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Los ANGELES, CA 90012

FAX: (213) 978-1334



December 11,2014

Ryan Noto (A)(0)

712 Seward Street
Hollywood, CA 90038
David Johnson (R)
3638 Aureola Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90008

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)

2170-2172 Stanley Hills Drive
Hollywood Planning Area
D. M.
Legal Description Lots 161, 162,

Pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.24-X,28, I hereby APPROVE:

a Zoning Administrator's Determination to permit a remodeling of and an addition to
two existing single-family dwellings on a lot that does not have a vehicular access
route from the street, which is improved with a minimum 20-foot wide continuous
paved roadway from the driveway apron to the edge of the boundary of the Hillside
Area, as otherwise required by Section 12.21-C,10(i)(3) of the Municipal Code,
upon the following additional terms and conditions:

All other use, height and area regulations of the Municipal Code and all other
applicable government/regulatory agencies shall be strictly complied with in the
development and use of the property, except as such regulations are herein
specifically varied or required.


The use and development of the property shall be in substantial conformance with
the plot plan submitted with the application and marked Exhibit "A", except as may
be revised as a result of this action.


The authorized use shall be conducted at all times with due regard for the character
of the surrounding district, and the right is reserved to the Zoning Administrator to
impose additional corrective Conditions, if, in the Administrator's opinion, such
Conditions are proven necessary for the protection of persons in the neighborhood
or occupants of adjacent property.


All graffiti on the site shall be removed or painted over to match the color of the
surface to which it is applied within 24 hours of its occurrence.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)



A copy of the first page of this grant and all Conditions and/or any subsequent
appeal of this grant and its resultant Conditions and/or letters of clarification shall be
printed on the building plans submitted to the Development Services Center and the
Department of Building and Safety for purposes of having a building permit issued.


The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents,
officers, or employees from any claim, action or proceedings against the City or its
agents, officers, or employees relating to or to attack, set aside, void or annul this
approval which action is brought within the applicable limitation period. The City
shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City
shall cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the applicant
of any claim action or proceeding, or if the City fails to cooperate fully in the
defense, the applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or
hold harmless the City.


Prior to the issuance of any grading and building permit, the applicant shall submit
the plot plan for review and approval to the Fire Department, Hydrants and Access
Unit (213 482-6543). Any conditions required by the Fire Department shall become
conditions of this grant. Said Department's approval shall be included in the form of
a stamp on the plans submitted to the Zoning Administrator.


The proposed dwellings on the subject property shall not exceed a cumulative total
of 2,961 square feet of floor area. The proposed floor area shall be subject to the
slope analysis that is prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land
surveyor as required by the Single-Family Zone Hillside Area Development
Standards in Section 12.21 -C, 10(b) of the Municipal Code. The floor area shall
comply with the definition of "Floor Area, Residential" as defined in Section 12.03 of
the Municipal Code.


The dwelling located at 2170 Stanley Hills Drive shall not exceed 25 feet 10 inches
in height. The dwelling located at 2172 Stanley Hills Drive shall not exceed 33 feet,
as shown on Exhibit "A", subject to the roof of the uppermost story of a building or
structure or portion thereof with a slope of 25% or greater in compliance with the
Municipal Code Section 12.21-C,10(d).


No deviation from applicable provisions of the Municipal Code is requested or

granted herein. The project shall comply with all applicable sections of the Municipal
Code including, but not limited to the requirements of the Hillside Regulations set
forth in Section 12.21 -C, 10 of the Municipal Code [Single-Family Zone Hillside Area
Development Standards] unless otherwise expressly waived herein.


The proposed project shall comply with all requirements of the Department of
Building and Safety's Grading Division including the conditions of approval
contained in the Geology and Soils Report Approval Letter dated May 4, 2012 [Log
No. 76808]. All conditions of the grading approval shall be incorporated and printed
in the plans submitted to the Zoning Administrator and the Department of Building
and Safety for plan check.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)



Prior to the issuance of any permits, the street dedication and improvement
adjoining the subject property shall be made as required by the Bureau of
Engineering. Prior to the sign-off of the plans by the Zoning Administrator, evidence
of compliance with this condition shall be provided to the Office of Zoning


Prior to the issuance of any permit or sign off of the plans by the Office of Zoning
Administration, a tree plan shall be prepared by a Tree Expert as defined in Section
17.02. The report shall include a plot plan showing the location, size, type and
condition of all existing trees on the site and mitigation measures to ensure the
protection, relocation or replacement of affected trees during grading and
construction activities. The report shall identify the trees to be replaced, removed or
preserved, and shall indicate the size, type and location of the replacement trees.
Prior to the issuance of any temporary or permanent Certificate of Occupancy,
evidence showing that the existing trees have been preserved, relocated or
replaced in compliance with the tree report shall be submitted to the Office of
Zoning Administration.


Prior to the sign-off of the Zoning Administrator, the applicant shall submit a
landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a landscape professional to the Office of
Zoning Administration. The plans shall be designed consistent with the City's Water
Conservation Ordinance so as to limit water consumption, minimize soil saturation,
promote soil stability, and preclude soil erosion.
Prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit evidence
showing that the landscape plan, as approved by the Office of Zoning
Administration, has been implemented and are operational.


All mitigation measures recommended for the project in Mitigated Negative

Declaration No. ENV2013-2085-MND-REC1, and as amended herein, are hereby
made part of the conditions of approval of this grant, and shall be strictly complied
with as follows:

Air Pollution (Demolition, Grading and Construction Activities)


All unpaved demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least

twice daily during excavation and construction, and temporary dust
covers shall be used to reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD
District Rule 403. Wetting could reduce fugitive dust by as much as
50 percent.


The construction area shall keep the construction area sufficiently

dampened to control dust caused by grading and hauling, and at all
times provide reasonable control of dust caused by wind.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)



All clearing, earth moving, or excavation activities shall be

discontinued during periods of high winds (i.e., greater than 15mph),
so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust.


All dirt/loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other

appropriate means to prevent spillage and dust.


All dirt/soil materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently

watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amount of dust.


General contractors shall maintain and operate construction

equipment so as to minimize exhaust emissions.


Trucks hauling no current hauling activity shall not idle but be turned

Habitat Modification (Nesting Native Birds, Hillside or Rural Areas)

The project will result in the removal of vegetation and disturbances to the
ground and therefore may result in take of nesting native bird species.
Migratory non-game native bird species are protected by international treaty
under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) of 1918 (50 C.F.R
Section 10.13). Sections 3503, 3503.5 and 3513 of the California Fish and
Game Code prohibit take of all birds and their active nests including raptors
and other migratory non-game birds (as listed under the Federal MBTA). The
following measures are as recommended by the California Department of
Fish and Game:

Proposed project activities (including disturbances to native and nonnative vegetation, structures and substrates) should take place
outside of the breeding bird season which generally runs from
March 1- August 31 (as early as February 1 for raptors) to avoid take
(including disturbances which would cause abandonment of active
nests containing eggs and/or young). Take means to hunt, pursue,
catch, capture, or kill, or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, capture of kill
(Fish and Game Code Section 86).


If project activities cannot feasibly avoid the breeding bird season,

beginning thirty days prior to the disturbance of suitable nesting
habitat the applicant shall:

Arrange for weekly bird surveys to detect any protected native

birds in the habitat to be removed and any other such habitat
within 300 feet of the construction work area (within 500 feet
for raptors) as access to adjacent areas allows. The surveys
shall be conducted by a qualified biologist with experience in
conducting breeding bird surveys. The surveys shall continue
on a weekly basis with the last survey being conducted no

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)

more than 3 days prior
clearance/construction work.







