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Ear Insufflation

What a beautiful write-up! Thank you so much for sharing.
You are welcome!
My generator at the lowest setting produces 38ug/ml at 1/32, a bit higher than
your figures suggest. Ill have to make do with that.
Yes, 4 of mine are from a company in Canada that no longer makes ozone
generators only UV Blood irradiation equipment and oils, and what I love about
them is that they go very low in concentration while still on 1/32 airflow. I bought
2 from a Canadian company that makes the same-looking generators (the owner
used to work for the other original company) and sells them today and sells at the
ozone certification trainings that occur in Reno, but they do not have such a low
gamma on 1/32 airflow.
I always give it a few minutes to fill the tubing and do a whiff test with my nose.
Me too, but I would not want to suggest to others to stick their noses at the end of
a tube producing ozone ;-). The latex test is a good one though.
I always do my insufflations after a shower, but like your distilled water
suggestion better.
Do you think that an oxygen concentrator with a pediatric flowmeter in lieu of
bottled O2 would be ok to use for ear insufflations?
You know some people do, but I can only reply as to what I am willing to do and
personally, I will only use bottled pure O2 for all applications. I have not found
concentrators that produce as pure a product as medical oxygen. If I found one of
these and had an external monitor to make certain of the purity, I would.
If I had no access to bottled O2 (which is possible with landslides and such
closing roads where I live in Guatemala) and only had a concentrator available,
and was working with things like limb bagging or cupping in a situation that was
desperate such as gangrene or MRSA infections or for purifying water or foods,
then of course I would use one.
Would using a Y connector to both ears, do you think 1/16 lpm would divide
equally into 1/32 for each ear?
So sorry, I have no clue about that. I tend not to guess on anything if I can help it
and even though in theory something might sound logical or right, unless it was
measured as to the pressure coming out of each tube, how would one really know?
I have used 'Y' connectors for myself but stopped because in some ways I like the
idea of doing one ear at a time so a person can really pay full attention to pressure,
pain, noise and any other issues in each ear with the treatment.
Perhaps Peter or someone else has an answer to this?
Could you list the conditions that ozone ear insufflation have shown to be an
effective treatment for?
A quick Google search for "ozone ear insufflation applications" will bring up a lot
of info. but again there are as many opinions on these things as there are stars in
the sky I think sometimes ;-)

I can only speak to what we have experienced in Guatemala, and we have had
success with ear infections of course (seems to be a slam dunk), Alzheimer's and
other dementia, 'brain fog', tinnitus (although some find they develop it from
using ear insufflation like Edy), as an adjunct to blood treatment for eye disorders
& Parkinson's, for stroke damage, to stop a cold, for sinus infections/issues
(although injecting into the periapical area Procaine followed by ozone seems to
work better/faster), TMJ pain, candida and more.
There are so many variables and considerations with ozone as with any healing
modality, not the least of which are all the particulars to each person using it for
treatment. It is a simple application but I think that many people tend to
oversimplify ozone and its mechanisms of action as well as possible side effects.
But I see it like it is in conventional medicine, the doctor graduates from medical
school and only then begins to learn how to be a doctor. I know more now than I
did 10 years ago, or even 3 but in addition to research and training, it is the
clinical or personal experience that has really taught me and I always err on the
side of caution.
As with any powerful modality proper use of it might almost always be benign,
but improper use can be dangerous. And I also think that a proper workup to see
what else is going on with the person is necessary. We will have people show up
because their relative was cured from gastritis from drinking ozone water and
demand the same treatment because their symptoms seem "just like my cousin's"
when in fact it could be stomach cancer.
Regarding the ear insufflation, it is interesting to see now that in Veterinary
Medicine they will cup the animals ear to get the ozone in and say it works.
I copy below for you part of an excerpt from Nathaniel Altman's book
(applications section) at this

Ear Insufflation
Applying a mixture of oxygen and ozone through the ear is a recent
but popular development in ozone therapy. This method is based on
the idea that ozone is absorbed by the body through the tiny
capillaries of the ear canal. Once again, this idea is wrong, and only
some chemical compounds produced by a post-ozone reaction are
absorbed into the ear canal.
Used only in a well-ventilated room (and preferably with a fan placed
behind the patient to prevent inhalation of ozone), the generator is
connected to a tube with a plastic catheter. The generator is turned on
and the catheter is placed gently into the ear. Some use a modified
stethoscope to split the ozone flow so that both ears are treated at the
same time. The gas is run at a slow flow rate through a glass
humidifier and then it interacts with the surface tissues of the
eardrum. The chemical compounds produced by these interactions
enter the middle ear, the inner ear, and down the Eustachian tube into
the sinuses, brain and bloodstream. A typical treatment takes one to
two minutes.
Typically, sick patients undergo three treatments a week, while others
use it once or twice weekly for health maintenance. Although this
method has not yet been clinically studied, doctors report that ear
insufflation is helpful in treating ear infections, mastoiditis, tinnitis,
sinusitis, head colds, hearing problems caused by candida and more
generalized disease symptoms like Parkinsons disease, influenza,
bronchitis and asthma. However, some physicians question whether a
prolonged and repeated course of treatment is safe considering the
delicacy and low levels of antioxidants in these auricular structures.

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