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Use of herbal medicines

Herbal medicines already expanded globally all around the world, not only in developing
countries, but also in several developed countries too. The world looks like going back to nature
to cure a disease(1). They use herbal medicines because it looks like having less side effect than
modern medicines if it use in right and effective dose(2). Herbal medicines now became
important part of human health care too. WHO (World Health Organization) recommended to
use traditional/herbal medicines to prevent and heal some of disease mainly chronic diseases,
degenerative, and cancer.
Indonesia already use traditional medicine since long time ago, and it became more
increasing with time(1). They either used herbal medicines from industries, self-made, also
derived from traditional practioners. In Indonesia there are 40.000 species of herbal and more or
less 1.200 herbal medicines. Traditional medicine is ingredients consist of plants, animals,
minerals, or mixed from those things that used time by time for treatment based on experience.
Despite that, traditional medicines still not formally accept in health care system. Lack of
scientifically proven data and evident of herbal medicines become the main reason of it.
In Indonesia there are 3 groups of herbal medicines based on Keputusan Kepala Badan
POM RI No: HK.00..05.4.2411 tahun 2004 tentang Ketentuan Pokok Pengelompokan dan
Penandaan Obat Bahan Alam Indonesia, first is herb, second is standardized herbal medicine,
and the third is fitopharmaco. Each of them has their own criteria itself. Herbal medicines use
preclinical test to learn more about the pharmacokinetic of itself(3).

1. Sari LO. Pemanfaatan Obat Tradisional dengan Pertimbangan Manfaat dan Keamanannya.
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian. 2006;3:01-07.

2. Ramuan Lengkap Herbal Taklukan Penyakit: Prof.H.M. Wijayakusuma

3. Bahan Ajar Unsrat : Pendekatan pengobatan holistik dengan bahan herbal; Dra.
Fatimawali, MSi, Apt.

Herbal medicines played important role in health care system now a day. From promotive
perspective is to increase the immunity of body. In preventive perspective is to prevent some
chronic disease like stroke, heart disease, or cancer. Herbal medicines also use for treatment of
hypertension, DM, obesity, and etc. Post-stroke rehabilitation use herbal medicine too.(3)
There are 9 most promising medicinal plants in indonesia, i.e. Eugenia plyantha,
Andrographis paniculata, Curcuma domestica, Curcuma xanthorriza, Guazuma ulmifolia, Piper
retrofractum, Morinda citrifolia, Psidium guajava, and Zingiber officinale because this plants
gained much scientific data to use for herbal medicines.(1,3)
Although government gives support to herbal medicines, there are so many challenges
from integration with health care system in Indonesia. Some of it because lack of scientific data
to support its efficacy and safety. But, Indonesia has so many supporting factors for herbal
medicines development. The traditional knowledge until the tropical rain forest that consist of
so many medicinal plants are some of the reason why Indonesia can develop more of herbal

1. Sari LO. Pemanfaatan Obat Tradisional dengan Pertimbangan Manfaat dan Keamanannya.
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian. 2006;3:01-07.

2. Ramuan Lengkap Herbal Taklukan Penyakit: Prof.H.M. Wijayakusuma

3. Bahan Ajar Unsrat : Pendekatan pengobatan holistik dengan bahan herbal; Dra.
Fatimawali, MSi, Apt.

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