapp for contacting these and other workers so they
can share their stories.)
We are Brad and Eve Lawford. We have three children
Bethany (6), Julie (3), and
Rebecca (2 months).
Our family has been living
in Southeast Asia for just over a
year now. During that time we
have been continually studying the local language so we
can share the Good News with
the people here in their heart
Just recently we had the
privilege to lead a water filter
distribution project.
Unlike most people in
America, the people living in
our country are unable to drink
the tap water. The people here
either buy expensive bottled
water or they boil the water.

2014 Lottie Moon

Christmas Offering for
International Missions
Most people cannot afford to
buy bottled water and boiling
the water does not get rid of
many contaminates.
As a result, drinking contaminated water is the secondleading killer of infants and
children in our area. We found
a Christian organization that
makes water filters which are
able to rid the water of all dirt,

bacteria and diseases. These

filters last two years and only
cost around $30.
While this doesnt seem like
a lot of money to most Americans, the people here are still
not able to afford the filters.
Through donations, we were
able to buy water filters for 80
families! We distributed the filters to families living in a local
village. Each of the families was
personally shown how to use
the filter when a worker visited
their houses.
In addition to explaining
how to use the filter, a worker
also shared the Good News
with them!
While it is so important that
people all around the world
have clean drinking water, it is
even more important that they
are able to hear the Good News
about the True Living Water!
Please pray that the people
of Southeast Asia would be
thirsty for Him and that God
would use us to share the Gospel with them.

Lottie moon offering

Offering Supports Workers as They Serve in Times of Need

(The Lottie Moon Christmas
Offering and Cooperative Program
support Kansas-Nebraska workers
as they minister in times of joy and
sorrow. A special thanks goes to
Priscilla Sapp for contacting them
so they can share their story.)
I would like to introduce you
to two Turkish believers and let
you know of their faith and love
for the Lord.
S has been a believer for
about 12 years. We originally
met him in another city as he
visited with another Turkish
believer to encourage him. Now
he is married to a wonderful
believing wife, B.
This past year they began to
sense the Lord calling them to
be parents and several months
later in February they announced their pregnancy. With
much surprise a few weeks
later, they announced that the
doctor had informed them they
would not only be parents, but
parents of three children
triplets. This was a result of the
natural process of conception,
not artificial.
So with delight, great faith,
and excitement we, as a Turkish
church, embraced the idea of
welcoming and raising together
the triplet girls. B had no
complications or restrictions
during her pregnancy. Although
she was tired, the babies continued to grow and thrive.
We had a baby shower on

June 28 for the family and the

triplets. Their names were
announced to us with much
thought and prayer Rebeka
Cansu, Hanna Beril and Julia
On July 2 the triplets unexpectedly and without warning
entered the world at around 27
weeks old. Their lives were in a
precarious battle over the next
week. Shortly after, at 8 days
old, Rebeka Cansu left life here
to be in the Lords arms.
As a church and a community in the city of Istanbul we
prayed, fasted and waited. We
had great faith and commitment
to prayer and fully believed that
maybe both remaining babies
would be spared and one day
be held in their parents arms.
But just a week later, we saw
the lives of Hanna, the largest
and healthier baby girl, then
Julia slip from our hands. It was
a shock of some sorts; a cry of
despair and unbelief, but an
answer the Lord gave to us that
was not expected.
As I thought of my own
three girls and their precious
lives, though young ladies
now, I remember crying out
to the Lord and asking Him
How could you ask even me, a
mother, to give my girls to you
in death?
And He answered me in
a small quiet voice, They are
my children. Not yours. And I

understood that the Lords ways

are not ours and this was His
plan for His glory and purpose.
We had hoped and prayed for a
happy ending to this story, but
the Lord has another unknown

plan to further His glory. We all

move on, but in grief, praying
that the Lord will grant more
children to our friends.
(Verses we claimed with this
were II Corinthians 1:3-4.)

Thank you for your prayers

and your gifts to the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon
Christmas Offering. Your
prayers and financial gifts are
vital in supporting our ministry.

