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I don't want to overload a single page with links. I just want to give you the
good ones.

C is often called hard and complex and to a certain point, it is complex, I can't
deny it. But, some will take more or less time to get it and it is quite normal.
Some facts regarding C:

• The greatest fear to come to novices is "pointers" and later anything that
may use "pointers".

• Assembly programmers just learn C easily and fast, at least I have seen

Actually both C and C++ were created to make the work of a programmer
easier, not just to satisfy a designer goal. Prior to the existence of C, if you
wanted to allocate memory in Assembler, it'd be a real pain. C allows that you
leave this task to the compiler. Within embedded systems you need to inform
the compiler your memory profile but within Windows or Unix this is not
required, but your job remains significantly easier.

I am not trying to teach C here. A lot of people already wrote great books on
the subject before me and much better than I could ever do.


Before starting, if you could afford a C book I'd recommend that you acquired
"The C Programming Language", by Kernighan and Ritchie, which were the
creators of the language. Although, you will find some outdated content ( the
last edition of the book came out in 89 ) as the ANSI C standard was last
updated in 1999. However, the book is fine. I don't have it though, but if you
can afford and plan to learn C, buy it.

There is an excellent book that recommend, which I take with me anywhere I

go is "C The Reference Manual 5th Edition" written by Samuel Harbison, which
is careful enough to point the differences between all C versions.

If you can only read Portuguese my suggestion is : be sure to check out and
read everything at: . This is the only
strict ANSI C ONLINE course in Portuguese. Many others use "bizarre" code like:
void main(){
/* main in C has never returned VOID */

I need to quote Bjarne Stroustrup (actually not strictly like this) "Avoid it
because C programmers will find you ignorant”. Old books, pre-ANSI C99
standard, usually have:
/*OK the C compilers default to int*/

This is not that bad. As a matter of fact, another of my book references in C is

an old “Microsoft C” book by Kris Jamsa from a time that the C99 ANSI
standard was not even put into view ( 89 ), but it teaches you good
programming practices and it follows good ways to guide you.

If you can read English it is probably easier to find free courses. Though the
UFMG C Course will be a real lost if you can't read Portuguese. There's a book
named "C How To Program" by the Deitels which also covers C++ and Java, and
I'd get it too. In fact, you can have their power point presentations out of this
book ( and many others ) from

C Useful links:

1. Phil’s C course

is a very good tutorial to learn C.

2. Tom
Torfs wrote one of the best tutorials on C I know. With the advantage of
being concise and covering all the language issues in 96 pages, that you
can use later. I have printed out this and let a copy close to me and use
it anytime I get in troubles. I think it is the best C reference available on
the web but I would not start with this.

3. Very, very useful

code listings that might be used and come at hand for professional jobs.

4. One of the

creators of C.

5. One of the creators of C.

6. . Excellent reference for pointers, linked

lists and C basics.

Which compiler to use?

There are many compilers available for free. I would use Bloodshed C++ - that uses the GCC version for WINDOWS as the
compiler. Many commercial applications use the GCC compiler, which allows
the coding for several microprocessors and microcontrollers like x86, ARM, PIC,
8051, etc. LINUX distributions usually come with GCC, but it won’t be hard to
find a version of GCC.


If you're afraid of pointers, let me give you a few hints and links. First of all
think of pointers as an arrow pointing to a memory location which's basically
what a pointer is. When I have troubles with pointers I consult Ted Jensen - - pointers tutorial
which is very complete.

A pointer is nothing less than a variable that holds an address. You could be
wondering why? If you're passing a whole struct to a function and will pass it by
value ( i.e. not using pointers ) the compiler will have to copy it all. For single
parameters this is not a trouble, but for huge arrays or huge structs this might
be a trouble. With a few experience you start thinking about pointers as
addresses and it is less scary with the years.
int i; /*declares a variable of the integer type*/
int *y;/*declares a pointer*/
y = &i;/*y holds the address of the variable*/
int a[10];
y = a; /*you could've made y = &a[0] also */

In fact, the pointer points by copying the address of the variable. If you
increment a pointer, you just tell the compiler to jump to the next memory
value. If your pointer points to into float does not matter as it knows where to
go. By the way, do never try a "&yourPointer++", because it will cause you
majortroubles. Either use:
*(yourpointer+1) = 2;


Remember that & is the address and * is the content of the pointer. Or & gets
the address and * the value we want.

