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The Labor
neve threatened a t e m h e r s c l 1
latum w h o Toted for t h e nulitm
with spsckd Tengeance.
grows o u t of t h e etrikes of a year a g o , e n d
tbo significance of t h e Sanaa will b e
l e d b y law-abiding citizen*.

oot Us raoilum. what hi earn return to

rhennels of oommerco want 8
The President
d requested t o tell whet h e
them(1) by paying the avpeopt^afaona; (1) by
to tee fend for tee svrotiee of a
oaliing in the rem under of the three per cents; knows i n the premises, but b e would b e worth late Vies Prsetdeat ttsacxtcee

( t ) b y | 6 8 8 8 8 8 b o n d s . " W e have turoady

s h o w n thet t h e diaburaemenU of the Treasury
n A D as PARK
u p o n t h e besis of t h e appropriations will be
tO.8BO.000 a month leas then t h e reUN OAT, MARCH IA, Its*.
ceipts. T h e r e ere o n l y 8 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 8 8 of t h e t h r e e
per c e n t s uncalled, e n d these will b e paid by
u l y 1st, leaving t h e purchase of four e n d s
O P E N TO A L L !
half per c e n t s in t h e open market at whatever
T h e total circulation of T n W O R L D Lsst
p r e m i u m t h e holders might ask as t h e o n l y reTHE NEW YORlTwOrYLD
week was t h e ktrgest ever aebieved i n t h e course.
W W proprietor and advertiser t o
T h e inevitable accumulation m a y n o t proamine its books and prett-room t o satisfy hi-tory of t h e paper. It reached the majeetio
M i about its circulation.
figure of 1 , 5 4 4 , 1 6 0 copies. T h e death o f d u c e ' ' a p a n i c . " B u t if it should, b y making
m o n e y scarce a n d h i g h , put a check u p o n the
H sniarantsosMr. B Z I C H X I c o n t r i b u t e d t o well the v o l u m e ,
l o w l y recovering business prosperity of the
r m S T - T h a t the average circulation of THE
country, hamper industry and enterprise it
o u l d produce public consequences of seriof any other morning pspor In America. the steady e n d natural increase i s carrying
s nature t o those responsible for them.
SECONO-That the highest circulation of T n W O R L D forward w i t h a velocity that m u s t
A n d t h e responsibility must rest u p o n the
any other morning ceoer i at least
fairly bewilder t h e a l o w coeehes.
that failed t o prevent t h e s u r p l u s
6 0 0 , 0 0 0 copies per week less than that
One striking period in T a x WORLD'S history

THIRD-Thatthe rh/ular circulation of THE

was t h e w e e k o f t h e Presidential election o f

SUNDAY WORLD is more than 1 0 0 . -

COO copies larger than that of t h e nest

hbrhoet and from two to five times a s
large as that of other Sunday pa pars.
DAILY, on* year. OB-OOi Dan.*. eia M t t i
SB month*. S3.7A; D U L T Aim SCITOAT.

w t k . *r. SBBBAV. a t year. 8 t . * O t T o

w u i u Wonts, w m r . S.UOi T n WBEBXV

n i . o o . nwwi eMSsssdesiallow**

t*> OISI AJMDRS. 8aapl* copies tea* bras. Aadrast

l U WOULD. It MAS m Part Bo*.
B M A N t ' 0 OFFICERi
Kerepiten of AdvBrtlootaOBSS *
Beawter A I T W W M


~ Broadway 340 Bowery reornar

I); ST Clinton iMSSl (sear Rmngton

t>; sa AVMIM A lawfaet seesej; is*o mt less

A * M . am am m , yea, M L low. una.
ISM, IMS, 1S1 and 2110 Third i n a u . 153 Fourth
Avaaae; IS Booth Fifth A eeaae; 152,1*36.877 And 1043
; 4* Seventh A I M M | Bstwath Aeeana,
134th mad lJ&th StfWSSSi S t (MM 14th
I). S 0 4 ( e e . r R*h Street). TSS MAS SMS Rtahth
Avenaa; 171 t o d W Riatb Arena*; MM Tents

Mb Wax 136th Street

Asbwry Parti. N. J . - M . Naftai A
City-663 Stewart Aveou*. Rrooklya and llTSFaJton attest; 133 Ninth Street
Brooklyn); 710 Broadway (

" T h e World**
t h e m o n t h o f F e b r u a r y ha t h e I n s t f i v e
ias follows:

* *


a *


5,956,460 212,730

An extra tea an of Congress would
bly lap over into the fishing sesson. and the
President 8 fixed in bis determination n o t to
call one.
T h e B e p u b l i c a n 6 8 8 8 8 8 1 o f t h e H e w York







placed o n the Commission. T h e railroad m e n

are plentifully represented i n Congress. T h e
President of t h e Central Pacific in fact, i e a
member of the Senate. T h e opportunities for
defense are full a n d ample. If everything is
all right, what can an e n e m y d o t o injure t h e
companies ? T h e endeavor t o keep enemies
off the Commission is based o n t h e same principle that JAXX


p l e e for a change


venue was. T h e investigation was ordered i n

behalf of the people, n o t of the companies,
and the people's beet friends should conduct
it. T h e corporations have been conducting
things t o suit t h e m s e l v e s quite long enough.