Art on Womens Hands Shares Gospel Story

A simple party. A few
friends. Some tasty snacks.
Art on our hands. This is one
way that we as women share
the gospel in South Asia. This
common cultural experience
is called mehendi. You may
know it as henna, a paste made
out of dried leaves that temporarily dyes the skin. Women
decorate their hands and feet
for special occasions in South
Asian culture, so a mehendi
party is always a fun experience.
At our mehendi parties, our
designs are centered on the
Bible stories. There are stories
of how God has worked in
peoples lives, stories of Jesus
healing, and stories of how we
can come to know Him as Savior and Lord.
At the parties, we tell the
story in Hindi and then ask
others to retell it to the group.

After the story has been shared

many times we ask, What did
you learn? What did you like?
What did you not understand?
How does this apply to your
life? Who are you going to share
this story with? The response
is wonderful.
These non-believing women

2014 Lottie Moon

Christmas Offering for
International Missions

can tell the stories of the Bible!

1. As we continue hosting
these parties, pray that God
would bring ripened souls, that
the women would be interested
in the true stories shared and
that hearts would be eternally
changed for Gods glory!
2. You can find our stories at and pray
over each one that the truth of
the gospel would be shared and
bear much fruit.
Your gifts to the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon
Offering make it possible for
us to share the gospel through
mehendi parties.
Visit the International Mission Board Web site to find
resources to promote the Lottie
Moon Christmas Offering
The offering provides the
largest portion of the IMBs
income 59 percent.


A common cultural experience in South Asia is called mehendi. Some may know it as henna, a paste made out of
dried leaves that temporarily dyes the skin. Women decorate their hands and feet for special occasions in South
Asian culture. Workers use mehendi parties to teach Bible
stories to women there. (Submitted photo)

A young couple in Central Asia lost their triplet girls soon after they were born prematurely. Their church and international workers there are walking through the grief process with
them. Your gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and Cooperative Program support
these workers as they minister to people in times of joy and sorrow. (Submitted photo)

kncsb on mission

Christmas Child Dream Comes

True on Shoebox Distribution Trip

(Editors note: Ramona Catsinas is a member of New Covenant

Community Church, Lincoln, Neb.,
and is a year-around volunteer for
Operation Christmas Child.)
By Ramona Catsinas


I had the privilege of traveling to Rwanda April 26-May

3, 2014, for my first Operation
Christmas Child shoebox distribution trip.
This trip was unique because
it took place in the 20th anniversary year and month of the 1994
Rwanda Genocide. The Rwandans were so honored that we
came at this particular time.
Its hard to even talk about
the shoebox distributions
without giving you this bit of
historical background:
Time magazines cover
story in 1994 read, There are
no devils in Hell. They are all
in Rwanda. The Hutu tribe
waged war and genocide on
their friends and neighbors,
the Tutsis. It was orchestrated,
pre-meditated, viciously and
systematically carried out. It
was in a word: satanic.
Everyone in Rwanda has a
story and we heard many. But
God brings beauty out of ashes.
Rwanda has experienced nothing short of a miracle of healing
in the last 20 years. They are
determined to NEVER AGAIN
let something like this happen.
Rwanda is changing the
course of history by raising up
an army of children to proclaim
the good news of Jesus Christ.
Billboards everywhere proclaim:
Remember Unite Renew.
Samaritans Purse and
Operation Christmas Child
have played significant roles in

seeing these changes occur. An

orphanage and Christian school
were opened and they re-established the hospital in Kigali.
The first OCC shoebox
distribution in Rwanda was
in December 1995. Today the
government welcomes Operation Christmas Child because of
the tools offered to help raise up
a godly generation.
The Greatest Journey is a
12-week interdenominational
discipleship course to help
children become grounded in
their walk with God and to
share their faith with others.

