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Recently, some questions have been raised regarding the article, In Defense of Ala Hazrat, Imam
Ahmad Rida Khan (Radiallahu Anhu).
First and foremost the above mentioned article serves as a bid to clarify that Imam Ahmad Rida Khan
(Radiallahu Anhu) was not responsible for certain poetic verses that were inserted in the poem
praising Sayyida Aisha (Radiallahu Anhu) by a scribe at Nabhah Steam Press, and the article is not in
any way an apology as has been suggested.
Firstly, a citation quoted by the brother on page 11 of the above mentioned article is inaccurate,
that specific citation is on page 12. Secondly, he quotes a booklet Faislay Muqaddima shariah
quraniah. This is also another inaccuracy on his behalf as there is no booklet by that name. The
accurate name of the booklet he is referring to is Faisalah Muqaddassah Shariyyah Quraniyyah by
Maulana Abul Qamar Muhammad Azeez ur-Rahman Bahawalpuri.
The following is a point-by-point reply to all the arguments raised;
1. The brother, ironically unnamed, made a claim that they have tried with great desperation
to blame it on some unnamed scribe.
There has been no desperation to blame a third party; Maulana Mahboob Ali himself holds the
scribe at Nabhah Steam Press responsible for the massive blunder. As such, the desperation is from
the interlocutor who persists in trying to blame the Imam when the fact is that the compiler of the
third volume himself accepted sole responsibility for his negligence in verifying the work. This being
the case, it is now unjustifiable to try and blame the Imam for blasphemy.
As for the scribe being named or unnamed, this is a groundless argument when the compiler himself
is placing responsibility on a scribe from Nabhah Steam Press. The objection that this is just an effort
on part of the compiler to exonerate himself is again unfounded and evidence is required to prove
this. Why would Maulana Mahboob Ali in his compilation insert blasphemous couplets in a poem
praising Sayyida Aishah (Radiallahu Anha) that would be later held against him, and which would
lead him to make tawbah?
2. The brother then claims the Sunnis have admitted that the Third Volume of Hadaiq-e
-Bakhshish was published in 1923.
The established fact regarding the publication of the Third Volume in 1923, is no confession on our
part, rather it serves as a clear proof of the innocence of Imam Ahmad Rida Khan ( Radiallahu Anhu)
who passed away two years prior to this, without endorsing it.
3. He then objects that no Barelwi put the blame on any scribe until thirty years later. Please

It was Maulana Mahboob Alis duty to speak out the moment he became aware of this error.
He had always held the scribe responsible, before and after tawbah, yet had remained quiet.
It was due to his prolonged silence that he later made tawbah.
The issue didnt rise until 30 years later. Only when the issue arose, did the scholars
investigate and the compiler immediately professed that the mistake of verses from another
poem being inserted in the poem praising Sayyida Aisha (Radiallahu Anha) was made by the

Maulana Mahboob Ali is the only person who really knew how the error came about. He
held the scribe responsible. As such, how can those who didnt witness this episode claim to
know what happened better that the compiler himself.
Just because Maulana Mahboob Ali only explicitly mentioned the scribe 30 years later
doesnt negate the fact that he held him responsible prior to this. As mentioned previously,
it was his prolonged silence and negligence in checking that he later made tawbah for.

4. A Deobandi scholar was the first to show the world what was published in 1923 by the
follower of Ahmed Raza Khan.
Your excitement at proclaiming the Deobandis were the first to speak out against Maulana Mahboob
Ali shows the innocence of Imam Ahmad Rida Khan (Radiallahu Anhu) in all of this. The Deobandis
accused Maulana Mahboob Ali, held him responsible and wanted him removed from the Jami
Masjid, Bombay for blasphemy.
5. The brother then goes on to make an unsubstantiated claim that Maulana Mahboob Ali
tried to exonerate himself.
Maulana Mahboob Alis exoneration from such blasphemy was evident, as his part in this was
negligence of checking as opposed to committing the outright blasphemy. And for this, the compiler
did tawbah so how can the onslaught against Maulana Mahboob Ali continue. Maulana Mahboob
Alis tawbah shows that he never endorsed or agreed with the arrangement of the poetry.
6. The Barelwis allowed the slander to remain in the 3rd volume of Hadaiq for more than 30
years and it still exists in present editions.
In Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish Volume Three, there are some couplets that were written in praise of
Sayyidah Aisha (Radiallahu Anha) whilst others were written about Umm Zarr and other polytheist
women. The problem arose when the arrangement of these couplets was mixed up and some
couplets written regarding Umm Zarr and other polytheist women were inserted into the poem in
praise of Sayyidah Aisha (Radiallahu Anha).
As mentioned in Faisalah Muqaddassah Shariyyah Quraniyyah, Maulana Mahboob Ali explains this
in his own words, Important Notice. The couplets in Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish Volume Three, page 37
and 38, have been published in an incorrect arrangement. This Faqeer has constantly repented from
this mistake. May Allah and the Messenger (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) accept the tawbah of the
Faqeer. Amen thumma Ameen. May the Sunni Muslim brothers forgive me for the sake of Allah and
His Messenger (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam). The Faqeer has published the page with the correct
arrangement and has completely removed seven couplets. Those who have Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish
Volume Three should kindly remove pages 37-38 and send them to the Faqeer and order the
correctly published pages from me and add them to their book. Those who want to return their
books send them to the Faqeer and get a full refund. Salaam on the people of Islam. 'The brother'
referred to this book; Faisalah Muqaddassah Shariyyah Quraniyyah, albeit referring to it with an
inaccurate name, had he thoroughly with an open mind read it he would have understood this
As for the objection that the Sunnis have retained the couplets in Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish Volume
Three, the previous paragraph has refuted this. The mistake still existing in some publications
requires evidence. If we suppose this claim to be true then it is no fault of the Ahl us-Sunnah, rather
those particular publications. My humble request to you and the brother, now that you have