Amid all that atrain and excitement t h e


T h e racing yachts Coronet and Dauntless
started o n their trial of speed serosa f n e Atlantio yesterday afternoon, the long course
before them stretching from New York Harbor
t o R o c h e ' s Point, at t h e entrance of Cork Harbor, o n the Irish coast.


steeplechases, ball playing,

cricket, the
' ' m a n l y a r t , " wrestling, s w i m m i n g a n d all
the advertising growth of the Sunday edition athletic sports s r e their delight. A n d it i s
is fully aa remarkable. Here we have it in undoubtedly true that an ocean yacht race has
more attractions for them than an inside race;
tabular form for Ave corresponding dates:
that steeplechase Is all t h e mora popular i n
FOOT year* * g o . . . . . . . . . . . . w t
proportion a s the leaps sre hazardous, and
Thraa year* a * * . .
that a fight in t h e ring with hard g l o v e s is
Two year* ago....
more t o the teste of many than a boxing bout
with soft gloves. Are n o t the persistence and
energy which make a nation physically strong
reflected i n the love of such sports, e v e n
T h e application of t h e Labor lenders tn t h i s though s o m e of t h e m may have a t o u c h of
city t o have a representative of their party savagery in them f
T h e ocean race will doubtless b e a g o o d and
upon t h e boards of election
probably a close o n e . O n the start t h e Coroact to
n e t took t h e lead and kept it, b o t h boats
they represent the 88,000 voters w h o supported showing about equal speed. T h e Dauntless
. b u t k e p t her
kept h e r lower
the earns and out nine and a half feet from
dgfinitely k n o w n .
But if the movement i s t o
ler toianaat. Sailors believe that t h e Corotake a
itage in this, inasmuch
the feet i s o n e of
more likely t o carry
and t h e eafrying away of
the plans for next fail and for 1883 a s
and jib-boom a s s f
nothing had happened. T o t n o t h i n g d i d
o m h k e l y t o d e l a y s boat on t h e
happen t o t h e Republican patty w h e n first
It is the opinion of yachtsmen that t h e
10.000 a n d t h e n 90.000 and then 88,000 citizens
will take substantially the s a m e route,
of this State voted t h e Prohibition ticket. A n d
t the talk of a northern r o o t s for the
all romance.

Another little shock of

I at Monte Carlo, a n d gay
of t h e serious
jar. H o w is
> of I n b y a-tight
to visit a n d view
t h e time for timid Earopei
t h e wonders of t h e United

Speaking of the circulation of T n


t o Ireland first,
what effect w o u l d the performance have on

thing else is apt to happen 8

should extend throughout th
Doss the application for election
from the Labor partr indicate that the
is to be made

There is n o
hat or b o n n e t at the theatre is advancing.
The first b l a s e of the reform did n o t wholly
die out. I t diminished, b u t settled d o w n into
what, 8 8 t o b e hoped, will be a permanent
growth until t h e object 8

at t h e B E R N H A R D T performances i n
T h e revelations made yaatsrdny to t h e Comtwo-thirds of the w o m e n tn the
6 8 stated,, had their heads saw
s i l l be read with interact by taxH e r e i n this city the ktying aside o f
that the " b o y s " over
attracts particular attention n o
very closely t o the milking of
longer a n d meets solid approval.


It is to be booed that he will

distinguish himself in this age cf
to kerra lorn bto eunhia shrewd errant of a man who
in Connecticut when the crime with which
he was charged was eonunitted ta Maw York
he has subsided. Young 6 a m 8 out of the
hospital and the shooting mystery 8 etiU worItis
" s
or two of woman on suspicion in

RE>ENTOENTS that are carried toto the noose of

death, and beyond the grave itself, sre sbnorrent
to everr generous astura Let men differ, and
even contend. If the* matt, daring life, bet woen
destb oomes there snoald be a lasting trees to enmities. The few discordant notes amid the genersl
sorrow st Mr. BBRCREE'S death nave occasioned
pity or contempt tor tnose who ottered them, socordlag to the measure ef ebsrity possessed by the
lndividas's who reed or heard tnem. To the few
Jaundiced sools that vented their spleen st the
great nreacner after bat death these words from
I a vi NO'S ' Kketcb Booh " are commended i
Oh, the gravel the gravel It borlss every error,
covers every defect, extiB^atsaes every reeotn>nt. WHO can loot SWOB tne of sa enemy
snd not feel a companctioat throo that St- should
ever have warr-d with the poor handful of earth
that lies moaioerlag before bun T
Post-mortem animosities are among the most
abnormal and discreditable manifesuuooa of
human nature.