If a protected native bird is found, the applicant shall delay all

clearance/construction disturbance activities within 300 feet of
suitable nesting habitat (within 500 feet for suitable raptor
nesting habitat) until August 31.


Alternatively, the Qualified Biologist could continue the surveys

in order to locate any nests. If an active nest is located,
clearing and construction within 300 feet of the nest (within 500
feet for raptor nests) or as determined by a qualified biological
monitor, shall be postponed until the nest is vacated and
juveniles have fledged and when there is no evidence of a
second attempt at nesting. The buffer zone from the nest shall
be established in the field with flagging and stakes.
Construction personnel shall be instructed on the sensitivity of
the area.


The applicant shall record the results of the recommended

protective measures described above to document compliance
with applicable State and Federal laws pertaining to the
protection of native birds. Such record shall be submitted and
received into the case file for the associated discretionary
action permitting the project.

Wildlife Corridor
No fencing, lighting, grading, planting of non-native vegetation, facilities or
hardscape shall be permitted within 40 feet from the easterly property line.
This Condition shall not preclude the installation of low-level security lighting.


Tree Report
Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the applicant shall
prepare and submit a Tree Report, prepared by a Tree Expert as defined in
Section 17.02, indicating the location, size, type and condition of all existing
trees on the site. Such report shall also contain a recommendation of
measures to ensure the protection, relocation, or replacement of affected
trees during grading and construction activities.


Tree Removal (Non-Protected Trees)


Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit, a plot plan

prepared indicating the location, size, type, and condition of all
existing trees on the site and within the adjacent public rights-ofway.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)




All significant (8-inch or greater trunk diameter, or cumulative trunk

diameter if multi-trunked, as measured 54 inches above the ground)
non-protected trees on the site proposed for removal shall be
replaced at a 1:1 ratio with a minimum 24-inch box tree. Net, new
trees, located within the parkway of the adjacent public rights-ofway, may be counted toward replacement tree requirements.


Removal or planting of any tree in the public right-of-way requires

approval of the Board of Public Works. Contact: Urban Forestry
Division at 213-847-3077. All trees in the public right-of-way shall be
provided per the current standards of the Urban Forestry Division of
the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services.

The design and construction of the project shall conform to the California
Building Code seismic standards as approved by the Department of Building
and Safety.



Erosion/Grading/Short-Term Construction Impacts:


The applicant shall provide a staked signage at the site with a

minimum of 3-inch lettering containing contact information for the
Senior Street User Inspector (Department of Public Works, the Senior
Grading Inspector (LADBS) and the hauling or general contractor.


Chapter IX, Division 70 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code addresses

grading excavations and fills. All grading activities require grading
permit from the Department of Building and Safety. Additional
provisions are required for grading activities within Hillside areas. The
application of BMPs includes but is not limited to the following
mitigation measures:

Excavation and grading activities shall be scheduled during dry

weather periods. If grading occurs during the rainy season
(October 15 through April 1), construct diversion dikes to
channel runoff around the site. Line channels with grass or
roughened pavement to reduce runoff velocity.


Stockpiles, excavated and exposed soil shall be covered with

secured tarp or plastic sheeting, erosion control fabrics, or
treated with a bio-degradable soil stabilizer.

Erosion/Grading/Short-Term Construction Impacts (Hillside Grading Areas)

Appropriate erosion control and drainage devices shall be provided to the
satisfaction of the Building and Safety Department. These measures include
interceptor terraces, berms, vee-channels, and inlet and outlet structures, as

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


specified by Section 91.7013 of the Building Code, including planting fastgrowing annual and perennial grasses in areas where construction is not
immediately planned.



Geotechnical Report

Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant

shall submit a geotechnical report, prepared by a registered civil
engineer or certified engineering geologist, to the Department of
Building and Safety, for review and approval. The geotechnical report
shall assess potential consequences of any soil strength loss,
estimation of settlement, lateral movement or reduction in foundation
soil-bearing capacity, and discuss mitigation measures that may
include building design consideration. Building design considerations
shall include, but are not limited to: ground stabilization, selection of
appropriate foundation type and depths, selection of appropriate
structural systems to accommodate anticipated displacements or any
combination of these measures.


The project shall comply with the conditions contained within the
Department of Building and Safety's Geology and Soils Report
Approval Letter for the proposed project, and as it may be
subsequently amended or modified.

Landslide Area

Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant

shall submit a geotechnical report, prepared by a registered civil
engineer or certified engineering geologist, to the Department of
Building and Safety, for review and approval. The geotechnical report
shall assess potential consequences of any landslide and soil
displacement, estimation of settlement, lateral movement or reduction
in foundation soil-bearing capacity, and discuss mitigation measures
that may include building design consideration. Building design
considerations shall include, but are not limited to: ground
stabilization, selection of appropriate foundation type and depths,
selection of appropriate structural systems to accommodate
anticipated displacements or any combination of these measures.


The project shall comply with the conditions contained within the
Department of Building and Safety's Geology and Soils Report
Approval Letter for the proposed project, and as it may be
subsequently amended or modified.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Only low and non-VOC-containing paints, sealants, solvents, and adhesives
shall be utilized in the construction of the project.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)




Explosion/Release (Existing Toxic/Hazardous Construction Materials)


(Asbestos) Prior to the issuance of the demolition permit, the

applicant shall provide a letter to the Department of Building and
Safety from a qualified asbestos abatement consultant that no ACM
are present in the building. If ACM are found to be present, it will
need to be abated in compliance with the South Coast Air Quality
Management District's Rule 1403 as well as all other state and federal
rules and regulations.


(Lead Paint) Prior to the issuance of any permit for demolition or

alteration of the existing structure(s), a lead-based paint survey shall
be performed to the written satisfaction of the Department of Building
and Safety. Should lead-based paint materials be identified, standard
handling and disposal practices shall be implemented pursuant to
OSHA regulations.


(Polychlorinated Biphenyl - Commercial and Industrial Buildings)

Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, a polychlorinated biphenyl
(PCB) abatement contractor shall conduct a survey of the project site
to identify and assist with compliance with applicable state and federal
rules and regulations governing PCB removal and disposal.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall develop an
emergency response plan in consultation with the Fire Department. The
emergency response plan shall include but not be limited to the following:
mapping of emergency exits, evacuation routes for vehicles and pedestrians,
location of nearest hospitals, and fire departments.


Inadequate Emergency Access


The applicant shall submit a parking and driveway plan to the Bureau
of Engineering and the Department of Transportation for approval that
provides code-required emergency access.


Insufficient Parking Capacity (Parking Plan for Off-Street)


Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the

applicant shall submit a Construction Staging and Parking Plan
to the Department of Building and Safety and the Fire
Department for review and approval. The plan shall identify
where all construction materials, equipment, and vehicles will
be stored, as well as where contractor, subcontractor, and
laborers will park their vehicles so as to prevent blockage o
two-way traffic streets in the vicinity of the construction site. A

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


copy of the approved Plan shall be submitted to Case File Nos.

ZA 2013-2084(ZAD) and ZA 2013-2087(ZAD).
Construction Staging and Parking Plan shall include, but not
be limited to, the following:

No construction equipment or material shall be

permitted to be stored within the public right-of-way.


During the Excavation and Grading phases, only one

truck hauler shall be allowed on the site at any one
time. The driver shall be required to follow the
designated travel plan or approved Hal Route.


A radio operator shall be on-site to coordinate the

movement of material and personnel to keep the roads
for emergency vehicles and apparatus and neighbors.


