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Social & Personality Development

FALL 2005
Dr. Huxtable-Jester PSY/CLDP 3332.501
Office: GR 4.522 Mondays 7-9:45pm
Office hours: MWF 11am-12pm, W 3:30-4:30pm CR 1.202
Phone: 972-883-6434

I. Course description
This course examines how people come to be who they are, and how change and continuity
work together over time. Basic concepts of developmental theory will be reviewed. We will
study the infant's first social relationships, and we will try to understand the connection between
early temperament and mature personality. Next we examine how children function within
increasingly complex and varied social environments. Topics covered include children’s
interactions with others and how this influences their development in such areas as parent-child
and peer relationships, self-concept and identity, motivation, moral development, and
aggression. We will consider the family and peer systems in which children develop. We will
ask how all three systems (self, peer, and family) make it through the adolescent transition. This
course assumes an introductory background in child or life span development (3 credits, call
numbers 13536/14172).

II. Texts & materials

A. Shaffer, D.R. (2005). Social & personality development (5th ed.). Belmont, CA:
B. A link to the optional “Student Book Companion Site” appears at The sample exam items might be helpful.
C. Additional chapters and journal articles will be assigned to complement, elaborate on, or
contradict the text. More details about this will be discussed in class.
D. You must use the APA style guide at

E. Your first assigned reading is a brief article about how to read journal articles at
F. Pick up 4 Exam System II #229630 answer sheets for exams, available free at the off-
campus bookstore. You MUST bring an answer sheet (and your #2 pencils, of course) to
each scheduled exam.
G. UTD course syllabi may be seen at
H. Take a proud step toward independence and buy yourself your very own stapler. Please
staple all papers that you give me.

III. Course requirements

A. Readings and class participation.
1. To get the most benefit from your time in this class, please keep up with the readings as
indicated in the course calendar. You will find classes to be much more interesting and
involving if you come prepared to discuss each day's topic. Advance preparation also
enables you to understand the material, to be prepared to ask questions to clarify the
day's material, and to put the material into context with material covered earlier.
2. Class attendance and participation are an important indication of your commitment
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 2

and professionalism, and are critical to your success in this course. Classes will consist
of lectures, discussions, and demonstrations, and frequently will cover content not
found in the texts. Attendance (or the lack of it) will be seriously considered when
assessing final grades. Participation includes asking and responding to questions and
contributing to class discussions, and also is considered in the grading.
3. Please come to class on time and stay for the duration of the
class session. You should be seated and ready to begin on time. Coming in late or
leaving early is disruptive and distracting. Repeated absences and/or disruptions will
result in a significant reduction of your final course grade.
4. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to acquire missed lecture notes, assignments,
handouts, and announcements from a classmate. You are responsible for all
information given in class. This includes any changes to the syllabus, content
and format of quizzes, and details given regarding assignments.

B. Exams
1. Four non-cumulative exams focusing on the assigned readings and lecture material
will be given to assess your mastery of the material in each section of the course. Exams
will be based on materials from the readings, lectures, class discussions, and videos.
Format will be discussed in class.
2. You must be present for exams. If you might miss an exam, notify me at 972-883-
6434 IMMEDIATELY. I must hear from you before the scheduled time of the exam. If
you wait to talk to me at the next class meeting, you will not be able to make up the
exam. Make-up exams will be given only if: (a) you were seriously ill and have
documentation from a physician, or (b) you were detained the day and time of the exam
(and have appropriate documentation), or (c) you made arrangements prior to the exam
to attend an urgent family affair (e.g., funeral). In any of these cases, you must notify
me in advance of the scheduled time of the exam (call and leave a voice-mail message if
you can do nothing else). Otherwise, you will receive an F (0 points). It is your
responsibility to make sure that an exam is made up within one week of the scheduled
time. Beware, make-up exams are designed to be more difficult to compensate for
having more study time.
3. Exams will be returned during class time once only. If you miss class on the day exams
are returned you must come to my office. Privacy regulations prohibit me from
emailing your grades to you!
4. See me early if you need help preparing for an exam. It is helpful (but not required) to
study first, and then come with a list of specific questions or areas of concern. Also, if
you feel that you worked hard studying for an exam, but received a much lower grade
that you anticipated, come see me so that we can determine where your study strategies
went wrong. Coming to ask me what you can do to improve your grade makes sense if
you come early in the semester, but is pointless if you come late in the semester (e.g.,
after the 4th exam)—at that point there is nothing you can do.
5. Preparing for an exam is an important part of the learning process—it takes weeks of
preparation, not days or hours. Learning and understanding the material are the best
preparation for the exams. Keeping up with the readings pays off. Plan to spend at
least 9 hours per week outside of class on reading and writing assignments for this
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 3

