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Cover mount On the left third of the page there is a cover

mount which offers 10 free terrifying posters. This is done in

order to intrigue the audience and persuade them to buy the
magazine so that they can get their hands on the free posters.
Each poster is of a different band/artist. This expands the
niche market/target audience (male, aged 15- 25, white) of the
magazine as any fan of any of those bands on the poster would
want to get a one, and so would have to buy the magazine to
do so. The number 10 is coloured yellow. The denotation
(simple meaning) of using this colour is because it is vibrant
and will stand out against the rest of the page. Furthermore
the text reading terrifying posters is in a green typography.
The connotation (the deeper meaning) of this is to imply gore
and slime for the Halloween theme. The cover mount appears
within the left third of the page. This therefore makes it a hot
spot for the reader to look at and they will instantly be
attracted to it when they see the cover page of this magazine.
Main cover line The main cover line is a piece of text
advertising the most important article in the magazine. It
reads the Halloween spooktacular! This relates back to the
main image because they have pumpkin pots ready to go trick
or treating. The main cover line uses a pun on the word
spectacular. This play on words gives the magazine a sense
that its user friendly as it makes the user smile and laugh. The
typography of the main cover line looks like it has been
spooked and it is shaking. This relates to the word spook in
the cover line and relates to the Halloween theme.
Furthermore, the use of green is continued and so starts to
make a colour scheme/house style (layout and presentation)
for the magazine.
Cover lines Other cover lines on the magazine front page
give the reader a hint as to who will feature in the magazine
and what those people will be getting up to. This expands the
niche market/target audience because those who like the
artists/bands mentioned would immediately want to read
about what they have been up to.
Footer The footer of a music magazine conventionally
contains names of other bands that will appear within the
magazine. This is done in order to appeal to different niche
markets who like different bands who are named in the footer.
This would help persuade them to buy the magazine as they
may like to read about their favourite artists/singers.
Barcode/date/issue/price a barcode is an essential element
needed on all magazine covers in order to inform the reader
and sell the product. It is generally a small box, and placed in
the bottom corners of the page.

Task 2 analysis of a music magazine of my choice

Skyline / header - The skyline appears at the top of the page within
the top third. This is a common convention used by music
magazines because it fits into the rule of thirds (a grid of the page)
which creates hot spots for the audience to look at. A skyline
conventionally contains more artists names or a cover mount. In
this kerrang magazine, it contains the band paramore and
advertises a 10 year souvenir, secrets, untold tales and puzzles for
the target audience to complete. This would intrigue the target
audience as they would be interested in any secrets their favourite
artists/bands have. The skyline has an orange background. This is
done to connote the colour of a pumpkin because it is the
Halloween special.
Masthead the masthead of a magazine is its name. In this case
the magazine is called kerrang. This immediately gives the audience
an idea as to the sub genre (what kind of music magazine it is) as
you associate the word kerrang with loud noises such as drums
or electric guitars (rock music). Furthermore the typography (font
or style of the text) is distorted and cracked. This could connote
that the rock music shattered it like glass because it was so loud. In
this issue of Kerrang, the colour of the masthead is green. This isnt
the normal colour scheme used for kerrang magazines. For this
issue, the colour green is used in order to help enhance the fact
that it is Halloween. They have used this particular colour to denote
gore and slime which is generally associated with zombies and
Mis en scene (the whole background of the cover page) The main
image is a medium long shot (a shot from the hips to the head) of
two male icons (famous person). One is the lead singer from the
band black veil brides and the other is the lead singer from the
band falling in reverse. In the mis en scene, they both appear to be
eating sweets shaped like worms. They also pots shaped like
pumpkins. This shows that the magazine has a Halloween theme
because it shows that they are trick or treating. The male on the
right hand side of the page has a unique facial expression. He looks
mean and hungry and so plays the act of a zombie. He is looking
directly at the audience as if to scare you by his facial expression.
This is done to enhance the Halloween theme for this issue.
Furthermore the eye contact you get from both the men creates a
sense of direct address. This makes the reader feel involved as if
they are looking or talking directly at the reader.
Puff the puff of this magazine acts as a cover mount. It
conventionally appears on the side of the page (in this case the
right hand side). It offers the audience a chance to win something
in this case slipknot swag. This would appeal to a niche market
(those who are particular fans of slipknot). The background of the
puff is yellow. This vibrant colour entices the audience as it acts as
a hotspot to attract their attention and persuade them to purchase
the magazine.

