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Describing & prescribing in preliminary prescription

Inter alia
The requirement for a prerequisite
Providing and appropriate prototype

In each subject (thing that is dependent on a law)

a universal (law side) and an individual side
(factual side) is deciphered as saw.
The universal and individual side divide

in a creation & are equal & exist simultaneously.

They exist in correlation with each other
in a creation or matter and form instantaneously
to distinguishable sides of a cased brother,

yet are indecipherable and inseperable.

Universatality indicates having in identification
of various forms of the same sort of parable
and individuality indicates diversification

of each entity of the same school’s versatility.

A school is like any other school in quadruples,
but differs also from other schools (individuality).
On the grounds of the particular laws and principles

for a matter (according to which it possesses

certain qualities and abilities in future),
such a matter has universal character tresses
and own nature.

A school is a school and nothing else (nor fool).

The universal laws and principles that are relevant
and applicable to the school is in every concrete school
that exists in a particular and in different way equivalent,

applied or in particular.
This indicates the individuality side of a school.
A specific school is universally perpendicular
(it belongs to the case school)

and individual (it is a particular form of application

of the universal structural laws and principles of the lesson).
The same is also true of the personification:
a particular person is universal person

and possesses universal human qualities

such as being able to act logically and reasonably,
to lead a social existence, communicate in agilities,
to love and to be able to believe feasonably.

Therewith the same is a particular spanner,

in other words that he applies the universal much
of being human being in a particular manner
in his life and realises such.

Universally seen all people display

physically the same form and name,
but individually viewed in play
no two people’s bodies are the same.

In respect of each function of the human injunction

all people posses universally of an aesthetic,
psychic, social, religious and juridistic function,
but each person’s aesthetic abilities, for esoteric,

differs in quality and magnitude from those of reason.

Comparison between matters of the same sort
becomes possible, since sensible comparison
requires a commonality (universal contort)

and diversity between the comparable mattered cool.

It becomes possible to evaluate schools by residual,
since the universal own nature of the school
forms a norm and base or guideline for the individual

manifestations of the school, so dual.

The person is a totality (unit; agilities)
in the midst of his diversity (individual) ,
physical parts and spiritual abilities

that are involved in all actions.

In teaching practice and principled score
a teaching provision policy elicits reactions:
a teaching execution policy comes to the fore.

The policy indicates firstly on what the

and secondly on who the. The policy forms the unit.
The provision policy can be described as the
Theory principle and the execution policy permit

as the practice policy equivalent.

Community’s teaching policy can be divided so:
A common or broad policy that ordinarily is relevant
to all members and can be called a macro

or teaching system policy; and scoops.

A particular policy that is a more detailed set out
of the general policy and for sub-groups
in the community on regional and local levels about

(such as a school or support service),

as being is applicable thereto.
The functions of policy encompasses amongst other device:
It serves as a point of departure for the public activities too

of the teaching profession.

It serves as a guide to behavioural refution.
It serves as preliminary prescription
and guideline for the design and execution

of a teaching practice.
It serves as regulator, bland,
compass or course indicator for the practice.
It serves as a norm of criteria at the hand

of the initiated and uninibreated enlightment

of gender differences in twirls.
Certain communities set the requirement
or prerequisite that boys and girls

must be educated in separate classes, fine.

Gender differences set the required tether
that certain levels that are more in line
with the nature of the boy or girl’s character,

aptitude and interest,

must be presented and provide toys,
such as technical subject
(wood- and metal work for boys

and domestic learning for girls)

and manual or menial subjects’ magnitude
(carpentry for boys and clothe making for girls).
Such are assumed differences in aptitude.

The teaching system ought to provide

for the unlocking of the youth’s general
and particular aptitudal side.
On the grounds of the differencial preferal

can be for gifted, normal academic envision

and schools for technical, trade indictions,
art and agricultural education or provision
is made for education in various directions.

Differences in interest, vertical:

For this provision must be made in the form
of types of schools (such as academic, technical
and agricultural scholastic norm)

in directions of study and subject discernment.

Religious and life view differences
are derived by Christian orientated government
schools and government supported private preferences.

Cultural difference
in the teaching profession is differentiated
in respect hereof by teaching departments for own instance
as differences in language and cultural ideals, liberated.

Provision is made for nation own and mother tongue education,

differences in age and developmental levelation.
A teaching system must make provision
for pre-primary, primary, secondary and tersiary education.

The youth can be divided in that what is spiritual normalisation

and dependent on the normal education
and abnormal pupils that qualify for unusual education
such as educationally deprived children’s personification.

This group of children went astray

as a result of weak or wrong educational handling shared
and mingling of his educators with him and thus lost track, away.
In child law schools these children are completely cared

for and educated and are withdrawn temporarily-

permanently from family relational architecture.
Combined summarily the modern school arbitrarily
displays the following structure:

The school is educational and learning place

with educational teaching as goal.
By teaching (handling of teacher) and learning instance
Of handling or treatment of learner as a whole,

learners are excluded by way of purposeful opening

of educational material.
This is supported, purposefully noting
by support services and immaterial

by community bonds that are dependent thereon.

It conforms with the milieu of which it forms part.
It posseses an internal and sovereign authoritarian
to undertake formal educational teaching start.

The school as an institution that is managed

and resultantly it posseses indicture:
a teaching policy arranged
an organisational structure
of official bearers in endures,
financial prisms,
work procedures
& management mechanisms

in creation of a unified community in sobriety.

