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Miniaturized satellite

has been signicantly exceeding that in the 50100 kg

In the 150 kg range alone, there were fewer than 15
satellites launched annually in 2000 to 2005, 34 in 2006,
then fewer than 30 launches annually during 2007 to
2011. This rose to 34 launched in 2012, and 92 launched
in 2013.[1]

2 Classication groups

ESTCube-1 1U CubeSat

Miniaturized satellites or small satellites are articial

satellites of low mass and size, usually under 500 kg
(1,100 lb). While all such satellites can be referred to
as small satellites, dierent classications are used to categorize them based on mass (see below).
One reason for miniaturizing satellites is to reduce the
cost: heavier satellites require larger rockets with greater
thrust which also has greater cost to nance. In contrast,
smaller and lighter satellites require smaller and cheaper
launch vehicles and can sometimes be launched in multiples. They can also be launched 'piggyback', using excess
capacity on larger launch vehicles. Miniaturized satellites
allow for cheaper designs as well as ease of mass production, although few satellites of any size other than 'communications constellations where dozens of satellites are
used to cover the globe, have been mass-produced in

3 microsatellites of Space Technology 5

2.1 Small satellite

The term small satellite,[1] or sometimes minisatellite, usually refers to an articial satellite with a wet
mass (including fuel) between 100 and 500 kg (220 and
Small satellites are usually simpler but use
Besides the cost issue, the main rationale for the use of 1,100 lb),.
as larger satellites.
miniaturized satellites is the opportunity to enable missions that a larger satellite could not accomplish, such as: Satellite examples: Demeter, Essaim, Parasol, Picard,
Microscope, Taranis, Elisa, Smese, SSOT, Smart-1,
Constellations for low data rate communications
Spirale, Jason-1, Jason-2.
Using formations to gather data from multiple points
2.1.1 Small satellite launch vehicle

In-orbit inspection of larger satellites

University-related research

Although smallsats have traditionally been launched as

secondary payloads on larger launch vehicles, there are
a number of companies currently developing launch vehicles specically targeted at the smallsat market. In par1 History
ticular, the secondary payload paradigm does not provide
The nanosatellite and microsatellite segments of the satel- the specicity required for many small satellites which
lite launch industry have been growing rapidly in re- have unique orbital and launch-timing requirements.
cent years. Development activity in the 150 kg range Companies planning small sat launch vehicles include:

Virgin Galactic's LauncherOne (100 kg)[5][6]
Firey Space Systems' Alpha (400 kg).[7]



Microsatellite or microsat is usually applied to the name

of an articial satellite with a wet mass between 10 and
100 kg (22 and 220 lb).[1][2][3] However, this is not an
ocial convention and sometimes microsats can refer
to satellites larger than that, or smaller than that (e.g.,
1 and 50 kg (2.2 and 110.2 lb)).[1] Sometimes designs
or proposed designs from some sats of these types have
microsatellites working together or in a formation. The
generic term small satellite or smallsat is also sometimes used,[5] as is "satlet".[8]

Nano/Micro Satellite Launch Vehicle (NMSLV) capable of delivering 20 kilograms (44 lb) payloads into 450
kilometres (280 mi) circular orbits.[10]
The Boeing Small Launch Vehicle is an air-launched
three-stage-to-orbit launch vehicle concept aimed to
launch small payloads of 100 pounds (45 kg) into lowEarth orbit. The program is proposed to drive down
launch costs for U.S. military small satellites to as low
as US$300,000 per launch ($7,000/kg) and, if the development program was funded, could be as of 2012 be operational by 2020.[11]
The Swiss company Swiss Space Systems (S3) has announced plans in 2013 to develop a suborbital spaceplane
named SOAR that would launch a microsat launch vehicle
capable of putting a payload of up to 250 kilograms (550
lb) into low-Earth orbit.[12]

Except the mass, the size of satellite is important too.

