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Y en sus manos, largas como sables, destacaba ferozmente un revlver.

Tony, seguro de
controlar la situacin, le dijo a Piero un par de palabras soeces al tiempo que lanzaba un
jactancioso bufido y sacaba pecho tratando de emular, anacrnico como siempre, a un tal La
Motta. Sin embargo Piero no se amilan, y tom a Sandra del brazo con la confianza que daba
el hecho de haber sido anteriormente su amante. Tony quiso reaccionar, aunque inltimente,
pues Piero se encarg de derribarlo de un golpe, apuntndole de inmediato con su pistola.
Como es fcil percatarse, algo no estaba marchando bien. Tony dbase cuenta que el sueo
se le escapaba de las manos, que Piero estaba haciendo lo que se le vena en gana y no lo
que l deseaba. En fin, cuando Piero comenz a insultalo con palabras irreproducibles, Tony
pudo deducir que, definitivamente, se no era su sueo, sino todo lo contrario, que el sueo era
l, y que quien soaba era Piero. Por esta razn Tony se senta atado de pies y manos,
mientras que al miserable de Piero se le vea muy seguro de s mismo. Y cuando ste ya pona
el dedo en el gatillo dispuesto a liquidar lo que consideraba, segn sus propias palabras, "un
asqueroso bicho", cuando Tony ya se vea pasar de un mundo de quimeras a un mundo de
sombras impenetrables, pudo ver, entre asombrado y deslumbrado, cmo Sandra golpeaba
brutalmente con una piedra a Piero, quien, a raz del golpe, caa exnime y sin sentido y
baado en sangre.
Entonces recin Tony comprendi, al ver a ella ofrecerle sus brazos, que tanto l como Piero
eran ms bien parte de los sueos de Sandra. Y que Sandra, por x motivos, lo haba escogido
a l, a Tony, para que de ahora en adelante ambos fueran felices para siempre.
And his hands, long as sabres, dangerously held a revolver. Feeling confident, Tony told Piero a
couple of scurrilous words while boastfully snorting and trying to emulate the always anachronistic
La Motta, sticking his chest out. Piero was not daunted by Tony and took Sandra by the arm,
Loving Sandra by Alvaro Santiago Flores
This man, who from now on we will call Tony, had decided to dream that he had a lover. From that
moment, every night he dreamt about her, and every time they met, and every time they dated, the
encounters were more and more romantic, more and more passionate. Her name was Sandra, or
rather, he decided to call her that way. He thought Sandra was a pretty name, very dignified and
melodious, matching perfectly with the beauty of his lover. But she was not only a beauty, she was
the embodiment of perfection: beautiful, charming, discreet, rich and intelligent. Better impossible.
And he, in his dreams, was not less than her: handsome, distinguished, brilliant, with an enviable
savings account, and properties all over the world. In other words: he was worthy of her. However,
the universe that Tony created his lover was getting more complicated as nights came by. Sandra
did not only have a mother and a father, she also had brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts,
cousins, friends, and a couple of nephews that Tony found completely unbearable. He even created
her an old lover: Piero. But Sandra confessed to him that Piero was mischievous, alcoholic and drug

addict, and even a pedophile. I left him for all these reasons, Sandra told him while holding his
hands and looking him in the eyes. Anyway, Tony managed to despise and vituperate against Piero,
through her, feeling an unexplainable joy every time she reviled her former lover. Hes a
wretched, Tony told her and he only deserves our disdain. One night, while he was walking with
his lover, through a Venice he had never been to, Piero appeared. It was easy for Tony to recognise
him because Sandra had managed to describe him more than once. And, even though the famous
Piero was very handsome and fine-looking, you could see in his eyes the deep shimmer of an
infinite and irrational loathe.

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