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M 135


Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht; Hc sinh lm bi vo Phiu tr li trc nghim

I. Phonetics.
A. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
Question 1:
A. tertiary
B. instance
C. politics
Question 2:
A. subsidy
B. industry
C. introduce
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
Question 3:
A. confidence
B. sociology
C. priority
Question 4:
A. express
B. pessimist
C. congress
Question 5:
A. illegal
B. reference
C. parallel

( gm 02 trang)
D. contractual
D. dominate
D. signal
D. dissolve
D. renovation

II. Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Question 6: Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your rsum to the
company. The word rsum is closest in meaning to
A. photograph
B. curriculum vitae
C. recommendation
D. reference
Question 7: Sue : You are a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well as you - Daisy: _____.
A. I'm fine, thanks
B. Not at all
C. I dont think so, too
D. Youve got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible
Question 8: Mary didnt remember _________ I had told her the day before.
A. of which
B. which
C. what
D. that
Question 9: By the time I ______back next year, I think, you _____ me.
A. am / will have forgotten
B. will be / will have forgotten
C. am / will be
D. will be/ will forget
Question 10: Williams is working ___an export company. He intends to apply ___another job because he is
not satisfied ___the salary.
A. for / for / with
B. in / on / at
C. at / out / into
D. from/ on/ for
Question 11: Sorry, I cant stop now. I _____ to an important meting.
A. am going to go
B. am going
C. go
D. will go
Question 12: You can use my phone if yours __________.
A. won't work
B. doesn't work
C. won't be worked
D. isn't worked
Question 13: Peter: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. Mary: ____________
A. You are welcome
B. Please
C. Welcomed
D. Thank you
Question 14: Lets go to Smiths, _______ we can have a drink before the soccer game starts.
A. where
B. which
C. who
D. whom
Question 15: There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
A. terrorize
B. terrorist
C. terror
D. terrorism
Question 16: Mary: Thats a very nice skirt youre wearing.- Julia: _________.
A. Thats all right
B. Thats nice
C. I like it
D. Im glad you like it
Question 17: The GCSE stands for __________.
A. the Generous Certificate of Secondary Education B. the General Certificate of Secondary
C. the Grade Curriculum of Secondary Education
D. the Government Curriculum of
Secondary Education
Question 18: Many Indian men said that it was unwise to ______ in their wives.
A. trust
B. share
C. confide
D. hide
Question 19: He was offered the job thanks to his ____ performance during his job interview.
A. impressive
B. impress
C. impressively
D. impression
Question 20: If he _____the GCSE examination, he ______to take the entrance examination.
A. had passed / would have allowed
B. had passed / would have been allowed
C. passes/ will allow
D. passed / would allow
Question 21: He usually travels to _______ Europe by _______ plane.
A. no article / no article
B. no article / a
C. the / no article
D. the /
Question 22: I didn't get the job _______.
A. even as my qualifications
B. in spite of I had some qualifications
C. despite my qualifications
D. though my qualifications
Question 23: An_______year is a period of the year when students go to school or university.
A. academic
B. educational
C. academy
D. education
Question 24: She said she ________.
A. had been very tired last night
B. was very tired last night C. was very tired the
night before
D. had been very tired the night before
Question 25: Hung: Would you like to have dinner with me?
- Lam: __________.
A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, so do I
C. Im very happy
D. Yes, Id love to
Question 26: My brother doesnt do any household chores but _______ out the garbage.
A. taking
B. takes
C. to take
D. take

Question 27: It was the worst winter _______ anyone could remember.
A. when
B. that
C. in which
D. A and C are correct
Question 28: ______ that they can pass the written exam this time.
A. It is hoped
B. It hopes
C. That is hoped
D. That hopes
Question 29: Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbour _______ his stereo loudly every night.
A. is playing
B. played
C. has played
D. plays
Question 30: She reads newspapers and looks through the Situations __ column every day.
A. vacancy
B. vacancies
C. vacant
D. article
III. Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
Question 31: By (A) last Christmas, I was working (B) for (C) the (D) company for 10 years.
Question 32: Several of (A) these chairs need (B) being repaired (C), dont they (D)?
Question 33: What would (A) happen if (B) the temperature (C) is warmer (D)?
Question 34: If (A) she had taken (B) the (C) train last night, she would have been (D) here now.
Question 35: Ten minutes are (A) a reasonable length (B) of time (C) for a call (D).
IV. Which of the following expresses the same ideas?
Question 36: If I were you, Tom, I wouldnt meet Jane again. said Anna
A. Anna advised Tom not to meet Jane again. B. Anna offered Tom not to meet Jane again.
C. Anna advised Tom to meet Jane again.
D. Anna invited Tom to meet Jane again.
Question 37: The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. At last I went to the museum after a year.
B. I havent been to the museum since a year.
C. My going to the museum lasted a year.
D. I have not been to the museum for a year.
Question 38: What language are they going to speak at the conference?
A. What language is going to speak at the conference?
B. What language is going to be
spoken at the conference?
C. What is language going to be spoken at the conference? D. What language is going to be
speaking at the conference?
Question 39: It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight.
A. If there were not the earth's gravity, we would be weightless.
B. Due to the earth's gravity
we cannot weigh anything.
C. The earth's gravity is given weight by people.
D. If there hadnt been the earth's gravity, we
would have been weightless.
Question 40: I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend.
A. Unless I knew it was my friend, I would not answer the door.
B. I knew it was my friend,
but I did not answer the door.
C. Though I knew it was my friend, but I didnt answer the door.
D. In spite of I knew it was
my friend, I didnt answer the door .
V. Read the passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
Most schools in the United States ___(41) at the kindergarten level. There are some school
districts that do not have this beginning phase, and others which have an additional preschool one.
There are almost always required subjects at ___(42) level. In some areas and at most advanced
levels, the sudents can choose some subjects. Pupils who do not do ___(43) often have to repeat
courses, or have to have special tutoring, usually ____(44) in and by the schools. Many schools also
support summer classes, ____(45) students can make up for failed courses or even take extra
Question 41:
A. finishes
B. start
C. starts
Question 42:
A. each
B. one
C. every
D. a
Question 43:
A. good
B. badly
C. well D. bad
Question 44:
A. do
B. did
C. doing
D. done
Question 45:
A. which
B. when
C. that D. where
VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to
share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech,
communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.
Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes
apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious
messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.
Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these
others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.
Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined
throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,
much as they learn verbal skills.
Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the non-

verbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do

not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.
Question 46: The word reading has a close meaning to ________.
A. looking at the words that are written
B. understanding
C. saying something aloud
D. expressing
Question 47: Which is not included in non-verbal communication?
A. spatial distance
B. tone of voice
C. words
D. facial expressions
Question 48: According to the writer, ________.
A. One cannot communicate in both verbal and non-verbal language. B. People communicate with
both verbal and non-verbal language.
C. Those who can listen and talk should not use non-verbal language. D. Non-verbal language is
only used by the deaf and the mute.
Question 49: Human beings ________.
A. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language through books
B. can communicate in non-verbal language only when they are mature
C. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language since a child
D. communicate in non-verbal language much less than they do in verbal language
Question 50: We can learn from the text that ________.
A. most people do not like non-verbal communication B. even silence has message value
C. non-verbal can never get any responses
D. touching is not accepted in
communicating------------------------------------------- THE END -----S GIO DC - O TO



