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CAF Presentation


VILA DE CASTRO Pedro Henrique

What is CAF?

It is a French organization that allows tenants of

regulated accommodation (HLM, CROUS,
etcetera) to receive housing assistance.
So, foreign and national students in France
have the rights to get it.

How to get it?

First of all, you can do online a estimation of the

assistance ($) you'll receive, depending on the
type of accommodation.
The type of your accommodation should be
given by your tenant.
It is not necessary to do the estimation, it is just
useful to imagine what CAF could do in your
The link:

The Beginning

Now, have you done the estimation or not, you

can do the online request here:

And now...?

That's all...


Just kidding :)
Now you have to fill an online form to calculate
the sum/amount of your future housing
assistance. You will have to use the same link
we gave you in The Beginning.
You should be confused because there are this
two options:

Vous tes allocataire

Vous n'tes pas allocataire


As it is the first time you are in Pays de la Loire,

more exactly in Nantes, you will have to choose
the option Aide au logement : nouvelle
demande beneath the heading Vous n'tes
pas allocataire.

What is next?

After you choose what you should choose you

should do like us:

The date you entered to

your residence

I made a mistake, it should

be the third option En cit
universitaire, rsidence
pour tudiants...

Just say yes

Documents needed

Contrat de location (ou bail) => Attestation of

Dclarations de vos revenus ou Avis d'imposition des 2
dernires annes => Not important because you are not
paid in France even if you have a scholarship
Relev d'identit bancaire au format Bic-Iban => RIB
from your French bank
Si une Caf vous versait (ou vos parents), des
Prestations familiales : votre ou leur numro de dossier
=> You don't have it, it is the first time you apply for
housing assistance in Nantes
Si vous accdez la proprit : le certificat de prt =>
Just junk!

Your mail

You should know

Empty for sure

Yes if you got the SMEBA or the


It depends on you, but it

is common the first one
for a student

Yes, just 0.

Oui if you have a scholarship. Non if you don't

or if you have an excellence scholarship
Normally the school obliges you to
get it during the inscription, so Oui
Assurance from your country

Water Break...
Yes, doing the CAF is annoying but it is very
USEFUL for you student!
Seriously, go eat and drink something

You'll get all that from your RIB, so,

just copy the information. It is
important to receive the assistance.

Just continue

We couldn't continue because it is needed to

enter valid RIB information.
After that, everything is simple, except the
section where you are supposed to enter
information about your income of the last two
years. You should put zeros or nothing if it is
allowed, because you are not paid in France,
even if you have a scholarship.
Scholarship is not an income.

The End. El Fin. La Fin. GAME IS


After entering all that information, you'll be sent

to Fin, where you will be said to save the pdf's
of your request.


After printing the forms (pdf's)

First of all, prepare your visa, your passport,

your Attestation de Logement (Accommodation)
and the form (pdf's you saved) you printed.
Some photos and the Certificate of the School
(Certificat de Scolarit) may be required.
OFFI is also required, but you are not getting
them now, but don't worry, you should be able to
send it to the CAF later. (Scolarit is supposed
to help you get your OFFI on Tuesday and

Where is the CAF in Nantes?

You should go to the CAF with all your documents,

included the forms you should print.
When I did CAF, I think I went to this address:
Caisse Allocations Familiales C.A.F
22 Rue de Malville
44100 Nantes

It is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, but be sure you will

have enough time when you will go.

Google Maps
Ecole Centrale

Next to stop Longchamp

ofTramway Ligne 3

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