Examples: Astrid-1 and Astrid-2, as well as the 2.3 Nanosatellite
set of satellites currently announced for LauncherOne
The term nanosatellite or nanosat is applied to an articial satellite with a wet mass between 1 and 10 kg
(2.2 and 22.0 lb).[1][2][3] Designs and proposed designs
2.2.1 Microsatellite launch vehicle
of these types may be launched individually, or they
may have multiple nanosatellites working together or in
A number of commercial and military-contractor com- formation, in which case, sometimes the term satellite
panies are currently developing microsatellite launch swarm [13] or "fractionated spacecraft" may be applied.
vehicles to perform the increasingly-targeted launch re- Some designs require a larger mother satellite for comquirements of microsatellites. While microsatellites have munication with ground controllers or for launching and
been carried to space for many years as secondary pay- docking with nanosatellites.
loads aboard larger launchers, the secondary payload
paradigm does not provide the specicity required for With continued advances in the miniaturization and camany increasingly sophisticated small satellites which pability increase of electronic technology and the use of
satellite constellations, nanosatellites are increasingly cahave unique orbital and launch-timing requirements.[4]
pable of performing commercial missions that previously
In July 2012, Virgin Galactic announced LauncherOne, required microsatellites.[14] For example, a 6U CubeSat
an orbital launch vehicle designed to launch "smallsat" standard has been proposed to enable a constellation of
primary payloads of 100 kilograms (220 lb) into low- 35 8 kg (18 lb) Earth-imaging satellites to replace a conEarth orbit, with launches projected to begin in 2016. stellation of ve 156 kg (344 lb) RapidEye Earth-imaging
Several commercial customers have already contracted satellites, at the same mission cost, with signicantly infor launches, including GeoOptics, Skybox Imaging, creased revisit time: every area of the globe can be imSpaceight Services, and Planetary Resources. Both aged every 3.5 hours rather than the once per 24 hours
Surrey Satellite Technology and Sierra Nevada Space with RapidEye constellation. More rapid revisit time is
Systems are developing satellite buses optimized to the a signicant improvement for nations doing disaster redesign of LauncherOne.[5] Virgin Galactic has been sponse, which was the purpose of the RapidEye conworking on the LauncherOne concept since late 2008.[6] stellation. Additionally, the nanosat option would allow
In December 2012, DARPA announced that the DARPA more nations to own their own satellite for o-peak (nonALASA program would provide the microsat launch ve- disaster) imaging data collection.[14]
hicle booster for another DARPA program that is in- Example satellites: Exocube (CP-10)
tending to release a "constellation of 24 micro-satellites
(~20 kilograms (44 lb) range) each with 1-meter imaging Nanosatellite developers and manufacturers include
Surrey Satellite Technology,[15] NovaWurks,[16] Dauria
Aerospace,[17] Nanosatis[15] and Planet Labs.[15]
In April 2013, Garvey Spacecraft was awarded a
USD$200,000 contract to evolve their Prospector 18
suborbital launch vehicle technology into an orbital 2.3.1 Nanosat market
nanosat launch vehicle capable of delivering a 10 kilograms (22 lb) payload into a 250 kilometres (160 In the ten years of nanosat launches prior to 2014, only
mi) orbit to an even-more-capable clustered 20/450 75 nanosats were launched. Launch rates picked up sub-



stantially when in the three-month period from November types usually have multiple picosatellites working to2013January 2014 94 nanosats were launched.[15]
gether or in formation (sometimes the term swarm is
As of June 2014, more than 1000 nanosats are projected applied). Some designs require a larger mother satellite
for communication with ground controllers or for launchto be launched in the next ve years.[15]
ing and docking with picosatellites. The CubeSat design,
with approximately 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) mass, is an example of a large picosatellite (or minimum nanosat).
2.3.2 Nanosatellite launch vehicle
With the emergence of the technological advances of
miniaturization and increased capital to support private
spaceight initiatives in the 2010s, several startups have
been formed to pursue opportunities with developing a
variety of small-payload Nanosatellite Launch Vehicle
or NLV technologies.

Picosatellites are emerging as a new alternative for

do-it-yourself kitbuilders. Picosatellites are currently
commercially available across the full range of 0.11
kilogram (3.535.3 oz). Launch opportunities are now
available for $12,000 to $18,000 for sub-1 kg picosat payloads that are approximately the size of a soda can.[23]

NLVs proposed or under development include:

2.5 Femtosatellite
Virgin Galactic LauncherOne upper stage, intended to be air-launched from WhiteKnightTwo Femtosatellite or femtosat is usually applied to articial
similar to how the SpaceShipTwo spaceplane is satellites with a wet mass between 10 and 100 g (0.35 and
3.53 oz).[1][2][3] Like picosatellites, some designs require
a larger mother satellite for communication with ground
Ventions Nanosat upper stage.[19]
Nammo/Andya North Star (polar orbit-capable Three prototype chip satellites were launched to the
ISS on Space Shuttle Endeavour on its nal mission in
launcher for a 10 kg (22 lb) payload)[20]
May 2011. They were attached to the ISS external plat The United States Army is developing the form Materials International Space Station Experiment
SWORDS launcher, aimed to deploy nanosatellites (MISSE-8) for testing.[24] In March 2014, the nanosatelinto precise orbits from almost any location at lite KickSat was launched aboard a Falcon 9 rocket with
an ultra-low cost.[21] SWORDS is an acronym the intention of releasing 104 femtosatellite-sized chipfor Soldier-Warghter Operationally Responsive sats, or Sprites.[25][26]
Deployer for Space. Design payloads could be as
large as 25 kg (55 lb). The Army expects to make
the initial orbital test ight during the summer of
3 Technical challenges
As of April 2013, Garvey Spacecraft is evolving
their Prospector 18 suborbital launch vehicle technology into an orbital nanosat launch vehicle capable of delivering a 10 kilograms (22 lb) payload into
a 250 kilometres (160 mi) orbit.[10]