Date/issue - the date (day/month/year) is included in the top left

hand corner. It is placed beside the main title in order to make
sure the reader notices it. The issue number (the number assigned
to each issue concerning how many issues have been published
before this exact issue) appears next to the cover date at the top
of the page. They are a common feature of a contents page
because it will inform the reader about how recently this issue was
released, and also would give them an idea when the next issue
might be published.
Main image The main image is the biggest and most prominent
image on the page. It shows a man in a close up with what appears
to be blood all over his face. The way he is smiling at the cameral
looks creepy and scary and so helps to continue the
horror/Halloween theme of the magazine. This is enhanced by the
face the image is a close up of his face (only the head of a person is
included in the frame), making the creepiness feel more intense.
The main image takes up a lot of room on the page, which suggests
it is highly important and one of the main articles which the
audience should read.
Article names/titles and numbers- these are essentially the names
of each page assigned to the page number. Theyre essential in
order to provide the audience with key information about
different pages, and on what pages they will appear. They appear
on two thirds of the page, which makes it a hotspot for the reader
to look at because it follows the rule of thirds.
Subtitles / subheadings the page names and numbers are put
into different categories in the subtitles (Such as news, features,
albums, feedback etc). This is done to make it easier for the
audience to find what they are looking for in the magazine. The
subheadings act as a categorised heading in which page numbers
and names associated with that heading will appear. It also helps
make the contents page look more professional and interesting as
everything is put into categories and columns (sections of a page).
They appear above page titles and numbers which are associated
with what it has been named.
Other images linking to articles there are lots of other images on
the contents page. One is of Hayley Williams (the main singer from
paramore). She is shown on the contents page because her article
is one of the most important and one that the niche market/target
audience would be most interested in. The other image is of Robb
from machine head. He is also a very famous singer and has many
fans. He is included on the contents page to attract his fans to
expand the target audience of the magazine. On each image there
is a caption (small text box of writing describing the person in the
image they sometimes contain quotes). These are using in the
corner of images within the magazine in order to provide the
reader with bits of information that may be important or used to
amuse the readers. In most captions it is a common convention to
name those who appear in the image so that it informs the reader
who they are and what relevance they have to the magazine.
Rule of thirds the rule of thirds is a grid of the page which makes
hot spots as it makes the page look more interesting and dynamic.
For example the page names and numbers on contents page are in
three columns therefore following the rule of thirds as it creates
hot spots for the reader to look at.

Analysis of contents page

Main title The main title (or masthead name of the page or
magazine) conventionally reads contents and shows the
reader what will be featured on the page. This particular title is
portrayed in a puff at the top right hand side of the page. This
is done to connote high importance and to ensure it is the first
thing the audience reads. The puff has a black back ground.
This helps make it stand out from the rest of the page and to
separate it from the rest of the text. Additionally the grunge
background links to the masthead of the magazine which also
has that grunge/broken effect. Additionally, the colours black,
white and red are conventionally used on kerrang magazines.
The continuous use of these 3 colours has helped create a
house style for the magazine (a unique style and colour scheme
used on each and every kerrang music magazine to make it
more recognisable to the readers). By using the house style, it
helps create a brand identity for the magazine (a brand identity
is the visible elements of a brand, e.g. colours, design, logos,
fonts and symbols in order to be perceived by its consumers).
This is because the colours red, black and white will become
recognisable to its target audience, therefore people will notice
it and therefore know it is a kerrang magazine. This is enhanced
by the font they use. The font is the style of the writing. They
use is a big, bold font with capital letters. On each issue they
use the same font for the main title of the contents page. This
therefore also helps brand the magazine as the font too will
become recognisable to the audience.
Editors letter - an editors letter is included on the first page of
the contents. This is done to let the editor thank the target
audience (the particular target group for the magazine in this
instance a white male aged 15-25) for purchasing the magazine
and telling them about this issue and why it is special. It also
makes the reader feel special and persuade them to buy the
next issue because it uses direct address to target the audience
and make them feel involved in the making of the magazine.
Additionally the editors image is placed above the text. There
is a boarder (an outline of black around the image) around the
image. This is done in order to separate him from the rest of
the text on the contents page.
Article titles (Halloween spooktacular) the Halloween
spooktacular is portrayed on the contents age within a
pumpkin. This is done to separate the Halloween theme from
the rest of the magazine. The page names and numbers which
all are part of the Halloween spooktacular are placed within
the pumpkin. This is done to give the reader a hint as to who it
will feature and what kind of things they have done.
Credits the Credits are placed on the right third of the page.
This follows the rule of thirds and so creates a hot spot for the
reader to look at. Credits are used in order to thank the people
who helped make the magazine and praise them for their work.
It also helps those mentioned on the credits to become more
recognised by more people and so they could be asked to do
other magazines aswell as kerrang