So, go fast to the Ted Jensen's tutorial if you are troubled with pointers. As a
matter of fact, he teaches a lot of tips, practical ones, especially if you are
dealing with char types ( which is what you usually do when dealing with tcp-
ip, serial frames ).

Function pointers are also real hard to get IMHO, and it is generally avoided.
However, I had to use it. In C++, if you want to have a generic function, you

just use templates. In C, you cannot use it, so you'll have to use function
pointers. Do I need to repeat that you should read the Ted Jensen's tutorial?
Say, you have such a function:
void Ovo( int * )

But you want to pass it a function. How to do it?

int function1( int y )
y = y + 20;
return y;
int function2( int y )
y = y + 30;
return y;

See that both functions have return types and parameters that are compatible
to our function pointer. It is then natural to do:
int Ovo( int jaca, int (*functionptr)(int a ) )
/*Use functionptr as a shorthand for function1 or function2*/
int inside;
inside = functionptr( jaca );
return inside;
int main()

int a = Ovo( 2, function1 );
int b = Ovo( 3, function2 );
return 1;

The statement below is very complicated. As a matter of fact, I have always a

book at my side when using a function pointer:
int Ovo( int jaca, int (*functionptr)(int a ) )/*...*/

Ovo is a function that returns a int. Its parameters are an int value and a
function pointer. Or, it gets a function that returns an int and has an int
parameter ( check function1 and function2 ). Please note that we use the *
operator in the prototype/definition of the function and not when we actually
use the function. It's not required. Anyway, for further and better explanations
please check Lars Haendel tutorial on function pointers at

Another tuff subject is dynamic allocation. Not because it's hard to understand,
I don't think so, but if do not de-allocate memory, perhaps you'll be overloading
your memory capacities. C has many functions to allocate memory, and the
most used if malloc. It allocates N bytes from the heap, but you'll have to cast
it to your desired type as it returns a pointer to char. If malloc returns NULL,
you didn't get your goal.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Example {
unsigned char item1;
int item2;
} ;
typedef struct Example MyStruct;/* always easier to declare a typedef
to use structs */
void GetAStruct( MyStruct * );/*prototype to a function that returns
void and receives a pointer to a struct*/

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
MyStruct ms;
MyStruct *mallocateds;
ms.item1 = 'A';
ms.item2 = 'B';
GetAStruct( &ms );
mallocateds = malloc( sizeof( MyStruct ) );

/*does not require the cast, I left it here because some compilers

use it, and to prove that even me, can make NON C99 mistakes ;-)* /
if ( mallocateds != NULL )
mallocateds->item1 = 0x00;
mallocateds->item2 = 2;
free ( mallocateds );
return 0;

void GetAStruct( MyStruct * s )

/*Do something with the struct you passed to
the function, use the -> operator to access its members */
s->item1 = 0x3A;
s->item2 = 2;

The C++ Language

C++ is often found harder to learn and I think that's probably true. hehe ;-) A
few people find easy to master C++, but the more you learn the more you will
find your self trying to learn more. I like the Deitel's C++ book "C++ How To
Program". For other languages like Java, their book is a little too much, but
they reach the point for C++. It's good also, because you also get a ton of
information on UML. If you are fortunate to learn C++ at college, your teacher
may include the UML part in the classes which will help you a lot. I also enjoy
Hebert Schildt's "C++ Complete Reference". You can next buy the major
reference on C++ that's "The C++ Programming Language" by Bjarne
Stroustrup, which is not indicated to novices at the price of making them away
from C++. It's a must have for C++ developers though. Well, at least to make
you look cool ;-).

C++ brings down a paradigm named "Object Oriented Programming", which will
make use of classes, encapsulation, polymorphism and a bit of tricky subjects.
One of the best places to learn C++ is at I
recommend that you get a book to learn C++ though. Next, you can check good
advanced tutorials at the Bjarne Stroustrup page at ( he was the creator of
C++ ).