Upon completion they receive

a Bible in their native language.
Half the people in Rwanda are
children. They are Rwandas
Our team participated in six
distributions around Kigali,
Rwandas capital city. We were
at schools, churches and after
school/neighborhood locations.
One morning we pulled off
the paved street onto a hilly,
bumpy dirt road that became
impassable because of a muddy
We got off the van and began
to walk to the school and were
joined by barefoot children
shouting, Mazoongoo! (mean-

ing white people!) The children

held our hands and walked
with us to the school.
That afternoon we were at an
after-school program that was
held outdoors. I sat on a blanket
under a tree holding the dark
hands of little ones awaiting
the shoebox distribution with
tears rolling down my cheeks.
I was walking in a dream come
true: I was in Africa delivering
shoeboxes to children! Older
children sang and danced to
welcome their American visitors.
We were allowed to bring
one shoebox in our carry-on
suitcase. My team from church
packed a box for an age 5- to
9-year-old girl. We included a
pair of high-top tennis shoes so
I was on the lookout for small
A kindergarten girl named
Shandia received our shoebox
and it was so much fun to help
her discover the things we had
packed in her box.
The simplest of gifts seemed
most appreciated dolls, cars,
caps and balls. I even heard a
boy say about the toothpaste he
received: Just what I wanted!
Including something fun to
put on right away like sunglasses were always a hit, and of
course, sweets!
Gods story is about redemption and reconciliation. God has
changed the story of Rwanda in
the past generation. Therefore
if any man is in Christ he is a
new creature, old things have
passed away, behold new things
have come! 1 Corinthians 5:17.
My prayer is that one day
Rwanda will become a shoeboxsending nation!

Ramona Catsinas, a member of New Covenant Community

Church, Lincoln, Neb., is a year-around volunteer for Operation Christmas Child. She recently saw her dream come
true when she went to Rwanda on an OCC shoebox distribution trip. Operation Christmas Child is playing a significant role in Rwanda as it recovers from the 1994 genocide.
(Submitted photos)

Offering Helps Workers Share Truth in South Africa

In South Africa, trust is
something that takes much
time to earn. South Africans
had to patiently wait for
freedom after years of political
oppression under apartheid.
Now there is freedom under
the law, but trust is still difficult to build.
We have a house helper
named Agnes. She has worked
for us for more than two years.

But only recently has she felt

comfortable enough to ask
questions and share things that
are on her heart.
There is much confusion in
our part of world where many
have grown up with traditional
African religions. Then they
may have gone to Catholic or
other Christian schools. Later
they may hear another message
preached by cults or prosperity

gospel churches.
Please pray for Agnes and
many like her in South Africa that they would hear and
believe the true gospel of Jesus
Christ and that they would then
trust Him as their Savior.
Your gifts to the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon
Christmas Offering allow us to
share Gods truth here in South

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a popular outreach for many

Kansas-Nebraska Southern Baptist churches. Why not partner OCC
with promoting the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International
Read inspiring stories from Kansas-Nebraska workers at http://bit.
Find Lottie Moon resources on the Interntional Mission Board Web site
Treasuring...Pondering...Marveling... Are You Annoyed
or Annoying?
she held onto these memories dearly throughout all her
life. A night to treasure. A night to ponder. A night to
A bit later, after the allotted time, as custom prevailed,
it was time to take Jesus to the temple to present Him
to the Lord. Here Mary and Joseph marveled (v.33) at
what was said about him, as they listened to Simeons
prayer. This young couple, who had surrendered to
Gods plan for their lives, standing before Simeon, were
just trying to wrap their heads around all that was happening. Maybe standing there that day in the temple,
they might have had that defining moment when they
really realized they were the parents of a King, a Savior!
This Christmas, and every day, I want to follow
Marys lead. I desire to treasure all the little God
moments He sends to me daily. I want to ponder the
goodness of my God as He constantly guides, loves,
corrects, and instructs me through His Word. I want to
marvel at the fact that He gave His Son for my salvation, that He loves me so very much, and that He would
choose me to be His daughter!
Treasuring, pondering, marveling.Three great
ways to honor my Father- this Christmas season and
every day of the year.
Christmas Blessings,
KNCSB Ministry Wives Consultant