M 213


Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht; Hc sinh lm bi vo Phiu tr li trc nghim

I. Phonetics.
A. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
Question 1:
A. politics
B. contractual
C. instance
Question 2:
A. introduce
B. dominate
C. subsidy
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
Question 3:
A. confidence
B. sociology
C. priority
Question 4:
A. pessimist
B. congress
C. express
Question 5:
A. illegal
B. parallel
C. reference

( gm 02 trang)
D. tertiary
D. industry
D. signal
D. dissolve
D. renovation

II. Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Question 6: Many Indian men said that it was unwise to ______ in their wives.
A. share
B. hide
C. confide
D. trust
Question 7: Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your rsum to the
company. The word rsum is closest in meaning to
A. recommendation
B. photograph
C. curriculum vitae
D. reference
Question 8: She reads newspapers and looks through the Situations __ column every day.
A. vacancies
B. vacant
C. vacancy
D. article
Question 9: Hung: Would you like to have dinner with me?
- Lam: __________.
A. Yes, Id love to
B. Yes, it is
C. Yes, so do I
D. Im very happy
Question 10: I didn't get the job _______.
A. despite my qualifications
B. though my qualifications C. in spite of I had
some qualifications
D. even as my qualifications
Question 11: Mary didnt remember _________ I had told her the day before.
A. which
B. what
C. of which
D. that
Question 12: There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
A. terrorize
B. terror
C. terrorist
D. terrorism
Question 13: Mary: Thats a very nice skirt youre wearing.- Julia: _________.
A. Im glad you like it B. I like it
C. Thats all right
D. Thats nice
Question 14: Lets go to Smiths, _______ we can have a drink before the soccer game starts.
A. whom
B. which
C. where
D. who
Question 15: My brother doesnt do any household chores but _______ out the garbage.
A. takes
B. take
C. taking
D. to take
Question 16: By the time I ______back next year, I think, you _____ me.
A. will be / will have forgotten
B. will be/ will forget C. am / will have forgotten
D. am / will be forgetting
Question 17: The GCSE stands for __________.
A. the Grade Curriculum of Secondary Education
B. the General Certificate of
Secondary Education

C. the Generous Certificate of Secondary Education

D. the Government
Curriculum of Secondary Education
Question 18: He usually travels to _______ Europe by _______ plane.
A. the / no article
B. the / the
C. no article / a
D. no article / no article
Question 19: He was offered the job thanks to his ____ performance during his job interview.
A. impression
B. impress
C. impressive
D. impressively
Question 20: Sue : You are a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well as you
- Daisy:
A. Youve got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible B. I'm fine, thanks
C. Not at all
D. I dont think so, too
Question 21: Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbour _______ his stereo loudly every night.
A. played
B. is playing
C. has played
D. plays
Question 22: Williams is working _____an export company. He intends to apply ___another job
because he is not satisfied ____the salary.
A. in / on / at
B. for / for / with
C. from/ on/ for
D. at / out / into
Question 23: She said she ________.
A. had been very tired last night
B. was very tired the night before
C. had been very tired the night before
D. was very tired last night
Question 24: ______ that they can pass the written exam this time.
A. That is hoped
B. It hopes
C. That hopes
D. It is hoped
Question 25: An_______year is a period of the year when students go to school or university.
A. academic
B. education
C. academy
D. educational
Question 26: If he _____the GCSE examination, he ______to take the entrance examination.
A. had passed / would have allowed
B. passes/ will allow
C. had passed /
would have been allowed
D. passed / would allow
Question 27: Sorry, I cant stop now. I _____ to an important meting.
A. will go
B. am going to go
C. go
D. am going
Question 28: You can use my phone if yours __________.
A. isn't worked
B. won't be worked
C. won't work
D. doesn't work
Question 29: It was the worst winter _______ anyone could remember.
A. in which
B. that
C. when
D. A and C are correct
Question 30: Peter: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. Mary: ____________
A. Please
B. You are welcome
C. Thank you
D. Welcomed
III. Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
Question 31: By (A) last Christmas, I was working (B) for (C) the (D) company for 10 years.
Question 32: Ten minutes are (A) a reasonable length (B) of time (C) for a call (D).
Question 33: What would (A) happen if (B) the temperature (C) is warmer (D)?
Question 34: Several of (A) these chairs need (B) being repaired (C), dont they (D)?
Question 35: If (A) she had taken (B) the (C) train last night, she would have been (D) here now.
IV. Which of the following expresses the same ideas?
Question 36: The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. My going to the museum lasted a year.
B. I have not been to the museum for a year.
C. At last I went to the museum after a year.
D. I havent been to the museum since a year.
Question 37: If I were you, Tom, I wouldnt meet Jane again. said Anna
A. Anna invited Tom to meet Jane again.
B. Anna advised Tom to meet Jane again.
C. Anna advised Tom not to meet Jane again. D. Anna offered Tom not to meet Jane again.
Question 38: What language are they going to speak at the conference?
A. What language is going to speak at the conference?
B. What language is going to be
speaking at the conference?
C. What language is going to be spoken at the conference? D. What is language going to be
spoken at the conference?
Question 39: It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight.
A. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot weigh anything.
B. If there were not the earth's
gravity, we would be weightless.
C. The earth's gravity is given weight by people.
D. If there hadnt been the earth's gravity, we
would have been weightless.
Question 40: I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend.
A. Though I knew it was my friend, but I didnt answer the door.
B. In spite of I knew it was
my friend, I didnt answer the door .
C. I knew it was my friend, but I did not answer the door.
D. Unless I knew it was my friend, I
would not answer the door.
V. Read the passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
Most schools in the United States ___(41) at the kindergarten level. There are some school
districts that do not have this beginning phase, and others which have an additional preschool one.
There are almost always required subjects at ___(42) level. In some areas and at most advanced

levels, the sudents can choose some subjects. Pupils who do not do ___(43) often have to repeat
courses, or have to have special tutoring, usually ____(44) in and by the schools. Many schools also
support summer classes, ____(45) students can make up for failed courses or even take extra
Question 41:
A. finish
B. finishes
C. starts D. start
Question 42:
A. a
B. each
C. every D. one
Question 43:
A. good
B. well
C. badly D. bad
Question 44:
A. did
B. do
C. done D. doing
Question 45:
A. where
B. which
C. when D. that
VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to
share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech,
communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.
Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes
apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious
messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.
Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these
others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.
Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined
throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,
much as they learn verbal skills.
Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do
not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.
Question 46: Human beings ________.
A. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language through books
B. communicate in non-verbal language much less than they do in verbal language
C. can communicate in non-verbal language only when they are mature
D. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language since a child
Question 47: According to the writer, ________.
A. Non-verbal language is only used by the deaf and the mute.
B. One cannot communicate
in both verbal and non-verbal language.
C. Those who can listen and talk should not use non-verbal language. D. People communicate with
both verbal and non-verbal language.
Question 48: Which is not included in non-verbal communication?
A. facial expressions B. tone of voice
C. spatial distance
D. words
Question 49: The word reading has a close meaning to ________.
A. understanding
B. expressing
C. looking at the words that are written
D. saying something aloud
Question 50: We can learn from the text that ________.
A. even silence has message value
B. touching is not accepted in communicating
C. non-verbal can never get any responses
D. most people do not like non-verbal
-------------- THE END -----S GIO DC - O TO