How do I learn C++?

First of all, be sure of knowing all the procedural programming. Avoid GOTOs.
Write modularized code, i.e, divide your programs in modules (make use of
prototypes), make them easy to read. Eat pointers at breakfast. Next, take a
deep breath. Start by trying to find real world troubles and making them C++
classes. Implement them, even if they're wrong. Submit them to friends that
know C++ already. Eat class design at lunch. Next go for heritage and
polymorphism. Heritage is the natural way of reusing a object or class.
Polymorphism allows you to write less code when dealing with class hierarchies
and also to plan your classes at design. Dive down on the standard template

library. In your programs now, you must make interactions between objects,
rather than passing parameters through functions. In another words, you must
model every class to mimic a real world object and create a model that can be
instantiated and that might have the role you need. One of the best features of
the C++ language is its libraries and Standard Template Libraries. It is a good
thing to have a reference to these libraries. They're handy enough to avoid you
to write code that might've written, and for sure, better than you could write.

C++ way of Dynamic allocation and the reference operator ( & )

In C you can pass a variable by reference by using pointers. In C++, you have a
different operator named &amp; or reference operator.
void function( int & i ){
int main(){
int x = 10;// In C++ it's legal to define and initialize a variable
// inside the program outside the variable declaration
// place
function( x )// x is passed to the function by reference
// ...
return 0;

The & operator simply creates an alias. Another new usage in C++ is how you
allocate memory from the heap. In C, you should use malloc, calloc, etc, and
later you would have to free the memory with free. C++ allows you to allocate
memory from the heap using the "new operator". Say you have a class named

AClass c();// with this you call the constructor to instantiate c

By doing it, you're allocating memory from the stack, or the static memory. If
you would like to allocate from the heap, or dynamic memory, use the new
AClass *c = new c();// The constructor is rather simple in this case
// but you can figure it out why, right? ;-)
// ...
// now that you don't need the object, deallocate it!
delete c;

The very functioning of good OOP means that you deal with objects that
interact. Or, class A sends a message to class B through a method. When you're
designing a class, have in mind that's necessary to de-allocate every object you
put in the heap, so use the destructor.
class B{
C *myc;
myc = new C();
delete myc;

One of my favorite topics in OOP/C++ is heritage and polymorphism. Perhaps,

because I took some time to digest the C++ way of doing it. We will start with a
class hierarchy as simple as possible:

class ClasseBase{
ClasseBase( int = 0 );
ClasseBase( const ClasseBase & );
virtual void DoSomething() {}; //
ClasseBase::ClasseBase( int a ){
ClasseBase::ClasseBase( const ClasseBase & cb ){
class ClasseDerivada: public ClasseBase {
ClasseDerivada( int = 0, int = 0 );
void DoSomething(){ cout << 1; };

After having, a derivation set, we need to implement it. Next, you need a class
that deals with these classes. This class must use polymorphism to access a
class. In terms of OOP, we might say that this class will receive a message from
another class.
class UsaHierarquia{
UsaHierarquia( ClasseBase * cb );
ClasseBase *cdl;

In the constructor we need to pass a reference to the object and we need a

pointer to it inside the class. There are no methods here to use the class that is
passed to UsaHierarquia, but you could use the pointer to access it.

UsaHierarquia::UsaHierarquia( ClasseBase * cd ){
cdl = new ClasseDerivada( 2 , 2 );
delete cdl;

Thank God that we can write destructors. In a real system, check the
possibility of having all your memory taken and allocated after use. In
embedded systems this is nearly death, so de-allocate every object off the
heap. Take note that I used just two very simple and nearly empty classes with
a purpose: do not confuse you as a few C++ books used to do for me. We have
two classes where one of them is derived from the other. We can say that
there's a relationship between them, but the base class cannot be instantiated.
It allows us to make our refinements in our derived classes as our goals need.

Bio: Even if I work 8 hours a day programming in Assembly, I really love to

talk, read and write about C, hardware and processor architecture. I enjoy
sea food, salmon, stout and bock beers, chess, heavy metal, sci-fi and
Nestea-like cold ice drinks. Who cares anyway?!!!!! :-)


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