During all phases of construction, all construction

vehicle parking and queuing related to the project shall
be as required to the satisfaction of the Departments of
Building and Safety and Transportation, and in
substantial compliance with the Construction Staging
and Parking Plan, except as may be modified by the
Departments of Building and Safety and Transportation,
or the Fire Department.

Stormwater Pollution (Demolition, Grading and Construction Activities)


Leaks, drips and spills shall be cleaned up immediately to prevent

contaminated soil on paved surfaces that can be washed away into
the storm drains.


All vehicle/equipment maintenance, repair, and washing shall be

conducted away from storm drains. All major repairs are to be
conducted off-site. Drip pans or drop cloths shall be used to catch
drips and spills.


Pavement shall not be hosed down at material spills. Dry cleanup

methods shall be used whenever possible.


Dumpsters shall be covered and maintained. Uncovered dumpsters

shall be placed under a roof or cover with tarp or plastic sheeting.

Increased Noise Levels (Demolition, Grading and Construction Activities)


The project shall comply with the City of Los Angeles Noise
Ordinance Nos. 144,331 and 161,574, and any subsequent

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


ordinances, which prohibit the emission or creation of noise beyond

certain levels at adjacent uses unless technically infeasible.

Construction and demolition shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m.

to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.


Demolition and construction activities shall be scheduled so as to

avoid operating several pieces of equipment simultaneously, which
causes high noise levels.


The project contractor shall use power construction equipment with

state-of-the-art noise shielding and muffling devices.

Public Services (Fire)

The following recommendations of the Fire Department relative to fire safety
shall be incorporated into the building plans, which includes the submittal of
a plot plan for approval by the Fire Department either prior to the recordation
of a final map or the approval of a building permit. The plot plan shall include
the following minimum design features: fire lanes, where required, shall be a
minimum of 20 feet in width; all structures must be within 300 feet of an
approved fire hydrant, and entrances to any dwelling unit or guest room shall
not be more than 150 feet in distance in horizontal travel from the edge of
the roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane.
Public Services (Construction Activity Near Schools)

The developer shall install appropriate traffic signs around the site to
ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety.


Haul route scheduling shall be sequenced to minimize conflicts with

pedestrians, school buses and cars at the arrival and dismissal times
of the school day. Haul route trucks shall not be routed past the
school during periods when school is in session especially when
students are arriving or departing from the campus.


There shall be no staging or parking of construction vehicles,

including vehicles to transport workers on any of the streets adjacent
to the school and in the hillside area.


Fences shall be constructed around the site to minimize trespassing,

vandalism, short-cut attractions and attractive nuisances.


The developer and contractors shall maintain ongoing contact with the
administrator of Wonderland Avenue Elementary School (8510
Wonderland Avenue, 90046). The administrative offices shall be
contacted when demolition, grading and construction activity begin on
the project site so that students and their parents will know when such

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


activities are to occur. The developer shall obtain school walk and
bus routes to the schools from either the administrators or from the
LAUSD's Transportation Branch (323) 342-1400 and guarantee that
safe and convenient pedestrian and bus routes to the school be


Public Services (Street Improvements Not Required by DOT)


The project shall comply with the Bureau of Engineering's

requirements for street dedications and improvements that will reduce
traffic impacts in direct portion to those caused by the proposed
project's implementation.


Construction Damage Bond. A cash bond or security ("Bond") shall

be posted in accordance with terms, specifications and conditions to
the satisfaction of the Bureau of Engineering and shall remain in full
force and effect to guarantee that any damage incurred to the
roadway adjacent to the property which may result from any
construction activity on the site, is properly repaired by the applicant.


Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, any damage

incurred to the roadway adjacent to the property, which may result
from any construction activity on the site, shall be properly repaired by
the applicant to the satisfaction of the Bureau of Engineering. The
applicant is hereby advised to obtain all necessary permits to facilitate
this construction/repair.

Inadequate Emergency Access (Hillside Streets - Construction Activities)


Construction Requirements/Restrictions:

The applicant shall identify a construction manager and

provide a telephone number for any inquiries or complaints
from residents regarding construction activities.
Prior to the commencement of site excavation and construction
activities, the phone number and the name of a contact person
and a written construction schedule shall be provided to the
owners/residents of the 2100 and 2200 block north of Stanley
Hills Drive.
The contact information for inquiries/complaints and the
construction schedule shall be posted on the site so that it is
readily visible to any interested party during site preparation,
grading and construction. The applicant shall be required to
respond within 24 hours of any complaints/inquiries received
on this hotline.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)



Parking Plan and Construction Staging Area: The construction

workers, contractors, subcontractors and construction vehicles
shall not be allowed to park on the residential streets in the
Hillside area.
Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permit the
applicant shall submit to the Office of Zoning Administration for
review and approval a plan indicating where construction
workers, contractor and subcontractor vehicles shall be parked
so as to mitigate street parking impact during construction. A
shuttle service, if necessary, shall be provided to transport the
construction workers between off-site parking and the project
Evidence showing compliance with this condition such as a
contract agreement with a property owner of off-site parking
and a shuttle service company, etc., shall be provided to the
Office of Zoning Administration prior to the sign-off of the plans
by the Office of Zoning Administration.
The applicant or contractor shall establish a non-substandard
hillside off-site staging area for large trucks and any other
construction vehicles which cannot be accommodated on the
project site in order to control the frequency of construction
traffic to the site. Prior to the issuance of any building permits,
a location of the proposed construction staging area shall be
submitted to the satisfaction of Zoning Administration.


During all phases of construction for the dwelling, all materials

related to the project shall be stored on-site or within the
staging area. No construction vehicle, equipment or material
shall be parked or stored on the street.


At no time during construction activities shall Stanley Hills

Drive be reduced to a roadway width of less than 10 feet.


Deliveries of Equipment and Supplies. All deliveries during

construction shall be coordinated so that only one
vendor/delivery vehicle is at the site at one time and that a
construction supervisor is present at such time to mitigate any
potential traffic impact. No delivery shall be permitted during
trash pickup hours. The delivery trucks shall not be allowed to
park on the street unattended. Any delivery vehicle must have
a driver standing by at all times to move it.


Truck Traffic Restricted Hours. Truck traffic directed to the

project site for the purpose of delivering materials,

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


construction-machinery, any delivery of fill material or removal

of graded soil shall be limited to the hours beginning at 9 a.m.
and ending at 3 p.m., Monday through Friday only. No truck
deliveries shall occur outside of the time period.



All debris, trash and waste generated by the construction or by

any worker, including but not limited to building material
remnants, removed weeds, dirt, food or drinks consumed by
workers, etc., must be removed from the site or kept in a
covered, onsite trash receptacle on the properties being
developed. Any trash stored on site must be removed at least
once per week, or whenever the storage receptacle is full,
whichever is sooner.


A flag man shall be present on-site for delivery trucks or

construction vehicle access to/from the construction site.


The project shall comply with the City of Los Angeles Noise
Ordinance Nos. 144,331 and 161,574, and any subsequent
ordinances, which prohibit the emission or creation of noise
beyond certain levels at adjacent uses unless technically
infeasible. Amplified music shall not be audible at the
neighboring properties.

Hillside Mitigation Measures


The applicant shall obtain a haul route approval from the Board
of Building and Safety Commissioners for export/import in
excess of 1,000 cubic yards.


All haul route hours shall be limited to off-peak hours as

determined by the Board of Building and Safety


The applicant shall provide a staked signage at the site with a

minimum of 3-inch lettering containing contact information for
the Senior Street Use inspector (Department of Public Works),
the Senior Grading inspector (LADBS) and the hauling or
general contractor.


The developer shall install appropriate traffic signs around the

site to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety.