date for Mayor in this city last falL


, having written a work on the

He a a mild Bepubliean in


The Supreme Court of the United States h a s

of late years rendered a number of decisions
against the application of State laws t o intercirculation for t h e w e e k reached a total of
state commerce. It thus declared that Con1 , 1 0 0 , 7 9 0 c o p i e s ; election week, 1888,
gress alone bad control over railroad traffic
showed a total of 1 , 1 8 6 . 8 6 7 copies; election
that crossed a State line, and as there were n o
national laws whatever o n the subject until a
week last N o v e m b e r , with t h e anxiety over
T h e owner of each boat wagers 110.000 o n the few weeks ago t h e argument in favor of t h e
the G x o x o E - H x w m contest, ran t h e total u p
issue. At the e n d of the contest the w i n n e r will act which goes i n t o operation April 5th W M irret o 1 , 5 8 7 , 8 8 0 c o p i e s . B u t t h e Last was t h e
be (10,000 richer a n d the loser a like amount sistible. Last week it delivered an opinion
banner w e e k , a s s h o w n b y t h e a c c o m p a n y i n g poorer. That is t h e substantial o u t c o m e of which invalidatee all State and municipal taxes
the match. Yet it is not all that is involved. on commercial travellers engaged in selling
T h e journey across the ocean has its perils, goods t o come from outside the State. T h i s
...... toe.eio
and H i s s u c h a contest s e the English-sneak- will affect the situation i n eighteen States,
i n g people s r e more likely to engage in than three Territoriea a n d t h e District of Columbia,
Both t h e victor and put an e n d t o a question which has caused
SBMVJB m e n of other nationalities.
Wednesday..... 8 0 0 , 6 1 0
a n d t h e vanquished will gain honor i n t h e ad- considerable controversy a n d s o m e trouble.
Thursday....... 1 9 1 , 4 1 0 T o t a l . . . . . . . . 1 , 4 4 *. 1 6 0 venturous spirit which prompted t h e chalOne fact to be noted here is the growth of lenge a n d its acceptance, and this t o a true
Ex-Senator D O R S E T has b e e n giving a m a g the WxxsxT WORLD, which, like the Daily, and gallant yachtsman is of mora value than nificent dinner t o Americana in London. T o
this extent he hi a benefactor, and it is c o m seems to find its most marked development in m o n e y .
forting to k n o w that h e is able t o play the host
F o r t h e English-speaking people n o t only
the lesson of greatest independence in tone
upon a broad a n d liberal scale. We seem t o
admire all sorts of manly sports, b u t like
and most observable lack of political excite- t h e m ell the better for a spice of danger that have once heard of a DORSET dinner o n this
may b e in them.
Yachting, horse racing, aide of the water.

ISO Rant ISftth


still move t o ask 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

It ie not t h e
province of the C o m m i s s i o n t o sit in a n a l
judgment o n t h e corporations, but simply t o
get at t h e facta a n d report them t o Congress.
There is n o d a n g e r that justice will suffer if

The discomfort caused b y t h e w o m e n w h o

cling t o their bonnets 8 t o o real a n d patent t o
suffer the subject to rest. A certain uncomfortable feeling n o w pervades the better-hearted women with their bonnets o n in theatres
when they realise t h e mtusmon, T h e craning
of necks, peering over shoulders and shifting
from aide to aide of t h e obstruction, like
( MSAB'S w o u n d s , are " p o o r , d u m b m o u t h s "
whose eloquence will b e continuous s o l o n g aa
the provocation exists. There 8 reason for
an abiding faith i n t h e deeired outcome, a n d
that i s the fundamental I s n a v o l s n s s o f t h e
American woman. That Will prevail in removing t h e b o n n e t sooner or later, or else h i
abolishing t h e excess i n height o r
ness which mahna the trouble.

It is reported that a "

the President to oom* u* New kaaiand earing the
summer sad bttag " Mrs. ML" WHS aim.
Butberford B. Hayes dees sot create a great ssnssttoo whsa he travel*, lie registered at a hotel fa
New Haven, c o n n . , lest wees, sad it
beers before say one noticed that s a exwas la the house.
Mrs. cievetsad ta wearing mourning for her
grandmother, Mr*. Harmon. Mbs doe* not wear
crape, bet bltcb s a d watte snd soft shade* of gray
and lilac -a style of dross moat becoming to her
delicate leal urea and pure, pale oomnlextoa.
A buadred years ago Abiel Pease started tbe great
clock-making industry of Connecticut. Be was a
nsttve of BudslO, sod there made e l t l s Jack-knife
his arst dock. Prom this rude beginning has grown
up aa industry a htcti supplies a greet portion ot the
world wuii time-ptecea.
These sesm to bo the days of aoberaetoriai right.
White Lounbury, Governor of Connecticut, by the grace of aa old bias law, ta denouncing winch and dancing. Gov. Beaver, of
Pennsylvania, Is devoting a Dorttoa of but time at
Uarrisourg to teaching s else* to Sunday-souooi.
Ktcbard P. Trevuitck, of Detroit, ta said to have
made more speeches sad delivered more lectures
ta bsbslf of Labor thsn any man living. Ill* eloquence is of tbe rooust style sad bs ha* a wonderful influence on his auditor*.
His strength lies in
hit sincerity, snd be impresses those he oomes la
contact with with his strong fsita to the 8 8 8 8 8 1 of
his cause.
The one-month faster has again appeared In
Europa Tbia time be ass shown himself In Berlin
under the name of Cettt. Just wast be expects to
aecomplian by ale teak is bard to telL Sued s a d
Meristil have retired to private life none tbe better
off for their weeks of abs inence. As a moneymaking scheme tasting to as mech played oat as
lamping from the Brooklyn Bridge.
Mr. Ben lit y, an expert stenographer, haa especial charge of tbe immense mad sdJtceaed the
Presi.snlof tbe United Stales. Every letter addressed to Mr. Cleveland peases tnroogh but nsade.
He sends those in tne bsndwrtung ot Mrs, Cleveland, Mies Cleveland. Mm Potaom, " C o u s i n "
Ben or "Best-man" Bisell direct to tbe President, unopened. All others, ao matter how addressed aa "private," "oonfldenual" or "personal, sre opened and read and indexed.
The new Turkis i Minister to tbe United mates,
Maroquent Bey, Is spoken of la one of tbe newspapers aa " a dlgaiSed snd nsndsome Turk."
No doubt be Is a Turkish tntiject, bat, of counts, ho
ta a Uresk. The genuine Moslem at not found in
diplomatic service to any grs.t extent. Tbe Turk
has no tat.e for that kind ot service, sad, besides,
i* sverss to lesviag boma Be prefers to remain
where he can get ata bearings on Mecca in short