M 358


Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht; Hc sinh lm bi vo Phiu tr li trc nghim

( gm 02 trang)
I. Phonetics.
A. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
Question 1:
A. tertiary
B. politics
C. contractual
Question 2:
A. subsidy
B. dominate
C. industry D. introduce
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
Question 3:
A. sociology
B. confidence
C. priority
D. signal
Question 4:
A. reference
B. renovation
C. parallel
D. illegal
Question 5:
A. congress
B. express
C. dissolve D. pessimist
II. Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Question 6: The GCSE stands for __________.
A. the Government Curriculum of Secondary Education
B. the General Certificate of
Secondary Education

C. the Grade Curriculum of Secondary Education

D. the Generous Certificate of Secondary
Question 7: An_______year is a period of the year when students go to school or university.
A. academic
B. academy
C. education
D. educational
Question 8: Williams is working _____an export company. He intends to apply ___another job
because he is not satisfied ____the salary.
A. in / on / at
B. at / out / into
C. for / for / with
D. from/ on/ for
Question 9: By the time I ______back next year, I think, you _____ me.
A. am / will have forgotten
B. will be/ will forget C. will be / will have
D. am / will be forgetting
Question 10: Hung: Would you like to have dinner with me?
- Lam: __________.
A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, Id love to
C. Yes, so do I
D. Im very happy
Question 11: Peter: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. Mary: ____________
A. Please
B. Welcomed
C. Thank you
D. You are welcome
Question 12: Lets go to Smiths, _______ we can have a drink before the soccer game starts.
A. whom
B. who
C. which
D. where
Question 13: There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
A. terror
B. terrorize
C. terrorist
D. terrorism
Question 14: She reads newspapers and looks through the Situations __ column every day.
A. vacancy
B. vacancies
C. article
D. vacant
Question 15: If he _____the GCSE examination, he ______to take the entrance examination.
A. had passed / would have been allowed
B. passes/ will allow
C. passed / would allow
D. had passed / would have allowed
Question 16: Mary didnt remember _________ I had told her the day before.
A. what
B. that
C. of which
D. which
Question 17: ______ that they can pass the written exam this time.
A. That is hoped
B. It is hoped
C. It hopes
D. That hopes
Question 18: She said she ________.
A. had been very tired the night before
B. had been very tired last night
C. was very tired the night before
D. was very tired last night
Question 19: Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbour _______ his stereo loudly every night.
A. played
B. has played
C. is playing
D. plays
Question 20: Many Indian men said that it was unwise to ______ in their wives.
A. hide
B. share
C. trust
D. confide
Question 21: He usually travels to _______ Europe by _______ plane.
A. no article / a
B. the / the
C. no article / no article
D. the / no article
Question 22: It was the worst winter _______ anyone could remember.
A. when
B. that
C. in which
D. A and C are correct
Question 23: You can use my phone if yours __________.
A. won't be worked
B. doesn't work
C. won't work
D. isn't worked
Question 24: Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your rsum to the
company. The word rsum is closest in meaning to
A. photograph
B. curriculum vitae
C. recommendation
D. reference
Question 25: Sorry, I cant stop now. I _____ to an important meting.
A. am going
B. go
C. am going to go
D. will go
Question 26: I didn't get the job _______.
A. even as my qualifications
B. in spite of I had some qualifications
C. despite my qualifications
D. though my qualifications
Question 27: He was offered the job thanks to his ____ performance during his job interview.
A. impressive
B. impress
C. impressively
D. impression
Question 28: Mary: Thats a very nice skirt youre wearing.- Julia: _________.
A. Im glad you like it B. Thats nice
C. Thats all right
D. I like it
Question 29: Sue : You are a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well as you
- Daisy: _____.
A. I'm fine, thanks
B. I dont think so, too C. Not at all D. Youve got to be kidding! I thought
it was terrible
Question 30: My brother doesnt do any household chores but _______ out the garbage.
A. to take
B. take
C. taking
D. takes
III. Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
Question 31: Several of (A) these chairs need (B) being repaired (C), dont they (D)?
Question 32: Ten minutes are (A) a reasonable length (B) of time (C) for a call (D).
Question 33: What would (A) happen if (B) the temperature (C) is warmer (D)?
Question 34: If (A) she had taken (B) the (C) train last night, she would have been (D) here now.
Question 35: By (A) last Christmas, I was working (B) for (C) the (D) company for 10 years.
IV. Which of the following expresses the same ideas?
Question 36: I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend.

A. In spite of I knew it was my friend, I didnt answer the door .

B. Unless I knew it was my
friend, I would not answer the door.
C. I knew it was my friend, but I did not answer the door.
D. Though I knew it was my friend,
but I didnt answer the door.
Question 37: What language are they going to speak at the conference?
A. What language is going to speak at the conference?
B. What is language going to be
spoken at the conference?
C. What language is going to be spoken at the conference? D. What language is going to be
speaking at the conference?
Question 38: The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. My going to the museum lasted a year.
B. At last I went to the museum after a year.
C. I have not been to the museum for a year. D. I havent been to the museum since a year.
Question 39: If I were you, Tom, I wouldnt meet Jane again. said Anna
A. Anna invited Tom to meet Jane again.
B. Anna advised Tom not to meet Jane again.
C. Anna offered Tom not to meet Jane again. D. Anna advised Tom to meet Jane again.
Question 40: It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight.
A. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot weigh anything.
B. If there hadnt been the earth's
gravity, we would have been weightless.
C. The earth's gravity is given weight by people.
D. If there were not the earth's gravity, we
would be weightless.
V. Read the passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
Most schools in the United States ___(41) at the kindergarten level. There are some school
districts that do not have this beginning phase, and others which have an additional preschool one.
There are almost always required subjects at ___(42) level. In some areas and at most advanced
levels, the sudents can choose some subjects. Pupils who do not do ___(43) often have to repeat
courses, or have to have special tutoring, usually ____(44) in and by the schools. Many schools also
support summer classes, ____(45) students can make up for failed courses or even take extra
Question 41:
A. start
B. finish
C. finishes D. starts
Question 42:
A. every
B. a
C. each
D. one
Question 43:
A. well
B. bad
C. good
D. badly
Question 44:
A. doing
B. done
C. doD. did
Question 45:
A. which
B. that
C. when
D. where
VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to
share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech,
communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.
Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes
apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious
messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.
Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these
others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.
Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined
throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,
much as they learn verbal skills.
Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do
not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.
Question 46: Which is not included in non-verbal communication?
A. words
B. tone of voice
C. facial expressions D. spatial distance
Question 47: The word reading has a close meaning to ________.
A. understanding
B. expressing
C. looking at the words that are written
D. saying something aloud
Question 48: Human beings ________.
A. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language through books
B. can communicate in non-verbal language only when they are mature
C. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language since a child
D. communicate in non-verbal language much less than they do in verbal language
Question 49: According to the writer, ________.
A. Those who can listen and talk should not use non-verbal language. B. Non-verbal language is
only used by the deaf and the mute.
C. People communicate with both verbal and non-verbal language. D. One cannot communicate
in both verbal and non-verbal language.
Question 50: We can learn from the text that ________.