LADBS shall stagger haul trucks based upon a specific area's

capacity, as determined by the Department of Transportation,
and the amount of soil proposed to be hauled to minimize
cumulative traffic and congestion impacts.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)



The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation

(LADOT) shall recommend to the Building and Safety
Commission Office the appropriate size of trucks allowed for
hauling, best route of travel, the appropriate number of flag


Trucks having no current hauling activity shall not idle but be

turned off.


The applicant shall be limited to no more than two trucks at

any given time within the site's staging area.


No parking shall be permitted on street during Red Flag Days

in compliance with the "Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag
No parking" program.


In order to preserve adequate access for emergency vehicles,

all construction material shall be stored on-site and not on the
street during hauling operations.


Fences shall be constructed around the site to minimize

trespassing, vandalism, short-cut attractions and attractive


LADBS shall assign specific haul route hours of operation with

consideration given to Wonderland Avenue Elementary
School's (8510 Wonderland Avenue, 90046) hours of


Construction Signage. A sign shall be posted on-site, clearly

stating a contact/complaint telephone number that provides
contact to a live person associated with the project, not a
recording or voice mail, during all hours of construction. The
construction site address and Zoning Administration Case
Number shall also appear on the required sign. THE

The sign must be located in a conspicuous place on the

subject site or structure (if developed) so that it can be
easily read by the public. The sign must be sturdily
attached to a post if it is free-standing.


Regardless of who posts the site, it shall always remain

the responsibility of the applicant to assure that the sign
is firmly attached, visible, legible, and remains in such
condition throughout the entire construction period.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)




Utilities (Local Water Supplies - Landscaping)


The project shall comply with Ordinance No. 170,978 (Water

Management Ordinance), which imposes numerous water
conservation measures in landscape, installation, and maintenance
(e.g., use drip irrigation and soak hoses in lieu of sprinklers to lower
the amount of water lost to evaporation and overspray, set automatic
sprinkler systems to irrigate during the early morning or evening hours
to minimize water loss due to evaporation, and water less in the
cooler months and during the rainy season).


(Landscaping) In addition to the requirements of the Landscape

Ordinance, the landscape plan shall incorporate the following:

Weather-based irrigation controller with rain shutoff;


Matched precipitation (flow) rates for sprinkler heads;


Drip/microspray/subsurface irrigation where appropriate;


Minimum irrigation system distribution uniformity of 75 percent;


Proper hydro-zoning, turf minimization

native/drought tolerant plant materials; and


Use of landscape contouring to minimize precipitation runoff.


A separate water meter (or submeter), flow sensor, and master

valve shutoff shall be installed for irrigated landscape areas
totaling 5,000 sf. and greater.




Utilities (Local Water Supplies - All New Construction)

If conditions dictate, the Department of Water and Power may postpone new
water connections for this project until water supply capacity is adequate.

Install high -efficiency toilets (maximum 1.28 gpf), including dual-flush

water closets and high-efficiency urinals (maximum 0.5 gpf), including
no -flush or waterless urinals, in all restrooms as appropriate.


Install restroom faucets with a maximum flow rate of 1.5 gallons per


A separate water meter (or submeter), flow sensor, and master valve
shutoff shall be installed for all landscape irrigation uses.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)





Utilities (Local Water Supplies - New Residential)


Install no more than one showerhead per shower stall, having a flow
rate no greater than 2.0 gallons per minute.


Install and utilize only high-efficiency clothes washers (water factor of

6.0 or less) in the project, if proposed to be provided in either
individual units and/or in a common laundry room(s). If such appliance
is to be furnished by a tenant, this requirement shall be incorporated
into the lease agreement, and the applicant shall be responsible for
ensuring compliance.


Install and utilize only high-efficiency Energy Star-rated dishwashers

in the project, if proposed to be provided. If such appliance is to be
furnished by a tenant, this requirement shall be incorporated into the
lease agreement, and the applicant shall be responsible for ensuring

Utilities (Solid Waste)


(Operational) Recycling bins shall be provided at appropriate

locations to promote recycling of paper, metal, glass, and other
recyclable material. These bins shall be emptied and recycled
accordingly as a part of the project's regular solid waste disposal


(Construction/Demolition) Prior to the issuance of any demotion or

construction permit, the applicant shall provide a copy of the receipt or
contract from a waste disposal company providing services to the
project, specifying recycled waste service(s), to the satisfaction of the
Department of Building and Safety. The demolition and construction
contractor(s) shall only contract for waste disposal services with a
company that recycles demolition and/or construction-related wastes.


To facilitate on-site separation and
recycling of demolition and construction-related wastes, the
contractor(s) shall provide temporary waste separation bins on-site
during demolition and construction. These bins shall be emptied and
recycled accordingly as a part of the project's regular solid waste
disposal program.

Utilities (Solid Waste Disposal):

All waste shall be disposed of properly. Use appropriately labeled recycling
bins to recycle demolition and construction materials including: solvents,
water-based paints, vehicle fluids, broken asphalt and concrete, bricks,
metals, wood, and vegetation. Non recyclable materials/wastes shall be

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


taken to an appropriate landfill. Toxic wastes must be discarded at a licensed

regulated disposal site.

Prior to the issuance of any permits relative to this matter, a covenant

acknowledging and agreeing to comply with all the terms and conditions established
herein shall be recorded in the County Recorder's Office. The agreement (standard
master covenant and agreement form CP-6770) shall run with the land and shall be
binding on any subsequent owners, heirs or assigns. The agreement with the
conditions attached must be submitted to the Development Services Center for
approval before being recorded. After recordation, a certified copy bearing the
Recorder's number and date shall be provided to the Zoning Administrator for
attachment to the subject case file.


All terms and conditions of the approval shall be fulfilled before the use may be
established. The instant authorization is further conditional upon the privileges being
utilized within three years after the effective date of approval and, if such privileges are not
utilized or substantial physical construction work is not begun within said time and carried
on diligently to completion, the authorization shall terminate and become void.
This authorization runs with the land. In the event the property is to be sold, leased, rented
or occupied by any person or corporation other than yourself, it is incumbent upon you to
advise them regarding the conditions of this grant.
Section 12.29 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code provides:
"A variance, conditional use, adjustment, public benefit or other quasi-judicial
approval, or any conditional approval granted by the Director, pursuant to the
authority of this chapter shall become effective upon utilization of any portion of the
privilege, and the owner and applicant shall immediately comply with its Conditions.
The violation of any valid Condition imposed by the Director, Zoning Administrator,
Area Planning Commission, City Planning Commission or City Council in connection
with the granting of any action taken pursuant to the authority of this chapter, shall
constitute a violation of this chapter and shall be subject to the same penalties as
any other violation of this Code."
Every violation of this determination is punishable as a misdemeanor and shall be
punishable by a fine of not more than $2,500 or by imprisonment in the county jail for a
period of not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)



The applicant's attention is called to the fact that this grant is not a permit or license and
that any permits and licenses required by law must be obtained from the proper public
agency. Furthermore, if any Condition of this grant is violated or if the same be not
complied with, then the applicant or his successor in interest may be prosecuted for
violating these Conditions the same as for any violation of the requirements contained in
the Municipal Code. The Zoning Administrator's determination in this matter will become
effective after DECEMBER 26, 2014, unless an appeal therefrom is filed with the City
Planning Department. It is strongly advised that appeals be filed early during the appeal
period and in person so that imperfections/incompleteness may be corrected before the
appeal period expires. Any appeal must be filed on the prescribed forms, accompanied by
the required fee, a copy of the Zoning Administrator's action, and received and receipted at
a public office of the Department of City Planning on or before the above date or the
appeal will not be accepted. Forms are available on-line at
Public offices are located at:
Figueroa Plaza
201 North Figueroa Street,
4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Marvin Braude San Fernando