Behold, the virgin shall conceive

and bear a son,
and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with
us). Matthew 1:23
God with usGod with me. The
presence of God in my life.
Towering trees, majestic mountains, beautiful sunsets, all give
us an awareness of God as a God
above us. You know, hes up there
watching over us presence of God.
Sin makes us aware of God as a God
of judgment. Thats when we get to
go to him and admit weve messed
up. Jesus birth allows us to feel God
with us, inside us. God himself!
Through His spirit, living in us.
God with us. His presence real to us. That was a new concept
for people in Jesus day. They knew God as an authority, a
judge, commander, ruler, or a king, but the concept of God
being present with them was hard to understand! Its a hard
concept for us at times! Yet that is Gods greatest desire, a
relationship with each of us. Just as we make time to hang out
with family and friends, Jesus wants time with us.
God with us or Gods presence in us has both a physical
meaning and a spiritual meaning. The physical meaning was
evident with Jesus birthGod became flesh, by entering this
world just like you and I did, with a birth mom and an earthly
dad. Mary and Joseph got the physical meaning of Gods
presence. Diapers, feedings, burpings, naps, bath times and
bed times, listening to Jesus say his ABCs (you know what I
mean) over and over again, showing him how to feed himself,
walk, dress himself, sending him to school, taking him to get
his learners permit to ride a camel, or maybe a donkey. And
ultimately by listening to him teach, watching him heal and
perform miracles.
For us, God with us, or Gods presence plays out in a
spiritual meaning that I think Mary can help us with as well.
Jesus was Marys firstborn so she would naturally do motherly
things. But being the mother of Immanuel, would require her
to do themin a different way.
As his mother, she would naturally love him. As his child
she would have to learn to love him as her Lord. As his

mother, Mary would eagerly provide for his needs. As his

child she would have to learn to trust in his provision. As his
mother, she would have sacrificed for him. As his child Mary
would now have to accept his sacrifice for her sins.
Author David Wilkerson, said, The only thing that sets
believers apart from nonbelievers is Gods being with us leading us, guiding us, working his will in and through us.
The Bible gives us many examples of what this looks like.
Moses was convinced that without Gods presence in his life, it
was useless for him to try to do anything. Exodus 33:15, Lord,
if your presence is not with me, then Im not going anywhere.
I wont take a single step unless Im assured youre with me!
Gods presence supports.
Gen. 21:22 tells what Abimelech said to Abraham, God is
with you in everything you do. Gods presence draws attention. God promised Joshua, No one will be able to stand
against you as long as you live. I will be with you, just as I was
with Moses. I will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and
of good courage Joshua 1:5 & 6. Gods presence produces
courage. God told Gideon in Judges 6:12,14. The Lord is with
you, mighty warrior. Go in the strength you have and deliver
Israel from the power of Midian. Am I not sending you? God
was saying, hey Gideon, there is a strength in you, and thatd
be me, thats so powerful, it can save Israel. Gods presence
saves. God warned Jeremiah that the whole nation would
turn against him and reject his prophecies. Yet in Jeremiah
15:20, God told him they will fight against you but will not
overcome you, for I am with you to save you and deliver you.
Be confident Im with you! Gods presence gives confidence.
In Isaiah 43:1-5, God told Isaiah, Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine. I
will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when
you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You
will not be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the
flame will not burn you. For I am your God, the Holy One of
Israel, and your Saviordo not fear, for I am with you. God
was saying, With me you can go through anything and not
just survive, youll be blessed! Gods presence sustains.
His is a presence that - guides our lives, opens doors, moves
obstacles, melts hearts, and makes us fearless. And the best
thing is? Gods presence is a free gift! How about beginning a
new year with God!

