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School of Management
The University of Texas at Dallas

Course: Organizational Behavior: Honors

Instructor: Laurie Ziegler, Ph.D. (a.k.a. Dr. Z.)
Semester: Spring 2006
Office: SM 4.210 Hours: TBA
Phone: 972-883-2847
Email: WebCT
Course Information

Course Description

Have you ever wondered why some people seem motivated and others do not? Why
some people see the world the way you do and others don’t have a clue? Why some
decisions are successfully implemented and others never see the light of day? These
questions and more are at the heart of organizational behavior. In this course you will
learn about human behavior in an organizational context. You will not only understand
what is going on, you will also be able to predict what will happen, and will be able to
influence outcomes.

Learning Objectives

1. To develop an understanding of concepts, research, and theories in the study of

human behavior in organizations.
2. To introduce the student to primary research and the application of associated
theories to individual, group, and organizational-level behavior.
3. To provide cases, examples, and exercises that help you incorporate
contemporary knowledge of organizations into your thinking and behavior.
4. To create an awareness of the relationships that diversity and ethics have on
organizations and on organizational behavior concepts.
5. To help foster improved competency in several critical management skills.
6. To help prepare you to transfer this knowledge to real-world settings.

Required Course Materials

Organizational Behavior: Emerging Realities for the Workplace Revolution by Steven L.

McShane and Mary Ann Von Glinow, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition. Do not purchase
the third edition. You may purchase an eBook version of the second edition at . A link is also provided on your course menu. Once in
the site, go to the custom book link and follow directions.

If you choose to buy a hardcopy of the textbook, it can be ordered online through MBS
Direct Virtual Bookstore or Off-Campus Books online ordering site. Textbooks are also at
UTD Bookstore and Off-Campus Books.

Cases, exercises, and self-assessments as described in the course schedule.

Multi-media: I created the multi-media lectures for your use in this course only. Do not
share these materials or use them in any way that is unrelated to this course. They
constitute my intellectually property. You can access the movie and music clips by
clicking on the “movie camera” and “record player” respectively.

Student Assessment

Course Breakdown:
Participation 30%
Personal Statements
Interactive Activity (one/team)
Field Trips
Cases, readings, self-assessments
Quizzes 40%
Team Term Paper 30%
Attendance is crucial for several reasons:
1. You must be in class to participate in discussions.
2. The textbook is used as a supplement to the material presented in class. You will be
at a substantial
disadvantage in learning the material if your attendance is poor.
3. You will learn some useful information.
4. It is graded. You may miss two classes without penalty. Each additional class
missed will result in a 5 point deduction from your final grade.

If you must come to class late, please do so quietly. If you need to leave class
early, please get my approval at the beginning of the session.

In an honors course it is imperative that you participate in course activities. Participation
may take a variety of forms. You may actively participate in class discussions both as a
member of the entire class or in small group discussions. You may find material that is
relevant to the course (e.g. a news report, movie) and summarize it for your classmates
or give the summary to me and I can incorporate into that day’s discussions. You may
attend outside course-related activities and give me an oral summary or present it to the
class. The purpose is not to make you talk for talking’s sake but to meaningfully engage
you in the material.

Personal Statement: Submit up to a one page personal statement on the

discussion board under the personal statement forum by January 24th. We will
use this information to get an idea of what our class members are like.
Information you provide might include: who you are, what you do, what industry
you are in, what your hobbies are, and what you want to get from this course.
You could attach a picture of yourself (with family, friends, pets, alone, etc.) if you
like. Your experience in this course will be greatly enhanced if you read your
classmates’ statements. You might even find out that you have synergies with
fellow students and wish to explore further relationships with them.

Cases, Readings, Self-Assessments: Although you have no formal write-up*,

it is expected that you will be prepared to discuss cases, readings, and self-
assessments. The cases will help you apply OB concepts to real world
situations. Some of the cases are dated and you may wish to update the
material before coming to class. The self-assessments will give you some insight
into how and why you feel, think, and behave the way you do. They will give you
a foundation for managing your own and others’ behaviors. I will randomly call
on students to lead discussions over the cases, readings, and self-assessments.
*As long as everyone comes to class prepared, you will not have to turn in these
assignments. If I perceive that the class as a whole is not adequately prepared,
then everyone will have to submit the assignments to me for grading.

