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Theoretical background

The ideal gas equation stated that PV=mRTM, which P=absolute pressure,
V=volume, m= amount of substance (moles), R=ideal gas constant, T=absolute
temperature. However this equation doesnt obey by real and several changes have to be
made so that it can be apply on real gas.
When the there is an increment of energy in water, it will cause the activities of
the molecule to increase and become more easy to escape from the water. Thus the
number of molecule escape from the water will increase until it reaches equilibrium. The
pressure between the water surface and steam will affect the state of equilibrium. At the
higher temperature, molecules become harder to leave the surface of the water as the
energy required to achieve equilibrium is higher. Whereas molecules become easier to
escape the surface of the water as the energy required to achieve equilibrium is lower.
In this Marcet boiler experiment, the main equipment which is the marcet boiler is
used to determine the relationship between saturated pressure and temperature of water.
Besides, this boiler also used to find out the temperature of a body when it is being heated
and cooled. As we know, the pressure and temperature is directly proportional to each
other, which mean that when the temperature increase the pressure will also increase
subsequently. Theoretically, the temperature throughout the water in the boiler is uniform
and the outside surface temperature and the steam temperature unless there is any error
occurs during the experiment.
Experimental method
In this Marcet boiler experiment, the stainless steel steam boiler is used to
determine the relationship between pressure and temperature. The water is poured into
the boiler through the filter opening until the water level reaches the overflow mark. The
drain valve which is located near the bottom of the stainless steel steam boiler is used to
remove the excessive water inside the boiler. After that, the master switch then the heater
switch will be switched on to enable electric heater is used to heat up the water will heat
up the water and the temperature sensor will used to measure boiler temperature. There is
also a safety valve at the top of the stainless steel steam boiler. It is used to release excess

pressure in the boiler so that the pressure inside the boiler will not be too large and cause
any dangerous and harmful effect.
1. Water is filled into the boiler. The drain valve must be closed in order to fill water
into the boiler. The overflow valve was fit with a tube and the valve is opened.
2. The plug is removed from the filter opening and the water was poured into the
boiler until it reaches the overflow mark. The overflow valve was closed when the
water finished dripping out. Then, the filter opening was closed with the plug.
3. The master switch was switched on, and then heater switch in order to start the
experiment. In order to prevent excess pressure build-up the heater control was
limited to a temperature of 200C.
4. The boiler saturated pressure and temperature values were recorded in increment
as shown on the table provided.
5. A few measurements were taken continuously after heater off in order to observe
the trend of cooling.
6. After the experiment, the unit at the master switch was switched off and the boiler
was left to cool down.
Stainless steel steam boiler, filter opening, overflow valve, electric heater, manometer,
temperature sensor, digital display, safety valve, master switch, heater switch.

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