C. Evaluative Summary of Research

1. In place of a traditional term paper, you will evaluate an original report of
developmental research by writing a one-page critical review of research literature.
Additional details appear later in this syllabus and will be discussed in class.
2. The References page and citation format for this summary will follow the format
approved by the American Psychological Association as described in the APA
Publication Manual. Use of the website is REQUIRED. I suggest
that you acquaint yourself with the information to be found here early in the semester—
waiting until you have finished writing your paper is likely to be too late.

D. Summary proposal
1. Because you will be able to choose from a set of articles which one you summarize for
the evaluative summary assignment, you first will need to have the article you choose
approved by me so that you will have a solid foundation for your paper and so that I can
make sure everyone summarizes a different article. You may select very recent articles
(2003-2005) from the following journals only:
Child Abuse and Neglect Journal of Adolescence
Child Development J. of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and
Developmental Psychology Allied Disciplines
Development and Psychopathology Journal of Early Adolescence
Early Childhood Research Quarterly Journal of Family Psychology
Infant Mental Health Journal
2. Choose three articles that look interesting to you. By September 19, submit the
1. Title page—this should include the name of the assignment (e.g., Summary
Proposal), your name, course name, my name, semester and year
2. A photocopy of the abstract (or first page) of each of the three articles
3. References page (with one-inch margins, double-spaced, 12-pt Times Roman
font) on which you will list, in APA format, your three article choices
You do not need to submit your paper proposal (or journal entries) to
3. I will let you know which article(s) will be appropriate for your summary. Please note
that this assignment, even though it is worth only 4 points, is REQUIRED. If you do not
submit a list of three articles by September 19, you automatically will receive a grade of
0 (ZERO) on your Evaluative Summary.

E. Critical Thinking Journal

1. You will have 14 opportunities to earn up to 36 points toward your final grade by
submitting, in person and on the day they are due, a critical thinking journal
corresponding to each of the textbook chapters. Critical thinking does not necessarily
inolve looking for flaws in the material you read, but rather involves evaluating the
merits, significance, utility of, and/or evidence for a line of research you read about.
2. The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to spend time reflecting on the ideas
presented in the reading assignments, to evaluate and solve problems while reading
rather than merely compile a set of facts to be memorized, think logically, express your
thoughts on a topic, seek alternative views on a topic, be open to new ideas that may not
necessarily agree with your previous thoughts on a topic, base your judgments on ideas
and evidence, recognize errors in thought and persuasion as well as to recognize good
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 4

arguments, take a critical stance on issues, ask penetrating and thought-provoking