P. Claris i e fSWreoog n i s i a s
fsseoiti, TOTwavAoata.i

and radiant, but it is nearly always urgestive of

The evealug ana ht a traps oaediocoovty the Idea of withered hopes and essaying
powers. We spee* of men wbo have passed the
meridian el life aa
The fees of nope
the sea is poetically supposed to go to rest, stnoe
the beginning oi time the world has gssed with
melancholy feelings upon the Evening sua.
o r WALES M a good fellcw.

Be has

agreed to take chars* of the comng Jabuee yacht

race arooDd tne British Islet snd Mrs, J ARES BROWR

1'OTTBBA dram itc attempt to get around the British

pebile, bat he decline* to lend bts nsms and tate*
ence to the Americas Bxhlbiuoe,
rower the I'r.nce might
lender of ba name to the
ebenah him so o i s c i ,
esrrtes a e

BaifJoaroaT, Conn.,
March IS Preaident
George U. Weiroo*, of tne consolidated Railroad,
resigned at tne director.' meeting to-Uay on account oi ill-he lUb. Charles P. Clark was e ect. d
1're.i tent. Tsis denars Clark aa aa Interstate
Commissioner. Tbe eiec IOU of Clark tends to
snow thst the direcors nsve awakened to tne fact
that tn old policy mat ha* been followed i* sulci ui
and that in these Line* a man la needed witn oroad
views .mi one who is s thorough railroad man.
liKiuotvposT, Marcn 12. -Fifty Bremen of tne
Couaod iaUo Koail arrived tn t i e oity lata evening,
and i r JIe ..e-i to tne residence of I'reeident Win
IL hleveotou, Of the V- Yd(Z, !''.laud au I
Montreal Kai roa i. form -r y suoeriotendut of tbe
New York Dtviaioo A me Consolidated road,
and pr- -ented htm wltn a uan-isome gold Kike'
baoge, with dismondt In tbe ayes and uorns of tne
elk. Tui* to the third teatimon si from tbe employees of tbe Ne York road to ex-Superintendent

One of tbe latest autographs of Henry Ward

Betcber appears on the civti-servlce application of
Mies Hannah Eiteabeth Paoens, of Newark, N. J . ,
received by tne Commiss.onsrs st Washington last
Thursday. Mr. Beecbsr signed lbs application only
| a short time before be was smeken oown. Miss
Pabeas hat written to the Commissioner*, requestlug tbe return ot tne app.leaUoa that she may preserve it as a valuable memento. Her request will
be granted.


r t a * Natl anal
a *aweroes*o Day.
Marco tA
saoat for several day* that the Seventh,
Twenty-second, Twenty-third sad
regiment*. N. O. S. N. Y. .sre coming to
ton on Governors' Day of tse aatteaal drill. May
so, to compete tor tbe colors and medals offered as
rsgtmaatil pnaes. Managing Secretary De Lean
ef the driu, when asked about the matter
by T m WORLD correspondent to-day, eafai " I
know oothtax of the matter. Nothing ef aa om*
eta; nature in this office Warrants any such
menu A number of soldiers from different
hsve been bare to inquire about tee story. I
corresponded formally only with colonels of the
regiment, named, two ot whom nave given very
tli-ht reason to expect their comments. The
story is t s e goou to i * tree."
I >e Memorial Day feature of tbe drill hat BOW
assumed shape. It ta purpjsed that the wnoie
army corps ta c*mp *b*it parade as escort of honor
to tbe Urmd Army sad Veteran corps, through the
dty sad to Arungioa.
The Secretary of War
ysaterday wrote Major L B, urte. Department
Commander, that tne aqueduct onoge would not
he tntabed ta t i n s for iht* parade. In reply,
Major Burks saageste the novel idea of marking
out tne un-- of the Grant memorial bridge by throwlag over a pontoooo eouairauiton to Arlington and
cro*ata the peace army upou it on M in mat Day.
Letter* from Governor* ut Siats* and their Adjotant-U oeraU continue to be received daily at drill
aeaoqsenera. Tne i.test of ibe*e are treat the
ttovernors of Oslo, New Jersey, Del. ware, Minnesota and Georgia GOV. Gordon writes thet " t a
my opinion an eacampmeat of this kind will be
productive of much good, military and politically,
bringing together, s s It e i u , sit secUona of our
It to un terttood that Gov. Hill, of New Tort, bat
stantued hi* int. ntlon of being pisseai o a Governor'* Day to review Bus New York
Prestdeut Cleveland will i
a u d i t l*
to ne arranged to save the
occupy adjoining seats to the review