A. non-verbal can never get any responses

B. most people do not like non-verbal
C. touching is not accepted in communicating D. even silence has message value
-------------- THE END -----S GIO DC - O TO



M 486


Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht; Hc sinh lm bi vo Phiu tr li trc nghim

( gm 02 trang)
I. Phonetics.
A. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
Question 1:
A. subsidy
B. industry
C. dominate D. introduce
Question 2:
A. instance
B. tertiary
C. contractual
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
Question 3:
A. sociology
B. signal
C. priority
D. confidence
Question 4:
A. express
B. congress
C. dissolve D. pessimist
Question 5:
A. parallel
B. renovation
C. reference D. illegal
II. Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Question 6: Lets go to Smiths, _______ we can have a drink before the soccer game starts.
A. whom
B. which
C. who
D. where
Question 7: My brother doesnt do any household chores but _______ out the garbage.
A. taking
B. to take
C. take
D. takes
Question 8: You can use my phone if yours __________.
A. won't work
B. isn't worked
C. won't be worked
D. doesn't work
Question 9: Many Indian men said that it was unwise to ______ in their wives.
A. hide
B. trust
C. confide
D. share
Question 10: By the time I ______back next year, I think, you _____ me.
A. am / will have forgotten
B. will be / will have forgotten
C. am / will be
D. will be/ will forget
Question 11: He was offered the job thanks to his ____ performance during his job interview.
A. impressive
B. impression
C. impress
D. impressively
Question 12: It was the worst winter _______ anyone could remember.
A. in which
B. that
C. when
D. A and C are correct
Question 13: Sorry, I cant stop now. I _____ to an important meting.
A. am going to go
B. go
C. will go
D. am going
Question 14: ______ that they can pass the written exam this time.
A. That hopes
B. It hopes
C. It is hoped
D. That is hoped
Question 15: An_______year is a period of the year when students go to school or university.
A. academic
B. academy
C. educational
D. education
Question 16: She said she ________.
A. had been very tired the night before
B. was very tired the night before
C. was very tired last night
D. had been very tired last night
Question 17: Sue : You are a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well as you
- Daisy: _____.
A. Youve got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible B. I dont think so, too
C. Not at all
D. I'm fine, thanks
Question 18: There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
A. terrorist
B. terror
C. terrorism
D. terrorize
Question 19: Williams is working _____an export company. He intends to apply ___another job
because he is not satisfied ____the salary.
A. for / for / with
B. from/ on/ for
C. in / on / at
D. at / out / into
Question 20: She reads newspapers and looks through the Situations __ column every day.
A. article
B. vacant
C. vacancy
D. vacancies
Question 21: I didn't get the job _______.
A. though my qualifications
B. in spite of I had some qualifications
C. even as my qualifications D. despite my qualifications
Question 22: Hung: Would you like to have dinner with me?
- Lam: __________.
A. Yes, Id love to
B. Im very happy
C. Yes, it is
D. Yes, so do I
Question 23: Mary didnt remember _________ I had told her the day before.
A. which
B. what
C. that
D. of which
Question 24: The GCSE stands for __________.
A. the Government Curriculum of Secondary Education
B. the General Certificate of
Secondary Education
C. the Generous Certificate of Secondary Education D. the Grade Curriculum of Secondary

Question 25: If he _____the GCSE examination, he ______to take the entrance examination.
A. passed / would allow
B. had passed / would have been allowed
C. passes/ will allow
D. had passed / would have allowed
Question 26: Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your rsum to the
company. The word rsum is closest in meaning to
A. photograph
B. reference
C. curriculum vitae
D. recommendation
Question 27: He usually travels to _______ Europe by _______ plane.
A. the / the
B. the / no article
C. no article / no article
D. no article / a
Question 28: Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbour _______ his stereo loudly every night.
A. has played
B. is playing
C. played
D. plays
Question 29: Peter: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. Mary: ____________
A. You are welcome
B. Welcomed
C. Thank you
D. Please
Question 30: Mary: Thats a very nice skirt youre wearing.- Julia: _________.
A. Im glad you like it B. Thats nice
C. Thats all right
D. I like it
III. Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
Question 31: By (A) last Christmas, I was working (B) for (C) the (D) company for 10 years.
Question 32: What would (A) happen if (B) the temperature (C) is warmer (D)?
Question 33: Several of (A) these chairs need (B) being repaired (C), dont they (D)?
Question 34: If (A) she had taken (B) the (C) train last night, she would have been (D) here now.
Question 35: Ten minutes are (A) a reasonable length (B) of time (C) for a call (D).
IV. Which of the following expresses the same ideas?
Question 36: I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend.
A. Unless I knew it was my friend, I would not answer the door.
B. Though I knew it was my
friend, but I didnt answer the door.
C. In spite of I knew it was my friend, I didnt answer the door .
D. I knew it was my friend,
but I did not answer the door.
Question 37: What language are they going to speak at the conference?
A. What language is going to be spoken at the conference? B. What is language going to be
spoken at the conference?
C. What language is going to be speaking at the conference? D. What language is going to speak
at the conference?
Question 38: The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. I have not been to the museum for a year. B. I havent been to the museum since a year.
C. At last I went to the museum after a year. D. My going to the museum lasted a year.
Question 39: It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight.
A. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot weigh anything.
B. If there hadnt been the earth's
gravity, we would have been weightless.
C. The earth's gravity is given weight by people.
D. If there were not the earth's gravity, we
would be weightless.
Question 40: If I were you, Tom, I wouldnt meet Jane again. said Anna
A. Anna invited Tom to meet Jane again.
B. Anna advised Tom to meet Jane again.
C. Anna offered Tom not to meet Jane again. D. Anna advised Tom not to meet Jane again.
V. Read the passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
Most schools in the United States ___(41) at the kindergarten level. There are some school
districts that do not have this beginning phase, and others which have an additional preschool one.
There are almost always required subjects at ___(42) level. In some areas and at most advanced
levels, the sudents can choose some subjects. Pupils who do not do ___(43) often have to repeat
courses, or have to have special tutoring, usually ____(44) in and by the schools. Many schools also
support summer classes, ____(45) students can make up for failed courses or even take extra
Question 41:
A. finish
B. starts
C. finishes
D. start
Question 42:
A. a
B. each
C. one
D. every
Question 43:
A. good
B. badly
C. well D. bad
Question 44:
A. doing
B. done
C. do
D. did
Question 45:
A. where
B. that
C. which D. when
VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to
share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech,
communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.
Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes
apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious
messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.
Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these
others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.

Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined
throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,
much as they learn verbal skills.
Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do
not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.
Question 46: Human beings ________.
A. can communicate in non-verbal language only when they are mature
B. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language since a child
C. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language through books
D. communicate in non-verbal language much less than they do in verbal language
Question 47: We can learn from the text that ________.
A. non-verbal can never get any responses
B. even silence has message value
C. touching is not accepted in communicating D. most people do not like non-verbal
Question 48: According to the writer, ________.
A. Non-verbal language is only used by the deaf and the mute.
B. One cannot communicate
in both verbal and non-verbal language.
C. People communicate with both verbal and non-verbal language.
D. Those who can listen and
talk should not use non-verbal language.
Question 49: Which is not included in non-verbal communication?
A. tone of voice
B. words
C. spatial distance
D. facial expressions
Question 50: The word reading has a close meaning to ________.
A. looking at the words that are written
B. saying something aloud
C. expressing
D. understanding
-------------- THE END -----S GIO DC - O TO



M 569


Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht; Hc sinh lm bi vo Phiu tr li trc nghim

( gm 02 trang)

I. Phonetics.
A. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
Question 1:
A. introduce
B. subsidy
C. industry D.
Question 2:
A. tertiary
B. instance
C. contractual
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
Question 3:
A. priority
B. signal
C. sociology D.
Question 4:
A. renovation
B. reference
C. illegal
Question 5:
A. dissolve
B. congress
C. express


II. Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Question 6: The GCSE stands for __________.
A. the General Certificate of Secondary Education
B. the Generous Certificate of Secondary
C. the Grade Curriculum of Secondary Education
D. the Government Curriculum of
Secondary Education
Question 7: I didn't get the job _______.
A. in spite of I had some qualifications
B. though my qualifications C. despite my
D. even as my qualifications
Question 8: She said she ________.
A. was very tired the night before
B. had been very tired the night before
C. was very tired last night
D. had been very tired last night
Question 9: Mary didnt remember _________ I had told her the day before.
A. which
B. of which
C. what
D. that
Question 10: Williams is working _____an export company. He intends to apply ___another job
because he is not satisfied ____the salary.
A. for / for / with
B. in / on / at
C. at / out / into
D. from/ on/ for
Question 11: Mary: Thats a very nice skirt youre wearing.- Julia: _________.
A. I like it
B. Thats nice
C. Im glad you like it D. Thats all right
Question 12: An_______year is a period of the year when students go to school or university.
A. academy
B. education
C. educational
D. academic
Question 13: There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
A. terrorist
B. terrorize
C. terrorism
D. terror

Question 14: She reads newspapers and looks through the Situations __ column every day.
A. article
B. vacant
C. vacancies
D. vacancy
Question 15: He was offered the job thanks to his ____ performance during his job interview.
A. impressive
B. impress
C. impressively
D. impression
Question 16: By the time I ______back next year, I think, you _____ me.
A. will be/ will forget B. am / will be forgetting
C. will be / will have
D. am / will have forgotten
Question 17: Lets go to Smiths, _______ we can have a drink before the soccer game starts.
A. whom
B. who
C. where
D. which
Question 18: It was the worst winter _______ anyone could remember.
A. when
B. that
C. in which
D. A and C are correct
Question 19: ______ that they can pass the written exam this time.
A. It is hoped
B. That hopes
C. That is hoped
D. It hopes
Question 20: Hung: Would you like to have dinner with me?
- Lam: __________.
A. Yes, Id love to
B. Im very happy
C. Yes, so do I
D. Yes, it is
Question 21: Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your rsum to the
company. The word rsum is closest in meaning to
A. photograph
B. recommendation
C. reference
D. curriculum vitae
Question 22: If he _____the GCSE examination, he ______to take the entrance examination.
A. passed / would allow
B. had passed / would have allowed
passes/ will allow
D. had passed / would have been allowed
Question 23: You can use my phone if yours __________.
A. won't work
B. doesn't work
C. won't be worked
D. isn't worked
Question 24: He usually travels to _______ Europe by _______ plane.
A. no article / a
B. the / no article
C. the / the
D. no article / no article
Question 25: My brother doesnt do any household chores but _______ out the garbage.
A. to take
B. taking
C. take
D. takes
Question 26: Peter: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. Mary: ____________
A. Welcomed
B. You are welcome
C. Thank you
D. Please
Question 27: Sue : You are a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well as you
- Daisy:
A. I'm fine, thanks B. Youve got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible
C. I dont
think so, too
D. Not at all
Question 28: Many Indian men said that it was unwise to ______ in their wives.
A. trust
B. confide
C. hide
D. share
Question 29: Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbour _______ his stereo loudly every night.
A. plays
B. is playing
C. played
D. has played
Question 30: Sorry, I cant stop now. I _____ to an important meting.
A. am going
B. am going to go
C. go
D. will go
III. Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
Question 31: Several of (A) these chairs need (B) being repaired (C), dont they (D)?
Question 32: What would (A) happen if (B) the temperature (C) is warmer (D)?
Question 33: If (A) she had taken (B) the (C) train last night, she would have been (D) here now.
Question 34: By (A) last Christmas, I was working (B) for (C) the (D) company for 10 years.
Question 35: Ten minutes are (A) a reasonable length (B) of time (C) for a call (D).
IV. Which of the following expresses the same ideas?
Question 36: What language are they going to speak at the conference?
A. What language is going to speak at the conference?
B. What language is going to be
speaking at the conference?
C. What language is going to be spoken at the conference? D. What is language going to be
spoken at the conference?
Question 37: It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight.
A. The earth's gravity is given weight by people.
B. If there hadnt been the earth's gravity, we
would have been weightless.
C. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot weigh anything.
D. If there were not the earth's
gravity, we would be weightless.
Question 38: If I were you, Tom, I wouldnt meet Jane again. said Anna
A. Anna invited Tom to meet Jane again.
B. Anna offered Tom not to meet Jane again.
C. Anna advised Tom not to meet Jane again. D. Anna advised Tom to meet Jane again.
Question 39: The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. I havent been to the museum since a year. B. I have not been to the museum for a year.
C. My going to the museum lasted a year.
D. At last I went to the museum after a year.
Question 40: I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend.
A. Though I knew it was my friend, but I didnt answer the door.
B. In spite of I knew it was
my friend, I didnt answer the door .

C. Unless I knew it was my friend, I would not answer the door.

but I did not answer the door.

D. I knew it was my friend,

V. Read the passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
Most schools in the United States ___(41) at the kindergarten level. There are some school
districts that do not have this beginning phase, and others which have an additional preschool one.
There are almost always required subjects at ___(42) level. In some areas and at most advanced
levels, the sudents can choose some subjects. Pupils who do not do ___(43) often have to repeat
courses, or have to have special tutoring, usually ____(44) in and by the schools. Many schools also
support summer classes, ____(45) students can make up for failed courses or even take extra
Question 41:
A. finish
B. finishes
C. start
D. starts
Question 42:
A. every
B. each
C. oneD. a
Question 43:
A. well
B. badly
C. badD. good
Question 44:
A. do
B. did
C. doing
D. done
Question 45:
A. that
B. which
C. when
D. where
VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to
share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech,
communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.
Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes
apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious
messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.
Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these
others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.
Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined
throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,
much as they learn verbal skills.
Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do
not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.
Question 46: We can learn from the text that ________.
A. non-verbal can never get any responses
B. even silence has message value
C. most people do not like non-verbal communication D. touching is not accepted in
Question 47: Which is not included in non-verbal communication?
A. spatial distance
B. tone of voice
C. words
D. facial expressions
Question 48: According to the writer, ________.
A. People communicate with both verbal and non-verbal language.
B. Those who can listen and
talk should not use non-verbal language.
C. Non-verbal language is only used by the deaf and the mute.
D. One cannot communicate
in both verbal and non-verbal language.
Question 49: The word reading has a close meaning to ________.
A. saying something aloud
B. looking at the words that are written
C. understanding
D. expressing
Question 50: Human beings ________.
A. communicate in non-verbal language much less than they do in verbal language
B. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language since a child
C. can communicate in non-verbal language only when they are mature
D. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language through books
-------------- THE END -----S GIO DC - O TO