Merry Christmas

God With Us

Debbie Eble

KNCSB Womens Leadership, Fit 4 Him Consultant

Few things are harder to

put up with, wrote Mark
Twain, than the annoyance
of a good example.
Because I work in a gym
most days of the week
I get to see the faithful
few. These people could
be called good examples.
They are individuals that
exhibit serious commitment
to their health and fitness.
They are in the gym not
every day, but most days
of the week. They do a
nice job of alternating their
workouts, varying the intensity of their work, paying
attention to proper form, and concentrating on what
they are doing. Good execution, without much grandstanding, they are seemingly unaffected and undeterred
by anyone else around them.
Inspired by their good example, some people will be
spurred on and encouraged in their fitness program.
But there will inevitably be a few that are annoyed by
these individuals dedication and results.
Probably the most annoying thing about a good
example is our inability to accomplish the same thing in
our own lives.
Admiration for someones good workout can inspire
us, but it cannot enable us. It takes more than an example on the outside, it takes power on the inside.
Taking charge of your own health is more important
now than its ever been before. Determine to discover
what will motivate you to move. Get a workout buddy,
take a class, hire a personal trainer for a short time, buy
some DVDs and try them out in the privacy of your
home. Get stubborn about this. Dont allow yourself
any excuse.
No matter what kind of body God has given you, it
holds tremendous potential for His purposes. Your life
is sacred, honor God by taking care of your body.
Look to the power on the inside, Holy Spirit power.
Some will be inspired by your example as they see
you exhibit a deep desire to know God, that you study
the Bible maybe not every day, but most days of the
week. That you concentrate on being obedient to His
Word of Truth, paying attention to good form in speech
and actions, focused on steady spiritual growth, without much grandstanding, seemingly unaffected and
undeterred by the giants that come your way.
Will you dare to be a good example and possibly be
annoying to some? Or will you live in regret, defeated and discouraged, annoyed by others passionate
pursuit of God?
1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work
of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the
I urge you to be one of the faithful few both physically and spiritually!
(And dont be afraid to be annoying to the undisciplined)

December 2014

Seven little pairs of Carters

pjs arrived at my door this
morning. I am already anticipating the precious ones that
will unwrap them in the very
near future. I can already
see them in all that red and
white, snuggling with us on
the couch, eating popcorn
and watching movies! A moment to treasure. A moment
to ponder. A moment to marvel. Christmas memories!
Today, while reading about
how Mary anticipated the birth of Christ, I took note
of the three verbs- treasuring, pondering, marveling. I
have so many questions about details of Luke 2 that are
missing from scripture. I wonder what Mary was thinking as she packed for Baby Jesus, as she surely knew
she was nearing her delivery time! But it says in Luke
2 the long trip to Bethlehem brought an unexpected
hotel stay in a stable, the delivery of the sweet Jesus as
Marys newborn son, a starry host of angels, and a visit
from some shepherds. Thats a lot to write home about!
Verse 19 says, Mary treasured up all these things and
pondered them in her heart. I would say so! I can
imagine her heart was full to overflowing. I imagine
750 Club

A new means to raise the dollars needed to finish the Dining Hall expansion
project has been launched. If 750 people, groups or churches would pledge to give
$60 for six months, we would have the total amount needed to finish this expansion
project and save the convention $100,000 by enabling us to receive the $100,000
Mabee Foundation Grant. Read this story from one of our KNCSB churches who
heard about this opportunity:
We have heard from our pastor about the 750 Club, to help in the funding of the WCC
Dining Hall. I felt led to challenge our youth group to make the pledge as a group. The idea is
to have them collect $30 each, by doing work for other people, not just asking their parents for
the money. We have several jobs lined up already for them to do for some individuals in the
church, but I have encouraged them to get creative too and think of jobs on their own. Some of
our boys are already planning to shovel snow this winter. My own boys have already started
on their goals, where their Grandma paid them $5 each for helping her. Fred is so excited to
be doing this, but he is not alone.
I just returned home from WCC for Shine. We had 10 total in our group. The girls had the
opportunity to see the work being done, and what they would be working to support. They
also had time to prayer walk the campus and pray for not only the building plans, but also for
the workers who are coming in to do the construction. They are excited as well to get busy
collecting this money to help with meeting this goal.
I know that the pledge asks for monthly payments, but we would like to send the total
amount of $360, ideally by Mar. 1, 2015 or before. Please let me know if this will work or not.