Valley Constituent Service Center
6262 Van Nuys Boulevard, Room 251
Van Nuys, CA 91401

If you seek judicial review of any decision of the City pursuant to California Code of Civil
Procedure Section 1094.5, the petition for writ of mandate pursuant to that section must be
filed no later than the 90th day following the date on which the City's decision became final
pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. There may be other time
limits which also affect your ability to seek judicial review.
The applicant is further advised that all subsequent contact with this office regarding this
determination must be with the Zoning Administrator who acted on the case. This would
include clarification, verification of condition compliance and plans or building permit
applications, etc., and shall be accomplished BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, in order to assure
that you receive service with a minimum amount of waiting. You should advise any
consultant representing you of this requirement as well.
After thorough consideration of the statements contained in the application, the plans
submitted therewith, and the statements made at the public hearing on June 12, 2014, all
of which are by reference made a part hereof, as well as knowledge of the property and
surrounding district, I find as follows:

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


The subject 7,500 square foot property is zoned R1-1 and has a frontage of 50 feet along
the east side of Stanley Hills Drive, with a depth of 150 feet. There are currently two singlefamily dwellings on the lot, in a state of disrepair. The project proposes to add 470 square
feet to an existing 864 square-foot single-family dwelling at 2170 Stanley Hills Drive and a
782 square-foot addition to an existing 845 square-foot single-family dwelling at 2172
Stanley Hills Drive, along with renovations to the existing dwellings. Four tandem parking
spaces are proposed, with a fifth, triple tandem space, noted on the plans.
The site visit revealed that most homes had little or setbacks and had garages placed up to
the front property lines or had carports in the same manner. Stanley Hills Drive and other
streets in the immediate area are within the Hollywood Hills and are very narrow throughout
most of their lengths. Parking is limited by Red Flag Days and areas of no allowed parking
in general.
Stanley Hills Drive, adjoining the properties on the northwest is a Substandard Hillside
Limited Local Street dedicated to a width of 20 feet and improved with asphalt roadway,
concrete curb and gutter.
Previous zoning related actions in the area include:
Case No. ZA2013-2087(ZAD) - On July 11, 2013, an application was submitted for
the construction of a 2,060 square-foot single-family dwelling on a lot, which does
not have a vehicular access route from a street improved with a minimum 20-foot
wide continuous paved roadway from the driveway apron that provides access to
the dwellings to the boundary of the Hillside Area, as otherwise required by Section
12.21-C,10(i)(3) of the Municipal Code. This application is simultaneously being
processed with the subject application by the same applicant. This project is located
on the southerly adjoining property at 2166 Stanley Hills Drive.
Case No. ZA2014-1621(ZAD(ZAA) - On May 8, 2014, an application was filed to
allow demolition of a 828 square-foot single family dwelling and the construction of a
new single-family residence, incorporating existing 560 square-foot accessory
building resulting in one 2,833 square foot structure at 2104 North Stanley Hills
Drive. The public hearing was held on this project on October 14, 2014.
Case No. ZA 2012-2822(ZAA)(ZAD) - On May 16, 2013, the Zoning Administrator
approved a Zoning Administrator's Adjustment from Section 12.21-C, 10(b)(3) to
permit 2,400 square feet of Residential Floor Area in lieu of the maximum 2,354
square feet otherwise permitted; and a Zoning Administrator's Determination to
permit the construction, use and maintenance of a new single-family dwelling on a
hillside lot which does not have a vehicular access route from a street improved with
a minimum 20-foot wide continuous paved roadway from the driveway apron to the
edge of the boundary of the Hillside Area, as otherwise required by Section 12.21C,IO(i)(3) of the Code at 2153 North Groveland Drive.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


Case No. ZA 2008-830(ZAD) - On July 16,2009, the Zoning Administrator approved

a Zoning Administrator's determination to permit a single-family dwelling on a lot,
which does not have a vehicular access route from a street improved with a
minimum 20-foot wide continuous paved roadway from the driveway apron that
provides access to the dwellings to the boundary of the Hillside Area, as otherwise
required by Section 12.21-A, 17(e)(3) of the Municipal Code, at 2234 Stanley Hills
Case No. ZA 2008-0832(ZAD) - On October 13, 2009, the Zoning Administrator
approved a Zoning Administrator's determination to permit a single-family dwelling
on a lot which does not have a vehicular access route from a street improved with a
minimum 20-foot wide continuous paved roadway from the driveway apron that
provides access to the dwellings to the boundary of the Hillside Area, as otherwise
required by Section 12.21-A, 17(e)(3) of the Municipal Code, at 2240 Stanley Hills
Case No. ZA 2008-0834(ZAD) - On October 13, 2009, the Zoning Administrator
approved a Zoning Administrator's determination to permit a single-family dwelling
on a lot which does not have a vehicular access route from a street improved with a
minimum 20-foot wide continuous paved roadway from the driveway apron that
provides access to the dwellings to the boundary of the Hillside Area, as otherwise
required by Section 12.21-A, 17(e)(3) of the Municipal Code, at 2244 Stanley Hills
Case No. ZA 2005-8836(ZAD) - July 31, 2006, the Zoning Administrator denied a
Zoning Administrator's determination to allow the construction, use and
maintenance of a single-family dwelling on property fronting on a Substandard
Hillside Limited Street improved to a width of less than 20 feet adjacent to the
property; approved a Zoning Administrator's determination to allow the construction,
use and maintenance of a 2,400 square-foot single-family dwelling on property
which does not have a vehicular access route from a street improved with a
minimum 20-foot wide continuous paved roadway from the driveway apron that
provides access to the residence to the boundary of the Hillside Area; and approved
a determination to permit the construction, use and maintenance of a three-level,
2,400 square-foot, 42-foot in height single-family dwelling on property zoned R1,
located in a Hillside area, at 2182 Beech Knoll Road.
Case No. ZA 2005-2850(ZAD) - August 8,2005, the Zoning Administrator approved
a Zoning Administrator's Determination to permit the construction, use and
maintenance of an addition to a single-family dwelling fronting on a substandard
hillside street improved to a roadway width of less than 20 feet and which does not
have a vehicular access route from a street improved with a 20-foot wide continuous
paved roadway to the boundary of the Hillside Area, and a Zoning Administrator's
Determination to permit the construction, use and maintenance of the addition with
a 4-foot 8-inch northerly side yard on a property in a Hillside Area at 2169 Stanley
Hills Drive, across the street from the project site.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


Case No. ZA 2003-4305(ZAA)(ZAD) - December 17,2003, the Zoning Administrator

approved a Zoning Administrator's determination to permit a single family dwelling
on a lot that does not have a vehicular access route from a street improved with a
minimum 20-foot wide continuous paved roadway from the driveway apron that
provides access from the dwelling to the boundary of the Hillside Area as otherwise
required by Section 12.21-A,17(e)(3) of the Municipal Code, and approved an
Adjustment from Section 12.2 -A, 17(a)(1) to permit a setback of 6 inches in lieu of
the minimum 5 feet required in the R1 Zone, at 2107-2113 North Groveland Drive.
The following correspondence was received prior to the hearing on June 12, 2014:

A total of 26 letters were received in opposition to the application. Their common

concerns were:

Stanley Hills is a substandard street, and construction on the street puts a

burden on the street structure.

The increase in traffic due to new construction overloads the street.

Construction vehicles park on the street, eliminating parking spaces, and

creating a traffic hazard.

Construction of the project would eliminate wildlife habitat, destroy trees, and
would contribute to an increase in rodents and gopher.