8 nothing more clearly to b e deduced
railroads in t h e United
act there 8 a permanent
ad theyitvo
t h e trunk lines, without exception, are comsad old wine increase tn value ss age
posed of mall corporations. And a further gsihen about tnem. There is s fancy now tor old
ataeh for old Almanac* t
farmtora But wae <
process towards union 8 illustrated b y the poolwhich hasac.ieved
i n g arrangements of the great companies. la not.
a M
It contain* asw
T h e s e latter agreements will become illegal, it pee modern
8 true, when t h e Interstate Commerce act welt st solid 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 Centoiy latumcs. That
M ens reason, per asps, why it la to popular.
c o m e s into effect, but the pressure t o units
will still exist s n d be manifested i n other
Oscs M A I N la the course ef ham
stiver-tooveed CeeaTesamaa retires for a nine to
T h e proposed sale of the Baltimore a n d the dtgajaed seclusion ef private Ufa, while the
brawny gladiator ef the diamond tetd attracts the
Ohio read t o parties controlling various other
gaaeefau Queervtra And. a general thing,
w e f'lab Is - t l I Vt all lag.
railroads, if consummated, promises t o result the tatter males pubutaty Py
I*>sa rh* awBSBBBl AaaOsv.I
in the 8 8 8 8 8 1 combination that has as yet farmer.
editor of the New fork sun,
e v e n been suggested. There 8 n o reason why
tome doubts as to the trathfaiBsm ef the
Tea m u RARRIAM of the divine Nnsaow took cistm* of otrcBisttoB made by Tan Woatn, the edthe process cannot be continued, if the laws
place m Petto yeettrday. It was in* religious cere- itor of tbe latter offers to deposit say bank, subremain as they are, until alt
mony. Tners to geatTSl belief that the charm- ject to Mr. Dans* order, Ibe s e n of 810.003, to be
the country are collected under one
ing dtvs to ready a s w to "fsreweii" the be- given by bim to the New York Press club, upon
It can be seen st once that should loved Amenesas from Sandy Book se tbe Oetdea condition thst bs wUl personally (aspect the etrcaShe wui he win, as, ao doa t, asxt 6 8 8 8 8 let loo books aad papers of T e a WOBLO. aad eertiiy
such a combination be effected 8 would be
ander oath for publics'ion tbe facta s s be end*
absolutely necessary to divest it of the power
MMTR OP A BS^wSRW IB WsshtagtOB, Who them to be. Taw ta certainly a very itbersi offer,
of doing harm.
mistook aconite for wbtakey. Is oas ef MM most and Mr. Dana's noe-aootpUBos wui smoeat to a
Aa competition disappears the Government startling arguments against problbtuoa yet brought confsselOB thst So believes ths ctoims of Tax
to the attention of the public.
WOULD to be Jutttfled, Whether h e m beilevea or
must take 8a place to protect the people from
ot, it would he pity that tbe Prom Ctab should
the evils of monopoly. This 8 an in.lnpntItnudN M.
lose so bsBBaomi an endowment by reason ef bto
tore of W. IBVIMO RtsBor at l<OCET*OEB 8 U >
able proposition, and the
refusal to sec. pi Tna WOBLPU offer,

tion men look 8 to the face the

Upon the people also will
neceeetty of
out of

the Pram ciao will never get tbe money.

T h e development of combination will bring

o n t h e crisis between the railroad m e n e n d the
people, and a hen the monopoly 8 established
the people will control 8

with dynamito.
of removiag aa offensive

is ana smptoytBg taeat etvss as oeot they

key saos*. to rather regret thaw eaiereed

who we ars.

We ere yeung maievae sii eaiy

But who are these snetnma t Prom

point of view they roostet of aU the honest people of the country who have kept pace
with the Intelligence of the day. The men
who have a sufficient knowledge of the facts,
with the sgMxmipenying caepoertton. to ask ths
to bring out tbe
could not be good tsUlmna uiheinUa. Are
to be

BiBc* ths gayetios vasMh afar.

And the season ef fashion ta ssj
in laagaov of

ft may bs of some I m i a j s a r i to 1 8 * 8 8 8 8 8 to
know that Oev. Hurs rrMds hsve ee.sed their
roondsbont way ef referring to bto candidacy aad
aew dsetsre ep*n>y that ae to ia tbe
Intends to tske the New York delegets*
thaakful for all others thst are

Wseaagbi ibe

crveai SM m-> (Os.1 rs'g*wp*.)

