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Eclipse exercise adapted from Heriot-Watt University Reservoir Simulation module


ECLIPSE PROJECT 2 (Marks :10%)

General Instruction:
1. Students are required to submit the hardcopy of the
report in my pigeon hole in Block 15, Level 2.
2. Please use the cover page provides. Report should
be printed double sided.
3. Report must be submitted no later than 5pmon
1st Sept 2014. Marks will be deducted by 2% per
day for the late submission.
4. All figures must be labeled clearly and referred
properly in the text while explaining your results.
5. Zero marks will be awarded for any plagiarism
All the best.

Eclipse exercise adapted from Heriot-Watt University Reservoir Simulation module

( Please use this Cover page)


ECLIPSE PROJECT 2 (Marks :10%)

Name : ___________________________
Student ID : _______________________
Signature : ________________________
Submit to : Abdelazim

Eclipse exercise adapted from Heriot-Watt University Reservoir Simulation module

PROJECT 2 (10%)
(Simple layer sweep efficiency: viscous, gravity and capillary forces)
This exercise involves adapting file TUT1D.DATA Make sure that you have completed
Tutorial 1D before commencing Tutorial 2.
A - Two dimensional model with high perm in the middle layer.
Create a tut2 folder, make a copy file TUT1D.DATA, and call it TUT2A.DATA
The objective is to make a more detailed cross-section model between the injector
and producer:
Vertical layers
Geological Grid cells
5 x 50 cells



5 x 50 cells
5 x 50 cells

Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3



Each layer has 5 x 50 cells to limit numerical dispersion. Go through the

following steps in editing the TUT2A.DATA file:
(a) Set number of cells, NX = 50, NY = 1, NZ = 15, in the DIMENS keyword, and
the maximum number of connections per well = 15, in the WELLDIMS keyword.
(b) Set grid dimensions to DX=70, DY=1800, DZ=10 for all cells. (Although the
model has the same overall pore volume as in Tutorial 1, it is now only 1 cell
thick in the Y direction.)
(c) There are now 15 layers of grid cells, distributed over 3 geological layers:
o geological layer 1 corresponds to grid layers 1 - 5
o geological layer 2 corresponds to grid layers 6 - 10
o geological layer 3 corresponds to grid layers 11 - 15
Define TOPS for only the first layer of grid cells (layer 1 - 1), but all poro/perm
properties should be assigned per geological layer (i.e. per 5 layers of cells).
Maintain the same PERMX, PERMZ, PORO and NTG values in each geological
layer as in TUT1D.
(d) Delete PERMY and associated data.
(e) In the REGIONS section change number of cells in each layer from 25 to 250
when allocating relative permeability tables to cells in SATNUM keyword:
250*2 250*1 250*2 /

Eclipse exercise adapted from Heriot-Watt University Reservoir Simulation module

(f) In the SUMMARY section remove WWCT (PROD), and replace with FWCT,
the field water cut. Add FWIT (field water injection total) and FOE (Field Oil
Recovery Efficiency) to the list of output variables.
(g) Place injector at (1,1) and producer at (50,1) and complete both over all 15
vertical cells.
(h) Set the injector to a rate control of 11,000 stb water/day (RATE) with a
maximum bottom hole pressure limit of 10,000 psia, and the producer to a liquid
production rate of 10,000 stb/day (LRAT), with a minimum bottom hole pressure
limit (BHP) of 2,000 psia.
(i) Water injection at this rate will result in the displacement of one pore volume
of after 2850 days, so set the time steps (TSTEP) to give ten tenths of a pore
10*285 /
Save the edited file.
Run Eclipse using the file. Plot the following: field oil recovery
efficiency (FOE) and field water cut (FWCT) vs field cumulative water injection
(FWIT) on the X-axis. (You can use MS Excel, RE Studio, ECLIPSE Office
(Results) or Petrel for these plots. In Petrel this plot may be created by right
clicking on Water injection cumulative and choosing Select as X) Do not, at
this stage, save or print this picture. These graphs will be recreated in a
comparison between parts A to D.
B - High perm in bottom layer.
Edit the new file to place the high permeability layer in the bottom instead of the
middle, i.e.:
layer 1: PERMX = 250mD
layer 2: PERMX = 250mD
layer 3: PERMX = 1000mD
Alter the PERMZ, PORO, NTG and SATNUM keywords to reflect the layer
changes also. Run Eclipse again and plot the same graph as above, but this time
for both cases 2A and 2B. Inspect the grid saturations of A and then B using
Petrel or Floviz to identify causes of any difference in production between A and

C - High perm in top layer.