Micro/nanosats usually require innovative propulsion,

attitude control, communication and computation systems.

Larger satellites usually use monopropellants or

bipropellant combustion rockets for propulsion and
Generation Orbit is developing an air-launched attitude control; these systems are complex and require
rocket to deliver both nanosats and sub 50 kg mi- a minimal amount of volume to surface area to dissipate
crosats to low Earth orbit.[15]
heat. These systems are used on larger microsats, while
other micro/nanosats have to use electric propulsion,
NASA launched three satellites on 21 April 2013 compressed gas, vaporizable liquids such as butane or
based on smart phones. Two phones use the carbon dioxide or other innovative propulsion systems
PhoneSat 1.0 specication and third used a beta ver- that are simple, cheap and scalable.
sion of PhoneSat 2.0[22]
Microsats can use conventional radio systems in UHF,
VHF, the S-band and X-band, although often miniaturized using more up-to-date technology as compared to
2.4 Picosatellite
larger satellites. Tiny satellites such as nanosats and small
Picosatellite or picosat (not to be confused with the microsats may lack the power supply or mass for large
PicoSAT series of microsatellites) is usually applied to conventional radio transponders, and various miniaturarticial satellites with a wet mass between 0.1 and 1 ized or innovative communications systems have been
kg (0.22 and 2.20 lb),[2][3] although it is sometimes used proposed, such as laser receivers, antenna arrays and
to refer to any satellite that is under 1 kg in launch satellite to satellite communication networks. Few of
mass.[1] Again, designs and proposed designs of these these have been demonstrated in practice.

Electronics need to be rigorously tested and modied to

be space hardened or resistant to the outer space environment (vacuum, microgravity, thermal extremes, and
radiation exposure). Miniaturized satellites allow for the
opportunity to test new hardware with reduced expense
in testing. Furthermore, since the overall cost risk in the
mission is much lower, more up-to-date but less spaceproven technology can be incorporated into micro and
nanosats than can be used in much larger, more expensive missions with less appetite for risk.

Some manufacturers

Manufacturers of microsatellites include SpaceDev,

Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. and Genesis Technologies Resources and Solutions.

See also
Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment Program
DRAGONSat picosatellite
Micro air vehicle
Nanosatellite Launch System
Satellite formation ying
Student Space Exploration & Technology Initiative
University Nanosat Program


[1] 2014 Nano/Microsatellite Market Assessment. annual

market assessment series. Atlanta, Georgia: SEI. January
2014. p. 18. Retrieved 18 February 2014.
[2] Small Is Beautiful: US Military Explores Use of Microsatellites. Defense Industry Daily. 30 June 2011. Retrieved 12 December 2012.
[3] Tristancho,
Jordi (2010).
Implementation of a femto-satellite and a minilauncher. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya: 3.
Retrieved 12 December 2012.
[4] Werner, Debra (12 August 2013). Small Satellites &
Small Launchers | Rocket Builders Scramble To Capture
Growing Microsat Market. Space News. Retrieved 1
November 2013.


[5] Virgin Galactic relaunches its smallsat launch business.