M 640


Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht; Hc sinh lm bi vo Phiu tr li trc nghim

I. Phonetics.
A. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
Question 1:
A. industry
B. subsidy
C. dominate
Question 2:
A. contractual
B. politics
C. tertiary
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
Question 3:
A. reference
B. parallel
C. illegal
Question 4:
A. express
B. dissolve
C. pessimist
Question 5:
A. priority
B. confidence
C. signal

( gm 02 trang)
D. introduce
D. instance
D. renovation
D. congress
D. sociology

II. Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Question 6: An_______year is a period of the year when students go to school or university.
A. education
B. academic
C. educational
D. academy
Question 7: She said she ________.
A. had been very tired last night
B. was very tired the night before
C. was very tired last night
D. had been very tired the night before
Question 8: Lets go to Smiths, _______ we can have a drink before the soccer game starts.
A. where
B. whom
C. who
D. which
Question 9: Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbour _______ his stereo loudly every night.
A. has played
B. is playing
C. plays
D. played
Question 10: Hung: Would you like to have dinner with me?
- Lam: __________.
A. Yes, Id love to
B. Im very happy
C. Yes, so do I
D. Yes, it is
Question 11: The GCSE stands for __________.
A. the Generous Certificate of Secondary Education B. the General Certificate of Secondary
C. the Grade Curriculum of Secondary Education
D. the Government Curriculum of
Secondary Education
Question 12: Mary didnt remember _________ I had told her the day before.
A. what
B. of which
C. that
D. which
Question 13: It was the worst winter _______ anyone could remember.
A. when
B. that
C. in which
D. A and C are correct
Question 14: Williams is working _____an export company. He intends to apply ___another job
because he is not satisfied ____the salary.
A. for / for / with
B. at / out / into
C. in / on / at
D. from/ on/ for
Question 15: My brother doesnt do any household chores but _______ out the garbage.
A. take
B. taking
C. to take
D. takes
Question 16: Sue : You are a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well as you
- Daisy:
A. Not at all
B. Youve got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible
C. I dont think
so, too
D. I'm fine, thanks
Question 17: You can use my phone if yours __________.
A. won't work
B. doesn't work
C. isn't worked
D. won't be worked
Question 18: Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your rsum to the
company. The word rsum is closest in meaning to
A. recommendation
B. reference
C. curriculum vitae
D. photograph
Question 19: Many Indian men said that it was unwise to ______ in their wives.
A. hide
B. confide
C. trust
D. share
Question 20: He was offered the job thanks to his ____ performance during his job interview.
A. impressively
B. impression
C. impress
D. impressive
Question 21: He usually travels to _______ Europe by _______ plane.
A. the / the
B. no article / a
C. the / no article
D. no article / no article
Question 22: Peter: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. Mary: ____________
A. You are welcome
B. Welcomed
C. Please
D. Thank you
Question 23: Sorry, I cant stop now. I _____ to an important meting.
A. go
B. will go
C. am going
D. am going to go
Question 24: There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
A. terrorist
B. terrorism
C. terror
D. terrorize
Question 25: I didn't get the job _______.
A. even as my qualifications
B. in spite of I had some qualifications
C. despite my qualifications D. though my qualifications
Question 26: If he _____the GCSE examination, he ______to take the entrance examination.
A. passed / would allow
B. passes/ will allow
C. had passed / would have allowed
D. had passed / would have been allowed
Question 27: Mary: Thats a very nice skirt youre wearing.- Julia: _________.
A. Thats nice
B. I like it
C. Im glad you like it D. Thats all right
Question 28: ______ that they can pass the written exam this time.
A. That is hoped
B. It hopes
C. That hopes
D. It is hoped
Question 29: By the time I ______back next year, I think, you _____ me.
A. am / will have forgotten
B. will be/ will forget C. will be / will have
D. am / will be forgetting
Question 30: She reads newspapers and looks through the Situations __ column every day.
A. vacant
B. vacancy
C. vacancies
D. article
III. Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
Question 31: What would (A) happen if (B) the temperature (C) is warmer (D)?
Question 32: If (A) she had taken (B) the (C) train last night, she would have been (D) here now.

Question 33: Several of (A) these chairs need (B) being repaired (C), dont they (D)?
Question 34: Ten minutes are (A) a reasonable length (B) of time (C) for a call (D).
Question 35: By (A) last Christmas, I was working (B) for (C) the (D) company for 10 years.
IV. Which of the following expresses the same ideas?
Question 36: What language are they going to speak at the conference?
A. What language is going to be speaking at the conference? B. What is language going to be
spoken at the conference?
C. What language is going to speak at the conference?
D. What language is going to be
spoken at the conference?
Question 37: I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend.
A. Though I knew it was my friend, but I didnt answer the door.
B. Unless I knew it was my
friend, I would not answer the door.
C. I knew it was my friend, but I did not answer the door.
D. In spite of I knew it was my
friend, I didnt answer the door .
Question 38: It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight.
A. If there hadnt been the earth's gravity, we would have been weightless.
B. The earth's gravity
is given weight by people.
C. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot weigh anything.
D. If there were not the earth's
gravity, we would be weightless.
Question 39: If I were you, Tom, I wouldnt meet Jane again. said Anna
A. Anna advised Tom not to meet Jane again. B. Anna invited Tom to meet Jane again.
C. Anna advised Tom to meet Jane again.
D. Anna offered Tom not to meet Jane again.
Question 40: The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. I havent been to the museum since a year. B. At last I went to the museum after a year.
C. My going to the museum lasted a year.
D. I have not been to the museum for a year.
V. Read the passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
Most schools in the United States ___(41) at the kindergarten level. There are some school
districts that do not have this beginning phase, and others which have an additional preschool one.
There are almost always required subjects at ___(42) level. In some areas and at most advanced
levels, the sudents can choose some subjects. Pupils who do not do ___(43) often have to repeat
courses, or have to have special tutoring, usually ____(44) in and by the schools. Many schools also
support summer classes, ____(45) students can make up for failed courses or even take extra
Question 41:
A. finishes
B. starts
C. start
D. finish
Question 42:
A. one
B. a
C. every
D. each
Question 43:
A. good
B. well
C. badly
D. bad
Question 44:
A. did
B. doing
C. done
D. do
Question 45:
A. which
B. that
C. when
D. where
VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to
share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech,
communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.
Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes
apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious
messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.
Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these
others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.
Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined
throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,
much as they learn verbal skills.
Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do
not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.
Question 46: We can learn from the text that ________.
A. non-verbal can never get any responses
B. most people do not like non-verbal
C. touching is not accepted in communicating D. even silence has message value
Question 47: Which is not included in non-verbal communication?
A. tone of voice
B. spatial distance
C. words
D. facial expressions
Question 48: According to the writer, ________.
A. Non-verbal language is only used by the deaf and the mute.
B. People communicate with
both verbal and non-verbal language.