questions to evaluate ideas, reassess your views when new or discordant evidence is
introduced and evaluated, identify arguments and issues, and see connections between
topics and use knowledge from other disciplines to enhance your reading and learning
experiences [derived from Schumm, J. S. & Post, S. A. (1997). Executive Learning,
3. The act of putting your thoughts and ideas on paper is a tool to help you think through
new materials and ideas in a safe space (there are no right or wrong answers). What
matters most is that you are engaged with the material at hand and doing thoughtful
work. Journals will be graded on thoughtfulness and thoroughness, but not on the
specific views you express. About one page, double-spaced, will be sufficient. You
can earn 1-4 points per entry (1-incomplete; 2-complete but lacking depth or
organization; 3-adequate; 4-complete, organized, and demonstrates insight). The quality
of your writing DOES COUNT. Please use correct grammar and punctuation, and a
clear, coherent writing style. You will lose points for failing to proof-read (and correct!)
your work. A paper with errors cannot earn more than 2 points.
4. Each entry should be typed, and articles/clippings/cartoons from outside sources
should be photocopied or mounted onto an 8½x11” sheet of paper (they’re safer that
way), with appropriate indication of the source. Handwritten entries will receive zero
credit (part of the assignment is that you must plan ahead and type your entry in
advance). Late (or early) entries, whether submitted in person or via e-mail, will receive
NO credit (don’t try to e-mail me attached files—I won’t download them). This is true
for all late entries, regardless of the excellence of the reason why they were late (or
early). After all, you only have to do 9 out of 14—that gives you more than enough
opportunities even if you are sick, stuck in traffic, hospitalized, or in labor. Turn them in
IN CLASS, IN PERSON, ON TIME. Note: Dropping off your paper at the beginning or
end of class, but not staying for a full class period, also will receive zero credit. If you
are late on the day that papers are accepted, your paper cannot be accepted for that day.
To receive full credit for this assignment, you need to arrive for class prepared and on
time, with no excuses.

F. Minute papers (1 point each, extra credit)

Occasionally, I will ask you to write short essays in class. These essays are designed to
prompt you organize your thoughts on a given topic. They are graded on a credit/no
credit basis. In short, if you are there on the day I ask for a minute paper and write
something intelligible and thoughtful that is related to the question I’ve asked, you get
credit. These papers are not intended to "test" your knowledge as much as they are to get
you thinking about the topic at hand and to facilitate class discussion.

G. Additional notes:
1. Policy on ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Students who violate University rules on
scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of
failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. Since such dishonesty
harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on
scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. Written policies may be found on the
UTD website under “Student Life.”
2. All assignments must be handed in by class time on the day they are due. The
evaluative summary will not be accepted after November 7, 2005 [notice that we
have an exam that day—you will want to plan your time carefully]. Late
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assignments will not be accepted.

3. In addition to submitting a hard copy of each written assignment in class, you will
submit your evaluative summary in class AND online at Your Class ID is 1321846 and the password is ATTACHMENT. Details about
how to set up your account will be discussed in class. Journal entries and the
summary proposal will not be submitted to
4. A word about Sorting Numbers: When we have our 2nd or 3rd class meeting, I will
assign you a number that you should write in the top right corner of the cover page of
every assignment and exam you turn in. We use these numbers to put assignments in
gradebook order more efficiently.
5. Special educational needs: The University of Texas at Dallas proudly supports a very
diverse student body. Among our students are those with learning disabilities or other
special needs. If you have a learning, sensory, or physical reason for special
accommodations in this class, please contact Kerrie Tate at 972-883-2098. Personnel
in Disability Services (SU 1.610) will provide the documentation to pass on to me so
that I can accommodate your needs.
6. University rules stipulate that a grade of "Incomplete" may be given only under
extreme circumstances outside of the student's control, and only after at least 70% of
the course work has already been completed (that’s everything but one exam). All
requests for an incomplete grade must have written approval from the College Master
before I will consider them.
7. Absolutely no individualized extra credit will be available. If you are concerned about
your grades, please meet with me as soon as possible. I want to help you.
8. I am always available to answer questions about grades and assignments. Please come
to see me early to clear up points of confusion rather than waiting, which may simply
add to your frustration and decrease your learning efficiency.