Hill. Of Ken York, erred wnea

Yet we make op fe

And tbe far-away
to Meal wttatwC
l a the mean time we rare aot to



To boBaw It bet lev swhue



Boast from T a m p a Cstvoa Notice

l . i v e I o w n a t OwceOne Arrest,
KkT WEST, P l a . March liTbe band ef
laws that lauded here from Tampa last night <
Mated of eleven persona Eight left town oa receiving notice to do so from the Citiasae' Com*
inlttea Uf the remaining three, Em.Uo Garcia
aurreodered to tbe Sheriff, Pedro OJaa wm
arrested at the instance of tbe SUM Attorney
and Bamon Kubiera asked ths committee to make
a fuller examination into bis case. Tae committee
granted nig request, but Anally told Kubiera that
be must go, wmon ae immediately agreed to do If
the committee wouid give their reasoas for Insistlog on nls departure in writing. That wee done.
Tbe notice given by the committee was aa follows:


svoctAX TO Tsm woatn.

HAUTAX, N. S., March 12.Tne Nova Scotia
Legtalaturs yesterday waa afforded a seusatton by
Mr. Met olL member lor Plctoa, a targe ooal mining region, wno dsdsred that bs wss not only e
square secessionist from Csnada, bet also an ardent
annexationist to lb* United States.
This to
first Urns
'hat any man oa tbe
floor of Parliament has pronounced btmself
sqosrely in favor of annexattoa
Mr. McCoil
made this extraordinary speech within twenty-tour
hours after taking tne oatb ot allegiance on being
sworn in at a member of the Le.dalature.
It w s s
thought to be tne duty of the Spesker to immediately
tbe member to order and
W . are bare, as the representatives of t h e a e e e |
bnt of t . community, t o eay tnat w* tataad t o baas
ueaco asd o, preTsi. 10 'ur ondat, sad t o s t * * I
tti* speaker, M. J. Power, member for
sad saHti'ir* asset has '
Insa t .tsoito
a s * he la*tsUd..uraar.
without fnrth-r n o t l c
V you tr* .
teglee ed to do s a
Tbe sentiment was nettner snd
law-ai and wish to remain in our nud.i s a d pan
repudiated nor deprecated by any member of a legitimate a v o c t . o n or buainees, "a will sea OAt yoa
the Government. It to a significant fact that sev- are pr tec ad snd in no way disturbed. Hat it y e s reersl .vowed annexationist* bsvs recently been main you most ooutorm to oar laws and caatnwa*. W*
eleced to Perltameut from trie chief centres of in- know toe ag.tAtor* and disturber*, s a t l taey t
teligence In the province*, among tnem, Jonn Ellis, after tui* noil.e toey most take the eonsaqaaaea*.
The committee, which consulted oi fl.'teen
editor of the W v , from St. John city, snd A. G.
Jones. ex-Min >t<-r of War. for Halifax oity. At- son*, was appointed a t a meeting of cliixen* last
torney-Genera] Longley, although ae baa never Tee* lay for tbe , arpoae of devtoiag some uiesnt ef
openly state i his position in Parliament, to a well* ridding the community of this band of i
and was given mil power to adopt such
known annexationist.
Tne " trooiy lot! " Br;ttahers ef ths province ate as it ssw St. Tne committee visited
very indignant at Mr. MeCetPa frentases,and more quarters oi the disturbing taction sad informed
so st tbe speaker*! atleat approbation, s a d they tnem ibst they were known to be outlaw* and
and ordered t hem to leave
are talking ef taking step* to hsve tne letter tmof the band are now in Jail I
' mier fielding re.used lo Inform P . r : tne tutars poi cy of tbe Government
l.abnr Party
8 a Locm, March IX The United
held s convention i*r night at tbe A polio
remaining la session until after S o'clock thi* morning, sad noflunated a city ticket to he voted for at
the coming spring election.
A nlattorm was
adopted, tne chief features of which are opposition
to tne giving away of city con tracts, tbe reckless
spending ef the dry's money,
high taxation anu overpdd dty officers, an I the grant.og
Of smet-car or elevawd road rraochiaea,
the dty to owu such improvement* itseif;
demanding that each streewoar shall have one condu tor sod a d r i e r ; the control ef streets to be
taken from hey syndicate of capita)itu; tbe prevention of the amalgamation of curp rat oas or
merest* to the detriment of tbe interest* of the
people; tbo adoption of tbe etghwnoar law; the
anoiitton of tae teaenient-house system; tbe reguIsilon by the city of prior, ol
and electric light laciUtie*;
ricn and poor, and the aon-taXteg
menu OB land; the g<v>ng ot tr.ek faditties to all
railroads, snd ths refunding of tae city's debt a t

A B e e c a e r Moaaateat
To sw BWBWS of re* we,w .-

The erectloa of a monument oa Brooklyn 1

to the memory of the tott Bev. Henry
Beecaer wui be a fitting nniemtiraaas of s
tag sad honored people to tats brave an J
champion of the right, nta sympsthy
Queuce in favor ot ail great
puuiie or private, bis untiring deyot.oo to free the
wve from t>oadage, his stpontal ef t e easts 8
liberty ev rw ,crc, and whether IB religious.
charttartle, lecture or literary work, he gave seek
eveence* oi true and inborn intellect sad deroUou
to the .rest principles ot his life that tee wart*
people will revere his memory.
Witoout asst m
creed let s i denom nations and people null* is
boil tag a monument oa Montague Arch (or st
Orange street and Colombia Heights) that wui
truly represent tat* great man sad eloquent i
and have con.r.notions trom ail daessr of
of amount.
J, L,
New York, Msrca U .