become aware of this truth please contact the individuals who publish the third volume with this
mistake and make them aware of this, may Allah (the Almighty) reward you.
7. The brother then makes an irrelevant objection, that where is the proof that some nonSunni had added these words into the 3rd volume of the Hadaiq?
May it be known, that there is no claim from the Sunnis that the scribe added anything. Rather, it is a
disarrangement of couplets from the book that led to the misunderstanding. Maulana Mahboob Ali
holds the scribe responsible for this mistake and his word cannot be refuted as it would require
evidence to suggest otherwise.
Moreover, it should be noted that the article, In Defense of Ala Hazrat, Imam Ahmad Rida Khan
(Radiallahu Anhu), is based upon the book Ihsan Ilahi Zaheer Ki Kitab al-Barelwiyyah ka Tahqiqi awr
Tanqidi Jaizah by Allama Abdul Hakim Sharaf Qadri. If you take some time out to read pages 139142 from this book, you will find that he has called the scribe a non-Sunni. The author of this work
holds a greater authority in this matter than anyone from our time, simply because he was present in
the 1950s when this issue erupted, right until the matter was resolved. He also comes from a
tradition which links him to the original individuals in this whole episode, and so his account on the
entire matter is more authoritative and accurate than the brothers.
Maulana Mahboob Ali is the sole compiler of this work, he knew the books correct arrangement and
was also the one to send it off to Nabhah Steam press. He declared that the responsibility for the
mistake lay on the shoulders of the printing press, particularly the scribe given the job. After this,
discussing his creed or whether he did it intentionally or unintentionally will not provide evidence to
hold anyone other than the scribe responsible.
8. The brother then makes his final attempt to pin the blame on Imam Ahmad Rida Khan
(Radiallahu Anhu) by demanding the Sunnis to provide a hand written copy of the original
couplets, so as to exonerate the Imam and Maulana Mahboob Ali from this mistake.
It seems as though the brother has not taken the time to read Faisalah Muqaddassah Shariyyah
Quraniyyah completely, although he likes cherry picking quotes from there to suit his own opinion.
Many complaints and doubts can be clarified if these texts are analysed in an unbiased manner.
The correct arrangement is not concealed from the public; it has even been published in the above
mentioned book and endorsed by Maulana Mahboob Ali himself. The corrected arrangement fits
perfectly in meaning and word and the blasphemy no longer remains. It is an undeniable fact that a
poem referring to Umm Zarr and other polytheist women (that have been mentioned in Bukhari,
Muslim, and other hadith collections) exists in Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish Volume Three. Couplets from
here have been inserted into the poem venerating Sayyidah Aisha (Radiallahu Anha). Where is the
logic in making such a claim that Imam Ahmad Rida Khan (Radiallahu Anhu) is guilty for such a
mistake, when the compiler and dozens of grand scholars have informed us of this mistake and have
corrected it. They have returned these couplets back to the poem in which they belong, in Volume
Moreover, seeking hand-written copies from the compiler is considered irrelevant when the compiler
himself is acknowledging the mix-up of verses that occurred by the press.

Whosoever looks at this issue objectively will find that enough evidence and clarification has been
given on this issue to remove all doubts. Allah (the Almighty) and His Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa
Sallam) know best.
May Allah (the Almighty) show us the truth.
Maas Salaam.

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