The real family is united by the communal bonds
to a unity that performs unified in society.
Creation of a loving community non-absconds

all the family members held together by love

for each other to form a familiarity.
Without that, that family easily crumbles above.
Creation of a formative community

in the family is a practice school for life itself.

Family members carry the responsibility
for the formation of each other’s wealth
in creation of an education community

It is primarily the task of the family to undertake

the initial education self and later to carry over
a part to the school to undertake
this on behalf of the family’s endeavour.

Creation of a nurturing community:

The non-adult members are dependant
on the mature members for physical impunity
and spiritual care and protection, emminent.

Creation of a safe community:

The family provides security or stability by
as well as the certain, constant and secure based unity
as point of departure for its members with the eye

on progression to the world outside the family man.

A knot structure is a social structure that connects
a number of other social structures so that it can
be composed of representatives & detects

all the bodies affiliated thereto, in tool.

A school committee or managerial counciled lament
tempers and coordinates interests of the school
and families and reach agreement

by negotiating and reformation that frees.

An educational council ties, once again, the interests
of the department of education, families,
teachers, industry, cultural bodies at rest
and the community in general.
Different social relations with regards
to teaching must rely on each other, admirable
within a knotted structure and coordinating cards.

The statutory parent body is known

in most countries as the school committee,
overseeing council, advisory board or managing own.
It serves as separate voice for the parents so free

in terms of physical and material

matters of the institution.
It may give report of professional work dispersal
and recommendations of the Director of Education.

A teaching council fulfils obligations

concerning provision and maintenance
of local territories, buildings, furnished notifications
and equipment and give recommendations

with regards thereto to the school committee, cunning.

It gives permission for use of the physical amenities
during school hours. It collects funds for running
expenses and control the fund’s extremities.

For the purpose it appoints a financial committee.

A managerial member adheres to all obligations
that have been given to him for prosperity
on the side of teaching authoritations.

Typical obligations of the state in respect of big and small

is to arrange law relations in the educational word.
The government give law word over all
in law arrangements and gives law word

where there is overstepped over law subjects, living,

that is the state must keep righteousness in the teaching.
Provide the education with law giving.
The state sets the national will in relationing

to education and establishes this juridicalities.

Provide the education with an administration.
The state must integrate and harmonise activities
within education. Finance education.

The state has the power to implement taxation of late

and to decide on the spending thereof.
Non-typical responsibilities of the state
are in relation to the education thereof.

Financial assistance of the parental word

in initiation of compulsory educationalities
serve in protection of societal standard
& provision of equal educational opportunities,

arranging particular ed acceptable notification.

Lawful character of education
in accordance with will of the nation
Requires broad national formation;

Requires general life view formationing;

Protection of all involved interest anomality.
Educational teaching qualifies worsening.
The state, church, industry and family

become co-workers of the preaching

in favour of the task of the destitute,
being educational teaching.
They enter the school to execute

particular tasks that are related to the education tried.

Thus their linking with the school interim
is educationally qualified.
Here it is primarily concerned with the teaching system.

Maintaining of the internal capability of all structures:

Each social structure is unique and characteristic
of its own and fulfils unique and particular indictures
within the teaching system, futuristic.

All social structures are equal in this sense,

but not equal, because every one is different
and differs from the next tense.
Most communities are characterised as referenced.

by two extreme thought directions,

being universatality and individuality.
The universalism acknowledges and admits reflections,
solidarity and unity of social structurality,

but places one above the other.

According to this the parts,
such as church and school lover,
completely go up in the teaching system, departs

and loses identities in dorm.

The individualism over-accentuates human freedom.
Not one of these, however, can be a real unified norm.
Knotting is integrated and harmonised by the statudom.

Unity in the difference and differentiation:

The structural globility is a unit, well deserved
by the principle of maintenanced orientation
of each’s sovereignity - the individuality is preserved

and remains intact by the principle reserved

that each relation is educationally qualified,
thus the global unit is preserved.
The teaching system is a unit wherein a variety tried

of social ties are at work.

Unity and diversity is of comparabaly equal importance.
The integration principle quirk
is insight and comprehension of the whole significance.

Building out of natural integration

in integrated corroboration and working together
of the universal and individual aspirations
are within the different forms of appearanced deter.

Thus the comparative perspectivual

is on the educational manifestation reflective
and appearance is the universal-individual
of correlation having in common- difference perspective.

System and systematic perspective in versatility:

Through the universal and general perspective maimed
on the educational reality firstly a vision of the totality,
unity and greatness of education is obtained

and on the teaching system as umbrella case of unity

from the comparative perspective flows
the system perspective so that impunity
of the comparative educator can see & shows

the educational system through his glasses sound

or spectacles as being either bespectacled or spectacular.
Thus a system perspective means to ground
through all parts and fascets in underlying unity particular,

that is to comprehend and understand every part

in the light of the while and vice versa, knowing.
Inter milieu perspective start
of the educational reality is approached as following:

Theoretical studies of the Comparative Education:

This encompasses scientific comprehension
and research done with regards to the perspective duration,
methods, territory, terrain, goal, value, development, retention,

coordination and affiliation with other’s disciplines, inept

and the contribution and points of view
of the exponents of the subject.
Teaching system studies review:

The study aims the designing of a theory

or an improvement of existing theories
with regards to the teaching system.
By comparing summarily and subliminaly

certain teaching practice,

the following traits thereof is exposed.
Practice studies notice
Territorial or area studies supposed:

Aspect studies,
Problem studies,
Comparative studies,
& Evaluating studies:

a scientifically obtained subliminally

and verifiable criteria (or theory)
is a complete and scientifically
verifiable practice description, story; history.

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