C. One cannot communicate in both verbal and non-verbal language. D. Those who can listen and
talk should not use non-verbal language.
Question 49: Human beings ________.
A. can communicate in non-verbal language only when they are mature
B. communicate in non-verbal language much less than they do in verbal language
C. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language since a child
D. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language through books
Question 50: The word reading has a close meaning to ________.
A. looking at the words that are written
B. saying something aloud
C. understanding
D. expressing
-------------- THE END -----S GIO DC - O TO



M 704


Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht; Hc sinh lm bi vo Phiu tr li trc nghim

( gm 02 trang)

I. Phonetics.
A. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
Question 1:
A. dominate
B. industry
C. introduce D.
Question 2:
A. politics
B. instance
C. contractual
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
Question 3:
A. confidence
B. signal
C. sociology D.
Question 4:
A. illegal
B. renovation
C. parallel
Question 5:
A. congress
B. express
C. dissolve D.


II. Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Question 6: Sorry, I cant stop now. I _____ to an important meting.
A. go
B. am going to go
C. will go
D. am going
Question 7: Lets go to Smiths, _______ we can have a drink before the soccer game starts.
A. who
B. which
C. where
D. whom
Question 8: Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your rsum to the
company. The word rsum is closest in meaning to
A. recommendation
B. photograph
C. reference
D. curriculum vitae
Question 9: The GCSE stands for __________.
A. the Generous Certificate of Secondary Education B. the Government Curriculum of
Secondary Education
C. the Grade Curriculum of Secondary Education
D. the General Certificate of Secondary
Question 10: You can use my phone if yours __________.
A. won't work
B. won't be worked
C. isn't worked
D. doesn't work
Question 11: Peter: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. Mary: ____________
A. Thank you
B. Please
C. Welcomed
D. You are welcome
Question 12: ______ that they can pass the written exam this time.
A. That is hoped
B. That hopes
C. It hopes
D. It is hoped
Question 13: I didn't get the job _______.
A. despite my qualifications
B. in spite of I had some qualifications
C. even as my qualifications
D. though my qualifications
Question 14: Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbour _______ his stereo loudly every night.
A. plays
B. has played
C. is playing
D. played
Question 15: My brother doesnt do any household chores but _______ out the garbage.
A. taking
B. take
C. takes
D. to take
Question 16: It was the worst winter _______ anyone could remember.
A. in which
B. that
C. when
D. A and C are correct
Question 17: Mary: Thats a very nice skirt youre wearing.- Julia: _________.
A. Im glad you like it B. I like it
C. Thats all right
D. Thats nice
Question 18: Many Indian men said that it was unwise to ______ in their wives.
A. share
B. confide
C. hide
D. trust
Question 19: Sue : You are a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well as you - Daisy: _____.
A. Youve got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible B. I dont think so, too
C. Not at all
D. I'm fine, thanks
Question 20: Hung: Would you like to have dinner with me?
- Lam: __________.
A. Yes, so do I
B. Yes, Id love to
C. Im very happy
D. Yes, it is
Question 21: He usually travels to _______ Europe by _______ plane.
A. the / no article
B. the / the
C. no article / a
D. no article / no article

Question 22: He was offered the job thanks to his ____ performance during his job interview.
A. impressive
B. impression
C. impressively
D. impress
Question 23: If he _____the GCSE examination, he ______to take the entrance examination.
A. had passed / would have been allowed
B. passed / would allow
C. had
passed / would have allowed
D. passes/ will allow
Question 24: She said she ________.
A. had been very tired the night before
B. was very tired the night before
C. had been very tired last night
D. was very tired last night
Question 25: Williams is working _____an export company. He intends to apply ___another job
because he is not satisfied ____the salary.
A. at / out / into
B. in / on / at
C. for / for / with
D. from/ on/ for
Question 26: An_______year is a period of the year when students go to school or university.
A. education
B. academic
C. educational
D. academy
Question 27: There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
A. terror
B. terrorism
C. terrorize
D. terrorist
Question 28: By the time I ______back next year, I think, you _____ me.
A. am / will have forgotten
B. will be / will have forgotten
C. am / will be
D. will be/ will forget
Question 29: Mary didnt remember _________ I had told her the day before.
A. that
B. which
C. of which
D. what
Question 30: She reads newspapers and looks through the Situations __ column every day.
A. vacancy
B. vacant
C. vacancies
D. article
III. Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
Question 31: What would (A) happen if (B) the temperature (C) is warmer (D)?
Question 32: If (A) she had taken (B) the (C) train last night, she would have been (D) here now.
Question 33: Several of (A) these chairs need (B) being repaired (C), dont they (D)?
Question 34: Ten minutes are (A) a reasonable length (B) of time (C) for a call (D).
Question 35: By (A) last Christmas, I was working (B) for (C) the (D) company for 10 years.
IV. Which of the following expresses the same ideas?
Question 36: The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. I havent been to the museum since a year. B. At last I went to the museum after a year.
C. I have not been to the museum for a year. D. My going to the museum lasted a year.
Question 37: I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend.
A. Though I knew it was my friend, but I didnt answer the door. B. I knew it was my friend, but I did
not answer the door.
C. In spite of I knew it was my friend, I didnt answer the door. D. Unless I knew it was my friend, I
would not answer the door.
Question 38: If I were you, Tom, I wouldnt meet Jane again. said Anna
A. Anna invited Tom to meet Jane again.
B. Anna offered Tom not to meet Jane again.
C. Anna advised Tom not to meet Jane again. D. Anna advised Tom to meet Jane again.
Question 39: It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight.
A. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot weigh anything.
B. If there hadnt been the earth's
gravity, we would have been weightless.
C. The earth's gravity is given weight by people.
D. If there were not the earth's gravity, we
would be weightless.
Question 40: What language are they going to speak at the conference?
A. What language is going to be speaking at the conference? B. What language is going to speak
at the conference?
C. What is language going to be spoken at the conference? D. What language is going to be
spoken at the conference?
V. Read the passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
Most schools in the United States ___(41) at the kindergarten level. There are some school
districts that do not have this beginning phase, and others which have an additional preschool one.
There are almost always required subjects at ___(42) level. In some areas and at most advanced
levels, the sudents can choose some subjects. Pupils who do not do ___(43) often have to repeat
courses, or have to have special tutoring, usually ____(44) in and by the schools. Many schools also
support summer classes, ____(45) students can make up for failed courses or even take extra
Question 41:
A. starts
B. finishes
C. start
D. finish
Question 42:
A. a
B. one
C. every
D. each
Question 43:
A. well
B. badly
C. badD. good
Question 44:
A. doing
B. done
C. did D. do
Question 45:
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. when
VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to
share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech,
communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.
Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes
apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious
messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.
Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these
others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.
Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined
throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,
much as they learn verbal skills.
Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do
not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.
Question 46: We can learn from the text that ________.
A. most people do not like non-verbal communication B. touching is not accepted in
C. even silence has message value
D. non-verbal can never get any responses
Question 47: Human beings ________.
A. can communicate in non-verbal language only when they are mature
B. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language through books
C. communicate in non-verbal language much less than they do in verbal language
D. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language since a child
Question 48: The word reading has a close meaning to ________.
A. saying something aloud
B. understanding
C. looking at the words that are written
D. expressing
Question 49: According to the writer, ________.
A. Those who can listen and talk should not use non-verbal language.
B. Non-verbal
language is only used by the deaf and the mute.
C. One cannot communicate in both verbal and non-verbal language.
D. People
communicate with both verbal and non-verbal language.
Question 50: Which is not included in non-verbal communication?
A. words
B. facial expressions C. spatial distance
D. tone of voice
-------------- THE END -----S GIO DC - O TO



M 892


Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht; Hc sinh lm bi vo Phiu tr li trc nghim