IV. Grading. The basis for assigning grades in this course will be as follows:
Points % of final grade
Exams (4 @ 50 pts each) 200 75%
Summary proposal 4 2%
Evaluative summary of research 25 10%
Journal entries (9 @ 4 pts each) 36 13%
TOTAL 265 100%

Assignment of letter grades is as follows:

Points earned Percent Letter grade
246-265 93-100% A
238-245 90-92% A-
232-237 88-89% B+
219-231 83-87% B
211-218 80-82% B-
206-210 78-79% C+
193-205 73-77% C
185-192 70-72% C-
179-184 68-69% D+
171-178 65-67% D
0-170 0-64% F
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 6

V. Office hours
Please feel free to stop by, email, or call any time you have a question or concern about anything
relating to assignments, exams, or anything else you can think of. I always return your e-mail,
so if you don’t hear back from me within 24 hours, you should assume that I did not get the
message and try contacting me again. Important: Please put SPDEV in the subject line of your
message, or I will not realize it is from you, and probably will not read it. I want to get to know
you, so please also sign your messages with your first and last name. University regulations
restrict me from revealing your personal information via email. I will not be able to send your
grades to you—you will receive your exam and assignment grades in class on designated days.
If you need to see me privately, please come to my office.

You are welcome to e-mail me any time, but please do not send assignments via e-mail, even in
the body of the e-mail message. I am happy to look over a hard copy of any writing assignment
on which you would like some extra help, but please remember that to have time for everyone
(and to get it back to you in time to rewrite it a few more times) I need to receive your draft at
least 3 class days or 10 calendar days before it is due (no emailed submissions, please). Also, I
can help you more if you bring me your best effort, not a first (or even second) draft!

The Graduate TA for this class is Kristin Atchison. Her responsibilities are to administer and
score all exams, including makeup exams. If you, tragically, will need to take a makeup exam,
you will first get approval from me and then contact Kristin to arrange a makeup exam at her
convenience. Exams must be made up within one week, so be sure to make these arrangements
right away. Kristin may be reached at

The undergraduate TA for this class is Kiran Mithani. Her responsibilities are to grade journal
entries, keep records of attendance, lead group study or tutoring sessions, and in general
facilitate your learning success in this class. Kiran may be reached at

You can record your grades here:

Exam 1 _____/50
Exam 2 _____/50
Exam 3 _____/50
Exam 4 _____/50
Evaluative Summary _____/25
Journal Entries & Proposal _____/40
TOTAL _____/265
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 7

Social & Personality Development w M 7-9:45pm w FALL 2005

Week Date Topic Readings to be discussed

1 8/22 Course overview & Introduction to developmental theory Shaffer Ch. 1
Developmental research methods

2 8/29 Classical theories of development Shaffer Ch. 2

Journal entries for Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 accepted today

Set up your user account at Class ID 1321846, password ATTACHMENT.

3 9/5 No classes


Modern theories of development Shaffer Ch. 3
Journal entry for Ch. 3 accepted today


Emotional development and temperament Shaffer Ch. 4
Video: First feelings
Journal entry for Ch. 4 accepted today

6 9/26 7-8:15pm EXAM 1: Chs. 1-4

Attachment theory Shaffer Ch. 5
Video: Rock-a-bye Baby
Journal entry for Ch. 5 accepted today

7 10/3 Attachment theory continued Shaffer Ch. 5

Development of the self and social cognition Shaffer Ch. 6
Paper proposals returned
Journal entry for Ch. 6 accepted today

8 10/10 Social cognition continued Shaffer Ch. 6

Achievement Shaffer Ch. 7
Journal entry for Ch. 7 accepted today

9 10/17 7-8:15pm EXAM 2: Chs. 5-7

Sex differences, gender, and sexuality Shaffer Ch. 8
Video: The Pinks and the Blues
Journal entry for Ch. 8 accepted today


PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 8

Week Date Topic Readings to be discussed

10 10/24 Aggression and antisocial behavior Shaffer Ch. 9

Journal entry for Ch. 9 accepted today

11 10/31 PAPER DUE

Altruism and moral development Shaffer Ch. 10
Video: Listening to Children: A Moral Journey with Robert Coles
Journal entry for Ch. 10 accepted today