Msrci tA The fatcretsry ef t t s t e

hat received trom the counsel of the United States
etTegactgalBS a copy of the message ef Pre*.dent
Bograa to the Congress Of Honduras last January.
Th* President bemoans tbe unhappy condition of
the country s a d laments that he bas not oeee aMe
to *ccom|Ha*h at much as ns had deaireu, bat ue
looks u>r ths dawn of brignier data The country to aow, he says, IB the enjoy meat of peso*, and
km aa army powerful enough to tasara safety.
Bs nope* t or a settlement ef tbe foreign debt
snd th* boll itng ot the interooeeale railway, and
tutes that tne prime obj ct of sal edmlutoirstion
has been to break the old routine aad enter botdly
Into th* broad field of political ecooomt, iBjoaing
the country to tbe great benefit* of modern
and hence nta earnest desire for tnrtfty
rants, aad bis large aad liberal
capital to settle ta i
I'B by a K e s e i i s * I
i-tsi. TO ran wnaiA.1
NowroLE, V*., March 11The three-masted
schooner Ciara E. ^oloord, Capt E. & Colcord,
from Cardenas to Pbiladeiphl* with a cargo of molasses, arrived here tats morning tn tow ef the
revenue setter Hranton. capt. Colcord reports
tnat st S o'eiock yesterday morning, la a
squall off Ken w lea's Island, h- I oat both
the mam sad moaea matt*, wnteb cime
down oa the nouse, cruthtng it aad doing other
ie tbe wneel ana deck. I he
went over
lied to eat it
loose Bit* stl tae
attach*!. At
t h ) this morning a.

A special to Tux


the appointment ef J*
master at Freehold indicates test
by Fresi ism Cleveland la i
Biodgstt factionv a n d e "victory
tloe. ' If tuis wa* Preaident i
whtc 11 i-eg leave to ooubt, tn the i
t u t a s of the United state* Rood* ths
very ill-advised. Neither tbe Demooratie .
trat'pio at WaaatBgioe nor the
the state of New Jersey will no L .
seBstor Ruins Btodgett " l a oeveo;ry." h w t a
time enough for the Dsamerstle sertf toi
faces st Mr. Biodgstt waea Ma
Wasalngt n warrant rsbuks.
N. J . , Marat IL
son the
fh*t* Rw*e*rras WavM;

I bsve always been a reader of

Journal, aad have been interested IB ths
the negro race aa yea have published
unit to time Your msoly aad
Mtos Brewer, the ostracised colored
tbe West, hat endesred Taa Woatn to ate,
lors y >u cannot Imaglae hoe tattrastsd 1 t
tbe three tssBoa of Taa Woflto inalBisSag the w>
uciessboat iheooioradsetenaadamreSBmaad tot
color*) eduor*. You have ia sed proved s i
rnea i to the negroes man t i e BspabiV
that claim to i e tuetr friesda.
J. 8
seveaiy-Snt street, March IL



iroantt* tae am .ant, wnic. wa. m .r

mem<wu.aBditianetrev*dtbet lata lent

pit at yesterday. Her

limbs stiffened. The
her suffering from hysteria, sad after a t
he tuccee.te.i in ;coloring her m i
lag ttlai lor feioay sad aamtM 8)

I odisg t bomn ia the Orasd Ossra-H

in performance. Sns naa earlier "

a visit to ner father la
was overcome by
e It ef hysterica
Rita. Palter'. As*



Aaaoaatlea t o tbe U >tted it ilea

lied IB I urllaatent

Ifoast * f v r o t a i g f t i s s . l

Aad uurae our

In t not of

B Wtwy 6a*Vfna6V 8 8



Bewteaedfaeeeathef Mr. Leee.


Centra* Pern**
Aad yet Mr.

tow Aa
a t tbo r a a e r a l T * - U .