Idling of construction trucks contributes to air pollution.

New construction contributes to the dangers that the neighborhood faces

during fires season and the rainy season.

Noise pollution from construction is a concern.

Stanley Hills had no sidewalks, and so school children must walk in the street
to access Wonderland Elementary School. Construction is a danger to

Construction blocks access for emergency vehicles.

Litter from construction crews and the construction itself, and also gas and
oil leakage from construction trucks negatively impacts the street.

The proposed tandem parking will not work.

A construction staging plan should be required.

The Baseline Hillside Ordinance may be being violated.

Three new large houses are too much for the neighborhood.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


The proposed renovation of an existing house is a fiction, since the house

is falling down.

A full EIR is required.

On April 2, 2014, Paul Edelman of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy wrote
a letter stating that the proposed project "would have considerable adverse
ecological impacts on a distinct habitat block within the highly fragmented Laurel
Canyon Ecosystem," Mitigations measures were suggested.

The applicant proposes to build a single-family dwelling on a vacant lot located at 2166
Stanley Hills Drive under Case No. ZA 2013-2087(ZAD), and to remodel and add additional
floor area to two existing dwelling units located at 2170 and 2172 Stanley Hills Drive
[adjoining lots to the north] under Case No. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD).
A public hearing on the subject matter was held on June 12, 2014, and was attended by
the applicant, the applicant's representatives, residents in the area, and representatives of
the Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council, Laurel Canyon Association, and Council
District 4. The following testimony was taken for both applications proposed by the
applicant at 2166 Stanley Hills [ZA 2013-2087-ZAD], and 2170 and 2172 Stanley Hills
Drive [ZA 2013-2084-ZAD].
The applicant and representatives stated the following:

There are two existing dwelling units, originally built in the 1950s on 2170 and 2172
Stanley Hills Drive with a Certificate of Occupancy issued under the 2172 Stanley
Hills address. The existing dwelling units on site are in extreme disrepair and are an
eyesore to the neighborhood.

The proposed project will include a remodeling of the existing dwellings on 2170
and 2172 Stanley Hills Drive, and additional floor area will be added to the existing

The applicant purchased the property in 2011 and loves Laurel Canyon. The subject
property has been vacant since 2000.

The applicant is in the entertainment business and is not a developer. The proposed
dwelling units will be occupied by the applicant and the applicant's family. The
applicant's mother in law will occupy the second unit.

Street parking is permitted on the easterly side of the street.

The site is located afar from the wild life corridor. The project will maintain a rear
yard setback of more than 40 feet from the wild life corridor.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


The northerly adjoining property located at 2174 Stanley Hills Drive was remodeled
in a similar manner to the applicant's project. The remodel was completed in 2012.
The applicant is asking for the same privilege.
The project will comply with the Code requirements with respect to the setback,
building height and parking. No deviation from any of the building code
requirements is requested. The only request is a waiver of the street dedication and
improvement requirements off-site. The adjoining street in front of the subject
property will be dedicated and improved as required by the Code and by the Bureau
of Engineering.
Parking during construction will be accommodated on site.

The applicant has reached out to all adjacent neighbors, and all the adjoining
neighbors agreed to sign in support of the application.

The project architect stated that the existing two car garage was burned down and
needs to conform to the Code. The proposed project will require approximately
1,300 to 1,671 cubic yards of grading. Parking will be provided in compliance with
the Code. A total of five parking spaces, four of which are covered parking and one
of which is uncovered, will be provided at 2170 and 2172 Stanley Hills Drive. Two
parking spaces will be provided at 2166 Stanley Hills Drive.

Eight residents spoke, all in opposition to the proposed project stating the following:
Stanley Hills Drive is not designed for trucks.
The residents will experience adverse impacts on parking and traffic during the
construction. The construction vehicles will block the narrow roadway.
If Stanley Hills is blocked, it will take more than three times the travel time to take
alternate traffic route.
A flag man should be on site for oversized trucks.
The mitigation measures prepared for the project are not as inclusive as the
mitigation measures in ENV 2008-0831-MND, which were prepared for other
properties in the area.
No street parking is available for contractors.
The residents are concerned about a lack of enforcement and implementation of the
required conditions/mitigations. No mitigation monitor is required and the
Department of Building and Safety refused to enforce the required conditions.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


Mitigation measures are required, but, are not implemented; therefore, the project
impacts are not mitigated.

An Environmental Impact Report [EIR] should be required.

The proposed project does not comply with the required side yard setback.

The existing dwelling units on-site have been vacant for 14 years; therefore, the
applicant does not have a non-conforming right to remodel the units as proposed.

Contrary to the project architect's statement of fire on the subject property, the
residents have never seen fire on the subject property.

A resident at 2175 Stanley Hills Drive stated that he grew up at 2160 Stanley Hills
Drive and the house on the subject property has been vacant since the 1960s. The
front house was condemned. The proposed side yard setback does not conform to
the Code.

A resident at 2174 Stanley Hills Drive stated that his house was remodeled with no
changes to the existing footprint. No grading and removal of the existing trees were
required for his remodel.

The property owner of 2162 Stanley Hills Drive withdrew his prior support on the
subject application and stated that the existing structures on-site have been vacant
as long as he has lived in his property for 29 years.

The president of the Laurel Canyon Association expressed concerns about the
applicant's non-conforming rights to remodel the existing dwelling on the site, the
projects' compliance with the Hillside regulations, a lack of enforcement of the
required mitigation measures, and construction impacts. Stanley Hills in front of
2234 -2244 Stanley Hills Drive was widened by 2 feet prior to the construction of the
single family dwellings at that location. The project should be designed in keeping
with the neighborhood character.

The representative of Council District 4 stated the following:

Stanley Hills is an exceptional street and carries a lot of traffic.

The existing structures on the property do not have foundation and a nonconforming status to retain the existing units needs to be addressed.

The required 2-foot street widening should be completed prior to the construction of
the proposed project.

The applicant should work with the community and Neighborhood Council for the
construction impacts.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


No deviation from any of the required Hillside regulation is supported.

The dust controls measures shall be included during construction.

A flagman for delivery trucks and any construction equipment/vehicles should be


No construction should be permitted during Red Flag days.

No delivery should be permitted during trash pickup days.

In response to the public comments, the applicant stated the following.

The proposed project at 2166 Stanley Hills will be 31 feet 11 inches in height. The
two buildings at 2170-2172 Stanley Hills will be a maximum height of 25 feet 10

The proposed projects will be in compliance with all applicable Code requirements
including the required parking, a maximum floor area, building setback and height.
No deviation from the Code except for the subject request for a waiver of the off-site
street improvement is requested.

After testimony was taken, the Zoning Administrator took the case under advisement for
five weeks, four weeks of which are to allow the applicant to submit additional information
[e.g. verification of a non-conforming status on the existing two dwelling units and
conformance with the Hillside regulation required in Section 12.21-C, 10] and for an
additional week for public to review additional information/documents/comments received
to the file during the initial four-week advisement period.
In response to public comments, on July 7, 2014, the Department of City Planning has
issued an Addendum (Reconsideration) of the previously issued Mitigated Negative
Declaration (ENV2013-2085-MND). New mitigations to mitigate the potential environmental
impacts have been identified and circulated for the proposed project.
The following was received after the public hearing:

Eighteen e-mails/letters were received, some of which were duplicative and were in
response to an Addendum (reconsideration) of the previously issued ENV20132085-MND, all in opposition to the subject applications. The comments reflect a
reiteration of the prior comments/issues received at the hearing and prior to the
hearing including, but not limited to: non-conforming rights to remodel the existing
dwellings on the subject site, adverse impacts during construction, impacts on wild
life, parking and traffic impacts, construction staging area and a lack of
enforcement/monitoring of the imposed conditions/mitigation measures.