7-8:15pm EXAM 3: Chs. 8-10
Family inluences on development Shaffer Ch. 11

13 11/14 Family inluences continued Shaffer Ch. 11

Media & school influences Shaffer Ch. 12
Journal entries for Ch. 11 and Ch. 12 accepted today

14 11/21 Peer influences on development Shaffer Chs. 13-14

Video: Among equals
Major themes in social and personality development
Journal entries for Ch. 13 and Ch. 14 accepted today

15 11/28 7-8:15pm EXAM 4: Chs. 11-14

Papers returned

Course grades will be available Dec. 7

PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 9

Evaluative Summary Assignment

This writing assignment is intended to help you to refine your ability to summarize and critically evaluate
reports of original research in social and personality development. You also will learn how to cite your
sources and list your references using APA style. Select a research report from one of the 2003-2005
issues of the journals listed below. The article you choose must be a report of an original investigation
(with method, results, etc.) rather than a review of the literature. Be sure that the topic addresses some
aspect of social and/or personality development. Strategies for finding relevant research will be
discussed in class.

You may select very recent articles (2003-2005) from the following journals only:
Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Development
Developmental Psychology
Development and Psychopathology
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Infant Mental Health Journal
Journal of Adolescence
J. of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines
Journal of Early Adolescence
Journal of Family Psychology

After I have looked at your Summary Proposal (due by September 19), I will tell you which of
the three articles you selected will be appropriate for the Evaluative Summary.

Reading and understanding reports of original research

Make a photocopy or printout of the entire article. Just as if you were planning to write a traditional
term-paper using this article as one of your sources, you will need to take notes to help you remember
and organize what you read. Use the guidelines for organizing your evaluative summary (see page 11)
to take notes on this research report.
Write a brief critical summary of the research investigation you read about. Remember, you are
not writing about an article, you are writing about someone’s research, about their attempt to ask and
then answer an interesting or important question. Anyone reading your one-page paper should know
exactly what the study was about without having to read it. Your summary should be one double-spaced
page in length, using 12-point font (Times Roman) and 1-inch margins, with the page number appearing
in the top right corner ½ inch from the top of the page, and probably will have 3-4 paragraphs. You are
writing in APA style, so please do not use first person.

Learning objective: Identify, summarize, and evaluate the main sections of a research report,
and cite your source appropriately
In one double-spaced page, summarize and evaluate the research that was done. Cite the source you are
discussing using APA style (check the APA format website again if you are unsure of how to do this—
using a correct citation and references page is worth 25% of the grade on this assignment—if you omit
them or have errors, you will not earn more than a C for this paper).

Citing your source means that you indicate where your information comes from. You do this as part of
your paper (in the body of the text) instead of using footnotes or endnotes. All APA style in-text
citations must include the authors’ last names and the work’s date of publication. If you were to use a
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 10

direct quotation you also would give the page number, but do not use any quotations in this paper. Do
not copy from the article, either—you summarize the research by paraphrasing it. Also, because this
paper is only one double-spaced page in length, and you are only using one source, it will be sufficient
to cite your source one time only, near the beginning of your summary. Examples of the three possible
APA style citation formats (with the matching reference, which would go on a separate page) look like

Researchers investigated whether children enrolled in didactic, highly academic

preschools and kindergartens demonstrate negative outcomes on several measures of motivation

as compared to children in child-centered programs (Stipek, Feiler, Daniels, & Milburn, 1995).

Stipek, Feiler, Daniels, and Milburn (1995) conducted a correlational study of the

relationship between type of instructional programming (didactic vs. child-centered) and the

achievement of basic skills and the motivation of 227 4- to 6-year-olds.

In 1995, Stipek, Feiler, Daniels, and Milburn examined the impact of two types of

instructional approaches on the academic achievement and motivation of children in preschool

and kindergarten.