Copy TUT2B.DATA to TUT2C.DATA. Edit the new file to place the high
permeability layer on top, and run Eclipse. Use Petrel or Floviz to investigate the
grid saturations for C. TUT2C will form the base case, with all the subsequent

Eclipse exercise adapted from Heriot-Watt University Reservoir Simulation module

models being compared to this one. The files for the remaining models will all be
edited copies of TUT2C.DATA.
D - Slower frontal advance rate.
Copy TUT2C.DATA to TUT2D.DATA. Edit the new file so that instead of
injecting 11,000 stb water/day only 1,100 stb/day are injected, instead of
producing 10,000 stbl/day only 1,000 stbl/day are produced, and the timesteps are
increased from 285 to 2850 days each.
On Figure 1 display the field oil recovery efficiency (Y-axis) vs field cumulative
water injection (X-axis) for A - D. On Figure 2 display the field water cut vs
field cumulative water injection for the four models. Using Petrel or FloViz,
generate grid displays of the saturation profiles at time step 2 and time step 5. In
MS Word create Figure 3 with four saturation plots (A-D) for time step 2 and
Figure 4 with four saturation plots (A-D) for time step 5. (In FloViz use menu
View->Set View->Front, exaggerate by a factor of 10 in the z direction, then
View->Hardcopy colours and then either File->Save Image->Image File to save
a jpeg file, or use Alt-PrintScrn to copy bitmap to the clipboard, from where the
image may be pasted directly into MS Word (Ctrl-V). For Petrel, follow the
instructions in the separate Petrel introduction file)
What are the main differences in production behaviour between the four models,
and why? How would the profiles in D compare with the other cases if plotted
against time instead of volume of water injected.
E Increased cross-sectional area away from wells.
Copy TUT2C.DATA to TUT2E.DATA. Change the thickness of the cells so that
close to the wells they are narrow, but in between the wells they are broad. To do
this, delete the old definition of DY under EQUALS, and inserta new definition of
DY above the EQUALS keyword:
2*140 2*420 2*700 2*980 2*1260 2*1540 2*1820 2*2100 2*2380 2*2660
2*2940 2*3220 2*3500
2*3220 2*2940 2*2660 2*2380 2*2100 2*1820 2*1540 2*1260 2*980 2*700
2*420 2*140
2*140 2*420 2*700 2*980 2*1260 2*1540 2*1820 2*2100 2*2380 2*2660
2*2940 2*3220 2*3500
2*3220 2*2940 2*2660 2*2380 2*2100 2*1820 2*1540 2*1260 2*980 2*700
2*420 2*140

repeat for all 15 layers

These changes will maintain the overall volume of the system, but ensure that
flow speeds in mid-field will be only 4% of the flow speeds in the near wellbore

Eclipse exercise adapted from Heriot-Watt University Reservoir Simulation module

region. Run ECLIPSE and again inspect the saturation profiles using Petrel or
Floviz. (Note Petrel and Floviz will not show a grid with variations in thickness
in the Y direction here, but changing the display properties to Initial: DY will
allow you to check that you have entered the DY values correctly.)
F - Increased kv/kh.
Copy TUT2C.DATA to TUT2F.DATA. Edit the new file so that the model has a
kv/kh ratio of 1 instead of 0.1 (i.e. make PERMZ 1000, 200 and 200 mD in the
three layers). Run Eclipse again and inspect the saturation profiles using Petrel or
Floviz. Do not print the figures.
G - Barriers preventing vertical flow.
Copy TUT2C.DATA to TUT2G.DATA. Instead of changing all the grid cell
vertical permeabilities, the transmissibilities between the three layers are to be set
to zero. In the EQUALS keyword, between the layer 1 and layer 2 definitions
insert the following:


1 50

1 1

5 5

and between the layer 2 and layer 3 definitions insert:



