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Ductoria: what is it?

October 30th, 2006

Ductoria, dustoria, are transliterations of the arabic dusturiya which signifies
a position of power. The ptolemaic, doryphory (spearbearer) refers to the same
astrological configuration.
Ductoria refers to a planet rising before the Sun (oriental). It can also refer
to a planet rising after the Moon (occidental). Some authorities say that this c
ondition is given when the planet rises shortly before the Sun in the same or ne
xt sign or when it rises after the Moon in the same or next sign. If the planet
is not in its domicile or exaltation it must be out of combustion.
If one thinks about it, this is a minor dignity at most and need only be taken i
nto account if it somehow is dominant in the chart. The only possibility where i
t makes sense to say that this configuration shows a postion of power in referen
ce to the Sun is if the planet is in its own domicile or exaltation when conside
ring what a strong debility combustion is. It makes sense here as in this situat
ion the planet receives the Sun in its own sign and so this has something of the
character of mutual reception.
I think that generally it is not necessary to clutter ones understanding with to
o much terminology. A good grounding in basic astrological symbology and a porti
on of common sense leads one to the same conclusion.
Maybe one added point might be helpful. One might ask why must the planet be ori
ental for the Sun and occidental for the Moon? Most readers are familiar with es
tablishing theTemperament astrologically. Planets that are oriental to the Sun a
re able to express their nature more fully because they have something of the na
ture of a morning star. They are able to show their light more fully. A morning st
ar is only visible if it rises before the Sun. The same applies to the Moon. Her
e the said planet is like an evening star. It rises after the Moon and so accompan
ies her at a decent distance, like a spearbearer or guard of honor.
So if cold and leaden Saturn were to act as a morning star his best chance to be n
oticed would be before sunrise and if he is not in Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn
he had better make sure he isnt combust. Saturn especially, is not at his best if
his backside is burning! ;-)
And while I am expounding I would also like to point out that it is all to easy to
get caught up in terminology (please, no reproach intended as I am also not exe
mpt from this!). When in doubt or in need of clarification or if the older texts
seem too obtuse it is always helpful to consider the celestial phenomena itself
. How does it look like in the sky? If we were to draw our charts in sand as the
Astrologer in An Analogy from Astrology* in Attars Parliament of the Birds we would
be more mindful that the chart is only a semblance, it helps us to focus our int
erpretative faculties, nothing more.

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