I. Phonetics.
A. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
Question 1:
A. politics
B. contractual
C. tertiary
Question 2:
A. dominate
B. subsidy
C. industry
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
Question 3:
A. express
B. dissolve
C. pessimist
Question 4:
A. illegal
B. parallel
C. reference
Question 5:
A. confidence
B. sociology
C. signal

( gm 02 trang)

D. instance
D. introduce
D. congress
D. renovation
D. priority

II. Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Question 6: Williams is working _____an export company. He intends to apply ___another job
because he is not satisfied ____the salary.
A. for / for / with
B. in / on / at
C. at / out / into
D. from/ on/ for
Question 7: Sorry, I cant stop now. I _____ to an important meting.
A. go
B. will go
C. am going
D. am going to go
Question 8: There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
A. terror
B. terrorist
C. terrorism
D. terrorize
Question 9: An_______year is a period of the year when students go to school or university.
A. academic
B. education
C. educational
D. academy
Question 10: My brother doesnt do any household chores but _______ out the garbage.
A. takes
B. to take
C. take
D. taking
Question 11: Many Indian men said that it was unwise to ______ in their wives.
A. confide
B. trust
C. share
D. hide
Question 12: Mary: Thats a very nice skirt youre wearing.- Julia: _________.
A. Thats all right
B. I like it
C. Im glad you like it D. Thats nice

Question 13: Peter: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. Mary: ____________
A. You are welcome
B. Please
C. Welcomed
D. Thank you
Question 14: The GCSE stands for __________.
A. the Generous Certificate of Secondary Education B. the Grade Curriculum of Secondary
C. the Government Curriculum of Secondary Education
D. the General Certificate of
Secondary Education
Question 15: She said she ________.
A. was very tired the night before
B. had been very tired the night before
C. had been very tired last night
D. was very tired last night
Question 16: Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbour _______ his stereo loudly every night.
A. plays
B. is playing
C. played
D. has played
Question 17: By the time I ______back next year, I think, you _____ me.
A. will be / will have forgotten
B. will be/ will forget C. am / will be forgetting
D. am / will have forgotten
Question 18: Hung: Would you like to have dinner with me?
- Lam: __________.
A. Yes, Id love to
B. Im very happy
C. Yes, it is
D. Yes, so do I
Question 19: I didn't get the job _______.
A. in spite of I had some qualifications
B. even as my qualifications
though my qualifications
D. despite my qualifications
Question 20: If he _____the GCSE examination, he ______to take the entrance examination.
A. passed / would allow
B. passes/ will allow
C. had passed / would
have been allowed
D. had passed / would have allowed
Question 21: You can use my phone if yours __________.
A. doesn't work
B. won't work
C. isn't worked
D. won't be worked
Question 22: He was offered the job thanks to his ____ performance during his job interview.
A. impression
B. impressive
C. impressively
D. impress
Question 23: It was the worst winter _______ anyone could remember.
A. in which
B. that
C. when
D. A and C are correct
Question 24: She reads newspapers and looks through the Situations __ column every day.
A. vacancy
B. vacant
C. article
D. vacancies
Question 25: He usually travels to _______ Europe by _______ plane.
A. the / no article
B. the / the
C. no article / a
D. no article / no article
Question 26: Sue : You are a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well as you
- Daisy: _____.
A. Not at all
B. I dont think so, too
C. I'm fine, thanks
D. Youve got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible
Question 27: Mary didnt remember _________ I had told her the day before.
A. what
B. which
C. of which
D. that
Question 28: Lets go to Smiths, _______ we can have a drink before the soccer game starts.
A. where
B. whom
C. which
D. who
Question 29: ______ that they can pass the written exam this time.
A. It hopes
B. That hopes
C. It is hoped
D. That is hoped
Question 30: Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your rsum to the
company. The word rsum is closest in meaning to
A. photograph
B. reference
C. recommendation
D. curriculum vitae
III. Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
Question 31: Several of (A) these chairs need (B) being repaired (C), dont they (D)?
Question 32: By (A) last Christmas, I was working (B) for (C) the (D) company for 10 years.
Question 33: Ten minutes are (A) a reasonable length (B) of time (C) for a call (D).
Question 34: If (A) she had taken (B) the (C) train last night, she would have been (D) here now.
Question 35: What would (A) happen if (B) the temperature (C) is warmer (D)?
IV. Which of the following expresses the same ideas?
Question 36: What language are they going to speak at the conference?
A. What language is going to be spoken at the conference? B. What language is going to be
speaking at the conference?
C. What is language going to be spoken at the conference? D. What language is going to speak
at the conference?
Question 37: I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend.
A. Unless I knew it was my friend, I would not answer the door.
B. I knew it was my friend,
but I did not answer the door.
C. Though I knew it was my friend, but I didnt answer the door.
D. In spite of I knew it was
my friend, I didnt answer the door .
Question 38: It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight.
A. If there were not the earth's gravity, we would be weightless.
B. If there hadnt been the
earth's gravity, we would have been weightless.

C. The earth's gravity is given weight by people.

D. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot
weigh anything.
Question 39: If I were you, Tom, I wouldnt meet Jane again. said Anna
A. Anna advised Tom to meet Jane again.
B. Anna advised Tom not to meet Jane again.
C. Anna invited Tom to meet Jane again.
D. Anna offered Tom not to meet Jane again.
Question 40: The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. I have not been to the museum for a year. B. I havent been to the museum since a year.
C. At last I went to the museum after a year.
D. My going to the museum lasted a year.
V. Read the passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
Most schools in the United States ___(41) at the kindergarten level. There are some school
districts that do not have this beginning phase, and others which have an additional preschool one.
There are almost always required subjects at ___(42) level. In some areas and at most advanced
levels, the sudents can choose some subjects. Pupils who do not do ___(43) often have to repeat
courses, or have to have special tutoring, usually ____(44) in and by the schools. Many schools also
support summer classes, ____(45) students can make up for failed courses or even take extra
Question 41:
A. finishes
B. start
C. finish
D. starts
Question 42:
A. every
B. a
C. each
D. one
Question 43:
A. badly
B. good
C. badD. well
Question 44:
A. doing
B. do
C. done
D. did
Question 45:
A. that
B. when
C. where
D. which
VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to
share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech,
communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.
Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes
apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious
messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.
Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these
others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.
Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined
throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,
much as they learn verbal skills.
Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do
not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.
Question 46: The word reading has a close meaning to ________.
A. looking at the words that are written
B. expressing
C. understanding
D. saying something aloud
Question 47: We can learn from the text that ________.
A. non-verbal can never get any responses
B. most people do not like non-verbal
C. touching is not accepted in communicating D. even silence has message value
Question 48: According to the writer, ________.
A. Those who can listen and talk should not use non-verbal language. B. People communicate with
both verbal and non-verbal language.
C. Non-verbal language is only used by the deaf and the mute.
D. One cannot communicate
in both verbal and non-verbal language.
Question 49: Which is not included in non-verbal communication?
A. words
B. tone of voice
C. spatial distance
D. facial expressions
Question 50: Human beings ________.
A. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language through books
B. have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language since a child
C. can communicate in non-verbal language only when they are mature
D. communicate in non-verbal language much less than they do in verbal language
-------------- THE END ------



NM HC 20092010


ANH 12















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