Interactive Activity: Each team is responsible for leading a discussion, group

exercise, or other
interactive activity during one class session. Activities should engage the entire
class and should
last approximately 45 minutes. I will lecture over the course material so please
do not repeat
it in your activity. Your task is to “supplement” the course material with outside
ideas and resources. You may choose to bring in a guest speaker. What a great
idea! If you do so, please inform me well in advance so I know how much time to
allot to the speaker and can find out specifics about the speaker and the topic. It
is often difficult to obtain speakers; therefore, if you do know someone who is
willing to talk to our class they do not need to speak on that day’s topic. Have
one of your team members submit the top three concepts you wish to facilitate.
Email this request to me via WebCT by Put “interactive” in your subject heading.

Field Trips: I have designated two class days for field trips. It is expected that
you will participate in these field trips. If you are unable to for some reason, talk
to me and we will come up with an alternative assignment.

Quizzes: You will have five quizzes that will demonstrate your knowledge of the
material. Quizzes will be
multiple choice. Questions analyze your definitional, conceptual and applied
knowledge. Quizzes
will contain approximately 40 questions randomly generated. You will complete
the quizzes on WebCT. Quiz time windows can be found on your course
schedule. You can check your grades by accessing the “My Grade” icon on the
Student Tools page after the time window has expired. It is expected that you
will complete these quizzes alone.

Team Term Paper: You have two assignments related to your team term paper. The
first is for one of your team members to submit the film title (your topic e.g.
“Office Space”) describing (4-6 bullet statements) how you plan to analyze the
OB concepts (e.g. motivation, teams, and leadership) you will cover in your term
paper. Submit this as a word document under Assignment: Film Description
using your team name and a doc extension (e.g. OB1 Kenobis.doc) no later than
February 28th. This will: help you in your goal-setting endeavors for this project;
help you determine if you have any underperforming members; and provide me
the opportunity to view the films. The second assignment is for you to complete
the team term paper. The term paper is due April 11th at 11:55 pm CST.
Guidelines for the term paper and the evaluation rubric can be found under the
Assignment: Team Term Paper link.
Final Grade Calculation:

97 and above A+
92 to 96.99 A
89 to 91.99 A-
87 to 88.99 B+
82 to 86.99 B
79 to 81.99 B-
77 to 78.99 C+
72 to 76.99 C
69 to 71.99 C-
67 to 68.99 D+
62 to 66.99 D
59 to 61.99 D-
Below 59 F

Note: There has to be a grading cut-off somewhere. This is where our course
grades are delineated. Do not ask me to give you a different cutoff at the end of
the semester.

Important Dates (all due by 11:55 CST)

Interactive Activity Request: 1/24

Team Name via WebCT: 1/24
Personal Statement: 1/24
Film Description: 2/28
Spring Break: 3/6 – 3/12
Team Term Paper: 4/11
Quiz 1: 1/24 – 1/29
Quiz 2: 2/15 – 2/19
Quiz 3: 3/15 – 3/19
Quiz 4: 4/05 – 4/09
Quiz 5: 4/26 – 4/30

Scholastic Dishonesty/Sexual Harassment

The university has policies and discipline procedures regarding scholastic dishonesty.
Detailed information is available on the Scholastic Dishonesty web page. All students
are expected to maintain a high level of responsibility with respect to academic honesty.
Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary
penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the
university. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of
the university, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.