Analysis of the double page spread

Main image / mis en scene the mis en scene (everything that appears in the image) of the double page spread
is of Andy and Ronnie (members from the black veil brides and falling in reverse) trick or treating in some
woods. They both appear within the right page of the double page spread. They are both looking directly at the
audience, giving a sense of direct address. They are smiling and the man in the bottom left is pulling a cheeky
face as if he is up to mischief. This makes the magazine seem user friendly as they are shown as boys who are
innocent and having fun trick or treating. Both of the celebrities, Andy and Ronnie, are wearing black clothing.
The denotation of this is that they are rock singers and so they prefer a dark, gothic, rock star look. However
the connotation (the deeper meaning) of them wearing black is that you associate black as a main colour
related to Halloween. For example the colour black links to night time, spiders, shadows, and certain fantasy
characters such as the grim reaper. The image takes up all the space on the double page spread. meaning
that it is being used as the background as well as the main image. With both A4 pages, they follow the common
convention of the rule of thirds. This is because they both fit within a third of the page. For example Andy is on
the right hand side and takes up a whole third of the page, and Ronnie is in the middle, however this time only
taking up half of the middle third as he is crouching. This use of rule of thirds makes both celebrities hot spots
on the page because they follow this common convention. They also appear on the front cover on the
magazine, and so this tells us that this is the main article of the magazine. This is because the person or object
featured on the cover page is the mean feature and therefore will have the most pages in the magazine as the
article about them is the most important. The fact that these celebs have been used on the front cover and the
main article will help endorse the audience (celebrity endorsement using a celeb to intrigue and persuade
fans to read/buy the magazine). Therefore the celebrity singers used Andy and Ronnie work in synergy with
Kerrang as they promote/ brand each other as they gain more popularity and recognition from the target
audience to benefit themselves. Additionally the celebrities used give a hint to the genre (a style or category) of
the magazine. This is because they are both singers from rock bands. Therefore it enhances the fact that this is
a rock magazine because they will want to use bands of the same genre to gain a wider audience reach
(reaching out to more people).
Large letter or drop cap A large letter or drop cap is a big letter at the beginning of an article and is a common
convention of music magazines. It is used so that it is clear where the reader needs to start reading from in
order to read and understand the whole article. The colour of the letter is white which makes it stand out from
the dark background.

Sun heading A sub heading is a smaller

Rule of thirds the rule of thirds is a technique
heading which is commonly a few sentences used for the design of the magazine page to
under the main title. It gives the audience an make it more dynamic and unique. In this case,
insight into what the article will be about. the text of the article is split into three columns
This sub heading talks about black veil brides on one page. This follows the rule of thirds
and falling in reverse. They have talked
because each column takes up a whole thirds
about this because the main singers who are of the page, thus making hot spots for the
in those two bands are featured on the
reader to look at (theyre positioned specifically
cover, on the image of the DPS and are
within a grid which follows the rule). As well as
talked about in the article. Therefore in
using the rule of thirds to make text look
enhances the fact that this issue is mainly
interesting or a hot spot, its also used to make
featured about them. The use of a sub
the layout look more profession. This is
heading helps give an overall impression of because the text fills the whole width of a third,
the article. This means what the audience thus making good use of space. It makes it
will think about the article from reading the easier for the audience to read and they can
sub heading. This will help the reader come also navigate around the text without losing
to a better understanding of what the article their place during a sentence. The celebrities
will be based on and what kind of things it used in the mis en scene also follow the rule of
will include. For example the subheading
thirds. This is because Andy is on the right hand
talks about trick or treating, continuing the side and takes up a whole third of the page,
Halloween theme, but also talks about their and Ronnie is in the middle, however this time
tour thus advertising it to the audience
only taking up half of the middle third as he is
and continuing the rock genre
crouching. This use of rule of thirds makes both
celebrities hot spots on the page because they
follow this common convention