Stipek, D., Feiler, R., Daniels, D., & Milburn, S. (1995). Effects of different instructional

approaches on young children’s achievement and motivation. Child Development, 66,


Use one of the three possible APA style citation formats—don’t name the article or the journal in which
it appears (or the authors’ first names, initials, or affiliation…) in your summary. Also, be sure to
paraphrase your source without using direct quotations. Your organization guidelines will be very
handy, here. Do not write a title on your summary page, and do not use subheadings (you won’t have
The purpose of this exercise is to help you learn how to include discussion of others’ research in
the papers you write (and, ultimately, in the decisions you make!). Very briefly and clearly, you
should be able to explain the purpose of the study, how it was conducted, what was found, and
what it means. When you are writing a critical review of research literature, you need to be able to
discuss the research in terms of examining the question that the investigators asked and how they went
about answering it, rather than simply accepting their results (or worse, their conclusions) as the only
part of the article worth reading.
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 11

Listing references
Create a References page for the article that you are evaluating. At the top of the page, write the word
“References,” but without the quotation marks (or bold type, or italics, or underlining, or fancy font).
On the next line, begin your list of references (in this case, only one reference will be listed). Use APA
style, as indicated on page 9 (this is described in detail on the website listed in the syllabus).
For the source information for the article you read for this assignment, list the original primary
source as indicated on the first page of the article (don’t worry about the format for electronic sources,
for example, even if you retrieve the article online). Notice that only authors’ last names and initials are
needed. The author element ends with a period. The year of publication is placed in parentheses, and
this element also ends with a period. Capitalize only the first word of the title of the article and end
the article title element with a period. Use capital letters for the title of the journal, followed by a
comma, the volume number and issue (if the issue number is needed), and the pages on which the article
appears, and end this element with a period. The title of the journal and the volume number both
should be either underlined or italicized, but the issue number (the number in parentheses) is not
italicized. Remember, the references should appear in your list in alphabetical order (when you have
more than one reference—for this assignment you only have one), but don’t change the original order
in which authors appear on each article.

What to turn in:

1. Title page—this should include the name of the assignment (e.g., Evaluative Summary), your name,
course name, my name, semester and year
2. One-page evaluative summary with one-inch margins, double-spaced, 12-pt Times Roman font
3. References page (be sure to number all of your pages, including your references page, in the top
right corner)
4. A photocopy or printout of the entire article.

Guidelines for Organizing your Evaluative Summary

To organize your summary of the research, make note of the following (by paraphrasing):
1. ARTICLE TYPE: For example, is this a correlational study, a descriptive study, a review of the
literature, a survey, an experiment? You don’t need to be sure to mention this in your summary,
but you should be aware of it as you interpret and evaluate the research.
2. PROBLEM: What was the purpose of this investigation? What issue was addressed? You’ll
find this in the introduction.
3. HOW INVESTIGATED: How did they go about answering their question? You’ll find this in
the method section. (Not how did you locate this article.)
4. RESULTS: What did they find out? Look in the results section.
5. INTERPRETATION: What does it mean? What are the implications for practical application to
real-world problems? You’ll find this in the discussion section.
6. CRITICISM: What are the limitations of this study? What do the authors say should have been
done differently, for example? What do you think about this study? Are the authors’
conclusions warranted?
7. DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH: What should be done either to try again to answer
the initial question posed here, or what questions were raised by these findings that should be
answered next?

For your References page, be sure to make a note of the following information:
1. AUTHOR(S): Who wrote this article that you are reviewing? Be sure to list the authors in the
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 12

original order in which they appear.

2. YEAR: In what year was this article published?
3. ARTICLE TITLE: What is the complete title of the article?
4. JOURNAL TITLE: In which journal did you find this article?
5. VOLUME: In which volume of the journal did this article appear?
6. ISSUE: Is a particular issue within that volume indicated? Or is it possible to use page numbers
alone to locate that article?
7. PAGES: On which pages is the article to be found? (Not how many pages long is the article.)