Students are expected to treat one another with respect and dignity at all times. You
may obtain a copy of your rights and obligations regarding sexual harassment at:
Course Schedule

Module 1 (1/10 – 1/24)

Quiz 1 (1/24 5:00 am cst - 1/29 11:55 pm cst)

1/10 1/17 Introduction

Lecture: Instructor Introduction, Session 1

Readings: Chapter 1
Video: Office Space

1/17 Individual Behavior and Learning in Organizations

Lecture: Session 2
Readings: Chapter 2
Case: Pushing Paper Can Be Fun
Self-Assessment: Assessing Your Self-Efficacy, pg. 59

1/24 Perception and Personality in Organizations

Lecture: Session 3
Readings: Chapter 3
Case: BusinessWeek Online: No Way to Treat a Lady

Self-Assessment: Comparing Cultural Stereotypes pg. 93

(Work in your teams)


Module 2 (1/31 – 2/14)

Quiz 2 (2/15 5:00 am cst – 2/19 11:55 pm cst)


1/31 Workplace Values, Ethics and Emotions

Lecture: Session 4
Readings: Chapter 4
Case: BusinessWeek Online: After Enron: The Ideal Corporation
Case: BusinessWeek Online: The Big Squeeze on Workers
Self-Assessment: Individualism/Collectivism Scale pg. 128
1/31 2/7 Foundations of Employee Motivation

Lecture: Session 5
Readings: Chapter 5
Case: BusinessWeek Online: CEO Coaches
Self-Assessment: Measuring Your Growth Need Strength pg. 159

2/14 Applied Motivation Practices

Lecture: Session 6
Readings: Chapter 6
Case: Keeping Suzanne Chalmers pg. 190
Self-Assessments: What Is Your Attitude Toward Money? pg. 194
Assessing Your Self-Leadership pg. 194

Module 3 (2/21-3/14)
Field Trip (2/21)
Spring Break (3/6-3/12)
Quiz 3 (3/15 5:00 am cst – 3/19 11:55 pm cst)


2/28 Stress Management

Lecture: Session 7
Readings: Chapter 7
Case: BusinessWeek Online: Rethinking the Rat Race – Chapter

2/28 3/14 Foundations of Team Dynamics

Lecture: Session 8
Readings: Chapter 8
Case: BusinessWeek Online: Detroit is Cruising for Quality –
Chapter 9
Case: BusinessWeek Online: The New Teamwork – Chapter 10
Self-Assessment: Team Roles Preference Scale pg. 255

3/14 Decision Making and Employee Involvement

Lecture: Session 9
Readings: Chapter 9
Case: Employee Involvement Cases pg. 285
Self-Assessment: Decision Making Style Inventory pg. 291

Module 4 (3/21-4/4)
Field Trip (3/28)
Quiz 4 (4/5 5:00 am cst – 4/9 11:55 pm cst)


3/21 Creativity and Team Decision Making

Lecture: Session 10
Readings: Chapter 10
Case: BusinessWeek Online: The Art of Brainstorming – Chapter
Exercises: Creativity Power Point slides and Lecture

4/4 Communicating in Organizations

Lecture: Session 11
Readings: Chapter 11
Case: BusinessWeek Online: Watch What You Put in That Office
E-Mail – Chapter
Self-Assessment: Active Skills Listening Inventory pg. 351
NOTE: Some of copies of this book incorrectly say in Appendix B that high students
have high scores if they score 10 or above on each sub-scales and above 50 points for
the total. This should say above 6 points on the subscales and above 30 points on the
total score.

4/4 Power, Politics and Persuasion

Lecture: Session 12
Readings: Chapter 12
Case: BusinessWeek Online: A Whistle Blower Rocks an
Industry – Chapter 12
Self-Assessment: Perceptions of Politics pg. 382

Module 5 (4/11 – 4/25)

Quiz 5 (4/26 5:00 am cst – 4/30 11:55 pm cst)

4/11 Conflict and Negotiation

Lecture: Session 13
Readings: Chapter 13
Case: Conflict in Close Quarters pg. 410
Case: BusinessWeek Online: The House of Pritzker – Chapter
Self-Assessment: Conflict Management Style Orientation Inventory pg. 412

4/18 Organizational Leadership

Lecture: Session 14
Readings: Chapter 14
Case: BusinessWeek Online: Staying On Top – Chapter 14
Self-Assessment: Leaderships Dimensions Instrument, pg. 442

4/25 Organizational Culture

Lecture: Session 15
Readings: Chapter 15
Case: BusinessWeek Online: Shaking Up Merrill
Self-Assessment: Corporate Culture Preference Scale pg. 470

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