1 50

1 1

10 10

This will prevent any flow between grid layers 5 and 6, and between grid
layers 10 and 11. Again run Eclipse and Petrel or FloViz to inspect the
saturations. Plot the field oil recovery efficiency vs time for C, E, F, and G on
Figure 5. Create a separate plot with field water cut vs time for the same four
models on Figure 6. Create Figures 7&8, similar to Figures 3 & 4, but for C, E,
F, and G.
What variations in pressure gradient will be encountered as injected water moves
away from the wellbore into the formation, and which forces will tend to
dominate in the variousregions? Discuss the geological reasons why the kv/kh
ratio might vary in reality. What difference does it make whether the kv/kh ratio
is reduced/increased throughout the reservoir rock, as in F, or whether
transmissibility barriers exist between layers, as in G?
H - Zero capillary pressure.
Copy TUT2C.DATA to TUT2H.DATA. Set the capillary pressure in the new
model to zero. Do this by setting all the Pc values in the SWOF tables to 0.0.
What is the effect on oil recovery of setting capillary pressure to zero, and what
conclusion do you draw about its effect on the reservoir flow behaviour?
I Grid coarsening.

Eclipse exercise adapted from Heriot-Watt University Reservoir Simulation module

Copy TUT2C.DATA to TUT2Ccoarse.DATA. Here we are going to leave the

same level of grid resolution in the cells around the wells, but coarsen the cells in
the centre of the model from 70 ft in the X-direction to 1,400 ft, and coarsen all
cells in the Z-direction from 10 ft to 50 ft.
Change the number of cells to NX=12, NY=1, NZ=3, in the DIMENS keyword.
In the EQUALS keyword change the DX and DZ values
-- Keyword






X1 X2
1 5
6 7
8 12
1 12

Y1 Y2
1 1
1 1
1 1

Z1 Z2
1 3
1 3
1 3


Also remember to change the X1, X2 and Z1, Z2 values for all other properties in
the EQUALS keyword to reflect the new grid dimensions.
Change SATNUM to reflect the fact that there are now only 12 cells in each layer.
Change WELSPECS and COMPDAT to reflect the grid dimension of 1-12 cells
in the X-Direction and 1-3 cells in the Z-Direction.
Copy TUT2Ccoarse.DATA to TUT2Hcoarse.DATA, and make Pc=0 in
Run TUT2Ccoarse.DATA and TUT2Hcoarse.DATA
J Grid refinement.
Here we refine the model by a factor 5 in the X-Direction and a factor of 5 in the
Z-Direction (all cells will be 14 ft X 1800 ft X 2ft).
Copy TUT2C.DATA to TUT2Crefine.DATA:
5 1 5/
4 432 /

To create a single column radial local grid refinement,


Eclipse exercise adapted from Heriot-Watt University Reservoir Simulation module

In GRID add
'SOUTH' 1 1 1 15 6 4 18 /
--0.2 /
In Schedule, add

8000 OIL /

PROD SOUTH 1 1 1 15 OPEN 2*
0.6667 /
These keywords will automatically refine the model and allocate more memory
space for the calculations.
Run TUT2Crefine.DATA
Plot FOEvs time for cases TUT2C, TUT2Crefine, on Figure 9, and FWCT vs
time on Figure 10.
What is the impact of capillary pressure in the coarse models? And in the refined
models? What is the level of resolution required in the cases with capillary
pressure, and in the cases without?

Polymer Flooding
Model viscous oil: Copy TUT2C.DATA to ViscOil.DATA and increase the
viscosity of oil by a factor of 5 (multiply each of the viscosities in the table by 5).
Model polymer injection to sweep more viscous oil: Copy ViscOil.DATA to
Polymer.DATA, and add in the following keywords to inject a polymer solution
with a viscosity = 10 cP:
in RUNSPEC section
-- Switches on polymer option (no associated data)
in PROPS section
-- viscosity multiplier vs polymer concentration
-- concentration

Eclipse exercise adapted from Heriot-Watt University Reservoir Simulation module

-- 1.0 * 0.8 = 0.8 cP (water viscosity)

-- 12.5 * 0.8 = 10 cP (polymer viscosity
-- 3 keywords switch off polymer adsorption
0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 /
0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 /
0.0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 /
0.0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 /
1.0 0.0 /
-- degree of mixing between injected polymer solution and formation water
1.0 /
in SCHEDULE section, after WCONINJ
-- well name

1.0 /

Does adding polymer improve the sweep efficiency and the recovery in the viscous oil
scenario? What about in the original low viscosity oil case?

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