NewSpace Journal. 12 July 2012. Retrieved 11 July 2012.
[6] EXCLUSIVE: Virgin Galactic unveils LauncherOne
name!, Rob Coppinger, Flightglobal Hyperbola, 9 December 2008
[7] Alpha. Firey Space Systems. Retrieved 9 May 2014.
[8] Gruss, Mike (21 March 2014). DARPA Space Budget
Increase Includes $27M for Spaceplane. Space News.
Retrieved 24 March 2014.
[9] Lindsey, Clark (19 December 2012). DARPA developing microsat constellation orbited with air-launch system.
NewSpace Watch. Retrieved 22 December 2012. (subscription required (help)).
[10] Messier, Doug (4 April 2013).
Garvey Nanosat
Launcher Selected for NASA SBIR Funding. Parabolic
Arc. Retrieved 5 April 2013.
[11] Norris, Guy (21 May 2012). Boeing Unveils AirLaunched Space-Access Concept. Aviation Week. Retrieved 23 May 2012.
[12] Painter, Kristen Leigh (8 October 2013). Spaceport
Colorado lands agreement with Swiss space company Read more: Spaceport Colorado lands agreement with Swiss space company - The Denver Post
ixzz2iJPabvkW". Denver Post. Retrieved 21 October
[13] Verhoeven, C.J.M.; Bentum, M.J.; Monna, G.L.E.; Rotteveel, J.; Guo, J. (AprilMay 2011). On the origin
of satellite swarms. Acta Astronautica 68 (7-8): 1392
1395. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2010.10.002.
[14] Tsitas, S. R.; Kingston, J. (February 2012). 6U CubeSat
commercial applications. The Aeronautical Journal 116
(1176): 189198.
[15] Nanosats are go!". Technology Quarterly Q2 2014 (The
Economist). 2014-06-07. Retrieved 2014-06-12.
[16] Messier, Doug (11 October 2013). NovaWurks Awarded
Contract for DARPA Phoenix Project. Parabolic Arc.
Retrieved 13 October 2013.
[17] Cheredar, Tom (9 October 2013). Dauria Aerospace
lands $20M to grow its earth-monitoring nano satellite
platform. VentureBeat. Retrieved 13 October 2013.
[18] Amos, Jonathan (11 July 2012). Richard Bransons Virgin Galactic to launch small satellites. BBC News. Retrieved 13 July 2012.
[19] Messier, Doug (2 July 2012). DARPA Awards 6 Small
Airborne Launch Vehicle Contracts. Parabolic Arc. Retrieved 29 November 2012.
[20] Lindsey, Clark (28 January 2013). North Star rocket
family with hybrid propulsion. NewSpace Watch. Retrieved 28 January 2013. (subscription required (help)).

[21] Messier, Doug (19 November 2012). U.S. Army, NASA

Working on Low-Cost Nanosat Launcher. Parbolic Arc.
Retrieved 28 January 2013.
[23] DIY Satellite Platforms. KK Technium. Retrieved 12
December 2012.
[24] Elizabeth Simpson (27 April 2011 (Updated 16 May
2011)). Chip satellites -- designed to blow in the solar wind -- depart on Endeavours nal launch. Cornell
Chronicle. Retrieved 6 December 2012. Check date values in: |date= (help)
[25] Clark, Stephen (13 April 2014). Crowd-funded stowaway to deploy 104 tiny satellites. Spaceight Now. Retrieved 15 May 2014.
[26] KickSat Nanosatellite Mission.
Agency. Retrieved 15 May 2014.

European Space

External links
Teichs Tech Tidbit of the Week December 13, 1999


Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



Miniaturized satellite Source: Contributors: Bryan Derksen,

Mac, Andrewman327, Wernher, Joeljkp, Lady Tenar, Cassioli, Beland, Ary29, Ukexpat, Night Gyr, Huntster, La goutte de pluie, Alansohn, Pauli133, Gene Nygaard, BerserkerBen, Woohookitty, Rjwilmsi, War, Gsp, Daegred, Wavelength, Hairy Dude, Bill-on-the-Hill,
Knotnic, SmackBot, Gilliam, Chris the speller, Hibernian, Rpspeck, WDGraham, Lloyd Wood, JorisvS, Hu12, Joseph Solis in Australia, N2e, Fatemi, Communisthamster, Dawnseeker2000, Widefox, Yakushima, Bostonvaulter, MartinBot, Sirstubby, Hans Dunkelberg,
Potatoswatter, Sdsds, Andy Dingley, LanceBarber, Vsst, Emesee, ClueBot, Razimantv, Carriearchdale, Kruusamgi, MystBot, Addbot,
Lightbot, Luckas-bot, Yobot, AnomieBOT, Piano non troppo, JeroenRotteveel, GrouchoBot, FrescoBot, Jfmantis, Misconceptions2, John
of Reading, AvicBot, ZroBot, Msbachman, ChiZeroOne, Ziasat, Widr, Helpful Pixie Bot, Northamerica1000, Ninney, AirCraft, Drguven,
Jankolmas, Kolbjornblixdahle, Monkbot, Drumandream, RadEngineer and Anonymous: 56



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The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the le, specically: Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
File:Estcube-1_2012-12-27.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Transferred from et.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: Erik Kulu, ESTCube-1 team
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