A letter dated August 6, 2014 was received from the Laurel Canyon Association in
response to the Addendum (Reconsideration) of the previously issued Mitigated

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


Negative Declaration (ENV2013-2083-MND). The letter urges the City to reject the
proposed project.

The applicant submitted the following:


A Certificate of Occupancy [C of O] for the existing dwelling units on the site:

The C of O [Permit No. LA11823] was issued for 2172 Stanley Hills Drive on
November 24, 1950 for "2 Story, Type V, 20.8X36,8 Dwelling and Attached
Garage, R Occupancy". The C of O includes a plot plan showing an existing
dwelling in the rear of the property and a proposed dwelling with 2-car
attached garage in the front portion of the property [2170, 2172 Stanley

Photographs showing the street widening in front of neighboring properties of

2234, 2240 and 2244 Stanley Hills noting that the applicant will
accommodate the street widening in front of his properties at the subject

A copy of the Plan Check Submittal dated April 12, 2012 for Permit
Application No. 12014-10000-01168 and 12014-10000-07169 with the
Zoning Manual for Section 12.23A3(a)3 for Additions and Alterations to
Residential Buildings in the A,R, and C Zones. It was noted "These houses
were built prior to R1 Zoning. Therefore, non-conforming rights should be
maintained." [ZA Note: It is not clear if it was noted by the applicant or staff at
the Department of Building and Safety.]

The Department of Building and Safety/Department of Public Works

Preliminary Referral Form for Baseline Hillside Ordinance signed by the
Bureau of Engineering staff dated November 24,2014 showing that an 8-foot
street dedication and street improvement is required for the project.

In order for a deviation from the zoning regulations to be granted, all of the legally
mandated findings delineated in Section 12.24-X,28 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code
must be made in the affirmative. Following (highlighted) is a delineation of the findings and
the application of the relevant facts of the case to same:

The project will enhance the built environment in the surrounding

neighborhood or will perform a function or provide a service that is essential
or beneficial to the community, city or region.

The project site fronts onto Stanley Hills Drive, a substandard hillside street
improved with a width that is less than 20 feet. The subject property contains two
lots tied by use and is currently improved with two dwelling units, which were
originally constructed in the 1920s and 1950s. According to the neighbors, these
existing dwellings have been vacant for decades.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


The applicant purchased the property in late 2011 and proposes to remodel and
add additional floor area to the existing dwellings. The existing dwelling in the front
portion of the property at the 2172 Stanley Hills Drive address contains 845 square
feet of floor area and an additional 782 square feet of floor area is proposed to be
added resulting in a total of 1,627 square feet of floor area. The dwelling in the rear
at the 2170 Stanley Hills Drive address contains 864 square feet of floor area and
an additional 470 square feet of floor area is proposed to be added resulting in a
total of 1,334 of square feet.
Development on a lot fronting a substandard hillside limited street is required to
dedicate and improve the adjacent roadway per the Municipal Code Section 12.21C,10(i) which states the following:
"(i) Street Access.
(1) Street Dedication. For any new construction of, or addition to, a OneFamily Dwelling on a Lot fronting on a Substandard Hillside Limited
Street, no Building permit or Grading permit shall be issued unless at
least one-half of the width of the Street(s) has been dedicated for the full
width of the Frontage of the Lot to Standard Hillside Limited Street
dimensions or to a lesser width as determined by the City Engineer. The
appellate procedures provided in Section 12,37-1 of this Code shall be
available for relief from this requirement.
(2) Adjacent Minimum Roadway Width. For any new construction of, or
addition to a One-Family Dwelling on a Lot fronting on a Substandard
Hillside Limited Street that is improved with a roadway width of less than
20 feet, no Building permit or Grading permit shall be issued unless the
construction or addition has been approved pursuant to Section 12.24X,28 of this Code.
(3) Minimum Roadway Width (Continuous Paved Roadway). For any new
construction of, or addition to, a One-Family Dwelling on a Lot that does
not have a vehicular access route from a Street improved with a minimum
20-foot wide continuous paved roadway from the driveway apron that
provides access to the main residence to the boundary of the Hillside
Area, no Building permit or Grading permit shall be issued unless the
construction or addition meets the requirements of this Subdivision 10. or
has been approved by a Zoning Administrator pursuant to Section 12.24X,28 of this Code."
According to the referral form from the Bureau of Engineering, the adjoining street is
dedicated with a width of 20 feet and is improved with a roadway width of 18 feet.
The applicant proposes to dedicate and improve the adjoining street frontages as
required by the Bureau of Engineering; however, requests a waiver of the required

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


street improvements off-site between the subject property and the boundary of the
Hillside Area as required in Section 12.21-C,10(i)(3) and as noted above.
The intent behind the Hillside regulations is to provide for safe vehicular access for
residents, visitors, and most critically, for emergency vehicles in case of fire or other
emergency. The property is located in a designated Red Flag Restricted Parking,
and in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. Any impairment to Fire Department
access to the site would expose residents of the properties as well as other
dwellings located in the area to an increased risk of fire in addition to other
emergency situations.
Prior to the construction of the proposed project, street dedication and
improvements to the portion of Stanley Hills Drive adjoining the front property line is
required in order to ensure that the proposed project is consistent with public street
standards for street width and access.
The Conditions of the grant incorporate requirements by the Fire Department
regarding hydrant location and access, as well as compliance with City ordinances
regarding fire safety, emergency access, and parking during Red Flag days.
In order to mitigate potential construction-phase parking impacts, prior to the
issuance of any permits, the applicant is required to submit a parking and
construction staging plan indicating where construction workers, contractors and
subcontractors' vehicles will be parked so as to mitigate street parking impacts
during construction. A shuttle service, if necessary, is required to transport the
construction workers. Additionally, the applicant has been required as a Condition of
the grant to post a cash or surety bond to provide street repairs if damage occurs as
a result of the project's construction. The project will provide parking for five
vehicles, four spaces of which are in the attached garage and one of which is
uncovered parking and located in the front yard, reducing potential demand for
street parking in association with occupancy of the dwelling.
The widening and improvement of the street right of way from the project driveway
to the hillside boundary, in full compliance with Section 12.21 -C,10(i)(3) would result
in the demolition of existing walls, fences and other improvements within the public
right-of-way and on private properties. The applicant does not have access to
property rights at these locations, making such improvements infeasible and without
a rational nexus; improvements necessary to meet the strict application of the Code
would not be proportional to the potential impacts generated by the project. As
such, approval of the relief sought by the applicant as conditioned can be deemed
to be in conformity with the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good
zoning practice.
A matter of the applicant's non-conforming right to remodel the existing dwelling
units on site has been a contentious issue in the community. It should be noted that
the determination as to whether or not the applicant has a non-conforming right to
remodel and to make additions to the existing dwelling units is not under the
purview of the subject application, and the subject grant is limited to allow a waiver