Main title the main title (Name or

title of the particular page) reads
American horror story. It is in a large
font and takes up around 1/4 of the
double page spread. It appears at the
top left hand side of the page in order
to suggest high importance.
Furthermore the font has been used as
it links to the same font and same title
of the TV series American horror story.
The word horror denotes (the simple
meaning) what the article will be
about. This is because it shows that it
will be about horror or something
scary, and this is supported by the
magazines Halloween theme. The fact
that it includes the word story
suggests that the article might be
about past experiences on Halloween
night. The colour used is white, which
makes it stand out against the black
background. It is also the largest piece
of wiring on the page, so that it entices
that audience and will stand out to
them when they visit this page.

Caption a caption is a small

piece of text describing an
image for example it typically
includes the names of those
appearing in the image, a
quote, a sarcastic comment or
a basic description on what is
in the picture. In this case, the
caption is at the bottom left of
the (right hand side) page,
underneath Andys pumpkin
bowl full of sweets. The
caption reads er, mum, there
are some kids at the door....
This sarcastic comment is used
in order to create a sense of
user friendliness because it
shows humour. It also makes
the reader think why they
have used this particular
quote, and will then link back
to the image and figure out
that the magazine is actually
taking the mick out of Andy
and Ronnie.

Design the design

is the way that the
double page spread
is laid out or
structured. It is
designed in a very
particular way and
makes use of lots of
space on the page
by using text, a big
title, quotes, an
image that takes up
the whole
foreground and a
sub heading. This
particular design is
continued for the
rest of the article
that continues for 3
more pages.

Quote A quote is a piece of text / speech extracted from an article or text. This quote is extracted from part of
the article. This is a common convention used in articles as it makes it sound exaggerated and serious.
Furthermore it gives the audience an idea as to what the article will be based around by reading the quote. For
example this quote talks about a ghost which supports the main cover line about Halloween. It therefore
denotes (the simple meaning) that the article will be about spirits and is Halloween related because it talks
about ghosts. This shows that there is a theme throughout the magazine so that the target audience (the
particular audience that is targeted to read this magazine, e.g. rock music lovers) will know the free flowing
article will be Halloween based.
Columns A column is a vertical division of a page or text. These columns help create a basic layout of the
page. This is because they follow the rule of thirds (a grid which splits the page into thirds creating hot spots for
the reader to look at). As these columns are split into 3, it makes it more basic to look at, therefore making it
easier for the reader to read. A basic layout using columns is a common convention used in magazines. This is
because they make it look professional and easier to follow the text. The font (style of writing) that is used is
very clear and formal. This means that each letter is individual (not joined to other letters like in other fonts, for
example calligraphy fonts). Furthermore, the font colour is white which helps it stand out against the black or
dark coloured background. The font size (how big the writing is) is around 10/12. This is a good size to have
because it is small enough to fit on the page and make it look good in a basic layout, however is big enough for
the reader to read and understand. Additionally the text in the columns takes up most of the space on the left
hand side page. It makes up good use of space because most space is filled however the text is still wide
enough apart to see that there are columns which separates the text. The text is integrated with the image
because they both link together. This is because Andy and Ronnie in the image are those who are speaking in
the free flowing article. Therefore the text and the image are linked because it shows the article is about them
and Halloween.

Page number the page numbers indicate what number the page is in the magazine. They help
inform the reader what page they are on, and what pages are to follow. Furthermore they are a
common convention used in magazines because it helps the reader refer back to the contents page
to see what page an article was on that they may have wanted to read.

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