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Statutory Declaration

11 / 2 / 2014
In the matter of Amendment to state of Texas vital statistics registration #
I, LARRY SIMON SHELTON not to be known as Noboohu Oonoo - NoopooH (Lawiy
Zodok Shamu-El) C/O of 12730 Brant Rock Dr. Houston , Texas do solemnly declare in
accord with: the 1915 statue of Westminster (, 1778 Article
of Confederation and Perpetual Union - Article XI, 1812 Treaty of Ghent; 1794 Jay
Treaty: 1836 Treaty of Marrakesh (Morocco) all recognized and valid treaties,
Constitution of United States of America, The 1948 charter of the United Nations, the
1975 inter American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and The United
Nations 2nd Decade of the worlds Indigenous People, that upon discovering that the
registration of a live birth of June, 1, 1993, in the sovereign state called Texas Republic
was a contact between my mother and the Government who did not tell her that she was
selling me, a flesh and blood being, to the STATE OF TEXAS CORPORATION as the
cattle property / slave / which is a violation of Human Rights. I here by void the contract
Ab Initio for fraud. Since I am flesh and blood (Pitchnova / Yamassee) in accord with the
United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous People, HJR-194HTTP://WWW.GOVTRACK.US/CONGRESS/BUS/111/sconres26-ext. S. Con. Res 26http://www; U.S.A apology To Native
Americans (see 8113 of H.R. 3326 Department of Defense Appropriation
Act) 3326/text. REGINA V. JAH (case Ref.
number: T20107746). On may 14 2011 at Southwark Crown Court (I English Grounds in
Southwark, London, English) Defendant: John Anthony Hill in the United Kingdom
proved before an English Jury that Elisabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor -Mountbatten
Battenburg , was not the rightful monarch and never was: queen Elizabeth is not the
rightful, monarch, and never was. This was a two point argument. First, that Elizabeth
knew-both then and now -that she was Crowned on a fake coronation stone instead of the
real stone of destiny/coronation stone, which meant not only was she never properly
crowned, But she was as also knowingly and fraudulently conning the public, And that is
why she didn't want her coronation televised. I declare That name LARRY SIMON
SHELTON on the Registration of Live Birth, IS a Corporation, artificial person, natural
person, fictitious entity or vessel OF The United States defined under 18 U.S.C. section 9
And I give notice Internationally, Domestically and Universally via This Declaration That
I deny corporate existence. Under reservation OF My Rights Unalienable and otherwise, I
am: Indigenous/Autochthon OF This Planet. And I make This solemn Declaration
conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is the same force and effect as
made under oath. Jurat United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People ( UN Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Convention on Economic, Social, & Cultural Rights,
United Nations Charter; Articles of 55 &56; Presidential Proclamation 7500, HJR 194, S.
Con. Res 26, S.1200, HJR-3.Affirmed to and subscribed before me This 30th day OF
October 2014.By:Richard James Stewart U.C C. 1-308 All Rights Reserved.
This is a two point agreement.

First point, that Elizabeth knew- both then and now- that she was crowned on a fake
coronation stone instead of the real stone , which meant not only was she never properly
crowned, but she was also knowingly and fraudulently conning the public, and that is
why she didn't want her coronation televised. I declare that LARRY SIMON SHELTON
on the registration of live birth, is a corporation, artificiality person, natural person,
fictitious entity or vessel of the united states defined under 18 U.S.C and I give notice
internationally, domestically and university via this declaration that I deny corporate
existence. Under reservation of all my rights unalienable and otherwise, I am
:Indigenous / Authochthon of this planet.
I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to believe, and knowing that it
is the same force and effect as made under oath.
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ( UN Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Convention on Economics, Social, & Cu Rights,
United Nations Charter, Articles SS & S6; Presidential Proclamation 750 H.J.R 194,
S.CON. Res 26, S.1200, H.J.R-3.
Affirmed to and subscribed before me this ____ day of October 2014 .
_________ Personally Known______________Produced Identification
Type and # of Id ___________________
Public Notary


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