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


of the required street improvement off-site. The project is required to comply with all
applicable sections of the Municipal Code. Except for the required off-site street
improvement, no deviation from the hillside development standards required in
Section 12.21-C, 10 is requested or granted herein. As noted, the street frontages
will be dedicated and improved as required resulting in cumulative benefits to the
surrounding community. As such, the proposed dwelling will enhance the built
environment and remain compatible with the existing character of the surrounding
The project's location, size, height, operations and other significant features
will be compatible with and will not adversely affect or further degrade
adjacent properties, the surrounding neighborhood, or the public health,
welfare and safety.
The design of the dwelling meets all applicable provisions of the single-family zone
Hillside area development standards, which were adopted to ensure that
development is compatible with the character of the hillside area and to improve
street access to the hillside community. According to the slope analysis submitted to
the file, a maximum of 3,120 square feet of floor area is permitted on the subject
property. The dwellings in front and in rear will contain 1,627 square feet and 1,334
square feet of floor area, respectively resulting in a cumulative total of 2,961 square
feet of floor area. An 8-foot street dedication will be provided along the street
frontage on Stanley Hills Drive. The project will provide the 5-foot front and 6-foot
side yard setbacks as required. The proposed dwellings in front and in rear will be
33 feet and 25 feet 10 inches in height, respectively, in compliance with the Code.
As such, the proposed project and its features will not adversely affect adjacent
properties or public health, welfare and safety.
The project substantially conforms with the purpose, intent and provisions of
the General Plan, the applicable community plan, and any specific plan.
The Hollywood Community Plan Map designates the property for R1-1 "Low II
Residential" land uses with corresponding zones of R1 and RS and height limited to
District No. 1. The property is not currently within the area of any specific plans or
interim control ordinances.
The basic use of the property is consistent with the General Plan and the
community plan. The granting of the relief does not alter the primary residential use
of the property and therefore conforms to the intent arid purpose of the General
Plan. The Plan's objectives include ensuring the availability of paved streets,
adequate sewers, drainage facilities, fire protection services and facilities, and other
emergency services and public utilities to support development in hillside areas. The
granting of the request will not adversely affect any elements of the General Plan.
The vehicular traffic associated with the building or structure will not create
an adverse impact on street access or circulation in the surrounding

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


The traffic associated with the dwelling itself will not create any additional adverse
impact on street access or circulation as the use remains that of a single-family
home and the addition of additional floor area to the existing dwellings will not
significantly alter the existing character and density in the area. The project will
provide four covered parking spaces in tandem and one uncovered parking for a
total of five parking spaces. The applicant will comply with all dedications and
improvements required in front of the property by the Department of Public Works.
In order to mitigate potential impacts during construction, a number of conditions
have been imposed. Prior to grading or any construction, neighbors will be provided
with building schedules and contact information to address their concerns/issues
associated with the construction. A contact person and phone number are required
to be posted at the site. In addition, all the mitigation measures of the
environmental document have been made conditions of this grant.
This grant specifically requires that the applicant fulfill the requirements of on-site
street dedication and improvement to contribute a proportional share of
improvements on the adjoining street, Stanley Hills Drive along the property
frontage. Development plans are required to be submitted for review and approval
by the Fire Department. Construction vehicles are not allowed to be parked or
stored along the public right-of-way, and construction materials are stored off the
street, in order to maintain vehicular and pedestrian access for area residents,
emergency personnel, and visitors. The applicant is required to maintain a roadway
width of not less than 10 feet on Stanley Hills Drive during construction. Conditions
of approval are imposed to assure review by the responsible City agencies, and
ultimately, development that is consistent with the intent of the Code. As such,
approval of the requested relief will not result in the creation of an adverse impact
on street access or circulation in the surrounding neighborhood.

The building or structure will not be materially detrimental or injurious to the

adjacent property or improvements, nor will it have a materially adverse safety
impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
As noted above, conditions of the grant address mitigation of any potential impacts.
The proposed dwellings will be built in accordance with all the hillside regulations.
Furthermore, the project is required to adhere to environmental mitigation measures
which have been incorporated by reference as conditions of this grant and which
address a number of issues including but not limited to grading, construction and a
loss of trees. A tree report is required and this grant requires compliance with the
City's Protected Tree ordinance to the satisfaction of the Urban Forestry Division
and Board of Public Works, including any requirement for the replacement of trees.
The requirement for street improvements adjoining the property frontage will ensure
that the project contributes to its reasonable and proportional share to ensure safety
for area residents and continued access for residents, visitors, and emergency
services within the immediate area.

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


The applicant has submitted a Soil/Geology Report Approval, which was approved
by the Department of Building and Safety. The approval includes 37 conditions of
approval. The Conditions of this grant establish that the geotechnical study is
subject to final approval by the Department of Building and Safety to ensure that
development is in compliance with any measure deemed necessary in regards to
grading, drainage, slope stability, structural foundations, and other geotechnical
characteristics of the project. During the dwelling construction phase, the conditions
require all construction equipment and vehicles to be parked on-site or at the
staging area, and that all construction materials are stored similarly. Conditions
provide assurances that vehicular access and public safety are maintained during
and upon completion of the construction phase. As conditioned herein, construction
and use of the dwelling will not have a materially adverse safety impact on the
surrounding neighborhood.

The site and/or existing improvements make strict adherence to Section

12.21-C,10(i) impractical or infeasible.
The subject project involves new construction wherein the ability to provide a 20-foot
right-of-way from the dwelling's driveway until the edge of the Hillside area is
reached is impractical and infeasible. The applicant has no access to the property
rights of others and such widening would result in the potential demolition of existing
structures, fences, walls, utility poles and portions of other developments which may
encroach into the right-of-way or which have zero front yards. Improvements along
the subject property's frontage will be provided. Incrementally and cumulatively, the
City is able to require street improvements from other property owners as additions
or new construction is proposed on an individual basis.
Strict compliance with Section 12.21-C,10(i)(3) of the Code would require
improvements of approximately more than 1,500 feet of Stanley Hills Drive from the
project site to Lookout Mountain Avenue with a minimum roadway width of 20 feet.
Observation of the surrounding vicinity confirms that all of the dwellings in the area
front on substandard-width roadways. Photographs showing street rights-of-way
reflect the infeasibility of improving/widening Stanley Hills Drive as would be
required pursuant to Section 12.21-C,10(i)(3) of the Code, due to the existing
encroachments, which are not under the control of the applicant. As such, it can be
found that strict adherence to Section 12.21-C,10(i)(3) is impractical and financially


The request is in conformity with the public necessity, convenience, general

welfare and good zoning practice and will be in substantial conformance with
the various elements and objectives of the General Plan.
The Hollywood Community Plan designates the subject parcels as Low II
Residential with a corresponding zone of R1-1.
No deviation from the required Single Family Development Standards is requested
or granted herein. The subject property is planned and zoned for the proposed
development. The grant of this request will not adversely affect any element of the

CASE NO. ZA 2013-2084(ZAD)


General Plan as the basic use of the property is consistent with the General Plan.
Therefore the grant, as conditioned, is found to be in conformity with the objectives
of the General Plan.

The National Flood Insurance Program rate maps, which are a part of the Flood
Hazard Management Specific Plan adopted by the City Council by Ordinance No.
172,081, have been reviewed and it has been determined that this project is located
in Zone X, areas of 500-year flood: areas of 100-year flood with average depths of
less than 1-foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected
by levees from 100-year-flood..


On April 2, 2014, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (ENV 2013-2085-MND) was

prepared for the proposed project.
On July 7, 2014, an Addendum
(Reconsideration) of the previously issued Mitigated Negative Declaration was
issued and additional mitigation measures were identified. On the basis of the whole
of the record before the lead agency including any comments received, the lead
agency finds that with imposition of the mitigation measures described in the MND
(and identified in this determination), there is no substantial evidence that the
proposed project will have a significant effect on the environment. I hereby adopt
that action. This Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the lead agency's
independent judgment and analysis. The records upon which this decision is based
are with the Environmental Review Section of the Planning Department in Room
750, 200 North Spring Street.

Associate Zoning Administrator
Direct Telephone No. (213) 978-3304

Councilmember Tom LaBonge

Fourth District
Adjoining Property Owners

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