Itrwn ai TO rem waoxe

CRiCAtto, March liOscar Nsebe.thsi
Anarchist, looked epoa tbe used bouy of bto wife tor
tbe lsst i me tula afternoon. Hs wui not be oerwttt**
to ueud tne faaeral to-morrow for fear thai bta
presence would ladte the lawless element to riot
and Moodatieii. Up to I o'clock tin* afteraom
(sheriff Matsoo saw a o 8 8 8 8 nay Nsobs sbooil
not attend the funeral, under guard, but at that
bour tbe Sheriff had startling cause to cuange ata
opinion. A d. tail of etty detedives reported to toe
City council omctsto that at toast tea the
people would attend the faaeral, and
this number would include the most violent of the
Anarch at and h . ulisi elements. The detectives
said i bat there was every ladiottioa of a onssscu*
scheme among tne Anarchist loaders to or* a*
trouble, ait iu tg<i I. iut. Nesbo, brother of tae cosdetuned man; l'aui Grottkao, Au.on Seamldi,
George toiiiiimg and other Aaaro ISM isaatrt
denied that such was the case. They admitted,
however, that any opportunity tor riot would bs
taken advantage uf ny tne lawless e.eineui likely
to t>e pieseut. Lout* Neette say* that secret agents
of tne An r. in.', bate been employed to attend lbs aud clock sny outbreak.
CapL Bchaaok will have 100 picked men under
LI* command at tne funeral. icu man wul be
ariit'd with twowE-shooier revolvers and a deterniin.itiou not 10 lorivi tbe eight policemen nmrdered ny Anarchist i.ouios at the May Uaymarttt
riot*. Tne Central police detail will be on duty,
and all tne uff pietoone win no held in reserve.
Whether there wilt be trouble to-morrow caaaa
lie foretold to-ulgbt, but all the sigut point la t i n
A* early aa 7 o'clock to-night tkt
Anarchist saloon* on the north side wer- Oiled with
ex. ted meu who were drinking deeply as a
matter o. preparation for attending tbe funariL
Capt. scti.iack's de ectives are alt im.y la tse Aa.
ur. 'list diatricts, and tbey bope to have the programme well tu nan i. i'be feeling of coming danger t. to *t rung that many north aide families will
tsave tneir homes to-morrow morning and asset
tne d y wun tread* on t i e west an J south tides.
To Till WOBLO correspondent a court otBctsl
aai'i to-mglit: If we can get l.MW people into
Mueller** uall a id get them oat aaisty
tbe main danger wi.i have been passed. Ths
thousa da of peouis certain to crowd tbettreettta
the vicinity of th* baU can be more ea*ily ooatroiied, but L will tell you this: The AuarciuMs
nave prom sou to draie tuelr red flags. This proav
ise III u t be kept * icredly.
Tbe moment that a ret
flag la permuted to fly we know what that mesas,
uur m a know also and have clear inatrucuoet at
to bow to proceed.

Marsh l a - J o h n 8
Lace, ef
e brother of Boar Admiral, Lace, died la
e e aot seem to be IB so mech ef a
about getting away, after ail. You meet this dty to-dsy of general debility snd eSbaaseverywnerela tbe depart meats, at the uoa, tspposed to have r> tolled from his long
a a v a t a y of tbe ceisbrai* < cboetaw
hotels sad at tae capttok Rome ef them bsvs such I draggle
heavily int. rests i IB this
a fondness for their seats in tbe Hoot* and Renete .
mod sll of nn prlvsts
that tbey often go up to the Capitol sad t around fori o n . ia its BvoesdWIea, om months ago tne
Supreme court
their old bsanu tners, writing leners, seadlag off

this is thst


1 8 a Individuale w h o are implicated in t o e

r a c i n c Hailroad iniquities. 8 8 stated, are
they can t o influence
it ment of the
They protest against the selection of the so-called enemies of t h e m m -


lad* wast

eoatttae to tool
might as wen disarm at oaea

government will


President ot ta* New York, New Haven and Hertford Railroad, rsetgasd train the presidency ot the
road at the mathly mceung of me directors today. Tbe ream nation we* accepted and castles
P. citrk, s director of the road, wet unanimously
sleeted President. The new President was for
two or three years President pf the New
York ead New England read. The asw
Board of Directors of tbe New England, at
their recent anneal uieeil- g. failed to re-elect Mr.
Clark. Tne resignation of Mr. Watrous canted
coatldorauie surprise In this d t y snd in railroad
circles generally. To a reporter ue explained tonight that tae principal an i *ole reason for bis
action was tnat be bad become abaoiutelr tire I out
and ueeded real. He bad for several tuontba conleinpiated resigning, s a t hsJ co uuiuutcated nta
luieut.on* to a few immat..- friee it, as well as
to several of tne Cooaoddsted r-isd directors.
Tuer.- was no big railroad deal back of
tne movement be was poattivelf sure, especially
a* far as he to concerns >. Mr. '. >isoo was si
potuie-i President of the road In March, itftw. He
toon* of tae leading lawter* in Couueoiicut and
appeared for Bev. U. H. liaydeu In tbe famous
Mary Stauuard tnur .er trial. Previous to bto appointment s s president of tae rotd be .lad
New Haven counsel
for it
for several yeara.
bas no settled
uiaut lor the future, oat tntnks of going to Europe
with bu family. He still remaint director of ine
road. Tne new President will begin nta duties tomorrow. Mr. 'lark bas bten prominently mentionei as a candidate for the interstate Commerce
Commlat on.

tSPHIAf n -

ta a resplendent sad beautiful

March l l - 6 o o r g s


naBaaanj agaag
Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

I of J r l t i n m o n
I Of J

[B*W> r.* gamy *

(srsctat. TO

8ta8aaw888i P a , Match laAloe

ger, eao Of tbe oldest officials la thto d t y , c


If tnvbody wsBts to hot

ever la ths story mm Mrs.
ttgaed a contract bo


iris is Mrs, Ha-sraaiBg,
trrete.i on complaint of i> may. who e e c s n i
01 k- #p ag s disorderly house aad thet the Aioeriisenarged i s t without a bearing upon the
pawn, ut oi AMU A b.artag WUl be bad next

I c*a Sad him taker* to say i

have tae meant of U *WwMj
Potter hot net stgaed wtta -aybouy, tsat tbe i
agar with whom
the Unite i Maim s i t
bee Sever yet
i wit.i tbo i-ait-rnnee.

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