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Accounting Internship

University of Texas at Dallas

AIM 4V00 or AIM 4380
AIM Internship-Undergraduate
Spring, 2006

Intern Advisor: Heather Huntley Office: McDermott Library 1-312

Internship Coordinator
Office Phone: 972-883-6124

Faculty Advisor: Art Agulnek Office: SM 4.222

Office Phone: 972-883-4773 Fax: 972-867-4245
Other Phone: 972-867-6877-emergency use only
Other Phone: 214-762-2371- emergency use only
WebCT: preferred method of communication

Course Objectives

To provide students with an opportunity to expand and apply their skills in

accounting in a professional environment. The accounting student will be
required to apply the knowledge obtained at the University in an actual job
situation. In order to ensure preparedness for the internship experience, a
student must have completed 12 hours of accounting coursework before the
semester in which the internship is performed. Additionally, the student will be
exposed to new accounting procedures and concepts. This exposure will be
equal to or greater than the knowledge contained in a three-hour undergraduate

Accounting firms, corporate employers and other qualified employers will provide
this opportunity. The University of Texas at Dallas is responsible for ensuring the
employment setting meets a standard that will allow the student to achieve the
goals of the intern program.

Course Requirements

The three parties to this program are the student, the employer and the
University. The duties and responsibilities of each are as follows:

The Student:
1. The student must enroll in AIM 4V00 or AIM 4380 Accounting
Accounting Internship
2. The student must register at the UTD Career Center and upload a
resume into E-recruiting.

3. The student must interview with qualified employers for internship

positions that have been approved by the Career Center.

4. The student must work a minimum of 15 weeks or a total of 300

hours if the internship is in the fall or spring semester or 12 weeks
or a total of 240 hours if the internship is in the summer semester.
The student will received 3 hours of credit upon successfully
completing the internship assignment.

5. The student must keep a weekly diary comprising a chronological

list of all work experience gained as an intern. The diary can be
either in a paragraph format or a bulletized approach. You should
accumulate the experiences on a regular basis to simplify the
semester end requirement. The diary should be no more than 5

6. The student must write a paper demonstrating the knowledge

gained as an intern and how this experience will assist you in
attaining your career objectives. This paper is due no later than
the first day of the last week of classes for the semester. (Due
April 17, 2006) .Both the diary and the paper must be submitted
via webCT. Please comply with the due date so grades can be
submitted on a timely basis.The due date is non-negotiable.

7. If this course is submitted to the Texas State Board of

Accountancy, the student must retain evidence of all of above

8. The student must complete work assignments in a timely and

professional manner.

9. It is expected that students, at all times, conduct themselves in a

manner that is a credit to the University.

10. The student must check WebCT on a regular basis—it is the

only way that the instructor has available to communicate with
them .

11. If you are experiencing any performance issues at the employer—

please make me aware of them as soon as possible. I can and will
assist you in getting them resolved.

Accounting Internship

The University

A. The Career Center Office

1. Obtain qualified employers who are offering internships in

accounting that meet the requirement of this program.

2. Ensure that employers understand and meet the requirements as

noted in the section entitled The Employer.

3. Assist students in applying for the program.

4. Assist the students in applying for internship positions.

5. Maintain data on the students applying for the program and the
results of the students’ efforts.

6. Function as a coordinator between the student, faculty advisor and

the employer.

B. The Faculty Advisor

1. Within the first three weeks of each semester, meet with all
students involved in the program to explain the program and the

2. Approve the internship as a credit course. The faculty advisor will

review the job description and ensure the duties of the job meet
the requirement for undergraduate credit.

3. Act as an advisor to the students on an as-needed basis.

4. Submit a grade for each student enrolled in AIM 4V00 or AIM4380

Accounting Internship providing they satisfy the course obligations-
discussed above.Please see the due date requirement noted above-
the due date is non-negotiable.
Accounting Internship

The Employer

1. Provide an employment setting that will enhance the student’s

knowledge of accounting.

2. Provide a job description. In the case of international students the

job description must be submitted prior to the student’s obtaining
any approval for a work permit.

3. Provide the faculty advisor and the student a written list of the
objectives to be met by the student during the program.

4. Provide the faculty advisor and the student a letter evaluating the
student’s performance and the method under which the student
was supervised. This evaluation is due no later than the first
day of the last week of classes for the semester. (Due April 17,

General Information
University Policy on Cheating:
Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities. Students who engage in
scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the
course and dismissal from the University. "Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to
cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable
in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to
give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts." Regents' Rule and
Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3.2, Subdivision 3.22.

Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the University,
policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.

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