April 24-25, 2015--Webster Conference Center

For Leaders in Churches Running Under 150 in
Keith Strasburger and a Team from
Real Life Ministries
Our Focus This Year Will Be on Building a DiscipleMaking Process in the Local Church
Watch For More Details, But Save the Date

Thank You,
Midwest Leadership Summit
Daily Schedule

Crowne Plaza Hotel

Note: The
names20have been changed to maintain the anonymity of this generous

3:00 p.m.
. . . .youth
Begins Also, gifts can
sent in monthly
pay3000 receiving
South Dirksenthis
on your
own)decide to send it. Also, since
ments or in any way
letter, the
p.m. . . of
. . Opening
the same
heard what the students were
and they also
Andy Addis, Pastor, CrossPoint Church
joined the 750 Club.
(11 locations in Kansas)
by Statesupport of this mission facility
Thank you
for your
for Christ and train believers
Wednesday, January 21
7:30 a.m. . . . . Morning
for the
The WCC Staff

8:00 a.m.. . . . . Conference Session #1

9:15 a.m. . . . . Break
9:30 a.m. . . . . Conference Session #2
10:45 a.m. . . . Break
11:00 a.m. . . . Conference Session #3
KS, is currently looking for a part-time worship pas12:15 p.m. Sterling
. . . Lunchin
lunch provided)
the worship ministry team and to coorditor. The goal ofand
is to oversee
by Affinity
and worship team members. Interested
2:15 p.m. . . . . Conference Session #4
3:30 p.m.
. . . .email
Break cover letter and resume to
3:45 p.m. . . . . Conference Session #5

Church Seeks Worship Leader

Church Seeks Bi-Vo Pastor

(Dinner on your own)

of Osawatomie,
KS, is seeking a bivocational pastor.
. . . . Evening
of Church
Osawatomie is Eric
a town
and Resources,
is 30 miles from Olathe, KS. We seek a pastor
LifeWay Christian Resources
to lead us in reaching
own Submit resume to:
Contact your state convention
Thursday, January 22

for specific information about


The Midwest Leadership Summit

Building stronger churches and leaders

Church Seeks Worship/Student Leader

7:30 a.m. . . . . Morning Devotion with Dr. Jeff Iorg

lodging, fees, and reservation
8:00 a.m. . . . . Conference Session #6
for yourprayerful
Church of Hutchinson, Kansas,deadline
is requesting
a.m. . . . .Baptist
9:30 a.m.
. . . following
Closing Worship
for .the
full or
part-time ministry opportunity combination: Corporate
Gary Frost, Midwest VP,
Worship Leader/Student
Minister. FSBC is a healthy and unified body of believNorth American Mission Board

ers genuinely seeking Gods person(s) to serve and grow here. Please send your
resume (including ministry philosophy and five references) to FSBC, 1201 E 23rd,
Hutchinson, KS 67502.


Dakota Baptist Convention


Baptist State Convention

of Michigan

Church Seeks Bi-Vo Pastor

First Baptist
Church of Nickerson,
KS is now accepting resumes for a bi-vocational pasMinnesota-Wisconsin
Illinois Baptist
Baptist Convention
State Association
The candidates
embrace the Baptist Faith and Message and
Program For additional
Information, please contact Brian @ 620-960-3827.
Convention of Baptists
Missouri Baptist Convention
Indiana resumes to: First
Church, P.O. Box 377, Nickerson, Ks 67561.

Kansas and Nebraska Southern

Baptists are in partnership with
all Southern Baptists through
the Cooperative Program.

Baptist Convention of Iowa


State Convention
of Baptists in Ohio

Convention of Southern Baptists

West Virginia Convention

of Southern Baptists

January 20 22

An equipping
conference with
leaders from


Springfield, Illinois
Crowne Plaza Hotel






attenders expected


than ever

with more opportunities

for leader development
and networking
To register:
contact Peg Davis
phone: 785-228-6806

Remember that
Jesus is the only reason for the season.

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