NOTE: Two sample evaluative summaries are on reserve in the library, call number 12626.
I strongly suggest that you take a look at them.

Please notice in particular that the quality of your writing DOES COUNT. Please use correct grammar
and punctuation, and a clear, coherent writing style. More details about grading criteria will be discussed
in class. The following rubric serves as a useful guideline:
Thesis Handling the question Evidence Meaning & Errors of fact or
analysis grammar
Grade A Clear and concise, Nuanced and complete Fulsome and relevant at Insightful and Free of errors;
well developed all points creative gracefully written
Grade B Clear and Understands the terms Clearly organized; fully Good logical flow, No major errors of
complete and significance of the supported thesis persuasive fact; clearly
question written
Grade C Comprehensible Superficial understanding Weak evidence for a Weak logical flow No major blunders,
of the question part of thesis or interpretation comprehensible
Grade D Non-existent or Lacks basic Lacks evidence for Shallow or illogical Blunders or
or F incomprehensible understanding of the major parts of the incoherence
question thesis

How to find articles in the library when you know which journal you want:
1. Go to
2. Click on LIBRARY near the top of the page (the 3rd choice under the green bar)
3. Click on Connect from Home in the bottom right corner
4. Click on Connect From Home again.
5. Enter your Comet Card Number and click on Submit Query
6. Click on eJournals ONLY to find the specific journal you need.
7. For example, click on C, then scroll down to and click on Child Development
8. Click on the year and volume you wish to browse through
9. Scroll through the results and select the article you need
10. Click on PDF Full Text
11. Print your article
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 13

Syllabus Addendum
Each student in this course is expected to exercise independent scholarly thought,
expression and aptitude. This addendum to the course syllabus is provided to assist
you in developing and maintaining academic integrity while seeking scholastic

General Comments:
• All academic exercises (including assignments, essays, laboratory experiments and reports, examinations,
etc.) require individual, independent work. Any exception(s) will be clearly identified.
• Be sure your name or identifying number is on your paper.
• Complete and turn in academic exercises on time and in the required format (hardcopy, electronic, etc.).
• Retain confirmation of document delivery if submitted electronically.
• Retain all research notes and drafts until the project or assignment has been graded.
• Obtain written authorization from your instructor prior to submitting a portion of academic work previously
submitted for any academic exercise. (This includes an individual or group project submitted for another
course or at another school.)

Essays and Significant Papers:

Be prepared
• To present periodic drafts of work in process
• To correctly and completely reference all sources of information using the citation format prescribed
• To turn your completed assignment in timely and in the prescribed manner (electronic, hardcopy, etc.)

Be prepared
• To leave all personal belonging at the front of the room or other designated location (this includes cell phones,
turned off of course, and beverage containers)
• To present your UTD Comet Card
• To remove your cap or hat
• To remove the batteries from any electronic device (e.g. calculator)
• To exchange blue books or bring them early as required
• To change seating
• To sign out when exiting the testing room
• To be escorted for lavatory use

All episodes of suspected scholastic dishonesty will be reported according to

University policy. Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are
subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course
and/or dismissal from the University. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all
students and the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.
Penalties that may be assessed for scholastic dishonesty may be reviewed in
Subchapter D. Penalties at
Judicial Affairs
U. T. Dallas
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 14

Please tell me about yourself. Tear off this sheet and return it to me at the end of class today.


Phone number where I may reach you, if necessary:


Email address:

Academic major/minor:

How long have you been at UTD? _______________________ When will you graduate?

What psychology courses have you taken?

What other related courses have you taken?

Relevant work experience:

Future job expectations:

Anything else about you that is relevant to this course:

What do you hope to learn in this course?

Course content that appears of greatest interest and value to you:

Course content that appears of least interest and value to you:

Additional comments:
PSY/CLDP 3332 ? Social & Personality Development ? Fall 2005 15

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