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~~~~~~~ Open Visual Trace Route ~~~~~~~

Version 1.5.1
I could successfully make this version run on Windows 8 64bits, Vista 32bits and
Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits.
But my tests do not cover everything, so if you find some bug feel free to post
a bug report and/or fix
- on Sourceforge
- or by email at
Please specify your OS, a stack trace, and the steps to reproduce the issue on t
he bug report.
I cannot guaranty to fix issues, (this software is free and open source) but I c
an promise to take a look when I have a moment.
Enjoy and share,
Installation :
1) Install java >= 1.6
2) (For Windows OS) Install Winpcap (
At the end of the installation, check the "Automatically start the WinPcap dr
iver at boot time".
Run :
- Windows : double click on startWindows.bat
- Linux : set executable permission for and run it (will require s
udo privileges)
> chmod +x
3) To specify a proxy, set it up in the OpenVisualTraceRoute/resources/conf.prop
erties before starting the application
OS/Arch notice :
Tested on the following systems :
- Windows 8 64bits, Vista 32 bits
- Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits
Limitations, Known issues :
- Does not work on VPN networks, or networks that filter ICMP packets
Release Note
* Fix JVM crash when capturing packets for a long time
* Check version at startup and propose the user to go to the download page
* Improve the packet details view
* Allow to choose network interface for sniffer
* Update ip->geo location database. Ship it compressed with the application to r
educe package size


Add packet sniffer mode

Add timeout for traceroute
2D map component using Openmap
Upgrade to WorldWind 2.0
Refactoring of code
Use proper logger inside the code

* Allow to choose the network interface to use for trace route
* Optimize startup of traceroute
* Dramatically improve DNS lookup performance
* Add route length and distance between route points
* Display Country flag in the table and in the map
* Fix the overlay of labels on the map when several route points have the same c
* Redesign gantt chart view to make it easier to see points
* Implement selection synchronization map<->table<->gantt chart
* Change window layout
* Change look and feel for windows os
* Refactor code
* Fix an issue when replaying a route with only one point
* Fix Linux start script
* Fix bug when saving the size of the window
1.3.0 Beta
* Upgrade to Worldwind 1.5.0, change layer panel, add graticule
* Add Gantt view of the route
* Add Replay function of the traceroute
* Implement bi-directional selection synchronization map<->table
* Focus on the last point of the route during tracing
* Update visual of the Route (3d shape)
* Update labels of the points (cities) of the route
* Save application window size and split location when exiting the application
* Highlight current route point during tracing (both map and table)
* Fix an error when clearing the selection of the table
* Fix an error that crashed the application when starting from a directory that
has space characters inside its path
* Fix a memory leak when tracing the route
1.2.1 Beta
* Remove the Applet version (JNLP files than contains JOGL native libs are no lo
nger maintained by Oracle/JOGL)
* Refactor installer, remove the local dir, simplify native library management
* Add executable files for Windows and Linux
* Better error management
1.2.0 Beta
* Add support for Windows 64 bits
* Update geoip data
* Add copy to clipboard feature
* Set text of buttons as tooltips
* Display latency 0ms as <1ms
* Add support for mac OSX 32 bits
* Fix a couple of bugs on the install, and on the JLNP version
* Fix first IP point (my ip)
1.1.1 Beta
* Update the traceroute algo to dramatically decrease the traceroute execution t
* Add an option to see DNS associated with network node IP

* Add traceroute latency and DNS lookup time informations

* Increase map movement speed
* Add tooltips on the route table, adjust font size and column size.
1.1.0 Beta
* Add Linux 32/64 bits support
* Fix some issues during the browsing of devices
* Add proxy support
* Change public IP address mechanism
* Sturdiness when start the application in command line (no need to be in the ja
r folder)
1.0.8 Beta
* Fatal error dialog when launching on OS which arch is not x86
1.0.7 Beta
* 3308703 : Remaining reference to the JDK 7 that was installed on the developme
nt environment (and used by ant compilation task).
* Minor corrections on Manifest and build, clean unused jar entries
* Update header license
* License file not included in the build
* Update build to zip the product and add the README
1.0.6 Beta
* 3308404 : Stand alone execution available
* The Applet version can be deployed by copying the content of the folder into t
he target Internet location. The JNLP and html files need to be updated with the
given location.
* The Stand alone version can be launch by double-click on the org.leo.tracerout
* If the default memory is insufficient for the stand alone version, launching t
he jar in command line
java -Xmx512m -jar org.leo.traceroute.jar
* Update of the Install of the application in both execution cases
* Update of the build.xml
1.0.5 Beta
* First released on Sourceforge
* 3306739 : Correction of a UnsatisfiedLinkError while loading the Jpcap dll
1.0.4 Beta
* Bug in the trace route algo, the last point is not added to the route
* Add the license dialog
* Several minor evolutions and bug corrections
1.0.3 Beta
* Implements the GlassPane class to display messages
* Update the list of layers of WW
* Several minor evolutions and bug corrections
1.0.2 Beta
* Update of the renderer of the Table
* Use of Nimbus Look & Feel
1.0.1 Beta
* First point of the route is the public IP of the client, not the local Lan IP
* Trouble of selection in the Table component
* Add a progress bar to show the trace route is running
1.0.0 Beta

* First build
* Integration of WWJ and Jpcap OK

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